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>Upcoming Transformers
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>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previously on /tfg/ : >>11022919
Because they turn into nothing, you could probably slap the head and colors of any Autobot pretender on a vehicle that matches land/air/sea and have it pass.
Fuck Mark
Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus or Legends Ultra Magnus
Really dropping the ball on the last wave of Legacy, huh?

I'm not complaining about Great Value Missing Link Convoy but the rest sure is meh.
the economy isn't getting any better. Expect more of this until at least feb of next year
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>Previously on /tfg/
3 duds and one hit, cheapo link prime is the only good figure revealed so far, what are the odds for Armada Galvatron, Animated Motormaster and leader soundwave tomorrow?

Will they fuck up Motormasters headsculpt, use the wrong colors on Galvatron (or deco like they did with Scourge) or make Soundwave target exclusive?
>use the wrong colors on Galvatron
thats the boxart, so no
Red or white thighs? Legends give you a tiny Alpha trion, but CW has the G1 toy colors.
seriously though they're both different enough I can justify getting both, one for each mode. hasbro has the 86 blue while takara is fully IDW colour accurate
That boxart also shows Metalhawk wings attached to his back while they're on his shoulders, don't trust it 100%.
this is true
were they generally compatible with each others' shells back in the day?
Why another Metalhawk? It was already part of Legacy, and people weren't too fond of the mold the first time. This is like putting out Legacy Arcee again.
These guys were great. I wish Hasbro would've cranked out more
He's the only one worth a damn
I still want more.
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Come on, you haven't even given them a chance!
Respect the "The"
I assume to pair with upcoming Powermaster Prime. Metalhawk is the main character in Masterforce
I have the original release and it’s good
I hate the sculpted finger. I get why, but I hate it.
Guess they want new pr to be at least different from the first release in some. Kind of surprised stored agreed to stock a shelfwarmer.
What about it is bad? You can't just say something is bad without elaborating.
he's such a basedlennial fag being passive aggressive in his shitty reveals.
if you know you designed trash, just make a generic company post, you don't have to cry in front of everyone
>cartoon accuracy is fading out for toy accuracy

Good. But you just know those Youtuber faggots who review the new Prime will be unable to stop crying "it's not cartoon accurate" 30 times during the video.

>would go to prison to punch out Dennis Gotbot & TMReviews for crying about toon accuracy trash
yes you can, he just did
Eject being solid is better, but otherwise they changed black to gray & made the tape window solid because "the old one wasn't cartoon accurate ENOUGH..."
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Wandering drawanon here, Im revisiting an concept I start of a r63 version of the G1 storyline but its the diaclone characters. Here is my Dino/Red Mirage
Also how havent we gotten a Red Mirage repaint yet?
So what, a black repaint of Seaspray?
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Didn't they say Bouldercrash had a reddish color because they wanted to avoid overlap with Tasmania Kid? Is this the originally planned color scheme?
he;s being a dumb troll
Gotta love the difference between a Mark and Evan reveal
>wham zam zippow woa look at this rad figure sorry it doesn't look like the show but y'know who cares it looks awesome!!!!!
>New guy is a redeco of XYZ figure based on this appearance, take a look -Evan
there'd better be plastic on them windows.
Just look at them.
Post yours. Otherwise you are the troll. I post proof of owning the cursed thing.
Evan has autism while Mark has a more socially active disorder.
How much longer must we sit through the slog of uninteresting reboots and remakes before they start innovating again?
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I was hoping this would satisfy my need for a core G1 Galvatron. It does not.
Next wave which planned for the beginning of 2025 has at least one which is a new mold, possibly two. In terms of innovating, maybe with next year's theme.
Will hasbro ever have the balls to do something like the current diaclone line, or is it just too ambitious?
You already know what Energon Megatron looks likes as a toy. What were you expecting?
Transformers is against having human pilots because they are alive. Modular bases and vague vehicles are things they are doing in Transformers already.
I would appreciate 'missing links' of the classic beast wars toys.. both in toy and show colors
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They could have gone with the black crown and silver face. Energon Galvatron had different decos between Hasbro and Takara.
clever leg transformation
oh is that what anon meant by 'like the current diaclone line'
I doubt it? Not sure why they would.
They stuck closer to the Takara deco, you see.
It's based on the cartoon colors
>Hasbro toy colors instead of show colors
Are you serious? After about a decade of favoring show colors whenever possible?
They already make toys with shitty vehicle modes if you ask the one guy in these threads, what else does Diaclone even offer?
Just buy that one 3P one that already has a good number of recolors.
Not that, but just really highly detailed sculpting, solid construction, high quality plastics and paint apps, actual metal parts where they need them for structural support. Also the infinitely customizable modularity that allows you to basically build your own custom transformer out of the parts available, a lot like custom bionicles, with mixing and matching sets together.
Bouldercrash looked way better than this, that head sculpt especially looks so retarded
yeah that's not happening until we get this whole economy thing functioning again. and I don't think that's the direction it's going. There's not a lot of 'fiscal responsibility' mobs.
You're forgetting that modern diaclone is really fucking pricey
If I wanted to play with Legos I'd just buy Legos
Ironically, I think diaclone are currently cheaper by weight than lego.
you're making jokey joke jokes, but legos actually have a lot of difficulty making good mechs. they have a low 'resolution' given how large the smallest piece can be, and the brick connections aren't designed to twist or even resist forces in all directions.
Just stop being poor.
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You will be punished
>pooptail number two
Agreed, the silver crown looks very cheap, as does the stress-resistant black plastic.
Doesn't look that great here either to be honest... Hasbro actually did alright in Energon, looks like. Nice silver tank, black accents that aren't too overwhelming, instead of a shitton of black and a random amount of silver.
sometimes i wonder just how much I could buy if I was stupid rich.. there's so goddamn much to collect, and i'd have to have a big enough house for room for it all...
maybe if you didn't spend all your money on overpriced plastic shit, you'd have a nice big house where you can then store all the overpriced plastic shit you want.
nah.. my collection over the last 22 years amounts to... maybe 7 grand, and that's a really generous estimate. especially given that i didn't buy diddly shit for a good 8 of those years.
What other thing do you expect him to be used as? Submarauder and Finback have interesting parts to their shell to put in, but Waverider is just a guy. Hell even his fellow Autobot Splashdown at least has a shark head armor.
Waverider's armor is whale themed, like Splashdown is shark themed.
This looks like a happy meal toy.
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what does the future of first party tf look like? infinite g1 prime rehashes while they finish the 100ish late/post-g1 cast?
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But I had a surprising amount of fun (i.e. any, being able to handle him without really worrying about anything, and it growing on me) with Autobot Spike, so I think they can make endearing human-bot characters, as long as they're not lazy retools of Spike. Otherwise, reinventing pretenders to be more fun is Hasbro's job. Bomb-Burst was great and Iguanus was alright, hoping to see more stuff like that. Mostly Octopunch though, and a silly and hammy Stranglehold might be fun as well.
just get the 10th anniversary or telemocha reissues dude
TM2 Cheetor sure was an atrocious toy.
Cloudburst could've been an easy retool of Brainstorm.
you don't adore it?
Sure, the torso is short, and the transformation is nonexistent, but.. he looks rippin awesome in both modes.
Next year is the Primes + the Aeriallbots
I still have my old ones, I just want them with added articulation and improved paint maybe. Poor Inferno is stuck in "pretending to hold two orbs while you kneel and headbang to death metal" without any wrist swivels, and he never got any rereleases, telemocha etc, because he shelfwarmed. That's what happens when you solo-pack a guy!! everybody got one, you just made too many.
>TFW have noticed new metalhawk colours are likely taken from oversaturated JPEGs on the wiki
how are hasbro still in business
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>Remolded as an anime monster who appeared only on one episode.

Wasn't here any other Rocklord option?
I fucking hate it as a Transformer. It's lazy and boring.The extreme 90s sculpting is sort of appealing to me, though. The vac metal is also great, but even up against the other Transmetal IIs I think Cheetor blows.
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I keep seeing Cloudraker whenever I look at half these pretenders for some reason.
Worst-case if they just skip the human parts for some of these, it'd still be nice to have at least the inner robot, or the outer armour + robot's face
I feel like the TM2s all had the same issues. Just proportion problems like they were hoping being super badass would make up for it. And I mean, for us kids, it did.
but the fact that even the new third party TM2 dinobot can't figure out how to transform his legs into decent arms is kind of telling (They just give the beast mode shitty legs. great job, china)
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They should have opted for a Putty Patroller color scheme.
So ordered Optimus siege for like 20 bucks off Amazon. He any good?
Rhinox retool
good ol golem-hei. Still the bog standard for budget rock-men. Some rocky masks, the occasional rocky fist appliance, and who cares if the rest of them is silver spandex. fuck it, close enough.
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Every time you suggest more retools another part of me dies
If you hate the flaws, cost, or trailer for ER Prime and don't mind the filth caked on, he's a very fun figure. The extra shit on his arms can be guns or blades or other fun things you can make up, and his backpack can be a nice jetpack.
there's a competency crisis so everyone is less skilled but also everyone is more compliant so they'll still but whatever is in front of them to fill the void
If I had to choose between retools and nothing....

Yes, good
Slimestone vibes
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I get what you mean but it also encourages laziness
Extensive and heavy retools I wouldn't mind, but if they painted a G1 Seaspray purple with a new head and called it Octopunch, I'd flip. Pretenders with Kingdom animal modes though, like a Rhinox done into Stranglehold that way, would be interesting. I don't know whether it'd be good, but it'd be commendable for Hasbro to at least try a new thing, and not just "guys you can take apart", and even for that bit they've gotten lazier.
Like I said. I would love new molds but I know Hasbro aint doing it for a bunch of who's. I'd rather have SOMETHING in the meantime
>G1 Toy Prime has PVC rubber tires
Rubber is bad enough, but I hope they didn't cast the fucking guns out that same rubber plastic.
fucking awesome. I still love this guy. He's made entirely out of things that make me smile.
okay not the stupid missile launchers with the back of the missile sticking out, fuck those. but the rest.
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Aside from the human ones, I'm posting the pretenders I'd want btw
I don't know if this is a good Octopunch, but I also never actually handled this mold. And I suppose "it should be a dedicated mold only grrr" is, in a sense, going "it should be identical to thing I want, it's lazy for them to modify a pre-existing fun toy so I get a fun toy + character I like". Like, if they made it an older diving helmet or gave him a nice harpoon or anchor, that figure would be an insta-buy, for example.
Yeah we can see your spam.
Ah, it's you again
it is a crime that this fucking cool cyborg walrus man is never going to be used in anything ever. He's like, the perfect 90s X-men abomination, where they would treat him deadly serious as a devoted warrior. Even if we get something like Iguanus and Bomb-burst got, it still wouldn't be THIS.. nor should it be, but I want this, in something. Why can't the transformers fight something other than transformers once in a while? That's part of what I loved about Animated. and Prime. to a lesser extent.
new pfp dropped
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Think that's all the minis apart from Bludgeon, but everyone knows who that is. A bit odd that the night terrors known as Bludgeon and the Mayhem Attack Squad were around the size of the Mini Vehicles, and the bigger dopey "that's just a human" giants were towering over them.
He's an ugly weirdo and probably not many people's favourite, but I really like him.
I think we both got Cable vibes from his yellow armour and red monocle, or something like that.
fuck you kreofag
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Post grails
this one I would really love seeing remade. we haven't had a good scorpionformer since.. fuck, quickstrike. nor before him.
>had to check whether I missed a Kingdom/Legacy Quick-Strike or if that was just a 3p
I swear he was coming out? Uhh Scorpions we got were... G1 and BW Scorponoks and their modern renditions, Energon Scorponok and the G1 Botcon version, uhhh... Oh, the RID ones, the brown pirate and the purple BW one. I think the RID ones were praised, but none of them were like, a proper realistic/metal mechanical one. Really like the (Roman?) fancy etched armour he has as well
I have 2 of these
very floppy knees
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Definetly a grail still after the reveal
>I have 2 of these very floppy knees
We all have those
Uhhh silver TM Tarantulas for sure.
we saw a 3P and we thought it was coming in for Legacy. False alarm.

so yeah, BW scorponok, neat as he was, was a pretty sorry scorpion. and all the various robo scorponoks have been bricks with a few weird pieces on them. Creative pieces, oftentimes, and usually a good robot mode, but still not what scratches my itch after playing New Vegas.
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chinese, japanese, floppy knees
look at these

I honestly think the SS ROTB Rhinox mold would make for a good retook into Stranglehold. There's some organic detailing in the chest while the beast mode is more mechanical. It would certainly be preferable than using the Kingdom Rhinox mold.
Longtooth actually got a bit of focus in the TF Marvel (both US and UK).
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I was looking forward to BW Scorponok, but was deterred by some comments, his square chest, and his lack of being in stock. Although I can still get a Buzzworthy one for cheap second hand, just never got around to it.
>bricks with a few weird pieces on them
The RID ones looked a bit creative though
>wanting more radscorpions
I just melt them on sight
I sort of see it. Chest can be recoloured for abs, maybe do something with the shoulderpads and have a pretty fashionable rhino as well, the headsculpt would really be key for someone as... odd as Stranglehold
such a shit design, let alone a toy design
I decided against touching the movie in any form so I have no strong conclusion about it, but Rhinox did look like one of the weakest
He got a slightly out-of-place Moby Dick arc that no one really asked for, but I always adored the little spotlight stories that rando characters got, so I liked him for it. I think Nick Roche named him as singularly his least favourite though. I'd assume it was either for his design or for the story he got.
I liked the mould, it just worked so much better as Cyclonus and some of Metalhawks colours the first time around where bland.
I don't see why he needed a recolour instead of a new character using the mould tho
I meant the original, but yeah the new one was a nearly complete whiff. the scorpion mode is okay, and that's it.
yes, but also the ROBOSCORPIONS. Those fuckers were great.
If you liked the roboscorpions, I think the RID ones were alright, they have a similar kind of shiny colourfulness that comes out of nowhere, although not as blocky
huh lemme see
>Robot mode
that same fuckin face they give everything, but I like the shoulders. and that's an acceptable cartoon scorpion tail I guess, whereas the feet.. i'm sorry, is this show not CGI? his feet are bending like a lazy 2d artist drew it.. and he has no hands or wrists
>beast mode
not too bad, weird that the stinger gains a second spike on the back that he didn't have in robot mode.
he got dat short shin syndrome. lot of that goin around. and his arms are weird unarticulated hooks without even sculpted joints. but scorpion mode is pretty okay. can't figure out why they gave him Pistol Shrimp claws though
appreciate the creativity of havin a drawfag here.
>Also how havent we gotten a Red Mirage repaint yet?
we only repaint shelfwarmers around these parts
More like they don't know what name to use since it was in a boxset instead of solo release like DK-2/DK-3.
Dirge-colored Cyclonus will never be a thing.
We'll probably get it whenever they make a new 86 Mirage.
Wholesome power rangers kino?
Since your korean is cbt a daily occurence for you?
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Are you trying to be sarcastic?
this s pretty cool

What even is this!? Some Earthspark thing I missed?
oh it's a color mockup edit? In that case yeah good job man
New animated movie coming out
I'm really digging the designs
lol no?
that anon is joking
It's the new Sentinel Prime toy coming out
He looks like Dirge coloured Cyclonus
any side by sides of the two versions of Metalhawk yet?
kinda reminded me of Crack-pot for some reason - maybe these pre-production colours(?) I don't know, it's tickling something in my brain I can't quite put my finger on...
I think Soundwave is just going to lead to reeeeing whatever his cassette are
my guess is the don't own the molds/designs of the Rocklords like they don't own the GoBot designs so they have to be careful how much they call back to that
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Cheers anon!
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>wow i wonder which singular photo source Mark referenced for this new deco sheet
fucking hack fraud cokehead
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I will never get the chance to own a yellow Prime.
what, are you poor?
it rook weird
oh it's leaked from Amazon
Every time they try to do alt head with any type expression it looks like fucking shit.
>more pre-discolouration plastic
my actual 20 year old armada galvatron is whiter than this what the fuck
and where's the rest of the fucking paint?
>No knife accessory this time neither
Shame, but I still like the colorscheme so good to know I'll likely be able to get it on discount easily.
The open mouth might look better in real photos, though if it doesn't (like the Powerlinx Hot Shot's open mouth) then I can imagine a bit of paint to better visually-separate it from the skin would help a ton. Mold itself seems good, just again hard to tell for sure, from only renders.
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The OG deco is based on the anime, anon
I think it's just the chest frame is too small
It's the same frame as the frame as the fram
I still need to see IRL photos but, I... I'll be honest I think I prefer the old Metalhawk. The one thing that needed the most to improve (the cheddar yellow chest that drowned out its molded details) is barely changed, and while the darker silver weapons are better, Iunno if I can say I like it on the limbs, and I deffo dislike the brighter blue.
by both and swap the legs and arms
Would that even be worth it? At that point I'd just paint the sword and guns n be done with it, honestly.
Again it's the chest's details being drowned out that's my main complaint, so idk i should figure out summin to bring those out better. Maybe a black wash? I dunno...
it'll be worth it when they are cheap
>but people like Sonic with BLUE ARMS so fuck the source material, I can redesign it all I want, amirite?
Because if it's "not cartoon accurate" half the fandom has a heart attack. Toy detail BAD to them...

I like the mold enough & it's a $10 toy. Beats spending $200 on an original.

This... Netflix Soundwave is an atrocious thing with a crap altmode of parts sticking out. It needs a 100% new mold, but no, someone didn't get it at Walmart 4 years ago so they have to reissue the thing to make some crybabies happy, instead of making a dedicated new toy that looks better. They have to repaint all these existing toys into old repaints to make people happy.

This is why the new G1 toy Prime is such a strange one, it probably self-competes with Hasbro just importing Missing Link Prime & had no real demand behind it what with the fandom being all CARTOON ACCURATE for some reason, despite the fandom of the past shitting on the cartoon coloring book designs.
You do realize that this repack is retard trap? They mentioned new Soundwave idea that scales with Blaster as a new mold so many times that only retards will dip this pack. I say 3-4 years or sooner he will happen in SS86.
Like Siege/Earthrise Megs was pushed until mold got loose.
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They have to retool the the WFC megs mold somehow.
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Got Goldbug in the post today. He's cool! I already have the base mold as Bugbite (who I used to make my police Bumblebee) but it's interesting how different he feels with a simple reshell. I wish the vehicle mode had some 5mm ports but eh.
Tempted to try printing off this upgrade for him, just hope I can colour-match the gold. Would be nice to differentiate him a bit more from Netflix Bee (who I also managed to score for a good price and should be coming in soonish).
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Is this retooled from anything?
Siege Reflector
Impactor from Siege
duh, forgot that existed
If Xaaron is a Deluxe and Flame is a Voyager then isn't that pic's scaling bullshit?
what is even different

Is Rhinox the ultimate shelfwarmer? Every version of him is still clogging shelves.

oh dear
Is it true Mark is having a big meltdown over Slipstream being so hated?

yeah he got memed on by some comicsfags for that appearance so now he's "teh worst transformar EVAR" to people who are still mad about Go-Bots
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>grown bongmen jizz their pants over these
does this mean you could get three xaarons and make a camera with them
Who the hell puked those colors?
And considering he can turn into a fictional jet.... wtf.
If you get three Xaarons you can make a camera where you literally say cheese
everything else but
>that fucking horrible half-assed "cell shading"
Kino, only good reveal so far
good use siege greebling i guess
Nice, can't wait to add Xaaron to my Reflector combos... and then buy two more to try for a camera/ canon.
a bunch of weird half-assed repaints, a horribly received retooling of a highly requested character, and We Have Missing Link At Home

what the fuck is even going on over there
cool that even at this size class they couldn't make the treads into unique parts so you could swap between hover and rolly modes.
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The official reveal video on twitter has the Does It For Free shill voice over say "he can transform into his tank form, exactly as seen in the comic"
lmao, as the youth say.
>Does It For Free
man got tickets for TF: One
so yeah, raw deal
Odd choice of mold for Xaaron. I would have just gone with Kingdom Core Megatron.
Council of Xaarons
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I wouldn't mind a mold reuse if they would do something creative with it. Just give it wild colors and call it a new character or do like the old days and call it spec ops metalhawk or night strike metalhawk. Or g2 universe metalhawk who cares just do something interesting.
He knows a thing or 2 about that, just ask his "girl"friend!
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>"Stakeout gives yet another impassioned speech to his command staff, beseeching them to do their whoring in systems outside the galactic network and, failing that, at least systems with non-extradition treaties with Cybertron."
>who I used to make my police Bumblebee
That sounds cool. Did you post pics? Regardless, you should post them again because I'd like to see that.

this seems like a really fucking messy reveal cycle. Weird how the one time a lot of the stuff is stuff we haven't seen yet and most of it is very, very bad

Bad for you, maybe.

Well, except Slipstream.
>what we would get instead of sirens for Motormaster
>we get sirens for no reason
Pure retardium, still want this. Purple axe is sick.
He seems alright, probably the best of the easy repaints this wave.. I wonder if they plan on doing the rest of the Animated Stunticons eventually, or Toxitron. It'd be weird to do a Motor Master and not the other guys
I mean it was on the original figure, and you could just leave it off, it's a separate piece
>No Stunticon logo
What the fuck, looks fine honestly
How would they do the other guys? They did this because they have a CHUG Animated Optimus to repaint from?
when does this shit go up for preorder so I can do something else
The Motor Master is probably best looking toy we've seen all week
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3 hours

Noon for Premium members, 1pm for everyone else.
And boy that ain't sayin' much
Sell me the one with the floppiest knees. I can fix him.
Simply by being chinformers it can never be best looking anything
robo lobo
I like this and will probably get it despite having the Stunicon Job boxset. But I have to wonder if there are plans to eventually do Legacy Animated Jazz, Arcee, and Hotrod to repaint into the other Stunticons. It sucks that we already have a pretty shitty remold Legacy Lockdown though, instead of a new mold.
These fuckers are marked down again. If anyone is interested
megs mold sucks but ratbat is good. When are we supposed to see SS86 Megatron?
It'd be nice if they did some of the characters that didn't get toys the first time around, like the Constructicons or Omega Supreme.
2 wave next year so april-ish. First wave is Apelinq and Galvatron.
I think the other two are marked down too. Shockwave and Orion.
orion is meh especially if you have T30 but Shockwave is my favorite version of that mold.
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Megs is wave 3 anon
We're not seeing him for a long time
He looks about what I expected him to, but desu I always thought animated motormaster should've used the wreck gar mold
>still doing bayshit
I thought we were through with this shit already
Curious about Widowmaker
why is there no TFOne SS version of the main cast? Are they holding off on them after the last two movies having two versions of every toy on the shelves simultaneously? and why is all the 86 stuff later in the year with all the bay sloppa frontloaded?
You know what? I think I might be. Thanks for the heads-up anon.

>megs mold sucks
Really? How so? I was thinking of mostly getting it for Megatron...
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She's what Stinger from AOE almost was (same car, different bot)
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It's the best usage of the megatron mold but the Siege megatron mold is fucking terribly proportioned and the turret partsforms. It is way less egregious on that version though, I admit, and the proportions suit Miner Megs more, so if you like the look of him then go for it.
>Siege megatron mold is fucking terribly proportioned
He looks fine to me. My bigger issue is that I got the Takara Generations Ratbat less than a year ago and that thing is pure kino so I have zero interest in another one.

>turret partsforms
Integrating the weapons into the alt mode (especially where an alt mode would logically have weapons, i.e. on a turret) is not "partsforming".
The tf marvel comics fans deserve this shit for being so obnoxious
>over a year to wait for the grimlock reissue
Obnoxious how? For wanting thunderwing and straxus?
they're both good ratbats.

>Integrating the weapons into the alt mode (especially where an alt mode would logically have weapons, i.e. on a turret) is not "partsforming".

just go look at the other uses of the mold and you'll see what i mean


Dammit, when?!?
i wish straxus didn't have that ugly "cell shading" shit because he's everything I want otherwise. I've loved him since the old CHUG toy and this one looks even better.
>The Motor Master is probably best looking toy we've seen all week
If youre blind and brain damaged maybe
Christ, that face
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Here's an easy fix:
The Transformers Reactivate trailer was pulled from both Hasbro Pulse and the press site. Game is 100% cancelled.
Too bad, I would've loved Transformers-flavored Warframe. At least we got some pretty good figures out of it.
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Oh, you scummy sons of....
>just go look at the other uses of the mold and you'll see what i mean
I literally watched a transformation of Siege Megatron just now. The turret pegs together from the arms and fusion cannon, then the other cannon barrel/sword pegs onto the end. Weapon integration isn't partsforming.
who didn't see this coming?

No one, but still.

Whats different about Ravage this time?
probably nothing.
The pic on the box should just be Hasbro giving us the finger

I mean, I'm gonna get it, but it'd be nice if they could have at least given him the Soundblaster door this time.
Well yeah, We all will. and Hasbro knows it.
Still wish they would give us a proper Soundblaster to go with Twincast
Unironically at the point in my life that if they had cast Soundwave in Red plastic, gave him Shockwaves head, and gave him a new name, I would have been fine with this

>that gif

Could've at least gave us Enemy instead of Rumble again.
Or Frenzy. He was hard to find.
>already have DCS Soundwave and all the Siege cassettes
Eh. It's cool that we went from Soundwave getting next to no decent toy to suddenly having another reprint of his Siege retool every year, but this is getting ridiculous. They gotta start selling the other cassettes individually.
Will this Soundwave have more paint or different colors?
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Marvel Soundwave
I got my hands on Legacy Javelin and she's probably my favorite fembot ever. Great colors, unique look and all the positives of SSBB Arcee with only a minor problem with one tab I had to shave off a bit so the parts could fully snap together.
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I really need to start collecting a different line.
>Buzzsaw not yellow
I’m so glad that I’m skipping this.
According to Mark that picture is off, the real thing is more yellow.
Oh so this is how they're getting out toy colors Rumble. Alright looking set for a Leader I guess.
It's literally between him and deluxe Optimus
I hope whatever else they had in the pipeline toy-wise gets released.
>toys aren't posted
I'm guessing that was it. They probably had the designs fucking around and shoved them out the door when it became obvious that the game was dead. Kind of like a reverse RotB where they had new and old product on the shelves at the same time
It's over, Transformers is finished.
what the fuck is the point of Pulse Premium if they aren't going to actually let me preorder shit """""early""""
That would be a shame. Maybe they'll do redecos of the four figures they released. I'd be down for that.
the point is that they got you to pay for it, lol
Javelin's a really great little figure of a character I have no knowledge or attachment to, I currently have her filling out my bad guy ranks since her design looks way more Decepticon than Autobot to me, and I have a serious lack of evil fembots. my only gripe is mine came with a tiny scratch on her chin that bugs me whenever i notice it... I wouldn't really mind if the SSBB Arcee got the potp moonracer treatment and got a bunch of repaints and remolds, it's at least an actually good mold.
Same here, I don't have much interest in the game itself but the designs looked pretty cool, it would be a shame to let that work go to waste. Weren't there a few SS Reactivate listings floating around? Something about a Lifeline..?
Okay everyone, switch to G.I. Joe.
Is Mark getting btfo on Instagram over Slipstream? I heard things were getting really heated over there and he was mass blocking people
G.I. Joe died when it moved to 1:12.
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>they finally do buzzsaw
>they fuck up his colors
come the fuck on
>Note about the gold, the buzzsaw gold seems a bit more copper toned then I remember in the final release it should lean more towards gold bar gold!
funny if true
>Reuses Core class artwork.
>Toy accurate Frenzy but it's Rumble.
>Only way to get both Buzzsaw and earth Laserbeak is to get multiple Soundwaves.
i don't want gold i want infection yellow
Gold bars are yellow.
wish he'd been howlback but people would have bitched even more
So, while we wait, what are you guys gonna preorder today?
Judging by Frumble, they seem to be going for toy accuracy (Despite giving Soundwave cartoon-accurate red eyes.
we didn't get a fucking yellow-eyed soundwave. Embarassing.
>Whats different about Ravage this time?
Black legs and painted teeth. Mark called it "Shadow Ravage".
lol they're going to make pulse premium members wait and pre-order with the rabble

Probably just Flame and Xaaron. Maybe Soundwave.


Bleh. Won't be replacing either of the two I already have then.
That was the Siege mold. Just swap heads if you must.
It's all dead. Everyone go home and get girlfriends
The same thing I pre-order every day, Pinky.

Speaking of cassettes, do we know which ones are coming with that SS Perceptor repack?
so strange. was the responses to the trailer that bad, that they shitcanned the whole thing?
That or money. The (US) video game industry is bleeding to death right now.
cassettes are coming with Perceptor?
>leader soundwave

You would they would try to go back to the original siege design and do some serious redrawn because the Netflix version'd chest is just horrible with how wide it is

I never get this new version of this WS as the space ship version' robot like 100% better in look
Wasn't toy-colors Rumble called Frenzy to begin with? Fucking micro-cassettes. I hate this.
It had a troubled development period anyway and live service games are hemorrhaging money now, especially after the high profile failure of Suicide Squad.
you want to try that again in english this time
saw a guy on twitter excited about Flame because he thinks he's Rodimus.

I can't wait to get Flame. He can be the disgraced mad scientist Draculus recruits to create Frankentron.
I mean if you call him that he may as well be.
Ramhorn and Ratbat.
Maybe in volume 2 of the comic redeco guys.
Oh I've long since stopped caring about the names of those two lol
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime is in a different year round assortment, so maybe Meg, Bee, and girl are as well.
And differences from the last Ratbat? The one that came with Rumble?
It hasn't been shown at this point, so cannot be known. Presumably the coloring would favor the appearance in the movie at least.
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Sure! I have posted him before, but not in a while. He's one of my older customs and the masking wasn't quite as good as I'd like, but I'm still very fond of him. Almost tempted to have him as a CHUG Searchlight or an OC named Sting-op, but regardless of who he is, he's cool. Very simple to do FWIW, just a Prowl reprolabels set, some airbrushed gloss black and a (nonworking) red LED for the light.
Uhhh...maybe Premium is at 1 and the public is at 2?
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And here he is in robot mode. I need to paint his eyes blue really. Also need to grab or print him a decent gun, I gave his bazooka to my G2 Stunticons.
no they're dumping them all at once. they do this shit periodically. I guess when they have certain products that they think are high demand (soundwave, Optimus) they want to give scalpers a better chance at them
He's cute anon, good work! Yeah, giving him blue eyes would really be the finishing touch.
They're up! Go!
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I thought he was supposed to be Bugbite
The base figure was Bugbite, post-custom I've been using him as a Bumblebee in my collection as until fairly recently there'd been a bizarre dearth of good Bees (of any type).
I don't think the go bots are worth 75 but I do want them

Same here.

On an unrelated note, thats a cool looking Man Thing giggity.
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Here's Xaaron's altmode from the comics
Xaaron looks eh but Flame looks really great... aw fuck, this is a 2-pack, isn't it
This sucks ass
I want to beat him up so badly, because that's what I always did in Devastation
>right headsculpt
>wrong symbol
got everything but Armada Galvatron and Metalhawk. I have no attachment to Galvatron's color scheme and Metalhawk literally looks the same.

>GoBots and Optimus are good
>I think Quake and Motormaster look good
>Cores are both fun molds
>Slipstream.... is supposed to be getting a kit from Nonnef
>Soundwave is a literal scam but I want Buzzsaw.

I think I'll cancel Soundwave now that I think about it
Go-bots need your love anon.
Lmao I am so glad I moved onto another autistic fixation. Jesus, shameful SHAMEFUL reveals! Maybe G1 Optimus is cool but like wtf is this hot rod megatron tank dude lmao and a BARELY changed Metalhawk, while I'm still finding discounted Metalhawks on the shelves at target, its so over trans bros
Support group for all of us who paid 80 for a micromaster Buzzsaw
They look like they'll clearance
>the description for G1 Prime doesn't mention the axe or Matrix

If they wanted love, they should have won the war instead of being forcibly integrated.
>but like wtf is this hot rod megatron tank dude lmao
why are you even here if you can't be bothered to call characters by their names
Uh is typritocn worth 200? I accidently won him in an auction
If you are talking of the Titans he's in most top three. imo he is #2 behind Scorponok and since msrp is $200 now it's decent since we don't know what the msrp reissue in 2025/2026 is going to be.
Weird they listed Slipstream twice but she looks better in these photos at least

Maybe I'll get that and put my Man Thing on my shelf.
they're trying their best
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>not a single new mold in this wave
And no Prime doesn't count cuz he's literally a dumbed down Missing Link
He's 0% reused parts.
Obviously the correct symbol is going to be for the inevitable five pack once they’re done releasing each individual Stunticon
Quake might as well be new.
Deluxe prime has a very cute face.
He looks like a blushing anime girl.
That is why they made him look different for the TV show.
Yeah, the west was still incrediby fragile when it came to depicting protagonists as anything but a lamp-jawed, square-shouldred, generic hero type. It's the same reason Nintendo game art always got reworked completely.
>Pink smiling sphere NG
>Pink sphere with angry eyes OK
Although the first few made Kirby white instead
>Although the first few made Kirby white instead
I think it was just the first one. And really that was a mistake; the white art had been a placeholder because a number of the high profile programmers working on the game all thought Kirby should be a different color. They ended up settling on pink, but the white art got used because oops.

It's crazy that shit like that used to happen. It really used to be a more chill world.
I want to like that set so much, especially with the logo on the box, but that SmallFoot is still so wrong it's not funny. Yeah yeah, I know, eHobby. It's never really been colored right and now they're using the dogshit Legacy Gears mold too. The Strongarm mold isn't great either but it would've been miles ahead, both in shape and ability to color it right without stomping on a Swerve recolor of Gears.
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>original toy is square as hell with a square jaw.
>uuugh that change the design for the cartoon because…uh… fragile ok?
His face doesn't have tradition western hero proportions, anon. The cartoon version does. It was purposefully changed for that reason, just like many, many other things marketed toward American males in the '80s and 90s.

Don't be mad just because you were only born 18 years ago.
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Galvatron looks ugly as hell. I will continue to wait for Megazarak.
It will be in a 1000 dollar boxset. The price is because it includes a Defensor from Haslab Omega Prime.
Hasbro already said they'll never redeco or retool HasLab stuff, so it stays "unique" and "special".
They also said they would never do an Optimus Prime. And did mention lots of people asking about the yellow version. I think on the action figure side they did recycle parts from Haslab figures for standard retail lines later already.
Agreed, I love it.

He's the only one I preordered, such a goofy thing that charms me completely.
>only toy sold out is Slipstream
Mark... has won...
Nah, they put small amount on pulse just to make false hype.

>dogshit Gears
>likes Strongarm
Legitimately the worst opinion in this thread and there are a lot of really bad takes. Who let you off the short bus?
They always stock less of the girls lol
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I’m sorry, I tend to get mad about a liar spreading BS.

Sometimes a design choice is just a design choice. Hell, Prime isn’t even square jawed half the time in the show due to the different studios. But sure, keep believing that lie.
The people who buy things in pre-order online are more likely to be waifufags than normal children that just buy cool robot in stores when they go shopping with mommy.
>Slipstreams are gonna clog shelves with Elitas and the one Arcee now.
Waifu-fags like cute and sexy things though, that Slipstream is *not* cute or sexy, so if there were a group I'd attribute it to, it's more likely twitter and reddit groups.
what >>11030665 said, that new god awful gold/white Rock guy "sold out" day one too on Pulse and he didn't sell out anywhere else and now he's back up on Pulse. They are just doing some really fucking scummy gaslighting shit
Cool, picked up the go bot set. I wish they were more than repaints, but i guess ill wait and hope we get another crasher. Probably gonne get the g1 optimus too but i should be able to find that easily enough.
>but i guess ill wait and hope we get another crasher
The Walmart exclusive one is getting a repack next year in wide release.
>still up on EE
>still up on BBTS
>still up on Amazon

They are doing it with Classified shit too. The new retros were all sold out this week are now magically back in stock short of the New CC which is actually selling out at other places too. That tactic isn't going to work like they hope.
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I FUCKING LOVE Triggerhappy
So YOU'RE the one who bought them all.
I agree - he's a great toy, and still one of my favorites, but...damn, that's a lotta Happy you've got there.
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And I'd do it again
Who's the periwinkle one
And Nightbeat
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You mean Misfire?
Where's Slugslinger?
It’s amazing how 5 years later we’re still suffering from shitty Siege tooling
God that entire line was a fucking mistake
Cool, thanks
In the trash, where he belongs
Bitch, I wish they had retooled Siege Impactor into Quake instead of retooling most of one of the worst legacy molds.
everything here looks cool and I don't understand the problem heh
yellow prime had regular-optimus colors for the main bot? I didn't know that.
Because only the plastic colors on Optimus were changed, the Costco Ultra Magnus still has red Omega Prime parts too.
he looks good as a redhead
the problem is they keep half-assing him. both movie versions have awful beast mode hindquarters, and the kingdom one based his look on a fucking mobile game.
you mean anti-comics-fags.
kek it looks like a penguin
i like the colors though. red and blue and gold are great.
i feel like that actually puts them at risk for a consumer protection lawsuit.
right? make it fun and interesting.
I'm having to do my own repaints because john hasbro doesn't think they're worth it
never noticed before how sinister the windows are on this design.
I think Kingdom giving Rhinox a normal jaw was the least of his issues man.
he head a square
an he has facial hair
he elbows ain there
but that ax adds flair
Ya know, he's only a headswap away from being a pretty cool Nemesis Prime
That headsculpt is definitely not for me. Colors look awesome though.
even the memes are misspelled now
so is this literally "buy what you bought already but get a new guy in it" ?
fuck hasbro. if I could pirate their toys, I would.
So think we'll see Roadpig or the last mayhem attack guy next week? I'm hoping instead of Bludgeon it's actually Octopunch as a ss86 scourge retool even though I dislike the mold.
That feels like strange bullshit, but I vaguely remember someone making a crab with more parts. Don't remember if it was actually that Scourge though.
It was TR but the scourge alt mode looks boat-y as is.
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Thanks, I do my best. Do we like the pupils or no pupils looks?
kek is that one of those siren lights you just plop up on top of the car when it's policing time
this or >>11030752
needs to be the next OP pic
uh no
dumbass execs used to THINK that
now, it's actually true, because there's so little testosterone in protagonists overall. before it was rare, we gave no fucks.
>I don't understand the problem heh
The re issue on the left is supposed to be based on the g1 toy deco (right uses the anime colors), people expected gold paint or plastic. see>>11030000
so that's paint?
eh, we could have put up with the rest. but yeah his overall shapes and proportions were just wrong, they were made like the blocky mobile version
if they were smart. they would do a scale-down of the MP and sell it as CHUG. worked for blackarachnia.
but that is gold plastic
Still surprised the hacks at toyhax haven't done an Initial D inspired decal set.
I don't think the cars are the same.
I like pupils, but as white dots with no outlines c:
RID Optimus has a fully chromed chest, it's a pain in the ass
i mean paint on top of chrome is how you get colored chrome, no? and it's not as if they were physically repainting old stock, they could have just chosen not to chrome it
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Okay this still sucks, and the photography has somehow become worse (I used lighting instead of flash, how do I make it not be blurry?) but this is.. BETTER than the mess it was before. I can be happy with this on the shelf next to his tiger brethren. wish the tiger stripes showed through more, clear paint my ass.
Lotta Soundwaves are gonna be on Ebay.
Somewhere, in the astral plane, Prime fans and Animated fans had their final battle and they both lost forever.
sucks b/c I just did, and I preordered the new one already
I'm so fucking jealous. I've been looking for a reasonably priced one for forever.
I'll probably hang on to mine anyway, because I know the minute I sell it the new one will break or some shit.
>i mean paint on top of chrome is how you get colored chrome, no?
It's vacuum metalized so the whole front of the piece is covered in the manufacturing process. Presumably they just switched the color of plastic to be injected into the molds, then the paint wasn't touched.
but wouldn't it have been the exact same amount of work to change the chrome, or even save money by leaving it out and swapping out a paint app
and again, putting clear paint on top of chrome, you get a new chrome color... that's why it flakes off sometimes leaving silver behind.
Just putting clear paint over chrome doesn't give that finish from my experience (but I'm not a factory worker). As for why they didn't just leave it out, the chrome is part of the chest details. Yes it would've probably saved them some money just leaving the plating off entirely, but that would've left it looking unfinished. Safer just to stick with the already set up formula for application than lose the quality of the original, I guess.
oh i suppose if the regular optimus was still in production, or literally just finished, then yeah that would totally save labor just leaving the process in place and swapping a plastic color. reckon that's how it works for 'running changes' too.
Sorry you're blind.
Nobody bought Netflix Soundwave since he went straight to scalper ebay. This was a fan demand, alongside the reprint of Cosmos.
well in that case, good. this is giving a middle finger to scalpers.
I got snapdragon and apeface today. Was the retro apeface a lot larger? I could have sworn he was.
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>they kept the knee design
you don't like those? To me that's pretty smart. You got
>mushroom peg for easy swappage
>in BACK so it's not visible
>very compact knee joint that gets the fuck out of the way so you can have a folding-up part in the calf
now the question is, durability? I'm seeing a very thin orange piece there, unless part of the red is paint, which I think it is.
It's too bad that Apeface, but at least Snapdraogn is an average figure.
what about apeface
The only good part of snapdragon is the jet mode
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It's not that, it's the protrusive flaps that almost completely neuter the knee movement. You could only get around a 150 degrees bend on SS WfC Megatron, unless you clip them off yourself.
Everyone hated his plastic, also his shield snaps fairly easily.
oh holy shit, that looks... I mean that's deliberate, isn't it. someone put those tabs there on purpose. do they do something in the altmode?
Now that you mention it, I totally see those on our Ketchup and Mustard bot up there.
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He is such a great-looking toy. I just really wish those guns weren't pinned in place, drives me nuts how they kill his articulation. Tried removing the pins on mine, fucked up and badly damaged him. Thankfully I found a cheap junker and could replace the arm. I designed a part to plug into the bottom of his back, with hex pegs to hold the guns vertically, not exact to the original but should still give a similar profile.
I've decided to wait and hope for Straxus to go on clearance on pulse.
>when you don't ever zoom out from a drawing so the proportions don't really match
RIP this anon, dead of the shock of seeing the prices Misfire goes for

I bit at $90, my grail fever was killing me
I really dropped 60 bucks for a new soundwave just for Buzsaw
Cancel your preorder right now.
My ocd spending won't allow that.
Just do it you dumb nigger, you're really going to shell out $60+ for this? He's not even yellow, and he'll be on ebay for less solo.
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You just have to be really careful with his shield and not peg it in all the way, especially for the jet mode, unless you want to spend six hours trying to pry it out. You can also pretend the milky-white plastic is a special alloy, or just filth. Snapdragon's alright (ironically his plastic is peeling) but only having the two together was Apeface really fun. Alone he felt like a weird box but they have each other to be intimidating assholes with, I'm a fan of Apeface and I think he's actually the more intimidating of the two, hope you have fun with them anon.
Come back when you can brag about dropping MP Ratbat money
how the fuck did we only get 2 JP crossovers
is it because the JP movies sucked ass and did poorly? Do they not think we would buy the dinobot mold as Blue? I realize "a pteranodon (especially with teeth)" would be a tough sell, but other than that, come on
I managed to snag him.
So, no more Beast Wars or Machines figures?
I would mind if they re-released him. It's the packaging him with Buzzsaw that's the fucked up part. If you want both Laserbeak and Buzzsaw (looking like they supposed to) you have to buy two Soundwaves.
Buzzsaw is supposed to be gold.
Doesn't this use the new soundwave too?
Meh, I'm getting him too, but it's not just for Buzzsaw - I only have the Siege Soundblaster, SG Soundwave, and made the mistake of getting the G.I. Joe Soundwave that hit me with instant buyer's remorse. As is such, this'll be my first actual Soundwave so far.
We got one in 2021 and one in 2023. Wait till next year and see what happens.
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OHHhh I got you now. Yeah that is assy. ASSY I say.
In the same way I fucking wish soda would start packaging the caffeine separately so you can dose it to your own liking, I really need toy companies to get in their heads to include separate accessory packs of the little guys. Hell, super7's TMNT had a pack of mousers. Transformers, come on. You've got so many mini guys, people want em, you look RIDICULOUS trying to sell them individually, and no way someone's gonna drop 8-10 bucks on one of these.
they need to remold the dilopho too, with a new neck piece that replaces the frill so it can be a normal one, as just a normal dilopho guy.. double your dips, guys...
and then give us a new fuckin character that can do a JP crossover for a dip of that mold. give us a tricera, give us a non-skeletal spinosaur... reimagine some of the BW Neo dino fellas.
Just be cautious when you remove the shield. I use his gun to pry it up close to the peg, way less stress on the plastic. Mine is still in perfect condition.
I don't even use the shield. The jet mode works well enough without it.
I'll wait for the SS repackaged like they did with Blaster.
Me too, but im thinking on getting this new one. Still dont have a bee...
check the page source, search for total backers lol
I hope nu soundwave doesnt have yellowing issues
I'm fairly certain we're getting a Dinobot Blue at some point (and she'll be an Autobot instead of a Decepticon). Probably will be paired with a motorcycle that turns into a Chris Pratt bot. If they really wanted to milk it, they could do a box set with Echo, Charlie and Delta in it as well.
we still haven't even seen a preview.. Pratt and his raptor daughters are not exactly becoming MORE relevant over time.
Is this guy gonna yellow like the Netflix Soundwave did or did they fix that issue.
Really? Ill pick that up. I was talking at work about the go bots box and my co worker felt it was too expensive for repaints, but he just wants cosmos. Idk, its not cheap but i think the price is decent. Warpath probably wont get much more use and i think its just as great as cosmos.
I guess you and me are friends now
I'm a humble man, I see things that rhyme, I list them in a goofy dialect.
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Hasbro? fix a defect?
I mean, it's the price of three deluxes, which is exactly what it is. We've just had better deals in the past
Yeah now they're 100 +
At Hasbro, we would like you to know that we hear your concerns.
Based on our understanding of what you said, as interpreted by our customer language integration specialist, you would like us to defix a fect. As soon as we can determine what that means, it will be implemented within the next five fiscal years.
I should have put in something about 'defixing is what we do best' and said 'defiscal year'
this is why very few sketch comedies are written and performed live.
Ironic words from a guy enabling troon shit
Does he still even review shit or is his channel still just infinite unboxings?
about as ironic as an apple salesman saying "apple peeler"
I prefer the Evolution colors. Also, they never gave us more of the Pretenders from the Autobot side, only Metalhawk. Cloudburst would have worked too.
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Whats a better name than DK2-Guard
United Optimus looks so fucking good I almost broke my self-imposed "Decepticons-only" rule. Please, I don't care that the rest of the line is ass, just get a Nemesis redeco of this fucker out the door, please, Hasbro.
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$109 freedum bucks
diddy's kong quest guard
cannot stand the sunbow stretched out head design.
describe the character, a name will follow
This is just a scaled down MP-44
didn't we already get that
for having the trailer that's not that bad is it
funny, until you poined it out, it always looked perfect to me. basic gundam head... then you pointed out the toy was more apple-headed, and now I can't take the toy seriously anymore.
Is that the same trailer as the Earthrise one?
I thought he came with a caveman club until I realized that it's the shard of metal that Megatron throws into his gut.
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>gundam head
exactly it looks like the shitty off-model drawings of the gundam from the anime, instead of the way it's supposed to look.
>another fucking trailer

enough with this shit. Nobody wants these space-wasting pieces of trash. Who the fuck displays their Optimus with a fucking trailer sitting in the background other than hoarders?
It's funny that no matter how much you stamp your feet people will still like the cartoon.
can you stab the toy the same way?
tooners aren't people
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I like the trailers
>muh display
I hate shelfags so fucking much
The trailer is for playing you dumb faggot
I'm dying to see what they're gonna do with SS Megatron. Gotta be the Earthrise one with a tiny included gun mode, right?
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It's not Optimus Prime if it doesn't have the trailer. You are a fake fan.
Who the fuck buys kids' toys exclusively for display? Plus, he always has his trailer in vehicle mode in the cartoon. The only accurate way to display the truck mode is with a trailer. Don't tell me you're a troglodyte that never has their transformers in vehicle mode.
I swear if the 86 Megatron is that shitty fucking WFC mold with shitty posing. At least make a better figure than that pile of dogshit.
There should not be a SS Megatron if he's not a gun. He should be mainline. The idea of having the screen accuracy line house a toy that isn't screen accurate is retarded.

I'm fine with Megatron being a tank but not in Studio Series. Just don't have a Studio Series Megatron.
Damn right. I'm buying a Barbie dream house and turning it into Autobot HQ.
they're keeping the pool.
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But gun toys are ILLEGALLLLLLLL
Roller and the trailer are definitely new molds.
Is it the right size this time? The Earthrise one was way too dinky.
if not, it's a pretty stupid accessory
it should have a little molded plastic hole it fits into that fits on the hip with a little clip or wedges in
what if you're wrong
>I'm fine with Megatron being a tank but not in Studio Series.
>he doesn't display his transformers in vehicle mode
Are you homosexual or something?
But Hasbro IS putting him in Studio Series. Do they dare break the law?????

Is this a joke? The trailer is part of him. It always was. Deciding the trailer is unimportant is like deciding your left leg is unimportant.
realistically gun megatron will never be a thing again outside of masterpiece, unironically let it go
Who the hell buys Transformers and doesn't make them go pew pew pew?
It will be under the concept movie studio series like BB Megatron. Hasbro will reveal a secret concept art of Megatron from the 86 where he transformed into a tank.
How will they do it? I HAVE TO KNOW!!!!
They are retarded and fucking stupid.

Are you fucking illiterate? How do you read "I'm fine with him being a tank" and say "WOOOOW SO YOU JUST WANT HIM TO BE A GUN?!"
He won't transform at all. It'll be a RED figure
what if he transforms into galvatron
That seems like it would be unconvincing in either mode, but is a way that make sense for being a transforming toy while dodging the altmode issue.
Is he a new mold?

It looks like the ER mold with a lot of virsual changes
It's probably a heavy earthrise retool
SS Unicron when?
because and i quote
>I'm fine with megatron being a tank but not in studio series
he's already confirmed for SS
And I said that's retarded. Keep up, sweetheart. This shit shouldn't be this hard for you.
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The robot modes do look pretty similar, but they're depicting the same character, and his wheel kibble on his back seems totally gone.
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I wonder how many more guys they're going to do from TFTM (yes I know the Constructicons are still coming)
I mean, they're not going to do every guy that walked through the movie, are they?
Wonder how he transforms. Will he have a big a backpack as MP44?>>11031296
At some point there might be ones based on earlier scrapped designs for the new characters.
>heavy earthrise retool
nah, not a changce. None of the joints line up.
Wasn't this just a digibash?
Lol, canon GPS
say, does the guy who hates the cartoon model like this one? this head seems kind of a compromise
First we need SS Alice (or preferably, MPM)
If they didn't include Frenzy with Barricade, then Alice is even more unlikely since she doesn't have a bulk to go with.
you are correct, it was posted 6 months ago.
Then why are people here talking as if that's the actual toy? Are they stupid?
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cause anon shrank it down and blurred it so we couldn't see the 6 different optimuses it was cobbled together from.
this literally looks like a scaled down MP 44
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SS is a retool, but it is one hell of a retool.
New head.
Different paint.
New window molding.
Looks like a new Matrix chamber as well.
Similar arms, but new molding to remove the ports.
New grill.
I guess new tooling to pack away the back wheels more.
Mostly new crotch.
New molding for the upper legs.
New-ish Lower legs with what looks like some new tooling to hide the wheels.

It's looking like a nice retool.
they put siege feet on him, MP10's rooflights, earthrise's chest windows, the arms are like 3 different optimuses cobbled together, the waist is 3rd party I think.
the legs and head and trailer are MP44 though
read the thread, it's a fake
it's amazing how much better it looks without me being able to tell exactly why.
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Ah well.
The arms and thighs are a giveaway that it is a retool. Those who claim otherwise are in denial.
What if they changed on a different axis compared to SG, so things like Prowl and Jazz if they were airplanes or Vortex as a boat?
That sorta works for G1, but just about every other incarnation has TFs chosing whatever alt mode they want, not always sticking to cars, or boats, etc.
If the story was that the autobots were on a space station and the decepticons were below on cybertron, the alt mode switch would make a little bit of sense though, with the autobots being forced to jet modes to even reach cybertron again
I want a triple changer Optimus that turns into a jet. The Titans Return voyager had the right idea but needed a better execution
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we almost did
original plan for powermaster optimus was also a triple changer,
Looking at how things are going the new plan might be just to do refreshes from 8 years ago. At least at the moment these reissues are selling questionably well.
Damn that looks cool
The Takara Bridge one yellows
If they can't solve it I doubt Hasbro has.
Fucking really!?
Even if that one is fake, the SS Optimus will end up being an earthrise retool anyway. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
WAY too early to say so and there is zero reported cases so far
God bless you, anon. you broke like a year of no pencils for me.
That what a lot of people were expecting
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Some of those scrapped designs are pretty cool. I'd go for a SS Tanker
>SS86 Titan Class Rails never
Well then a lot of people will be saving a lot of money
None of those are scrapped designs. They're fan art made based on the simplest of ideas.
I can still like 'em
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it's mostly selfish envy I think, but never the less I am in your debt.
You did a good job anon. Reminds me of using black pen on my Silverbolt as a k8d to make his bird form a raven
>no Legends Triggerhappy
Fake fan
They don’t appear to do anything for the alt mode and everything works fine without it, it’s one of the most confusing additions to the mold
God I wish I was this fucking retarded.
>I just really wish those guns weren't pinned in place, drives me nuts how they kill his articulation.
But they don't? Sure they're pinned to his forearms, but I've literally never had an issue with them getting in the way of a single pose.
I still have one of these missing a head, I got it for $5 at a thrift shop still in box. I currently have a spare T30 Brainstorm head on there but I need a real Metalhawk head, maybe someone's made a .stl for one I could print
>It's looking like a nice retool.
Any retool of ER Optimus is doomed to be shit.
I will steal a Metalhawk head for my headless one. Then the new headless one will be someone else's problem. Thank you, windowless packaging.
check ebay, listings are going up of him that are clearly the Bridge version with yellow hips.
not seeing it
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Why do you come online to lie? Anyone can double-check the listings and clearly see that the used DCS Soundwaves haven't yellowed.
>SS86 Prime revealed
>It's just ER Prime with a Megatron arm
God, imagine the seething.
That made me laugh when I saw it.
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>"so you're telling me, the solution to all of my problems might just come down from on High and land right in my hand as I'm speaki..."
>"alright so perhaps, theoretically, the supernatural is real. so what? who cares?
I liked his Unicron review where he made it clear he's wasted his entire life hoarding trash
>Xaaron closely resembles his gold and silver style
Yeah, mustard is a great substitute for gold
SS86 is literally just an overflow line to put more G1 stuff out without it completely filling up "main" Generations. The "it's more focused on accuracy" thing is a complete meme. Hence why Scourge came out in SS and Cyclonus came out in Kingdom but both look like part of the same line.
Can't rotate the biceps out, bugs the hell out of me
It's more depressing than that and it's just a second round for figures in better decos like G1 Blaster, Galvatron, Starscream, etc. For fucksakes their is a SS 86 Soundwave leak for 2026. The line is just becoming the main line but with better decos.
I dunno about that. Most SS86 redecos have less colour detail and more flat, boring paint apps than their original releases.
>better decos
Removing the stripes on his fin is considered an improvement? Because that's literally all they did.
There is new paint on the topside of the jet.

Man the ER seeker mold sucks ass. I hope Starscream gets a totally new mold not made by a guy who was resting on his laurels.
There has never been a "good" Starscream and I've come to accept that the closest we'll ever get are his Machine Wars and Movie SS toys.
>he's wasted his entire life hoarding trash
Isn't that everyone here? Normal people don't own hundreds/thousands of toy robots, I made peace with this long ago.
classics was good, fuck u
Classics was BORING and doesn't scale with any shit I've got.
>and doesn't scale
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Based Machine Wars Starscream chad
Sorry that I don't want the Insecticons a head taller than him.
siege seeker >>>>>
I use the legends ones so this isn't an issue for me. I'd have liked to get the ER seekers as updates but I just do not want to drop nearly $100 on getting slightly nicer versions of the three guys I've had for years. If voyagers were still $20 a pop it'd be much easier to talk myself into the purchase.
I got coronation Starscream for 15 bucks and I like him...
WAS is the keyword here, these days it's antiquated with really strange design decisions. ER is technically an upgrade on it but it just shows how mediocre that mold is and how little they did to improve it
lol that's a cope if I've ever seen one
So you don't collect transformers.
Coping with what?
That "he collects a lot of toy robots" doesn't carry a lot of weight as an insult around here?
there's a ocean of difference between collecting plastic trash and having a functional life versus collecting plastic trash, having transexual boyfriends, no wife no kids, entire life revolving around plastic trash, and then finally purchasing a $600 pumpkin you don't even like and having it all crash down around you that buying plastic trash hasn't filled the void and never will.
if you relate to Thew, that's a skill issue
You sound unpleasant to be around and unhappy in general.
It's like going to /sp/ to tell them how gay football is. It is, but you're not gonna get any traction there of all places.
Presumably people who like other sports instead would agree.
Sounds like something a transsexual boyfriend enjoyer would say
>The "it's more focused on accuracy" thing is a complete meme.
Surprised you didn't mention Perceptor, who retains the G1 toy's tank mode treads for a mode literally nobody has ever cared about in the character's 39 years of existing.
Didn't the last Percy also have a tank mode? Even the older one that turned into a vehicle only had treads.
RtS Percy was a half-track, wheeled front and treaded back.
I’m calling fake, but but willing to be proven wrong
This joke has gotten stale after the 6th or so time.
It's not a joke, people are just gun jumping morons.
If you can't see a difference between a life that includes collecting and a life that revolves around collecting, you're probably in trouble
Thats the mp trailer, that image is fake. The figure will be revealed next month, if it doesn't leak first.
It feels like likes of actual figures have slowed down, leaks of listings keep right along though.
We just had a bunch of reveals.
>It feels like leaks of actual figures have slowed down,
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Where are we getting new leaked listings lately? I haven't heard or seen anything leaked for 2025/26 since jtprime retired.
If there's an actual leak for an 86 Soundwave then fuck yeah I hate the Netflix mold lol
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The world wasn't ready for greatness...
instagram dripfeeding is hardly the same as a reveal event with samples
feels pathetic a million dollar toy company skimps on advertising and these chumps have to do it form their personal socials to appease the zombie horde of transformersdom
I do wonder why they did it in this manner rather than the usual system of showing them off on a stream, perhaps they felt the wave wasn't particularly good?
We have like the entire Generations and Studio Series lineup for next year
I know, I meant FURTHER leaks on 25, my bad.
Anon, leaks for 2026 will be on march next year.
Glad to hear that, collecting is fun and all, but a passion for art can be hard to find. Keep it up
It was a massive leak from 2023 of planned figures that was at least three years that people have been tightening up as Skus and listings pop up.

That said it's clear any G1 figure that shows up in the mainline that was in the 86 movie has a very good chance of being a SS. I'm expecting dead gears and wheeljack even
They can't keep up with leakers, they have said before they can't keep information easily kept in house and so the only way to beat them is to be them and just share name drops and quick prototype shops and even then they still struggle to stay ahead of it. If you were around back during the start of SS when they were trying big flashy drops it was always this failure to launch because everyone knew months in advance what they were and what they looked like, come SS 86 they just started showing digital renders and showing you samples because they knew that was the only way to stay ahead of shit.

tldr, juice isn't wroth the squeeze due to leakers and the audience that craves said leaks.
They didn't show Gears' corpse, so I think that would be Windcharger when they make him instead as Wheeljack's dead partner.
Did Gears end up dying in the original cartoon?
Again proof?

SS86 Prime was not revealed retard
He never appears after the second season, but he isn't being shown killed. Supposedly he was scripted to be killed, but doesn't appear at all in the final version of the 86 movie.
Reading comprehension ain't your strong suit is it.
I think some characters like Huffer were confirmed dead in S3, I must've been thinking of him.
I think their is a good chance of it as the materials of Bridge SW seem to be the same as Netflix, or at least on mine they are, and where a lot of people have reported loose limbs out of the box on Megs I can't feel like Takara would do anything to stop or fix it if they didn't even try to make sure the figures had tight joints. That all said this she gets old, it decays and breaks, buying these things and expecting them to last is a fools game.
why pay a fat balding guy a salary to promote your product when a fat balding gay YouTuber will do it 4free or for $10 of plastic
Being a balding fat guy sounds useful.
Man, the only decent cassette choice for the new Soundwave is Buzzsaw. They could have at least used Ratbat and Enemy so we'd get a hard to get mold and an obscure recolor. Honestly, did anyone want another Ravage?
this pisses me off so much. i hate when things are like that.
Ravage is literally gang-molded to Laserbeak. That's why this new Ravage has black legs-- so Buzzsaw can have the right colors for his neck and feet instead of grey.
that would actually look cool, the iridescence of pen ink would give a neat effect.
McFeely made it no secret that every image was just a visual aid made interpreting first draft so the presentation could have something for people to look at, but nobody cares that he ever said that so everyone just treats the literal fan made images as actual concept art.
both of those parts piss me off!
Cool, and Hasbro has split apart gang molded figured in other occassions, shit they might do it with Ratbat in the upcoming 3 pack.
>All transformation hinges are CLEAR PLASTIC, so you'll be super reluctant to Transform him.
is joke?
So with the decepticon double targetmaster some what complete for better or worse. What's the likelihood we get the Autobot ones? Scoop had one a decade ago but probably too $$$ to reissue.

Also wtf happened to Sureshot? Is he canned or delayed til next year?
You can probably still find leftover stock on Scoop
BBTS had him on sale forever
got it, hilarious
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Apparently the new Xaaron has mandatory partsforming that they're claiming was to help convey the "he needs help transforming" Per the guy who revealed him on twitter,
>Hey Simon - I had a note from the toy designer on this. They specifically chose a design which required 'partsforming' to achieve the transformation, the logic being that these are additional armour pieces to help turn into a battle mode without the strain of a full conversion
if that's how he works in the comics, it makes sense to me.
He doesn't transform at all in the comics since he's so old and hasn't done it in so long, he's afraid the shock to his systems will kill him.
poor old guy. it makes sense, the t-cog is the first to go..
to a certain kind of company yes, very
what is up my bromide
>Amazon exclusive Mayhems date moved AGAIN
>Chop Shop and Barrage are now ETA June 23rd
>Brakedown and Windsweeper still August
Simon Furman weighed in on Xaaron since he created him with some tongue-in-cheek comments related to that:


>I'm very slightly disappointed Xaaron can transform. I kind of feel @Hasbro should have built in something that stops it mid-flow, and then you get an agonised 'old man' groan.
sounds like those knee-bend-blockers people were talking about would have come in handy
Those are on the other toy.
hence the word "would" rather than "will"
They should've gangmolded Rumble with Laserbeak so they could've did Frenzy and Bazzsaw
If Chop Shop and Barrage are expected in a little over a week, then how much longer are they gonna keep waiting before they finally show us Bludgeon and Ruckus??
what is different about this Bludgeon?
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All these comic characters got me thinking. Titan Class when?
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>Ordered that stupid Flame Xaaron two pack
They're just gonna find me buried under all my toys.
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I am hoping the anon that took this pic has a new family photo with the latest titan class boys (and girl)
it's so cute. we'll never have kids, but this is endearing enough.
I guarantee that pack is going to hit clearance.
speaking of packs, when the fuck is the 4pack with orange tarantulas coming out
I dunno where I'm gonna try to get him on his own, since mercari shit the bed.
Noir and Shade don't sound like tough guy names.
start selling shit
I know. I have to get around to it.
I was thinking like a subversive spy name (also female because of the pic?), because of the black color. Or something black and red? Checkers?
For masculine maybe Grim, Bleak, Dark, Night, or Crag as adjectives?
For Vehicle; Motor, Wheel, Stop, Gear, Clutch, Shift.

Mix and match as you see fit, until you find something you like.
they really couldn't do something about the vehicle mode, couldn't move that hinge inward slightly so it's not sticking out, couldn't get the windows looking good even when they split up.. come on.
Nightshift. lol.
Night shift
Peter Sutcliffe please.
Cybertronian Lemmy.
I just decided he's Tote
why not make him Flatline?
An actual Flatline is coming later.
~I love you from cradle to flatline~
Nightwatch? (In homage to NW Optimus)
Blackguard? (More of a decepticon name)
Steal the name "Smoulder" from an obscure Power Core Combiner?
There was a Go-Bot named Vanguard if you want to pretend it's the same guy.
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Scooptroop itt
I care. I like the tank mode.
Oh neat, and here I was going for a pun.
just a guess but are the legs spring-loaded so they move apart when unfolded, and you have to push em back together to recreate the front of the truck?
Does anyone have the Nonnef Crankcase set? I just got mine and the hubcap piece has 4 extra silver pieces on it, but there are no instructions on where they go
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The new animated legacy is definitely missing something
i agree, i bought this and hated it so much i gave it to away the same day
>Turn Headlight dots Red
>Turn Windshield Translucent Blue
>Darken the Blue on the body a bit
That's all it needed honestly
>what is different about this Bludgeon?
That's just the thing: we don't know. It's what I'm so eager to find out.
my main problem is the back transformation, the feet look stupid hanging in the middle
I'm very confused about Prime Dreadwing/Skyquake. Why can Needlenose dock on them? I could see it if Dreadwing got a Dreadwing/Smokescreen pack or Skyquake got a redeco into Predator Skyquake and Needlenose into a different Predator, but there hasn't been anything like that even leaked. The toys just came and went.
Trust the plan
Xaaron the Cheeselord, Lord of Cheese.
i'm so close to wanting that guy, and i've seen a real nice chinese third party kit for him. seemingly stolen from the anon in here who I assume put the 3d print plans online.
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planned predator repaints, although the needlenose mold doesn't suit any of the jets which all have the classic seeker style chest cockpit. ideally they'd for 4 remolds/repaints in the vein of the triggerhappy trio to give us all predator 4 jet corps members
hopefully we eventually get selects skyquake and machine wars starscream from the leader mold as it's an easy repaint, but cokehead 'i heckin' love machine wars fellow 90s kids' maher went full retard and gave us quake and the new turd bike instead
Entirely correct opinion, anon, he may just be one of my favorite figures.
Same, I’m still mad it basically never made it to stores here. My scavengers are incomplete because of this.
Maybe they'll be used as Darkwing and Dreadwind redecos.
What head is that? need to get myself a DK-2 now cause that head makes it look really nice
In my dream it was the Turbomasters vs Predators that were coming out, there were rotating rotor/turret/wheel/etc gimmicks
The predator half has some planned for one, so once they make a Thunderclash likely to happen. Kind of cursed option would be Stunticon retool for them including some pegs for the Rotorstorm from a few years ago to latch onto.
>cursed option
You know the future they will choose
Remake the Action Master Elite Turbo Master?
>-What led to the decision to pursue the direction of real cars?
>Personally, I leaned towards a more realistic approach, aiming to emulate the authenticity of real vehicles rather than incorporating a sci-fi twist. However, upon surveying children's preferences, it became evident that a realistic depiction was preferred. The sales department echoed this sentiment, advising, "We should stick with realism." Additionally, there was an idea to have the train robots transform and connect to resemble dragons, yet again the sales department asserted, "We’d prefer real trains."
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>Imagine not liking Skullgrin
New Beast Machines Vehicons when?
What size class do you want Tankor to be?
Can't speak for everybody, but a sense of verisimilitude makes the conversion process more fun -- both in the distinction between modes and the process of seeing where and how Part 5 ends up in Mode B.

It's also my biggest issue with alt modes being so de-emphasized now. I'm fine with sci-fi vehicles, but the little details and fit and finish have an outsized impact that gets underrated when robot mode proportions or model sheet fidelity become top priority. The upcoming G1 Optimus is a deliberate rehash, but's nevertheless a better example of what I like about Transformers than Armada Megatron or whatever, and it does it without the "premium" of Missing Link.
What head is that?
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Repainted KreO Prowl
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Got TM2 Megatron in today; he was going for Deluxe price on Amazon, so I thought "fuck it, why not?".
He's pretty cool, I wish he pegged together better and I'm not too fond of his robot face, but this dragon mode is so great I can't be mad. Especially not for £24.
A little skull or something on the head crest would complete it.
Cw hotspot, straight swap, no mods required.
Yeah I got mine for cheap and I'm just keeping him in dragon mode
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>still no sixshot reissue
It's painful
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Anon in the bst hooked me up with Overlord and Im down to only 2 figures left that I regret selling and need to rebuy. Sixshot is one, Jihaxus is the other. I would include Metroplex but I dont want him back. As I type this Im pretty sure I wrote this exact same shit except I needed like 8 instead of 2. Also that figure is mid as all hell. Hes really not that fun and we really need a new one.
They need to give him the commander treatment. The TR mold was fine, but something more substantial, with ratchets and a higher parts count would be fun.

And Overlord.

And Black Shadow.

And Thunderwing.

And Lugnut.
Good post anon. Agree. They really need to start working more than 1 commander per year into the budget. I really dont want to wait until im old and gray for the whole cast done properly. Imagine all the people that already died never seeing the figure they wanted get made.
If I had my way Hasbro would abandon walmart's stringent demands for figure size and consistency and just make however many huge toys they wanted
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He can peg together better if you trim the one tab that connects his beast chest to the hinge like this picture. It's actually insane how badly the person or persons who edited the mold on the floor fucked up the face and the pieces that are supposed to tab together. This is clearly intended to slot into that tab hole on his back and it cant with the design of the struts.
>Personally, I leaned towards a more realistic approach, aiming to emulate the authenticity of real vehicles rather than incorporating a sci-fi twist. However, upon surveying children's preferences, it became evident that a realistic depiction was preferred.
this confuses me. "i wanted realism, however, the preference was for realism, so we were advised to stick to realism"
Anyway realistic vehicles are as good as the vehicles. if you can come up with something BETTER, that looks like a concept car, do it. but a realistic concept car.
i hate how his head refuses to stay pegged in, and there is confusing misleading molding trying to make you secondguess how it's meant to fit.
>concept car
I like the more mundane stuff too, though. A robot that turned into a dad-mobile hatchback would be great.

A Transformers line of specific 50s concept cars would be awesome, though.
Agreed. And that's why cutting the tab like I did fixed all of it. I do have trouble getting his claws to stay tabbed to the chest tho. It really is like a .0001% magic zone to get it to peg in an stay.
when done right, sure. and in those situations, I say stick with the 80s. a time when practical cars still looked slick. we had an '83 plymouth horizon when i was a tiny kid, it was strong enough to pull a uhaul trailer.
but the age BEFORE practical cars, when they were allowed to just sprawl out like a hardworking man's legs on the bus, any of those would make a good transformer.
What did you have to do for that Overlord, hmm?
Honestly the only thing that bugs me about him is how his skirt armor snags on itself if you move his legs too far apart
I was excited about Skullgrin but his altmode looks like ass. He had a decent Marvel story of being a Hollywood star, which was fun. I don't mind the grinning skull head but his altmode is such ass, and I don't know if any of the fanmodes will be stable enough.
>$17 CAD on amazon.ca but $15 shipping, making it discounted by only like, $6, instead of being rightly core-class price
It was an out of context quotes from an interview. During development what became Sunstreaker, there was conflict between making a realistic-looking vehicle and fantastic one like previous Diaclone toys. Takara did children testing by going to nearby children at a park.
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Aveo Swerve, the late aughts GOAT
I don't have it, but that's a great example of what I wish the line did more of.
i'm just saying, that's not how "however" works. there is no disagreement or changing of mind in that statement.
Your upset over something that didn't matter.
How is he? I skipped him cuz everyone was talking shit about him but I've been tempted recently
i'm not upset, i'm just pointing out somebody flubbed
are you saying that two separate parts of the interview were stitched together for that post?
it should bug you when someone says "A, but actually, A"
B was established in the paragraph before. It is best to read the original article first.
still clumsy writing. Though I realize that's just how thoughts come out sometime. this is an interview, not an article the guy wrote
It goes
>Japanese interview for an article in magazine
>An English-speaking person posts a translation which seems to have vestigial Japanese aspects
>Out of context partial recycling to push an agenda about how new thing bad
Does it come in a less show off color? Something suitable for driving to work or stores.
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Swerve's only come in red, silly
>prime vs prime reviews his illegal factory leak copy while in a bad mood
>hates on every aspect of the figure, whines and cries, farding and shidding through the entire video
>every other reviewer phones in their review for the views and parrots his complaints verbatim
>voila everyone now hates this figure
I think hes cool. His transformation is unique and fun. Now that I made his inner bot head I am in love with him. Even the rubber parts (one of the #1 complaints about him) dont bother me. They are thick high quality material that isnt going anywhere.
Sheep are less cool than lizards and bats.
Id like to add
>MPG Powermaster Prime launches
>everyone who is on the fence about him now wants one
>everyone who gets one starts watchint Masterforce
Spring 2025 all PMP’s friends and family enemies will skyrocket. Get the Pretenders now if you care about them at all
He looks like a sheep to you? Hes literally a demon, which is one thing I personally dont care for about him
His head is based a ram which is a sheep that has a penis. Sheep is the most dismissive term usable for him.
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ohhhh okay, I can see how I might have gotten turned around in that process. these things do happen.

i'll say this, I liked hotwheels cars for a while, but my favorite were the crazy happy meal ones you would get, who had like.. a pop out engine or weird maybe thrusters.. and crazy spaceship cockpit glass
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>tfw finding authentic G1 Raiden parts at the thrift store
I only wish I could have been able to go back the next day and search for more of him
His alt mode is legitimately shitty, but everything else about him I really like
My favorite overall was Hydroplane because of biases, but it doesn't roll very well. Pontiac Rageous and Mitsubishi Eclipse concept car are my "works well on track" recommendations.
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>Getting hit by 20 years+ Nostalgia
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man
Holy shit
30 even
i know. i know.
my retarded little stepbrother took all my hotwheels outside and got them filthy and lost most of them
No I don't think there's springs. I think it's similar to how G1 Long Hauls legs swivel out.
ooooh a wormscrew mechanism! very neat.
Man, why can't Unite G1 Optimus be in voyager or leader scale?
Because then there wouldn't be room for the Metalhawk reissue
The last Optimus Primes were like that. Want to diversify product.
But he doesn't scale with anything in my collection :(
Transformers doesn't have scale outside of a few things that are aggressively follow the way the toys are to begin with.
these days they have been trying to preserve 'relative scale' so a character will be taller or shorter than another character, just maybe not as much, or too much. Terrorsaur ignored this because for some reason they thought nobody cared about Terrorsaur.
It's not really meant to.
>Anon in the bst hooked me up with Overlord
How sore is your jaw?
>It's actually insane how badly the person or persons who edited the mold on the floor fucked up the face
His face sculpt is actually fine - what got fucked was the paint. For whatever reason, someone decided to paint pointy teeth over what was sculpted to be a replica of the unused Kingdom Megatron face with the TMNT grimace; he has perfectly normal looking teeth molded under that paint, as another anon demonstrated by repainting him a while back. I imagine just slathering a layer of silver paint over his mouth would fix the face immediately, though I just went and bought the DNA kit with multiple expressions instead.
The solution to that is to buy more toys until you find something he does scale with

Like MP Spike and Collab Gigawatt. I'd post my picture but I cannot find it
so I won black zarak for 130 plus 20 shipping. Should I complete the purchase?
Even Beast Wars only loosely worked. Blackarachnia is fucking tiny in the show while her toy one isn't.
Generations Black Zarak or the original?
gen I think
yeah gen
I guess that's alright. You probably won't get him cheaper at this point. Only if he's complete though
>G1 Black Zarak
Is it fucking intact?
I could care less about what the reviews say, the rubber and the fact they changed the design philosophy between it and the core pretenders just soured the toy for me.
rubber is soul
yeah she hit size limits. she needed to be smaller, and rattrap needed to be bigger
but RELATIVE heights, it worked.
To be fair, nobody cares about Terrorsaur.
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lol reference
I dunno i like rubber sometimes but i feel like, for transmorphers, it should be relegated only to things like tires
Imagine being designed as a copy of one of the most popular characters in every iteration of your native series, but you don't latch on with either fans or writers.
They forgot to give him the characterization
You sure? And if so, are you sure you can keep him that way? He's known to suffer from GPS.
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Got my two pack today. Pretty good retools. Shame I really don't care for IDW lore
gps my balls? whats gps
I think anon means he's buying Generations Black Zarak. Not the original.
gold plastic syndrome
Gold Plastic Syndrome. A certain gold-colored plastic used in a lot of late 80s and 90s Transformers breaks really easily, even in packaging.
I got it a couple days ago. I like Megatron, definitely the best use of the mold, but I don't care much for Ratbat. He's a good retool, but I just have no interest in a humanoid Ratbat.
but he did. and the actor did an excellent Latta impression, to the point that they let him voice Starscream himself.
what? did you miss all the character moments with him?
before Tarantulas really developed his persona beyond cackling, and before waspinator had become such a fan favorite, terrorsaur had the most personality of the preds aside from megatron.
I feel the same way. Ratbat's design is pretty god. I just prefer my Ratbat as a bat. I'm wondering if there's someone else I could repurpose him as.
Too purple
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I like the repaint we got from him
Ratbat's cousin, Batrat.
The Universe 08 Ratbat is a pretty good compromise between bat/monster and humanoid (I like having non-cassette versions of cassettebots). Seeing Ratbat with a normal looking person face is weird.
Funny enough all the Humanoid Ratbats were also used for Scourge
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What color is Wild Rider? The stock photo doesn't do it justice, but I swear it's got like a greyish blue or forest green tinge.
Universe Ratbat is okay, but I think the only kind of humanoid Ratbat I'd like is one that still has an actual bat-like face, similar to how humanoid Ravage in BW still had a cat face.
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this is the most popular one, but the sad reality is, because of the spikes on his knees, a lot of better options are not doable.
you misunderstood.
he's saying "well, my personal preference is realistic cars. However, the decision was made because the company did some focus group testing with kids"

He's saying he wanted to do realistic, but his opinion didn't actually factor into it.
It's a dogshit figure regardless of whatever some reviewer says.
that's not exactly how you say that, but it's a translated interview so okay.
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Post a pic and prove you own it or opinion disregarded.
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let em know, dude. post the pix or eat the dix
>buying a shitty figure
The product shots were enough.
this is an image board.
You didn't post a picture of it either.
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Got godgonrai today.
A missing link of this would be cool
The masterpiece version is coming
you didn't post a picture of me not posting it. checkmate.
Nice! thats still a very fun figure
Hopefully the original release since Encore suffers from GPS
I here u
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The art is amazing
Kickass, I just got the Commemorative Series release the other month
I had no idea this figure existed and now I need to know how long the vehicle mode is to see where it scales
You don't actually play with these, right?
It's weird if you don't.
No I just open them, transform them a few times, then store them in a bin so I don’t end up losing any pieces or getting any kind of damage on them, been doing that since I was in fourth grade I think, ever since I lost one of the missiles from my Animated Voyager Starscream
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>No I just open them, transform them a few times, then store them in a bin
Are you me?
Id be retarded not to play with the boyz ;}
>love playing with da boyz
I think shoving core class and minicon's up one ass is rather normal behavior, no?
Some of the japanese releases have blue plastic which can get brittle over time. Be careful when transforming the cab.
Who's the handsome looking green fella on the right?
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Dork of the Moon Air Raid
I love how the old movie lines are treasure troves for weird and interesting characters.
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>pre-orders sold out almost within an hour
But why?
Pussy privilege
coomers and troons
What if I just want a Slipstream toy for a full Decepticon display, but didn't want to pay out the ass for the others because coomer markups?
Then like me, you can go fuck yourself I guess.
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Skill issue
Autist fixation on female characters outweighing a mid repaint of a mid mold.
smaller stock
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I know I shouldn't...
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Exactly what is new about the Legacy Soundwave compared to the Netflix one? So far all I see is red stripes on the weapons.
>He unironically buys off Pulse
Sometimes you have to.
Especially cause it yellows
They need to just rerun it and fix it
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armada laserbeak retooled from skullgrin confirmed
Starscream is the one that yellows, all of megatron's nylon (aka the stuff subject to rapid discoloration) is black, his white plastic is creamy by default
I know Starscream absolutely spoils like milk
But I've seen some Megatron discolors
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pretty cool. I like all the blue.
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I miss having the imagination and the time to play. if I got a good camera maybe i'd get into posing and photography.
awesome box art is a fucking lost art.
he looks like he would be voiced by doug jones
because retail doesn't work. millions of people want the shit, and if you make a 1% miscalculation in how many want it, or what they're willing to pay, you lose millions of dollars.
oh I love this.

>he doesn't play with his and make up his own unique toy-based continuity, utilizing his non TF toys for world building

Thats half the fun.
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Sometimes some guys make it tricky to figure out exactly what to do for your ... shelf-canon. Like we get a TMNT crossover, they give us five heads, you can either decide these ARE the tmnt, as cybertronians or the results of some kind of science accident or each have their own mechs.. or you can make it just "what if the turtle van could transform and be a piloted mech." like it's up to you. and I enjoy that part of imagination.
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like deciding whomst this guy is to me.. is he alternate universe terrorsaur? is he terrorsaur's more successful brother who drives him crazy? is he a failed clone? You get options, and you get to have a cool lookin thing on your shelf that reminds you of the good ol days.
also I just want more claw jaw. is that so much to ask?
oh we have hit #151 (mew) image limit, so new thread >>11034337
Did you get four of them?
That is no good. Slipstream is a size class bellow her teammates.
Shes still on bbts for... January

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