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smol edition

Previous thread: >>10955360

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except for Flyhawk). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
fuck wehraboos
So, just contact a hobby shop in your're area and say "I need part XXX from dragon Flammpanzer, can you do this for me?
smol edition

Previous thread: >>10955360

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except for Flyhawk). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
I have a bunch of hobby show medals from when I was still competing, but they're meaningless compared to one day making the /smg/ op.
I still have to finish the cannon shroud shading
added more accurate chipping, Am I missing any other aluminum details?
Thanks, really helps me
What brand is that?
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What are you hoping for?
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>1/35 Big wind
>A new 1/72 F-22
>Tamiya F-35C
>More Russian attack helis in general
>1/35 Full interior T-80 that amusing hobby teased
>More tamiya warbirds
>Zigger Turtle tank in 1/35 scale
>More hasegawa 1/48 macross and 1/72 ace combat toolings
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Oh and a 1/35 TOG would be nice. Like seriously why the fuck is there a billion paper panzers while this easy to inspect and real tank doesn't have a kit?
it's not really cool or significant. all wehraboos should die though
I can't wait for another Tiger 1 kit and another Tiger 1 kit and a Tiger 1 kit to diversify the roster
Also, we can't have such a show without a Tiger 1 kit
>What are you hoping for?
Nothing. Mr. Tamiya wouldn't want to admit it but his hobby show has lost relevance as a PR event in recent years thanks to COVID, the same is true for the Nuremberg toy fair in Germany.
Nowadays the big announcements are being made online or companies' own events.
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It finally came
Waited 5 years for this kit, holy shit
replace 1/35 with 1/36
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new amusing kino just dropped
Tamiya just announced a bunch of new kits a couple of weeks ago
you had like a week when we were slowly falling from page 7 to 10
you can't just say that and not leave a link to some obscure jap website
Fuck yeah
more 1/48 vehicles when
To be honest I already got one OP pic though.

Now I want all of them.
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CSAT hex camo?
same here, got a few but stopped building as much due irl issues.

to be fair, i got a few in when the threads were shorter, but it all stopped when i forgot the family lighter in the airing cupboard.
Both times an OP was made with my image, the threads devolved into shit slinging of the worst variety
someone made a new thread with the thumbnail of one of my builds, a new 'real' thread was made with a different build.

Other than that I've made the OP a couple of other times that didnt devolve to shit
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American Sherman build with Wehrmacht tank rider figures, based or reddit?
Depends, will it be a beutepanzer Sherman or straight up US markings?
>he doesn't know about the Battle of Castle Itter
>he doesn't know the Sherman got knocked out
That MG-34 tripod is cute
>thank you mr Tamiya!
why, yes, i was waiting looking for a...*checks notes* Tamiya swimming and quacking duck.
Evangelion merchandising out of control.
Chill, Ivan. Can't wait for your junkie ass to get drafted.
Mr Tamiya at 3:16
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out of the way subtanks
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>Heres your new 1/35 challenger kit bro
Also more german slop
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For british boomers, we've got new thunderbird toolings.
A new 1/48 F-86A for american boomers
More bong boomer bait.
And now even more stupid wunderwaffe kits that no one asked for
in 1/144? Wtf
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I mean, great, but I don't get why it's so hard to just release the things in the scale of the props. Hell, they could probably make the masters out of the actual pieces, it's not like airfix stops selling their 50s toolings
what is this
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Successful bait, they've got me
Where's her big P marking behind the roundel, though? They'd better not be trying to sell it with incomplete decals.
Actually, oh fuck. Looking into it, the scheme is from the jet age museum replica, which I think might be ahistorical? All the period images and even the real one at the science museum have a roundel maybe half the size of the replica, the big yellow circled P,
I really really hope that engine on the stand means there'll be the option for an "under maintenance" model from the get go, too, and if they don't include a set of horizontal stabs with the finlets to build a later W4041 I'll be even pissier
You just know there's at least one 65 year old boomer bong out there with a specific room in his house, probably the master bedroom, that's got floor to ceiling wall shelving and cabinets in the middle to display every single Spitfire he's ever made since his first when he was 5 and he adds a new one every week
Immensely based mental image
Tamiya pre-teases their lineup weeks before the show, so it's hard to set expectations for them. but my wishlist would be the return of GT500 1/24 kits.
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the original warlord hilux
k.u.k. belle epoche style
Yes, australia-hungarian WW1 technicals
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i wanted to rebuild pic related, an austro-hungarian flak mg car during ww1. but i couldnt find out the type/manufacturer of the car.
so im gonna slap that schwarzlose on a ford model t and be happy.
forgot pic
Ehat are some good book scanners? I got a couple of scale model magazines and books and want to scan them. Maybe post them here, whats the legality of that?
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kino alert
Does anyone have that picture of the boomer model stash where the guy had the same jet like 10 times.

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You're laughing now but you wont be when the Australia-Hungarian empire spans from Europe to South East Asia
Aside from probably hoarding since I haven't seen anything unboxed, is anything wrong with this? I think he just liked Phantoms and wanted a complete Blue Angels squadron for himself.
>paramount pictures
pass, not giving zionists any money
Chipping is overdone, this almost only happens in the places that get touched and stepped on a lot. Keep this in mind the next time you do weathering.
I'm also not sure if the barrel should be that rusty because it still has its thermal sleeve on.
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>discarded poly cap branch after finishing wheels
>4 remaining
>gun assembly requires 3 poly caps
>Throw away parts before finishing model
>Read and fully understand the instructions before assembly.
Who would have thought.
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>throwing away sprues, ever
that's Lincoln Wright but it's Maschinen Krieger / ZbV3000 models
(and literally Kow Yokoyama but it's actually his entire house covered in shelves, all housing his garage kits, as per Lincoln's relation from a visit to Kow's)
I have this set of books, whats a good, cheap yet reliable scanner so Ican convert this to a pdf
Have you looked at trying your local library?

speaking of lebbit, im looking for a message board, forum or discord that talks about scale modelling..

any suggestion?

i hate getting perma banned on reddit for the most trivial shit with no warning or no 2nd chances. Got banned the 2nd time just because i commented on a previously banned subreddit.
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I found it, hopefully I will learn something from it (I won't)
The AMX kit is kinda shit, but maybe I'm spoiled by the decade of new kits that came after
So much to clean up, so many gaps, parts geometry is weird so they don't quite fit together
Following the instructions will have you installing the gun breech upside down
either what >>10986927 said or something from Brother - after having an HP and an Epson, Brother beats those two by a nautical mile
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>something something, society
I frequent armordrama, even though there's plenty of strange and salty boomers, it's active and a forum layout is much better than individual posts or streams of chats. I think LPJ models has a discord if that's more your style, definitely a younger crowd there.

>Got banned the 2nd time just because i commented on a previously banned subreddit.
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Fujimi fishbed
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When I bought the kit, I initially wanted to make it a french NATO camouflage tank, now I'm thinking about that tan, black, green camouflage from Mercenaries 2: world in flames
She is holding an airbrush, that makes it tangentially related to scale models
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Been building this thing since October and the wheels have only just gone on
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Vehicles your suprised no large companies have used,
For me its the M59 APC,Over 6,500 units made and sent to a dozen countries. Also Elvis was the commander of one iirc. I think it would be cool. The only models are some resin ones and one from the 60s
Problem is it got crowded out by the even more widely produced M113
The best 1/72 Blackbird is a Monogram mold from the 80's with raised panel lines.
One of the production editors of that magazine gave an interview recently. They send him across Japan overnight to people's houses so he can photograph their models at daybreak in natural light. Also gravure ("its hard to sell magazines these days").

Thing/thing in Japan meme I know but honestly, only they could make a magazine like that.

The sister publication Navy Yard is genuinely worth it just look at the model photographs.
I'm boycotting Japanese modeling articles (scale model kits, magazines, etc.) because I noticed that a lot of this business might be pro-Israel. Case in point, Hasegawa released an IDF F-16 last October while Fine Molds plans to make Israeli jets. I wish I could call them tone deaf but they're not stupid, this is endorsement of genocide.
There's always comic books if you want a cucked pro-"Palestine" hobby, friend.
It's not that hard to do it in this hobby, remember the Russian invasion? Hasegawa and FM also barely make anything worthwhile for me these days so no big loss.
If you're gonna go that far, make sure to boycott Meng, too. They've been announcing Jewshit every other month since the chimpout started.
Weathering magazine used to have pinups too
how nu r u?
go to any chop shop and the zines advertising tires, wrenches, power tools etc. all have either pin ups or straight up softcore porn

shit, every male dominated space used to have calendars with hot babes showing at least great cleavage, nowadays everything is so fucking feminised and sanitised
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but then how will you make dioramas of hamas destroying IDF shit?
I think he can build a scene of IDF Merkava or other weapons being destroyed by Hamas....oh wait, that's also mean he does support Israel because he bought and build the Israel weapons plastic model isn't?
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if you read the packaging of those models carefully, it says (in Japanese):
>all profits from the sale of this plastic toy, plus 66% goyim tax, are awarded to the nation of Israel, with the sole purpose of funding the IDF
Take your whiny hyperpolitical cancel-culture bullshit back to twitter, you estrogenbrained tranny.
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wtf I love ak now
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I don't understand this logic. Like they aren't paying Israel a % of the profits off IDF vehicles sold.
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>heres your new t-90 kit bro
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What would be the best way to recreate the Irish army from the 1930s? Obviously a WW1 German soldier head with a M1916 but what about the body? I dont think there is any resin figures on this topic
north korean koksan SPG
Anything nork, really
We haven't gotten anything except the expand dong missile from trumpeter some years ago
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I love AK even more now
It doesn't help that Norks won't allow anyone to just crawl all over their shit with a camera and ruler. But when TrumpetBoss can shit out kits with minimal research or obscure paper panzers, what's stopping them from kitting Nork shit they've only seen in photographs? The mind boggles.
Arjun and Vickers Mk.1/Vijayanta.

I just want some exotic street-shitter armor.
This is the most ironic post ever since your country just made it illegal to talk shit about Jews. It’s the pro Israeli people that are cancelling the shit out of people.
It's perfectly fine for the norks not to allow anyone access to anything, but is it that hard to combine a T-62 with a KPV and/or an igla on a stick
>weathering, what's that
>zero color modulation
>black tracks
>black bore
>no periscopes
>decals sit like stickers
>no skirts, perfect mudguards?
2/10 see me after class
My country? How the fuck would you know, you stupid nigger?
There is 0 chance that you type the way you do and are not American. But anyways, back to the irony of your post. It’s most prolific Jews in America who promote cancel culture these days, they want to ban those idiotic protestors that they disagree with, in flagrant violation of your first amendment. Why don’t I see you attacking them….I wonder?
>There is [headcanon]
Anon... you're obsessed. It might be time to take a break from the internet if you care this much about sand people slapfights.
There is no reason to get hung up on the fact that you’re American. Most of us here are. It’s really strange to avoid it, really.
Why are there so many large scale model companies in Spain? Is Spain famous for it's scale model infustry?
Spain has a long history of miniature painting
Wrong dumbfuck.

Consider going outside, and as the youngsters say "touch grass".
Honestly if they made canned new kit smell maybe I'd stop binge-buying them.
I'm back
I like how it looks, but I understand that it's not realistic, The cannon and the shroud are not ready yet, I will search for some reference pic in the meantime
thanks for the input
>I will search for some reference pic in the meantime

I mean it's obvious you don't really care.
the difference is that Umi Shinonome is an actually skilled modeler. the shit that Stonetoss criticizes is unrelated to the products they're trying to sell.
Gays eat burgers too
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>tracks as per instructions too tight
>tracks as per instructions +1 link too loose
That's pretty cool
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Was on sale, so I pulled the trigger. Looks nice IRL, my only complaint is that colors are in bullshit Ammo by Mig, which isn't really sold here, and there are barely any references on what the EXACT sand color Iranian Chieftains were.

Oh well, if nobody knows, then it might as well be anything. I think I'll blast it with H321, unless anyone has a better suggestion.
Can you adjust the idler wheel? On real tanks that's how you set up track tension.
Idler wheel has one position
You have a knife
Putting together gunplas isn't skilled modelling you simp
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oi there mate, slow down with those generalizations. I'm willing to wager that at least half of the active posters on board is some flavor of European or Slav.

prove me wrong.
Don't throw europeans in the same pot as slavs or god forbid, r*ssians.
It's like saying white- and nigger-americans are the same.
Also I don't care for jews myself, but them mowing down sandniggers in hordes in response to a terror attack they totally knew was coming but let happen anyways is hilarious. Like besides the child molestation and being jews part, they at least can mostly act like people and be a (subversive) part of a society. Arabs just breed and declare jihad.

Anyways models... is it normal that all 1/35 model kits start from like 40€ or am I going nuts? I thought of making a few projects and donating them to my units OPFOR identification training, but a fucking MT-LB kit starts from 40€. Sheesh.
There has been a huge jump in quality and part count since the early 2000's. Back then I remember Tamiya's was the only Chieftain, and it was a mold from the 70's, I just started Takom's today and it's light-years ahead.
>money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
its only gonna get worse. might as well buy before your purchasing power is completely tanked. Also, silver and crypto if youre feelin frisky
>is it normal that all 1/35 model kits start from like 40€
That's a normal base price for a tank these days. Is this Trumpeter? They're a total ripoff now, shit used to be cheap. Quality hasn't changed much (still hit or miss) but prices have exceeded Tamiya whom they used to undercut.
>huge jump in quality and part count
Part count yes, quality no.
Not just Meng, chink model kit companies' Israel dickriding goes crazy. They must be making a lot of money there.
Michael Burry is bullish on gold, but buying into might be more difficult than into silver
lmao, crypto market soaring from 'rona broke /biz/'s back and that's the only good thing to come out of it
>large scale model companies in Spain
>scale model companies

Do they make anything other than paint??
In fact vallejo is the only one that actually manufactures paint in house, the rest just stick they're brand label on shit
that's a crime in the UK
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chinks' hatred for muslims compels them to do so

and they aren't called
>turbojews on steroids
for nothing
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There, I fixed it for you. Are ya happy now, whiny boy?
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went on a trip and saw a very nice Tiger II
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It has been repainted obviously but there's some nice references for all you tankfags in the damage
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I thought that was a panda winking.
I'm still mad, that she referred to Paul as Abomination, which he isn't and she should know
How long should I wait for Acrylic paint to dry before I can paint on a second coat or glue the part in place?
Working on my first model and it takes forever, because I paint a bunch of parts and then leave and do something else, because I haven't quite figured out a good workflow yet, of what to do while the parts I need dry
give it a week
overnight is enough for a second coat, though you can get away with doing it in just 30mins - 1 hour depending on what thinner you use. week is for final coats.
>before I can paint on a second coat
When it's touch dry (About 15 mins, you can use a hair dryer if you're impatient)
>glue the part in place (or if you're masking)
24h/overnight to fully cure.
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Everything almost fits together on this kit, it's so fucking lame
The commander cupola has the worst jumble of small, delicate parts that for some reason did not come pre-broken
What is that again, Heller?
i'm in the market for an airbrush, what does /smg/ recommend?
Chinkshit set with compressor. You can get a better one once you have learned to use it.
MR. AIRBRUSH Procon Boy GSI Creos PS-274
It's the monkey's paw kit >>10980868
So is Meng kinda bad? I never built one.
I don't know, the AMX is my first full meng kit, I used to get the double pin T-90 tracks, they are very good
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pigger sisters...
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Moved the idler wheel by about 1/4 radian, it fixed the track tension issues, thanks (You) >>10993949
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abraps when
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>T-80 wheels
I never noticed, but they are

The road wheels of the T-80 have always been sussy to me that they've been reverse-engineered from some western tank exported to some turdworlder country, it looks very western compared to roadwheels on other slavshit tanks.

I have T-80's built, maybe I'll get a Leo 2 kit and compare them. Maybe a Leo 1, since it was probably what they copied it from.
>IRL kitbash
Gotta do something with all those unusable husks that have been sitting in Siberian warehouses for 30 years
Didn't they try to destroy the stabilizer on that thing before displaying it? Why is the gun still erect?

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