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Last one autosaged.

>The World of Bionicle
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

Previous thread: >>10981224
With Quake Beast secured I can safely say my set collection has maxed. I no longer desire any other Bionicle sets, thank god
Now once I move I can hopefully set up a space to build once again
it's appropriate that the butt is the main focus in this image, because it's a shit ass build
Nice. But if you start MOCing you'll probably need more parts. A vicious and endless cycle.
Oh trust me, way ahead of you on the parts. I've got a whole trove I've been organizing and putting away from bulk bins and whatnot
I've got several builds I've been wanting to do for years now but haven't had the time or space to do them.
1) Gadunka titty moc
2) Voltron-like build with multiple modes and units
I assume basic inikashit and messy piles of technic parts only justified by "le sovl" are more up to your speed then.
I'll take pretty much anything over a bunch of cut up parts loosely assembled into coomerslop by a fart fetishist
Shoving tires over axles always looks stupid as fuck, who started that shit
Nah it doesn't, you're just a broke ass hater.
how to deal with cracked joints on all my shit? Do I just bite the bullet and look for replacements? Any guarantee those won't come dead on arrival?
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Between the shoe laces and whatever the fuck these modified pegs are, this is probably the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.

If they're hairline fractures and the joints aren't loose then you're probably okay. If they're lime pieces post 2007 (or any new moulds past 2008), it's a crapshoot. The only piece I've ever had break was a claw for tan glatorian.
Makes you mad huh whiteboy?
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Use this image next time you post this, it'll be funnier. Use "Ko-Matoran" too.
Many hairline fractures at leg and arm connections. A few hands are cracking in very troubling spots, both old style and Glatorian. Some joints are cracked all the way through but aren’t loose yet. Most colors. All years 07-10. I assume they all get worse the more I handle them? No more posing for me I guess…
I think the worst one is an 08 Takanuva hand - loose and visibly starts to come apart if I move it or lightly pull on it. That’s the first replacement I should make?
Another note on the Takanuva - its knees are insanely stiff and creaky. Nothing is broken from what I can tell - should I be worried?
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Fuck the LEGO Group and Lego purists. The future is bootlegs, off brand Lego-compatible construction toys, modified parts, illegal techniques and 3D printing
isn't happening...
stage 5: acceptance
I hate AI slop like the next guy, but holy shit, imagine being so worried about your shit ass ugly digital troon MOCs being used for AI learning.
renders arent real mocs. also isnt there a program to edit pictures to fuck up ai learning?
I think websites should always allow you to opt out of your images being used for AI, but I don't really get why people freak out over it. Literally everything you post online becomes a data point, AI or not. It's not like people can't already just manually download any image you post and do whatever they want with it, including using it to train AI.
I doubt they're worried about that and more just standing in solidarity. You can just hate your shit, no matter what it is, being used without your permission.
At least they're building something unlike the rest of this thread
>building something
Really says something to how far this general has fallen that we never break bump limit anymore and it's instead just shitposters trying to start whatever drama they can
>you le disagreed with me, you are just le shitposter trying to start le drama
grow a pair faggot
I tried using Inika heads way long ago, and if you're a poor MOCist like myself, then it's pretty difficult to make use of. They're big, and putting them side by side makes the chest very wide.
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>rahkshi heads
Honest to god, if you make coom MOCs like that as a grown as man, fuck off to twitter with all the other mental midgets and kid touchers. Zemata could use the company.
BONUS: Here is a 1 minute doodle pf that moc that probably had more effort put into it (Read: N O N E).
>fuck off to twitter with all the other mental midgets and kid touchers
Anon... this isn't Reddit. You know that, right?
Did you really get assmad enough to doodle that?
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>keep having The Bionicle Dream
>cave in and buy some sets from Bricklink
>pretty cool to build them when they get here
>feeling lasts 15 minutes
>still feel empty because there's no new bionicle smell, unboxing experience, and the sets aren't actually mine, it was some dude's first
>still want to buy more and more because the dreams won't stop
2003 Takanuva is on his way.
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So is bootlego banned from use by the bio/g/ council?
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Although, G2 Pohatu was a very fun build. I am very mixed on G2 sets because they feel too busy and bulky, but god I fucking love G2 Pohatu. Simple build, fantastic color scheme, cool weapons, mask feels modern but also very Mata. I wish the other Toa, I mean masters, were this good.
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I see no reason not to brandmix desu.
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>Axonn: Peter Cullen.
>Brutaka: Hugo Weaving's Megatron.
Post your fan casts.
Gay if you think Vezon has a goofy joker clown voice or something though. His first appearance where he just was a fucking psycho is great, and then Greg neutered him into a goofy PG13 Deadpool.
The movies were also well cast I think. Takua and Jaller suck but I really like Takanuva.
Robots in ragged capes and shit will never not be cool as hell
I'm still miffed about the trans-yellow green bones, but I thank them every day for taking Pohatu in the direction they did, light brown included
I think I'm going to try and collect all the mainline bonks and most of the Titans from early years.

I think basically anything pre-Piraka/Ignika is what I want. Basically anything with a gear train on it.

Rahi are a bit expensive so I might skip those despite wanting them for like 2 decades.

Old bonks are surprisingly cheap at least for the main liners.
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Good luck. I just finished up getting most of what I've been after, only a few smaller sets I actually want at this point.
Most of the canister sets shouldn't be hard or even that expensive to come by. You're in even better luck if you can find local people selling bulk bins of sets, you can usually get great deals on a good chunk of those with the occasional titans.
I would personally recommend getting the rahi (and any rahi-analogous set like the Bahrag or the master builder set) if you can afford it. May not be too terrible, but the masks and a few rarer parts are the killers of course. But the functionality and their imposing designs make them very worth having around, and imo they are still the best sets of the entire line.
Do you have the base version of this image?

Yeah I love the Rahi designs especially the Manas which are like 150+ I think now.

I have:
Onua Nuva
Takanuva, though I disassembled his speeder for parts
Whatever the black Metru was
Toa Iruini
The white Rahaga
All Rahkshi except the Stars one (which is the only Stars I want)
Red and blue Vahki
Red black and green Bohrok
Green Bohrok Kal

Then the uhh, I think supposed to be brown Ignika, the black Barraki, and Spinax but my brother has Maxilos.
Then I have the Bohrok queens but they're in pieces right now, but I should have all the pieces.
Then like 3 of the McTorans.

Long way to go but I got a start.

Top of my list is rounding out all the G1/G2 and Bohroks, and Keetongu. I really like Keetongu and the Exo Toa.
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Got it right here
You're off to a good start, shouldn't be too hard to get a lot of those finished up.
>Keet and Exo-Toa
I know the latter gets pricey at times, but Keet is a common enough titan I've noticed. And I get the feeling G2 sets are going to be a lot more easy to come by in the next few years once more kids from that era move out and their parents sell their stuff.
Those ones I listed are all my childhood ones, I haven't bought a bonk in over a decade basically.

I am about 50% sure all of my canisters are still in my parents attic. Dad MIGHT have gotten rid of them though and I know some of the Rahkshi ones were fucked up.
>feeling lasts 15 minutes
because you aren't building mocs, dummy
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Sad I was forced to give my Bionicle bin away.
I'm pissed that my dumbass kid self skipped some good sets like Matoro or the Mahri and most of the Barraki, but I'm glad I kept the 2001 Rahi, the 2006 Titans and the Jetrax T6, Kaxium and Thornatus for display. I think they look fantastic. Trying to keep at least one iconic set from each wave (except 2004 and 2005, the sets weren't that great in my opinion).
I kind of want Vezon and Fenrakk, but it feels dumb since I technically already own them with Kardas, but I don't wanna disassemble it because these joints are getting brittle and I go back and forth on which monster I like more.
He feels like he was designed by a different team. He looks sleek and well designed, with an excellent color balance. The light brown and silver go together beautifully and the yellow-green is a nice highlight color. I wish Lego didn't panic with the disgusting yellow and orange and gunmetal shit they tried to do, all they needed to do was find a way to balance brown. Brown by itself is ugly, but balance it with other colors and you have something great.
He feels like what the 2008 Toa Nuva were supposed to be: Make them look armored with silver with their primary colors popping as highlights, but god knows why they made Tahu and Gali dark red and dark blue. Their colors look awful. Not to mention how boring Kopaka looked without light blue highlights.
G2 got the colors mostly right, especially with the return of purple. But then they fucked up by overusing gold.
Yeah if Bionicle did anything truly wrong in either generation, it was fucking up color balance and using silver and gold FAR too heavily in color schemes.
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The elemental creatures are cute.
is the ice one literally just the earth one but slightly less
The gear function is different.
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I honestly really liked some of their parts.
What's that shadow trap next to Melum? He didn't even come with one.
g2 was so fucking ugly my god
those aren't even the worst offenders
They tried to make the greebling of the second wave more G1 but it ended up looking alien. The sets are kind of cool in a vacuum, but they don't really feel Bionicle. The first waves accomplished this better, I think, to be a new more sleek Bionicle, then the second wave of Toa tried to be something it wasn't.
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heres mine
i used to have the card game too
but never played with it and threw it away (kinda cringe desu)
but it did take up a bit of space
oh and about 10% of those pieces I chewed on
so never gonna get those sets 100%
im sure I took some mild brain damage from that
(and banging my head into the wall as a yungin because mild autism or something)
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i really need to start getting those rahi sets but i would need to put in a new shelf to fit them
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I've thought of using Inika heads for boobs myself but indeed they just seem too awkward. It'd probably take some weird chopping to make them look good as boobs or some joint-based finagling.

Anon, I get that you're upset, but you made two, if not three cardinal mistakes here

>assmad over someone else doing whatever they want
>pulling the grown-ass-man card on a thai stonecarving bazaar (in the toy aisle no less)
There are entire threads on this board, literally an entire general, devoted to coomer toys. Entire toylines are dedicated to being coomerbait and explicitly have customer bases of grown ass degenerates like you and me. You might not be enough of a sexual degenerate to make coomer builds but like it or not you're going to share the pool with them as long as you yourself, as a grown ass man, are into toys. You going out of your way to say the guy made no effort when he himself admitted immediately that MOCing wasn't his strong suit is also poor form, but you are unhappy with him for making it so whatever.

You could've done something really constructive if you'd have actually made some suggestions to improve the MOC, even used that to direct the anon away from the coomerism you so hate, but you instead wasted your time making what is basically fanart of a MOC you hate. Say whatever you want about anon's MOC, because indeed it could use work, but at least when he made it made it he was doing something he liked.
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I really enjoy this dude's MOCs.
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I just need two more parts for mantax and I'm satisfied with my collection.
I really should get one of those boxes of generic rubberbands already. The original ones aren't even snapping anymore, they just suddenly disintegrate without making a sound or leaving any material behind.
the chest helmets look so fucking dumb
I don't see you making anyting.
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Fair's fair. Personally I think this guy does them really well.
>giraffe with fat milkers
Wholesome meme right there, a real RAO RAO RAO of a Coom if you will.
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quick backstory
>loved bionicle as a kid
>grew out of it, box of bonkles left at my parents house
>last year, find lewa mata complete along a brown and red hau at thrift shop
>get right back into it

I promptly got my old bonkles back which consisted mostly of toa nuva and bohroks aswell various 2004 sets.

I quickly realized that I'm most fond of the first years. My first goal was to get the rahi, as I only got the nui-rama as a kid. On top of these I've managed to collect a complete collection of the toa mata masks, save a red miru.

I've not really spent much money either, I've consistently bought big bulk lots, saved whatever I want and then sold the remaining sets/masks on bricklink

Got all sets back in 2016 when gen 2 released but realized that it wasn't for me. The tohunga are my holy grails since I'm european so they're quite rare to come by
What are these purple rings from?
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3250 15x15 girders
Quite new part introduced in the past year or so
She cute.
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Can anyone explain to me where this 2025 Bionicle thing is coming from? Is there any legitimacy to it or is it just gay fanfiction?
retards huffing hopium like they've done each year since they cancelled bionicle gen 2
Some leaker posted it last year and just2good made a video about it and said they're a trustworthy leaker. I haven't been following this stuff but people say that their other leaks posted along the Bionicle one turned out to be fake. Though some say that it's a reposter whose leaks are fake not the original poster's, so I don't know and I haven't bothered yet to look it up properly.
its mostly copium desu
i doubt they'll bring it back with just how much g2 flopped.
but lego is going pretty hard on mechshit/system constraction atm so i could see something constraction related on the horizion.

honestly my bet would be that we see a constraction transformers theme. it matches lego's current modus operandi of replacing in house themes with license shit:
>space => star wars
>castle => lotr/D&D
>adventureres =>indiana jones
>fabuland => animal crossing

bionicle => transformers is a reasonable guess.
>i doubt they'll bring it back with just how much g2 flopped.
I don't think the G3 leaks are real, but a lot of stuff changed both about TLG, the Lego community and the world in general since then. Nostalgia for Bionicle among non fans and more casual fans has only grown since then, and TLG is most likely aware of that. So I don't think the failure of G2 is that much of a factor at this point, if they're planning to bring back Bionicle or not is another question.
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I still stand by the wait and see metric.
G2 and the GWP were leaked under similarly vague and questionable circumstances, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
The only way we'll know for sure is if we get a blurry and low quality pic like those previous two instances. By historic measure we should see *something* in the next month or two if there's any truth to this rumor.
Ninjago deserves all the fucking blame for this, it normalized the overuse of goldslop.
It's literally just the one directly below but edited, look at the "tail".
How do you put that much effort into detailing and still use the most banal shit-tier fucking reddit Metru shoulder attachment?
this isn't organized in any particular order, but I have a few.

I hear Nuparu as Bryan Cranston, he has a surprisingly wide vocal range.

Brian Drummond would make a good Bitil, he's already the VA for Matau and Onewa.

In my head I hear Tren Krom sounding like Dee Bradley Baker's Gravemind voice.

Also hot take but I could totally hear Jaller, Hahli, Kongu and Hewkii keeping their previous VAs as Toa. The Toa Metru and Takanuva sounded like their Matoran selves, only deeper, so I don't see any reason to change that.
cool drawing
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I had the dream. This one was about full bootleg sets, entire ranges and lines being sold as bootlegs at this weird vietnamese store. Are there any places to buy bootlegs of old sets or get them made on demand? like how digital designer used to be back in the day?
>Are there any places to buy bootlegs of old sets
You can get some Hero Factory, G2 and Star Wars ultrabuild bootlegs from Aliexpress and Temu, no G1 though.
>or get them made on demand
No, unless you're okay with 3D printing. Making all the custom moulds for a set would be expensive as shit.
>like how digital designer used to be back in the day
Even with LDD you could only buy builds with pieces that were in production at the time in a limited range of colors.
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I just like having the Metru body as the core for my Metru style Toa. I know there are other ways to go about the shoulders, and I've tried them on other builds, but it just is the way it is on this one. Not sure why you're mad about it.
>find Karzahni mostly complete in a $50 lot
>missing one leg, both Vakama Hordika heads, trap is missing the blades, and both matoran are missing their masks
I'd be dumb not to pay for the other parts, wouldn't I
that's pretty much all the rare exclusive parts so I wouldn't
I found 3 big plastic bins with complete sets (give or take a few) up to metru nui yesterday. All free via a moving sale. They've even got the instructions!
Are there MOC instructions for this? Such a sick build
Yeah that's what I'm trying to figure. Main thing is I'd flip this fucker with the other sets in the lot so it's not like I'd lose money in the end.
Too blocky and unshapely and the greebling doesn't make sense.
oh I missed that part, if it's a decent lot then sure I'd go for it
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have this random meme i made years ago and found again while browsing some old files.
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Let's see your style then, show off your builds.
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Please ignore that other faggot, your builds are sovl and I love the little details. I want to include more translucent parts as highlights in my builds too
Oh no don't misunderstand me, I don't have a specific problem with the metru problem as a base. It's just that particular way of attaching the shoulders that irks me. I'm glad to hear that you have tried other ways. Laziness is a perfectly valid excuse, I think we've all just given up and done a glorified Inika build at one point or another. Like this fellow. >>11019422
It's not actually that, it's more the fact that it's an ass "solution" to the articulation problem of default Metru shoulders, since literally the only range of movement it contributes is upward, and if you actually do move it that way it creates illegal tension against the doublesocket of the shoulder proper. Whenever I see one of those forumtroon contest entries that uses it, I can only assume their thought process was
>Is there literally any ball joint in there at all?
>Yep perfect now it has a full realistic humanoid 360 degree range of movement
I'm perfectly willing to admit that I'm a bit more anal on the topic of skeletal structure for my MOCs these days than most people seem to be, so take that as you will.
Transformers is in dire straits. Unless Hasbro is so desperate that they feel they have to strike a deeper deal with Lego, don't expect anything but these one-off sets. It's likely next year wll have something alredy in the works after this year's Bumbelbee.

I predicted there could been something big in the cooking but now that the TF one got it's trailer the reception has been pretty lackluster and it doesn't seem like Hasbro is putting much faith on it overall.
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Don't worry, Anon, and thanks for the compliments! I started adding translucent accents in the same colour as the eye colour when possible. So far I've been happy with that!
Shoulders in general are more difficult than any other joint, as a full humanoid range of motion can practically only be achieved with a double joint. Here is a different yet obvious approach on my (chronically wip) Naho, sadly with lacking range of motion also. In the recent past I have been focussing on custom torsos, those are far easier to work with than Metru torsos when it comes to shoulders. I usually also add double knees nowadays, even a hip joint. That being said, I'm curious what your style of skeleton might look like, especially when you consider >>11019422 an Inika build still. Not sure my own custom builds deviate too much from there.
Damn, pretty good. Although, it would be objectively superior if the breasts were replaced with these.
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uhhhh which one of you is telling the GME threads on /biz/ that Ryan Cohen is acquiring Bionicle to release new sets at Gamestop? Lego has been making very sus tweets recently so if Bionicle G3 happens at fucking Gamestop I'm going to freak out
>very sus tweets
Say what now
Though I'll cackle heartily if Bionicle saves Gamestop, insane as that sounds
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I don't think GS carries any Lego currently. Closest would be some Mega Construx stuff and I think its specifically only the Pokemon stuff. Would be a strange combination for sure.
I wasn't talking about you, unless you are also this faggit >>11019034
>I think we've all just given up and done a glorified Inika build at one point or another. Like this fellow.
Please explain to me how my torso is an inika build? What, because both are based on parts sandwiched together? Post some of your mocs

If Gamestop is actually gonna get into a deal with Lego for Bionicle, does it mean Lego is bringing Bionicle back with some sort of game as well?

Unless Bionicle as a whole returns primarily on a digital front, and the toys are instead sold as merch, rather than the main event.
Lego has been trying to unsuccessfully expand into the digital space for a very long time, with little success other than the TT lego games.
The Lego Fornite has been greatly successful, BUT, maybe this is all instead a misunderstanding and what they were referring to is that rumored Lego Horizon game.
if gamestop gets bionicle i'll eat a bowl of technic pins.
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Here is the situation:
>Gamestop hinting at possible Merger & Acquisition
>Planting red herrings to throw off retail and Wall Street alike
>meanwhile LEGO tweets have been sus
>LEGO is selling its old BIONICLE IP to Gamestop
>Lego doesn't care for Bionicle (despite being the sole reason Lego survived as a business)
>Lego ended Bionicle early, kneecapped its G2 revival
>Ryan Cohen transforming Gamestop into a one stop nostalgia stop
>Bionicle G3 will be the new funko pop, but better because multimedia
>Bionicle G3 will have: cross platform video games
>board games
>trading card games
>comic books
>the actual toy figures
>the lore soft reboots every year so fresh yearly release cycle
>even the cannister they come in looks nice on shelves along funko pops
>targeted for all ages; millenials and zoomers for nostalgia and gen alpha for a new generation to play with the toys
>Lego will retain some rights so they can throw the rare Bionicle easter egg into their products (no big deal)
>Lego Fortnite was in part a test run for their digital brand
>Gamestop will issue Gamestop exclusive Bionicle NFTs
>Bionicle Fortnite skin
>Bionicle G1 lore dump for those who missed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CIJ_MjIOHM
>here's the entire Bionicle movie too if you need something to watch while watching the GME ticker https://youtu.be/ep7fZkUwqVg?si=ta5Ta1rLbibYmyZz
>Ryan Cohen will MOASS GME by bringing back Bionicle
this becomes fanfiction after the second point
>(despite being the sole reason Lego survived as a business)
Why are you bionicle fans always spreading this misinformation? Yes bionicle helped some, but Star Wars helped them a lot as well. It was definitely not the sole reason.
Sounds like made up bullshit.
>Lego has been making very sus tweets recently
What tweets? Can you link them? I checked their twitter and there are only ads for their current themes/sets and some memes posted the last few months.
>kopaka saying a wall of text
it's shit
Yeah, he got none of them right.
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>Takua, did I ever tell you about Roodaka? a fine piece of evil ass from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the biggest ass in all of Mata Nui, tall too, you could motorboat those breasts without needing to lean forward.
>She attacked us with her army of Visorak, turned us into gross mutants and threw us from a 900ft fall to our deaths, later she convinced me to betray my friends, and you know what? I don’t regret it, I would do it again. Sure Nokama was nothing to scoff at back in her prime but just thinking about Roodaka’s long legs and those round shinny breasts the size of a Rahkshi’s head makes my Protodermis flow again if you know what I mean.
>And she was a good friend.
If i wanted to watch faggots lust over absolute poison of women, I'd stick to /bcs/
Why do you think there's much nostalgia for Bionicle? Nobody really cares about it outside of its dying community
Gali is a goddess to her tribe, right?
She's a goddess to me.
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what the hell am i reading here
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Time to build some /actual/ goddesses.
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>I put the new Forgis on the Jeep
>I trap until the bloody bottoms is underneath
>back of the thigh is just tied in there with some string
Holy shit my diiiiick
There's more string right above her butt holding something else in too. Ehhhh...

I'd love to make a female bonk but it has to be at least as possible and durable as g1s, ideally more in one way or another.
bionicle is coming back in 2025 its already been confirmed chud
If we don't see leaks in the coming weeks than this is the only possible future of Bionicle (and it's beautiful)
Has anyone ever turned all those different Toa canisters into fleshlights?
I don't think so.
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girls are finished and rubber banded up

I missed them. they've been in pieces for like 12+ years.
>rubber banded up
Those bands are gonna be destroyed in a minute.
Still love the pure technic look they have, it just works. Crazy they basically dropped it by 04
I've played with them for a bit now and they haven't snapped under some pretty hard bites. Ones even got a nice healthy gash in it from play wear years ago.

The bands Lego uses are like silicone or HBNR or something not straight up rubber so they don't break down the same way the black or gum colored bands tend to.

If they do I have a bag of black Rainbow Loom bands that will work as replacements. They're already being used to tension the pin that blocks the mechanism when removed as I seem to have misplaced one green band over the years and I wanted them to match. So I just used two of the black Rainbow Loom bands and it works fine.

Yeah this was peak Bionicle imo. They dropped the gear train mechanisms on much later bonks and favored posability, which is fine I guess but it made fighting with them impossible.
>Holy shit my diiiiick
krekka while raping nidhiki
they needed to pay the license for star wars, so it wasn't full profits for Lego, plus they also launched Galidor which dealt a huge blow to their numbers, so yeah, Bionicle alone saved the company, then onions wars came later to reap the profits and strengthen their numbers
As opposed to a mess of technic and system parts held together by hair ties? Get a grip my nigga
I started a build with inika heads as shoulder pads once but I never got a second head so it went nowhere. But that's the better role for them I wager.
I rate Master Kopaka extremely highly if you havent gotten him/don't dislike him already. I agree on Pohatu.
I bought these reproduction rubber bands years ago that look like the originals, but are way weaker. They're kind of useless for basically everything because they're so weak, but they're actually like the perfect strength for the Bahrags for their gear mechanism to work perfectly without destroying themselves.

I forget where I got them from though.

>favored posability
People say that but g1 bionicle articulation barely progressed passed Toa Metru
I wonder what these small robot spiders in some 2004 concept art/early renders and in the demo of the unreleased Metru Nui game were meant to be. One even made it to Vakama's character animation but they retconned it as a Morbuzakh vine. They kinda look like Kanoka disks with spider legs.
I am saying G1 are far less posable than Metru or even later. Ignika for example had pretty much full articulation, Metru at least got neck, knee and elbow joints, but Toa/Nuva only has shoulders, hips, wrists, and ankles.

But fighting with Ignika were impossible the way my friends and I used to do it. The masks and the ability to relatively easily knock them off, was core to how we played bonks back in the day.
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The Metru Nui game doesn't provide that much info about them. Internal name is just "SpiderMesh". However, they do use the same sfx as the Fikou spiders from BTG.
Master Kopaka seems to be a love it or hate it deal. Kopaka Mata was the set I wanted the most as a kid, so the sleek tactical look with his mechanical looking sword and shield is very at odds with his new roided out titan linebacker look. Some people have said the intention was to make him look soviet, with a big snow coat covering him up, and I guess that makes sense.
Personally I don't like the use of gold and his weapons just being reskins of Tahu's. He should have something of his own.
In my opinion, Uniter Kopaka is better in a couple of ways, but there is no cohesion with him having big smooth plates of armor and more rough greebled ones.
Speaking as a gigantic Kopaka mark (the only Bionicle I bought in G1 past Metru Nui was the awful Phantoka Kopaka) I'm very much pro-Master. The hulking gigachad look supports the haughty lone wolf portrayal from G1, and the gold sells his rivalry with Tahu, the "other leader." CCBS also makes it easy to swap out colors where desired if you want an all-cold color scheme, though the chest plate is a little trickier. I incorporated some parts from his little Tohunga to beef up his spear, and I find flipping half his shield around so it forms more of a tower shield makes it much more aesthetic. He's very satisfying to pose and the gearing and mask ejection functions are excellent so having him battle the others is also on point.

In general, I prefer him to Uniter, though I do love the fact that Uniter's Akaku finally had the bright idea to incorporate a slot for a stud to color the scope's lens. And certainly he's superior to Phantoka. I say he's a worthy sidegrade to Mata and Nuva.
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guys I have some questions about boncle lore:
1.- Takua became Takanuva, he was like, the chosen one for a day and then he just din't do anything actually relevant after the events of the movie?
2.- the Toa Mata team came out of nowhere? they were never matorans or so?
3.- I used to have some throwbots/slizers, those were never meant to be canon on the Bionicleverse? not even like aliens from a distant past or something?
4.- I understand that romance is not canon, but how do biological components work?, matorans/Rahi don't eat or reproduce? or the biological components is something is something that is barely mentioned to exist?
1. Takanuva played a big role in Karda Nui.
2. You learn about where the Toa Mata came from in the events surrounding Karda Nui. They were never Matoran. Long story short, they're special, and exist for a special and specific reason.
3. Not canonically, but Faber and probably others had some ideas of a singular universe for the CCBS toys, which includes Bionicle, Slizer, and Hero Factory.
4. It isn't talked about all that much. They have lungs and have to breathe. They have muscles. Far as I can recall that's about all they really call out with regards to biology.
I remember something about them absorbing the energy from fruit with their hands. Don’t know if they can eat or if that’s it.
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I would have liked him to have more silver to contrast with Tahu's gold, kind of like how Axonn and Brutaka contrast each other. Silver / light blue / gray / white was such a winning combination, I actually believe Korahk is one of the most beautiful sets. And like I said >>11014419, one of 2008 Kopaka's worst offenses was giving up blue for red lasers and green eyes.
2008 was really a weird year. Horrible Toa and Matoran, meh Titans, but the Vehicles remain one of the coolest things Bionicle ever did.
matorans eat through their hands
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What is it really that's going on here?
You've got the system for total control
Now is there anybody out there?
Now watch us suffer, yeah, 'cause we can't go
What is it really that is in your head?
What little life that you had just died
I'm gonna be the one that's taking over
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
Are you ready to go?
'Cause I'm ready to go
What you gonna do baby, baby?
Are you going with me?
'Cause I'm going with you
That's the end of all time
What is it really that motivates you?
The need to fly or this fear to stop?
I'll go along when you realize
When we get there I say nine of ten drop
Now who's the light and who is the devil?
You can't decide, so I'll be your guide
And one by one, they will be hand chosen
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
>I would have liked him to have more silver to contrast with Tahu's gold
Fair enough. Like I said, it's a pretty easy fix if you're so inclined. Nobody's going to get on your case for a G2 model becoming "lore inaccurate."

>one of 2008 Kopaka's worst offenses was giving up blue for red lasers and green eyes.
That's definitely up there. And the scope being on the wrong eye. And, biggest of all for me, no shield, which is to my mind Kopaka's signature tool. Just a really assy set overall.
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I also love the technic look, it's a shame they dropped their technic roots.

Bionicle was it's best when it was Technic Bionicle. Sidenote, building the dune Ornithopter almost felt like a modern rahi build with the heavy technic and play-features.
Are the functions in the Ornithopter that well implemented? I've no real interest but I love when Lego engineers something neat.
Anyways I keep praying for the day they make something quite like the rahi again. I've been buying Competition/Cyber Slam sets on occasion to scratch the itch. Still need to put together Cybermaster
Really stupid request but does the 08 Avohkii fit on the OG Takanuva fig from 03? what does it look like? Can someone show me?
I have all the proto-bonks (Throwbots) coming in the mail.

I kind of want to do a diorama that integrates Bionicles into the minifig world, my head lore will go something like this:
Bionicles were lostech left by an ancient alien race and modern scientists are working on resurrecting their robotics and biological components to create the ultimate remotely-piloted avatarmechs - the current level of technology in universe is that competent mechs exist, but Bionicle tech and remote neural link piloting is so much better that they can move faster and in ways that current mechs never could even imagine.

Throwbots would be basically humanity's first attempt at artificially replicating Bonktech, inferior to Bonktech based mechs, but still remotely piloted and far more capable than existing locally piloted mechs. A sort of protomech if you will.

I never really paid that much attention to the official canon anyway. The above head canon solves my autism problem that throwbots look almost exactly like bonks but weirder and not quite as refined, but look like they could have been from the same universe.
WTF I hate the LEGO Group now
[spoiler]not that I didn't before[/spolier]
Ahh yeah I completely get where you're coming from. I was still pretty new to bionicle in g2 (I'd only gotten some small glatorians in 2009 and nothing else) so for me it was just a really satisfying figure to handle.
The queens have always mesmerized me, a masterpiece and crown jewel of technic bionicle.
I like your angle, they totally look like bionicles 0.5 so it fits them excellently. They also remind me of the hardly elegant mechs we have irl.
This looks all kinds of cursed
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Allegorynuva is actually an awesome set.
Cool how his vehicle feels like a more rudimentary version of the 2008 ones but more elegant since it doesn't have random silver blades and knives everywhere.
They really had an awesome idea with vehicles and never did it again until 2008, instead wasting resources with playsets. If only they did mechs like Exo-Toa again, I remember the original idea for Nuparu Mahri was basically a big daddy scuba suit.
Purple is best elemental
Where are the wing effects from?
Ninjago. Just look up the Large Figure Part category on Bricklink, they're listed there.
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First of the protobonks arrived.
Man I forgot how bizarre and janky old technic sets can be.
Still fun and it seems like it throws the disk quite well.
Who said the mechanism didn't work well?
Though he did insist that I stop calling him a "proto-bonk" - said something about how that's "their word" and I don't understand how it's hurtful.
Im the one who did the lava picture. Fixed it.
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Anyone buy Exota Forge pieces? Someone surely can post pictures of the foot.
>objectively superior
No, the size, the perfectly circular shape and the stud on the top would make it look awkward. Minifig beanies would be a better choice.
phew, thank you
I agree
I guess it’s meant to add some more bulk, but it looks ugly
somebody can please repost the picture of Kazi having a middle finger instead of his head? please I need it but I lost it
Oh do I got you
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Now make mocs out of it. An anon was posting some old-style mocs a while back. I thought I had saved his full team he made, but I've only got a few.
Thanks a lot friend!
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Found em all in the archive (archive.palanq.win saves full images). Last fall/summer was a really good time for mocs on here.
>the (good) Hordika revamps
>the Slizer Toa
>the weird colour combo mocs
Loved all that shit.

Even the guy making the really bad stud.io mocs was kind of funny to watch.
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This was one of the mocs with cool colour combos. He was also working on a titan that I never saw completed.
>thread is now auto-saging
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The arms look way too heavy, and the wide hips make me lol. But design-wise still sick.
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nother nice one
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Some Mata-style mocs from that time.
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The full Slizer Toa team.
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Revamped Hordika team. Seeing the iterations was really fun.
Those look really nice.
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my contribution to the thread
All the bionicle books compiled into an epub
Man, do you have any instructions for these?
I remember painstakingly trying to recreate your Chroniclers Company team in stud.io. Your builds have such a good charm to them
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I'll take it from here.
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I wish there were more purple parts out there. It's a damn shame stuff like this isn't possible without bootlegs/prints/painting (also that only the pakari and no other mask was made in purple).
Those aren't mine. They were being posted by a couple anons last fall, and there are no instruction sets as far as I know. But if you check the archive for the /biog/ threads from Oct/Sept/Aug last year you should find more photos of the Slizer Toa (archive.palanq.win is the only /toy/ archive I found that saves full images).
She’s not a useless Goddess of Water that’s for sure. She’s definitely a goddess to my dick
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Read it and weep.
"Multiples" for me indicates sets where I have a combiner built alongside the base set. Missing all but one of the playsets because I was never into them as a kid, the parts tubs I don't care enough to hunt down, and some promos that I will eventually go after.
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Posting an old goodie from the G2 days of /biog/.
Bionicle will live on
Do you have a pic of your collection?
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According to Tandbricks Brickclicker is about to reveal some of the biggest 2025 leaks that will make LAN explode.

What could it be? Its not just a modular, but more stuff, new theme(s).

Brickclicker also used the vault for the teaser...the vault usually means a classic theme comeback...could it be true? The legend returns? Bionicle...G3???
I got all the Bohroks last night. Well. The ones I was missing. And not the Va. Just mainline Bohroks and Kal. At least the queens have a horde now.

Pahraks main frame was busted in one spot though and his foot cracked when I tried to attach it. I knew brown was fragile but I thought bonks had somehow avoided it as I've honestly never seen a cracked bonk foot or joint.

I almost have all the Toa and Nuva.

It's coming together. I also splurged on a Boxor and Keetongu while searching for the correct staff ends for my brown Rahkshi and a replacement thrower arm for one of my McTorans.

>5 bucks in parts
>minbuy 1 dollar
>damn it would be a shame to pass up these couple of sets I want...
Nice dude, enjoy your horde.
>Pahraks main frame was busted in one spot though and his foot cracked when I tried to attach it.
That just happens with heavily used pieces sometimes. I have a black metru torso whose hip attachment is crushed so the holes are completely unusable, and a more reasonable example in a gahrok disk that had its axle almost twisted off. All of my broken non-square socket pieces were bought secondhand so I can only imagine what happened.
>I knew brown was fragile but I thought bonks had somehow avoided it as I've honestly never seen a cracked bonk foot or joint.
It was really only the new reddish brown afaik so bohroks should be completely unaffected. I have about 4 broken but usable socket dark red metru feet, a color also known for being brittle around the same time as reddish brown, though I don't know if that's the reason or just heavy and reckless use by the previous owner. I had some dark red break on me before and it was more like being crushed than a joint crack.
Yeah that's fair. I think bonk brown is more like the brown they used on LoM sets which I have a lot of, and none of those seem brittle, but some later browns from I assume star wars sets, plus as you said the dark red, completely shatter half the time. I guess the two browns are technically different shades. I saw this whole MOCing once but didn't think much of it other than "this color brittle this one not" but I assumed they were supposed to be the same color just had different lives. That would explain how none of my other brownicles have had such issues.

The only piece of a bonk I've personally broken is I snapped my black rahkshis arm at the ball joint many many years ago. I showed it to Dad and he JB welded it back together and for like 20 years Mr. blackshi had a JB welded left arm. I finally got a replacement for him a few weeks ago.

Maybe I'll make an MOC with all the brokenicle parts some day.
I don't think so anon, I mean, I'd sell my soul to buy every G3 set that could possibly exist, but hope is not dispensed for Bionicle. Let's be real, Bionicle will never come back, unless a third Party company realizes how lucrative can be a 3P line of G1 Bionicle, specially after Lego should not be bitching about someone copying his propiety since they don't produce those molds in more than a decade, I mean, seriously, if 3P transformers are a thing why not bionicle, I'm not delusional, it's a very profitable idea!

Wholesome Duckbricks
Shut the fuck up, zoom zoom
>Just a heckeroni wholesome little meme fron the good ol' days in a radical badass way
You faggots are pathetic
>Bu-bu-bu-but my wholesome little bonkies!
Did your retard handler accidentally got you out of your den again?
that and also his can expired, just report him and say goodbye for another week
why are we on autosage recently?
Blame go go anon
Because you got bonked
I have some pics I took earlier in the year I'll post next thread.

You're a nigger.

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