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Sometimes you just fold under the pressure..

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Previously on /tfg/ : >>11029522
>Upcoming Transformers
Ya know, I was just thinking.
Do we really need the cheese at all?
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>Non-Altmode Altmode
One of my favorites.
thanks matey, please post it again near the end of this thread
Missing Link Optimus is cool and all but it kind of reminds me how I like transformers having complex transformations. Like you just flop the arms and legs out and you're done. It looks good and is fun to pose but it could definitely do with like 80 extra steps.
i want things somewhere in the middle
my key desire is that steps shouldn't crowd out other steps. if I vaguely remember where a part goes, i should be, within reason, able to do that at any time, not like wait wait you have to flip out the underside of the ribcage first before that or they'll LOOK like they can graze past each other, but can't
or just like tigatron's flanks which seem to be unable to slide past each other as intended
Eh, it depends. Sometimes I'll just wanna fiddle with Generations Thunderwing for like a second or if I've got fifteen minutes to myself I'll put Menasor together.

Though I don't care much for things like the MP line because of how overly-engineered a lot of bots are. Compare MP Barricade to Studio Series Barricade. The former looks better, but gun to my head I would never be able to get him fully transformed, because of how fussy all the panels and alignments need to be. It's not a fun toy.
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I miss the ROTF toyline with its engineering and designs. Transforming leader class Optimus for the first time was an otherwordly experience as a kid...
Lol that's precisely the one I was thinking of too, though Mixmaster is like 70/30 irritating/cool so there's a limit of complexity/fiddliness.
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I think many ROTF era toys managed to balance complexity and fun, for example I also have voyager Starscream and he is really easy and fun to transform
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>Can only attach Safeguard to the wing in robot mode.
What went so wrong?
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Checked, and that's a good one too yeah.
he looks so silly.. i'm sorry, I only like the leader class ones.
RotF Mixmaster has such an infamy that I always wanted to get one just to see how bad it is.
>Reviewers Tidal Wave also had the knee break after a few transformations.
I'll have to cancel mine, I'm so mad about this. I really doubt Hasbro will correct this like the issue they had with the Clone Wars AT TE.
He is ok, I have problems with how his arms transform. Fiddly but really fun figure.
Which one?
Knee break?
Is that telatraan 1?
Its Xaaron.
So people with double As in their names turn into yellow blocks.
The big one released when the show came out. I believe there was an issue with the legs not being sturdy enough to support the vehicle, so they'd pop off or flop down very easily. Hasbro provided replacement legs that were much better and I think the design of the joint was altered a bit.

Tidal wave would require 4 parts (half a leg and the ratchet) and I doubt Hasbro will bother.
Ratchet on the knee is only connected by flimsy "l" tabs. If the knee gets stuck, the Ratchet will break the tabs very easily.
Hrm, any way to avoid this?
Best you can do is weaken and/or cut the spring, then use silicon shock oil on the Ratchet. Even then, the design is flawed so it could break at any time. This is a similar situation to Trypticon, the difference is that his design could have been better, but did work, the main culprit was the spring, Tidal Wave requires significant alterations.
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What the fuck. This is actually really good.
yeah that works
Mark Clonus.
Can the wings really not fold in closer to the back? What a weird design oversight when even the old toy can do it. If they can't pull off a 'partial' then don't do it. This one actually seems more like they just didn't know how to design it well since the upper body is mostly brand new.
the old toy wasn't a pisspoor bare minimum effort remold of a different guy
I miss this era of toys where realism in altmode was the goal
now all we get are blobs with wheels or cartoon cars (most of them are good but like cmon I want my powerglide with proper A-10)
ngl I would spend most of my money if hasbro just made a line exclusively making autobots and decepticons into real life military vehicles like what they did with the decepticons in TF(2007)
here's the way i see it
if you take a realistic vehicle (or animal) and you look at the coolest part of it, and scale it up 10%, or some other kind of stylish change like that.. that's cool
if you take a realistic vehicle or animal and have patches of it look like garbage, fuck up the texture or color on the joints, cut the budget on parts that need to be separate or separate colors.... leave feet hanging out of the back.. that's ruined.
studio series has been going on for 6 years, anon
Should I get the upgraded parts for zarak?
>Think idly about how the Impactor that comes with Fossilizer Doing A Racist Chinese Cowboy Impression That Gives Megatron A Stomach Ulcer is the best looking version of the mold
>remember I already have two versions of it already
>remember I don't actually care about comic book characters all that much
Phew, nearly spent $30
But what if I told you the spino is canonically a fembot with a(n unrequited) crush on Impactor and who loves 'combining' with him at every opportunity?
And they're still spotty with licenses, Dino I can get because ferrari autism but was it that hard to get the Audi license or an actual F-16 altmode for Blitzwing
Plus it would be cool to have non movie designs go back to being real cars as well
>minimum effort remold
It's at least 60% new

dislike it all you want but to say what you said is just retarded faggotry
is that so, well then that's even worse. put all that work in just for THAT
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I expect at least one of these to pop up next year.
Or G1 Skyquake for that matter.
There is a non-zero chance that most of the SG guys get new releases as "the correct" molds i.e. Legacy UT mold recolors

My question is whether Hasbro will pack in a bunch of Powerlinx mini-cons with Megazarak or they will find some other way to turbojew us
Cryotek is long overdue. Seriously.
At this point I expect them to take a leaf out of Thundertron's book and pack in a repainted blue Laserbeak cassette as Chro to go with him.
cryotek and quickstrike are the strangest absences to me. i guess dragonmegs just shelfwarmed so hard that they're not sure. but you'd expect the plans to have already been in motion, no?
What would they do with SG Megatron though? Do a new release of him as a core class figure out of Energon Meg/Galvatron?
>dragonmegs just shelfwarmed so hard that they're not sure.
He sold out very quickly for his first release, to the point where he was completely unavailable in some areas. It's his package refresh for the Evolution wave that shelfwarmed, as they overproduced him to compensate for underproducing him the first time around.
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Silly anons, that's just a gimmick!
you know that, and I know that, but hasbro is missing a few chromosomes and that's on a good day.
Yeah this sucks man. Tidal Wave was my most anticipated titan and the only one I was willing to shell out full price for to get at release. This has been a serious letdown
I skipped Megatron to wait for Cryotek should I just buy Megatron from amazon and an upgrade kit?
megatron is cheap as butts now, but the upgrade kit is not, so for both reasons, get him now. he's a good toy! There's an upscale knockoff if you want him at MP scale, which has some/all of the upgrade kit built into it...
cryotek is unlikely to happen until late next year at the earliest, so if you want a dragon megs, but the one that's out
They might, they fixed Skyquake and Dreadwing transformation issue and that had to be more costly than TW's problems. Mind you they are very late runs that are easily to miss.
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"Significant alterations" aka glue
It sucks that this happens in the first place but I dunno why anyone is acting like it's a complicated issue to fix, you only have to secure one big part
I fucking hate it do much when a Transformer shelfwarms in the US, but Hasbro's like "nahhh we won't let Europe have even one of those".
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>should I just buy Megatron from amazon and an upgrade kit?

You have to reinforce the weak spot of the tab and glue them will not be enough unless we are talking about filling the empty space in the grey part up to the purple plate.

It is much easier to use the 4 arcs space on the back of the purple plate and some 3d printed part to act as physical locks to the grey space.

The issue at the moment is no one has come up with the 3d file yet
Razorclaw is already confirmed.
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Potato snek is my favourite
Leader Class G2 Megatron when?
I need it to go with my other recolors.
we got one from ER Megatron, which was a fucking horrible mold. Unfortunately we're going to have to wait until SS86 Megatron and see what that looks like. We aren't ever getting a dedicated mold though, especially not with Warden coming back.
Do I cancel my pre-order on this shitshow?
You should have done that when the first complaints about the knees started popping up.
Do you care you can't transform him more than once?
Do you care you'll have to buy/print third party diy repairs?
Do you care that they will likely roll out another run that fixes these issues?

If yes to any of that cancel it.
How did they even miss that? Trypticon I get because it was an over tightening issue but this is out right a flaw in design they should have caught. The only way they miss this is if they just upscale him from a smaller design plan without testing things.
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Or they know the loyalists buy whatever they shit out & they can get away with being cheap. They even admit they suck Hasbro cock.
>The only way they miss this is if they just upscale him from a smaller design plan without testing things.

I bet that's exactly what happen. Wager they were thinking commander class so he work with Armada Megs but he was likely in a weird limbo of too complicated for commander but not to scale.cost for a titan so they just blew up the size without thinking what levels of stress would put on the gears and joints.

nice e drama my reddit sister
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the secondary market for Needlenose G1 is absurdly high, but a lot of them have horribly yellowed or look like he piss himself.
well it's a 36 year old toy, that much time out in the elements is going to make shit age bad.
>Got robosen prime from a local seller
>Majority of voice lines are locked behind the customization feature
That sucks, but I did find and download him singing the Touch so that was cool at least. Guess I'll have to put some effort into the thing to get it to do more. Can't imagine paying the market price for it though.
So just how widespread is this Tidal Wave thing?
debating if I should just get one missing a tailfin and use a 3d print replacement.
That retard even asked on instagram if "titan" was a right class.
3 documented but it is badly designed and everything will be damaged.
Well, maybe its another Trypticon situation.
It's not. Tryppies issue was due to over tightening, this is straight up a design flaw that needs a whole new part. Most people saved their big dinos but just opening it and compressing the spring until it was much less tense. Boat boy hard plastic can't take the stress of the movement and weight, it needs to be both softer and designed to rest in way that doesn't put all the pressure on the peg/joint area.
Good to know that Jin doesn't know what sour grapes actually refers to
Youtube keeps recommending me this Gei4mei guy. Is he watchable in you guys' opinion? I don't wanna waste a click if it's another obnoxious Twitter femboy or a Jobby clone or something.
just assume "yes" and use your time better
"Alt Mode Realism" ruined a decent number of figures in the late 2000s, to the point that fandom cheered when Hasbro finally got a fucking clue and stopped pushing it in the CHUG line.
whoops I meant assume "no"
right? that should be illegal, or at least fined.
so sick of unpainted panels, that will be a bitch to finish myself.
>stopped pushing it in the CHUG line
Are you making stuff up because you weren't their or is it nostalgia of being old and dying warping your sense of reality?
There's no such thing as a YouTuber/VTuber/whatever-the-hell-you-kids-call-'em who's worth the time. Think for yourself and form your own opinions - you don't need someone else telling you whether or not you're supposed to like something.
If you really need a second opinion on something, pop on a forum and ask people who aren't getting paid by the view count.
You have the double advantage that if there are any real issues or situations they will spread like wildfire anyway like with Tidal Waves joint issue or any news or information. I just dip into forums or here for like 10 minutes out of my day and I'm caught up on if their is any news. It's likely the only reason there is even a fandom here which is why I don't shit too hard om situations like go anon or the same fagging that gets out of hand because they are just letting people like me use and abuse the places without having to contribute.
vtubers are the cute anime girl puppets that are rigged to move with the cute-voiced girl performer. it's just puppetry and it can be super cute or super fucking annoying.
He's a bit of a coomer/shitposter but I like him
He's a chad. Twitter hates him because he said Legacy Windblade was ugly.
Even a 3d printed part won't work well since the entire force of turning the ratchet will likely break the dividers between parts, and then the strain of turning the legs will fall between the new part and what's left of the connection (the section around the screw).

Most of the simple method's aren't fool proof for this guy. Too much went wrong here. You'd need to drill holes, supports for the screws, a new ratchet to support the screws (current ratchet doesn't seem thich enough to support that)

It's baffling they didn't catch how flimsy this was, you can tell it's bad at a glance, but Tidal Wave's connections around the body are just as flimsy so I have no clue how they let all this pass.
My smile and optimism, gone. Some Aussie kun YouTuber made a pretty decent argument for G2 Megatron's form factor and now I want one.
I'm with the anon that think's the OG design was for a smaller toy and when they upscale it and tweaked it for the extra armor parts they just didn't catch the flaw because it wasn't an issue on the smaller one and they didn't think what would happen blowing up the scale.
If you already watch a reviewer whose opinions you mostly agree with than probably not.
He's not very consistent and doesn't upload everything for whatever reason. He still has youtube shorts of full reviews he never uploaded.
He's a bit of a memer though like >>11035785 said if you care for that.

Watch his blitzwing review if you want to get a taste of his review style, I think it's one of his better vids.
something something buy an ad something something samefag
I for one miss realistic altmodes, I always thought the "in disguise" element was one of the main appeals of Transformers.
Speaking of which, I managed to get Netflix Bumblebee for a not-insane price and he came in today. I already had Goldbug so I knew what to expect, but I really like him. I'm glad I didn't pay like, £50+ for him but I don't regret him at all.
I like realistic altmodes but I also really like that Headmasters/Targetmasters retrofuturist sweet spot. Though honestly I'd be happiest with UT fantasy vehicles if we got some more diversity out of it.
it's nice having a contrast. like if the bad guys give zero fucks about disguise, except some of them still do. or if there are cybertronian modes and the bad guys don't bother to change from them at first.
>vain, Knockout-esque Decepticon
>Has a flying altmode but once he gets to earth, sees all these slick cars racing each other
>has to scan one, try it out
>wins races but finds out he doesn't like being stuck to the ground
>misses his old altmode, no backup file
>drives to military bases to scan jets and take off
>gets attacked every time, risks leading them back to the 'con base
>keeps getting antsy to race people again and re-scanning a car
>Megatron eventually kicks him in the cogs and tells him to cut that shit out
see I can write characters..
That's more like ROTFALOL
This looks slightly cool, so I guess thank you
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TR Quake has more play value than the legacy one. Did the designer just phone it in like Vector Prime, Slipstream, and Sideburn/Shadowstriker, and most of the legacy Prime ones?
No. Costs money and the point of YouTube is to make money. Make marks, make money. Same as wrestling.
TR was designed with play value in mind since it was already based on ones who had a toy play feature dictate their design choices.
That's fair, and UT vehicles at least had a strong, cohesive and nice looking aesthetic. Which reminds me, still waiting on Demolishor, Hasbro!
The one that annoys me is SS BB Blitzwing. Not only does he not turn into an F-4 Phantom, he doesn't even turn into a jet that looks like a Phantom, or indeed a functional jet at all. Which extra annoys me, because his onscreen transformation was pretty clear and non-bullshit (reminded me a fair bit of ROTF Breakaway but with the cockpit and nose compressing more and the head fully emerging from under the canopy) and even if they'd not been able to do a licensed F-4 they could have followed the basic transformation "movements" and created a fictional jet that would have looked a lot better than what we got. Hell, the Nitro Zeus/Thundercracker mold has a far more convincing jet mode and that has a pretty wacky transformation.
Then again I am a massive jetfag; one of the things I loved about Blitzwing was all the jet details they crammed into his robot mode. His gun is made from the IRL cannon pod that Phantoms had prior to a later in-built cannon upgrade, his toes are made from the nose wheel (curiously he has four of them but anyway) and in general he's very clearly a robot made of rearranged Phantom bits rather than an AOE/TLK style humanoid robot with a few textures lifted from his alt mode.
tbf TR Quake has more play value than pretty much anything else I own, at least at that scale
I also think a big factor between the two is that TR Quake was just taking a toy that was considered "good enough" and leaving it mostly unchanged, not even trying a little to make it resemble G1 Quake as far as his shape was concerned. While that means it really only looks like Quake in colors, it's also not compromised at all, making it a good toy even if it isn't a good Quake.
Legacy Quake, on the other hand, is trying to look closer to G1 Quake, but still isn't going as far as having its own dedicated mold. It's still re-using an existing one, but changing it to compromise between the saved cost of mold-reuse and making it look like original Quake. That compromise ultimately just makes it feel shittier, because it's neither a good Quake nor is it good on its own merits.
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who gives a shit? post robots you fucking homos.
Here's the zarak pics guy sent me. Spent 130
i dont have sex with my robots, thank you very much.
>i dont have sex with my robots
What are you, gay?
he's funny and likes bbws
cool in my book
>tfw no bbw fembots
Was Kingdom Warpath any good?

I skipped on it because I've already got a great deluxe-scaled third party Warpath, but I still wonder about the Kingdom one.
5/10, decent but could have been a lot better.
I like it. Something about the transformation annoyed me (can't remember what) but both modes are very nice and it's one of the best WFC trilogy figures in that regard.
>What are you, gay?
yes, for big booba robots, which we are sorely lacking hence not sexing my current robots
Unfortunately having to put their mass in backpacks limits how big he rest of the body can be.
i definitely wanna see a few lady bots with big titties
and then, I wanna see some without. we kinda have that second part covered already, so no worries there. but too few of them actually look like girls. I don't want a barbie-ass body, just something cute and a little feminine, with an hourglass shape approximated on the torso.
Transformers are all masculine forms. Being woman-shaped is degenerate.
what about guys like shockwave or... ravage
Shockwave is extremely manly. Rejects having lips entirely.
He's calculating, logical, in-control of his emotions, and can wear purple well.

These are all things women cannot do.
>Something about the transformation annoyed me
Never got him, but the big thing I remember people here griping about when he came out was that he had mandatory partsforming. A big chunk of the tank mode detaches and becomes a 'shield', seen on Warpath's shoulder in >>11036371.
he's pretty aight, I dig him
iunno dude purple is a pretty girly color. my mom wears it well. only dudes wearing purple are like, kings and pimps.
it's okay for shields... but it is less satisfying when it's required for the altmode.
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Shockwave is a king, he's in charge of an entire planet. Real king shit
You'd think after the first couple of hundred years he'd just assume they were never coming back.
>it's okay for shields... but it is less satisfying when it's required for the altmode.
Well, yeah - that's what the complaint was. Without the shield, he's missing a big chunk of his rear.
still, the alternative is... an altmode with a big fucking shield hanging off of it, or clogging up the undercarriage so it scrapes along as it rolls
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This is how I feel about United so far even if there are some I haven't had in hand. I put wave 1 Core Energon Galvatron/Megatron as F because mine kept falling apart.

D tier is like bareable, but kinda shit due to their higher than usual shortcomings.

Fingers crossed all the Tidal Waves aren't fucked.
Bro why are you making an "S" tier if there's a dozen motherfuckers up there. Make it "A" tier and bump the others down.
S is a bit generous for magmatron with the huge hollow areas, misproportioned giganoto, and massive hip flaps... but he is definitely the best transformer on this page by a longshot. B for Silverbolt seems slightly generous, but for tasmania kid and thundertron, i'm pretty surprised. i'd expect them solidly in C, and Tigerhawk at a very low C if he even made the cut.
I have animated Bumblebee and I like him a lot. He is A tier for me
lol I just thought a lot of them came out pretty good maybe Magmatron could get bumped down once I get it in hand.

I think Tasmania Kid was actually an upgrade to the original and it's fun to transform. He's one of the better updated beastformers.

I just put him at B because the alt mode could have been done a little better and odd the leg stripe replacement is reversed when transformed, but he still pretty good and want Cliffjumper animated in the future.
an upgrade from that toy is not saying a lot. and the beast mode proportions... well he's okay.
I thought I would hate the alt mode but having it in hand doesn't look bad. I also like how small he is, I put animated Bumblebee in my earthrise team lol
He's a lot better in hand than the original pics.
Nah, the new one is a solid toy. Does it have issues? Yes, but it feels great to handle, it has solid articulation, colors are great, and the transformation is fun. The only reason I personally don't think it's perfect is due to the proportions of Lansaurus (which is understandable), certain locking mechanism being too flimsy for my liking and the rubber.
I guess we just have a different definition of S. S is -beyond- great. a 100% is A, S is extra credit.
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Rocks are ABC. nailed it.
I'll granite to you this time, but don't start acting boulder.
can Shard become something resembling a fishy, like I think she can? are there good places to attach the copter blades?
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we all shale in comparison to the archstone we might be...
she's fishy for sure.
suspicions abound
I do hope someone tries that for her though and shows off pics.
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Shockwave IS a king, but he fruity af too. Forget the funny rack: look at his wee booty shorts, and giant leather boots. Nigga got cat ears. Look at this girly-ass stance. Boy's got that goth bbw tumblr art hoe aesthetic going on. Fuckin slayy Shockers, slayyyy
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I just got Shard and I love her.
Should i get Magneous and Bouldercrash, or wait for Nucleous ang Geocron? I hate getting repaints.
I mean they're all different decos so its not like they overlap. I like Bouldercrash a lot and Geocron's head is ugly so if you only want one you can skip Geocron unless there are running changes to the mold we don't know about. But Magneous and Nucleous are a personal taste thing.
are we getting more reveals for tuesday or nothing til comicon?
>surge in MD Shockwave listings on JP marketplaces like yahoo
now's the chance oldfrens, though many are missing ramjet and/or the missiles
The alternative is not having a shield because he didn't have one originally and having the tank bits fold away into his robot mode
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>my mom wears it well.
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Isn't there a 5mm hole on the forearms? you could get a 5mm tube and transplant it onto Safeguard.
This was my first transformer and what got me into collecting. Thanks for reminding me I need to rescue my old collection from my parents’ house before it gets dumped or something
Remember using string and tape to make a paper airplane fly around the room on a fan? Does that work with Transformers, or are they too heavy? Don't have a ceiling fan where I live now to try that.
If it works with people it can work with a trans former
There is some place online (or archive) where i can read some of the IDW comics? They have all the issues on their online service?
Wanna read something about Windblade or the DJD.
Yeah. Google it


I cannot imagine what it's like to be such a useless faggot.
Spoonfeeding the retards should be bannable honestly
thanks, i appreciate.
Google would have been quicker
>waaah waaah waaah muh sekrit club

cry about it bitch
i'm not a big fan of 'just carrying around a big chunk of vehicle awkwardly as a buckler" but over the shoulder shields are gundam-cool
she was very popular with the fellas! ... even while married...
>literally can't be bothered to look up a comic reading site or publishing order
Ffs how do you even transform your Transformers, do you need to see someone come over and do it for you?
i need some fuckin tubes
consider the motives of those discouraging you from helping others
I wish I could be her boywife, but alas
H-hope the family's doing okay though
I just watch youtubers do it
Details about the next Transformers movie are coming out and it's apparently going to be Chris Hemsworth and Mirage as the leads. Hope you liked Your New Favorite Character Mirage in ROTB because he's here to stay.
What about Noah Antwiler?
not confirmed which makes it extra funny. Though there is a "Joe Character" as one of the main six so it could be him but I would not take it as a safe bet.

This is the article going around twitter. Don't think it's been published in english yet:
Only six named characters seems crazy. I'm not sure if that is even accurate.
G1 accuracy aside, generations Warpath will always be my favorite non mp Warpath.
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I can’t be gay, not with these micromasters defending me from ultra monsters
that's actually pretty smart if you want people to resonate with the characters. but it doesn't say only six of them have names, but that six of them are the main characters. Here's a big mess of a link that will help you out
>Machine translation
G1 Warpath is lame
I liked Mirage so that's okay by me
Studio Series post-credit junker Mirage when?
they've gotten pretty good, it actually reads conversationally now. though I know enough French that i could have gotten the gist of it without the translation.
EIther way, I know what principaux means, and it's not 'named.' the director here has the right idea, don't have two bloated casts shoved together. just focus on a few.
>will be inconsolable if his gun gets a scratch
Literally one of us
What's wrong with G1 Warpath
Love me my Henkei Warpath but it's also tempting to have him as Razorbeast
That's lame. The point of crossovers is the crossover aspect. If anything, this should be the movie with absolutely bloated cast size.
Don't do that for your second fucking movie. That's what sank the DCEU (among other things)
if there was already a beloved transformers and GI joe series, then yeah totally. I loved avengers endgame, seeing all these people I had forgotten existed because I only saw their movies once, all coming together.. like OHH THAT GUY, oh it's everyone! EVERYONE IS HERE! etc.
There's nothing like that for Joe, and TF would have to go back to the baymovies or one of the TV series, for me to have even the slightest give-a-care.
>second movie
8th. And ensemble movies are nothing new; the idea that everything needs a backstory movie is marvelfag make believe.

Nobody's going to give a shit if GI Joe literal whos like Snowshoes or Bazooka Joe don't have sob story backstories because nobody gives a shit about the Joes anyway, and the movies never bothered giving the Transformers personalities in the first place. Just throw in a bunch of cameos to make toys from and leave it at that. Bumblebee had 2 minutes of Cybertron cameos and they were the best received part of the whole movie franchise.

What's most likely going to happen though is that Lorenzo is trying to grab back onto the Pentagon teat they lost when Bay stopped directing. The combination of military payola and product placement meant that the Bayshit was able to pay out to investors before box office returns were in, and being able to tack more military shit back onto Transformers with the Joe brand is the perfect way to get that money back.
he never gave up hope
why is it so hard to make a G.I. Joe movie? Good guys shooting the shit out of bad guys. What is the problem?

Time is retarded in G1 Transformers but I've always thought it was interesting how Shockwave stayed behind and kept the planet exactly like they left it for literal billions of years. Somebody being that exacting is pretty creepy.

I've never liked the idea of Shockwave as a usurper for that reason. The Shockwave that could sit on a planet for a billion years and keep it like it's preserved under glass doesn't seem like the type who'd be ambitious enough to desire command for himself.
They aren't cool shapeshifting space robots.
a good "playing with action figures" plot does not always translate into a good movie plot. tv show, at best. it's a perpetual scenario, a continuous battle with little episodes for ideas you thought of.
a movie needs to have like, acts? battles don't really do acts.

also dumb military stuff is boring and dumb. callofduty shootaman.
The Transformers vs. G.I. Joe comic did just that and it is extremely popular.
I really don't know. I'm not a Joe guy but to me, Marvel's Winter Soldier is basically what a GI Joe movie could look like. Maybe with a bigger cast. You don't have to have the baggage of making it overly military and instead can lean into the espionage stuff which plays better in the box office.

I feel like they just don't know what to do with the brand. The Snake Eyes movie was a retarded idea and I didn't watch the other two Joe movies to see how they bungled them, though I have heard the second one is better but was doomed at the box office by heavy delays, with the toys coming out a year before release.

I do NOT trust a Bayformers vs GI Joe movie to be anywhere in the realm of good though. I fully expect it to be a repeat of that shit in the first few Bay movies where you have random soldiers posturing and being tough guys to take screentime away from the Transformers everybody wants to see.

>also dumb military stuff is boring and dumb.
this is not what GI Joe is post-80s though (though I think the comics were that but that's because they're written by a troop.) GI Joe had to be heavily sterilized in the 80s to be more marketable by turning them from american troops and into Unaffiliated International Adventuremen vs Culturally Indistinct Bad Guys.

TF vs GI Joe is popular for a comic book but something like that is very niche and would be totally unfilmable as anything other than a gonzo prog rock video. Hollywood needs things boring and grounded for the dummies that go to theaters and pay for netflix
Ah bullshit. They used to have simple three act plots all the time. Cobra wants to kidnap the president or some shit. there's no need to over think this shit. that's what fucked up the previous ones
that's the 'dumb military stuff' i'm talking about. what it was before was at least aligned properly.
sounds like an episode stretched into a movie
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There WERE other guys running around on the planet the whole time. The old show sort've alluded to that but kinda downplayed it for some weird reason. I assume they only wanted robots who had action figures.
That's all you need. Why does it have to be an overly convoluted mess?
There was an old storytelling acronym that they keep forgetting now KISS
Keep It Simple Stupid
>dumb military stuff.
At this point I'd take that over any more capeshit.
why? superhero shit never gets old, it just got woke.
crank it back to how it was, and it could go on indefinitely.
I always liked episodes like this and The Ultimate Doom when the first episode tetrajet design appeared, like it's cool whenever they remembered it instead of just using the toy alt mode.
because movie is no longer a simple format intended to entertain, it is a massive enterprise intended to make billions of dollars.
>superhero shit never gets old,

Oh, it is so fucking old
>At this point I'd take that over any more capeshit.
you and like 5 60 year olds, maybe, but that doesn't make for an audience that can earn a movie its money back
So stick a bunch of action scenes, one-liners, and references to other iterations of the series.
the good kind of old.
i'm rewatching the DCAU and it's fucking better than before. just got to JL again.
Will they have Arcee's butt getting reprogrammed?
Most the people who worked on it are dead or retired.
not really my point is it
you didn't say "i'm tired of cape shit written by the current people, I want them to get better writers" because i would have fucking agreed with you.
You just said tired of capeshit, i said naw, only current writing trends.
nobody is watching capeshit anymore.
because it went woke
they will CLAIM people aren't interested anymore, but they are. they want it like it was.
It was millions, but still. No shifts in power, no cultural changes, kinda ridiculous. A few centuries seems like a sensible retcon.
Transformers live for many millions of years. It would be like waiting a few weeks for a human. Especially since there are least one confirmed active cell of Autobots still on the planet, with more presumably existing.
even if it did go back. how many times can you tell the Batman story again?
Forever. He is designed to work in a never-ending story of a man and optional sidekick fighting against evil.
Dreamwave had some cool ideas about that. The Great Shutdown and all.
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Batman is probably older than your grandfather.
first of all, they haven't told it properly once yet
secondly, we don't need to tell 'the batman story'
we need to tell 'the story of how Batman investigated a mysterious bat creature, and tracked down the geneticist behind it' or 'the story of how Mr. Freeze was fucked over and became a tragic guy" or... the story of robin growing the fuck up, conflicting with batman, going off on his own, and becoming a valued ally as nightwing.
I know. Why do you think I'm so tired of him.
Nightwing will never be popular to matter how much of yourself you put into him.
i don't like things that are popular
There is the source of your suffering.
did i ask?
enjoy liking popular shit, see where that gets you.
So pretty much everyone agrees Cy-kill should be an 86 Wreck-Gar retool but what mold should Leader-1 use? ER Ramjet?
Sure why not?
Poor bitch version: Needlenose
If they gave a fuck: Probably a seeker or maybe Jhiaxus or that Top Gun guy
I heard that Top Gun mold was hot garbage
just bought like 6 MDLX. Fuck me
>All the Transformers movies combined only made $5,286,242,818
It's over
>Buying meme releases
You like transformers nigger. Have some self-awareness.
when i liked it, it wasn't popular.
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Post triple changers
Retool Legacy Galvatron into an Energon Galvatron recolor
at least, it got you made fun of
liking anything but sports did
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Hes alright, but hasbro used a waxy semi translucent off white plastic that makes him look worst than he really is.

Pic unrelated.
What are we thinking they're doing for SS86 Optimus and Megatron?
I could see Megs being another Siege retool, but Optimus being a commander class leads me to believe it can't just be another version of ER, and it would be redundant given the reissues. I've been holding out on getting that mold just because I can't over his big protruding pecs.
>Cyberverse Slipstream upgrade.
I mean, it's a start, but I hope people also make Animated or Legends inspired versions. Also, still surprised people are satisfied enough with the torso on Windblade and a few other female figures that no one bothered to make upgrades.
They've reused those Siege parts enough that people will go ballistic if they go for a fourth. Everyone wants a brand new mold. Same goes for Megs, both of his WFC molds have been done to death, time for a brand new mold.
SS 86 Optimus will be a heavy retool of Earthrise Optimus. SS 86 Megatron will be based on his Devastation design.
Isn't his jet form a F15-ish? Confirmed ER Seeker mold, don't even need to ask.
I know it's Leader price point but can't they like, put it in smaller voyager box so shipping is cheaper?
Size class box sizes are standarized, so we get stuff like that thanks to Wallmart.
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>Animated or Legends
Still on proto phase, not sure if theres enough room for the wide noggin in the cockpit.
The Flame toys line is good? They look good, but are kinda expensive.
Is the quality really that high?
I'm asking mostly about the Kara Kara Kuri line, but any imput about the Furai model( gundam) line is welcome too.
People would probably be fine with someone just straight up reusing the Legends head.
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Still the best triple changer money can buy.
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Since we're getting new Aerialbots they could do him out of Air Raid like the Botcon proposal. Wouldn't be perfect but it would keep him in deluxe scale with the rest of the Go-Bots.
I wish I didn't have a toy dark age in the 2000s
Man I wish they reissued the og cybertron figures
>Optimus being a commander class leads me to believe it can't just be another version of ER, and it would be redundant given the reissues.
You say this as if SS86 Springer isn't literally just the voyager mold with a few tweaks being sold as a leader. Hasbro DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK.
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honk honk motherfuckers
We have yet to see a commander that isn't a unique mold, even rodimus was very different from 86 hot rod
>We have yet to see a commander that isn't a unique mold
Time makes fools of us all.
Maybe, but I'm willing to wait and see if I'll end up eating my words
I'm just going off the irrefutable facts of Hasbro's business model; every year, things get worse.
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>SS Primal despite being voyager got bonus shit
>SS concept Megatron got nothing
the whole "x class size at y class price point" was always just Hasbro gearing up to grift us. They try to make it palatable by throwing a handful of extra accessories in at first--like with Cliffjumper and the big gun assembly. But now all those deluxe class minibot guys come with practically nothing "extra" at all. But they sure do cost 25 bucks.
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I've been getting into spychangers and g2 go-bots lately. They're rad as fuck. I wonder if this Mirage deco was meant to be a subtle Mach 5 homage. They even used the Mach 5-iest wheels they had.
I've said before that it was cute once when they did it with Hot Rod
But when they did it again with Override I knew this was the future we were headed for
wait, Override was a Voyager? wtf it's literally just a basic bitch deluxe carbot.
She was planned as a retool of Hot Rod, but figured out how to make the entire robot out of just the budget for new parts and ended up sold as a voyager. Taller than Hot Rod at least.
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This just reminds me of the long long chain of anons denying/doubting Hasbro and their maddness. Back in 2012 when Beast Hunters trademark happen me and many people here told anons that this was Hasbro trying robot dragons and beast modes as a mainline again to deal with slumping sales. Many push back thinking it was D&D related because no way would Hasbro take the Prime series in such a messed up direction and sure enough six weeks later *boom* Transfomers Prime Beast Hunters was announced. At that point it should have been clear Hasbro is a wild card and will do anything but nope, back when people were sharing Siege leaders were being staggered into Earthrise no one wanted to believe it because they "didn't do that before" and when their were leaks of ER deluxe's in Kingdom anons were like "We haven't seen refreshes in any scale but leader" and hey, look at that, Arcee and Wheeljack, 1 for 1 from their ER toys in Kingdom boxes, and then their was the refusal to think Studio Series would take figures from the mainline to doll up for 86 and again, it happen.

So it's not a question of "if" they will make a commander that isn't a unique mold, it's "when" Might be this OP, might be the next series after United, but it will happen, because Hasbro just offered Netflix Soundwave with his two cassettes at a $20 mark up with only one additional cassette. A four year old mold, no changes outside of paint, is now leader class and cost 20 more for a toy accurate Frenzy/Rumble. So you can bet your ass they could just toon up ER Prime and give him a bunch of extra junk ala Springer.
megs is a lot more complicated and has more parts than most. His altmode sucks but he has things like grabby hands
beast modes wasn't hasbro in that case, it was driven by the showrunners who had some weird ideas. Prime was good but it was a mess behind the scenes and the toyline went off on wild tangents. Beast Hunters was bad and sold like shit and then Hasbro acted surprised about it
I still remember the Legacy Soundwave fights

>It's not Siege
>that's fucking stupid
>mold isn't even three years old
>It's gotta be Netflix or Prime Soundwave

>Announcement is Seigewave but without the battle scuffs

Thread upon announcement was gold, it was just people here confused and angry at the TF team.
>it was driven by the showrunners who had some weird ideas
Which means we can't trust this company not to be crazy because if they are going to let outside forces influence their productions you got to wonder what's going on inside the insane ward itself.
I remember getting into fights on here with a guy who insisted Road Rocket wouldn't be a Prime Arcee retool, and with somebody who said there's no way Slipstream would be a Windblade retool.
I have my doubts considering they made so many OC dragon figures and called it Beast Hunters when the show only had one beast that wasn't getting hunted, also all the leaks made it sound like the Showrunners hated Beast Hunters as an idea and was blood from a stone that Predaking even happen in the main show.

Oh God that was a fucking shitshow, I recall in the stream they just sneezed past him in the new toy announcements, they knew how bad that was going to go.

>Road Rocket wouldn't be a Prime Arcee retool
Now that's just being a dumb anon considering how close to RR was to that mold.

Source? Cause I'm pretty sure it was the other way around and Hasbro wanted Beasts everywhere and the Showrunners were not having any of it.
>beast modes wasn't hasbro in that case
Not the point however, anon was saying people here was like "No way Hasbro would be so fucking dumb" and yes they were that fucking dumb, just like the anons who gave Hasbro any credit defending the idea it wasn't Transformers related.

Also yeah it is Hasbro in that case, who green lit and made the toys?
Slipstream was fucking over as soon as she was a deluxe instead of a voyager.
And then even after Road Rocket was revealed, that guy was insistent that there was no way Arcee was a pre-tool for RR. He just could not accept that his robo-waifu was considered so unimportant that her figure was primarily designed to be someone else.
>I have my doubts considering they made so many OC dragon figures and called it Beast Hunters when the show only had one beast that wasn't getting hunted, also all the leaks made it sound like the Showrunners hated Beast Hunters as an idea and was blood from a stone that Predaking even happen in the main show.

So a lot of what we know about prime's production came from a Hasbro Q&A after the fact. It's very possible that it was just bitterness though; there's a ton of bad blood in Hasbro regarding Prime. ("It almost killed the brand! It's the worst show ever made!")
Shit is weird when originally Mark wanted to have Axer of all things the reuse.
Prime is very well regarded by fans but utterly despised by Hasbro, moreso than most non-G1 stuff. Prime is the new Beast Wars in that regard; Warden was well known for his bitter hatred of BW and active attempts to bar it from being referenced. Let us not forget the shitshow regarding the last fan poll where they wanted people to vote for "Who is the next prime?!" and they hadn't even planned for Primal to win so they had to shit out a new mold ASAP.
You got that backwards
The show wanted to do Thundertron and the Star Seekers
Hasbro wanted dragons
Thundertron was part of Hasbro's pitch. Which is why he showed up in the books already and got a toy.
I love how fans reverse-engineer all sorts of internal console wars bullshit based entirely on literally nothing but their own insistance on console wars.
hasbro reps did a slideshow presentation on this. It gets posted here all the time.
That was all due to us not knowing what PR meant when it showed up on the listings
So post it to prove your bullshit
I'm not doing your homework for you
I like how, like Beast Wars before it, Beast Hunters has its own continuity that exists only in the toy bios
Most series do. Until they dropped things like bios entirely.
Bro you’re the one that needs educated. But stay dumb, we need your types.
That just proved it was Hasbro that wanted the beast. Are you esl?
So Hasbro sabotaged Prime, which means all the people saying "Prime is le bad and Hasbro doesn't actually hate it" are wrong. I'm glad you agree.
the eternal cry of the lying retard
IDW was the most successful part of the brand at the time. It wasn't until Hasbro started dicking around with it and forcing toy tie-ins that it started struggling.

And people are starting to realize Skybound is a shitshow because it's rapidly throwing 90% of the cast into a meat grinder for cheap shock value.
The Robots in Disguise cartoon-based comic barely connected the show in a one-way method, so it wouldn't have helped much having a proper Prime ongoing comic instead of only one that roughly tries to connect FoC and Prime.
Are you copy pasting AI responses or are you going into a diabetic shock? Cause what you think is going on in this thread isn’t.
wow, that says none of what you claimed it says
They haven't even had Ironhide or Prowl show up yet. Transformers has hundreds of guys so individuals are expendable.
>Hasbro doesn't actually hate it
They don't, >>11037985 >>11037987 proves as much, they also did a movie and the very next series was still in that universe even though the whole creative team was new. Cyberverse was almost another continuation of the series.
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Those toys were so terrible
>all beasts are just dragons
>every dragon is "stand up, switch heads"
>every not-dragon is a retarded looking spike car
>"What should the gimmick be"
The slides claim Hasbro team changes is what made everything go sideways, you are trying to paint this as some single glob when it's made very clear that after Archer left and the teams changed everything went crazy because the studio making the show wasn't interested in changing the story for the new toy changes.

Are you ok anon?
>And people are starting to realize Skybound is a shitshow because it's rapidly throwing 90% of the cast into a meat grinder for cheap shock value.
I'll agree that the story needs a bit of downtime to catch its breath, but only a handful of babies care that their favorite bot got mulched
I thought the beast vehicles were cool, they were just plagued with the worst fucking color schemes imaginable on hasbro's end
>not liking Crock-Out
Fake fan
Idw was actually pretty good until James Roberts started writing his shitty sitcom fanfic.
>So Hasbro sabotaged Prime
No, the show runners as already noted sabotaged prime, they weren't like the Mainframe team of beast wars that understood they were just making a toy commercial show and did they best they could with it. The Prime team was K/O Paper Products being ass hats that they couldn't make their super serious show they wanted from kid toys so they fought over nothing

imo it's fucking stupid how they acted in this case. Hasbro is selling toys, they want a show to sell the toys that's what you are writing, and looking at cases like Beast Wars, playing along gets you get results where as fighting back or ignoring them like Beast Machines and Beast Hunters just makes messes no one wants.
the toys hasbro made were bad and sold poorly though?
Hasbro has made some shit toys that sold well because the media company understood the assignment given. Also that has nothing to do with what started this chain which was one really fucking dumb anon claiming Prime was" utterly despised by Hasbro" when that was never the case, the issue was their would be prima dona studio loudly shitting up everything they didn't want to work with rather than just going with the flow.
>wwaaaaaAAAHHHHH they wouldn't seig heil!

You will never be genetically Aryan
>Orci & Kurtzman involved
>project is shit

I swear they only work in the industry because they have blackmail material on someone
What I was thinking too, most here and on the forums like the toys but wager they didn't sell because it was OC stuff, the only toy designs that showed up were Beef Prime, Predking, Shockwave and Blustreak. Mad Max Ratchet, Crock-Out, Hunger Games Arcee, Murder Bee and many others were never show designs so I doubt many wanted them outside of core fans.
They make Cobra Commander a snake man from a hidden tribe = audiences wonder WTF they just sat through

They make CC a white used car salesman who got jaded = notsees cry "woke" "anti-white" whatever
Then make Cobra Commander a fictional identity created by Cobra as their mascot who appears all over the world with many people being Cobra Commander at rallies.
Weren't the Hercules and Xena shows popular?
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>make a post showing we just shouldn't trust Hasbro to not do something stupid
>thread devolves into nonsensical arguments about Hasbro vs Kurtzman and Orci

That wasn't what I was expecting from my post but ok.
These few years were awful in general. FOC, Thrilling 30, Beast Hunters, and Age of Extinction were all fucking garbage. The worst mainline TFs have ever been.
Hasbro has a very Decepticon approach. Hire mostly people that are traitorous, insane, stupid, violent, or all the above and wonder why things aren't working well.
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Just post toys
my toys are too good for /tfg/
>Warden was well known for his bitter hatred of BW and active attempts to bar it from being referenced.
This meme has been thoroughly debunked.
I haven't bought anything since the last time I posted photos.
/toy/ anon, I tell you we're in a /tfg/ thread and I want only your greatest pictures
>"It almost killed the brand! It's the worst show ever made!"

who are you quoting?
I want that guy with the micro masters to keep posting their adventures
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I like a bit of Shattered Glass UM.
Perspective End
when are we getting a recolor of legacy armada prime? wasn't Nemesis prime leaked or hinted at some point?
uh, SS primal was a voyager at a leader class price point, with a bunch of pointless complexity that does nothing besides.. well, making the transformation a lot more fun. and a chain thing that looks a lot better than it actually is, due to the choice of alternating hinges
I haven't heard anything of a nemesis but I'd be surprised if they don't eventually do powerlinx
ehhhhh they have used it as an EXCUSE to grift us, but the primary purpose of it is to make things easier on the retail stores. so they can just put all the voyagers on one shelf with one price listing "TRANSFORM VOY X23598" and it's easier for them
since retail is obsolete and terrible, and people hate using it and working for it and paying employees, they need to just start selling directly from the factories, for the exact price for each item.
that's not the story we were told
you're thinking of literally every other show except prime and animated and beast wars.
anime is better than westernshit but for whatever reason it's reversed in transformers.
that's actually fucking cool.. but incredibly unpredictable and that's bad.
Amazon just shipped out Barrage/Chop Shop. Ransack's buds are finally coming home.
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Eventually. Hasbro wouldn't be stupid enough to hold money on the table like that.
please get off of /pol/
your /pol/arities are reversed and it's embarrassing
Cameltoe Squad.
I really want a Powerlinx Optimus. I'm totes picking up Powerlinx Megatron whenever he hits discount, because his final battle with Optimus was just that great.
this poor guy has never seen a vagina
keep his identity a secret until the sequel.
wait a minute, I'm not getting banned for you
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does anyone know where I can get 5mm posts?
I want to make cables for various transformers like pic. I can find the tubes on Amazon but can find 5mm posts to attach them too
best you can do is look up 5mm styrene rods and saw them to fit yourself. you can get a pretty effective and cheap model-sized hand-saw, but dremels, yknow.. like.. man, dremels.
>styrene rods
thank you. I kept trying to look up things like plastic dows and such but could think of the right term.
Moose Knuckle of Leadership then.
right on. I still rememeber all the old tips i had for zoids customizing. I should have gotten into it back then.. but then I still have both eyes and all my fingers today, so maybe it's for the best.
Nah, you were right the first time, he’s just mad
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Corebros........its over
>hasbro reps
I have never seen anyone post the name of the person doing that panel
This just means there gonna give us Cores priced as Deluxes
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>I haven't bought anything since the last time I posted photos.
same, though I have stuff sitting around unopened for over 6 months.
last thing I opened that I really liked was Doubledealer

I'll catch up soon enough
you're being an entitled racist if you think you shouldn't have to pay leader prices for WST sizes
You can thank the dinobots for this.
Welp, see you guys in the 3PG. Probably only going to be buying Wu stuff from here out
It might actually mean deluxes will get dumbed down and lowered to $20 again.

Ugh, we could be seeing chug level deluxes again. The horror
>In all honesty the data I have seen shows the price point has not been preforming the way Hasbro would like it.

Hmmmmmm... I wonder why
showing once again hasbro has no idea what they're doing
what do you mean, current lines are chug are they not

As usual, I blame WalMart.
Crazy how core, Micromaster, and legends class gave us some of the better figures in each of their respective lines and how Hasbro has basically shitcanned all of them for bigger figures that look and play worse.

Hell, Legends were the ONLY saving grace in POTP, and i personally thought the micromasters were the best thing in ER
>can never find deluxe bombshell
fuck it I'll just sell the 2 insects I have and get the new age set.

What sucks the most is the "with nothing to replace it". I was hoping for Minicons.
you can have ONE minicon but you have to buy the hotshot set
>price still too high for what was being offered
>character selection ranges from limited to absolutely schizo
>no kino 5mm ports on 99% of releases
>no cyberverse play pattern
>sizebloat means the guys who SHOULD be cores like minibots are overpriced deluxes instead
The whole Core line was kind of a shitshow, even if we did get some good figures from it.
>very expensive relative to their size and complexity
>second wave accessories crippled by a weapon combiner gimmick, most notably Skywarp getting his guns replaced by a stupid thing. And the combiner gimmick had a design flaw that didn't even let it work right.
>7 slots wasted on awful dinobots, most with no elbows
>Studio Series Cores shelfwarmed hard other than Rumble, especially the first wave of Ravage and Shockwave (massively overordered,) and currently SS Arcee
>Rumble himself was heavily compromised with no elbows

I like the Legends/Core scale a lot but they fucked it up about as bad as they could have.

Look man, I just want Sparkplug and Leader 1 to go with my OP and Megatron, and I'm good. The weapon trios would be nice too, but...


>especially the first wave of Ravage and Shockwave (massively overordered,)

That and Iguanus. Holy shit, I'm STILL finding him in some places. But nope, WalMart let it rot, then blamed Hasbro for their half-assed distribution.
and they were too smol. rattrap is too smol. he has to be able to get up in chopperface's face, not punch him in the kneecaps.
Transformers are in a weird position because they do require more complex engineering than most figures out there. The average action figure is just a sculpt with joints cut in, but a Transformer has to have two altmodes and be tolerance tested for a more complex type of play than what other figures are exposed to, and you can't really just throw a standard buck into Zbrush and let a freelance sculptor go to town the way you can with most action figures; you need a dedicated engineering team. So I'm relatively understanding of Transformers pricing being out of sync with most action figure lines since it's got a a lot more going on.

BUT with the Core class, I'm sorry but I just don't buy that, outside of stuff like the very good Core Starscream, that that level of complexity, accessories, etc was warranted. They could have done more to make them a better value prospect, and they didn't. They took the line for granted.

You're not getting Minicons because according to leakers Hasbro thinks they're poison due to the failure of the Battlemasters and Micromasters. Never mind that the battlemasters were priced far too high for an accessory and that the latter portion of the line literally just laid down with a plank on their back. And never mind that the micromasters were considered largely overpriced.
and to add, there's absolutely ZERO excuse for them to cut basic articulation like elbows. It's fucking UNREAL to me that we got multiple figures with articulation on par with a McDonald's toy
welllll action figures demand higher articulation now too, and a whole lot of detail and paint. but your point still stands. toys today are flat-out a lot better than they were back when they were cheaper, so to some extent, it's unavoidable.
Bro we are never going down in price. Get ready for $29.99 Core-sized deluxes.

Deluxes are 20 at WalMart now. Some Targets, too.

And its amusing how no one cares about Earthspark ending.
I haven't cared for the smaller figures since POTP. We had a good run of Legends class guys for awhile, but then all the minibots got shifted to being redone as Deluxes and Core class felt like a wasteland. At least we got Rattrap, which is pretty good and maybe my favorite of all the Kingdom/Legacy BW toys.
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frankly shocked that Ricky "we have Iron Man at home" Ricardo didn't save the brand
yeah who could've possibly seen that coming
Anyone who saw the half-assed new animation of season 2.
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I paid 60 Canadian dollars for WST Soundwave this very year
Funny thing is that when the cancellation was announced ES fans were pissed but apparently ES Season 2 is so bad it's burned a lot of bridges.

Basically the first season had a lot of shit about Deceptions and Autobots reconciling and the second season went "oops actually deceptions are evil by nature." Starscream for instance goes from a troubled guy trying to make amends in season one to robot Hitler in season 2, and they introduce "Dark Terrans" that are like those ugly main characters but pure irredeemably evil.
it's too bad, i'm okay with non transformers being included in transformers lines once in a while. aliens, maybe some humans if they have something interesting enough to do, uhh maybe that smilodon that attacked optimus primal unless that was a dream...
Warden needs to get back soon cuz Mark is crashing this plane with no survivors
that's the really hilarious thing about that crowd. they're not just fucked up morally and spiritually, they're also just terrible at writing.
My walmarts *still* have Spikes

I wonder if they gave season 2 to a cheaper, worse studio before or after they decided to can it, or if the bad second season sped up its death. Kind of a chicken/egg thing.
This was probably decided long before Mark came back.
>Okay now for the next line's gimmick everybody is going to be Jumpstarters. And this time it's not just paint apps: we're replacing molded details with stickers. And if I see one non-G1 character I'm taking you out back and shooting you.

yeah I can't wait
>Jtprime also confirms Earthspark is cancelled (he's seen the next cartoon's toy listings)
>the tranny mods lock the thread because people started shit talking Earthspark
it's entirely possible the two seasons were worked on at the same time to save money

>the next show is almost all new characters

This could go really well or really, really bad.
Are you the guy itt who constantly whines about how the West is falling because you can't beat your kids anymore
what are you basing that on? i'd love a show with all new characters, but you are dead right that it sound suck nards
I will never not be impressed by you people's capacity to A) hold a grudge and B) remember with perfect detail everyone who ever offended you. I would never have thought of that again if you hadn't brought it up.
Just think how much better the world would have been if your parents hit (not beat) you when you were bad. or just decided not to have one.

JTPrime said the new toy line lacks any toys for Megatron, Soundwave, or Starscream.
So, when is Quickstrike coming?
The line wasn't collapsing under Warden like it is now under Mark anon
>Earthspark cancelled
>Cores cancelled
>ROTB bombs
>TF One probably going to bomb
>Reactivate almost certainly cancelled
ROTB didn't bomb. The movie, anyway.

And for what its worth, One is testing "exceptionally well".
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>Reactivate almost certainly cancelled

And this is....bad somehow?
huh maybe they're thinking do like bumblebee movie

not having the three big decepticons is definitely not the same thing as, nor what you would say if it was, leaving out all or most of the main characters. that is a very specific omission
i knew they would just blame the concept of beastformers for the movie sucking, because that shit has dried up so hard. Yeah no shit, if you don't get a toyline on shelves, people can't buy it. it's like that angry dog meme. "no product, just money"
Bro, have you forgotten the bomb that was TLK's toyline?
The line isn't collapsing under Mark, it's still reeling from the collapse under Warden.
i'm not that guy but i was thinking about AoE's toyline's cruddification, and how we finally got cool movie-style dinobots but they were hindered so much
this lel, maybe if they were making a game that wasn't time wasting live service slop I might have actually cared
watch your blood pressure
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Ehh you been through one media cycle you been through 'em all
Warden gave us Fall of Cybertron and Power of the Primes.
did they seriously
how fucking hard is it to make a good transformers game. just make it like Zoids vs 2 on the gamecube. put in a plot? missions? whatever. you go into a city and you blow each other up.
Yeah the beasts are not being mentioned at all for the TF vs GI Joe movie. They're gone. And I thought the same thing you did: if the movie fails they'll blame the beasts.

They couldn't afford to bring back the beasts anyway.
they cost more money?

No, the crossover is looking like its going to be the cheapest TF movie yet. Then again, that was just Boneheadventura spitballing, and fuck him.
oh got it, you're not saying the beasts specifically can't be afforded, but that anything not in it was probably cut for expense
i like that the joe movie is focusing on fewer characters
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Why did these particular figures shelfwarm so hard?
The 4th release of the Skids mold and an Animated character.
I never saw those in my stores
I thought this guy looked cool. would have bought him if I ever actually saw him on the pegs.
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Real sad core class is dead. Now poor kids are gonna be stuck playing with authentics.
I kinda like Crosscut but the red tires are ugly
Literally have NEVER seen him on shelves
Basically online only
So I'm pissed the siege prime didn't come with a matrix, any good third party ones?
I saw him just once the jet pack you can at least put on deluxes as an add-on piece.
Kinda surprised it never warmed. The wave with Mohawk kinda came and went and we just got a backwave of SS86 Core Irohide and ROTB Arcee.
Give Crosscut a Decepticon logo and I'll buy him.
Could have painted his red tires black black, instead they paint his gray plastic silver.
they also could molded all those parts in black and just used red paint on his head
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Pouncetrap and Wingwheels
At least WST was a neat novelty line
Did he say what the remaining Earthspark toys are going to be before the next show's?
>I have never seen anyone post the name of the person doing that panel
Rik Alvarez, if I remember correctly. I think he gave the presentation at TFcon shortly after he was no longer working for Hasbro. So, the slide show is real.

That said, the Aligned Continuity, and especially the Binder of Revelation, were trash. I'm not saying Beast Hunters was necessarily better, but we're better off without all that stuff.
>Transformers:One mentioned getting a big material about the history of Transformers from Hasbro that matches the Binder of Revelation in description
Its over.
I don't want to shame anyone or sound horny myself, but where the heck did you get that picture of T-ai from?? It's so bizarrely detailed down to the can of Dr Pepper and the stereo barely visible behind her large, semi-transparent head! What is this??
Looks like Koikatsu to me.
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>What is this??
A reproduction of this meme, its just a TAI head on a generic body, editing 3d asets isn't that hard.
Okay! Thank you so much! My brain can rest easy now!
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>"STORM! ITS ME BUDDY, ITS RED-HOT.....calm down man, you're in sickbay, you're back, it's gonna be ok...."
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>"Red....wtf...was that a dream....*energon pukes on the floor*...worst dream I've ever...."
>"Intel thinks you were the victim of a psychic attack by one of the cave dwellers on this planet, likely one of the old gods. we wouldn't be talking if the captain hadn't steered the whole ship into the cave to get you back. we barely made it out."
>"wait....Fireshot and Vanquish?!"
>"*sigh* we don't know..."
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>D.I.C.K.32 War Room, several hours later:
>"it seems to be some kind of optically received signal which inhibits normal brain function."
>"thanks Storm Cloud. well, you heard him. Lt. Bombshock?"
>"your boys ready for a scrap?"
>"practically foaming at the mouth, sir."
>"good. they're gonna get one. Stonecruncher?"
>"yes sir."
>"looks like your combat engineers are going to find some combat."
>"better than unclogging toilets."
>"listen up. I've never left a man behind, let alone two and I'm not going to start now! here's the plan:"
Captain Stakeout and his intrepid crew hatch a bold rescue operation....
Koikatu studio scene edit
not that many tf character cards for me to tinker so I just have bishojou convoy and t-ai to muck around with.
i'm surprised that's even still around with ai
can't ai shit everything yet.
That panel is from a crossdressing shota comic you know. EXPOSED!

Iirc that drooling retard Chris Cocks wasn’t the CEO when Warden was working on the brand either, anon.
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>TF One probably going to bomb
As long as there's no identity politics BS, people will go and watch it
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*scale model*
While Earthspark getting canceled and RotB sucking aren't directly Mark's fault, it should've been obvious to Hasbro that kids wouldn't want cheaply made, and even more cheaply packaged toys from a cartoon and movie hardly any kids care about. A while back, Hasbro touted how well RotB toys sold, but they only sold well TO STORES, where they continue to clog up shelf space which could've gone to product that would actually move.

The other big problem, in my opinion, is that ever since the Siege era, way too many times Hasbro has been releasing WfC/Legacy figures that they then re-release a slightly better version of within just a few years. And I don't mean new molds of the same character, but the actual same toys but with things fixed or improved. I'm personally getting really sick and tired of feeling like I'm getting screwed over simply because Hasbro couldn't get a figure right the first time. I can't afford to double or triple dip on so many figures, and selling old toys is a pain and usually still results in losing more money overall than just buying a single figure once. Combine that with how stupidly expensive toys are becoming, and there's no way I'm buying Springer with moving fingers or Metalhawk with slightly darker thighs. That is, assuming retailers will even bother to make space for them by sending all the unsold piles of Earthspark and RotB toys to discount stores like Ross.
>A while back, Hasbro touted how well RotB toys sold, but they only sold well TO STORES
Ah the McFarlane loophole
It feels like every tf show after animated was cursed to have only shitty babby toys for absolutely no fucking reason
What a year
Uh oh
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New Ais? Aww man, that's like Christmas last year all over again when somebody uploaded like 10-15 images of her that I've never seen before to Gelbooru. Good stuff dude.
If it doesn't openly endorse right-wing insanity or outright heil Hitler, it gets labeled "woke". It probably has a black VA & at least 1 woman so it's already there.

It will also be easier to blame "woke" on this stuff failing rather than "no one is interested in it regardless" or "Hasbro's QC is trash & it's affecting sales". "Woke" is the go-to scapegoat now when you refuse to own up to your mistakes, but the industry doesn't mind because they get tax writeoffs when this stiff fails. It may even be more profitable to fail thanks to tax writeoffs.

Still a better CEO than Goldner.

>hey I know every Jem revival attempt so far has been a failure but the future is female, so 30th time's the charm!
Remember that Jin is still raging over people who offended him 10-20 years ago. Right-wing chomos tend to latch onto anyone who doesn't support their ideology & it's easy to obsess daily when you have no job & your sole family is an elderly spouse who actually works. They know the onlyt legacy they will leave when the time comes is a 2-sentence obituary in their local newspaper & it angers them because their bullshit deranged godboy bullshit is a waste but they can't abandon it.

>So what if I lack evidence I have faith! Godjesus loves me! I just live in fear of him 24/7!

I had to buy a 3-pack just to get the good mainline Airazor because these dumb assholes wouldn't just pack it in a single deluxe box. The other 2 toys packed with it are trash. Hasbro deserves to be insulted.
>If it doesn't openly endorse right-wing insanity or outright heil Hitler, it gets labeled "woke". It probably has a black VA & at least 1 woman so it's already there.
Oh, you're one of those idiots
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Got Squeezeplay the other day.

I was gonna say something about how I feel like the '88 lineup is the closest I'm to completing any G1, but then I realized I'm missing so many still that I'm probably not.
3rd party Vector Prime when?
Not likely
I don’t think UT was very big in China
I could see FansHobby maybe making one eventually, they're doing a lot of UT stuff. Unfortunately for me I really really do not like the FH aesthetic, but they at least make an effort to keep all the gimmicks of the originals
No I could see one coming out soon.
For some reason, all 3rd parties do anymore is remake characters Hasbro already did instead of doing characters we still are waiting for. Can't wait for 5 more versions of Devastator this year.
> For some reason, all 3rd parties do anymore is remake characters Hasbro already did
>Can't wait for 5 more versions of Devastator this year.
Did you think about what you posted for two seconds?
There isn't a Jhiaxus to recolor into him yet, so it will be a while.
you're such a fag
what part of what I said are you having an issue with?
Hasbro haven’t done a Devastator in MP or current mainline
If you’re talking about making their own bots then they wouldn’t be third party now would they
Hasbro DID do a Devastator in Generations
Current mainline begins with Siege. Things older than that are not canon.
they're coming out with another Devastator next year
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>we gotta remake everyone every two years or it doesn't count.
Which means it hasn't come out yet. The chinamen making their green and purple construction robots are in the clear.
what the fuck is your point? I'm talking about 3rd parties making figures of characters Hasbro hasn't done yet so we can have SOME version of them. instead everyone does the same guys. The dinobots, constructicons, cyclonus. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for the other two Omnibots to drop for over 2 years.
They literally don’t make chug scale
Why are you complaining?
see >>11039126
The Omnibots were not in the show. They aren't getting made.
>We keep getting figs we don't need like a remake of a character that just got a decent figurine 3-4 years ago tops and yet we still have characters that haven't gotten a single new figurine or even a homage since G1
I KNOW they're not getting made. this is my complaint. Instead we get the same batch of guys over and over from everyone.
The Constructicons were fucking awful even compared to the other Combiner Wars guys.
I'd prefer if they made them as Deluxes or even smaller rather than a fuckhuge thing that costs 5x the price of a dozen normal figurines and that I can't fit on my desk again.
You are in luck. Some of the upcoming Constructicons are in the Deluxe size class.
that's okay. there's 50 3rd party versions to choose from.
Those are illegal to own.
This sounds extremely self referential
You are under the assumption that everyone has what you have and demand things you don’t
I don’t think you know what illegal means
I'm just complaining that everyone is doing the same few characters over and over while other characters are getting ignored. what is your problem?
look it's important that we do all the 1984 guys every other year in perpetuity. Fuck Pretenders, fuck UT, and fuck Beast Wars. It's time for another Wheeljack Jazz and Ironhide goddamnit.
How about you make an Ironhide that isn't shit then?
Yeah, you’re complaining that you already have one of them so they shouldn’t bother with that
Two versions are on the way
you are why this happens
>Ummmm the last 5 ironhides don't count because his thighs are .02 microns too thick and the stripe isn't the exact pantone color match of the screencaps from TFWIKI! This thing is FUCKING SHIT!
I'm complaining that EVERYONE can have one OR TWENTY because every 3rd party and Hasbro all keep doing the same several characters over and over.

Please be a troll. please don't tell me you're this fucking thick.
Exactly. There is no point in buying the various Ironhides Hasbro makes.
>I just started collecting this year so now all the companies has to start all over to accommodate me. All the other collector can go fuck themselves
Does Marvel Legends restart the entire cast from scratch every 3 years?
Hit a nerve I see
There are plenty of characters that aren’t too
CW was ten years ago anon
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oh I get it
what if the next redo of the G1 guys goes Tooner so hard that they mold in perspective errors
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Cryotek will save the line.
Spider-Man/Wolverine/Iron Man are eternal.
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>gets awesome toy and even posts a picture of it
>zero interaction
>Starts retard, autistic, off topic discussion
>full conversation
I hate this board lately. I swear to God you guys only want to discuss the most faggot shit.
>Hey what if beast machines got revived in the style of animated with the writers from Cyberverse
>awesome! Hopefully we get beanie babies of the main cast
>pink rocklords when?
>3rd party figure thats never happening when?
Marty Isenberg worked on both Beast Machines and Animated, so not very different.
actual rock lords would have been kino. I don't hate the rockformers but rock lords deserved better.
>Wahhhh nobody wants to tell me how awesome I am for posting pictures
>I hate this board lately
This is quite literally every single thread ok every single board on this website anymore
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>waahhh I hate fun
>waaahhh this is not an opportunity to nitpick a toy and not buy it reeee
>awesome toy
>fucking Squeezeplay
Random Japanese people on twitter take better photos than you. Get better at photography.
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Ok Dad.
>whatever the fuck you just said
a toy poster bought a toy. HOLY SHIT
we're not your hugbox, faggot.
It is like 70% autism, so definitely a hugbox.
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Stay mad
>"fun" is telling me how cool I am and making the thread all about me
>calls other people autistic
>Spamming images so you can make a new thread
Every fucking thread.
you're the one pissing and moaning because nobody wants to give you asspats
autism definitely doesn't = hugbox
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>No God no not a new thread noooooo
Im not even the image spammer biut pic rel is you
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we're going to run out of threads in the thread mines
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Lmao @ all the negativity that spews out when someone is having fun and a bit of banter ahaha

pulls his crown out of the box again.
>Face gets taken
Why is G1 Convoy such a bitch nigga?
but we're all having fun calling you an attention seeking fag
Fun is for fags so that tracks.
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Funny way to get your kicks but hey go ahead and get your rocks off! Im glad you are enjoying yourself :)
Do you even collect transformers toys? Post your dust covered 10 year old Prime RiD shit bro
Sure I collect them.
I just don't believe the board exists to suck my dick for doing so, and get all pissy when they talk about things besides me.
Aren't the train guys really bad?
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Im so pissy. Let me go wipe my tears with my Unite Warriors Computron a Japanese photographer sold me
fuck, the (you) farmers are out in full force today.
If the point of this was showing off Computron, why is it off the the side and behind Raiden?
he just wants attention. any attention. people IRL probably tell him to fuck off when he pulls this shit so now he's here
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By really bad do you mean awesome and fun as hell and gorgeous? Then yes. Even my gf thinks they are nice and she dosent give a flying fuck about these things
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Where the fuck else am I supposed to discuss autistic transforming robot toys
I don't care where you discuss them. Just stop acting like everyone else is wrong because they don't want to play with you. if nobody answers a post, you move on like someone who isn't a shithead. It nobody's job to entertain you.
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Ya no.
If you could point out where I actually did that, you’d have a point. My original post referred to another anon’s post, not even mine. Just pointing how gay you are got you all mad. Have fun fuming on a IMAGE BOARD for toys
the sheer fucking seething in this post is palpable. Absolute mental illness
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Exactly. Making it not about them is, in their mind, trying to make it all about me. If you reread my posts Im just suggesting people post toys. Thats it. These panty twisted retards cant handle not discussing the most effeminate shit and never ever post pictures or contribute anything but criticism or coomer shit
Put Starscream in front of a bigger jet.
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>everyone who doesn't agree with me is "S-Seething"
this hissy fit wasn't you >>11039223
No, that is just subjectanon.
you are so fucking mad lmao
yep that sound like someone being pissy because everyone isn't talking about what THEY want to talk about. because apparently the whole board is here to entertain them.

again, because you're slow, make a post. if other people are interested they'll answer. if not, don't be a sperg, just realize nobody is interested and move on. don't piss and moan because people are having their own discussions.
you know like a fucking adult acts
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This board is a bitch fest like super catty (and I work in salons/cosmetics), but like instead here’s a pic of some of my micromasters, Minicons and little guys
>fren just gave me his box of Minicons so I haven’t added them in photos yet ;p
then don't jump on someone else's discussion because, in case you're unaware, we can't tell one person from another so we just answer who ever is continuing the conversation. The old "that wasn't me but now I'm talking for them" shit dont work
You were supposed to remake the opening scene to the Dark Knight Rises.
is the other anon right? are you just pulling this shit because you want to make a new thread or something stupid like that?
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Hey, I think I see one of the ones from a train combiner there and if you have such a huge amount presumably others are from combination team. Do you have the parts to make those, or only the individual robots?
I have the parts :} I have decepticon sixbuilder (complete), sixtrain(complete), ko sixliner (I can’t find his one hand though but I’m sure it’s around), another ko sixliner (no combiner pieces), ko sixbuilder (I’m customizing into a g2 yellow version), and like a handful of the destron sixwing, I think one of the cybertron sixwing and road police :} I really wish they would have made more
I think I have another ko sixbuilder as well, somewhere lol like I have a shoebox full of ko micromasters I’ve found out and about :}}
This IP is so badly managed its unreal. It still baffles me that Hasbro haven't got trigger to make any real promotional material besides flames toys which is niche shit bought by very few people.
Ever since Prime, we've been stuck in an endless loop of either repeating G1 or constantly referencing other old material like Beast Wars or Animated. The movies aren't bringing new fans in and trying to homogenize the brand into making it more G1 has not helped this fact. We've been watching the fanbase age for the last 15 years with no newer fans to get into any of the media.
He's coping cause he stole em or paid jack shit somehow
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The best trainformer in the last decade is a CHADsics recolor. Its so sad that JRX mindbroke both Hasbro & Takara into putting in any effort. Or that CHADsics still beats "MP" bots.
They made two Astrotrains since then.
And both are bad.
I heard the Classics triple-changers were bad because they jammed three modes into a deluxe.
worst CHUG triple changer is still Broadside. Poor boy can't catch a break.
literally what the fuck are you talking about schizo? Nobody gives a fuck about your autistic thread rules but you
broadside is based the only problem with him is Warden's retarded obsession with everybody being a headmaster
Gimmicks like that were fun and really ahead of their time, with all of the included playability of having a little guy to pilot when in vehicle mode :]
The Autobot Headquarters three pack and the two diaclone repaint MPs are up for preorder on the usual sites now.
No, I would say toy ruining gimmicks tacked on to figures is anything but "ahead of its time." It's a relic of the past, when everything had to have shooty pew pew missiles to keep little timmy from getting bored. The modern toy audience wants figures that actually represent the characters they like, not some braindead MBA's take on what will make children "engage with the prescribed play pattern."
haven't they been for weeks? Or are western retailers just now getting them
I want all of themmmm
You need to make two Broadside toys then. He had two very different robot modes in the show.
no the jet mode sucks ass.
it could've been easily remedied had they given him a rotating waist so that the legs could flip over and become boosters.
This mentality literally killed the toyline

Imagine if we had actually gotten an extra wave of the Modulators instead of whatever Kingdom was trying to do
Modulators don't do shit. At least being made of bones makes Fossilizers look cool.
>dude lmao what if instead of beast wars we did more meme gimmick toys that didn't even sell in the first place
Yes, anything would be better than BW. Or animated. Or any American side of the series
And then they did reissues of Beast Wars toys, showing that as actual things to play with the originals were better and the only advantage the remakes had was accuracy to the cartoon designs.
American toyline. American fiction. American designs. cope and rope.
>And then they did reissues of Beast Wars toys
which clogged shelves until they went straight to clearance because nobody wants to buy flipchangers and spring loaded baby toys. That shit is over. It's done. Never coming back. And if Warden gets it in his empty head to try and force it he'll kill the brand deader than it was pre-BW.
You are wrong. Useless, homosexual, and wrong.
the train mode looks like it's got foreskin and the shuttle looks like a snake that swallowed an egg
That is one rough-looking shuttle.
I wish i had bought this, but I was so salty about star saber being a Haslab I backed out of collecting for a while and missed it
You can’t anon :’( I’m developing a tiny perfect civilization
Headmasters are based
Well fortunately for you he's being reissued in mainline next year.
It sounds like you lack the creativity for fun desu like gimmicks are cute and fun :} titans return had soo much to offer and in creative ways, it doesn’t have to be perfect that’s the point, if you want perfection get MP or 3rd party MP. Missiles, connection ramps, extra little guys are all reasons why lines like this have people still wanting more, toys are meant to be fun and playable by catering to fussbutts (fussy butts) like yourself they’re catering to an audience that’ll never be pleased or satisfied
I've always really liked the '87/'88 toys
This was only really the case with Combiner Wars. Titan return's problem was awful materials, dumb engineering choices and the gay stickers.
It was the first time in a while where the Takara versions were the objectively better choice
In all fairness, BW and animated are the only good parts from the American side (probably because they borrow a lot from japanese storytelling)
Takara headmasters had those ugly ass cartoon heads though
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Any toyline that goes on long enough eventually hits that point where they feel compelled to experiment with new, novel ideas to keep the line fresh and kids interested, and I often end up liking the more experimental "throw everything at a wall and see what sticks" stuff. Like how '87 introduced not just the Head and Targetmasters but a bunch of other, less remembered subgroups, like the duocons and especially the clones. What was even the point of the clones? Sixshot might be one of my favourite Transformers of all time.

And then Hasbro decided to start doing it with the Pretenders two years later by having the shells transform too.
True, but they didn't feel like they were made out of soap bottles
Literally the exact same materials in the exact same factories. What are you smoking? At the time Archer even called you all retarded for this schizobabble
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I used to think Pretenders were the dumbest shit, and on the conceptual level it still doesn't make sense, but as you get past the first batch or two and into the bigger and weirder ones I like them more
I don't think you know what you're talking about. Archer was long gone by this point too.
You can literally feel the difference in your hands between the TR and Legends figures half the time and some would have stress marks or break in the box.
I applaud Masterforce for figuring out a way to make them work since they were very clearly an idea Hasbro pushed and Takara had to go "well shit what do we do now" when the product was out.
>You can literally feel the difference in your hands between the TR and Legends figures half the time and some would have stress marks or break in the box.
This shit is literally all in your head. They are made in the exact same factories dude. I remember back in the Classics era when you people insisted Takara still used die cast too.
Takara still used die cast back then.
>Bending back at that joint
it does kinda make the head look better but it makes him look fatter.
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It's like one of those toy concepts that's nearly impossible to translate into a story. Same thing with the clones; why are they clones? There's no explanation. They just came up with a cool toy idea and didn't think how it'd work outside of the play pattern. Pretenders are basically just Transformers who disguise themselves as Masters of the Universe, something they couldn't do within their respective fiction for obvious reasons.

I mean the beasts are even more overtly "generic 1980s animal toy with sci-fi trappings". Catilla is basically just Battlecat but yellow.
Dragons are fat by design.
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I personally really liked the direction they took pretenders in victory with Dinoforce or blue bacchus
Reading up on what's going on with Earthspark S2 is just crazy. I didn't think they'd top the situstion they had during Prime.
Really want to see what an MP Metalhawk as suggested by Kojin Ono would do. Not so much interested in actually owning it as how it would be designed.
Context? What happened?
it was on 148 images, and then three more got posted quickly, in an organic fashion. eat a biiig bag of blast effects.
still waiting for a CHUG Blue
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do you get the impression that they worked extra hard on the weird gimmicky side-lines that they knew made no sense, so kids would still buy them? because the pretender shells were all intensely creative, not a single one phoned in. and all those actionmasters and targetmasters and shit, they put extra work into making them look more like the show or at least good robots, yknow..
for the Decepticon Pretenders, they could've had them doing shit they didn't want the autobots to think the Decpticons were responsible for. Like robbing alien science labs for certain parts and whatnot.

Then Nightbeat would've figured out that random aliens were stealing these parts it was the Decepticons putting together a new super weapon.
Well there is never going to be a new Crossblades, so he should take a page from TR Sky Shadow and be a recolor of Sixshot or something.
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Springer remold
But they already have Battletrap for blue Springer.
have you ever asked a question like that and been glad you did?
Are you talking about the Botcon one?
Big lizards that lay around in front of gold and eat lots of things.
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Sexy dragons are fat by design
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This guy needs a new toy
i think it's more that you have a lot of creatives kicking around in the toy industry who have ideas and then somebody says "what do you have for this brand" and they throw whatever they've got in there. Somebody wanted to make cool MOTU monsters and Transformers was the vector for it. It's kind of like how MOTU added the meteor guys to compete with Transformers.

A good example is that the AAAA Real Monsters toyline was just recycled toy designs the designer already had sitting around. http://melbirnkrant.com/aaahh/page7.html
roadgrabber too
i'm sorry, but you have fetishized stompy fat dumb kaiju dragons
cool dragons are dinosaurs, they are sleek and svelte. and we will have none of that 'belly ribs' garbage here.
yeah that was my second guess, that they had some guy on their team drawing fucking awesome skeleton samurai and walrus men, and said "how can we work this into transformers?" because they didn't want to make it its own toyline.
>core class is dead
well I guess I'll have to paint my spare rattrap into some form of Packrat. I guess it's for the best I was't able to sell him. I was SURE they would give us remolds..
Almost everyone left or got replaced for s2. The animation studio, writers, executive producers, story editors, etc... Best part is that the original animation studio and Nick's reason for this change was due to "the mental wellbeing", since the stress of S1's production was too much for them
what stressed them out so much?
grabby grabby
Yes and? I want a dinosaur/dragon who’s a man’s man not some weak twink who’s slithering around all mischievous like
Even the Jurassic Park dinosaurs are fat.
the thing is so many of these pretenders have similar futuristic alt modes that Hasbro could easily crank out redecos and retools and knock out a whole bunch of characters.
.... are you seriously asking that?
a sudden loud noise puts these people into therapy.
they are 100% not. that is what set JP apart from its contemporaries, and revolutionized dinosaurs in media. they made them cool and fast and not fat and stompy.
You mean there was nothing that actually happened. these just went all stressy?

gee, why are studios replacing all these people with AI?
>The next toyline has Roadblock.
>Also Stalker.
>Also Cool.
>And Slipstream and Mainframe.
>Wait a second...
>GI Joe VS Transformers all come with a blindpacked GI Joe or Cobra mini-figure that can ride on the passenger side or the gunner seat of your Transformers. Collect them all!
no, i'm -assuming- that
with these people, you do not need to ask the reason, when they cite 'mental health issues'
are you under a rock or something, and if so, what's the rent like, because i wanna get in there.
No one tell him about contemporary T-Rex reconstructions
That they lived in water and looked like crocodiles?
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Thicc as fucccckkkkk
aren't they still covered in feathers like a big gay pride parade
The leg is mostly muscle.
>making shit up to get mad at
you are the most tedious poster in this entire thread
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Yeah, like they could've just made the duocons two vehicles that combine into a robot, but nah, let's give them a spring-loaded automorph feature too.

I've got Skyhammer and I wonder if the Ultra Pretenders would be more popular if they weren't so fragile. There's so many display options I don't know which one I like the most.
making shit up is what you're asking me to do when you post "What stressed them out so much?"
I'm refusing, and giving you what information I do have, which is broad and accurate trends.
literally referenced them already, pay attention.
yeah fuck that shit. absolute nonsense. as if it's not already hard enough being that big, you want to give them body to leg proportions that would make a rhino call them midgets. I'm not saying go back to 'shrink-wrapping' but I think we had a good happy medium for a while when they looked like goanna-birds.
god you talk like such a colossal faggot
Why do you care how government made up monsters look like?
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because i want cool fun toys of them
and then transformers based on those.
Huh, it is this guy again. I felt archive panic about this site when I first read about some things he designed in a different thread.
>I work in salons/cosmetics
Do you smell nice
Doctors are immune to medical treatment, so why would salon people be different?
Oh this is amazing. This.. the pure disdain dripping off of everything he's writing. I want to be this guy's friend.
Ultras Roadblock and Skyhammer, Vehicles Gunrunner and Roadgrabber
>Even my gf thinks they are nice
>she dosent give a flying fuck about these things
Wow, I really trust her opinion then.
At first I thought it meant that Aaron Archer was a hack since he was the one who designed Knight Force Ninjas, but the mechanism is actually way different (also a lot simpler) looking into it.
God that's such a great fucking website. Makes me miss the old internet

Counterpoint: toys actually should be fun. Accuracy is for boring cunts.
if accuracy wasn't fun, then that's a flaw in the show
and i mean that, sometimes the show has flaws the toy should fix. but it's usually the other way around.
fucker sculpts just like me. i miss sculpting
He likely sculpts more than just your level. A professional who had many decades of experience.
>i don't know you but i'm sure as a non artist that your work is different from this pro with a huge (justified) chip on his shoulder about working in the industry

yeah i didn't mean in terms of quality, just in terms of style and method. and medium. and it makes me wanna get back into it again and see how good i am now.
I'd love it if they made his outter shell into armor like Siege Shockwave's.
Like vanilla, with soft spices and cocoa
>I like coziness and tiny robots lol
didn't the Ultra Pretenders have GPS?
his girlfriend, the millionaire supermodel.
then his armor assembles into a vehicle he can ride in.
I normally don't like stickers on my TF's but I like this Toyhax helmet for Trailbreaker/Jackhammer. should I get the blue version of Trailbreaker for this?
Fully intended to skip this figure but i was in the store the other day and saw it on the pegs. Seeing it in person plus the price drop and the hope for nonnef's upgrade kit coming out eventually made me grab it on impulse

Pretty much every hang up i had turned out to be justified. Mid at best head sculpt, huge shoulders tiny torso and arms, legs are kinda goofy with shitty thigh gaps right in front, feet are mostly useless, the hing is weak and the majority of the foot doesnt even support the weight, its mostly on the sliver of fin/heel, wings are gappy in robot mode.

Two things that where slightly better than i expected were the backpack isnt as big in person as it seems and the sword looks cooler than i expected.
A random complaint i keep seeing about slipstream is that she cant mount the seeker null rays which is just the photographer being dumb, granted theyre in the wrong spot but the forearm does have 5mm ports for what its worth
well thanks for letting us know at least
i miss that one anon doing reviews. he was great.
They could've remolded the ER seeker mold into slipstream. Just change the chestplate, head arms and thighs. Those assholes
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I feel like one of the most important things a jet former has to be is swooshable which obviously is a vague and personal taste metric but i think thats the one thing this figure gets just about right right

The cockpit sections size isnt so bad as a backpack but it does really prevent this jet mode from fully hitting the swoosh factor, but the way the wings clip in to the shins is really satisfying for some reason and being able to manipulate the turbines and the tailfins along with the contrail effect of the sword manage to overcome the cockpit width and make it a pretty fun jet.

From the bottom its still shit of course, chest and arms fully visible but thats a common hasbro design flop, not everyone can be as good as needlenose

Overall id say if you think it looks shit you wont be won over, if youre on the fence, wait and see if the nonnef set is worth it. Im not exactly won over by her but im not mad about dropping $20 on her either, just got what i expected.
What's that red Ultra Magnus figure?
where do you even find ko micromasters these days
Wait, what is this? Looks cool. What does the robot mode look like?
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that face and backpack are brutal
stupendously cheating transformation, but very nice. looks better than the toy, which was par the course at the time.
>parts of Origin Bee are turning orange/brown
>parts of Road Hauler are turning yellow/brown
le sigh
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Dran is a cheater, but Goldran isn't that far off
Ko WST Ultra Magnus, kind of a color swap of Delta Magnus
Aliexpress, Amazon, local shops that have quarter machines, you just have to be creative when searching like
>tiny deformation robot
>micro transform bot
yeah that makes sense, put the money into the robot mode.. that is gorgeous.
Still can't believe they didn't just paint those lines on the face instead of molding the face in a way that makes her look old. Still hate the torso as well. Nonnef's upgrade helps but doesn't make it a buy for me.
Because hospitals smell sad
That sounds really lovely
Im gonna say it, I prefer being baited by anons who post unique pictures of toys they actually own over faggots who just want to bitch and yell over toys they where never gonna buy in the first place

Who gives a fuck?

>From that time forward, until the end, when Kenner was gobbled up by Hasbro, the action figure department at Kenner never, ever, got their chance to generate an original in-house concept.
Exactly, also I imagine a base mode
i miss when toys had original concepts.. i remember thinking the other day how weird it is that when I was a kid, you could just buy stuffed animals without expecting them to be OF anything, then after a while it was like, no, branded everything. no original randos
then chinese cheapos got into the business and they filled the void. here's your nondescript plush animal, that'll be 8 bucks.
I had a stingray plush when I was a little kid, but it was greyer and had line-like markings than the Beanie Baby one that seems to be documented online. If I could find it at my parent's house, I'd look up who made it but it might have been thrown out.
I get black zach tomorrow, how do I care for GDS?
If it is the Masterforce version it is an issue. There shouldn't be an issue with the new one.
>There shouldn't be an issue with the new one.
If there is we wouldn't know for a few more years
oh yeah there's that too, but those will usually be from some name brand museum or science institute or something. or a wildlife fund. I like those plushes. They get obscure animals and they make them cute but still realistic.
I remember being very proud of beanie babies' scorpion. really wish I could get him back. It's amazing how having a box of your treasured possessions and homemade art held in the garage of someone who refuses to contact you still hurts after 20 years.
its this thing
In the clear.
so I don't have to worry about GDS?
Still the best mega
Aside from the transforming part. Whoops.
He's very off from what I like about Transformers, but as a grey and red robot action figure it is probably fine.
i still can't believe nobody else is bugged by the proportions, but i won't harp on it
>Shit design with emaciated limp-dick cannon, giant diaper, fucked mp-36 proportions, indecipherable scrap metal face and two alt modes that both look like fucking nothing
No idea why people are dicksucking this awful thing so much
86 megatron save us
He's a robot. He could have his arms reach the ground and have giant claws and still be okay.
>86 megatron
you mean Earthrise Megatron with a new paint job?
just because proportions that deviate from the Vitruvian Man are okay, doesn't mean that ALL proportions are okay.
Yeah it does. A floating sphere with a camera works.
a floating sphere with a camera is good proportions. bad proportions still exist. the -concept- of bad proportions exist, why do you think that is
Because it's a fun figure. If you don't like his official alt modes you can make your own
It looks like a big guy made of metal.
so any big guys made of metal look cool, no matter what their proportions are
Yeah. Trailbreaker is a fatty by human standards and is cool.
i await you either getting better taste or seeing a big metal guy whose proportions you dislike.
Megatron's main issues are being a vague spacething for altmodes which means his robot mode doesn't have anything identifiable in it and his cannon looking lame.
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This is peak robot design.
He has unrealistic proportions.
i disagree, i think each of his body parts is great, I just want them in a different proportion.
well, i agree with his altmode being nothing. which is too bad because it had a lot of possibilities
honestly, very few tweaks and this would be amazing. I love the basic idea and silhouette, I just can't get into "split in half treads as big clown feet on spindly legs" or "tail is a straight gurder thing with a support-wire archway behind it".
find a way to curl the tail, find a way to move the treadsmeat, and I'm RIGHT in here.
Oh holy shit I'm only just now seeing the head, that's something out of G Gundam. I was reading the sorta 'football helmet cage' part as the head.
glad you enjoy it.
Huh. RiD15 Steeljaw was a near-miss on this pun. He is a monster since he looks like a werewolf and his altmode is roughly a truck, but it isn't a monster truck.
I love it
>Gorilla with a fucking fist coming out of the grill that opens like cowboy saloon doors
insane. I think this guy is a way better sculptor and artist than he is at thinking up satisfying play patterns. Sad that Attack Pack sniped him, but I loved Attack Pack a lot.
Trukk munky, but lacking the essential "robot" part.
>i'm sorry, but you have fetishized stompy fat dumb kaiju dragons
Golgon is a fembot, and she needs love, too. Don't go fat-shaming the kaijubot.
>they hated him because he told them the truth
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I completed the Decepticon Double Targetmasters do I wanna get the vintage Autobot counterparts?

I'm oddly fascinated with the vintage late 80s era. I'd do more Headmasters/Headmaster Jrs but they're getting into triple digit bad for complete. Nightbeat costs as much as fucking scorponok.
Yes, I'd 100% take Mirage over Bee with his retarded radio babble.
>Hasbro dropped the ball on toys
Not like anyone would want a toy of those disgusting looking robots anyway.
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Shes alright, I still have the headmaster as my favourite WB, I've been working on a couple of kits for her repaint, so far I have new parts for animated and Cyberverse SStreams.

parts on pic related are mostly for the animated look but with the cyberverse head.
indeed, yet it is their job to try.
they could have tried to polish the turd a little, maybe. probably not.
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>Bay approved this design
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Baychads stay winning~ <3
Is this achievable natty?

Skyhammer is probably worse of the two since his gold plastic is found in all three components, while only Roadblock's inner robot is made almost entirely of it
Technically he didn't. RotF was such a shit show that the Truss crane never had a robot mode. Even the people who worked on the comics and story books at the time were told it had no robot mode. The only reason we have that robot mode at all is Hasbro needed SOMETHING for the truss crane and there was shit all in the concept art. The one they picked we've only seen on a display hyping up the bluray in Australia, where it was labeled Constructicon TEN, a particuarly weird label since Devastator only has seven members in concept art (and nine in the final film).
Way worse than any previous Megatron, specially at his (laughable) leader price point
this is cope
I'm looking for the length of Armada Red alert in vehicle mode, can anyone help with this
I sold mine ages ago but he was a pretty chunky toy, probably about 7 inches, why?
Saw him in the wild at a 2nd hand shop and was hoping to scale him with a Nissan Patrol so I can add him to my scale spreadsheet before deciding to buy him or not
>Armada Red Alert
If I had him I would. Was my first Transformer as a kid, but man, is that toy ass. Whoever decided he should only have fifteen degrees of freedome for his legs to move side-to-side should be shot to death.
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>finally back to my tidal wave after almost 2 weeks of absence

I don't get it

Why is the connections to the purple plate designed like this?
The thin flat surface tabs literally taking the full force of the load. And instead having 4 point taking the load evenly, they took off another tabs off so now not only it is missing another support but also make the force bearing uneven. WTF

I also figured out why the Hovercraft does not hold. The 2 feet are just wide enough on the inner side that they push the middle tab connection out of its position so you don't actually get a firm click. This probably wouldn't be a problem if there is a third connection where the feet are, but nothing is there. Though this problem is simple enough to resolve with some 5mm rod.

As for the knee, I am think getting some acrylic rods, secure them under the purple plate and fill in the grey cavity with putty and push the plate along the rodd in. Once dried, the putty and rods should act as an hard anchor to the purple plate and prevent it from moving. Would that be enough to fix the knee??

Come on, my first titan figure and I have to put my plastic model skill to use?
Gotta make the hardest choice of my life. Rainmaker or Refraktor three-pack?
Skip both and buy Magmatron instead.
He won't fit in with my Decepticon shrine, I'm afraid.
Refraktor. The Rainmaker pack is good, but you can make some good shit with 3 Reflectors if you get creative with them. Plus you get Kremzeek. Shit through his episode was he is still a G1 cartoon character.
Refraktor is a fantastic deco and all the accessories make for an awesome set. For a G1 Toy Deco fan it's really great and you're unlikely to get anything like that for a long, long time. He's really fun and makes for a troop builder to fill out your Decepticons and looks really good on display.

Rainmakers are literally nobodies with a mediocre mold and retarded decos, and eventually there's going to be another seeker mold for them to shit out all the same guys again and it'll probably be better. Hell, there are 3p seeker options that'll probably give you Rainmakers before you get another Toy Refraktor.
Refraktor it is. I was eyeing those toyhox stickers really hard too! Thanks anons!
I still think they should have done Rack and Ruin as two Refraktors you could merge together. They could have come up with some alt. mode for him that used both ship modes together.
>the most costly titan
>also the smallest with the most QC issues

weird time to be alive.
save your money if that's the two you are looking at.
Bullshit the rainmakers would be crowding it up just as much
I don't mean size-wise, I mean that Magmatron isn't a Decepticon.
Refraktor is really good though?
No, but spend your money as you want, we don't want to police your bad choices.
So what would (you) propose I get instead?
Super happy, got what I think is a complete G1 Omega Supreme, complete G1 Brawn, and almost complete G1 Megatron last weekend. So f'ing happy!
Landfill is cool, I had him and Scoop when I was a kid and love those two. I never had Quickmix though but he's probably fine too.
Three of those guys fucking die before they even form Devastator but show up regardless to be part of him. Fuck that movie.
michael bay knows nothing about filmmaking or storytelling but he's really good at making deals with the US Military and big corporations to fund his movies. He doesn't even acknowledge the robots as characters; they're just CGI filler to him before you get to showing off a new car or speaker system or the F-35
The last Megatron was Last Knight, right? That one is really cool and wasted on the movie he came from.
The last cool thing to happen in a Transformers movie was Blackout landing at that base and fucking it up. Everything since has sucked cock.
Sounds like a stinky retcon, "oh this guy looks just like the other guy but he's a different guy, because it wouldn't make sense otherwise. Trust me bro he's different"
they literally just forgot that they used the same models multiple times
Demolishor and Scavenger are straight up different colors in the movie. Even if you wanted to say "the other Contructicons who died or are fighting elsewhere are really the same person", you can't overlook that.
Demolisher is the one who fucked up Shanghai at the start of the film then died, then he's part of Devastator later in the film. I don't know how you're squaring that circle.
Demolisher is white, actually (the original ROTF Voyager was colored wrong before having the right color in a 3 pack). The other guy is red. It's not much of a difference but it's there
Actually are the excavators even the same model?
Because it isn't the same guy. There are blatantly more Contructicons than the ones that form Devastator.
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>Demolisher is white
He's red, I have him. The package said "Demolisher" so that's who he is.
>There are blatantly more Contructicons than the ones that form Devastator.
They're just wildly inconsistent and there are as many Constructicons as needed per scene, regardless of whether or not they died in earlier scenes. It's just a badly directed movie, there's no excuses that can get around that.
The toyline also made a mess of the Arcee components colors and bodies.
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Terrible, just a terrible opinion
The G1 cartoon had so many recolors of Starscream that didn't exist in the toys yet they outnumber the actual ones. Not sure why you are so upset over reused assets.
its not like the movie did it much better. Remember, Bay seethed at the idea of female Transformers so hard that when Hasbro pushed him to include them in the movie he violently and bloodthirstily murdered them as fast as he could
They were internally consistent. The only issue is that one of the three wasn't killed on-screen.
>*smearing shit from the toilet on your face and eating it*
>"Oh you don't want some?! FILTERED!"
Anon, TLK Megatron is cool. That's just a fact
t. seething midwit
i don't think you should call people "midwits" when you're consuming things that require a sub-normal intelligence to even find tolerable. You're just looking up at somebody and telling them they're smarter than you.

They know.
>Greebles turns into nothing scrap pile
Literally the Dark Souls of mecha design
Transformers and Dark Souls are not compatible. Also Dark Souls has degeneracy that shouldn't by emulated.
>require a sub-normal intelligence to even find tolerable
Nope, smart people also like ROTF and appreciate Bay's ambition
Midwits such as yourself are too smart to appreciate COOL ROBOT but also too dumb to appreciate the mythopoeic themes
ah yes who can forget the deep themes such as "Buy The Pill™ Sponsored by Beats™," "Join the US MIlitary!" and "Age of Consent pop quiz"
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Guys we do this every morning. Can we go one day where we don't fall for the obvious bait where the dude can't even keep his movies straight and only persists to prolong arguments?
Get out.
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Movie 1 Megatron is the best movie Megs design.
god that was such a disappoint
i loved the idea of three bikes combining, and turning into these cool svelte tire-legged individual modes, but boy did that ever crumble under the weight of "they're small and they're girls"
that's... a really good comparison. which is hard for me to admit because that's been a huge criticism i have of dark souls/bloodborne art style, yet I love bayformers.
well best altmode anyway.
actually didn't TLK turn into a very serviceable Blackbirdesque jet?
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For me it's Hobotron
He's more cool as a concept than the execution.
I prefer ROTF's body but 07 has the better alt mode.

iirc he was originally supposed to become a triple changer before it was turned into a flying tank so split the difference?
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Senile, beaten up Megatron hits different
It would hit better if it was a Megatron who can be easily understood as broken.
It's easy to see if you watch the movie
He went from a pile of scrap to a dirty pile of scrap wearing chains. Even the head damage only works if you assume symmetry because his before state is made of random crap.
You can clearly see his head getting wounded at the end of ROTF. Then in DOTM he still has the damage and you can clearly see the doctors working on it. What's so difficult to understand?
He should look beautiful in his before state so it actually matters.
this. great concept. and having to take a truck altmode to hide because everything else is too obvious and not big enough
it is weird that you can reformat without healing your body though. you would think it would make all new body parts every time.
Also no proper Elita 1 toy exists, they're either Arcee or Chromia molds (that is until the unavailable deluxe SS one)
You need energon for that and they were surviving on scraps. That's why they needed the sun harvester from ROTF
yeah that too. It was botched pretty hard. it's sad when good designs exist, and you want them and have the money, but nothing good happens.
you don't get my point.. how is it you can change all the car parts of you into a different car, or even change to a totally different body shape (optimus's transport mode was digitigrade), you could change the wounded part of you into a not-wounded part.
He doesn't use his head as part of his transformation, so it didn't get different layout.
that's not really the point though, is it
also every part of them turns into every part of their altmode, that's how bayformers work
So where are Optimus Prime's eyes in his vehicle mode?
dunno man but it's somewhere. in some of the silver parts next to some blue parts.
That's the point. You need energon to generate and reformat. Megatron was living in a hut in Africa giving whatever he had left to the decepticon larvae
So why does he turn into an Earth truck if he didn't earlier?
Cybertronian pride. He didn't want to scan a disgusting earth form until he got his ass beaten and was forced to hide in a shithole.
yet he was able to change the rest of his body into truck. Look I'm not saying there's any real mistake made here, it's obvious they wanted him to carry his wound for dramatic reasons, and use tiny little medics, but it's difficult to figure out the logic of reformatting your body but not repairing your head or your voicebox
He didn't reformat his body, he simply scanned an alt mode. Optimus reformat himself in AoE for reasons??? I don't know what was that for
what? scanning a new altmode is called reformatting in the bayverse. if it's not, then pretend i said 'scanned new altmode'
it replaces all of your parts, hell i'm pretty sure some characters' heads have changed SIGNIFICANTLY after scanning new altmodes. it'd be like a werewolf keeping a wound, you would expect that replacing all of your cells would also heal you (and undo any haircut you had when you change back)
>scanning a new altmode is called reformatting in the bayverse
When has this ever stated? Reformatting isn't the same as scanning an alt mode. DOTM Megatrons has the same body type as ROTF Megatron, just now with added truck kibble. AoE Optimus actually reformatted himself and his entire body changed, he even gained the ability to fly without his jetpack. In that same movie you can see evasion mode Optimus with the same body type he had in the past trilogy.
mmmnaw, i might be wrong about the terminology but they only ever scanned new altmodes, no other major thing ever happened to them bodily.
You didn't watch the movie then. Optimus wasn't able to fly on his own before and then he was able to. In any case this is irrelevant to Megatron.
Cool, but he has the wrong alt mode.
All those greebles were actually intended to form a dragon. For some reason they pussied out and gave him a totally unrelated jet alt mode, then recycled the already-90%-done dragon model to be the Autobot combiner Dragonstorm (really, all they did was tack on some extra heads and change the wings a bit).
fucking execs. It's so obvious, too. he's got like wings on his hip skirt armor.
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The mechanical detailing at this stage is very different from the final one. Even the one you see of her with the Cyber Key code that seems to have been early kicking around ideas of how she might work has a similar chest detail to the final.
>"She turns into her own coffin..."
It's very efficient.
He’s not loveable at all, he looks like he bathes in axe body spray and listens to butt rock. I can’t hug evil dad if he’s not at least somewhat likeable
>he looks like he bathes in axe body spray and listens to butt rock
Hell yeah
I don't hate it, but the fact he doesn't really reflect his transformation is a problem to me. I have the same issue with Optimus.
i found it kind of impressive how they managed to completely erase the altmodes from the robot designs, but I still prefer to not do that.
Don't forget that his signature Fusion Cannon was replaced by a flamethrower in this movie - it would have presumably gone inside his alt mode's mouth so he could breathe fire. The tail tip in that concept art is also very clearly where his new fancy sword would have stowed.
it makes more sense for me that the cannon would combine with the sword for a tail... since that tail's gotta use up a lot of meat.. but yeah maybe it'd be in the mouth
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can someone repost the M Sipher Overlord story?
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Airplane Transformers be like: Yep, this is in disguise
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was it this?
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anon don't pester him while he's trying to offload cargo
remember to ignore any posts related to trolling (including this one but only after you've read it)
I wonder if you can stick a bunch of fishing rods on Tidal Wave to troll for a lot of fish at once.
>including this one but only after you've read it
But you can't stop me from replying to you
Can we have a new thread yet?
Only if you take off that top
...umm ok
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the RotB designs really aren't bad, I'm not surprised they got a bunch of model kits. too bad everything else though.
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and they had a decently unified look to them, like how the dinobots were all knight-themed with pointy boot toes..
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even ol' rhinitynox looks okay
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but it's still fuckin weird airazor's robot mode never got to see the light of day or get models or anything. at least we got 2 good figures.
looks like we hit image limit. new thread time.
Since the two Airazor toys with a robot mode look very different, I don't think they made one...
>its real
Putting the trans in transformers
She's not trans!

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