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Previously: >>11014679

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk solicited (Fan Channel exclusive

-Marvel Legends Iron Patriot/Taskmaster/Dr. Doom 3 pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive )

-Marvel Legends Hulkbuster solicited (all major retailers, pre-order)

-Mafex Rogue solicited

-Marvel Legends Carnage (Let There Be Carnage) solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Retro Venom announced (Walmart Exclusive Summer 2024 pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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They have, other than the green faggot on the right
Then Hasbro has work to do
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Just found this in my camera roll and saw the date, over one year. These same figures are still up at my Walmart. There's actually one more of her now. This is the same Walmart that still has like 20 Eternals figures with a $15 Clearance sticker on them.
Tha is for letting us know your Walmart sucks.
Good job with the typing, bud.
what time is when deadpool 3 movie figure realease ?
Damn that's some ugly ass art
They're out now
I got retro carded Scarlet Witch feom the BBTS sale finally...are her knees this gummy-floppy on all of them?
Yes. They shoulda made her retro pinless like dark pheonix.
Gummy joints are a known Hasbro design decision used to assure that the joints will not shatter when played with roughly. Even if it means the figure can no longer stand on its own, that is considered a win for Hasbro--as these are rated for 3+ and thus plastic breakage is a big no-no.
no, the knees on mine seem fine.
Shut up retard
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The right knee and both her ankles on my copy are a little wobbly.
That is literally the reason
The old female bucky have this problem, ie my Grey Black Widow also have the wobbling right knee/ankles
I'm coping with having to buy this literal who for Zabu BAF parts. Tell me /toy/ is she at least a cool character? Is any modern avengers comic readable?
With Kazar and Zabu, Hasbro HAS to give us Shanna right? Would they pull off a full /coom/er figure? Everyone knows that a coomer, fan channel exclusive Shanna will sell well
never ever
>Is any modern avengers comic readable?
I'd say anything past the 2015 Secret Wars series just is fan fiction at this point.
Better than Neca's. KEK
it wont look nothing like that and prob have a fucked up face with proportions to match. Hasbro doesn't have the balls to make comic art accurate figs.
tha is*
Complete faceless, nameless blood edgelord Red Room product with super soldier serum (basically, Black Widow + Captain America) had potential. But like always, after a decent introduction they kinda botched the character and now she's just a 3rd stringer villain fighting Howard the Duck. Marvel comics writing has not been good for 15 years except couple of very specific limited runs.
that's a bootleg
You're a bootleg.
>I'm coping with having to buy this literal who for Zabu BAF parts.
Better custom fodder potential than that Thor variant in this wave at least. Zabu is my first full BAF "Want" in awhile
> Is any modern avengers comic readable?
kek. NO. No modern comic is readable. I TRIED to read up on that Hallows Eve character and it was all writer self-insert bullshit of talking down to men constantly. Terrible shit.
What about Cosmo?
Who? The GOTG dog from the GOTG3 movie wave? I skipped the whole thing.
Only ones missing ML's are Vanisher, Lucifer, and Mesmero. I dunno if the glowing red guy guy on the far right is supposed to be Living Laser? If so he's got one (but not the classic Silver Age version I'd prefer).
>Vanisher, Lucifer, and Mesmero
I would buy all three in a heartbeat.
Didn't Lucifer fight the WCA during a time travel arc? Maybe they could do another WCA box set with Firebird, Lucifer, green suit Wonder Man, Phantom Rider, and another Hawkeye.
Which version of Vanisher though? Silver Age, new wave Fagin version from Xfactor and Fallen Angel, or fucked up goth version with ugly head/face tattoos brothel owner Vanisher from Xforce?
She's a mystery box character who's big reveal was a dud: she's basically a Black Widow fan girl that got hired to be part of the Soviet Super Soldiers.
You are thinking of a different Red Widow (Ava Orlova). But still it is baffling to see the state of Marvel editorials that they could have two completely different characters with the same superhero name
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Who in the right mind at Hasbro think this is worth an SKU
Wandavision and Agent of Atlas fans would want Jimmy Woo.
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>No good Hulk single
>Every good Hulk is either a recolor or two-pack
People like collecting things. Maybe you should try it.
Fans of Jimmy Woo? Just because you like or dislike something, doesn't mean the rest of existence needs to agree with you.
>Which version of Vanisher though?
The one pictured, dumbass. Otherwise I would have said a different version.
Not OP but boy would it be great if those people would show up to buy this massive pegwarmer!
I haven't seen that thing on pegs in almost three years. What shit hole do you live in?
The world revolves around (you), huh?
No, seriously, where do you live that these three year old figures are still on shelves?
Calm the fuck down son. It's not my job to hold your hand.
This post totally makes me believe you lmao.
So you DO believe the world revolves around you! It may have slipped past you, but I literally don't give a fuck if (you) believe me or not. You're literally nobody.
I said I believed you, calm down.
The Department of Quotas
You do know Disney mandates most of these MCU characters right?
It came out last year
Oh shit. I'm going to sound so racist here, but I honestly confused him for Shang Chi because apparently I think all Asians look the same. Guess I'm the retard.
That would make a neat generic grunt able to fit in with a bunch of stuff.
Are you suggesting people MIX lines? The autistics wouldn't stand for it.
You seriously think >>11026337
was a pro-Disney post? Come on, read, anon, read.
Hi everybody what's everyone's hype level for the new figures that have been shown off lately do a 1 through 10 one being not hyped at all. 10. Being very hyped for me. I'm going with about a seven or maybe an eight because I like the warbird figure and also the Luke Cage and iron fist two pack and I might also get the cabal three pack even though I already have a Dr. Doom but I do want taskmaster the most. I might try and sell Doom and also iron Patriot. I also do like the Ghost Rider that's coming out with the motorcycle. I think it looks pretty cool. So I'm going to change my vote to maybe a nine out of 10 for my hype level. What's yours everybody please post it. Thank you!
I'd be hyped if Warbird was possible to get and Dr. Doom wasn't trapped in a 75 dollar 3pack. As it is I probably won't get any of them.
I'm hoping Warbird will be fairly easy to get once she's out like other recent Target exclusives. As for Doom, why don't you want an updated Taskmaster, and Norman from the last time he was actually interesting?
"Why don't you want 2 extra figures you don't want? Have you considered that you're WRONG, and you actually DO want those figures you don't want?"

Hasbros are the worst.
That doesn't answer my question. Do you already have a Taskmaster? He's cool as shit. Did you not read Marvel during Dark Reign, arguably the last time Marvel was any good? The Stormin Norman show is fucking kino incarnate. At least read Dark Avengers, that book is a fun ride.
I'm not who you're responding to, but many of us already have Taskmaster and Iron Patriot. The whole 3-pack is a marginal upgrade at best. I'm saving my money for better stuff. And yes, I read Marvel during that era.
Just got in the Zabu wave and Iron Man Classics wave. Hope we have a lull before the next deluge. Of all the crap listed in the OP statement, I'm only getting Astonishing Wolverine. Hope to take a break from ML for awhile. Will buy the SHIELD 3-pack on clearance though, MAYBE Warbird on clearance as well.
>Iron Patriot
Doubt. The last one came out too long ago. You have too many newfag here, plus that figure is way too outdated. Taskmaster I can give you since he came out fairly recently in comparison to Iron Patriot.

And in the same breath, if you already have those two figures, why don't you have a Doom? Inb4 someone cries about the Doombot head. They'll inevitably release it again in some way. They've done that with previous heads like that like Lilandra.
I got him cheap to use as a random cop to beat up in my displays. He holds a pistol decently.
Why the fuck do you retards say you "doubt" someone has a toy they say they have? What the fuck is wrong with you? I've been collecting ML since ToyBiz wave 1 over 20 years ago. I got Iron Patriot in the IM3 Iron Monger BAF wave. I got Doom in the FF Super Skrull wave AND I bought the classic colors version as well. Who the flying fuck cares that theres OMG NEWBIES here? You have some serious fucking autistic problems, that's why nobody likes you you dumb cunt.
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I have the BAF so I'm good. Had they made it B/W I may have taken the bait.
What is this? Doesn't look like ML. Body is passable but the head is unforgivable.
It's a Marvel Legends. Do you guys just not know how Google works to verify this shit yourselves??
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Wait a minute. 14+ on the packaging. Is this it boys? ML finally going to be considered adult collectibles and the return of scantilly clad comic book renditions of characters? More realistic guns?
This is supposed to be MCU?? Looks inferior to the BAF, which is insane since the marvel legends team usually puts all their effort into MCU figures.
why does a baf that came out 7 years ago have better paint apps than a single release in 2024?
>yaaaay I bought the whole wave of crap I didn't want when I could have just waited for this
What makes you think I didn't want the figures from that wave? That wave was the Netflix Daredevil wave and it was a banger.
>What makes you think I didn't want the figures from that wave?
It's AAAALLLLL about YOU you narcissistic faggot!
I mean, that was kind of the crux of your post.
Who gives a fuck to retool most of it?
its due to the source material. deadpool movie figures were 14+ too
Wish the Hasbro team would use this loop hole and use mature rated comics as sources.
Maybe people who are new to collecting? Maybe people who were unable or unwilling to get the BaF?
If you haven't noticed labor prices are through the roof and that is what paint apps rely on. Eventually all action figures if they exist will be model kits we have to assemble and paint ourselves
If you have these figures why are you bitching? Other people exist. I don't have any of the figures except Doom
um I doubt. Id see this going 70% off clearance at Target.
>If you have these figures why are you bitching?
Where was I bitching about the figures, you fucking illiterate retard? I took exception to telling I had a figure and some faggot (you?) responding with "doubt". Are you having difficulty telling posters apart? The 3-pack is a marginal upgrade, I'm fine with what I have, I'm happy to save the cash. I don't care for rude retards saying they "doubt" anyone has a fucking mainstream release figure, like what's you're fucking problem? Iron Patriot was necessary to complete the Iron Monger BAF, and the whole wave was readily available during IM3's release. Not everyone here is a fucking child like you are, shit head.
Be less triggered sperg.
This doesn't even make sense as a response you butthurt dweeb.
Iron Patriot is a ridiculous character and no one should want to buy that figure. Might as well make a character named Captain Zimbabwe
its literally the old BAF with a new head and some retooled limbs
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>the marvel legends team usually puts all their effort into MCU figures
McFarlane's Swamp Thing looks better but can't move
Read a comic you secondary swine
>Those mismatched greens

Didn't they have the color coding information for the stomach and upper leg pieces from their previous release? Couldn't they just keep them the same color so they would know they would match like the old one did? Are Hasbro this dumb now? Why am I buying their products anymore?
Looks great!
>Pulse has the X-Men Training Suit/#275 3-Packs back in stock AND on sale
Thank fucking God, missed them last time they were up there.
Not the definitive Banshee look, but I'll take it.
Says the anon while downing the hascock. Tell me, has your gag reflex been hit yet?
Shut up, retard.
Shut up, retard.
I hate this board. Jfc.
Shut up, retard.
Wow, this looks way off. What happened?
I honestly believe that you guys don't even like toys.
Will they ever restock Wolverine and Gambit 97 or am I truly fucked and do I actually have to buy them off a scalper?
Right: Collectible
Left: Toy
Best option is just not to buy them. Toys are not needed, so if you miss one, it doesn't matter anyway. Save the money for retirement.
They've already been restocked once. If you missed them in the 10 months they were available then that's on you. Gambit hit clearance several times.
They're the same figure with a different head....
they literally went up for pre-order 10 months ago. they were not available for 10 months.
They came out in late September. It's June now. So technically they were available for 9.5 months, my bad.
>they were available during the entire time they've been long-sold out
Gambit was for sure actually. Wolverine was harder to get but was still reported as being pretty plentiful in stores. I had one particular Target that had a whole case of him. But he was restocked and pre orders opened back up for a time on the regular sites. Like I said, if you missed them, it's on you at this point.

Why do you guys act like this? It's not rocket science.
Yeah plus Hasbro and Marvel are small companies and Wolverine/gambit are super niche characters with extremely small fanbases
Obviously producing more figures would have been extremely detrimental to such small companies, and even more if they didn’t sell
Sounds like you sat on them for nearly a year and now you're pissed you finally decided to act on it. What's the deal? Did you suddenly decide you want them now? Finally can afford two $25 figures? Or are you just new and cranky that you're playing catch up on figures you just missed?
>Wolverine...niche character with extremely small fanbase
Not in Canada... :)
Oh, you were being sarcastic.
>lowest price for Wolverine I can find is $56 on mercari
>+$8 shipping
>+$4.50 service fee
>+$3 payment processing fee
>+$5 tax
$20 fucking dollars in additional bullshit fees on top of the scalped price
what the fuck…..
There's this thing called paint, anon.
Never use mercari anymore, it changed its structure to be idiotic.
the last time i saw gambit was when i bought mine for $7 in december
There’s so many bullshit fees now but worst of all the sellers are annoying to deal with.
I just bought a figure for around 35 bucks which was pretty cheap but it’s been 4 days now and the seller still hasn’t shipped it. I don’t know if I should message them to hurry the fuck up or wait it out another day or two.
He was available online until a couple of weeks ago.
Not at all. The new one has a new head, shoulders, chest, forearms, fists, waist, knees and lower legs.

But it's the lack of all around drybrushing that makes this new one look so flat. The mismatched greens of the hips and thighs/abdomen don't help either.
Anyone have these? Are they good or should I wait for Sentinel/Mafex?
Don't worry about the Xmen 97 figures. You'll forget all about the show in a few weeks and no longer care about them. Stop buying plastic junk just because you like a piece of media. You don't need all that stuff cluttering up your house.
Look at it this way, by the time Sentinel even potentially releases just one, the next sequel will already be out on dvd by then.
>Stop buying plastic junk just because you like a piece of media. You don't need all that stuff cluttering up your house.
We wouldn't be on /toy/ if we were capable of this
Shut up. You don't even collect toys you cuck
I personally prefer the Mafex, perkier butt and tits, but you can't really go wrong with any of them.
Movie Deadpool rereissue when?
A month ago? Idiot.
Are you guys just allergic to using a search engine?
Google has gotten so bad with results the zoomers are learning its easier to just ask a human
>salty new fag doesn't want to pay late tax

Stop being poor
I'm thinking all these people whining all the time wee newfags. Shit"a annoying.
How do you feel about complacent consumers who do nothing but eat what they are fed? Is this something to strive for?
Honestly, I don't really care what action figures other people like or dislike. I'd rather just focus on me than waste energy caring about what toys a bunch of strangers I'll never meet play with.
this but unironically
google is unusable now and the only way to get a genuine answer is to ask randos online
You don't enjoy the silly AI responses? Why I've been adding glue to my home made pizza recipe to great success.
That's one way to get thicker poops.
>Dr. Doom wasn't trapped in a 75 dollar 3pack.
It's not that hard to find on the secondary market. You might as well just buy the FF version, since that has the proper colours + option of modern or classic Doom head. I bought mine in 2022 for like 30 dollars.
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I have an attachment to my Marvel Legends America Shavez figure.
She's got plenty of articulation. Her face isn’t totally screen accurate but it’s enough to let my brain fill in the gaps. The character is Mexican-American which reminds me of the time I was a Chamberlain to my friend’s sister’s Quiencenera. The character in the movie is young, full of spirit, makes mistakes but owns up to it and has heart. She isn’t a perfect hero like Superman but relatable. I see her as someone who can get hurt but still try to get back into the fight.

Not relevant towards anything here but just wanted to say it's a good figure you can still get at Ollie's.
No one cares, that's why it's at Ollie's.
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Now THIS is kino.
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Okay, that's pretty cool. Shame he's probably not going to wear it much in the movie, but at least we're getting a good figure of it.
I am just really tired of the basketball texture + random seamline movie suit designs
Considering how things have gone downhill post-Endgame, I've yet to buy a single phase 4 or 5 MCU character.
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I think there's too much yellow. What you guys think?
This all looks like so much ass lmao
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Let's fucking goooo
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Damn, the mask looks good.
What were you expecting? Black leather?
I know it's classic, but I preferred the no trunks look as soon as they started doing it and I don't want to go backwards, at least not in live action.
Yeah, the Astonishing costumes, especially Wolverine's were a nice update to the classic looks after having had a break from them with Morrison's black leather look. Come to think of it really, all the costumes from that era were pretty great. Nice updates to classic looks without being overly busy or too MCUified like most costumes today are.

People bitched about it at the time, but I miss the 2000s era Marvel like you wouldn't believe.
Too over designed with the piping and stuff. It's like new 52 Wolverine.
Was that cat Beast and the secondary mutations and all that?
>no briefs
>way too much yellow
>mcu lines up the ass
the only positive is that he's wearing a mask and no sleeves
and the only reason for the mask and no sleeves is because they probably couldn't afford the likeness
A real Hunka chunka Cooma fig right here.
Yeah. I actually liked the idea of secondary mutations and didn't hate Cat Beast as much as some people did. I liked the idea that Morrison implied where the further his body devolves, the smarter his mind becomes since it's also implied he's getting smarter during that era too.
I'm with you, but this is the company that was worried about making a wide release Mephisto of all characters. I don't have much hope.
They did make Tigra, which is basically a girl in a bikini.
She's technically covered in fur, and the sculpt of her bikini top is pretty modest
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What he >>11028909 said. They consider Tigra 'fur' and not bare skin I bet.

I think if we ever get Shanna, which seems highly unlikely as sad as it is, it'll be a super tame and inaccurate costume like the 4" one Hasbro did a while back. Lame.
They released Angela without problems. I don't see why they couldn't do a cave woman.
That was 7 years ago, anon
You haven't noticed how much they've strayed away from making curvy and revealing women since then? Did you miss the entire curvy Moonstone body debacle where they flat out said at SDCC or some other even that they weren't going to use it anymore? Then began changing all the chest pieces of the older bodies to have less revealing breasts?
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I'm pretty hyped. Up until now vision, powerman and Angel were all I bought this year.
Now things seem to be looking up with giant-man/wasp 2 pack, iron fist, warbird, ghostrider and I just got picrel.
Getting entire zabu baf wave, but similar to >>11025564 I only want kazar and zabu, so selling the rest and then theirs the ironman stuff, so I would say 8/10. Also excited for mafex cap.
This is some conspiracy theory tier shit right here anon.
Get out of here shill fuck.
Monet was pretty busty.
Marvel Legends ARE actually marketed towards children.
Did you know the age of sexual engagement is lowering every year because children's access to smart devices is exposing them to pornographic material earlier and earlier? The reported cases of extreme sexual encounters among minors is lowering.
Why would children care about toys anymore? Marvel is dead
Love it when you man babies try to justify your hobby.
>You're a shill if you don't hate Marvel Legends
Just let me enjoy the toys I want to enjoy. It's pretty gay to get so uppity about people liking toys you don't.
Yeh, it's like calling comic books "graphic novels".
I prefer calling them American children's funny books
It's allowed when you don't see the definition of each breast apparently. No longer are they sculpting large breasts separately like on the original Moonstone, Spiderwoman, etc.
That's interesting. That vacuum packed look isn't very realistic anyways. Batman Returns Catwoman didn't even look like that.
Gonna get this fella.
I wanted that wolverine but money wouldnt stretch enough and had to cancel. I think astonishing wolverine looks great so im ok with him
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Come on Hasbro. Give us complete team 1 MoE!!
The Moonstone buck is old and busted anyway. It barely has any torso range. It's the Bucky Cap of female bucks and I'm glad they've finally updated it. The only reason people here like it is because of the individually sculpted tits which are no bigger than the fabric stretched across them version they use now.
The 'new' Moonstone body is identical except for pinless knees, double jointed elbows, and a new chest sculpt, no?
You're a faggot, but that's ok. Just don't act like one.
Surprised we haven't head a Nathan garret black Knight yet, but then again we haven't even had a single release of the raft dread Knight yet. Was half expecting this as part of the ironman retros. Hopefully in the next wave. We may get a melter then as well.
That seems like Hordak.
Have they made a pinless version of those chain mail arms and legs yet? Seems like an easy retro card release in some Avengers wave or something.
oh wow it's comic expert kanji thank you for gracing us with your prescence.
It’s gay behavior to call something a conspiracy when it’s the blatant truth (a truth that you won’t accept) you smooth brain neanderthal.
Agreed, I noticed it ever since 2013 Man Of Steel.
Superman's costume didn't need to have this "basketball pattern" style costume.
Wolverine figure here makes it look distracting
Apparently, people think a bunch of solid color would get boring. Not like there's a plot to focus on or anything...
Retiring an old mold because it's old isn't the grand conspiracy to remove sexuality from children's toys that you think it is.
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Let's fucking go!
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Mephisto confirmed boys. Guess they already had the mold made.
Hopefully they made changes based on the critiques too. But of course it was total bullshit that Mephisto and Goblin Queen could never be a retail release and then *poof* Maddy in a retail X-men wave a year later. Just like I bet they're able to do Mephisto as a Pulse or Fan Channel release.
Yes. Manchildren. I demand more T&A!
It’s Mystique retards, she was literally leaked a while back. She comes with Destiny in a two pack. The skulls are just a tease at her skull belt. They said Mephisto won’t happen since the engine of shitness flopped.
Doesn't seem like they would make such a big deal out of another Mystique when they make so many of her
This isn't hellish. Maybe its Skull Crusher.
Could be crossbones 2pk as well
>Doesn't seem like they would make such a big deal out of another Mystique
She just got married to her girlfriend in the comics and we're still in the middle of queer month. I envy your ignorance about this data btw.
>they make so many of her
they've made like two ever
Are you happy now?
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They made four, if you count the really old one (with bonus cleavage).
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I count the movie Mystique separately from the comic/cartoon versions. I usually count movie stuff as something of it's own thing. At least with cartoons, like X-Men 97, they're comic accurate enough that you can mix and match them.
>tfw when cyclops says something inhumanphobic
technically the other guy is still correct, and not counting the movie one. 4: ToyBiz, Hasbro black suit, Hasbro Walgreens, Hasbro VHS
ToyBiz stuff is so old and antiquated at this point that I also don't count it.
Ok, but there's still "technically" four comic ones. The original person never specified Hasbro v Toybiz.
Sure, that's fine. I still don't count it though
>anybody anywhere who says or does anything I don't like must be The Kanji
$40 for a man-thing just seems like kind of a ripoff to me
Yeah, that's way too expensive imo. They've had a couple figs like this they've recently marketed as deluxes that don't feel worth it. Blacktain America also comes to mind, even with the wings, not being worth $35.
It's Death and she will be in the Deadpool wave.
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Could it be Umar??
Nah man, it's a new wave of Age of Apocalypse figures. Skulls represent the dead mutants and haulacoste.
>Age of Apocalypse
Haven't they learned from previous releases that nobody wants these? Unless their banking on a AoA crossover story I'm 97's next season.
Well, he is teased pretty hard for the new season.
AoA sold really well. Suck it.
That was the exact opposite of what Dan said. He lamented that they probably would not be able to do any more AoA waves given the sales
>Trying to make AoA popular
Why was this a thing? Hardly anyone liked AoA back in the 90s and it's always been looked down on by most X-Men fans.

>so popular that you can buy the entire baf wave right now misb for less than retail
why lie
Weren't some great X-Men TAS eps based on AoA?
The character designs are fun and make for good toys.
AoA really helped cement Apocalypse as a top-three X-Men villain. Apocalypse in the 80s wasn't the same kind of world beater we think about today. Heck, the Sentinels seemed more dangerous. Age of Apocalypse gave us a real view of what his goal looked like, and gave us a real sense that he could actually pull it off. It made him a lot more credible.
I remember AoA being popular with some back in the day. I get them making a wave of figures from it, but multiple, and in the number they were produced? Not really sure what they were thinking with that one. Especially since it's been proven that most ML collectors are moviecasuals who only pretend to read comics.
Sold so well that even discount chains like Ollie's can't sell them for like 75% off!
I got the Iceman with carnage claws for about 10 bucks. It was cool having a discount Carnage before I got a real one.
He posts pictures all the time. They're always over exposed in the same room. If you can't recognize a Ben post you're a newfag.
Apocalypse was, but it doesn't look like they're doing Age of, more his origin stuff and possibly Blood of Apocalypse/Death Gambit from the 2000s.
Why do you guys get so upset at people with recognizable backgrounds?
The story was popular and is still liked, I think anon is confused with the modern toys flopping and the horrible mid2000s attempt to revisit it.
>The story was popular and is still liked,
It's got a pretty dedicated following amongst the people that read it when it came out. I know you weren't born in the 90s so you wouldn't know, it's cool.
The cartoon is more fondly remembered from the 90s than some dog shit comic book no one fucking read.
Especially when it’s a clear downgrade of the BAF. And here I thought legends were improving…..
>same mold is now bad because china is asking more money for painting it

Kek, Americans are a joke
>no one fucking read
Marvel sold more copies of those issues than any book they've released in 20 years.
Wow 2000 copies sold way back when during the boomer days how ground breaking. Meanwhile X-Men 97 is the most talked about thing and the toys actually sell unlike that shit ass AOA wave
Yes they would make a huge deal. The previous Mystique was an impossible to find Walgreens exclusive that goes for $100+ these days and we now have nearly all of her Brotherhood in action figure form. Packing Destiny with her will finish the team off for fans to finally complete
You're comparing apples and oranges. In terms of comic arcs, it was very popular. You argue like shit.
Everyone has heard of Japan manga, that demon slayer manga outsold all comics last year. No one will ever ever EVER fucking care about comic books in any capacity


I have genuine concern for your generation if this is an example of how stupid all of you are.
>it was Athena the bot the whole time
Damn it. It's getting better at acting like a real person.
>Listen here bucko, back in the good ol' days we had a helluva wahoo in a cowabunga badass radical breakout when those kino supremo comics would line up the racks down on over at those precious little local comic book shops, you had no idea how good we heckin had it before those damn dirty terrorists took down down oh so sacred twin towers which stood for everything great in this excellent nation of ours

Kek Americans
>ah gosh darn it Athena had to bring up the 90s cartoon as an example of the X-Men going mainstream because it never will capture the imagination of the public ever again!

Will we see my cock in the upcoming legends livestream?
I don't have an 8K monitor to properly see something that small so I doubt it.
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mafex chads… RISE
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a few threads ago i asked about removing magneto's helmet. after realizing the extent to which people, myself included, were disappointed with the figure, i figured i'd just go for it. i started with a blow dryer, which quickly warped his cape, and then switched to hot water soaks. i even boiled some water, but got impatient after 1 soak. busted out the pliers to the face and helmet. a few good yanks and this is the result. im surprised he has ears after someone in a previous thread said he likely wouldnt. probably would have came off with less fuss if i didnt rush at the end, but meh. the helmet is largely in tact and i can use it as a prop now.
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like this!
He looks like he was welcomed to die.
His fingers look so fucking weird. The texture is way too big at this scale and they look like strange little rubber rods. Mafex has never been good at hand sculpts, I wish they would hire someone new to do those specifically. Always limp, noodly fingers and weak posing.
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>im surprised he has ears
>don't show off any good pics of the ears
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my bad.
are you okay?
Nta, butbif you're talking about the new man-thing I don't like the new head sculpt. Doesn't looks like the man-thing to me. Guess it's based on the mcu version which I haven't watched. Would have have got it otherwise.
This faggot isn't an X-Man fan for saying such lies about things he knows nothing about.

Age of Apocalypse is an INSANELY POPULAR X-Men story. It's one of the franchise's top evergreen storylines, was the first X-Men story to be put out in TPB immediately after it came out, and has been in print ever since.

Many X-Men fans love it, love the designs, and love the spin-off series "Exiles" that Quesada launched almost immediately after he took over Marvel, due to Bob Harras and Scott Lobdell refusing to really capitalize on the storyline in terms of sequels and spin-offs.

The figures have been some of the most requested X-Men variants since Marvel Legends started, especially since Toy Biz only did two characters (AOA Wolverine and Sabretooth). The first Hasbro wave sold very well and the second one only got sent to Ollies because it came out at the wrong fucking time and very few major chains ordered it due to back to back to back waves making the Colossus wave fall through the cracks and dumped at Ollies. And let's not forget that Hasbro made good on selling AOA Apocalypse himself.
>The first Hasbro wave sold very well
no it fucking didn't
AOA is popular though it does have it's critics. The most general criticism is that it derailed most of the major X-Men spin-off books and X-Factor, X-Force, and Gen X (which had only like four issues out) never really recovered from being put on hiatus for four months and having multiple storylines (in the case of X-Force and X-Factor) aborted because editorial wanted a new reader jump on point when they came back.

Part of the problem with the two AOA waves is that there was a lot of characters fans wanted regular versions of but the regular versions were either scalped to hell and back and as such, impossible to find at retail (IE Rogue) or in the case of Colossus and Magneto, stuck in expensive multi-packs that had already sold out and in the case of Magneto, their solo versions were off-brand costumes no one wanted.

While Sabretooth and Morph were going to sell because of Exiles, we also got a bunch of characters no one wanted. Rather than give us a new version of AOA Sunspot, Nightcrawler, or Bishop or Quicksilver or Gambit, we got Shadowcat, Sugar Man, Colossus, and Iceman.
I want melter, but in his later golden costume.

Pretty based we have a comic expert considering most of the posters here can't even read.
I like her, she's cute.
I'd hardly call someone who just got into reading comics because people here made fun of him for it an expert.
>make for good toys
Yeah that cyclops is excellent! Everyone loved the Wolverine! Those waves didn't flop!
This weirdo alternate history where anyone liked or gave a shit about the AOA waves is weird. And that shitty Rogue peg warmed hard. She's still discounted on Amazon. Retard.
Pretty interesting. You could use the notch on his head to fix a hairpiece, then swap that with the helmet, thus having both options. I can't see plastic hair + helmet working at the same time and keeping the right proportions.

I went to school with a lad like this.
We get it anon, you weren't alive when the story came out. Fuck off already.
Are you denying the waves sold poorly and that she's still discounted on Amazon?
You're a troll so why would anyone listen to you?
Not at all. Nor am I denying that the ML waves didn't sell well. But trying to say the story wasn't popular when it came out because action figures based on said story didn't sell that well 30+ years after the fact is literally retarded and a clear attempt to grasp at straws. Why am I even replying to you, it's not like you're even a real person Athena.
I got what I wanted and stopped reading, neca bitch. Go back to your fuckin omnibuses lmao
>This obsessed loser incel again
Why are you so miserable?
I accept your concession, MAGAt.
That doesn't even make sense you retard. Here's your (You).
Don't forget to doublepost! Sincerely, you don't think it's obvious every time you do it like this?
>Brings up MAGA out of nowhere
You'll never be a woman.
I sleep. Call me when Andrew or Holland's second suit get announced.
Based retard
Just because a wave of figures went to clearance and/or is still available doesn't mean:

1) People don't like the story the wave is based on.
2) Few people liked them or bought them.

Please try to read and understand these words so you act a little less stupid next time.
The guy is genuinely retarded. Zoomers need to learn their place.
>hollands second suit
I think ur gonna be waiting 2 years after the next avengers movie bud
Very true, a lot of people , some here, only want the figures because of the show. Which is fucking gay. You didnt like the xmen enough to want previous figures of them, like the VHS versions, but then *NEW MEDIA* comes out and everyone is scrambling to buy toys.
Buy figures of shit you like because you genuinely like it, not because its the latest thing to buy.
The VHS versions had shitty cel shading that never looks good on toys. I personally purchased the original single releases years ago, but some of them like Wolverine, Rogue and Gambit were worth an upgrade to me. Realize that not everyone is as miserable as you are
Please don't project your problems onto me, and my point still stands, if people wanted the 97 figures they wouldve and had every opportunity to pre order them. They werent hard to get online at all. These people didnt want to upgrade their collections, werent keeping an eye out for new releases, they were inspired to buy the toys because of the show.
It's bait
So? Who cares if they bought the figure because they like the show or because they read the comic? What's it matter? It's better than buying the toy just because you think it looks cool or, Lord forbid, buy it just because you want to jerk off to it. Getting your panties in a twist just because someone got a toy because of a show and not a comic is the most pedantic and trivial thing to bitch about. Stop arguing just for the sake of it.
I dont like peope who jump into hobbies because its the current cool thing to do. And people missing out on 97 figures is due to them being late on collecting, and not keeping an eye out on new releases. I think those kinda of people can be very bad for a hobby.
You get into name calling and all that nonsense, relax, dont be a hysterical woman.
Also i didnt say getting a figure because of a show is bad, nor did i say its better to want a figure because of comics. I said wanting stuff only because of *new media* is lame.
You sound like a homo. Go touch some grass.
Why the fuck would people want to buy figures from a show they hadn’t seen? We had every reason to think this would be the same Disney slop everything else they make these days is, it somehow turned out good so there was more demand than expected.
Companies want that specifically. You don't matter.
Just dont stick it in a box set.
Stop being a bitch, bitch.
Speak for yourself lmao. I fully expected Xmen 97 to be good considering the MCU was down bad and Disney/Marvel desperately needed a win. Also helps that DeMayo and the writing team were super familiar with Xmen comics.
Sure, but the general consensus is that most people were apathetic towards this at best until it actually aired. I actually specifically remember /co/ bitching about the animation not being good enough for them when the first trailer came out. Are you trying to pretend that this wasn't the case for the majority of people?
>Ever trusting /co/‘s criticisms
I can understand being cautious, but these retards can’t ever reach a consensus on good comics, and you’re trusting them on what makes good animation??? If you took them at their words, you would have been missing out on later episodes where the animation improved leaps and bounds, especially when it came to power displays from mutants.
It wasn't even just /co/, but the general consensus out there. Everyone was apathetic or at best, cautiously optimistic.

>and you’re trusting them on what makes good animation???
No? I just pointed out that they bitched about it. I didn't have a problem with the animation. Stop clutching your pearls Karen. Goddamn.
NTA but I was there faggot, X-Men was at the peak of it's popularity coming off of Fatal Attractions. Then it shit the bed with the Phalanx Covenant where the X-Men didn't do shit trying to prop up a shitty new team for a new book. Then go to AoA where the regular books were on hiatus during the event. Then we had to follow that shit up with Onslaught. Mid to late 90s fucking sucked for X-Men fans and drove many away from the series. If your a little bitch faggot that likes the modern Krakoa arc stuff then you probably like that shit. I'm not even gonna get into the shitty new recruits during the late 90s joe mad run.
Why did the edgy looks of the 90s fall out of favor?
it became cringe as people became more self-aware

now it's kind of cool again but only if you do it ironically.
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Can't wait for Iron Patriot. I realized after various upgrades over the years that I actually had the whole Dark Avengers team minus Noh-Varr so I snagged him up for $17. We do need a new original costume Carol, but I guess I'm just happy we're getting an update of Warbird.
She-Venom when? I'd even go for the movie version.
Yes please. Use the new Carol body and give her new heads, hands, feet, and chest. Boom, easy figure.
There were too many emulations of similar art styles where different books started to blend in together and lost some of their unique visual identity. Spider-Man was probably the exception to this under Bagley but all the other books fell victim where they started to look similar. Especially with the colors. Everything had a muted look to it, even books like Thor whose main draw was always it's otherworldly visuals and bright colors.
/co doesn't even talk about comics anymore and hasn't for years. 90% of the threads on the board are degenerate trash crap for fetish cartoon stuff. The majority of posters who wanted to discuss comics ditched that board a long time ago.
Thanks for the blog update!
You're welcome!
>asking for reuse
You have been conditioned by Hasbro
Reuse, when used appropriately is fine. Without reuse we wouldn't have the amount of characters we get. I'm sure some people only want the big name A-Listerd but Marvel Legends shines in the fact it produces such a deluth of characters.
A bad looking figure of a never before made character is bad forever
What constitutes as a bad figure is entirely subjective. What you think is trash, I may think is great. These are toys, get off your high horse you fucking dork.
>What you think is trash, I may think is great
What a great way to completely negate any fair criticism towards a product
It's true. This stuff is entirely subjective. I think the majority of shit you guys choose to bitch about is nitpicky and superficial at best. No, I don't think low shoulders or waste cuts are nearly as big of a deal as this thread makes them out to be. It doesn't make either one of us right or wrong, it's just shows we have differemt opinions.

Now, once again, get off your high horse about a bunch of toys of characters from American funny books written for children.
That is not entirely true. If a figure breaks, or the paint is not aligned properly, or a joint is stuck, for example, those are objective problems. Likewise people can find design issues, where you can see what they were going for but it didn't work out in practice, you can chalk it up to bad design. You may be able to subjectively overlook the issues for whatever reason -- you like the character, some other parts of the figure appeal to you, etc -- but there is such a thing as an objective flaw.
>If a figure breaks, or the paint is not aligned properly, or a joint is stuck, for example, those are objective problems.
I don't disagree. But those kinds of issues fall more under the purview of bad QC. They're not intentionally messed up. Whereas some of the things this thread harps on, like waste cuts, are deliberate choices made by the designers.

>Likewise people can find design issues, where you can see what they were going for but it didn't work out in practice, you can chalk it up to bad design.
Also yes, but generally that's not what people here tend to whine about. It's more along the lines of a female isn't curvy enough or other shitposts like low shoulders.

>You may be able to subjectively overlook the issues for whatever reason
See >>11032928. I'm not talking about shitty QC so much as I'm talking about some people disliking certain design decisions over others. Whether or not you think shoulders are too low or that waste cuts are ugly is an entirely subjective opinion. Of course we can all agree that a stick joint, broken figure, or misaligned paint is an issue that shouldn't be overlooked, but that's not what we're talking about.
Where's the Storm in overalls figure?
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