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Previous Thread >>10974565

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-X-Wing Pilot 4pk - FanCh
-Cal Kestis (ISB Disguise) - FanCh
-Mandalorian Judge - FanCh
-Kanan Jarrus - FanCh
-Ezra Bridger - FanCh
-Zeb Orrelios (Deluxe) - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)
-R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Enoch & Night Trooper build pack - FanCh
-Darth Vader (ANH)
-Stormtrooper (ANH)
-Ahsoka & Droids Order 66 4pk - Amazon
-Luke Skywalker X-wing Pilot
-Captain Rex (Bad Batch)
-Jabba the Hutt playset - Pulse

The Black Series:
-Emperor Palpatine with Throne (Reissue) - Amazon
-Jedi Survivor 3pk w/ B-1, B-2, Magnaguard - Amazon
-The Phantom Menace 3pk - GameStop
-B-2 Super Battle Droid - FanCh
-Darth Sidious (ROTS) - FanCh
-Captain Enoch & Night Trooper 2pk - Walmart
-Yoda & Commander Cody 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-The Last Command 4pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Phase 2 Clone Trooper & Battle Droid 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Baylan Skoll (Mercenary) - Walmart
-Mandalorian Privateer - Target
-R5 & Pit Droids - Target
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Padawan Jecki Lon (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Knight Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Indara (The Acolyte)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Masters of Evil 3-pk - Amazon
-Darth Maul Holocomm Collection - Target
-Fallen Order 3-pk w/ Inquisitor Cal Kestis, Purge Trooper, Second Sister - Amazon
-Mandalorian Nite Owl - Walmart
-R4-6D0 - Walmart
-Phase I Clone Trooper
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-B2 Super Battle Droid and Geonosis C-3PO 2pk - Pulse
-Clone Trooper 2pk - Target/Pulse
-Ki-Adi Mundi - FanCh Spring 2024*

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Jar Jar Binks
-SHF Darth Maul (TPM)
-SHF Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
-SHF Stormtrooper
-SHF Dark Vader (ANH)
-SHF R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mafex Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)
-SHF Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)

*No pre-orders available, will supposedly hit shelves by expected date.
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>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Rebel Fleet & Stormtrooper 2pk
-Dedra Meero
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan
-Momaw Nadon

The Vintage Collection:
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Shriek Hawk Mandalorians Build Pack
-Armorer Forge Playset
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-X-wing Pilot builder pack
-Blurrg & The Mandalorian
-Moff Gideon’s Imperial Light Cruiser Hallway playset (with Mandalorian Privateer)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka)
-Cobb Vanth (Deluxe)
-Ahsoka the White (Ahsoka)
-The Mandalorian (S3 Final Chapter)
-Bo-Katan (Mando S3)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
What toys did you order for May 4th, Anons? We still have some things going up today for Revenge of the Sixth, such as the Micro Galaxy Squadron AT-TE on Amazon.
And the reissued Amazon exclusive Emperor Palpatine and throne set. Release date is March 2025.
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Disney Store has a couple of exclusives available as well such as this MGS Droid battle pack
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Along with the Droid Factory TC-14. Sadly this seems to be the only 3.75" being released this year related to The Phantom Menace.
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Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion getting OFFICIAL Funko POP! Vinyls! (Darth Traya also Teased!)
"Here is your extra large chrome dildo, sirs."
I kinda wanted TC-14 but when I went to checkout it was like $25 after shipping and tax... Idk maybe I'll just get an old 3PO and paint him silver and 3d print the tray. Or just forget about it, it's not like I have any other figs to go with her anyway.

Have they done a MTT yet? After seeing TPM I think it would be cool to have a Theed invasion setup. Trying really hard not to go down the MGS rabbit hole
damn I’m kinda tempted but idk if I can justify having funko pops in my collection
>I kinda wanted TC-14 but when I went to checkout it was like $25 after shipping and tax
That's why I just made a throwaway email and signed up to get free shipping. I only wanted 1 of her to see what the quality was like.
Oh shit I didn't know they did that promo. I've never purchased anything from shop Disney. Hmm should I use my free shipping on this or will I wish I had it for something in the future...
I think it's something you can probably exploit. It pops up every time I browse the site not signed in and when I placed the order, I just checked out as a guest instead of under my account.
Why the fuck did Jango have to be shoved into a stupid deluxe pack for TVC when the Retro series gets this?
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Okay, few questions.

>-B2 Super Battle Droid and Geonosis Battle Droid with C-3PO head 2pk - Pulse
Does Hasbro Pulse restock their exclusives after being sold out or am I searching ebay?

>-Yoda & Commander Cody 2pk - Pulse
Is this meant to be the Gree pack or are we getting a Yoda with Cody as well? Feel like a new EP3 Obi Wan would make more sense with a Cody figure.

>-Clone Trooper 2pk - Pulse/Target
Have we gotten pics of this one yet?
>Nearly a year for a re-release
Why so long? Glad I hadn't gotten around to opening my archive Palpatine yet at least since I was going to pick him up a custom throne from ebay.
>Does Hasbro Pulse restock their exclusives after being sold out or am I searching ebay?
Sometimes they do. You just have to make it a habit to check regularly.

Is this meant to be the Gree pack
Yes. Cody is a typo so thanks for pointing that out so I can fix it for next thread. I think they must have said Cody while I was typing it out for the list.

>-Clone Trooper 2pk - Pulse/Target
>Have we gotten pics of this one yet?
Pic related. It's been available to order since late March.
I didn’t order anything Star Wars on the 4th but I picked up a couple acrylic shelves that look fantastic and there’s room for two more Black Series figures to make everything look evenly spaced out.
Deciding between Bo Katan or Sabine Wren and a Stormtrooper, or waiting for my last two dream characters Padme in her red dress and Barriss Offee. Phantom Menace has been getting a lot of love lately and Barriss is in some new Disney show so there’s still some hope.
Sucks that it's a year away but this is the main reissue I was waiting for, I've dropped the line more or less but I'm definitely coming back for him. Probably need to grab another royal guard as well to pose behind him. I'm also glad I don't have to keep hoping for a figuarts to reissue theirs with its inflated price due to the two traffic cones he comes with.
>Have they done a MTT yet?
Not yet, it'll be interesting to see if they do one though since I assume they'll work in a working front door with a droid rack inside, although knowing how stingy they tend to be with figures it might not end well.
As a Jedi she looks unique compared to the usual brown monk robes, she had a couple episodes dedicated to her in Clone Wars, and without the lightsaber she would work great as a cantina background character.
Did the Vintage Collection version pegwarm super hard and that’s why they won’t make a Black Series one?
I wish she got more love.
I hope you're okay with getting Inquisitor Barriss or hit-the-wall Barriss
I know that’s what’s coming. As long as they keep her face clear of stupid shit like Inquisitor headbands or whatever I could just put her head on a Palpatine and be happy.
Thanks anon
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what is your opinion on SHF Darth Maul

i dont have any star wars figure and im not gonna expand after him
>im not gonna expand after him
I remember telling myself that at the beginning, too. He’s a great figure. It won’t take long before you want someone for him to fight.
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I had no idea so many people missed the chance to get him the first time (myself included) and still need him. He might be more popular than any of the other "new" releases.
she probably hasn't gotten a black series figure due to her showing up in the new show as an inquisitor
the recent tvc one's mould is from 2011, idk how well it did sales wise
I like mine a lot. It looks wonderful and can get into some really awesome poses.
The B2 Super Battle Droid and the other ROTS Palpatine were popular as well.
OT always sells, that's why. PT and ST shit pegwarm like crazy but that's never happened with OT characters.
>Why the fuck did Jango have to be shoved into a stupid deluxe pack for TVC when the Retro series gets this?
That retro Jango is only available in a 6-pack, you fucking whiny crybaby
>pegwarm like crazy but that's never happened with OT characters.
>never happened with OT characters.
And? That makes it only a $10 figure at that point, which is even less than what Retro was going for at normal retail.

>whiny crybaby
Suck my fucking dick. Hasbro should not be putting figures that can fit onto single cards into overpriced deluxe packs for no reason.
>but that's never happened with OT characters.
Why would you come in here and just lie like this?
And you're the whiny crybaby making the comparison. Go buy an old Jango off ebay or shut up and pay your bitch tax
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How long are was this up for? It's already unavailable. I really wanted the AT-TE. I hope it goes back up in stock soon.
The only reason Lando pegwarmed is because Disney killed Star Wars so badly that nobody gives a shit anymore. Before this, OT never pegwarmed.
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>Before this, OT never pegwarmed
Why you always lyin'?
I pre-ordered the Black Series Super Battle Droid. I'm starting to think maybe I should cancel and wait until reviews of him actually come in first. I got burned on the Magnaguard letting me down, so I'm worried the Super Battle Droid will too.
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I bought this Obiwan 3 pack from a 3rd party seller on Amazon. I'm surprised the level of dumb this went through for me to get the wrong item.
Hey Anon, now you have 3 choices to get your SBD!
Single Pack
and now the 3-pack with extra paint apps and an arm blaster!!!
Makes me wet just thinking about all the options!
There's reviews out for the 2 pack with the 3PO battle droid.

Holy shit lol
No my friend.
I worked in KB Toys in 1999 and we had a dozen of 12 inch Lando dolls. Nobody wanted them...
>Why deluxe?
Because it's one of the few characters that they know will actually sell well, they need to make up for all of the Disney shit that rotted on the pegs.
Retro prequels is fucking retarded, anyways, as you can get the ACTUAL original prequel figures for super cheap.

Newfag detected. OT had plenty of characters that didn't do so hot, mostly anybody that isn't Luke or their first appearance, except for villains (but even then, too many vaders could see them do blegh). PQ stuff was Jedi, bigger villains, and infantry characters did good, rest were pretty blegh (especially amidalla and her 20 bjillion outfits). ST... Well funny enough, ST barely got any TVC treatment. Phasma did alright, cuz special storm trooper, and it released before her character was known to be worthless. Troopers didn't do as well as troopers usually do, and kylo got a single version, with no bare head option, which was one of the things actually wanted (if anything, they should have made a deluxe kylo, with every head/helmet option to make it as he appeared at any point in the ST). Everybody else did shit, or got no chance, but I doubt they'd even sell well, besides MAYBE the knights of Ren, because they had a decent evil appearance.
Where can I order ROTJ Throne Sheev if I'm not Murican?
You absolute faggot, I've been collecting since 1977 and Lando has been a pegwarmer since 1980. And again in 1995, and so many times since. And then there was 1997 where all the OT stuff went on MASSIVE clearance at TRU to get rid of pegwarming stock (the Freeze Frame packaging)

You are a liar, a retard, and a faggot. Just shut your fucking mouth.
Oops! All Reva!
Really diggin the plastic cowl + robes. Never saw a soft goods cowl work properly in 1:12, my ML Dr Doom is pretty good. The only problem is when Hasbro glues some shoulder piece to the cowl like they did it with Ronan the Accuser and Revan.
Thank you Captain Ob-vious!


Simply become American. I'm pretty sure they're letting anyone in right now.
Fucking lol
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This was just dumb to begin with.
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Heh heh
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Fuck Hasbro and their fucking speshal klub excluuuuusive membership paypigfuck bullshit and shitty qc toys fuckfaces so tired of their fucking games just sell evrything EVRYWHERE
Wait what? Didn't he say nostalgia was the packaging? This is the first I'm seeing of this where nostalgia is being elaborated as OT/PT content
It's kind of a bad poll anyways since some of the items overlap pretty hard. Like 'World Building' and 'Character Depth' both mention access to characters for instance.
Don't worry, you can buy one of my 4 extra Yoda/Gree two-packs on eBay for a 60% markup when it releases.
Anon, that had to be done on purpose to just spite you. It's honestly pretty funny.
I pre-ordered Darth Sidious and the Super Battle Droid from amazon. Can anyone tell me the retail price of the AT-TE?
Such bullshit that the yoda sold out. Been waiting on this figure forever. Why wouldn’t they just do it where they fulfill all preorders? I guess the only upside for me is that I don’t want the clone trooper or the chair really so I’d be paying 45+ for a 3 inch figure.
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Mafex Boba next to SHF Boba!
Cute anon, I wish you good luck with the next Yoda figure.
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They announced a rebel pilots 4pack recently right?

are they TBS or TVC?
and are any of them female bodies?
Mogged, but honestly I got the second SHF so I don't need it.
Mafex (left) SHF (right)
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TVC. And there are two female pilots but all of them are using the X-Wing pilot Luke body.
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Good to see someone finally nail the helmet, just can't understand why the shoulder pads aren't connected to the arms themselves.
Same. Maybe if it goes on sale at some point I'd swing back around to it, but my bobf stuff is just mixed into my Mando shelf so I don't feel the need to have multiples of anyone but Mando himself.
You are shitting me.
Even this one had an actual female body.
Do you have the shf bobf boba? I wonder if mafex helmet color and size will match the shf bobf boba.
It's 39.99. It's pretty damn steep.
Yea, it's annoying. It makes me wonder if the female pilot they pipelined from Ahsoka is going to have a new body or not. And if it is, then it's more frustrating that they couldn't have just waited to use that. While I like the inclusion of the aliens, it would have been nice to see them change up the bodies a bit and also I wish they were different colored jumpsuits for the different squadrons.
>164 people
>On Instagram
>Representing the whole of the customer base
What shitty categories too quality and accuracy should go hand in hand, and by their own definition works building and character depth is redundant as is character depth and nostalgia.
It should've been quality (including accuracy), character range, figure accessories, vehicles and playsets.
Even then vehicles and playsets could probably be grouped
Stop leaving HK-47 out of KOTOR merch dammit! Still waiting for him to get a black series figure.
As someone who's the theoretical target audience of these armybuilder sets, I would've been thrilled with this exactly as-is if they'd at least done a female upper torso for the 2 girl pilots, but without that I'm having a real hard time trying to self-justify ordering this. Would've also vastly preferred a more generic-faced alien over the mirialan, even though I like the figure in isolation; the duros pilot won't look weird to have multiples of, and neither would a nikto, or a rodian, or a quarren, etc., but the mirialan looks a bit too unique and by having a green neck she isn't an ideal candidate for head-swapping like the humans are. That alone wouldn't've been a dealbreaker though, I would've still bought at least one set, but failing to give us any kind of tooling difference for the girl pilot body is currently keeping me from rationalizing even getting one. Would really not have wanted them to all have different jumpsuit colors though, that would've been a separate mess, making exactly one of them a dark green A-Wing jumpsuit would've been fine but anything past that would've been going too far and making them too different from each other to 'work' as an armybuilding pack.

Related note, for those of you who are also the theoretical target audience for armybuilding products, amazon's shifted the release dates of the night trooper pack up to june 7th, along with the ISB Cal fan channel wave. It's nice that they're coming early, but also fuck I really did not want to drop the money for both of those things at the exact same time, when they're the exact two things I put in for the biggest number of out of this year's currently-known releases.
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alright, should I hold off until that Ahsoka pilot is properly revealed?

as I wanna do a rebel pilot omega custom
When Emily revealed this set, she said she hopes to do more aliens in future sets. So ideally it would be cool if we could get one that is something like just Rebel troopers that's are different species like Rodian, Quarren, etc so we can have a lot of generic ones.

>amazon's shifted the release dates of the night trooper pack up to june 7th, along with the ISB Cal fan channel wave
Son of a bitch.
Who’s Emily?
I also hope we get more aliens in future sets, and really really hope this set's potentially poor performance isn't taken by hasbro as a sign that adding aliens was the mistake that held it back. Honestly the more I look at it the more I want it for the duros alone, but I'm definitely not committing to spending the $55 right now when I'm about to get hit with the cost of the night trooper packs and the 'small' pile of ISB Cals I preordered for the sake of using as generic ISBs, on top of the haslab cost (if it's something I want) almost definitely being in the same time period too.
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I'm sure this set will sit around for a while by the time she's revealed so you might as well. It's hard to say if they will even justify making a new body for her. She does have different gear on than a Rebellion pilot but who knows.
>Who’s Emily?
The lead designer for TVC.
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true i suppose, and all i'd need to do is just headswap and repaint the helmet

I have a rebel pilot luke (as well as stormtrooper and jedi knight luke) as part of a 3pack that I got for free at comic-con (won it), should I just open it if the body is the same?
and the ahsoka pilot is in blue etc and i cant be asked to repaint in orange

i'll have to wait until someone makes a custom head, but someone should make it right? maybe i'll have to contact one of those custom head guys on etsy
Drunk and playing/talking with toys.
>talking with toys
What are they saying?
A lot of things. Don’t trust Sheev 4 that matter. Clones have right and ignore all the haters and scumbags. Redditors & 4channers alike!
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uhh this one? I was hoping it wasn’t her. Pack it up guys, it’s over.
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Go for it. I think someone will put out a head for her pretty soon. Syndicate Customs has her season 3 head available for order so her grown up version probably isn't far behind.

Why? She's responsible for a lot of good things in the line, like updating the articulation and the playsets and has been pushing to do more things like beasts. She's the only one on the team besides Chris that seems to be an actual fan of Star Wars and has been collecting it for most of her life.
Nta but I’m assuming he’s making fun of her because of her looks. Honestly though I think she is kinda cute. Anon just posted a bad photo of her.
they also have bad batch ventress heads too
so yeah, shouldnt be too long
i'll wait a few weeks, see if they do it

many thanks anon, lets just hope they do actually do it
But it's not like they don't have female pilot torsos. Are they afraid females with secondary sexual characteristics will turn us into rapists?
It was more so to do with costs and logistics. The tooling for that female pilot is probably in storage somewhere not close to the factory that was producing this pack. So there would have been extra costs on top of what was already being spent to make the new heads which would have driven the price up of this set more and would have resulted in less sales. Really this should have just been a set of all dudes and then they could do all females later but I'm sure there was a Disney mandate about making it 50/50.
those threes don't like.. but I'm sure Disney also argued (to itself) that that way they have characters that would also please the trans community.
(unless I am far more of a cynical bastard than I thought.)
That's a brutal mog, never thought I'd see the day Mafex would surpass SHF like this

This is just lazy. Two bodies and 4 heads would be more honest.
>She's responsible for a lot of good things in the line
I believe in you but in the year of our Lord 2000+24 anything Star Wars done by a chubby girl with dyed hair makes me shiver. She does have a soul spark in her eyes, I hope you are right.
Nah Emily’s cool. I like in the old livestreams when they’d stream from home and you got to see all the cool deepcut figures in her collection in the background. The Jabba’s Palace playset alone will probably keep her in my good graces forever.
I get that but she's pretty cool. Her interview with Victoria's Cantina really helped squash any lingering worries I had with her. She seems to take her job pretty seriously and genuinely wants to not only make good toys in general but good Star Wars toys despite the limited resources she's given.
Like that wasn’t given to her to put in the background to build goodwill with the fans.
I like Emily and don’t get the hate she gets. Yeah, she’s fat, but she’s got a nice face underneath it and has serious BBW energy. Plus, she seems genuine about her love of Star Wars. In short, would.
You can go ahead and have her with your low ass standards. Many resented her forcing the team to announce their pronouns. She's trash.
>Many resented her forcing the team to announce their pronouns. She's trash.
That's not the same person. You're thinking of Emily from the GI Joe team.
>trying to get 3.75 astromechs
>most of them are single releases from 15+ years ago and are either rare or came in multipacks
why must these lovable fuckers be so elusive? you'd think for at least the ot astromechs there would be more of them for boomers who want to have everything in the movies/ diorama builders
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this palpatine looks like fuckng shit. Pretty funny that people were paying rapeprices for it.
And didn't they stop doing that the very next stream cause they realized that GI Joe fans are not the kinda fanbase that responds positively to that?
I got a crapload, but they're damn hard to find now. Don't make anywhere near as many,
Greetings promiscuous toy collectors! Which brand produce and sells the best Star Wars figures?!
Some Black Series figures that are getting reissued
>Specifically non imperial crosshair
Holy shit, just got an update on my Captain Rex Black Series pre-order that BBTS has been sitting on for like 2 or 3 years now. He's apparently coming out in October. Goddamn. I already ended up getting the Bad Batch version for free a few years ago when I had an issue with a figure. Hasbro sent me Rex instead of outright replacing the other figure I got. Still, weird to see that gone from the first spot on my pre-order list.

Weirdly enough, his page is no longer available so I really wonder if he's actually coming out.
Oh, well shit lol, should've read >>10984628 before posting about Rex lmao.
Kek you two!
I see no reason to doubt it, especially given the source. EE had already put up preorder listings for Hera, Sabine, and Ahsoka and then took them down very quickly. I'm glad they picked him because he's the only one I'm missing for the squad (besides Omega but she's whatever).
>Consume? Heh.... I produce my own toys...
EE has Ki-Adi Mundi available for preorder
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Two options. Interesting.
This is probably the best Haslab yet
Oh I fucks with this. Tonnika Sisters backer tier???
I am glad to see it is the cantina as rumored. I am just sad that I don't have the space for it. I pretty much maxed out getting Jabba's Throne Room. However I REALLY hope they will release those alcoves as a separate playset in the mainline. That way you can add on to the Cantina if you want or just have a small display for Han vs Greedo.
Looks good, happy for you TVC collectors. But isn't $400 a little too much?
It supposedly comes with a wave of figures. So really it's more like $300 for the set and $100 for the figures which isn't too crazy when the Throne Room was $250.
Fuck that's a great deal. I've been thinking about starting collecting TVC, these figures look good.
You don’t have to get every cantina figure. Honestly a lot of the cheap old ones hold up if you just want them as background guys.
Damn that’s perfect. I’ll have to figure out a way to make this work with black series. I was able to get the Jabba’s playset looking good with some modifications from landspeeder Luke so I’m sure this will work too.
Is there cantina aliens that are expensive or something? I’m more of a Jabba’s guy myself so I don’t have many of the cantina aliens
I’m sure there are but there’s Jabba guys who are expensive. You don’t have to be a completionist on this stuff. Even if I had all the Jabba guys they wouldn’t fit in my display and if I tried it’d look like a crowded mess. Just focus on getting ones that are accessible and don’t beat yourself up over not having them all. I think bigger issue than getting the aliens is the fact that a good version of Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan from ep 4 that meets today’s standards is sorta non existent. 2006-2018 had some nice aliens, but I find it to be a real low point for human face sculpts. A lot of them have rat faces and don’t look anywhere as good as the face sculpts from the prequel movie figures (which also weren’t perfect by any means, but not too bad for the time).
Ewok Village confirmed!!!!
How does this keep happening with the Star wars team? They need to fire whoever is in charge of these.
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>The amount of Black Series collectors saying in the comments that it won't be successful
Holy cope lel
Are they retarded? Especially if the Tomika sisters are part of the Haslab, it’s gonna fucking sell like hotcakes.
The hookah that the sisters were at is included on the bar. Supposedly the description said all the figures included are patrons, none were main characters. 3 of them were included and the others were a tier unlock. I would say it's a safe bet to assume the Tonnikas are included in one of those.
I heard X-Wing Pilot Luke Archive was getting rereleased with updated face printing. Anyone know if that's still going to happen?
It already came out. It looked amazing. So of course it was only sold overseas.
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>It already came out.

>It looked amazing.

>it was only sold overseas.

Thanks anon, will check ebay.
So what's the deluxe option? The other wall with booths to make a complete room?
Don't know for sure if I'll be able to commit the money and the display space to it, but still glad it's this over something from the newer shows that would've risked not funding. Hopefully this means we'll finally be getting Sandtroopers on the new Stormtrooper body to coincide with this, I'll definitely find the space+money for those, especially if we get all the pauldron variants.
Probably that along with the area for the Modal Nodes to be playing
I only watched two episodes of Bad Batch (can't stand the little girl), why does this guy has a dildo/screwdriver instead of a mechanical hand? Is this some kind of gun/tool at least?
It’s like that little arm R2 has that hacks into computers and unlocks doors and shit.
its a scomp link, allows him to hack shit like a droid
>Tomika sisters
Only hardcore TVC collectors care about the Tomika sisters. I hope you people get them who want them, so you'll finally shut the fuck up about these characters.
I want a Mandalore black series god damn it.
Thanks, that's make sense. Still, he only got one hand, couldn't he attach this to his regular arm Robocop style? Saw some pics of the Hot Toys version, he got plent of attachments. Shame they never used.
>Only hardcore TVC collectors care about the Tomika sisters
Simply not true, they’ve famously (within the Star Wars toy community) never had a figure, so it’s gonna be kind of a big deal that we finally get them. Plus where do you think the money is in the Star Wars toy community? It’s the old retired OT fags, they will go crazy over this.
I never really got it either. In season 3 he gets a protocol droid arm to disguise himself as a normal Stormtrooper, but I think it’s totally limp for some reason. I think it would have differentiated him more from Tech if he had an Inspector Gadget arm. I figured Tech’s thing would be hacking until I saw the show.
That would make him too able bodied and amputees watching the show would feel too insecure.
>But isn't $400 a little too much?
Ordinarily, but when you only collect OT, you've saved a fucking ton of cash not buying the non-OT crap.
I'd say that those who care about the Tonnika sisters are the ones collecting TVC. Say what you will about BS vs TVC, but 3.75in is literally the legacy scale since 1978. And Hasbro was really killing it in the 2000's with incredible sculpts and articulation and gave us a cantina alien at least every year for awhile.
>Only hardcore TVC collectors care about the Tomika sisters
Almost like they're the same people who will be buying this HasLab
>those prices
Absolutely disgusting
I don't care about this, but if it means a new Han and Obi-Wan are getting announced I'm interested.
Pleasantly surprised by the pricing. Y'all need to remember it's not so much that these are getting expensive, it's that USD isn't worth shit anymore. A quarter pounder meal to go was $6 when figures were $6, now both are around $20.

It's only going to get worse.
>limited power
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If they're going to reuse the body, why not recolor them?
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I'm still kinda curious why this wasn't what his arm was used for in the show. Clearly the idea was there at some point because both Hot Toys and Hasbro included that grapple hook arm so they must have had concept art with it. I agree with >>10986180 that giving him a multi-functional arm would have helped make him stand apart a bit. Often it felt like Echo was basically just there on a lot of missions. Very few times did it seem like he was really crucial to mission success in the same way Tech was a lot of times. And in combat all he could use was a single pistol which was kind of lame. Making his arm more like a Swiss army knife would have made sense with his history as an ARC Trooper and being able to adapt and improvise on the fly.
TC-14 came in. I only ordered one but they sent it in a comically large box which is funny since I didn't pay for shipping. She looks pretty good in terms of her paint finish. The eyes on my copy aren't quite as googly as some of the others I've seen which is nice. I wouldn't hate a C3-PO using this mold and a gold paint with the same luster.
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They did C3-PO on this mold before, sadly not painted like that though; it was just gold plastic, and the average ebay cost for it is a bit steep which is why I'm pulling a pic from google as I don't have it yet myself. I think it's pretty fair to say this is the best 3.75" protocol droid mold we have, even after subtracting some points for the swivel hips and shoulders, and they've done a pretty respectable amount of droids on it, between the in-park buildables that covered a bunch of canon (and a few original) droids, and the really excellent 4-LOM single release.
With this new TC-14 release happening I'm desperately hoping they'll put out a C3PO with the same type of paint soon, because I don't really trust hasbro to ever get it exactly right, especially with how they recently handled Chopper compared to his park version.
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>It’s the old retired OT fags, they will go crazy over this.
Maybe. I am 38 years old and I love the OT. I just couldn't care less about the two sisters. Again, I am happy for the people who want this, but I am seriously tired of hearing about it. I also do not collect TVC unless it's a random pick up impulse buy or a cheap Empire army builder.
I think you two are right, that is a very fair point. A lot of TVC are just too vocal for my taste. Since they scream more about the packaging, than the actual figure inside more often than not.
>A lot of TVC are just too vocal for my taste. Since they scream more about the packaging
Meh, I ignore those fuckers.
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>over a year long wait for this
Maybe it's the beard that looks like whipped cream. Or the fact that they're cutting more corners by replacing hinged wrist joints for shitty ball pegs
the wookiees that are under a droid attack
>Since they scream more about the packaging, than the actual figure inside more often than not.
What I hate is how Hasbro thinks these people represent the entire collector base. It gives them an excuse to repackage figures WITH NEW VINTAGE CARDBACK instead of new stuff, or hell repackaging older figures that are in demand instead of figures that warmed pegs in regular packaging and then go on to warm pegs again in vintage packaging.
>A lot of TVC are just too vocal for my taste. Since they scream more about the packaging, than the actual figure inside more often than not.
I wonder how large that contingent is. I remember when TVC started, and while a lot of people at the time appreciated the Kenner packaging (though it had been done before) the line as a whole was just looked at the same way every previous refresh was. It was just the next phase of the main action figure line, nothing more or less. I still feel that way. I just prefer smaller figures and associate Star Wars with that scale.
I'm glad most of the core TVC fan base is as annoyed with the minority group of carded "collectors", as I am. All I can think of is the spazzes who run and post on Jedi Temple Archives. It's truly bizarre looking at it as an outsider. It seems like a truly unhealthy echo chamber online. I feel bad for you TVC guys who just want to collect figures.
>All I can think of is the spazzes who run and post on Jedi Temple Archives.
I'm glad they're mostly quarantined there. I open everything.
>All I can think of is the spazzes who run and post on Jedi Temple Archives.
That place fell so far in the last few years, they used to have actual scoops and leaks but I guess their source no longer gives them info. Now it's just non-stop whining about how Hasbro isn't doing what they personally want or about how much they hate Disney. The comments sections are also a weird echo chamber since anyone who disagrees gets banned so it's just a bunch of yes-men clinging to these nobody webmasters like they're ecelebs.
If hasbro was smart they would advertise the episode 4 main cast as a retailer line wave when they drop this.
>The comments sections are also a weird echo chamber since anyone who disagrees gets banned
I didn't come from JTA but I did come here due to other forums banning wrongthink and all dissent. It's just not interesting conversation. But if you ever want to stir up the hornets nest on vintage Star Wars groups just bring up repro's.
It really is bad. I had to stop reading Paul's reviews because the dude just comes off as a broken record anytime he reviews a figure based on Disney's stuff. If I had a nickel for every time he has said the phrase "barking and clapping seals". Sometimes the way this thread gets really reminds me of there.
>"barking and clapping seals"
Now I want to read one!
Imagine waiting for a Barriss Offee figure
always fun to see him eat shit
Really ironic that the guy who can't shut up about how much he hates Disney liked the absolute worst thing they ever did
This is one of the few movies I've see that I've actually fallen asleep during, which is my test for a truly horrible film. I think only Russel Crowe's Robin Hood, the 4th Matrix movie, Godzilla: King of the Monsters and this one were so boring that I just couldn't stay awake for the whole movie.
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>didn't fall asleep during TLJ
>I'm glad the brand has suffered irreparable damage and will always be seen as mediocre slop forever
Based retard
The sequels crashing and burning hurts the older fans too, collecting-wise. They don’t even make sequel figures but because it did so much damage, Star Wars retail presence is the most pathetic it’s ever been since 1995. Even if you were a Gen Xer who hated the prequels, the prequels doing well allowed there to be a lot of OT stuff on pegs. Even if I didn’t like the movies, I wish the toylines would have been more successful. We’d be in a lot better spot right now if they were. There’s several reasons they weren’t though, both because of idiotic decisions by Hasbro and Lucasfilm.
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>kids didn't get shit for Sequels
They got plenty of shit.
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I took some chrome paint and used it on the Eps3 C3PO. Looked pretty darn good for a TC-14 if you ask me.
ST got plenty of figures, at the beginning. If your trying to say that the end lacking in figures is what hurt, then your wrong, because the opposite is true; the movies doing so poorly hurt the figures, hence almost nothing in regards to RoS.
TFA had the main cast as 5poa at the very least, and I'm pretty sure as TVC/BS equivalent as well.
TLJ also had at least the main cast as 5poa, but not as much in TVC/BS equivalent (reoccurring characters, like rey, finn, poe, didnt get a new figure, but inthink that was also due to them not changing much. Kylo got BS, but so far only his first appearance as a TVC figure).
Solo suffered the consequences of TLJ, as it had a good selection of 5poa, but only the titular character, lando, and the muddy stormtroopers with a cape as TVC, I believe. Only slightly better for BS, as they got the main cast.
RoS is where things hit the fan, as they didn't get ANY 5poa (I think. It might have died with solo doing so bad, if I recall correctly). They got a single wave of TVC, which was rey in her final form, red jump trooper, a knight of Ren, x wing pilot poe, zori bliss, and an Amazon exclusive sith trooper. BS got a bit more, but not by much.

ST did massive damage to the toyline, and is probably the biggest reason we're getting overpriced deluxe figures, and getting wringed on characters like boba and daddy, though hasbro has also been making some bad decisions with stuff like making a new finn mold, when there are WAAAAAY more desirable characters that could use a resculpt, or first release. Hell, if your gonna make a ST TVC figure, give us a good, unhelmed kylo for fucka sake!
>new finn mold
I thought that was just a repack with face printing? I know they redid the sculpt for Black Series old Han, which can be had for pennies.
>Even if you were a Gen Xer who hated the prequels, the prequels doing well allowed there to be a lot of OT stuff on pegs.
I still remember the 10th anniversary for TPM (with 3d hype), the wave of figures no retailer wanted until WalMart agreed to take it, them it bombed and pegwarmed do hard it killed off TVC for a few years.

The prequels did help by giving us entire aisles, but they had to start working in OT toys to help sales after TPM. Around TROS we got a lot of ESB stuff. Its nice to think things could have been better. But in the end, I no longer care, if its not OT I pass, so a full aisle of DisneyWars means nothing to me.
NTA but I was too angry to sleep at TLJ. That movie sucks in a league of it's own.
>bad decisions with stuff like making a new finn mold
Gotta keep that ESG money rolling in now that retailers won't take more Lando
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>Syndicate customs has a pretty good Hemlock

but wait, whats the body from?
did hasbro do an imperial science corps character like dr pershing?
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Galen Erso
ah, makes perfect sense
wish there was a female imperial scientist uniform to make a custom emerie karr too
i believe syndicate customs have said they'll do custom ordered parts so maybe i'll have to message them

but a mostly custom body or just a female torso? not sure if the arms and legs from galen would look wierd proportion wise (or any other officer)
It is. Not sure where he got the idea from that Finn was new.
Both mimban trooper designs were also pretty good, honestly I thought the first half of the movie was decent until you get past the train and they introduce all that other bullshit. It's weird but for solo I like the start and dislike the end while for rogue one I like the ending but dislike the begining.
I still want a Ben Solo and Rey with yellow saber, I don't care how bad the movie was
Shit looking "cool" means shit if it doesn't do anything
He captured Han tho
Vader and the Empire captured Hand and handed him over to Boba after they were done with him.
This is one of the most autistic things I have seen. Many OT collectors are undiagnosed autistic.
And how do you think Vader knew where Han was in the first place?
For me the test for "truly horrible movie" is usually if I feel the need to go on a device or do something else and treat the movie entirely as background noise.

As bad as all of the disney Star Wars Movies were they were at least able to hold my attention on the initial viewing. With "Solo" being the lone exception. just couldn't do it.

that 4th Matrix movie was so fucking bad too. That, Solo, and the latest Mortal Kombat movie I think were the absolute worst fucking movies over the last couple of years that I even gave a shot.
Wow, he followed a ship, what an extraordinary feat.
>With "Solo" being the lone exception. just couldn't do it.
NTA but I was literally rolling D&D characters while it was playing. Same with Black Panther. Both are incredibly drab and forgettable movies.
The last time I watched the sequel trilogies I got drunk and blacked out, was the only way to make them, bearable.
Well Vader's fleet couldn't manage to do it
I saw TFA in theaters and then noped the fuck out on the rest. I haven't even seen rea versions of TLJ and Rise. Only cam rips...and frankly that seems all that's deserved for that trash.
Just got my Arc trooper Fives how long does this fig has already that cost me that high?
I mean the black series arc trooper fives
>how long does this fig has already that cost me that high
I have no idea what you're asking
Does it has more than 6 mo ths after release why is this fig 70$
Wtf am I reading
Demand is greater than supply
Fives for five?
Reread yo shit before you post!!
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Have you ever had a dream.. that..
Bought 1 Mimban stormtrooper and wish I'd bought 1 or 2 more.
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The SH Figurats was pretty darn nice. I snagged two, one on deep discount. I wish SHF would make troopers like they used too. I think all the ST stuff really make them overly cautious.
>rando black woman
That black woman head is surprisingly good, sauce?
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I don't see the point is collecting Hasbro Star Wars when their white plastic yellows from even the slightest amount of ambient light
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Matrix Resurrections was a masterpiece, plebs. A perfect antidote to Disney trash.

And no, it was not "bad on purpose", like the media-illiterates claim. It was a not a "troll". It was a sincere companion piece to the trilogy.
>he doesn't keep his figures in a windowless room
My stormtrooper from 2014 looks just as white as the day I got it.
I don't know the science behind it but one day all my figures were white, then I put them in storage in a windowless pitch black room, and when I take them out they're yellow. I guess it took a while for the yellowing to kick in.
I don't know either, but I feel like it's a case by case thing, cause I have GI Joes in boxes from the mid 2000s and one will be yellow and one will be white. Can't fight nature
who's that? the only female jedi are rey and ahsoka
Too sexy for kathleen jew mafia
I feel like the popularity of Ahsoka has really ruined any chance at Shaak Ti merch. Which sucks cause Shaak Ti is my favorite Jedi and has been since I watched the Clone Wars microseries as a kid.
It depends how they're stored, they still outgas. That's why all figures in baggies from back in the day had a hole punch in them, to allow the figure to outgas.
So we have to drill air holes in our storage boxes like we have animals in them?
Maybe? I don't buy airtight boxes, most aren't airtight, but I always use a nail clipper to clip the baggies I store my shit in to keep them from rubbing paint off on another figure.
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Recently I had the itch to buy the lightsaber I had as a kid - the Attack of the Clones orange Jedi one. While I was searching Ebay for a good deal though, I came across this unusual one. Like the AOTC one I had, it's a repaint of the Phantom Menace Qui Gon lightsaber, but it's got a red blade and a different paintjob than either. I remember all the fully-retractable Qui Gon sabers with every color of blade, but I don't remember ever seeing this electronic one as a kid, and looking on Ebay I can't seem to find a packaged one. Does anyone know when this was sold? What line it was part of?
I managed to find the orange one for about $45 new in box, by the way. Picked up Darth Maul for my wife so we can duel. Please wish me luck, she can be very competitive.
I want to say that's from the either the 2002 Saga line or the ROTS line, but damned if I can actually find anything to back that up
>trying to collect figures for a echo base diorama
>99% of them who aren't luke, han, leia, chewbacca, r2, or 3p0 were single releases, some of which were over 20 years ago in multipacks
why must it be this way? you'd think they would have multiple releases on the droids since they're easy repaints
Lol this poor fool. Hope he kept the receipt
Why, it's not like he can return it. Rex is coming out in October if the rumor are to be believed. I made this mistake a few weeks ago. I paid 45 dollars for Doctor Aphra because I just gave up on that rumor from a year ago about he re release. The next day we got confirmation it's going to happen from Yakface. I felt dumb, but it was an important lesson learned. I have only over paid for three figures in collecting the Black Series since 2016, Ahpra being one of them. The other two were Clone Wars Obi-Wan and Hunter (both 45 dollars a pop). Every single other figure I bought at MSRP or well below retail.
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who's coppin?
>clownworld astromech
I’m not, but I’m happy it exists for those that do want it. We need to move past being edgy over things we weren’t gonna buy anyways, move on it’s not for you.
As an astromech collector I'll be buying it. I'm straight and secure enough in my own sexuality that I don't have to hate things just because they're made in support of gay people.
>astromech collector
this is way gayer than fucking dude's buttholes
>this is way gayer than fucking dude's buttholes
Oh alright then, care to be the first dude I butt fuck then?
It's not gay to fuck a butt. It's gay to get your butt fucked.
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>move on it’s not for you
Ironically Star Wars is in the state it's in because of people who wouldn't "move on".
they're both gay anon
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starwars coomerfigs when?
nah I'm not a gay astromech autist
Untrue. Depends on the butt. What if it's girl butt?
>fucking dude's buttholes
It was specified
>It was specified
Don't worry red box version will keep it's value. New Rex will probably be on the Archive card.
It's most likely going to be in it's original box. The rumors said that these reissues they were doing wouldn't have new packaging. Also, I've had a pre-order for Rex open with BBTS for a few years now that Hasbro never delivered on, however, as soon as this info about the reissue dropped, they took down the existing Rex page, and updated my pre-order with an ETA of October now.
If it wasn't for the stripes down the size, this could easily pass o ff as a homage to any 80s electronic game, like Simon. It really has that aesthetic.
I wanted the same Qui-Gon saber a few years ago and I remember seeing this one. Iirc this is not the only one, they did a few repaints with Vader and Obi-Wan sabers too.
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I bought the TC-14 but couldnt decide what else to get alongside it to justify shipping so i just bought her as well for...reasons
execute everyone who made this and everyone who buys it
the only thing they deserve is the rope
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That is a really cool custom. I'd buy it for a pin up Star Wars line.
You sound like a fag
marketed for kids 4+ btw
just wait till you see the gadgets he comes with
if you choose a girls ass over her puss you re gay
Wheres the brown stripe?
Y’all think more about kids and these things than they do.
that's applied after you shove it up your ass
Don't worry, when the figure sells like shit because their target audience doesn't actually consume products, just invade fandoms, they will suffer the financial losses, and learn their lesson the hard way.
Lmao, y’all have been saying that for years now. Give it up already.
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holy hell, why can’t hasbro give us an updated Slave Leia already?
with 3DDDs
The clear dome and black body look pretty cool together but I refuse to ever support anything labeled as "Pride". It's pretty selfish of faggots to take the visible spectrum as their own symbol.
If only new BS rerelease announced. But no fuck life.
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Fave Power of the Force figure, vehicle or set? Going to a con in a few weeks and may pick something up out of nostalgia.
Might as well pick up the whole line, would only cost you $20
I would go for the expanded universe figures since they’re still some of the only figures of some of those characters.
I'd love new Dark Empire and Jedi Knight figures. The stories aren't great but it feels wrong for them to go unacknowledged.
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My favorite figure was the POTF2 Stormtrooper. It's the very first Star Wars figure and made me fall in love with troopers and Star Wars as a whole. I think my favorite set is the Sandtrooper with the Dewback, or the Scout Trooper with the Speeder Bike.
Reminder: anyone that has to remind you that they’re straight is 100% confirmed gay.

I have the Thrawn but may keep an eye out for the others
The Harkonnen will rule Arrakis!
Does BS BB Clone 'Tech' have anywhere to put his blaster besides his hand?
I didn't have a huge amount of figures, but I loved the probe droid.
Yeah, just look at Ollie’s
Imagine if we could get the real Star Wars toys at that price
if they were 3.75 i'd honestly consider it
tvc is way to overpriced for what you get
These need to be $5-7.
Dollar General had the same figures in boxes last year for $5 a piece.

Dude, hit me up. I sell you my MOC figures at cost.
>The stories aren't great
Still better than 90% of what Disney's shitting out the last few years.

Andor and TLJ were really good, at least.
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What about TLJ was good? Genuinely. Personally, I liked Luke's explanation of the force to rey, and reys "nobody" backstory, because it made the force seem more mystical, and universal, setting up the future with some good potential story beats, as we could no longer be bound to specific bloodlines. To that same end, random slave kid with force powers, too.
Finns arc, up until rose literally crashed that shit, was also going good up until said crash.
Praetorian guard designs and concept (even though they're basically just the previous royal guards).
Other than that, though.... Nothing else.
TLJ, despite its fault, tried something new at least. TFA is just ANH all over again and TRoS is just ROTJ all over again.
>anbore and the last basedjack being good at all
Reddit is that way, friendo
Shoving razor blades down my urethra is also "trying something new" but that doesn't make it inherently good
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I also enjoyed the return of mysticism to the Force and the idea of passing the torch on to the next generation felt much stronger in TLJ than in TFA. There's a real sense of reverence for spirituality over religion, which I think is more in line with what Lucas was trying to go for, even in the Prequels. I dislike Midichlorians but I've never bought into the idea that it took away from the spiritual aspect of the Force, just that it showed how the Jedi had lost their way in determining ones connection to it. More focused on "crude matter" if you will.

Beyond that, I like how it follows the tenets of the Heroes Journey further, taking it beyond where Return of the Jedi left Luke and showed an underutilized part of the Journey: the inability to truly return home after you've been changed by the Journey. The Journey is inherently a cycle and, should the call be refused, there's still the return of a mentor figure to guide one back into their path. I think TLJ understands the inherent tragedy and difficulties of the Journey better than most media that plays around with it, and it was refreshing to see Luke continued to be a fallible human being that had to accept that, in the end, his legend is inescapable and for all the damage it's brought to his life, it still serves a greater good.

Rey being a nobody, the visuals of her "dark side cave" and the overall meaning of it, alongside really enjoying the continued development of Kylo as a troubled kid that's diving further off the cliff because of his grief and anger. It's a compelling depiction of the effects of the Dark Side beyond "I'm evil and do evil things"

It has some missteps and I think the side plot with Finn could've been executed better, but I enjoyed what it was going for. I can tell a lot of heart and care went into it, which is what makes me appreciate it not despite its faults but because of them. It doesn't feel soulless like other Abrams and Disney slop.

TL;DR: it's neat
You know rian hated star wars and made that slop of a movie as a half assed "deconstruction" just so he could move up the hollywood echelon and make those god awful knives out films
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The "subversion" shtick got annoying quick. There's a shot that looks like spaceships landing blowing "dust" around, but it was literally a clothes steamer on the First Order ship. I imagine Rian was giggling to himself throughout writing this slop.
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you put more thought into that post than anyone put into making the movie
How such a hack got a job writing for one of the star wars movies is beyond me. He treated working on it like it was a joke
>no longer be bound to specific bloodlines
Why do people keep repeating this dumb shit?

It isn't a deconstruction though. It's as much of a deconstruction as KOTOR II is, which is to say: it looks like one to idiots but really it's a celebration of the core tenets of Star Wars. Understanding the Heroes Journey, digging into faith and spirituality beyond strict dogma and how destruction of the self is an easy hole to fall into that must be avoided with the support of those around you.
Your looking too much into something that was essentially a hit piece on luke skywalker and all the main male cast to prop up rey and admiral gender studies for a grrrl power moment

I'm sorry that you've gotten so involved in a culture war that you've forgotten how to foster joy in your heart and examine a story on different terms.

I hope things improve for you, anon.
Believe it or not anon im considered woke by the standards of alot of anons on 4chan and hate all the culture war bitching about gays and blacks being in media

I still think TLJ was shit tho
>Dollar General had the same figures in boxes last year for $5 a piece.
Those were different. They were 6" instead of 4".
Not really. I just like the designs and it would be nice for the EU in general to have a bigger footprint. Who doesn't want Jerec or Edgelord Luke? That said, even the current books and comics don't get acknowledged much with toys other than Aphra and occasional exclusive repaints. The TV shows have more or less supplanted that and Hasbro can't keep up with it.
tlj was just ripping off plot points of rotj along with esb
what does it do that's original? killing snoke? he was a nothing character anyways by virtue of being a jj creation
Half the movie literally had to disregard Luke's entire character arc to work on a basic level. TLJ isn't a "celebration" of anything other than Rian Johnson huffing his own farts.
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Those were the days
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TPM had a shelf-warming problem, but it's cool to see an entire aisle decked out in red and black like that. Most of my prequel nostalgia revolves around TPM merchandising.
Yeah I have distinct memories of being in the toy section of Sears back in the day and just seeing a giant Darth Maul head overtop and all the toys
Anyone have a similar Attack of the Clones pic?
The same thing happened with me and my Rex, has been on preorder for YEARS now. They cancelled my Crosshair (non-imperial) though so hopefully I can get that one again
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TLJ was a humiliation ritual
rots collection went hard
some figures still hold up pretty well today
If they ever do make a new bs slave leia it will be gimped/censored as hell and marketed as some kind of female empowerment narrative.
Did anyone here own the Crab Droid from the series? I kind of always wanted it.
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They could put her in the outfit from the deleted sandstorm scene
if they do this someone's still going to scream about it like the guy who cried about the Aayla reissue was censored for having a robe even though the original release had it too
Is Paul from Kazakhstan?
>No females here!
if i had to guess it's a jab at the bad batch for introducing female jango clones despite that contradicting the films
not like disney has ever cared about that though
I still have it. Fun toy to have fight clones. I liked it and the dwarf spider droid that moved after a wind up.
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>want Ki-Adi-Mundi for years
>finally gets revealed
>looks pretty mid
>takes an entire year to come out
>only in stock at two shitty online stores
>reluctantly order it even though I don't really want it anymore
Yeah I think I'm done with Black Series and SW in general
>Be Jedi Master
>Train for years, achieving prominence culminating in a seat on the prestigious Jedi Council
>My most memorable moments are mentioning a shitty excuse for a Chewbacca cameo and my pathetic death
Hello darkness etc.
Bossk's Bounty posted a review of Zeb so he must be getting ready to ship soon.
Weird question, but can anyone tell me how sturdy the legs are on the Galaxy squadron at-at?

I’m thinking about using them as landing gear for a big 1:18 spaceship I’m working on but it’s got some weight to it


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