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Previous >>11006282
Recent announcements and updates
>Magic Square Sludge
>Newage Blaster
>Toy Steel SD Predaking
>Cang Toys Chibi Predacons
>Lucky Cat MP Optimus
>Unique Toys Mudflap
>Pangu Toys Silver Samurai Cyclonus
>Dr. Wu Megatron and Seeker Pack
>Iron Factory AoE Lockdown and Leadfoot
>Fanshobby Tidal Wave and Minicon team
>MPH Studios Warpath, Datsuns, Optimus and Roller
>Robot Toys Bumblebee
APC Galaxy Mob Airgeneral Silver edition
I wish they made Prime Ratchet.
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I would be all over these TFP KOs if they made more improvements to the molds. Gear Factory’s Wheeljack was extremely tempting with the bicep swivels and reduced hollowness, but the lack of a waist swivel was just enough to hold me back.
Give it time, maybe they'll fold up the car kibble better so we get a better robot mode.
damn, I thought that figure was a straight KO. That looks really good.
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Got the Metrotitan KO this week. Kind of happy with it, especially the popping colours. It came with 46 stickers but I had to source a Decepticon logo myself. Some QC issues were expected. See a few mold flashes here and there...
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for some reason there appears to be a little room between the middle and the right chest part, must be some screw that's not tightened enough. If I'd be a handy guy I'd probably be able to fix it
it might look good but the tolerances on that mold are horrible. I got 4 jet vehicons and all of them had loose as hell hips out of the box so they would immediately go into splits on a glass surface.
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Just got these guys in the mail. Not a huge huffer fan but both him and pipes are really nice
Biggest problem is that you have to find a way to redeem the Micromaster and ramps later.
You have bad luck, my APC jet vehicons are all some of the most stable deluxes I've had in the past decade
I have their metroplex, you need to tighten and trim some parts on the figure, however it’s still amazing for the price :} are you going to get metrobomber and the ramps once they’re released? I’m gonna wait until the 2nd version drop once it’s all included
Got this at AliExpress, if you guys know if it's even possible to get the missing micromaster I'd love to hear it
check with the seller, they may or not may help you.
Imagine a 3rd party prime predaking
Most sellers are going to list the pieces as available separate purchases, message the seller on when it’s going to be released, a lot are saying it’ll be the end of the month, but those will be limited as a whole
>didn't fix the wings
How are the Overlord options
I have two, I believe there was a small legends scaled one made by Iron Factory at some point, but I had never owned it.

MMC Carnifex is okay. Transformation is a little rough-drafty, with the legs/tank being way too simple and the torso/jet relying some very unergonomic tabbing to get everything lined up right. As a figure, I think he's passable. The powermasters that comes with the upgrade kit are an obvious afterthought with them not integrating into any mode well at all. I also find his hands, particularly his thumbs, to be a little to spindly, giving what's already a somewhat lithe figure a real sense of being stretched out.

Then there's Fans Hobby's Double Evil, which I like quite a bit more, but it also comes with the caveat of being huge and sculpted/styled with FH's own unique design language so it won't fit particularly well into any collection, whereas the MMC one can maybe pass a squint test a little easier. I think the FH one balances both components really well and integrates the powermasters much better, with them having actual cockpits with controls.

I enjoy both a lot, but I think the FH is the better toy.
>but it also comes with the caveat of being huge and sculpted/styled with FH's own unique design language so it won't fit particularly well into any collection
? It's literally G1 Overlord
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Does anyone here have a newage grimlock? How does he look? Any version to recommend? Also is he worth it for 100 bucks?
He's really good but 100?
where the fuck are you buying it for that much lol
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new post saying that it comes with 2 ramjets.
1 ramjet and an F15
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I have the toon and EX version. It’s quality figure with a couple well known shortcomings
>no frontward knee bend in dino mode
>t-rex arms lack a bicep swivel
>hollow robot shins unless you use partsforming gap fillers

As long as you’re informed of that you can make your own decision
100 bucks? If you go to Bombusbee they have multiple versions from toon, g2, SG, etc for way less.

If you want that version on the image you can pick the Mike toys version on TFsafari that is basically the same but comes with a few less details for more toon accuracy, but also comes with extendable dino legs like the MS one, built in leg covers that do not partsform, dino arms with more articulation like the MS ones and way more accessories (2 swords, two guns, etc) for less than 30 bucks.
I have the toon version and it is very good.
Yeah, obviously it's Overlord, but it's FH's take on him. FH utilizes a lot of flat surfaces, simple geometry, limited detailing, and tampographed labels that say things like "caution" and "power tank."

I like having a hodge podge of different aesthetics in my collection, but there are plenty of people that have stricter preferences.
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>Slammer as well
Slammer's not included, it's the tank-only one included with their plex.
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For the price its pretty good.
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>no frontward knee bend in dino mode
If you don’t mind the inaccuracy of having the claws backwards in robot mode, it’s not hard to correct this by removing the two pins from the dino shin and reversing the center piece.
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Choose your fighter (Robot Toys left, Lucky Cat right)
left for sure, however it's much bigger
would like one of these with a more G1 head and the "bee wing" doors the toy had.
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the SS Bumblebee toy was based on concept art that gave him bumblebee wings from the doors. I like that look, and it would be cool if he had them, plus a better head design compared to the pretty awful Bay inspired one.
to be fair, he still had the wings in the movie too, they were just always down and pressed to his back.
reminds me of mastermade
renders of the Starscream reissue packs at the end of the year.
dying version has screaming expression head.
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Can’t help you with the face, but Lucky Cat BB actually does have a pretty decent “door wing” configuration
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And now that I look, wings might be doable with Robot Toys BB as well
Speaking of door wings and a normal face, I’d buy the shit out of the Aston Martin comic design
That looks pretty good. I like that.
I like to think I can categorize practically any legend release since NA and MS started, but I still don’t know how many fucking BB Movie Bumblebees that exists and who makes them. The same goes for the Primes.
New Age has been awfully silent recently.
They just announced their take on Blaster last week
he was teased ages ago. I want them to hurry up and show EX Hoist and Slag
Robot Paradise is making people do unboxing videos if they want to claim that their Ratbat is missing from their Soundblaster package. Which sounds fair until you remember that they're deliberately packing a high demand figure in with something very, very few people actually want.

I'm buying Soundblaster for Ratbat because I'm retarded but it's such a fucking scam.
Feels good to be a soundblaster chad and knowing you're always getting the better cassettes
Are people actually getting the figure without the cassette? Or are they just paranoid these will flood the aftermarket if they send some extras out? eBay is gonna be full of soundblasters without Rabat one way or the other.
They're trying to prevent people from getting the figure, pull Ratbat, then say "I didn't get Ratbat so I want to return it."

Like I said, it's reasonable, but they have only themselves to blame for selling an accessory with an entire 200 dollar figure tacked on.
Robot Toys - More impressive
Lucky Cat - More visually appealing afaic
I already have the MP-13 version & don't collect tooner shit, so I'm fine.
MP sucks ass and Acoustic Wave has a toy configuration.
I'm getting it for a Toy Soundblaster and it polishes off my cassettes (which has Takara in it too) so I'm fine with what RP did for my needs.
Though I do I think RB is scummy as hell for doing it when my case is not the majority, yet at the same time a motherfucker needs to realize that their brand obsession might be a bit too extreme and they need to just buy some shitty Takara MP Ratbat KO off of Ebay or something.
>IF Leadfoot doesn't come with Mirage's shoulder blaster despite having the peg for it

what is the point of turd parties not giving you accessories that were designed with the molds? Do they believe it's a special treat for us to have "accurate" accessory loadouts? Do they think we hoot and cheer like apes when we find out a New Age toy figure doesn't come with an effect part since the original toy didn't?
takara tapes aren't compatible, and that was almost certainly by design specifically to prevent you from doing exactly that.
>takara tapes aren't compatible
I don't need them to be. I've replaced all tapes but Buzzsaw and Laserbeak with the MMC, I just want Ratbat for display reasons really.
Ideally MMC would make the dino tapes too but maybe in 2034.
>some lane afterthought toy parts matter even though it's shit toon white & the tapes are flat toon details too & MP sucks because it's mostly the toy design

Get stuffed feet first into a wood chipper.
The THF Soundwave KO is still dirt common but their Soundblaster has dried up.

>$100+ for flat cartoon surface tape bots that don't even have a player to fit in

Heroin is a smarter purchase.
This makes me wonder why people get bent about white vs silver when it’s already a vibrantly colored robot.
It’s supposed to be a high tech alien robot made of metal, rubber, glass, etc; you can paint it whatever color you want.
>that don't even have a player to fit in
It’s a toy. I can play with it however I want. And I choose not to engage with the tape deck.
The MP has well documented breakage issues. Sorry you got Sunk Cost'd but you should probably medicate before you hurt yourself.
What issues because I still have mine from like 2018.
hips and heel/ankle spurs. Those accordioning pieces on his ankles are doomed to crack around the metal pin because they're rectangular and the corners put pressure on the middle when transforming.

>b...but mine aren't broken!
ok just don't ever transform him again and you'll probably be fine.
Thanks actually. I’ll keep it in tapedeck mode as I play around with my FT Soundblaster for the foreseeable future.
I’ve noticed the metal feet starting to warp but nothing major has happened yet. But your advice now really is keeping me a lot more wary so it will remain as a display piece.
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this is the 3P thread but here's a photo of what eventually happens.
That's a dogshit toy mode. It doesn't even have the text on the cassette buttons.
make a sticker
It's sculpted in cassette mode, it should be the same for robot mode as well.
I'm still making a sticker though. You can't win them all.
This logic would be used to say the original MP Stratos/Wheeljack mold is bad because it doesn’t have all the decals.
Even the Takara MP Soundwave is missing painted details over some of its toy inspired designs.
I'm so tired of Toy repaints of Toon sculpts. We really need purpose built Toy MPs. Gigapower is the only ones they got close, they should have made Insecticons at this point.
>I'm so tired of Toy repaints of Toon sculpts
I don’t mind them.
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Trainbots by SiYang, the metroplex people
So is this is from a branch of Magic Square right?
I wonder what their madness is by separating everything like this.
>2 seconds of bot mode
Looks great though
Along with >>11034082 these look like a company to watch
no way, look at the hands.

They say it's more of video instructions than a full review.
I’m buying it because I have the KO of the original and want one to go with all my headmasters bots
Gigapower is nothing like the toys
Wtf are you on about son
I'm buying it just because that shitty english dub of headmasters still cracks me up when they call him new soundwave
Darn that Soundwave
The multicolor wires, decals, clear and chrome are definitely toy inspired. MP should be stylized/improved from the base design anyways. 1:1 adaptations should be reserved for Missing Link.
Ah, it's the greeble anon, should've known
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Toy deco'd toon mps will grow on you.
Hydra is the wrong colour for toon
But these are all great figures
toy decos are almost always superior to toon, imo
For toy I meant
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Transart Silverbolt is expected in August or September, here’s a new test mold of the wings
spinning nipple gimmick this time
Gimmicks AND two minicons make this very tempting compared to the new hasbro titan
I think it is a bit smaller though
That's not necessarily a downside.
Wow, that's... really bad. Barely any movement at all. I hope we can just articulate them ourselves
toy sculpts are almost always superior to toy decos, imo.
You're never ever going to get dedicated toy sculpts until the Tooners croak
so get a hobby knife and round off the edges, gotcha
>perform an action on a decade old toy that’s probably already seen some wear
Toy Deco is the way.
Hasbro G1 Universe Prime makes me hopeful that the niche is catching on. Would love an MP OSKO of that or Missing Link. I'd even take a reissue of Zeta toys Prime at this point.
Yeah I love the idea of massive Tidal Wave, but I'll take a more modest one if I get features
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Bros for life
Damn, I've been lucky so far. Always thought those seemed too tight...
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>slapping cheap stickers all over that FT SixShot.

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It was worth it imo.
Might as well be a mint in box collector with that mindset chinaman
just order from showz unless you have a po box that shit is so hit or miss for me.

I own this mold like 3x and I honestly like it. It's a bit tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy. I like G2 and G2 yellow personally, but that's just me.
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>That pathetic skinny Long Haul
Put those stickers on a huge ass one like GT, THEN we'd be talking.
Sure, but a lot of figures these days sre toon based anyway. And honestly I always go for literally any deco that isn't the tooner one these days. Toy, diaclone, G2, shattered glass, random ehobby shmuck. They're almost always better and cooler looking
Love this chonker
This isn't even Longhaul by name.
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Hell, the designers could just MAKE UP a deco and I'll probably prefer it over the normal one
I wish every blitzwing ever had the option to come in these colors
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I own the Jinbao OS as well. He's good in his own right but XTB fits with the rest of my bots better. Even on my G2 Shelf I've replaced it for TW Constructor again for this reason.

But Gravity Builder is still great & I'd recommend it to anyone.
I don't understand why people on here think this XTB Long Haul looks bad
I guess it comes down to G1 hate
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The G2 combiner triad.
It’s actually really cool that this toy is engineered in a way that the two alt modes can be completely different colors
I hope we get Windrazor and Universe Silverbolt
IF never did a G2 version did they? Wonder why the guys who KO'd it haven't picked up the slack.
closest you got to IF Fruticus was this modified KO with 2 extra members
Just got IF Fallen

>Clear plastic breaks easily
I'll be honest, this clear plastic is different material, more closer to synthetic rubber. Think of it like the clear plastic they use for Gundam beam sabers. I can bend the clear plastic a bit and it flexes back.
He has two sets of closed fists, smaller set is meant for transforming.
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Forgot to post the picture of the bending
Cute hands
NTA but he's very flat. Engineering looks decent but the aggressively toony, barren design just ain't doing it for me.
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More toys.
I got the Dr. Wu Primal recently and was thinking to myself "I kind of like the look of this more than Robot Toys Caesar despite this being the cheapo inaccurate option." I found out today I'd misplaced my Caesar's accessories though and had to buy another one, and realized that Caesar is actually CHEAPER than Dr. Wu's. How is Robot Toys mogging people so hard pricewise?
hopefully this new version is closer in size to the SS one, I liked the movie design, but the oficial toy sssssssuckssss!
i will never understand the love for this boring deco
no wonder why people rarely post their toys, some retard will always bitch about the deco or sculpt every time
reply to me like a man, pussy
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Hasbro jobbed to Iron Factory kek
no i learned from /tf2g/ that retards get more mad when you dont reply directly
its like their autism cant handle it when you break the norm in slightly absurd ways
Iron Factory hasn't been a major player since pre COVID. It's all MD and NA now.
>shown off front's launch ramp, storage bay and two minicons
>mid's twitching udders and side launchers
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It happens all the time. Don't be detered by bitching.
So is the gold plastic crunchy yet?
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On mine the only broken part is the rifle handle which broke on the top of the cab.
So who else dropped 5-hundo on this?
POed him for about 500, shipping from this seller's typically free, although I don't know if they'll charge me for this particular item.
>toy detail BAD, cartoon detail GOOD

>G1 is only the cartoon
The level of retard I'd expect on this board when even our janitor is an insane butthurt prick
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>This thread
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>anons car because he doesn’t like flat surfaces
Iowa class
That crown is certainly a choice.
USS Missouri x Statue of Liberty for maximum Freedom.
Looks cool but I don't like the texture on the red waterline part. Ruins what's otherwise a very convincing ship mode.
I think it’s part of naval camo though like to hide them from submarine attacks, it’s a cool detail :}
traditionally all boats were female.
Oh, really? If so that's pretty cool, I thought it was just needless extra detail.
This was a known issue at the time it came out, too, I already rounded mine the first week I got it back when it was new, it looks and works perfectly and it will probably never break from stress.
Is it a combiner like the rest of the ships? I might get this one.
What transformer is this meant to be
I think it’s just a leftover of the previous ones samurai detail
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does anyone have this guy's headmaster and a core/legends sized figure handy? the size of zarak in robot mode will make or break this for me. a pic would be awesome

on that note how has pandinus aged? seems like the only big ass scorponok we're gonna get that's not strictly g1 based. i hope planet x does idw scorponok eventually but i can't see them taking the gamble
The zumwalt and other unreliable classes are male boats.
>The zumwalt
I was in Baltimore during Fleet Week when the Zumwalt was commissioned. Piece of shit broke down after a week and had to be towed back lol.
Can anyone who has any of the 3rd party legends car bots, like Magic Square Thunder Pioneer, give me the length of the car mode in cm or inches?
MS Mirage scales at 3.8 inches.
Something like Newage Prowl is 3.5 inches or so. Images on Google tells me it's around the same size as the MS, but I would guess slightly smaller, but not noticeable unless you stare at it.
I just ordered a sg one from there. I live in eu. Is Bombusbee reliable in their deliveries? Did anyone here had problems with them? Shouldn't i add the lost shipment guarantee?
Thanks. You wouldn't also happen to have a Hound as well would you
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Don't have precise measurements but generally and very generally
>NA cars = MS cars = 1/64 hotwheels/tomica
(but MS is larger in bot mode)
>IF cars = Hastak = MFT/Mechanic Studio/Dr Wu = RF
(MFT and RF have large bot modes)
Not inclusive of trucks like OP and Inferno, they are usually undersized.
So for anyone who cares, this is a list of every figure I have catalogued that scales with New age and Magic Square prowl going off the 3.5 inches number (which looks correct enough). As expected, they fit in with modern voyager sized trucks, although planes are still extremely undersized, with the only matching plane I have right now being Black Mamba OSKO MPM Starscream, strangely enough.
As for Mirage, coincidentally, because the actual F1 car is so small, he not only scales close to the official MP cars, he also scales with his Classics version (1/33 scale), which is based on the larger, newer F1 cars. So if you want, you can have two semi-decently scaled F1 racers in your Masterpiece car collection
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And having to reload the page because of captcha made me forget to attach the image
>can still get the normal & the THF KOs of MP-13 Soundwave on Aliexpress for $50
>motherfucker "US Seller" eBay listings want $200 for the same KOs
>same shit with any 3P or KO, US prices are 3X to 4X higher than Ali prices
>dumb redneck assholes wonder why we smart people give business to China
Hey (Black) Mamba! Mamba Decepticano hey Mamba.

Dauntless Fighter.

Why can't HASBLOW design a toy like this?
Decepticons, RETREAT!
Looks like there will be two versions? One has a premium paintjob while the other seems to be identical to the regular Megatron, albeit probably with diecast bits and bobs.
Wow, this looks just as shitty as the original! Except now you can see that horrible crunched up face in higher definition! What an improvement!
Hastak did design that, there doesn't seem to be a damned thing changed about the design.
I think that was their joke
If they did something about the altmodes I'd definitely double dip. He's a really great figure save for the fact that his altmodes don't hold together.
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That, is true.
that's a lot of minicons, if only there were some chairs for them to seat on
The robot mode looks great too
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It almost seemed like you could swap the cannon barrel with the blade, but it doesn't really fit.
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And the blade is drooping
Good ol’ IF
The whole sword thing feels unfinished.
Or at least it should come with a second handle or something because the hilt looks fucking absurd.
I feel like he was only planned to have the hilt part as a mace, it does look like one.
man what is going on at IF those hands are just hanging there.
I’m in the market for a Legends scale Windcharger, what are my best options?

Mostly only buy Wu stuff but I’ll doubt he does any minibots
Your only options right now are MS or NA, bundled with gears and tailgate respectively
3p legends minibots are some truly tiny little guys fyi, like 6cm on average
Magic Square and Newage.
Both are in two packs, Gears is in the MS pack while Tailgate is in the NA pack. Both are price evenly.
The MS is larger and has nicer hip joints, but the NA clears it in paint, and has a more accurate face sculpt.
The MS looks phenomenal but looks like he’s sold out most places. Shoulda bought him on BBTS while I had the chance
Guess I’ll try Ebay? Thanks lads
Magic square's own website seems to have them still
It's legit, I've ordered from them before
I can also vouch for Magic's Square website. It's like ordering from ShowZ
>Toy Steel
Who the fuck is this? I got my hopes up thinking it was Master Made....are they dead btw? Feel like I haven't heard from them in a while.
Glorious. Thanks again
Is there a Missing Link Convoy KO?

I want to get one but the price is stupid
None so far.

It looks like he's bent over with a stick up his ass.
Isn’t he making mini bots? Like coming out later this year or early next year?
>Goofy proportions
>Looks retarded
>Cracking heels/hinges
>Dogshit ass quality stickers
Why did OP list it as "Toy Steel" anyway? The company is called Laser Cat Toys and they are calling the their line the Steel Head series. Their first product will be this ROTB Prime coming soon.
Limited qty set, SG Bee and reformatting Cyclonus.

Are you talking about Dr Wu's Micros or their Legends+ scaled toys with Mech Studio?
Cyclonus will have both IDW and G1 headsculpts (he didn't photograph the latter) and 2 red swords.
Because "JiGuangMao Toy Steel Kiddy Party JGM-SKP01" is too long of a name.
So you cropped a stupid machine mistranslation instead of just calling it "Laser Cat Predaking"?
OP's real sussy.
Sounds like a ShowZ problem.
>OP uses incorrect names only found on ShowZ
>All curious searches will only lead to ShowZ
Yeah starting to think it's a ShowZ marketer. Is that where the BBTS rageposting come from too?
Micros :D
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A good third of his micros are minibots though
ShowZ just introduced a thing where shilling on social media gets you bonus points lol

Idk if it works for 4chan but clearly they want shills
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No other release radiates giganigga energy like Pandinus. He's still a gargantuan chunk ball, though I feel like he's hard to manipulate and overdetailed. From memory the headmaster is a little small to stand with legends. If I can unearth him I'll snap a pic.


There's been several instances of posts direct linking ShowZ listings here so it wouldn't surprise me.
Copped. I’ll post some pics here when I get ‘em!

Technically he did, but they were much earlier in the line. Bee and his compatriots are also coming out but he’s kind of an exception. I don’t think Wu is going to really dive into B-listers like Windy but we’ll see. I would absolutely double dip on him if they announced one

What IS awesome is Wu actually tackling the D-lister G1 casettes like Overkill and the Decibel combiner. More please
Is that a siege tank mode??
>multiple legends idw cyclonus
>fanstoys gave their mp cyclonus an idw alternate head
>now even micromasters have an idw cyclonus
>all of them look better than that god awful mmc half assed version
being a chug collector is suffering, all the 3p dropped the scale and hasbro would rather release metalhawk twice rather than remold theirs into idw
I love the gimmick carnifex has with the combined altmode, even if I wish the turret gun ended up centered. Wish someone else would do that gimmick
Why a flaming skull on Goldbug?? Looks like the one on Cannonball's vehicle mode
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Any good mid-size Baseformers still on the market?

I love the Wu chibi titans but they’re honestly too tiny even for the Micromasters. I really wish Wu or someone woukd tackle Grandus
>Any good mid-size Baseformers still on the market?
Bootleg g1 Metrotitan is cool.
There are 3d printable options for him.
The recent cheap metroplex KO maybe? Theres a Metrotitan repaint >>11032932 The g1 mold is actually mid-sized by modern standards.
Yeah no, lets keep the cheap G1 toys train running, Scorponok next and Raiden. Based Chink Bro's.
Thoughts on Pangu Supreme? Looks fantastic but allegedly has huge issues standing up.
At least Hasbro gave us Tarn but I feel like they don't want to do the IDW redesigns of characters since they overlap with G1, like IDW Megatron.
I too hate IDW, but I will say that Wu’s output has been so fast-paced that a couple of wasted redecos aren’t the end of the world
I know why IDW as a whole gets you tards so buttblasted but it's insane to see how even glimpses of it makes you rage so hard
You shouldn't even bother, they can barely do anything but repeat catchphrases
Can't belive we have multiple G1 Bulkheads but not a single Skids painted green.
Who is green skids?
Geewunfied Bayformer Skidz
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>Master Made....are they dead btw? Feel like I haven't heard from them in a while.
Their non-TF company has been doing well.
Ah right, forgot that was a thing
As long as they give him a normal head, a line green skids would look good
Where does it say that? You can earn points for commenting on ShowZ itself, but that's like an isolated old-timey message board, not "social media."

I also think it's extremely dubious that they even know this place exists, much less care. The number of unique posters that come to these threads are in the low hundreds even for hugely popular brands, that's peanuts. No marketing guy is going to look at that and say "yeah, that's a crowd we need to focus on." Having people do this on an actual social network makes sense, but a bumfuck, nowhere board like this? Take off your tinfoil hat, not everything is a conspiracy. There are only so many sites to buy this type of toys at, and the biggest ones are inevitably going to come up in discussion from time to time.

what? the pic you posted is from the modular line made by Wave, the Japanese model kit company. Nothing to do with master made.
Robot Build is by Earnestcore, Mastermade's legit front. WAVE is their Japanese distributor, something they won't have if they were still making unlicensed TFs.
>Where does it say that? You can earn points for commenting on ShowZ itself, but that's like an isolated old-timey message board, not "social media."

nigger you are blind. its linked on the front page.


I thought Earnestcore was Maketoys? damn these companies are incestuous.
They've also been making licensed Ma.K figures, some small model kits and branching out Robot Build into armored girl figures. Not surprising that the Mastermade side isn't active.

I know Action Toys is mostly the FPJ people but I'm not sure if Maketoys is also part of them.
I’ve got him. Not had any problems standing, but the rocket is kinda stubby unless you get the set with the extra middle section, which then has nowhere to go in robot mode. He’s not perfect, but was a lot cheaper than the NewAge one.
>american boats look like this
These Liokaizer guys from IF are making me regret my “no combiners” collection rule
It's a pantsformer so technically not a combiner so you're not breaking your rules :)
Pantsformers are functional

Yeah it's more like an action figure with optional armor parts. 2/3rds of the contents of the last two figures was just whole action figure legs
When is NA going to hurry up and post the Hoist repaints?
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The Robots Paradise tapes pack is so fucking overpriced. Buzzsaw is a straight repaint and the Autoscout should be a pack-in bonus or something with some other repaint.

I like Overkill a lot but I'm very annoyed. I at least hope they do a pack of the repaints like Wing Thing but Wing Thing was never in muh cartoon I guess so there's not a chance of that
>re-using hasbro’s jewwy tactics everyone vocally hates

Wow, no way that could backfire. Its not as accurate but I’m really glad Wu is doing Overkill
>re-using hasbro’s jewwy tactics everyone vocally hates

Also Wu's Overkill is for the Netflix Soundwave
Did the leg tabs on your pipes suffer breakage? I just got my copy and I literally cannot seperate them from the back piece, and I can SEE the tabs stressing and probably breaking. I might have to bite the bullet and break them, but this is really disappointing
I bought Robot Hero Dino cassettes and Autoscout for like $30 total. Nothing fancy but they get my needs done.
I don’t know if you can find them anywhere still but they exist.
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Good lord are they tiny
I have the robot hero ones already and honestly haven't even opened them
>so fucking overpriced
so like every Fanstoys release ever?
I miss the days when a FT Stunticon was like $115 before shipping.
Bootlickers being okay with FT toys being less sophisticated than it while being $200 minimum kills me.
It’s about 25 bucks per figure
But I guess the issue is you just want the two Dino’s right?
Most of their full size toys are 180 with the minibots being 115
What’s full size because Motormaster was $180 at some point despite the sheer parts count
Anyone have MS Sludge?

He looks pretty good, dont really care about having a full team but I would pick up the Stegosaurus (Snarl?) too if he comes out
probably about 230-40
I don't think they've had a big one for a while
Given MS recent track record, I would wait until they bring out a second run of it when they fix the colours
"fix the colors" aka make one or two colors two shades deeper and watch tfw users shit and piss their pants for 200 pages
Watching a video about Godzilla bootlegs and they bring out a lead paint tester and only one of them tested positive for lead out of like 10

Reminded me of that video someone did where every Transformers toy they did came back positive and it was because they fucked up the test
yep, probably the same thing
>two shades deeper
to be fair, I like the headmasters colour a lot
>Where does it say that?


>You can earn points for commenting on ShowZ itself, but that's like an isolated old-timey message board, not "social media."
Yes I know.

>I also think it's extremely dubious that they even know this place exists, much less care. The number of unique posters that come to these threads are in the low hundreds even for hugely popular brands, that's peanuts. No marketing guy is going to look at that and say "yeah, that's a crowd we need to focus on." Having people do this on an actual social network makes sense, but a bumfuck, nowhere board like this? Take off your tinfoil hat, not everything is a conspiracy. There are only so many sites to buy this type of toys at, and the biggest ones are inevitably going to come up in discussion from time to time.

All I said was I don't know if it the shilling servicce they offer works on 4chan. And I lold at it. What in the absolute fuck are you getting on with? I wish I could smack you.
Considering one out of all of the ones he did (he also did it just for fun, the main video was about cheap Godzilla shit you can get for under $30) did come out positive for lead, and it was an actual lead testing kit and not the budget one the Transformers guy did to try and ruin third parties, I think the Godzilla guy probably didn't fuck up
He's just a guy...hawk.
I dont care about toon accuracy, do you mean like G2 or comic colors? I will hold out if that’s the case, I like both
Can you link the video?
I think it's just usually better coloured the second run, sometimes they even paint them better
I hate the fake parts on the breastforce, is it really that hard to make a leg?
No, combiner legs are just a box with a joint. The existing transformation they have would work if they scaled it up to the size of the fake one, but then it wouldn't be Geewun accurate.
I don't think I should
Mainly because I see what happens here if any youtuber gets any attention at all
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more art of boxart
IF aren’t exactly good engineers anon
Though the toys do look nice
Also I think there is a little merit in the scale difference of the bots vs the combined mode
Knees seem kinda low down the leg.
Thought it was light-pipe eyes but it looks to be LEDs.
Oh nvm, the knees can slide further out if you want to.
Never owned a Tidal Wave, how does he seem to compare to the original in terms of size? Those minicons make him look immense.
Ship mode is about half a metre so nearly double the size
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The original one isn't that big, it's equivalent to a current Commander class. I wanted to find a pic showing that but it seems I didn't take any robot mode comparison pics, so errr here's one with TR Broadside in ship mode
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An anon posted this big girl over in /tfg/ and it made me wonder if there are any other good off-brand fembots out there. Anyone got some recommendations?
Most of them are coomer bots like Little Bee and Nicee. Probably your best bet are the Eris bots: one based on Tarn and the other on Armada Megatron. OC bots are really rare in the 3P space.

Where did you preorder it from? all the usual stores that had a listing for it have removed them completely. I got the impression it had been cancelled.
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Not really, the other Korean robot toylines don't do fembots. Miniforce itself stopped doing Lucys after GBS took over their design work. I guess you could check out other Lucys but they peaked at that cement mixer.
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>other Korean robot toylines don't do fembots.
Aside from the midget ones that is, if you happen to have that fetish.
On the Chinese side there's this Vermillion Bird from Shen Shou Jin Gang 6 by our old friends JinJiang, but the bird mode is.....
not liking how those knees slide. probably gonna cause the plastic to split somewhere like their megatrons thighs did on my copy.
>t-pose with head back wards
Truly the greatest transformation scheme. Even the tried and true "straighten front legs into arms and straiten back legs into legs" and " split back yo make legs and flip out arms and head" can never compete.
Full price for dinobot, hell yeah cant wait for this bad boy
>That'll be $50 extra for a 5 month delay in getting in stock, plus shipping teehee

Its insane that they get away with this, thank fuck for showz
bbts is so fucking awful for imports, I don't get it
speaking of TM2 chopperface black mamba released the fixed version of their release. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14T421a7S4/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=9cc6c2c1937681b560c1ee6b065ccfca
This screenshot is of tfsource but bbts does the same shit, i only bother checking them for sales, get free and fast shipping from preordering off amazon for official tfs and showz is my go to for 3p
I just assume it's the guy obsessed with bbts
Like the guy obsessed with IDW
Or the guy who obsessed with that one toy reviewers son
Or the guy obsessed with the fat GI Joe woman
Or the guy obsessed with (it just goes on like this)
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There's Hello Carbot Green Farm (yes, the character is supposed to be female). She makes for a nice not-Strika stand-in.
>wanted to find a pic showing that
Gotchu anon.

Could use thicker arms.
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I was thinking about picking up a legends hoist, but which one is the better figure? The magic square release seems to be just a copy of the MFT figure as far as i can tell, are there any significant differences between the two?
It's the other way around, MFT's an OSKO of Magic Square's. The MFT one is about an inch taller in robot mode, and uses all ABS parts instead of Nylon which may be a problem since it has some panels held by stick-like hinges and dovetail locking tabs.
I own one of MFT's OSKOs and it's fine enough quality, but then again, it happens to have a relatively simple transformation. Like the anon above me said, some Magic Square transformations practically DEPEND on the high strength of their nylon plastic.
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There’s also a Hoist from Newage coming eventually

Thanks, only recently started collecting legends so wasn't too sure which figure came first. They both looked really similar apart from the stripe on the side in pictures. Will probably go for the MS version if its smaller.

>There’s also a Hoist from Newage coming eventually

Yeah I saw that was coming & I really like the paint & general appearance of the Newage figures i have so far, but something about the promo pics looks really off. I think its the legs.
>something looks off
Because he looks more toon accurate probably
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Combiner team members just think they're soooo special
There is a fat chick in GI Joe? What does she specialize in? Seems like she would need a lot of dedicated tooling.
Probably on the marketing team. There's a fat girl that does the Star Wars ones too
What cybertronian Bumblebee figures are there? Hear mixed opinions about the Trans craft(?) one from the bumblebee movie scene, but if there are KOs of it it's a design id be interested in for a good price.
Is there a Cy-Kill small enough for a Legends Collection
the only good cy-kill is the machine robo build one
The Action Toys one is like 4.5" or something, around the height of current OPs and Megs. It may be hard to find new though.
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Maas Toys Skiff
OH you mean specific to the Bumblebee movie, don't you. Lol, I'm a dumbass. I still really like the Goldbug version.
Already have a mass toys gold bug, but yes I was specifically asking about the movie style design.
These look great so far. I hope we get a Snarl reveal soon. On the fence about this guy and Sludge
I know this guy is cleaner but I prefer the look of the NA one, that round belly dino mode looks great
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SG Ultra Magnus from XTB. Agabyss exclusive.
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Dose MS give out a tracking number for orders? Checked on the status of my Sludge and it says in transit.
That groove is just too good
Was this the 4pack u wanted?
preddy gud
I bought the Y-C001 Metroplex. It's good. Minor issues that can be easily fixed, mostly a few panels held on by tabs or pegs that should be glued, maybe open the torso to fix the head slider which can be tight.

Why is the cab so real-world detailed while everything else is flay cartoon panels?

The "real world" vehicles don't mix with the cartoon proportions at all. It lacks color, rendering all that sculpted detail pointless. It's too raised up for even Toyhax to fix it.
>The "real world" vehicles don't mix with the cartoon proportions at all
It’s all in one, what do you expect?
Also panel line if that’s what you’re worried about or, just wait for the toy colours
are they gonna re-release wave?
How’s MS Sludge? Hesitant to pull the trigger on him after hearing about missing parts
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>Hesitant to pull the trigger on him after hearing about missing parts
Someone on TFW reported a missing jaw i think. Others missing option hands or something
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Scamper looks so happy.

So it's a random issue? Are they not able to get free replacement parts from the CS?
MMC stuff @ botcon
probably more on xitter/fb.
>3p products at botcon
Kek I bet willis is seething.
What does this scamper come with?
I hope that shit grin isn't permanent and that we'll get different faces.
Botcon is a third party convention now.
But he's bought all the Transmetal 2 3p
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FH has been on a roll with their Armada stuff and I couldn't be happier.
Have they?
I think their prime and megs kind of suck
Why does this guy live rent free in your head?
Every other person here has autism but has never been diagnosed.
The fandom of 20 to 50 year olds aren't united by Transformers, they're united by autism.
Looks like someone’s having a melty
How's YS-04 (that SS-BB Optimus in Nemesis colors)? Is he bigger, smaller, the same as the original? Is the diecast gonna give me lead poisoning? And is the diecast just on select bits or the whole figure? I'll appreciate any and all info about him.
>sort of want FT Soundblaster
>already have Wave
Talk me down lads.
It's not edible.
Or is it?
Is it the KO or do you have the legit wave
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More MMC. The first deco/release is PSX exclusive. Hope they actually do more molds with this concept of giving non 80s characters a fitting earth mode. But we'll get a torrent of retools and repaints first.
Watch the other versions be a red and white version so he has a more accurate robot mode.
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Also if you wanted a MMC to make a Baldigus out of Assultus - It's going to be con-exclusive to TFCon with extras going up on PSX.
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Crazy good looking in person
Robot mode looks super janky, like it's from 2014 or something.
>Galvatron but female!
Who cares.
a lot of people considering Eris is pretty popular.
Clearly sacrificing for that perfect alt mode
would much rather have CHUG proportions for a robot mode and a perfect altmode than an ugly altmode with a perfect robot mode.
I'm just glad someone is making minicons. Hoping they do more sets after the currently known ones
I guess I agree, but I've never heard someone describe something as "chug proportions". What do you mean by that?
Distinctly not Tooner oversimplified or IDW sleek. Noticeable vehicle chunks without reliance on faux parts which can often lead to proportions that aren't as clean and 1:1 humanshaped, like CHUG toys used to be. This toy uses the windshield as the chest unmodified, for instance, when standard operating practice nowadays would be to conceal the actual windshield behind the back or something and have a smaller faux windshield fold into its place to keep the chest width more narrow.
Oh okay, I getcha. I guess I've just accepted the use of faux parts, but egregious use does still bother me.

I know you said you didn't like the toon aesthetic, bit I did just get MS's MP Prime, and I'm really impressed with their engineering to use the alt mode parts. Particularly, how the grill abs are the actual alt mode grill is really neat to me, because that's a motif going back all the way back to MP-01, and has been a staple on G1 Primes ever since.
The Eris figures missed a trick by not making every figure of her have a unique interchangeable face that can be used with every variant
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The bot mode is heavily influenced by the original deluxe Drift, which was not a great looking bot to begin with. Nobody was asking for a remake of this figure. The altmode is cool, but I'll just buy a diecast car if I want that. That bot mode is trash.
See I actually like the transforming aspect of Transformers and don't just think of them as action figures or statues to put on a shelf, so a good altmode is actually something I think is important, instead of viewing it as a hinderance. Plus I'd rather take an interesting remake of an old figure than the thousandth geewun rehash of the 84 cast.
You make that comment responding to a dude who thinks everything but the robot looks good while not discussing his said actual problem, and then pivoted to just seething at a group unrelated to his perspective of the toy.
It’s the same guy that always complains about the same shit every thread
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There’s something extremely “last generation” and outdated about that robot mode. Like it’s from an era before Unique Toys movie bots and toon-accurate MPs taught us that anything is possible with black magic engineering. This looks more Alternators/Binaltech than Masterpiece.
The proportions are fucked.
Long forearms.
Thin forearms.
Arms are just long and disproportional in general.
The pelvis is way too long.
The legs are the only passable thing
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Even the legs don’t do it for me. Boring vehicle chunks on the side, ugly hinges on the front, and tiny incomplete feet.

It would draw hate from a few vocal anti-tooners, but something that blends with current MPs would have been way more compelling than what they gave us.
It’s all the chamfered edges and panel shapes that make it look dated
Looks very similar to their Deathsaurus design
I hate that design, that's just toy scourge as a weeaboo
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i love my dinobots, i really do, but as i slowly shrink my collection they're some of the last few figures i have that don't fit the bumblebee movie or beast wars look. on top of that they're all kind of a chore to transform. in a way they're fossils of what i used to collect. who are your favorite 3P dinobots, /3PG/?

i was really hoping colors would improve this thing's proportions but manthose scrawny arms are just so sad. i guess mmc drift is safe for another day
Would look 10x better without that 2010s looking IDW head
The legs and arms are thin and gangly, whatever the hell the transformation would be seems just utterly shelltacular, like scourge.
Gigapower chrome and Newage toon
>toon-accurate MPs taught us that anything is possible with black magic engineering
but that toon MP "black magic engineering" primarily involves everything being a panelly mess that piled into a gigantic backpack on the figure's back
Only with HasTak

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