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New Figura Obscura release. I dig the Bastet figure, but have a visceral negative reaction to buff doberman Anubis. It's not as bad with the mask, but the other heads just don't work for me, and if I did want buff Anubis, I would've bought the tbleague figure. If they make the retailer version single packs like the instagram post hints, I'll hold off for that version of Bastet unless they really fuck up the colors.

Some tooling images for Necronominus out, so it's probably coming before the holidays this year.
Always wanted an Anubis figure so I'm gonna go in on these. Would have preferred black skin to match the heads but oh well still cool and I guess this is more accurate.
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Hot Take Alert!

Brace yourselves, Horsemaniacs...

I think 4HS figures are very well crafted, insomuch that the details of everything are perfectly realized, however, I also find them artistically boring. They are often the most generic, cliched, and unremarkable incarnations of various archetypal characters - fantasy, scifi, or, in this case, historical.

This is not to say their figures are bad or that I don't like them. If you compare them to other similar figures from larger toy companies, they are usually much better. However, 4HS figures also cost more than double those figures, and with few exceptions, I just don't see the value.

What I would like, and this is just my selfish opinion, are these same figures without any accessories, soft goods, or excessively detailed painting for $35. Suddenly, putting a basic version of these figures against NECA and Diamond Select makes them look far more attractive to me, and I think many others as well.

The alternative would be to keep their current price while making much more daring, weird, and unique designs that make a statement. I'm thinking of something like the recent vinyl toys from James Groman, the crazy samurai oni Syuten Douji from Maestro Union, or many of the older, offbeat McFarlane figures (from the same guys!).

Either way, I'm not excited by these figures despite being a huge geek for Egyptian mythos, if only because I already bought a less detailed yet more fun Anubis-type figure from Spin Master for <$10. There's also some Bastet statues out there that look like busty, Egyptian concubines wearing cat ears for less than $60. Do with that what you will.
You're boring
>we wuz
Aw, I was hoping for a mummy. Oh well, I'll pass on this one.
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Instantly picked up. Those alternate Anubis/cat heads are going to look great with Cosmic space suits.

I found a broken Lizzie and Ralph from the rampage toyline and fixed them up this weekend.

Both figures have basic articulation but it fits amazingly well as mounts. They were crafted by the Horsemen and fits surprisingly well with other lines as well.
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I think they're cool, but not amazing enough for the price. Having to buy both doesn't help. I generally appreciate Mythic Legions for being generic and having just the right touch of quality design to make a great figure, but this looks like a case where a Chinese brand would do something similar for less, especially for those outside the US where shipping and customs raise the price a lot.

Speaking of prices, pixelatoy has a few figures on discount, interesting for Iberian anons. I got Swigg for 45 after passing on the regular price.
I'm in a similar boat, I like em but not $120 like em, especially when you have to buy em together.
If they had been separate, I would've bought two Bastets after seeing Dorklair's review. They added a neck hinge to the female torso, and did a great job with the stone effect paint.

Any bets on whether the retailer version will keep the same skin tone, go mediterranean olive, darkest ebony, or literal jet black?
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should be obsidian skin. i think they just wanted them to be brown to virtue signal. hurr durr we wuz egyptian kangz
Not everything is some woke agenda man,
their skin is drawn a different color than their head in most hieroglyphs. There are many where he is solid black too but they are much less common. I would bet the retail variant of these are solid black though, really. Easy way to get people to double dip.
That's a totally different brown than the figures.
Its also a 5000 year old drawing that is faded anon
there are ones where he has visibly browner skin too
wasnt there a figure with black silicon skin?
TBleague made one yeah
>Not everything is some woke agenda man,
it's 2024...yes it is
>we wuz faded n sheeit
seamless trash
>Hot Take Alert!
not a hot take. mythic and cosmic legions are soulless and uninspired. and some are pure trash. the figures that are good are easily parted with because they are unlovable.
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Wasn't expecting these guys, but now I'm highly tempted. I guess the price+shipping will determine if I bite on it or wait for the Retailer version. But I kind of really like em in these colors....

I honestly will not argue the fact that the 4H have been playing things straight and traditional with their Mythic Legions figures. But the point I would argue is that this is a strength, not a flaw. Most people who buy these want them *because* they fill that role of traditional fantasy characters, as that's a genre that was ignored for a long time in toy form. Add in that customization and part swapping isn't just easy with these guys, but highly encouraged, and it gives you a perfect blank starter figure to build your own unique and custom characters off of. If these designs were too stylized or specifically detailed, it could easily push people away from the line as a whole.

Though I do feel the FO figures are overpriced. Their limited nature, special packaging, unique tooling and accessories and intricate paint jobs are all very nice, but it's still difficult to rationalize paying the price these things go for.

Nice find anon, Lizzie is a fantastic accessory for the Legions figures, or any fantasy line you might want to stick her with. Her build quality and articulation are certainly cheap as cheap can be. But her sculpt work, detailing and surprisingly her paintjob are all fantastic so she blends in with high quality figures real well.

Never got my hands on Ralph though, sadly Wal-mart screwed me out of buy them online and the entire toyline just didn't exist by me in stores. But if Lizzie is so great, I'm sure Ralph is a fantastic figure too.
Nah, you're wrong and an idiot
you argue like a woman
>you're just jealous! i bet you can't get laid!
if you're actually male you might want to get your testosterone levels checked
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>I also find them artistically boring. They are often the most generic, cliched, and unremarkable incarnations of various archetypal characters
That's on purpose, because they're cashing in on the He Man franchise.

4H was capable of doing better stuff, but can't, because those are the only abused faggots who will buy 4H's stuff
>needing to bundle poor selling figures in blind packs because they were takiing up too much space in warehouse is winning
>pissed off a large part of their fanbase the other month because 4H made fun of people whose latest figures had massive quality control issues is winning and kicking ass
I hope you're trolling.
t. on the rag
You're the only one even talking about that video, you fucking loser. Everyone has moved on.
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>>10998154 (OP)
.....yea, I got got. The flat rate shipping is what pushed me over the edge and that's something I hope sticks around for future sales.

Also, just a reminder to new people not used to it, but don't feed the trolls. They don't care about discussing things or even using facts or logic, all they want to do is shit up the thread. Ignore em, hide their post and move on because any response to them only brings em back for more.

Also that stupid game they're making just put out a new version of the character creator. Haven't tried it yet, but I do not expect good things from it.
>all they want to do is shit up the thread
says the guy who posts the same picture for the umpteenth time
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Ralph is alright honestly wish the legs weren't so loose and I'm almost to the point where I might just glue them stationary.

The barbell joint isn't fixable right now but this will make due at the moment.
>4Horsemen won
judging by the smell at your con deodorant manufacturers certainly didn't
Yes, moved on from supporting the line, hence the reduced price sale for bundled blind packs, because they lost customers from shitty QC and rage inducing customer service.

Not the first exodus either, considering how dead these threads have been for the past 5 years and how there was probably a single thread since that disaster months ago.
I never realized how tall Ralph was. Williams is a pretty tall wolf but he looks tiny on the back of that leggy beast.

Still salty at Wal-Mart for cancelling my order for those guys and not letting me know until after the rest of that order got shipped out.
Got Ralph for my nephew and he promptly beheaded it within a month. Was gonna fix it for him but his mother tossed everything but the head that was at my house.
Been kinda tempted to make the head into a helm, just remove the lower jaw and sticky tac it on a characters head I guess
it's actually crazy how dead this general has been for the last year. especially since 4H revealed live on camera how much of a faggot they really are (for the people who can't read between the lines)
but yeah i couldn't care less about their figures anymore though i was interested to see what this figuara obscura would be. another swing and a miss
They're only dead because your stupid ass comes in here and shits it up.
Why are you samefagging this hard? Fuck off responding to yourself.
It certainly doesn't help that they've got what 3, 4 waves at least all in manufacturing with nothing but something of a rough estimate release for all of them.
They've just been coasting on sales of back stock and the occasional obscuria releases since what October of last year.
meds status=not taken
their retail side is a joke, too. and they were about 15 years behind with their articulation and shipping plan. just a complete shit show from top to bottom
>gets 2h weapon
>can't use
b-but at least the'yre not heckin m-marvel legends!
and yet you brought them up. why? I have no idea. you're sperging out and your only cope for buying shitty 4H figures is that they aren't as shitty as marvel legends. lmfao
>it's a single anon's fault that the threads are have been dying for 5 years and dead for the past 5 months
It's not even the fault of the two or three other anons who have been voicing their displeasure with Mythic Legion line in the past 5 months.

It's solely on 4H, with their horrible quality control that turned off hundreds of fans from continuing their involvement into line and their idiotic customer service that angered what's little that's left of their fanbase.

Nevermind 4H is solely making their figures for Hemanfags, a niche group of nostalgiafags, so there's no new blood to replace everyone that 4H shat on for complaining that their figures are breaking.
THIS is why the Mythic Legion general is dead. Not because of me or anyone else. 4H fucked up and now they're reaping their rewards, with overstock they could only offload as clearanced blind packs and saying shit's totally selling out to create FOMO.

Yeah, as a fan of 4H's designs (not talking about their shitty business model), i pay attention, but yeah, it's nothing but disappointment thanks to shit being mostly redecos and retools.
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Selling collector action figures as gacha blind bag is utterly shambolic
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I think 4H really need a 3.0 rework on female bodies. The 2.0 elf/female/goblin buck is just disastrous. Making an androgynous buck just means it is badly sculpted female and badly sculpted male. The hips are too wide for male characters. Limbs too short overall. Unarmored upper arm and thighs have no muscle definition because they are double up to be gender neutral limbs. Head is too big. The 2.0 bodies are only good on goblins
This post is why nobody bothers to start a 4H general anymore. Not the content of the post, because it's all disingenuous bullshit that twists facts.
No, nobody wants to start a thread because it means putting up with your autistic 10 year grudge against the company. You are a shit smear on the entire board. Anons would rather go to the faggot Facebook groups than deal with your autism. And the fact that you've jumped in here the second someone started a thread to sperg out with the same old shit shows what an utter cockmongler you are.
No, no, he has a point. Let him cook.
>especially since 4H revealed live on camera how much of a faggot they really are
My personal experience of late has put me off from the company, yet I still enjoy and indulge the Figure Obscuras. It started with the stupidity of the brute size figures in the Poxxus wave. Oopsie those are on a separate boat so everyone who got them besides the All-In and retailers have to wait even longer for an incredibly delayed wave. Then when you have the wave in hand, you better heat them up at just the right temperature. If you leave them as is, the joints will snap off. If you heat them up too much, then suffer loose joints. Let's attempt to make a joke out of this. I didn't have any QC issues of that nature. But I did have a very loose left wing from Poxxus, right out of the box. I just got the replacement last week. Their Customer Service requests seem to be overflowing. It makes me fear the next two waves.
4H did a live stream to talk down to their customers, because they were posting pictures of their latest figures breaking on social media.
They proceeded to mock them, implying they were hamhanding their toys and saying all problems should be handled in private, lest people find out about how horrible the quality control was, because they were going to have a sale later that week (it went poorly, thus needed to do this >>10999297 )

It was about an hour long video and pissed off a lot of fans, so 4H deleted that video and made another damage control video to say they did nothing wrong and that people just can't handle a joke.

Unfortunately, I don't have the screenshots from the comments section from their first youtube video that got deleted. I'm sure the other guy who gets called samefag (because only a single person would ever talk shit about 4H's horrible business tactics) will post them if he sees this thread.

Also, another forum started deleting photos people were taking of their figures breaking. That other anon started saving them when he noticed what was going on.

Yeah, okay, it's totally my fault 4H's figures are fragile pieces of shit, I'm personally responsible for giving 4H the idea to to cater to only Hemanfags, and i joined 4H's customer service to destroy them from the inside
My 10 year plan to kill 4H is working as planned.
You mad, faggot?
>We have less the 500 blind boxes still available
>less the
Absolute state of these jabronis grammar. The whole company is run like a garage sale lemonade stand

Why can't they just offload their extra figures to partners like BBTS, who then sell it for a markup?
>they were going to have a sale later that week (it went poorly, thus needed to do this
The sale went so poorly that one figure sold out in less than 15 minutes, and nearly half of what was available sold out before it ended. It's funny that you resort to lying when there are so many shitty things about the company that you could be saying. Not that you would know any of it, because all of your information is like the clothes that you wear: second hand.
The figure that sold out is a limited run con exclusive. Not everyone can tolerate the smell and lack of hygiene out of an average 4H fans to go to LegionsCon.
Now what excuse do you have for everything else that sold out?
Is singular
Is plural.
You always make this error, Subby. I know seamonkeys that have a better grasp of the language than your dumb third worlder ass does.
>7 figures out of 25 sold out, that means it was successful sale
>it was so successful 4H needed to bundle the rest in blind boxes, at a discount, to get rid of them! and then needed to use FOMO to convince people to buy them!
holy retard! saint of retards!
your logic is as retarded as ever!

BBTS takes a really long time to sell their stock, so they wouldn't take it.
They likely took the unsold stock to their garages to sell at conventions later, just like they normally do/did when their online store closes after the sale period.

>only a single person would ever speak ill of me and 4H
Did subjectanon create dozens of youtube accounts to criticize 4H on the comments section for shitting on their fans in that damage control video?
How many subjectanons bullied you in school?
Do you call your mom subjectanon everytime she slaps you for shitting your pants and calling you worthless because you can't clean yourself?
Do you believe God is subjectanon, because he created you to suffer in life?
Did you monitor which figures sold out even though you don't collect them anymore and have had a hateboner festering in your pants for 10 years? Because you still got it wrong. Valiant knight sold out. Vamps from Illythia wave sold out. Dwarf, Goblin and Half Giant from Deluxe LB wave sold out. Cavern Dwarf and Silverhorn Sentry from Reinforcements sold out. Tibius and Mephitor sold out. And finally, your faves, the Trolls all sold out. There might have been a couple of others that went on the last day, but I doubt it.
>>it was so successful 4H needed to bundle the rest in blind boxes, at a discount
What discount? They were standard price. $75 for two figures. One common from a recent wave, one rare from their warehouse finds/special production run just for this sale.
You make shit up all the time, Subby.
>How many subjectanons bullied you in school?
The retards had their own area away from us after we convinced one subjectanon that eating paste would protect him from cooties.
>scam tactics
Yikes. I wanted to love Mythic Legions and when I first discovered them I was definitely infatuated. But then I saw her in the morning without makeup. And heard her taking a monster shit. And noticed all of her annoying habits. Then I sold everything and jumped in the car and let out a big sigh as I drove 75 mph down the highway.
You big whiny bitch baby
These Egyptian gods might be the best things they've made.
Not saying much.
trips have spoken, sorry fanboy
Imagine being this stupid
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>it's actually crazy how dead this general has been for the last year
The slower generals have pretty much died since the two week autosage was implemented. Another unfortunate example is the spooky skeleton thread which would stay alive for months through small trickles of news and pics and is now dead except around October. Now no one wants to create a new thread just to post some small news or a personal haul/display.

Which reminds me of something I've wondered because of this. Would it be a good idea to create a generic epic/fantasy general? Mythic Legions, Vitruvian/Epic Hacks, Xesray, Animal Warriors of the Kingdom, Fury Toys, Furay Planet, D20, Neca D&D, DS LOTR, Biblical Adventures, the occasional related figure from other toylines...
OF course i didn't keep careful track of what sold out. All i noticed was not even half of what they put on sale disappeared from the store page, because they put their figures in orderly rows that are easy to keep track of.

What reason did you have to carefully keep track of what sold out? What person, outside of being a 4H employee, would even keep track of something like that?
Nevermind that a lot of that shit you're talking about didn't actually disappeared from the store page like the obvious ones that sold out. Were you clicking on every individual figure's page or trying to add them to your cart, to actually monitor sales that way? Who fucking does THAT?
Are you really that retarded that you don't realize how suspicious this behavior is, making you sound like a 4H employee?
This plus trying to downplay all of 4H's colossal fuck ups this year, you're anything but an employee.

>lowering the shipping fee isn't a discount
fucking retard
>Would it be a good idea to create a generic epic/fantasy general?

I thought it would be nice, I remember something like "figures that goes well with Mythic Legions" thread back in old forum and it was the only thread that is chill. But as this thread proves, 4H fans are special kind of autism and I'm afraid that it might ruin the thread for everyone else so it makes sense to keep 4H separate as containment thread whenever the generic fantasy thread is going on.
Yes, that was what I noticed had sold out when I got my order in on the second last day. Yes, they were listed as sold out on the main page. Stop trying to twist shit because you got caught lying again. Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean I am a 4H employee.
You know what is suspicious? Your 10 year grudge. I'm starting to think you are McFarlane's fuck boi who still can't get over the fact that 4H made their own line instead of sculpting Toddy's weird fetish shit.
>Lowering the shipping fee isn't a discount
Didn't lower it for international collectors, so no. It's not a discount. You know what BBTS does when they sell things at a discount? They lower the price of the item, not the fucking shipping.
I wasn't ordering that shit because I'd probably spend as a much as I would at BBTS only to end up with figures I didn't want.
You know what I don't do even though they still don't have Legion Builders as evergreen items and only do limited window sales for internationals who can't make it to the few conventions they attend?
You know what I don't do because 4H give preference to American customers?
Cry like a fucking bitch for 10 years.
We had a wizard thread not too long ago, and Subjectanon used it as an excuse to cry about Mythic Legions.
Go ahead, make a fantasy general and try to use 4HG as a containment thread. Nothing can contain the autism of Subjectanon.
What has happened in the last few years to /toy/? Most generals are full of overly angry autist who have to derail with threads just so you pay attention to them.
Terrible mods allowing terrible people to ruin it all.
>Stop trying to twist shit
says the guy 4H isn't in trouble because they needed to produce blind packs because their stock sold poorly
Says the guy who says people aren't receiving discounts in 4H's desperation tactics because some guy living in Abu Dhabi doesn't get that discount
Says the guy that these threads have become unpopular thanks to a sole anon
Says the guy who thinks everyone is samefag if they dislike 4H's horrible business decisions and/or shits on your retarded logic

And again, how can you possibly know all those figures sold out when a lot of them weren't taken off the store page? Suspicious. Trying to pull that tu quoque is retarded, because it's what fucking grade schoolers do when they're caught in the act.
Why are you monitoring their shit so closely? What do you gain from that? Or did you make up half of that shit up just to pretend 4H's sale went great... when everyone can see that they did their desperation sale a month later to get rid of the stock.

They've never done that before, so it makes sense that their latest fuck ups pissed off so many fans they didn't buy shit. These fucks are also why these threads have been dying for the past 5 years and Mythic LEgion Generals have been all but dead for the past year.

>You know what I don't do because 4H give preference to American customers?
No one outside of America matters
Love how you have to lie just to support your bullshit claims.
Mods just delete the thread, nuke it all. 4H/He-man is one of the most cancerous, toxic, scalpy, unhygienic toy fanbase there is.
>You are the king of retarded logic.
LOL, says the retard who has backpedaled his entire argument.
You made a response directly to one of my comments that their sales were poor, calling me a liar and bringing up how they totally sold out of half their shit, but now you're saying you weren't trying to contradict what i said?

You're a worthless retard whose words are equally worthless, because you're just going back on them and making more shit up. Completely worthless to argue with.

But I'm glad you also think 4H is a garbage company and deserves to lose all its customers, especially after their fucked up youtube video 4 months ago where they shat on their customers for complaining that their newest figures were snapping on them more than usual.

Pic that were getting deleted on forums, because shills think it's wrong to complain about toys from a company who produces shit quality.
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Your first claim here>>10999377
>it went poorly, thus needed to do this
Now see my first reply here >>10999381
>The sale went so poorly that one figure sold out in less than 15 minutes, and nearly half of what was available sold out before it ended.
Now see >>10999413
>7 figures out of 25 sold out, that means it was successful sale
I corrected you because you are a habitual liar.
You are trying to say that their in-stock sale was a dismal failure, because your feeble brain can only interpret things as absolutes. It can't have gone that badly if nearly half of the figures they had available sold out. I understand that English might be hard when you are a half-breed mutt, but try to keep up.
>But I'm glad you also think 4H is a garbage company and deserves to lose all its customers
I didn't say they deserve to lose all their customers. You are making shit up again, because all you are capable of doing is lying and seething. Absolute mental midget.
>Pic that were getting deleted on forums
It wasn't deleted from the forums, liar. Picrel is a screenshot from today, liar.
Keep seething for another 10 years you lying waste of space.
I always get so excited when I see one of these threads pop up because it means I get to read you guys doing this again
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Waiting on a Revoltech Jason and the Argonauts skeleton and a few other unrelated figures to arrive to rearrange a shelf and liberate a bunch of skeletons to pose with Thraice.
Contradicting you when you are wrong isn't backpedaling. Learn English, you filthy mudblood.
Sale wasn't great. Sale wasn't shit. The fact that you can't figure out that there is something in-between those two measurements shows what a window licking retard you are. How the fuck can you be so dense that you can't figure it out? Is it spic or injun genes that make you more retarded than the average burger?
You still can't figure out that they have increased production numbers from the era when you bought them when they would make less than 1000 units of some figures.
No I don't post in the Warhammer thread. I do browse it occasionally to watch the other anons make fun of the neighbourhood retard known as Subjectanon and call you a filthy secondary.
It's funny watching you show the level of your retardation in that thread too. You get really aggressive when you back yourself into a corner with your own lies in there too.
>dey deleted dis pic from dem forum
>you say you hope 4H lose dey customers
Gonna ignore those lies I pulled you up on, you lying half-breed?
Too bad. You are a liar. All you do is lie.
>retard who thinks selling half their stock isn't selling poorly and says discounts aren't discounts if it only applies to 99.1% of customers still trying to argue and making contrarian statements
What a worthless retard.

And since that anon who was documenting stuff like 4H's video where they shat on their fans for posting about the newest figures were breaking, I went into our archive and found what he was able to save.

Shit like this is what happens when fanboys bend over and defend shit quality, because then the company takes advantage of fanboys eating shit and makes their products even worse to save a buck or two.
You really are pathetic
You are getting desperate because you have been busted lying right through this thread.
Take the L, Subhuman.
... 7 is not nearly half of 25 my man
No, that's what Subby claimed sold out. The ones that did sell out were listed here >>10999455
Subby has been trying to say the line is doomed for the whole 10 years it existed. Even the earliest threads on the archive have posts that reek of his autism.
Thread theme:
/toy/ in general has been dead since that change, but yea a lot of slower threads just don't exist anymore because of it.

As for a Fantasy Figure general, I think that's a great idea and was planning to make one myself. But I wanted to use an OC pic and I have NOT had time to really mess with my figures as of late. Hell, I've had my Savage Crucible order for like two weeks and I haven't had a chance to even open the...surprisingly nice....shipping box.

But with so many new lines and especially all the one off releases popping up, a /ffg/ would probably be really nice.

....assuming one autist doesn't decide to shit up the thread.

That sounds awesome. You can probably build a really nice horde of bone boys with all the options we have these days. I remember when the Revol skeleton was like *the* only option, but skelebros eating good as of late.....which makes the loss of the /ssg/ even that much more heart breaking.
You are doing God's work.
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Loose Collector's Death Dealer with a damn big horse. Expensive, too.
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I actually agree. This is why pic related is the only Mythic figure I've ever ordered. It's an interesting mix of historical influences with varied yet believable coloration. Also just looks better than most of their stuff, more realistic and ornate.
.....that's amazing, probably the best DD I've seen yet. I may have to pick it up


Well that urge passed real quick.

Their newer stuff is so much better then the older wave figures it's like they're from a completely different toyline. Even figures are recent as Arethyr just feel outdated compared to what's coming down the pipe.
Are you talking to yourself? A ton of companies are doing fantasy action figures now.
>Anubis is brown like that!
>Post picture where it isnt
>Uhhhh, He's really a nigger just believe me bro despite not having a single image to back up my claim
Fuck you, black fetishisht. This is literally the first time I ever see a brown nigga Anubis
So in addition to Mythic Legions, there's:

>Animals Warriors of the Kingdom
>Savage Crucible
>Boss Fight HACKS
>Xesray Studios
>Biblical Adventures
>Almighty Legends
>Neca AD&D
>Loose Collector
>Frazetta Girls
>Maestro Union
>Storm Collectibles Golden Axe
>Fury Toys
>Axytoys Dinosaur Battlefield

And then there's the Skeleton Specific lines
>Redemption Skeleton
>Kulu World
>Epic HACKS Skeletons
>Fwoosh Skeleton

And that's just the stuff off the top of my head, not including all the one offs and random stuff that gets put out related to fantasy figures. But I get it may be hard to keep track of all these lines, so a /ffg/ would probably be super useful.
Just got these two in today, probably won't open them until the weekend though. But the boxes are *real* nice, as is usual for the FO stuff. I got a Fedex email saying a 4H package was coming next week and just assumed it was these guys, but I guess that'll be my Cosmic wave 3 guys since this shipment came USPS.
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I ended up liking this set more than I anticipated. Yet I didn't take a bounty of photos, I didn't really feel like pulling off the feet for the "human" swap-out looks. They're colorful and have a plethora of accessories. They clearly want to make more, so I'm hoping for Ra and Set next.
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They are back in stock on the Four Horsemen website. Says it is a limited supply.
>store horseman
oh that’s clever
I’m really on the fence with these, what do you guys think? I was into Egyptian mythology growing up so these seem like a no brainer, but idk… I’ve never bought any of their stuff before.
I'm getting fomoed so fucking hard with this set. The blue bastet heads are just so nice, and I know they'd go with something different for the retailer version.

You WILL NEED to heat them up before moving them when you get them out of the box, but they're pretty sturdy otherwise. The email they sent out for this sales period says they're definitely planning more of the pantheon for future release.
Did they announce somewhere these will be released again, forgive me I’m new to this. And if so, it’ll be different colors and less accessories or something and probably single releases? I bought this two pack, but if they release an all black Anubis I’d be kinda tempted to get that too.
Also I find it kind of weird Anubis didn’t come with the scale and a heart… I’m guessing they’ll probably put that with the retailer version since it’s a key accessory to try to get people to double dip.
Very likely, I think all of the other ones they've made got retail versions too.
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I've always wanted their old Anubos. It's cool and all that they're doing an actual Anubis, but he feels a bit like a consolation prize.
I don’t know, I think both kind of serve their place. The new one is more historically accurate whereas that is more of a just a cool armored Anubis.
They haven't announced it yet, but they've done it every time before. They haven't changed anything besides color for the past retailer versions, so the scale and feather would come with Osiris or Ammit if they get to them.
Thoughts on what could be the next Figura Obscura release? I’ve got my fingers crossed for a Sherlock Holmes.
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Please tell me you actually just posted these at both places and you’re not the guy who’s been stealing Reddit posts
He's the thief
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I posted the photos here and also there. Here's my family heirloom clown cookie jar that makes an appearance in the first photo in the background.
Thanks for clarifying anon. I assumed you posted them both but just wanted to be sure.
Now do you agree with this anon, >>11005781 that they need to be heated up once you get them out of the box? I’ve got mine on the way and just want to see if you did that.
Absolutely nobody cares subby, I bet you still bought the two pack anyways too
In my opinion, the retailer release version colors are always worse. I can’t think of a single one that was better than the original.
I think you could argue the Headless Horseman and the Masque of the Red Death looked better maybe, but the others were definitely worse.
I live in Pennsylvania and we've been experiencing a heatwave this week. New Jersey is about five hours away from where these Four Horsemen usually ship from. I didn't have to heat this particular set of figures to move the joints. The Poxxus wave however required it but those came during the late winter. I've never had to do this with the Figura Obscura line.
The one I cared for, Father Christmas, I preferred it in green over the red original.
I know the green could be considered to be more accurate, but idk I like the red. What’s the reason for your preference, anon?
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Nta, but I have the green one and kinda wish I got the red one since it's the more universally known color. I will admit, I like the alt brown bearded head that the green one comes with, and the Wisperling green arms would be super useful if I ever get another green elf I want to swap them on to.But the red does stand out way more and is just more recognizable in a normy christmas display. I'm happy with my green one though, he's a good figure overall and the green one does have an improved belt, which was a very nice touch.

That said, I much prefer the more Halloweeny colors of the Retail Horseman figure. The original FO is nice, but his build and colors are *way* too similar to the Vamp hawker who came out right around the same time. At the time I don't think Retailer versions of FO were a thing, but I think if I had known I would've waited for the much more colorful version of the Horseman.
More or less the reason you suggest. Red and green are the most common colors for him, with red being the most commercial one, so I found the green one appealing for differenciation. Thus I got the Naughty and Nice classic "Santa" for that full-on Coca Cola take on the character and the green Figura Obscura for a more traditional "Father Christmas" take.
>I can’t think of a single one that was better than the original.
Headless Horseman.
Just buy one already. Theyre not going to get any cheaper and some are cheaper than the others. There were liek 5 different versions and the main one is probably the cheapest.

Their older figures aren't made of shit plastic like their newer ones are, so you won't regret your purchase.
So which figura obscura release are we thinking is the best and worst so far? I’m thinking best is headless horseman or maybe even the Egyptian gods. Worst is probably Krampus.
Best is Masque of the Red Death, worst is Jacob Marley.
Really? I would actually say the opposite of this. Jacob Marley was amazing and the Masque of the Red Death was a little too obscure and not very visually interesting for me. The best thing out of that set was the clock.
where the FUCK is my wife Shunners?

>Another unfortunate example is the spooky skeleton thread which would stay alive for months through small trickles of news and pics and is now dead except around October
sheet, was just thinking about those threads unprompted the other day

bless those skeletards, they were great
>limited supply
>still available
Is this the longest a figura obscura has been up? It seems people aren’t as interested in this release.
It's a second batch after the first sold out
They probably thought it would sell out quickly because Anubis is popular in fantasy stuff. I honestly feel like they both would have sold pretty well if they were two separate packs instead of a two pack that is over $100.
The Monkey King
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Hm I’m surprised to hear someone say monkey king, I don’t think he’s bad persay but the upcoming Fury Toys Monkey King looks miles better in my opinion.
I personally much prefer this one, but for people who are collecting Mythic Legions already and like that form factor, I can see why they like that one. The paint does look really pretty on it.

The thing about this one that I like best are the expressions. SunWuKong is a jovial character, so it's great that he can be shown this way.
Krampus is only bad in so much that he was the first, and thus the most limited in build options and new parts. Similar to how Aerthyr is easily the worst of the Horsemen since he was the first and used the most retooled pieces.

I'd say Monkey King was actually one of the least popular FOs on the simple concept that a LOT of 4H collectors seem to somehow be entirely ignorant of the Journey to the West story and how popular it is globally. There was a lot of "what's this" and "why him" and many other companies offered more unique and interesting takes on the characters, often providing better articulation to boot. His sculpt and paint work are fantastic, and the whole figure is an amazing sight, but I don't think the character landed with as much impact as some others.
>LOT of 4H collectors seem to somehow be entirely ignorant of the Journey to the West story and how popular it is globally.
No shit?

All the current 4H fanboys only buy into the line because they're Hemanfags and only want HeMan analogues.
Why are you so obsessed with He-Man?
>Orcs, vampires, dwarves and elves are He-man analogues
I would say Subby took his retard pills again, but that implies that Subby isn't always retarded.
You do know that there are two actual He-man lines that He-man fags can buy right now, right?
You do know that 4H only do two He-man tribute figures a year, right?
You do know that you're dumber than a sack of potatoes, right?
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I skipped the Figura Obscura and got that one on preorder because the proportions seem much more monkey-like and it's probably more poseable. I wish they had included the rage face with the normal release, though the faces he got are pretty cool, too, and also I'm not sure what size he'll be.

Speaking of other lines, the Savage guys arrived and they are amazing. I love how sharp the skin detail is.
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If only they could stand better... It's a pain in the ass to balance them and they're likely to fall eventually.
The figures are somewhat tall and top heavy and the ankle joint is a bit weak between ratchets, but the sculpt of the soles is maybe the bigger sin. But it seems they are going to give replacement feet to backers and have them corrected from now on, so that's nice.
Why doesn’t Four Horseman prioritize the figura obscura line more? We get 2, maybe 3 releases a year. Especially when one of those will be a Christmas themed release. It seems to be their best selling line and theres a lot of people who only collect that from four horseman. I think four a year would be nice, one for each quarter.
>We get 2, maybe 3 releases a year.
That's the point dumbshit. It's supposed to be special drops.
Do backers have to do anything special to get these "replacement" parts for the SC Lizards? I haven't opened mine yet, but I don't wanna miss out on a fix to a potential problem because I've been too busy to enjoy my toys.

Just curious, by what metric have you decided it's their best selling line?
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Here’s a sneak peek of how Friday’s gonna go. On some other places than the Cabal people are bitching about too many big sales one right after another and the FO one earlier in the month. This is exactly what they’ll do.
Cry more
No need to be so rude, it could still be special with one or two more releases a year. As it is it’s going to take several years to get a sizeable Egyptian pantheon and years to get all the Christmas Carol ghosts. My current main want from them right now is Sherlock Holmes, because he doesn’t have any good figures and I bet they’d release Watson or Moriarty first for some reason and then take another two years for us to get Holmes. For singular releases the line works fine, but when they release figures that are clearly part of a set, the one or two releases a year doesn’t work really.

I mean they always quickly sell out and there’s plenty of people who only collect the figura Obscura line.
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>retard who doesn't understand what analogues are
4H is capitalizing on "what if He-Man had elves/vampires/trolls/etc", hence their bizarre scale and exaggerated He-man-like proportions on even shit like the skeletons. Even their cosmic shit is just an extention of He-Man, since they're techno-barbarians and the second He Man series was in space.
They're expanding on what Mattel has produced or would have produced, if He-Man was popular.

I don't understand why're your in denial that 4H is directly aiming this shit at He-manfags, especially since it looks out of place when standing next to 99% of other toylines.
>They're expanding on what Mattel has produced or would have produced, if He-Man was popular.
No they aren't.
>4H is directly aiming this shit at He-manfags
That's why MOTU general is full of 4H discussion.
Oh wait, it isn't.
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Why would the MOTU thread even have 4H discussion when a general for 4H discussion exists?
Again, you're proving how retarded you are, just like your "nuh uh"

Anyone with eyes and even a little bit of knowledge about Heman knows what 4H is doing, hence looking out of scale with pretty much every other 1/12 line out there.
You have actual mental issues
It's a good thing you're such an obsessed fanboy faggot, if you didn't say anything I never would've known about a sale this friday. I'm curious what they're gonna do now that they're past the whole "every faction gets a wave" thing.

While the FO do sell out quick and draw attention from non-fan collectors, their big waves are usually incredibly popular with the fans. The FO figures are great and all, but I can't see how random release single figures would ever do bigger numbers then a hotly anticipated major wave featuring multiple new characters.

I do agree a more frequent release schedule for the FO wouldn't hurt too much. Dropping them quarterly would certainly help people to expect and budget for these random drops.

It's hilarious and kinda sad how obsessed he is with both He-Man and the 4H. Despite the two lines only crossing over in non-canon con exclusive figures, he's convinced of this delusional conspiracy that only He-man fans buy 4H figures and thus all 4H figures are specifically aimed at He-man fans.

I mean, even with the most basic understanding, the idea makes no sense. But a crazy mind is a hard thing to unravel, and conspiracy nuts are almost impossible to discuss anything with.
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>Despite the two lines only crossing over in non-canon con exclusive figures, he's convinced of this delusional conspiracy that only He-man fans buy 4H figures and thus all 4H figures are specifically aimed at He-man fans.
Are you only saying this shit just to avoid being sued by Mattel?

Because anyone with eyes knows that 4H has been trying to capitalize on Heman fags for a very long time.
It's the only reason why they're in the He-Man style/scale in the first place.
We've seen collections from people in these threads and everywhere else that Hemanfags are the last people who still buy into this line.

Might as well pretend that 4H's fanbase is as big as ever and didn't lose practically all of it after 9 years of constant fuck ups.
>Do backers have to do anything special to get these "replacement" parts for the SC Lizards?
I don't think they've given any details. An anon in the furfag general posted a video where the maker talks about it just verbally for now.
I'm a little underwhelmed. They just look like people wearing animal masks. There's a lot of more creative ways they could have gone with showing these cahracters.

I’m confused what exactly the video you linked did better, but if you just want animal colored figures those will most likely be the retail release. These were more historically based on ancient art.
>Sherlock Holmes
shit taste anon, that would be one I would definitely skip if they did it
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>"On Friday, May 31st starting at 7:00pm EST, [...] we reveal each of the figures in this new wave at YouTube.com/FourHorsemenStudios4H.
>The StoreHorsemen.com preorder for Mythic Legions: Ashes of Agbendor will begin immediately following the livestream at 8:30pm EST."
A mini-wave, then? Or are they just going to show the figures faster than previous waves, without guests and stuff?
Probably without guests, they only really have those for the con stream reveals. They've done other full wave reveals like this where they just hammer through em.

I'm very curious to see what they'll be putting out this time. With a much larger part library and no faction theme to be stuck to, I'm hoping we get something creative this time around.

Also rogues. This line really needs rogues.
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I got an email next week I'll receive my Kalian Shunners!
I can't wait!
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I will never not be pining for this Forc Pirate concept.

Nice, that Thraice head is probably the best face they've put out in the line to date and it's literally the only reason I grabbed this mismash of a character.
Noone else is bothered by the proportion of female MLs? Bastet is fine because she is a cat god, but any other female really suffers, including Thraice who otherwise had top tier headsculpt
I’m curious what others think the figura obscura for Christmas could be, I know there’s only so many things they could do, but since they did Marley last year, I’m thinking maybe something more traditional this year? An elf and reindeer set would be nice or maybe Old Man Winter/Jack Frost?
Nah, you're bitching over nothing
I'm really curious what this wave is gonna be, since we've been following a pattern for so long, but that's done now.
My guess based on the
>Join us as we return to Mythoss in the aftermath of the Second Great War
that they'll expand on the 2.0 figure concept and give us some new versions of established characters, but at a later point in time. Kinda like with Attlus.
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In related-ish news, Xesray Romans arrived. I got them from two different stores and both shipments arrived today.
They are my first Xesray males and their body construcion doesn't seem as solid as the one gladiatrix I got, maybe because the pieces are earlier. Very nice figures, though, especially for non-US customers for which these end up being cheaper than Legions.

I wish the heads were just a bit smaller, but that's a general thing in the line. I don't know why they haven't done a slow, stealthy reverse head size creep on the heads over the years. I get they were originally meant for 4" and somewhat oversized for detail, but I think people would appreciate slightly smaller heads after that.
Why are they black?
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Mediterranean tan.
Btw,I wish they could lower their arms more. They don't have the excuse of an armor everlay, since the upper torso has the armor sculpted on with no body underneath.
Those elbow joints look rough
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new knight builder that's reminiscent of the old one
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Yeah, new gobbos!
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Gobbo time!
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Your mom looks rough
Very interesting. There's the right amount of extra stuff to pimp a few other existing figures up without there being too many wasted pieces to pay for.
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new angel
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Gold Skeleton 2 is also an angel!
Didn't like the old gold skelly, didn't like the first pic of the new one, but giving it wings makes it look pretty awesome
Shit, I want that
New Snowgre
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pic got lost in a blizzard apparently
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Oh shit, the other head goes hard
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>Also rogues. This line really needs rogues.
hope you're a furry
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>you just know
>hope you're a furry
I am
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>update for my mythicfu
I'll have 10 please
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I love this pic
This shit is why I love this line
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>another bighead derp
I like the goblins, probably buying them, and my dick may dictate to buy Azza even though it's Thraice's head again. Not feeling the others too much, and some of them give too strong of a cheap palette/head swap vibe.
Cry more
yeah, they mentioned it's mostly reused parts and the few new ones are already in development so they can get the wave out within 12 months. Makes sense to do a wave that has more reuse, since they ramped up new parts significantly over the last few waves, but it's a bit disappointing nonetheless
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>bare goblin limbs
This changes everything. I am going have to buy like four of this set just so I can make more custom goblins. The porc and new big nose heads are nice too.
These guys are neat. I probably won't buy them though.
Nice Knight

These are neat, but I prefer more cutesy goblins so I’ve been using Plunderings in my display
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you mean this guy?
This guy looks like he watches Stargate.
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or this guy?
Tell me you haven't been inside a Pharaoh's tomb without telling me that.
>aren't made of shit plastic like their newer ones are
The new ones aren't made of shit plastic either.
holy shit if you want a black Anubis so bad I’m sure the retailer version will be that so just wait and buy that you absolute faggot
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Oh so you just want an actually black Anubis and are throwing a hissy fit about it.
There are only really two common depictions of Anubis. The Egyptian dude with a dog head that we got and the full furry version that you want. They always do retailer versions of these guys so you are probably going to get your wish.
Yup, it’s weird how he seems to want a “historically accurate version” although this main version IS historically accurate.
Oh thank goodness it's a fairly mediocre wave. Very few actual must have stand out oh-my-god-amazing figures. Mostly "would be kinda cool" types, some "I guess that's nice" figures and even a "wtf why?" character. It's almost the complete opposite of the last wave.

Gobs I'll get, just because the parts alone make the set worth it. I'll get the cat dude because, while I'm not actually a furry, I've been wanting a good rogue forever and all he'd need is a new head and I'd be set. Also, I love how he comes with *all* the knives. Kinda even tempted by the mage dude, even though I don't actually like the whole "old man wizard with colorful robes" deal.

Azza is kinda cool, but not really different enough from her first one to be that interesting. Centaurs are always awesome, but don't really need a second. The Angel guy actually looks fantastic without the wings and with the alt helmet. Kinda like a super tough non-boss guard type enemy. The Frost Ogre is kinda the same way, as it looks better with the Alt Frost Giant head. Though the Knight Builder is fantastic for anyone who didn't get a Valiant Knight or who's new to the line in general.

Overall, nothing in this wave feels like a "must have" and I am perfectly fine with that. It means I can cherry pick the crap out of it and not worry about fomo for potentially cool figures. A solid B- wave if I ever saw one and I am ok with that.
Some people bitch just to bitch.
Hi Subby
>not liking every single four horseman release automatically makes you subjectanon
I really wish these figures would start getting some real articulation added to them. So many figures they make i really like the look of.... but all the joints are single jointed and can only hit like 80 degrees max. It's a shame.
That’s just not true.
Subby doesn't buy Mythic Legions, and hasn't for at least 5 years.
He only comes to the thread to tell us how much 4H hate their fans because of a stream he didn't watch, and how their figures always break in waves he hasn't bought, and how they are going to go out of business because he thinks their figures not selling out instantly like they used to means they have no fans anymore, mainly because of that stream he didn't watch that he had to dig through the archives to get screencaps of the negative comments from. He hasn't mentioned interest free loans in a while, or posted his Rancor pics this thread though, but since there has just been a stream, he should be back later tonight, and I should win at Subjectanon Bingo if he posts one of his classic images. I've got 3 rows nearly filled.
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Swing and a miss my dude. But thanks for showing off exactly the kind of damage a disingenuous asshat like him can do to any kind of honest discussion of the line.

I'm a huge fan of the line and the company in general, but that don't mean everything they make is perfect. But he's poisoned this place so badly, even making minor criticisms gets people labelled as haters and it stifles any actual discussion of the line as a whole.

These guys get it. I've been following the line since the literal start, and though I have over a hundred of these guys it don't mean I never had a complaint or critique about em. But I can point out flaws and problems while still finding the overall quality and direction of the line to be positive as I genuinely do love these figures.

This wave don't have any new parts, it's "2.0" character isn't some stellar rework or re-imagining, there are no hotly demanded or expected new characters and more then half the wave is army builders without being actual Legion Builders. It's honestly not as good of a wave as their previous big waves. That don't mean these figures are *bad*, they're just not really all that exciting on their own.

.....except the Gold Skeleton 2, that one's just full of "wut". It's nice they finally gave it a back story, but I don't think anyone was clamoring for *more* oddly colored skeleton soldiers.
>It's honestly not as good of a wave as their previous big waves.
This isn't one of their big waves, which are always at the end of the year. It's more like the recent All Star waves, but instead of actual rereleases, they did updated versions of old shit along with the new stuff like the gobbos. It's pretty much in line with the last two All Star waves, which were new figs that were mostly repaints with new heads, plus a couple of rereleases.
don't lie.
4H has been using shit plastics for 8 years and people have been complaining for 8 years. This is why the Mythic Legion threads have lost most of their population by 2020.
Nevermind their last damage control video, where they had even higher numbers of people complaining.

You can pretend it's only samefag lying about having problems, but the fact is these threads went from having 120-80 posters as the norm but last count before 4chan removed the unique poster count at the bottom, it was half that by 2020.
And i'd like to point out that their in stock sales also used to last only a day. For the past 4 years, they sales have remained up for much longer and we've seen how stuff that supposedly sold out returns. PLUS, the last sale we saw how they needed to give a discount AND sell shit as a blind set, because they had so much shit left over.

Only goes to show how they're overproducing for a shrinking fanbase.
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kek when I'm working my garden in the summer my skin will look exactly like that within a week, and I'm a regular ghost most of the time.
>people have been complaining for 8 years.
You don't count as people. You have the wrong number of chromosomes.
>thanks for showing off exactly the kind of damage a disingenuous asshat like him can do to any kind of honest discussion of the line.
The problem is the simple fact that these shills are the only people really left in these threads now.

99% of the old fans have left, hence the complete dearth of photos from the many different people we used to have, because 4H lost the trust of their fans after releasing shoddy product after shoddy product.
So who's left? Only the most ardent fanboys, who think 4H has done no wrong, and the shills. If you're not completely positive about the toyline, these shills will attack you and since these shills seemingly don't own any of the toys, what's there to discuss?
"BUY THIS! BUY THAT!"? That isn't conductive for any toy brand.

And the photos that are taken, there's nothing really exciting about them, because 4H doesn't want to spend the money on improving beyond 2003-level engineering. You can't pick up new fans that way, because new fans expect better than boring-ass straight up and down standing poses. Why should anyone spend money on $50 toys when they can get something modern and isn't just a retool of a retool for the same price?
Nevermind the shit plastics that are even worse than before, hence me not buying anything in the past couple of years after experiencing breakage problems with every wave i bought into. I'm still a fan of 4H, and will buy their McStatues because they have good designs, but man, i'm waiting for these assholes to produce a wave that doesn't suffer from shit plastics.
Yawn, you want to bring out your rancor photos next and cry about that for another ten years? You pussy.
>I'm still a fan of 4H,
>and will buy their McStatues because they have good designs,
Subby, 4H haven't worked for your waifu for over 20 years.
Personally I don't think that some of the old /toy/ posters having stopped posting their figures is really a sign the line has lost tons of fans, I think it's a sign that these threads declined in quality and it's not fun anymore. Personally, I'm sick of

>subby subby subby, FH bad, rancor guy, whine, whine whine, Broken joint collage, muh cabal

I know for a fact that several of the anons who used to post pictures still collect the line, but just don't post here, and generally I'm one of them. Life is too short to deal with people shitting up discussion here.
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Fair enough point, I guess I got spoiled by the Sons wave. I don't think it's a particularly bad wave overall though, most figures look great and there's a nice variety to the wave as a whole. The new Azza is also an improvement over the original though I do wish she got a new, unique head instead of just a repaint of Thraice. Something to make her a bit more unique of a figure warranting the 2.0 treatment.

The only figure that confuses me is the Gold Skeleton. They weren't that popular of a Legion Builder, so why make it a deluxe army builder with wings? Maybe if it was a unique character it'd make more sense, but it's a bit overpriced for what it's intended purpose is supposed to be. We have plenty of other army builders this wave so I don't see why this guy made the cut.

Personally, I'm just getting the Goblins, the Knight Builder and the cat dude, all the rest are nice figures but none of them fill any holes in my collection.

I've been in these threads from the start and I agree, it's more the toxic dumbass ruining the threads rather then people not being fans of the line. If the line were doing poorly, we wouldn't see such regular releases of increasing quality and new parts. But again, nothing that dude ever says is even remotely true and I'm at the point where I just hide his posts and pretend like they never happened. This thread works way better that way imo.

Anyway, random gerbil.
I'm almost certainly going to get Iosef and the Gold Skeleton (to upgrade Scaphoid and have a repentant skelly), but I'm still debating the Gobs and Blue Shield.
I have a good number of goblins already, so the set offers a lot of variety, but it pushes the ranks further than I'd like and doesn't have the 2.0 fur loin cloth options to go with the bare limbs.
The knight builder set has a lot of really nice options, but the base armor doesn't hit as hard as the Valiant Knight and I'm still pissed about missing it in the stock sale.

Azza does less for me than Thraice and Belualyth. Xue feels too busy with the long beard, heavy cuffs, robes, hood, and armor. I wish the ogre had tattoos or new calves and feet. I don't need the centaur. The cat burglar's nice enough, but I only really want the shadow elf repaint of Duban's head.

I'll wait to put orders in until after a few other companies have the chance to show off their new stuff, because between Joes, Action Force, and some preorders coming in, it might be a tight month.
>between Joes, Action Force, and some preorders coming in, it might be a tight month.

Yea, I feel that. Had I known this wave was dropping, I probably would've passed on the FO release.
please show me an elbow from mythic legions hitting a >90 degree bend..... Any modern figure should be able to hit the "iron man pose" at least half assed. Not a single horseman figure can do that. Not one.
What does the "iron Man pose" have to do with 90 degree bends in elbows? The arms are almost perfectly straight.
But I also feel that the valiant Knight is plenty capable of the kind of poses I'd expect from a knight.
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I wish the headress was cloth so it wouldn't hinder the new neck articulation.

I'm loving them both I'm hoping for more Egyptian themed figures not just a one off.
Took this pic eight years ago.

The new Knight build just *feels* so nice to move that it makes me not want to mess with the older figures as much.

Damn that cat got some stretch. I still haven't gotten into mine and my Cosmic wave 3 stuff just came in as well, growing my backlog even larger. Damn adulting crap has eaten up way too much of my toy time lol.
lmao imagine seeing a dude hold a bow like that in real life.
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Oh yea no, the original figures were awful with bows. The in/out wrist hinges and bulky armored elbows did them no favors. Even the 2.0 figures struggled imo, mostly due to the wrists. It wasn't until you got up/down wrists and better range of chest motion could these guys hold bows decently.

But they could still do the "Iron Man" pose, which is what was requested.
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I still have a backlog as well due to my work schedule but they're totally worth opening up asap.

Did a few head swaps I have some of the Scarabs I should post them together later.

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