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chrome domes edition

previous: >>11020172
Professor X?
And Cerebo.
Waiting for the real thread
We've tried that, but OP throws a temper tantrum and makes the thread when the old one is page 2.
What do you have preordered?
Azrael - delayed
Kryptonite Doomsday - delayed
Cyborg Superman - probably won't be delayed since its at BBTS but I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is on McFarlane distribution
>Buying McF
Your own fault really.

The <afec Hish villains they've announce plus Knightfall Bane and RotSM Superboy. I'm a Mafex boy for my DC stuff.
This is DC gen. I'm not sure what else you'd be buying here. Spinmaster? kek
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He doesn't own any Mafex figures. He has four or five funkos his mom buys him, maybe.
Why do they have to put a warning about choking on toys but not a warning because they're made out of PVC?
Nothing but ive a got a wish list i should start whitling down i guess. Hawkman and sinestro being the must get figures.

Was the hal/dawnbreaker set a budget thing? The figures just feel hollow almost, like todd had to cut back inorder to get all that green plastic. I guess the giant boxing glove is funny, why i have trading card photos of toys im already looking at is beyond me. Do i carry these cards in my wallet like a family photo to gaze upon when im lonely or miss them? Are these cards the precusor to phigital?
What do the numerous delays people report here and elsewhere regarding mcfarlanes actually portend?
Maybe it's that infamous Batman villain Egghead, up to his no-good schemes.
Honestly, their new sony figs are looking pretty good. They could technically do a 6 inch dc line right since mcfarlane is 7 inch?
Gigachad Gardner fig when?
You're a fucking retard
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Tim Drake (DC Rebirth)
If you were going to buy only ONE version of Tim would you go for this or for the 2023 "Robin Reborn version?

>I'd rather grab the New 52 Red Robin than either. It's the only one of Tim's costumes McFarlane managed to improve instead of fucking up.
It's pretty much unavailable except for scalper sales. Todd doesn't even sell it on his site and someone has it on Amazon for a health mark up but it's not SOLD by them so it doesn't even qualify for free shipping.
tl;dr Tim's not worth $40-50 to me.

But thank you for the feedback. I do like the toy and should have gone for it when I saw it used on a few cheap auctions last year.
Yeah, I think the anon behind that OP picture has done a great job on all the customs and poses from the last thread - but that particular head still makes me think a bit too much of professor X than any era of Lex.
>no Gotham by Gaslight Batman
>No Suit of Sorrows Batman
>No batman 666

Just like Gi. joe, classic fags ruined this line
probably that Todd's attempt to cut down on having to destroy stock, or deal with returns or unhappy retailers is largely to piss off customers and to prop up the scalpers and secondary market for the prestige and notoriety it brings his s̶l̶o̶p̶ products
And a most vile superthank to people willing to critique dc figures in their own general to help others identify lemon figures
It's easy when 90% of Todd Toys are lemons.
The new sony figures are a rip off at 30 bucks, just like Todd's. The quality is too low for that price tag.
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>23 posts
>only pic is a funko pop
True. It is mostly extremely safe and boring choices for look selection now.
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>3 heads total
Think they'll do it?
>3 heads
>one looks like total shit

Heres hoping the other two dont look like garbage
Will include: Not enough to justify $30 for the same overall poor quality.
Why are they still including the card stands when everyone has told them those are worthless and to include more accessories instead?
At least this one looks like a teen rather than a guy in his thirties. Will pick him up if he's readily available.
Todd is never that clever
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I'm most excited about the cowls that are coming
Why would I want this? I can't even build it, like Lego.
Because we a minority and a lot of people like them
Because it's cool

I don't get what the purpose is. They take up a huge amount of room and can't do anything. It's a statue of a cowl, probably even worse than a normal statue.
>huge amount of room
They aren't meant for people living in their childhood bedrooms still.
What's the MSRP?
Who cares?
About $100 American
Given that its from mcfarlane pretty sure it is. This ain't a Prime 1 Studio piece
If it's on the cheaper end, of course it's meant for kids.
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Can you wear it?
it's made out of hard plastic so no
Did they say which versions they're doing? I've got a couple of props so I'd be interested if the quality's similar to the better Hasbro ones, though more from the comics and Arkham games than movies.
I dont think 40% of americans can.
You really should limit a collection to one room. I was watching a statue hoarder channel and the dumb fag ordered a life size Balrog head that can't fit through his mancave door so his family has to put up with a giant screaming Balrog in the middle of their living room. He'd also let the collection creep into all the shelves in their living room. No books, no family photos, just quarter scale statues of Batman and the Hulk next the dining table.
One room for a display is plenty.
>so his family has to put up with a giant screaming Balrog in the middle of their living room.
Sounds like the best fucking house ever.
This, since they wasted so much in plastic why not make it a functional cowl?
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I have one of the real ones so it'll be interesting to see whats changed
That isn’t a real one. They used to sell those all the time at Halloween stores.
Its sitting right in his picture so it seems real enough
I can't believe people went batshit over side eye but didn't care about being shipped a green skinned superman
Now that you have your Justice League are you still buying mcfarlanes or is it pretty much done for you?
I'm done with leaguers. I'd bite at a kingdom come supes tho or if Todd released an amazing replacement for my current Superman or Batman.
Considering titans if the look good and are priced right. I'll never own that Starfire because it's overpriced and under produced.
Since I'm getting Darkseid soon the only other villains I want are deadshot and deathstroke.
Todd still has me for superpowers.
I actually haven't bought a DCMV of Aquaman and probably won't and technically probably won't ever get the Martian Manhunter even though various of those have fallen into peg warmer clearance prices on EB.

But I'll probably buy the Conner Kent SB just not as a pre-order but when the price drops and I'm certain to get what I want not some purple or gold painted idiocy.
I never really bought McFarlane aside from a few big figs here and there. I'm a MafexChad not a McScrub.
Wtf, what the fuck does real mean to you then? Halloween costumes ain't real all of a sudden?
I was never in DCMV for the Justice League, but to supplement the DCD/DCC figures I already own. I've bought 15 so far and most of them have been villains. The only JL member I got is the first Johh Stewart release with the minigun. Death Metal Batman sort of counts I guess, though I've got him displayed with the Batfamily. Hawkgirl would be another one I'd grab.
>too stupid to understand what I was saying
Eh, I get this kind of one room limit for toys, but nothing wrong with having props sprinkled around the house. It's one thing if your collection's overwhelming your entire living space or inconveniencing other people like in your example, but this isn't the old days where you need to hide your hobbies like some kind of secret shame.
Why isn't this like the past?
When's the last time you had a girl over?
Ask your mom
Mcfarlane dc multiverse distribution problems also hitting the UK, according to a certain YouTube channel
Well, unless you've been living under a rock you've probably noticed "nerdy" hobbies have pretty much become mainstream, especially among younger generations. So many superhero movies the audience is fatigued with them, video games making more revenue than the movie and music industries combined, anime grown from fairly niche outside of Japan to a booming global industry, comic cons ballooned from a few thousand attendees to hundreds of thousands, millions of women cosplaying, etc. Long story short, no one's going to give a shit if you have a Batman cowl in your living room.

Can't tell if you're really young and self-conscious or old enough to be completely unaware of how the perspective of younger people has changed around you...
Even if it's vastly more accepted nowadays than it has been in the past, collecting toys can still be pussy repellent. I mean it all depends on how you present it and yourself, if you're not a slob and bathe and groom yourself regularly and keep a clean and presentable home where your toys are regulated to a single space, then yeah that's fine. But if your entire house/apartment is decorated with nothing but toys, it comes off as very infantile. This is coming from someone who has an entire bedroom in his house dedicated to his toy collection, gaming PC, 3D printer, and other hobbies. So take that for what you will.
>according to a certain YouTube channel
Why do this gossipy woman shit instead of just citing a source
>millions of women cosplaying
You actually know why that is though, right?
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Women aren't going to reject you for toys any more than they would reject you for NFL merch (or any other 'passion') IF it doesn't so clearly fill where you live where you might as well be living in some display at a store.

How you present yourself, your personality, your job (or prospects) - all that shit will reflect more.

>become mainstream
Having Funko Pops in your office has become mainstream. Having life sized Hulk hands that can fit over yours, or a person sized cut out of Batman or Spider-Man, or towels, sheets, etc. isn't.

I have Superman coffee mugs, people think they are cute if I serve them coffee or hot cocoa. But I have actual drink tumblers and glass and stem ware as well. I don't have Green Lantern bed sheets, Flash towels, or a Wonder Woman welcome mat or anything like that.

I also own and have used for the past 6 years or so a Flash wallet. At bars, when I pay for groceries, out with pals, dates, etc., if I get any comments, it's a range of 'nice' to 'where did you get that' - and if anyone has anything negative to say about it, they've never said it to my face or behind my back where I heard about it. But again, I don't go around wearing anything on my ass or on my chest.
>F it doesn't so clearly fill where you live where you might as well be living in some display at a store.
>How you present yourself, your personality, your job (or prospects) - all that shit will reflect more.
This is literally what I said in my post subby, why are you trying to argue?
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Yeah, no doubt there's various factors to consider, including what you collect and how you display it. A messy clusterfuck or a bunch of coomer toys, especially lolis, are going to be received a lot worse than just about anything else. I actually agreed keeping the toys to a single space made sense and was more talking about meshing props and other memorabilia into the home. On that note, I don't see much point in trying to conform your home to be like everyone else's unless you genuinely want it to. I never forgot seeing Guillermo Del Toro's house and how it was reflection of his love for horror. Most of us don't have the money to go that far, of course, but I respect the hell out of people who can blend their passions and standard furniture together without it looking chaotic.

If it's that they're all gold-digging attention whores fishing for only fans subscribers, I'd disagree. Sure, there are some that are, but I'd argue there's just as many that are passionate about the characters or at least the hobby.
Because then i would be accused of advertising a channel when that isn't my intention
It's one thing to be a famous director or an eccentric or something like taht and have your house set up in such a manner, but for 99% of the rest of us, it's better to regulate your hobby, whatever it may be, to a single space. And I'll admit that I can be bad at this. I have a whole room with toys like I said, but I still managed to get a shelf or two of stuff in my bedroom, nothing much, but a couple of model kits and some Mezcos.
Didn't that sadly burn down during the fires
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How is this Batman?
>without it looking chaotic.
That doesn't look chaotic to you?
I dig it. I like how there's no cape to get in the way of posing. I wish McFarlanes still had this level of detail.
And the keypad on the arm actually lifts up.
Perfect for his punching hand.
I wasn't replying to you, I probably could have tagged you better - however you didn't raise points like your income/job prospects, much less what kind of person you are.

A clean, neatly groomed Ted Bundy isn't the norm, and women nowadays aren't just going to buy just that, particularly when they are being raped by their Uber and Lyft drivers or similar.
It looks like he's using some of that stuff for reference. When I still made art, I kept a lot of crap of reference, now even though I hardly do stuff, I still save reference material but it tends to be digital so it's all on my lap top or external.

He also probably likes having the physical books - and other physical items. It also really depends on HOW BIG the house itself is. Some really huge homes can have multiple living rooms or entertainment spaces, or even work spaces.

If I owned my own home, with spare rooms, I would still have my fucking vinyl collection and a record player, among a bunch of other things that have been lost due to moves, etc.

Cool and cheap bc it's in the "idk what that is" bubble outside of late 80s/early 90s nostalgia - get it
This one's cool because all the tubes don't really impede articulation much.
You tagged me twice in that one post.

>A clean, neatly groomed Ted Bundy isn't the norm,
Excuses. I hate how degenerate and unclean you people are. Take a shower.
Get the light up version. It has a superior paint job and cost about buck or two more
Is this the only light up action McFart ever did?
They did light up figures in like 1995 or 96 with the original Redeemer and a few others thereafter
They defeated that man--the man who cared about Manga Batman. He didn't even get posted. Have you noticed the Batmen are starting to digitally pegwarm on amazon now while the regular characters are often still sold out? Have we reached peak batman and people are finally going for other characters because they have Enough Batman?
DC 27 Batman is doing just fine.

consider that not all - but many - of the people that bitch about too many batman figures

Reeves Supes when? Don't care if it's McFarlane or Mafex, someone just give me a good Reeve's Superman.
Its on leak lists for mcfarlane
Mezco already did.
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Wondering if this is the OP.
Proportions are bad on MLs too as we know from Anthony reviews
I hate Turd McFartlane
McFarlane figs have better proportions than MLs. Really hate how Hasbro has somehow convinced a bunch of "collectors" that giant lollipop heads and tiny nipple-high shoulders are somehow good comic-book proportions.
>McFarlane figs have better proportions than MLs
Lol, lmao even
Not into softgoods for clothes. I like them for wired capes and maybe a cloak but for a skin tight bodysuit it just doesn't look right to me.

Any timeframe? I'll have to see what the head looks like too.
Yeah, they objectively do as they actually look like superheroes instead of out of shape dudes and flat women with bizarrely huge heads wearing cosplay.
nta The one thing that really bugs me about McFarts is the height. He'll extend the legs unnecessarily to make everyone the same height.
Read the comics, super heroes are tall.
Long legs and pin heads lmao
Yeh, I get that but I'd still like a bit of variety.
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This you?
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>109 posts
>only 14 pics
>2 of them are you stalking some tranny on instagram
It's you. Got it.
Yup. You caught me.
Batman and Superman and Ragman

the trinity
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my cameras ass.
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Here ya go
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Faggot is right.
Been working on my Azrael. All the textures and pouches look amazing with a wash.


Solomon Grundy
Why is this $30?
Brave to customize a 70 dollar action figure.
Because retards enabled price gauging instead of letting the collector editions fail
I don't even get why they caved when the early CEs were not even good
more paint
That doesn't look like 7 dollars worth of paint to me
Toddy better not fuck it up.
more accessories than usual
I stopped collecting Hasbro figures when I completed my X-Men team and I have been shitting on Hasbro's practices for years but saying McFarlane has better proportions than ML is outright insane. I could easily name at least ten figures in the McFarlane line with crappy proportions while I have to struggle to even come up with one example from the ML line. Complaining about Hasbro's shitty looking sculpts and cost practices is one thing but proportions have been pretty spot-on if you don't take into consideration that some figures are taller or shorter

I don't think you understand what the word proportions means. It's not about figures being too tall or too short. If the legs are unnaturally stretched or the body is too small for the legs and arms or even the head is too big, that counts as a figure having poor proportions
Once was the one I'm agreeing that I inadvertently tagged you regarding grooming being the only necessary requirement to make up for a roomful of toys (or other ' "nerdy" hobbies ' as you put). But the other tag was a very intentional reply to the part of your comment that those 'hobbies' have become mainstream.

That was where I was, in your parlance, 'argu[ing] with you. The other part simply amplifies your comment, except it seems you want to disagree with that amplification. If you don't think young females today aren't concerned about more than mere surface appearance such as whether someone wears clean, appropriate clothes, has an appropriate haircut and clearly otherwise clean themselves, etc., then you aren't spending as much socializing and getting out in the world as you think, friend.
>stalking some tranny
>phone posting /pol tards came for /toys
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>giving Sony money

I don't support shitheads who sue honest businesses over non-issues, then proceed to appeal infinitely when they lose just so they can drain the small business of whatever money they have on "legal fees" to fight the appeals.

Sadly I'm in the minority, most will boycott the line because "fictional woman doesn't look like my hentai fantasy, I can't jerk ff to this".
Shut up subjectanon.
Of all the many things you can pick to complain about Sony you pick this one? Weird fucking stance. Personally, I would've chosen to hate in their inability to keep their customer's data safe, their censoring of games in the west, or forcing you to use a PSN account in PC.
>But the other tag was a very intentional reply to the part of your comment that those 'hobbies' have become mainstream.
That was me. His post about how being properly groomed helps acceptability was a reply to that post. I was actually the one that was tagged twice in your initial post unless I'm missing something so not sure how you two got so turned around.

Nope, it was a close call, but there was only some smoke damage apparently.
The claws and legs look a lot better
Where is this one from?
I'm happy you opened it, anon. It looks nice.
Citation needed
Just in case somebody is interested in:




Some manga
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>Point and laugh at the people that buy $30 mcfarlane figures
Frankly I don't see how they sell these, they're all super obscure, but that is probably the best use for the CE line, just use it for really deep cuts, produce in limited quantities compared to the regular DCMV line and keep it in electronics where it can sell slower.
It is, sadly.
Might as well sell model kits
Another week, another delay approval on mcfarlanes.
>Superboy in his most recognizable outfit
>super obscure
That's not the most recognizable one for 90s kids.
I'm a 90's kid, too, but it is for the majority of people nowadays considering it's been featured in Young Justice and Titans. Regardless, if DCC could sell this, McFarlane can certainly sell the t-shirt and jeans look.
nicely done, anon
Superboy's head looks huge.
As a 90s kid as well, I have to say the T-shirt look was probably more iconic to me too. Just because I was bron and read 90s comics doesn't mean I can't acknowledge the fact that he worse this other look for like 15 years.
I don't read modern comics, nor do most people
There isn't a McFarlane general but I just needed to post this as it's one of the most pathetic things I've seen him release.
This is just a repaint of the GoT dragon they did a few yearss ago. You a newfag or something?
Note that this isn't even a Dragon from House Of The Dragons, it's actually just the Viserion they made in 2019 for Season 8 that they dug up and painted solid blue, or "Frostbite Form" as Todd calls it.
What's wrong with it? He did frostbite stuff for DC too. I mean sure its niche but it'll probably get some sales. I like when exclusives are niche, that means I don't have to buy them. If only all the gold label stuff was just nonsense like repaints.
That's exactly what it is. That's why it's so pathetic
Doing random repsint variants of existing figgers is Todd's specialty.
Why is Todd the only one to do really weird 'artistic' ones?
Need to do something to distract from his lack of paint.
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Uh, okay? Neither have I recently. Like I said, the majority of people will recognize it from Young Justice(cartoon) and Titans(live action) which both ran four seasons and had viewership in the millions.
Can you call comics from twenty years ago modern? He stopped wearing the jeans and T-shirt in 2011.
People watched the live action Teen Titans?
I don't believe people watch the CW or western cartoons anymore
Its not a boycott, you fucking faggot, people dont want ugly figures and wont buy that garbage.
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So I got Knightsend Azrael. I could feel that sweet, sweet mold release on the soft red portion of the armor. If you see a shimmering finish on the promo pics of that Azrael, it isn't paint. Oh no, that part is unpainted. It's actually mold release. And it has that lovely new plastic smell.

That said it doesn't feel like too exciting a release when all is said and done. Maybe because I already got regular Azrael, but its a nice enough release. I say its worth 23 bucks. But the people paying 30+ for it on the aftermarket I really don't get. Also kind of glad I got the red one now after seeing the hand color on the blue one, that looks very off. It should be metallic. Anyway thanks for enjoying my blog, anons.
It looked to rough with the white Mickey Mouse gloves. It’s the most 90’s Batman design ever with the pouches and ammo belts, it demands at least washes, like when Todd used to paint figures.

Gives the hands and torso some light blue and the claws are less jarring. Really wish the wings actually moved.
He’s so huge, pictures don’t capture how big the wings make him feel in person. He’s fun to just pace around and watch the light shimmer on the shiny bits lol
Given that's $40, I'd laugh if the original was $20
Young justice is fucking shit and went woke real fast
Don't they all anymore?
I've been woke since birth.
Young justice should've stayed dead
Why was Milestone so effortless? Static Shock was an actually cool character, but if they tried something like that today it would feel forced and exploitative. I never once thought Static was a cool black character, he was a cool character who happened to be black, like Steel.
I'm curious to see Todd McFarlane's take on The Mighty Endowed.
You need to get a better camera and learn how to light figures but that does look a lot better than >>11031012
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It was one of the most watched shows in the US at a time and then blew up on Netflix, so apparently. I dropped it early into S3. Starfire and Beast Boy only turning orange/green when they used their powers was bad enough, but Jorah Mormont as Bruce Wayne was terrible and baby face Jason Todd becoming Red Hood was the nail in the coffin.

I mean, you're not wrong, but Titans wasn't CW and Young Justice started airing like 14 years ago.

I liked the first two seasons. Didn't like the third much. Never even finished the fourth because of how unfocused it had become.
Black Series does that too, though. So far they've done Carbonized, Credits Collection, and those new hologram ones, also the Halloween and Christmas repaints.
Is superboy using the mcfart body? If so, all 3 figures are complete reuse at 30 bucks kek

Found the tranny
Why are most of your figures tripping over?
It's going to be so weird if sgt rock comes with no guns. Why even make him collectors edition?
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>Doesn't come with Ice
>The Rookie
>Doesn't come with Jim Gordon Batman
What the fuck Todd?
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>B/Catwoman body
Botched but it will sell out due to muh teams people. Thankfully i won't have to compete with the scalpers to order anything today. Ever since mcfarlane has gone into hyper reuse mode the look of the figures has been extremely compromised. I see those catwoman leggings.
Imagine being so autistic that you don't just buy toys of characters you like.
Imagine being so much of a cum slurping faggot that you'd buy a dog shit version of a character that you like just because it has their name on a box
You're just proving my point chum.
Go back queer
Go back where?
Take a look at the side view of Fire's hair
Todd's going to lose the line right?
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The one time ridiculous proportions would apply to a character and Todd makes Mr. Bloom look like a regular Joe Schmo. Unbelievable.
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Its made for reuse. Also the rookie and mr bloom pack is 70 bucks. Top kek, good luck selling it at that price.
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>rookie and mr bloom pack is 70 bucks
Pls understand mcfarlane toys very smol company
This was by FAR the worst era in Batman comics. It was like it was a totally different comic. Also, that Mr. Bloom looks like crap. couldn't they have used something from Plastic Man?
Hasbro's DC Legends Mr. Bloom
To be fair, they already did Jim Gordon Batman.
Hasbro's would actually have comic accurate proportions.
If that happened, it would just be clouds around her torso, like in the comics. Obviously.
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Mcfarlane toys is a laughing stock.
>but if they tried something like that today it would feel forced and exploitative.
Why is that? Is it because people are too jaded nowadays?
They're actually acting like a large company now with how much they're looking to fuck over the customer with maximized prices and minimized paint/new sculpts. I wonder if there's a platinum version of Fire that is actually Ice like they did with Starfire/Blackfire
McFart should have REALLY done plain bucks. I've passed on so much stuff because you could see sculpt lines.
Hasbro's would be a BAF requiring you to buy a bunch of characters you don't give a shit about.
Mcfarlane does bafs too though
Yeh, but you actually give a shit about the figures.
No, he should've kept doing what he was doing for the first 3 years of the line, mostly original sculpts suited to the character. Not reusing Lex Luthor for Metallo which is inaccurate
What the shit is this fuck, explain yourself Satan
>mostly original sculpts suited to the character.
You know how expensive that would be? That's why you guys are bitching about the Playstation stuff.
What look are they trying to go for here?
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>Giving a shit about Mr. Fucking Bloom
Lol, lmao even. It's not like you guys even read comics.
It was 19.99 for those 3 years, anon. Mcfarlane is already charging 30 for reuse with the CE line, same as the PS figs.
I'm just saying, if it was a baf it might have been more accurate to the comics version.
>Source material accuracy
Stop, I'm gonna pee myself from laughing too hard.
Yeh, and how many licenses did he have three years ago?
Wheres the anon who was asking for fire and ice? I had no real picture of what the figure could look like but this is kinda disappointing.

So its been a few weeks, istill think the flash has a strange smile but its not awful.
It gets even more disappointing the more you look
Todd bought 300 tons of transparent green plastic for cheap and he needed to use it up fast. Transparent green batman platinum, the Parallax reissue with transparent grren parts, now this
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This no guns shit is too much, man.
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Sgt Rock with no guns. Why did they even bother?
I can't do this anymore. This line is so shit.
This $8 upcharge for a figure they just released at $22 is laughable. Glad they fixed the size of his head tho.
Super Todd
For some reason this looks comical
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Is this the villain of the new coneheads movie?
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top fucking kek
Is this from the comic where superman has sex with every woman?

You got your wish, anon >>11027483
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Here are your platinums.
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If Todd insists on doing chase figures this should've been a platinum with the "L" cut and just red eyes
I fucking hate Todd mcfarlane
I guess $30 for two factory heads and a base aren't that bad.
The sgt rock plat would be an instant return
Sells better than gijoe classifieds and marvel legends, kek
Yes it is. You can get jadas and mls with 2 extra heads for 25
At least in green he doesn't look like a halfbreed nog
Im saying my alternative here is ordering customs which of the two options the ce is cheaper.
Those pieces of shit are toy though, six inch is too small for a 1/12 display especially when it's iconic super heroes
>6in is too small for a 1/12th display
U wut m8. You mean 1/10th?
>SUPER boy
>not a single defined muscle
>reusing the buck of a 60yo
>bad headasculpts

Shit is getting is laughably bad
Not hard when the volume is so low.
dont forget the card
I like the cards in concept. They could've done so much more with them.
>Young Justice(cartoon) and Titans(live action)
Both of these appearances featuring the tee shirt are on Johns, particularly the live action. And really that because he wants HIS shitty canon to be treated as THE DC canon by the normies and casuals who watch cartoons and TV shows/movies, versus comic readers or any other types of cape shit fans.
Just realised he doesn't have a card stand. The one thing every collectors edition has.
>7" Manga Batman
>Lord Death Man is a 6" retro figure

Just amazing.
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Everyone else who said it's a shitty body and crappy reuse is correct. While the DC Direct version looks stocky, that has more to do with being a six incher.

The MTA is one more inch and does look like like the body of soome shitty 60 year old make up wearing grandpa.
I can't even get someone to buy two of those which are essentially new, taken out of the box and put into baggies, which I am offering with free shipping for $6 each whereas I got some idiot to buy a single DC Direct stand for more plus the shipping.
Nah the mattel one is better than that crap
Where's my Guy Gardner figure?
does todd even like superman? he seems like the type who thinks superman is boring unless he's evil and kills people
Does anyone? Homelander is right about a lot of things, and Omniman too. People are insects and need to be enslaved.
Well it is from a comic book.
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>hey kid come here I wanna show you something
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You people need both a girlfriend and a hobby and possibly a Job.
Move the hell out of your parents home
They should just include a flight stand instead of the card stand for every CE. It works for jumping or aerial diving poses, etc. The card stand does literally 0.
This looks more "polished"
No one would be able to afford this hobby without a job and this IS their hobby.
Mr. Clean???
I just fucked my wife and now I'm over here posing my figgies while my cum leaks out. Stay mad.
>Just COOMin a big ol' chunkie while pumping up those levels as I strombolioni like a total badass in a kino supremo way

Are the 7 inch figures or the 6 inch figures more exciting?
Here's your action figure, bro.
What's the problem? You're insinuiating that there's an issue with this toy, which looks fine.
Yeah, I really enjoy the unique and daring take they went with in the hair sculpt.
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>finally get a Metallo figure
>it's this fucking dogshit
Can't even hope for an animated series variant at some point. Maybe I should just buy a Terminator.
Sounds like a seriously badass moment when furiously masturbating for that wholesome little nostalgic kino
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Are we one step closer to getting a Maxima figure? She probably has some modern redesign as a black trans woman in a wheelchair Todd will make instead, but the Fire figure gives me hope.
Todd has been on a CLASSIC KICK lately. A little too classic, like 1940s classic.

Also that design probably wouldn't be approved by modern DC execs. She's got some pretty big guns.
Worse than that. They replaced her with an ugly dyke in the New 52 and then brought back classic Maxima during DC Rebirth just so the ugly dyke Maxima and Supergirl could beat the shit out of her to spite fans who complained about dyke Maxima and for making DC bring back Classic Post-Crisis Superman (as Supergirl was the only Superman book NOT to be affected by the restoration of Post-Crisis Superman via Rebirth. .
That horrible Fire figure sold out

Proof people will buy any figure, no matter how bad, if they need it for a team.
Huh. Wonder why no one reads comics anymore.
were comic books the first form of geek media to be infiltrated?
I actually own both. The Mattel signature one has an awful face. When I first got back into collecting toys, it was because I had a bunch of Think Geek gift cards - like $200 worth. And I don't play vidya so I bought some toys.

I could have gotten that Mattel on sale at Game Stop for like $10 around 2017?

I can see liking those but I'd prefer the metallic head.
You had a black Catwoman on the Adam West TV show six decades ago.

You weren't even sperm when it happened and your father's balls hadn't even dropped, son.
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>a dreidel?
>those shitty dinky accessories are justifying the premium upcharge

Can retards even defend this garbage anymore? The fb groups are full of cope
Kek looks like a dog turd made of green jello
>Hmmmm Cordell, let's get this hmmm Shuperman
Based. Fuck grey-era Superman villains.
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How do you anons feel about the look of this Tim Drake figure?
Looks like he sucks a mean dick.
Looks pretty gay
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This creepy fucker can move
goatse eyes
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Why'd he sell out so fast? Because the other option was this?
Why do you always act surprised when it's known he makes extremely limited stock. That Robin is now $40 on the scalper market, plus it's Batman related and this franchise is supported by Batman collectors.
Expression looks more appropriate for Damian and that they gave him a shitload of hands with no weapons is retarded, but it looks pretty good otherwise.
I think its safe to say hes the gayest robin now, like he always was meant to be
There were a lot of preorders today, but no new ones I found worth getting. It's getting bad for mcfarlane toys, they haven't been able to maintain the quality of this line and the limited quantities they now sell shows that.
>wanting a bunch of pegwarmers you'll never buy
Based giga chad Todd making the exact number of figures people want
I want pegwarmers so I can buy figures I want at a discount, not at $30 bucks a pop or more for Toddstore exclusives
You just said there were no new ones worth getting so you weren't going to buy them anyway. Pilfer Marvel Legends for discount parts.
The ones put up today sure. But there could still be some in the future.
Where in the FUCK is my Parasite, Todd?
No one gives a crap about Parasite.
Porking your slampig is probably not boast worthy
The idiot scalpers who bought it out >>11032336 are doing their part to make sure I end up with it a year from now as a deep discount

only idiots need crappy crap TODAY TODAY TODAY
Well, this line had a good run.
One thing it has going for it is the flight stand instead of those useless collector cardstands - I could actually second this: >>11032042

- but I keep hearing from people that the McFarlane toy store stands break easily. I'm not posing my toys enough or moving them around enough to have experienced THAT.
Blame WB. As an aside, there are a couple of appropriate guns in McF's Munitions Pack #1, and another in Pack #3.

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