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Previous Thread >>11025935

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-X-Wing Pilot 4pk - FanCh
-Cal Kestis (ISB Disguise) - FanCh
-Mandalorian Judge - FanCh
-Kanan Jarrus - FanCh
-Ezra Bridger - FanCh
-Zeb Orrelios (Deluxe) - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)
-R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Enoch & Nighttrooper build pack - FanCh
-Darth Vader (ANH)
-Stormtrooper (ANH)
-Ahsoka & Droids Order 66 4pk - Amazon
-Luke Skywalker X-wing Pilot
-Captain Rex (Bad Batch)
-Jabba the Hutt playset - Pulse

The Black Series:
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-Shin Hati (Arcana) - Target 7/5
-Jedi Survivor 3pk w/ B-1, B-2, Magnaguard - Amazon
-The Phantom Menace 3pk - GameStop
-B-2 Super Battle Droid - FanCh
-Darth Sidious (ROTS) - FanCh
-Captain Enoch & Night Trooper 2pk - Walmart
-Yoda & Commander Gree 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-The Last Command 4pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Phase 2 Clone Trooper & Battle Droid 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Baylan Skoll (Mercenary) - Walmart
-Mandalorian Privateer - Target
-R5 & Pit Droids - Target
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Padawan Jecki Lon (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Knight Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Indara (The Acolyte)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Masters of Evil 3-pk - Amazon
-Darth Maul Holocomm Collection - Target
-Fallen Order 3-pk w/ Inquisitor Cal Kestis, Purge Trooper, Second Sister - Amazon
-Mandalorian Nite Owl - Walmart
-Phase I Clone Trooper
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Ki-Adi Mundi - FanCh

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Jar Jar Binks
-SHF Stormtrooper
-SHF Dark Vader (ANH)
-SHF R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mafex Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)
-SHF Darth Maul (TPM)
-SHF Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
-SHF Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)
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>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
- Mandalorian Shriek Hawk - Target
- Mandalorian Shriek Hawk Trainers 2 pk - Walmart
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Rebel Fleet & Stormtrooper 2pk
-Dedra Meero
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan
-Momaw Nadon

The Vintage Collection:
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Shriek Hawk Mandalorians Build Pack
-Armorer Forge Playset
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Blurrg & The Mandalorian
-Moff Gideon’s Imperial Light Cruiser Hallway playset (with Mandalorian Privateer)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka)
-Cobb Vanth (Deluxe)
-Ahsoka the White (Ahsoka)
-The Mandalorian (S3 Final Chapter)
-Bo-Katan (Mando S3)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
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HasLab Cantina is now underway! Campaign ends 11:59pm ET on July 8th, 2024 with a minimum requirement of 8000 backers.


-Base Version $399.99
-Deluxe Version $499.99

Each version comes with exclusive new figures of Wuher and the Tonnika Sisters.

Stretch Goals:
- All new Greedo - 11,000 backers
- All new Nabrun Leids - 14,000 backers
- All new Arliel Schous - 17,000 backers
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A number of Black Series figures are getting reissues available on the Fan Channel. Not listed in OP just due to character limits but so far they are:

-Plo Koon
-Cal Kestis (Jedi Fallen Order)
-0-0-0 (Triple Zero)
-Crosshair (Clone Force 99 version)
-Doctor Aphra
-Hera Syndulla (Star Wars Rebels)
-Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels)
-Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars)
-Captain Rex
-Commander Fox
I wonder if hasbro is surprised by how slow this is funding, I bet they thought this would be a home run.
It's probably the fucking $500 price point for something that shouldn't even cost nearly that much
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Yeah when I saw this, it really solidified how expensive this thing really is. Should’ve been $300 max and even that is pushing it.
It doesn't even look like an official product here, it looks like a bunch of third party set pieces someone threw together
"Mandos" is a Vala. The term you're look for is "Mandoes". You illiterate fuck.
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Gonna go ahead and post this again in the new thread since I didn't realize the other one wasn't gonna be kept around until page 10, the officer 4-pack fell down to $26 on pulse which is a really good deal if you happen to be someone who'd care about armybuilding generic imperial officers. The heads in the pic are from marauder gun runners, averages out to ~$3 per head and they fit on pretty perfectly after a few seconds under a hair dryer, and adding the ~$12 head cost to the sale price of $26 puts you at ~$38 for 4 figures, which is still way below the going rate these days. I said it wasn't likely ever gonna get cheaper to armybuild these officers when Jerjerrod went to $10 on amazon, and while that turned out to be hilariously wrong with how much of a markdown this 4-pack got, I would genuinely say this time it pretty much can't get cheaper than this.
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Gosh, Star Wars is such a healthy brand...
Once the extra figures don't get funded, it'll lose backers fast.
Derp Derp #BackTheBar
Duhhh, you need to buy this or you'll never get more TVC figures guyszzzz

You Hype-Retards need to chill.
You know this will get funded in the final days.
These are the same retards who insisted Giant Man was going to flop only for it to hit like 100 backers short of the final stretch goal.
Stores prefer empty pegs to clogged ones so that is good
Collectors are insane and mostly don't refrain from buying based on price. Ebay is evidence of this.
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Did they ever re-issue the Sandtrooper?
I remember that being one I missed waaay early on and never saw an opportunity to buy again.
Tonnika sisters happening means the holdout either finally signed over or she passed & her estate said yes. The other signed off before her death but the survivor was told if she wanted the toy she'd have to fucking buy out of her own pocket so she passed. That was about 5 years ago.

>seriously? Too stingy to give the actress a free action figure?

But it's more of that "I need every character who had at least 3 seconds of screen time" mentality from the geeks needing every background character. At least when Playmates made one-off Star Trek characters they were characters that had ample screen time.
Don't address me or my son again
Are there any cool black series Hans or are they all just "guy with gun"s?
>are they all just "guy with gun"
As opposed to what? Unless you want a figure of the concept version with a lightsaber.
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That just looks bad in a different way desu
Speaking of, their Ahsoka should be out soon. Wonder if they'll do more. Can't imagine a Shin and Sabine looking any worse than the Black Series
>visit /toy/ for first time in years to find acolyte seething
>scour both threads and fine none
>instead find seething over the cantina I knew nothing about
Honestly almost as satisfying, that set is hot garbage and should retail for like 50 bucks. But what about acolyte figs, is anyone even buying merchandise for that hot dump of a show?
It's one of the most standout parts of the whole movie. Remember up until that point you mostly just saw humans in armor and then the Tuskens and Jawas in face covering garb. The Cantina shows you exactly what the Star Wars universe life is like. It's a grungy, dangerous place full of odd looking weirdo aliens that will either shove a gun in your face or play some sick jazz music. There's a reason Kenner chose to make figures from some of those aliens instead of just another human from the movie.
That middle headsculpt looks crazed
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>tfw it's more than a fart
Straight up not true btw. She was always willing to have a figure made of herself, otherwise galoob wouldn't have been able to make one back in the 90s. The likeness rights thing was a fan rumor. The hesitation always came from Hasbro on making more human cantina patrons after Wuher pegwarmed in POTF and Bo-Shek in POTJ.

The actress has gone on multiple podcasts prior to the campaign to address that there were no rights issues, and I've spoken to her myself at conventions. Very nice lady.
If anyone claims to like the Star Wars after that trash fire Acolyte episode...you aren't a Star Wars fan. At all.
>The actress has gone on multiple podcasts prior to the campaign to address that there were no rights issues,
The fuck are you talking about? She has said on podcasts that it was because LFL lost her original signed contract. They tried to work out a deal again in the the aughts but she never signed the new contract.
>Did they ever re-issue the Sandtrooper?
Nothing outside of doing the version with the black pauldron in one of the early waves of TBS and then packing it in with the Dewback. At this point they should just make a new one based on the current Stormtrooper buck for the upcoming anniversary of ANH.
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Why always blue? What if I want a Red Mando? A black Mando? A purple, yellow, brown, orange mando?
Is that a custom baylen figure?
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Look here pal, it's the year 2020+4 and you can't have good things, so suck it.
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Hope you're checking your Ross. You can build a squad of TIE for cheap.
I did and you lunchbreak Ross hunters bought everything up.
what's the toy situation at ross like? I've heard it's kinda crappy compared to ollie's.
It's a crapshoot. Ollie's will usually have mostly the same stuff from store to store, but Ross's selection can vary wildly.
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I wish they'd make SHF Baylin and Shin, but they just do the barest of bare minimum now if anything.
It's all very store and region dependent. I have 3 stores around me that I visit and none of them ever have good shit so most times I walk out empty handed. I even went searching hard for those Andor TVC figures a few months ago when people were finding them for $4 a piece since I wanted them for custom fodder, but my stores didn't have any Star Wars toys at all. The best score I've had with them within the last several months is a 4" Fortnite figure of the anthro fox that was $3, which I grabbed him just to use as a random background bounty hunter. I pray for my city to get an Ollie's or even a Five Below because those seem to be the best place for discount toys.
Think SHF will tackle any acolyte characters?
No, they like making money.
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As a fellow long time Disney fan I also simply can not wait until they finally make my favorite Acolyte character. The Headland.
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I laugh at the YTers currently howling about The Acolyte. They're pretending to be worried about "The Message".

Let's put it this way:
Star Wars is like Japan's Gundam.
You're going to have some good series (Wing, Turn-A) and you'll have some shitty ones (Seed, Build Divers). You just have to let the shitty ones pass until you're content with the "content".
JTA in particular seems kind of obsessed with the show for some reason
Maybe it's because I never liked the prequels or most of the EU, but it's not all that hard for me to compartmentalize and let the shitty stuff fade out of mind. I wish the shows were better, though. Andor is the only one that I think has accomplished what it set out to do.
The only thing that gets them pageviews anymore is peddling culture war outrage, so almost all of its content now is bitching about Disney, feminism, woke, etc.

Honestly the show isn't horrible, just kind of dull. Ironically I think all the screaming about diversity is giving the show more of a platform because otherwise I think the show would probably be forgotten very quickly. There's just nothing about it to grab the viewer's attention and get them invested.
I dont watch any of the Disney shit, but just aesthetically/visually these are probably the first characters I've seen that actually "look" like they could be cool that isn't a guy in a costume like Kylo Ren(although taking the mask off forever ruined him) or a recolored Boba Fett.

hatewatching Star Wars is pretty much the goto now. The goyim just can't resist, even though literally everyone knows this shit will all suck complete dick before it even airs. the hate keeps it relevant. everyone just ignoring this shit and paying zero mind would probably do more to get the message across. but lots of these guys are making $$ off this shit. until i see any of these guys start naming the Jew its griftcity
Jedi Temple Archives
Fuck off SJW
>everyone just ignoring this shit and paying zero mind would probably do more to get the message across
This, so much this ! ! !
Cry more
>those dates
geez, Paul..
I can’t fathom how much of a retard you have to be call a Star Wars movie an arthouse movie.
Go be at Yakface with all the Kool Aid drinkers that think every toy Hasbro makes is just totally nifty and preorderable.
>he genuinely thought tros was what real fans wanted and would be the most beloved of the st
jesus how did he even come to that conclusion
Go back to bed Paul
order another retarded diorama set, nerd.
He spent an entire year screaming about feminism and diversity due to TLJ so when TROS took a few jabs at TLJ that was all it took to make it the greatest movie ever made in his eyes
Needy old Zorii Bliss took women in SW down a few pegs for sure.
Honestly the jabs weren't even really jabs. The only one that felt like an actual jab was Luke saying a Jedi shouldn't throw his lightsaber away. Even the Holdo maneuver thing felt more like an explanation of why they can't just keep doing that than any kind of actual jab at it.
There was one shot in TROS that showed somebody used the Holdo maneuver again.
Gundam balances their 3 audiences of shounen, older mecha geeks, and fujos. Star wars does a much worse job doing so for its audiences
I bet you seethe now that Doomslayer is a canon gay Jew.
Do the skin tones on the Marauder's heads match the neck okay?
Target and Wal-Mart are fucking pissed at Hasbro and putting in bare minimum orders. They had to sell a lot of figs at below cost to offload some of the SWB and ML shelf warmers. There was a lot of money lost. This is why Marvel Legends build a figure waves are now online etailer only when they always used to be sold in big box stores. I don't think Target nor Wal-Mart put any orders in for the acolyte wave SWB figs either for in store.
Kind of a weird question, but is BS Rise of Skywalker Rey worth getting for the different expression even though I already have the Island Journey figure? How good is the likeness compared to the Island Journey one? Don't much care for her character but I always liked her design and I realized it's her only other figure that has the modern face print tech.
I never had the island one, but the TROS one is a really good figure. Poses really nicely. I thought the likeness was really good but maybe not quite as good as the island one from the pictures I’ve seen.
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For Aldhani andor their light skintone is pretty much literally a perfect match, the light-skinned officers are all slightly lighter/paler on the neck but not to a degree I think is genuinely noticable, aside from single-card Piett which is extra pale and you will notice it. The unnamed officer with holster from the 4-pack - the one pictured here - has a darker neck and is a near-perfect match with the light-tan marauder option and also a pretty good match with the tan option, however the ISB guy's neck is unfortunately a bit of an unusual color and won't perfectly match anything, closest being light-tan but it's not as good a match as the others. You could try to repaint the ISB guy's neck if you were really bothered, but personally I'm just trying to live with it for now.
Thanks for the info anon. I'll keep an eye out for one since I regularly see it go for cheap.

I know the ST is ass, but I always liked Rey's design as a robed traveler chick and I just buy whatever catches my eye or fills a niche in my collection.
Okay cool thanks. I have a couple of sets of officers coming from Pulse right now so I wanna get some new heads for them.
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Whoops, sorry, deleted the second post thinking I'd have time to repost it with the qualifier that I realized it's really glaring the officer's uniform looks like it's a different color in this shot, but that's my bad for taking the pictures in very different lighting and with different cameras, although it's still useful for seeing how much difference there is between the neck and the head even though the overall color balance of this shot was not quite right. But yeah, if you grab 2 light heads and 2 light-tan heads per 4-pack, you should be happy with how it turns out, I'm super happy with mine.
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As one last example before I stop dumping photos of my nonsense on the thread, this is the tan skintone on the holster officer in the tank here, instead of the light-tan shown on that shot >>11037057. You can kinda tell the neck is slightly lighter than the head, but not by very much.
>here's some random coloured Mandos
I don't get it, so they scrub old gear and patch their armour up but why don't the colours all match and why aren't they uniform?
Is paint too expensive in universe, on set and for the figures?
No worries, I appreciate you doing that.

>I stop dumping photos of my nonsense on the thread
It's not nonsense, it's what this thread needs more of. Much better content than saying how shitty the new show is.
Predictions for tonight’s episode? I haven’t completely hated the show, there’s SOME good moments. Most of the characters suck though, the only one I kinda like so far is probably Sol and the Wookiee looks cool so we’ll probably find out more about him tonight.
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We should start a movement.
"Eyes Off Star Wars"

No more pointing fingers at the people in charge.
No more click-hate YTvideos.
Just talk about other SciFi things and Star Wars will fade away and maybe come back stronger 5-10 years later.
>there’s SOME good moments.
No there isn't
>just don’t care about something you don’t like
Most of us are just here to buy cool toys and don’t watch the new shows. People making clickbait are going to bottom feed off whatever is popular, and you’re only seeing those videos because you’re looking for them.

I’d have bought some jedis and siths from the new show if they were hot like Mara Jade and Aayla Secura but they’re all generic browns and old women. It’s like they didn’t learn anything from people only caring about Shin Hati in the other show.
>only caring about Shin Hati in the other show
Hey people also cared about Hera's ass
Seed is fine
True, they got me to buy a Hera I have on the shelf looking back over her shoulder. It’s because it’s the best angle to see the symbol on her jacket, of course.
TBS young Ki-Adi-Mundi when?
I gotta hand it to them the prosthetic looked exactly like the old one except younger. Usually when they do these cameos they look off. Max Rebo looked like shit in Book of Boba Fett.
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Meanwhile the head jedi green bitch just looks off
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>ki-adi-mundi appears
>episode involves an attack on a wookiee
Yeah it looks like they didn't have a huge budget for makeup. Or much of anything really. The showrunner said Yoda wouldn't appear and I thought "yeah right there's no way he doesn't have a cameo somewhere" but increasingly I get the feeling that they wanted to but either couldn't afford the CGI for him or couldn't get the puppet they used for TLJ.
Like pottery
The show has a $180mil budget. They had the money they just chose not to use it
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>$180mil budget.
Crickey m8, that female has a setta chompas so sharp and huge they look loik they could split the Australian desert sun
Ross is a shithole filled with members of the “dark side” if you know what I mean. I’ve never had a good experience or found anything/anyone of value there. I mean they’re black, btw.
>they call her Guillotine
So you're racist, ok.
My local TRU looks better than that.
But I suspect the shelves are full because Canadian prices are high.
>Put Mundi in the show
>When he wasn't even canonically born yet
I thought they were supposed to have people that checked this kind of stuff
Haven't watched, I figured it was just a reference to his species or whatever, they actually call him by name? Was his birthdate actually canonical or just referenced in an old encyclopedia?
He's listed in the credits as Master Ki-Adi Mundi
leland chee was the one who originally kept track of these things and he was reduced to a credit name back when filoni started fucking around in tcw
nobody at lucasfilm gives a shit about other people's work, only their own
That’s the truth. And EUfags are fucking delusional if they think George ever gave a fuck about the EU. He made an entirely new Clone Wars show that doesn’t fir with the one he commissioned only a few years earlier and his sequel trilogy’s big bad was going to be a comic book character that existed 100 years after his sequel trilogy took place. EUfags always say he read the comics, and I’m sure he looked at them, but the only times he seemed interested in pulling them into the movies is when it involved a hot Twi’lek with their titties out. And again, in Darth Talon’s case, it would have shit all over EU canon from the Legacy comics.
He cares more about it than you know. But you'd rather be a revisionist about history apparently. Retard.
darth icky
Okay well then explain how the main villain of episode 7 would have been Darth Talon without the use of time travel.
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People misunderstand "canon". Unless you see it on screen, it's all up for grabs. Even then, live action has been shown to trump animation (Rebels finale v Ahsoka). Supplementary materials like novels, videogames and comics are canon until they get in the way of a show or movie but none of it is safe (see Kanan comic v Bad Batch). Encyclopedias and visual dictionaries were sanctioned fan fiction that was only safe as long as they weren't making new content.
If it’s disposable, to me, that renders it non-canon. If it not something the guy in charge takes into consideration when making a new story, that seems non-canonical to me. All the tiers reveal is that tv and movies are the only real canon.
That said I also don’t think anything not directly involving Lucas is canon either. If the creator has no say in it, then it’s fan fiction no matter how much you paid for it or if you got the clear to use the license.
Who fucking cares about "canon" at this point?
Disney probably should considering that was their whole deal with throwing out the EU.
i've never understood why people sperg out about this
george was clearly shitposting when he said it
Yeah if anything it’s an indictment on how autistic game developer’s can’t pick up on a guy with a notoriously deadpan sense of humor is fucking with them. They asked if they could get a Darth title, which given the rule of two you can’t considering Vader and Sidious were still around, so he decided to give them dumb ones so they’d shut up about it. Sam Witmer has also said that George was fucking with them with the Darth Icky stuff.
Savage Oppress
>When he wasn't even canonically born yet
The current canon hadn't established his age.
In fairness they were good about keeping canon consistent until TROS kind of made it pointless. Since then they've basically unofficially gone back to the tier system.
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Yeah even Pablo Hidalgo couldn't hide his disdain for some of the stuff the movie did. He's usually all about trying to find explanations for shit (like he made up some bullshit about hyperspace anomalies to explain why everyone in TFA could see a planet exploding in the sky even though it was half a galaxy away) and even he gave up on trying to explain what the fuck was going on with the DS2's remains.
What about it?
Pablo Hidalgo posted his rankings of all the movies on his old twitter and TROS and TFA were at the bottom. I think even below the Clone Wars movie. People try to paint him as this Disney shill. Idk, it seems reductive. He’s worked for Lucasfilm since the prequels and got hired purely because he has an encyclopedic knowledge of the old EU. I never got the vitriol for him. All the people who are mad at him guaranteed know less about Star Wars than he does. Sorry he doesn’t shit all over the new stuff, but I think he probably wants to keep his job. I like his little tidbits about pre-Disney Lucasfilm. It’s why I like reading the Paul Duncan and JW Rinzler books. Lucas really was sort of a one of a kind CEO that’s impossible to replace.
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More like Admiral Potti.
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I think people it started when he defended stuff from TLJ. At that point people just saw him as the face of Disney Star Wars and they never really looked beyond that.
Shut up Pablo.
What's especially funny about people claiming Lucas was some kind of champion of the EU is that he was already planning to officially declare it non-canon in preparation for the sequel trilogy, before he decided to sell and let someone else handle it.
also fun to think about how people would've hated him even more when he did that especially since what little we know of his st plans already had dumb shit like Luke being a complete failure that fucked off
Even funnier that you think that's true. Disney fags.
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The EU stuff absolutely is true. Even if a Lucas-led Lucasfilm preserved the old way the EU was handled, it still would have involved jettisoning the existing EU. There was no real way around it once Lucas decided to greenlight more movies.
Reminder that the Crapolyte isn't canon.
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Luke was never going to marry.
>unironically defending the shit show
>unironically defending them aadding 40 years to a character
>unironically defending them ruining his line in PM now because he was actually alive to see a Jedi Master get murder by a totally not Sith assassin
I'll buy the dumb zipper helmet guy though
I don't even watch the show, does Ki-Adi-Mundi do something canon-breaking or something?
no, he just gets a cameo and doesn't actually do anything, the fact that he's alive that far back is easily the least objectionable thing the show's done and not really worth getting upset about
doesn't break anything if you don't consoom this slop
Honestly I'm starting to think that isn't an actual Sith at all but they want us to think it is but it's going to turn out it's one of the "dead" witches or some other dumb twist.
It's people looking for reasons to be mad at the show. The EU had him being maybe 100 years old at the time of TPM, so him being an adult Jedi Master 100 years before TPM would be a contradiction if the EU hadn't been thrown out 10 years ago.
>looking for reasons
The show is giving plenty of reasons to be mad at it. Big one being it's OFFENSIVELY BAD.
Yeah so complain about that instead of crying about Ki-Adi-Mundi's age
I’ve been semi enjoying it so far
His line in TPM about the Sith being extinct for a millennium is a lie now apparently.
>just give it a pass bro
it's not even offensively bad, just really mediocre and kind of aimless
Then you have something wrong with you.
I mean, he was already wrong anyway
>it's not even offensively bad,
Yes it is
The figure of Osha actually looks pretty good as a base for customs and I will buy a bunch when they go on clearance just to make random characters like Rebel soldiers. Gonna throw just about every head into the garbage though.

Seems like it's one of the mothers, specifically the black one as you can see the skin tone on "his" hands here in the brightened image.
What part of it is offensively bad as opposed to just mediocre? Please don't say "it's woke"
The acting, the designs, the dialogue, the show entirely.
Yeah, that's all mediocre. What are we even arguing here?
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Never forget. Never forgive.
Have any of you people bitching about the show even watched it? It’s not amazing, but it’s not offensively bad either. It’s just mediocre.
Fuck off Disney shill. Tell your masters that their agenda has failed.
The usual Youtubers have been screaming about woke and dei so these guys just assume the show is 30 minutes of preaching about diversity.
>it’s not offensively bad
I have, and yes it is. Stop jizzing on garbage and trying to upsell it. You are why this franchise sucks so hard now.
Mandalorian season 3 was even worse than Rise of Skywalker and didn’t get this much backlash, I really don’t get it.
Anon, it’s not that hard to figure out why they’re targeting this one specifically.
>not knowing and lying are the same thing
What is he lying about though? He's not even there when the supposed Sith shows up. All he did was show up to a meeting. As far as he knows it's just Mae killing Jedi, and even then he doesn't even know the context for that.
Yeah if anything he’s gonna assume Mae’s a witch and not a Sith. There’s no reason he’d assume she’s a sith. Qui-Gon said a dude in all black and red lightsaber attacked him and Ki-Adi-Mundi and Mace were both like “…you sure that’s a sith?”
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Do you ever get tired of pointing the same thing in every thread and never getting replies?
I thought the same until episode 3 and 4. The writing is beyond dumb. Characters change motivations on whim. It would be jarring if it wasn't so comically stupid. There is zero consistency in the show. The pandering of putting not Plo Koon and young Ki-Adi-Mundi was so silly. They are just trying to make their cannon look more impactful. They had more money than any of the Mandolorian seasons, and yet that couldn't even write a coherent show? I just don't get it. The whole series comes off as a CW show. Don't even get me started on the horrible CGI. Yikes.
What's the point of the story group then?
>The pandering of putting not Plo Koon and young Ki-Adi-Mundi was so silly.
I know! Next thing you know they'll do someting really stupid like have Yoda hang out with Chewbacca.
That wasn't stupid though.
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Don’t forget the original plan was to have young Han Solo too!
Just finished the most recent one, it is bad. The production budget alone puts it above being complete dogshit, but holy fuck, the writing is middle school fanfic tier. Like I seriously don't believe it was given a second glance after the first draft. The only character that seems to give off genuine emotion is Sol, which is hilarious considering he fucking learned english just for the show.
To keep things consistent within the current canon, not to keep them consistent with the EU. Granted they don't really do that much anymore, but the idea was never to make current canon consistent with the EU. Not sure why people still think this is what they were supposed to do.
It's sad his career will be ruined because of this dogshit show
I'm still confused about what happened with Mae, she's all-in on her plan and then disappears and suddenly she's decided to turn herself in. I thought for sure it was going to be Osha impersonating her or something because I can't think of any other reason why her motivation would suddenly change for no reason.
She realized that she's just walking into a deathtrap cause she's incapable of fulfilling the deed, so turning herself in and ratting out the sith is a safe way out. But the horrendous writing, lousy acting, and bizarre pacing didn't allow that to pan out in a proper manner.
And also they’re job is to just bring it up to the filmmakers. The filmmakers can still tell them to fuck off. Pablo had alluded to in the past that JJ’s crew didn’t really care about the notes they got from the story group. That’s why Poe’s a drug dealer in the 9th movie even I think the books established his parents were both Rebel pilots and he had been part of the resistance his whole life.
It's so weird that JJ went out of his way to not give Leia any Jedi training, which meant that novels/comics/etc all had to depict her as having turned down Luke's offer to train her so she could focus on politics, only to then decide that she did train as a Jedi after all on just quit on literally the last day so she had full Jedi knowledge that she could then teach Rey.

Which also fucks with the entire plot of TFA since Luke being the only one left who could train Jedi was the entire reason both the Resistance and First Order desperately needed to find him or kill him.
There was also a whole thing about Snoke being this dark sider from the unknown regions who had been quietly watching events since before the time of the prequels, which never got fully fleshed out but no longer matters because he's now some kind of failed Sheev clone that Sheev was puppeteering but also doesn't realize he's literally a puppet or something I don't know what the story is anymore
>That’s why Poe’s a drug dealer in the 9th movie even I think the books established his parents were both Rebel pilots and he had been part of the resistance his whole life.
what I still don't get is why the movie treated this like it was some major problem
Han had the same career path and everyone including Finn treats him like a war hero, but the ex-stormtrooper of all people finds out Poe used to be a smuggler and somehow this is a huge deal?
I watched the first three episodes. One and two were meh, kinda boring but something I could watch even if it made me roll my eyes a few times. Episode three however made me cringe harder than I had in years. It's the first time with one of these shows that I nearly turned it off halfway through and has made me drop the show altogether now. And so far this show doesn't even have a toyetic appeal to it. Yea sure there are lots of Jedi but even then they're only bringing out their lightsabers as flashlights or to swat a bug in this latest episode I guess. Nothing that has made me desire to pose them on my desk or recreate a scene with.

Even with Andor lacking lightsabers or Jedi, it made up for it by having all that Imperial representation along with Kino Loy and decent vehicles that made me want to buy toys. So far I have little reason outside of custom fodder to buy the TVC figures of Sol and Osha like >>11038355 posted. I've even lost any interest in buying the Wookie Jedi should they even make him. And at this point I'd rather Hasbro use that precious tooling budget on something better.
>JJ’s crew didn’t really care about the notes they got from the story group
actually pretty based
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>I don't know what the story is anymore
All set up for Rey Skywalker's nuJedi Order.
>Mando season 3 was worse than RoS
Lol, no, only acolyte gets such an honor. Mando season 3 sucked big balls, but wasn't particularly lore destroying, and it's flaw with the writing was that everything that had any weight to it got nullified or taken back. Ex; Din leaves grogunwith Luke, then goes back to pick him up in two episodes. Woman mandalorian wants dark saber, but NEEDS to win it in combat? Won't accept Mando just yielding it to her? Mando just needed to convince her that she earned it because shitty elder wand rules. Mandalorian coven earns some land to make a home? They immediately leave it to recover their planet. That BS over and over again. And at least mandalorian had some good faith built up from the first season, which was a reprieve of good star wars, in a dessert of pure garbage. Acolyte, on the other hand? Starts off shit, in a PLANET of shit, and somehow manages to get WORSE.
You "not getting it" is willful stupidity.
Satan is right.
>current canon

JJ’s like “I don’t need your suggestions, me and the guy who wrote Justice League 2017 have got this under control.”

Even the leader of fucking CHINA think's it's cheap shit.
Mando season 3 is much worse. Completely unwatchable horseshit. Jon Favreau has no idea how to structure a story when runs out of westerns and samurai movies to steal plots from.
What lore is being broken with the Acolyte though? So far it's a pretty self-contained story. Even the supposed Sith seems to be a fakeout.
>Leia is trying to find Luke
>have a map to where he is
>doesn't go
Wasn’t it only part of the map?
I think he means after they got the full thing, where they decided to just send Rey because she's the main character and not because it made any logical sense for Leia to send this character she literally just met to go find her brother
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>Completely unwatchable horseshit.
I mean Chewbacca went to.
I’m assuming the explanation is that she needs to stay to lead the resistence and it’s probably better she did considering they got attacked right after.
Lizzo’s not gonna fuck you for defending her episode lol
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I wouldn't expect such a Goddess to defile herself on me.
I would like Hasbro to make a proper Book of Boba Fett costume Boba Fett Black Series figure so that I can be finished this this line, thank you.
2 faithful Biden voters.
There was never any stage. The Modal Nodes just play in one of the stalls. Idk if it was even filmed on the same set as the rest of the scene.
Why did you bother in the first place? Anyone who wasted their time watching the show deserves it. Sometimes O wonder how many Star Wars fans are such mindless sheep and how many are like me (based) and simply pretend that Star Wars ended in 2005.
It wasn’t, Hasbro literally addressed this in the stream that they replicated the set. The cantina band was filmed after. But these people that complain don’t know anything about Star Wars nor did they actually watch the reveal.
Though I agree that favreau is a hack, as is everyone else at the helm, Mando s3 is at least staying in its lane (admittedly it's much easier to do when it's not a prequel, even though it's technically before ST, but that shit fucked up so badly, nobody cares about breaking THAT "cannon"), it's fucking up, yeah, but like, it's barfing INSIDE of the barf bag, rather than 360 rotating, spraying everything and everyone like a left 4 dead boomer. Me saying it's not as bad as acolyte is like saying 30 is a bigger number than 14, while a new hope is a 100.

Why is conehead present, but yoda isn't? Phantom menace clearly states that a sith hasn't been seen for a millennia, and this series takes place sooner than that. Already the show wrote itself into a huge wall when the trailers showed a red lightsaber. Hell, doesn't the trailer include a line of a Jedi confirming a sith?
Campfire in space.
Every absolutely stupid thing that is done by the Jedi.
Why are you even trying to defend this garbage?
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I'll take a Black Series Mcquarrie Stormtrooper, thanks.
>Why did you bother in the first place?
Because I wanted to see Leslie Headland put her money where her mouth is after talking shit about how George Lucas wasn't the epitome of everything we know to be Star Wars. And so far she's fallen flat on her face. But to her credit she said this was going to be Star Wars seen through a queer lens and she's certainly delivering on that.
The only canon that matters is the OT.
Mando season 3’s problems are much bigger than lore problems, you’re a fag if you care about that stuff anyway. Mandalorian just fails as a narrative completely. It has no plot, there’s several payoffs with so setup, plot threads are just unceremoniously dropped an episode later. It’s issues are just as a story, not as a Star Wars tv show. Teenage fanfiction writers have a better grasp on what a story is than John Favreau. There are several shows that are complete dog shit but have a coherent plot. They may fail in every other technical aspect, and they may be dumb or poorly written, but they have the bones of a story. Mandalorian season 3 isn’t even an idea. It’s just a 5 year old playing with toys.
Does anyone have the Ki-Adi-Mundi concept art figure? I don't collect this scale (and when I do impulse buy, it's random Imperial troopers), but I love the look of his concept art. I kind of want to pick it up, but I am not sure if I want to pay over 20 dollars for a CIB figure I ultimately want to open.
>Mando season 3 sucked big balls, but wasn't particularly lore destroying
Wrong. Acknowledging sequels = lore destroyed. So First Order council, Luke's temple from TLJ, praetorian guards = auto disqualified from true canon
I know, I mentioned some of these in an earlier post.

Unfortunately, going with the shitty lore is still going with the lore, so technically, it's not lore breaking, though I agree that it was all pointless and could've been removed without negatively effecting the story.
He's such a whiney, obnoxious fucking faggot.
There's people here who drop $200 on Hot Toys and Lego and you're worrying about a $20 figure???
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Yes, since I don't collect the line and I'd feel like a big lame o for ripping apart a carded figure most TVC fans would melt down over. I mainly collect 6 inch Star Wars figures. Even casually looking into what people pay for TVC on the second hand market boggles my mind. I guess I am just cheap or frugal.
They should hurry up and do Shin.
The death of the mid-range SW action figure lines has been a disaster for humankind.
>hurry up and do Shin
Sadly, it's not their decision to make because Disney has full control of what merch gets produced by whom.
Fuck off Retrospammer
This, exactly
$20 is $3 above TVC retail price. Nobody still give a shit if you open him either.
>It’s just a 5 year old playing with toys.
BOBF felt the same.
Avoid the Droideka. Avoid at all costs.
Avoid it I say!
Why? It seems to be one of the better things they’ve put out in a while.
Wokelyte is 1000000 times worse
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giv TVC Shin
Look! It's Marcellus Wallace!
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New one looks better in robot mode, has better articulation. Gummy plastic.

24 old mega action looks better in, and actually has, wheel mode. Plastic is starting to deteriorate though.
Avoid it, or else it will put a spell on you.
Checked, however, I got it and it's probably one of the best overall Black Series releases I own; though, that being said, I pretty much only limited myself to the Bandai Model Kits and a Mafex here and there, the only Black Series figs I have are the Republic Commando team, the ones from KOTOR, TFU/Mando Flametrooper, and the JFO Purge Trooper.
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>Why do you need so many Mandalorians?
I have a problem and the only cure is more Mandalorians
Well it was written by the same guy so checks out.
So the new droideka was the same as the power of the force one? Nobody compare them?
gimmi more mandalore
I'm dumb, I kept wondering why it didn't look right. I didn't extend the damn neck. Still avoid the figure though, it will ruin your life.
Whats with ultra cocksuckers and mandalorians they are lame as fuck.
EU Mandos were cool. They became lame when they put fat cosplayers with their ugly armor in the show
>fat cosplayers
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>fat cosplayers
To be fair they did the same thing with Stormtroopers
I don't care what anyone says. This is what Star Wars needed at the time. This show single handed gave me faith after the horrible mess of the ST. The fact they used the 501st for Stormies and other troopers, proves they really cared about the fans. They didn't have enough armor sets, so they called in the fans to help out.
Do they ever do rereleases for haslabs? I want the cantina, but there's no way I can afford it by the cutoff date.
So far no, the entire thing is to get everyone to back it within that specific time.
Found a fatass cosplayer over here, guys!
I am actually 5'9" and 145 pounds (the most I have weight in my entire life), but okay. I am almost 40 years old too. Please post the same.
>I am almost 40
We really need to increase the age allowed to post here to like 25.
Got a shipping notice for the new Vader.
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Is there any hope of getting some Black Series or Vintage Collection Shadows of the Empire toys? I know we've been seeing more EU stuff recently so I want to be optimistic. Honestly, anything right now would be an improvement. The last time I looked at Big Bad Toystore and Hasbro Pulse the figures was still mostly Disney shit and that that makes me sad.
Doubtful. Even when they do EU it's very rarely significant new tooling, and I don't think there are any figures that could passably be remade into Dash or Xizor so I would say no.
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He's right you know.
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I think it's entirely possible for sure. Hasbro knows how popular he is. We have already gotten Jaina Solo and Starkiller.
Yeahhh, I’m actually 5’10” and 144 lbs suck on my balls please.
As the Star Wars IP becomes less valuable due to all the bad TV shows and movies Disney keeps coming out, Hasbro is going to keep being able to squeeze more and more favorable deals for the license out of Disney in order to keep it profitable for them. I hope at some point this will mean the doors on pre-buyout EU will be fully opened and we might even see a Haslab for an EU vehicle or two like the Outrider or the Virago (although the Micro Galaxy line seems to be the de-facto home of Star Wars vehicles now, so I'd half expect to see them there first).

In any case, I fully expect we're going to see even more stuff from the New Jedi Order era, the Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series, more Prequel Trilogy stuff, and maybe even Legacy if they really wanna do something far out there. I know a lot of people would love to have action figures of Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker. There's an entire other Star Wars universe out there that has a lot more good will and nostalgia behind it.
I think it's possible, OT/EU characters sell like water, they gonna tap that well at some point.
Isn't shadows canon because of the game and all.
Sex with Leia
It was. There was a whole mulitmedia event around it that was supposed to be the first true non movie canon thing. Books, comics, games, a soundtrack CD etc. Now its just as a canon as any other EU thing.
A couple years ago I would've said no but they started surprising me again with some of the recent items. I think their budget might've increased slightly because it feels like there's been more new sculpts. So maybe more EU stuff is on the table
It's not grandfathered into current canon if that's what you mean. The only non-movie thing that carried over was TCW. Individual characters, items, events, etc. from the EU carried over but it's on a case by case basis, so for example Thrawn exists in current canon but that doesn't mean the original Thrawn novels are themselves canon.
>Now its just as a canon as any other EU thing.
The Outrider is still canon since it appears in ANH. And Xizor has been mentioned in comics and may possibly make his full appearance in the upcoming Outlaws game. I imagine at some point someone will worm Dash Rendar into canon again but we all know how difficult it is for white male heroes to exist in Disney Wars now. Maybe they could throw him into the next Jedi game or something as a new partner for Cal Kestis.
The music was great. I love that final theme at the skyhook battle.
Budget increase is partially because Hasbro is paying Disney less for the license, since Disney's characters don't sell for shit.
>Hasbro is paying Disney less for the license
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I hope you are right, but I am still doubtful. I think PT will get a lot more stuff (since we have so many anniversaries coming up), but EU things we will be a struggle. Dash Rendar, Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors would be no braineres.
Yeah I'd like a source too. But if it is real, it's about time. I always wondered why they didn't renegotiate license fees. Pretty sure since the acquisition, Hasbro has been getting raped by Disney's fees. They must've been much more reasonable before Disney considering how much stuff we used to get vs what little we get now. Hasbro has decent leverage too imo for being the sole Star Wars action figure manufacturer since Kenner and shouldn't have to bend to Lucasfilm's bullshit. I'd be pissed as fuck if Lucasfilm's inability to make a decent movie or show was causing losses to my toy sales
>They must've been much more reasonable before Disney considering how much stuff we used to get vs what little we get now
They absolutely were. And part of that is because merchandise was how Lucas made his fortune so he kinda understood it needed to be reasonable for both parties involved if he wanted to keep making money. Disney being the giant corporation it is, doesn't really care as much since they have so many different streams of revenue. They just want $Xmillion per year no matter what because they know if Hasbro doesn't pay it then someone else will.
>Black Series EU figures
Remember Black Series Carnor Jax? Hasbro can't do anything right.
I barely know the character but I remember they fucked up the colors/box? Still, it's a precedent that they can do EU figures.
I always figured they were stuck with whatever terms of the contract they had and either couldn't renegotiate until the contract was up or only had the option of doing so under extreme circumstances. It might be a case where the Disney deal is clearly not going well for Hasbro but it hasn't hit the point where they can sue to change the terms. Might also be that Hasbro doesn't want to do that at all out of fear of burning that bridge.
The cantina is struuuuuggling, holy shit. Maybe putting it right in the middle of SDCC wasn't smart?
Basically they got the wrong character. The figure itself represents Kir Kanos, the protagonist of Crimson Empire, but he's labeled as Carnor Jax who is actually the main villain. The bio there is even accurate to Jax. It's not as egregious a mistake as releasing a Vader figure labeled Luke Skywalker since Kanos and Jax are at least both wearing royal guard armor but it just shows the laziness of the Star Wars team that nobody at any level caught this.
Might also be Hasbro was once again fooled into thinking a vocal minority represents the entire collector base.
It'll probably fund, but at this rate even Greedo is off the table.
It's pretty funny that they legit thought putting the Tonnikas in there would bring the sales and genuinely didn't count on the demand for them not being anywhere near as big as it seemed.
OoF Oof OoF #BackDaBaaaarrrrr

I could print that thing on my 3D printer in a couple days.
The TVC figures have been the recent draw for the Ghost and this but even the average hardcore fan is gonna go eh to this one.
I'm sure it'll pass the first tier to get made but nothing beyond that....
They don't want to lose face that their crowdfunding tactic isn't working anymore
>Even the Holdo maneuver thing felt more like an explanation of why they can't just keep doing that than any kind of actual jab at it.
They literally just brushed off the idea like it was a stupid to even consider it without any sort of explanation as to why. Holdo risked everyone's lives on a stunt that would be described as "one in a million" making it a reckless, incompetent, and just plain retarded plan that just happened to work.
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Hasbro made some really rough figures in Black series over the years didn't they?
And now they'll never be able to make them if it fails. Lovely.
still baffles me how hasbro went all in on 6' when before 2018 the majority of figures looked like shit
even if they're starting to gimp figures now at least the faces generally look decent
The middle of a campaign is always slow. At ~5600 now it'll clearly fund by the last days of the campaign. If it was under 50% there, you'd have cause to worry.
Nah, it won't fund at all. All hype is gone.
What's more baffling is how it took a full year for Black Series to adopt the Marvel Legends face printing. Does nobody communicate at Hasbro?
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The most baffling thing to me is how it took them 40 years to figure out ball joints. Like wtf is this shit? Their other lines have had ball joints for years, transformers for example, but they didn't become standard for Star Wars until around 2019 give or take a couple years
Man, red line Black series was such a awful time. Endless disney movie crap from, their trilogy all through their spin offs.

I will never call them the 'the sequels' again. Because they aren't. it's the disney trilogy, not the sequel trilogy to GL's.
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I started collecting around 2016 and never picked up a figure unless it was a trooper. The faces were that bad. It's strange too, since Greedo, Bossk, Ackbar, ect looked great for the time.
Yeah they didn't start doing faceprint until 2018 and it made a huge difference. Every unmasked human character before that looks horrible.
So I see Disney eliminating white males wasn't enough you had to go out of your way to assist them, why are you like this?
That knee isn't a balljoint
I was talking about the hips. Lando and other older TVC figures have that weird swivel hinge joint. I don't understand why they created such a complicated and janky articulation system rather than just a simple ball joint. I think Bo-Katan was the first TVC figure to get ball hips and for TBS it might've been the Solo figures not sure
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Yeah, the hip articulation on some of the Vintage Collection figures is terrible. Even ROTJ Luke Skywalker takes like 3 steps to make him vehicle-ready instead of one. It's really baffling to me because the GI Joe 25th anniversary line and onward was great and none of them ever had these problems. Even the less articulated sculpts like the ones in the Retaliation line still had ball joints that you could easily swivel in every direction.
found a used BS ESB Vader in box for $20 at my local toy store. What makes him so special again?
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Lore accurate with Poe and Leia's death
Ships can go through shields
Nice troll
Did you forget that was getting through shields problem in ANH, ROTJ and TFA??
It was literally a plot point in TFA that shields can't keep out anything traveling at light speed
This. The media illiteracy is killing me.
Because your god will never be real.

Want some real salt> The sole beneficiary on my Fidelity investment account is a BLM charity. Better hope I live a real long time or they get a lot of free money, bitch.

FUCK your advice.
Why does Hasbro always give their Black Series Vaders a cape the length of two football fields? It’s ridiculous. Adding onto that the cloth skirt it makes them hard to pose.
Better range in the neck and head, it has butterfly joints which the ANH version doesn't, and has better range in the elbows.
The weirdest deflect I've ever seen since YTer Techlead tried to move the convo from his scams to put focus on his 3 year old son.
It'll show as funded.
They have to save-face to show that Crowdfunding is still a thing to their investors....
(The whales holding the HAS stocks)
Barfags have been reaaaaaal quiet recently... What happened to, "$500 is a reasonable price for a half finished diorama because it includes 6 figures!!!" Haven't seen much bootlicking recently like we saw at the beginning of the campaign.
On Instagram there's 3 TVC jerkoff accounts who are all about the bar. They have fancy diagrams showing their expectations and are confident it'll clear.

Anyone who says otherwise or challenges them gets an earfull of deflection, denial, and facetiousness from these sheeple.
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Speaking of diagrams here's a chart tracking its progress and comparing it to past Star Wars Haslabs
I wanted the Rancor to fund so badly.
where’s Reva’s lightsaber?
Probably didn't have room for it, wouldn't be much to show either since it was a complete flop whereas the rancor at least came really close to funding so it had an actual upward trajectory that could be used for comparison.
These numbers are actually really interesting to see, I love data like this. I wonder if they will decide to extend the deadline if it barely funds in order to encourage people to at least get Greedo unlocked. It's frankly bullshit that it needs that many backers to get a few extra figures.
If they weren't willing to extend the Rancor's deadline even though it came within a hair's breadth of making it, I doubt they'll do it for the cantina. The price of the extra tiers is already baked into it anyway, so financially it's probably better for Hasbro anyway for it to just hit goal without unlocking any tiers.
I love how the timing of the destruction of the Razorcrest on the Mando show happened right after the Haslab ended. So much for being a legacy vehicle and just another product to throw to the masses.
Hot take maybe, but I think part of the problem is decision paralysis; people who are 100% committed to buying a cantina but haven't yet decided which version to back, so they haven't pledged to either. I think if this had been just the deluxe $500 option, we'd probably see more backers than there are currently, and in the long run having two options is nonsense anyway because when this thing starts showing up on ebay for even more miserable prices, who's gonna choose the non-deluxe ones at that point?
Why does it matter that the Razor Crest blew up? If you didn’t want it because it’s a cool ship design and rather just because it’s mando’s ship then you’re buying it for the wrong reasons. Anti Disney people focused on this heavily and I just don’t get why it matters. It was still his ship for the entirety of season 1 and most of 2, aka the good seasons.
Yeah this is an especially weird complaint in a franchise where people regularly spend years demanding characters and ships that only appeared on-screen for two seconds and had zero plot relevance.
I've also seen a lot of comments from people saying they don't want to back until the stretch goals are met. Which is really stupid thinking because the goals will never unlock the longer people wait to back it.
Yeah that's another problem for sure, but it happens every haslab, while needing to choose between two options doesn't. The concept of offering a more affordable option was a good idea, but $400 isn't a meaningfully big enough difference from $500 for a 'toy' like this, they're still pricing out 'normal' people here. If it'd been like, just the bar itself and a few tables+chairs without any of the walls/alcoves at ~$200 they could've actually widened the target audience of this thing, but as-is the $400 option is basically just a trap, because there's pretty much no future in which it makes sense to pick it unless you're in the incredibly niche scenario of being able to afford $400 on a purely recreational purchase but not $500, which is a position that largely mostly doesn't exist.

Very related note, for all of y'all reading this who might be in the category of "definitely committed to backing a cantina but indecisive on which version", I can't imagine a world in which the contents of the deluxe addon don't go for more than $100 later, so it's 'free' money if you can afford it, even if you're the hypothetical target audience of 2/3rds of a cantina and definitely won't display the parts included with the deluxe. Same deal if you're one of the theoretical people who's only buying this for the figures and plans to sell the whole diorama, the deluxe set is almost definitely gonna be easier and better to resell than the basic.
>just the bar itself and a few tables+chairs without any of the walls/alcoves at ~$200 they could've actually widened the target audience of this thing
Careful, someone in here had a meltdown the last time that I said Hasbro could have easily made a shitload of money by making this into a playset like Jabba's throne room instead of a ridiculously overpriced Haslab.
Fuck the gay new stuff finnish RotS atleast. Hasbro you idiots.
Honestly I agree with them on making it a haslab, the other diorama sets went to hard clearance so if you want to actually make money this is the way you'd have to do it. I just think if the intent of the $400 option was to cast a wider net, they failed completely, but could've succeeded with a ~$200 option that traded most of the bulk of the diorama for the one section that's most interesting and easiest to display in a limited space, the center bar. In an ideal scenario where hasbro dioramas sold better and weren't roughly guaranteed to go to 50% off or lower before selling out, I would've wanted them to do the entrance+bar+wuher as a ~$150 set, then make an assortment of 6 alcove sets where each set gave you one alcove+one figure for ~$40, adding up to ~$390 for the whole thing and giving you 7 total figures instead of 6. In a perfectly ideal scenario I would also like it to cost even less, but that's not really the times we live in.
>Honestly I agree with them on making it a haslab, the other diorama sets went to hard clearance so if you want to actually make money this is the way you'd have to do it.
I've seen people say the playsets actually don't cost a lot to make and they continue to make them even though they go on clearance because the profit margins are still quite high. Makes sense to me. Most of the playsets, though they are large, don't have that many parts so that means not as many molds. They also don't have many if any paint apps so that's another saving. Same goes for vehicles. I would not be surprised if figures actually cost more to make than vehicles and play sets. Even Kenner back in the day said the money was in the vehicles and the figures were a loss leader for them
So it's doomed
You hold an unpopular opinion because most people here buy Luke's X-wing because it is Luke's X-wing or Tie Fighters because the good guys need something to fight against.

Are you going to mock me for having a Jawa Sandcrawler because you think it's a shitty brown block on wheels? It's tied to the story so that's why I like it.

For the Razorcrest, it spoiled the fun of having further adventures with a potential legacy ship. Fans would throw a shit fit if the Millenium Falcon blew up in any form. Why did it have to be Mando's ship? So they could sell more merch..
The unmasked Kylo from TFA was even worse than that lol. Idk I don’t collect black series anymore I just want two super battle droids because those actually look good
>For the Razorcrest, it spoiled the fun of having further adventures with a potential legacy ship
There is literally nothing stopping you from doing this
Were there kids in 1983 who didn't want their Boba Fett anymore because he got eaten by the Sarlacc?
We're talking about ships here, numbnuts
>heavy mando dies
>throw his figure in the trash because it spoiled the fun of having further adventures with a potential legacy character
I don't see a difference. If you no longer want a ship because it got destroyed, why wouldn't you apply that same logic to a character? It's not like the ship or character being gone in-universe are preventing you from enjoying them.
>luke's snowspeeder gets stepped on
>throw the toy in the trash because it spoiled the fun of having further adventures with a potential legacy ship
It's tracking in a similar way to the Giant Man campaign did but comparing the same day to days, the Cantina is doing a little better. It will probably fund to at least the base level given the shorter campaign time. Maybe hit Greedo provided a bunch of people don't start cancelling. Hasbro really needs to do some pipeline announcements of Cantina patrons, even if they're just repacks of TLC figures. And announce a new Hammerhead since they're doing this whole Return to Tatooine thing. Then consider extending the campaign to the full 45ish days that they usually do.
I feel like the tier unlocks are all mistakes. Greedo's a character that would sell on his own, and while Nabrun Leids and the Defel are definitely a lot more niche than Greedo I don't think they stand out enough to be real attention-grabbers. I think a new Hem Dazon would've been a better choice since he's literally the first thing we see in the cantina. A Chalmun would've been good too.
What happens if it doesn't fund? No more TVC Haslabs? Or they take a break for a couple years? Yakface said they developed another Haslab simultaneously alongside the cantina in case they needed to "pivot", whatever that means. I think they are able to and want to have a new TVC Haslab available every year. I hope they don't take a break. I'm always waiting to see what the next Haslab is and hoping this time it will be something I actually want.
A TVC haslab every year seems completely unsustainable from my perspective, I don't think the consumerbase is capable of supporting a $500+ crowdfund item every single year, even if that item was undeniably worth the $500+ price and perfectly executed every single time. While I'd love to get that rate of big items into the line, I can't really imagine enough people being willing and able - biggest emphasis on 'able' here - to fund them that often. The takeaway from the cantina, if it does what I currently expect it to and hits somewhere around 9k-12k, will probably be that the gap between the ghost and the cantina was too small, and they need a bigger break between haslabs in order to cast a wide enough net on the 'hardcore' collector base that's the target audience for these things.
I’m so bored over all this cantina talk. Why does everyone care so much about some uninspired beige diorama? It’s all any of you have been talking about for weeks and it’s not even a toy.
>next wave of figures haven't shipped yet
>new preorders/pipelines haven't been announced
we basically just have the cantina or the acolyte to yell about as far as current/new topics go, would you rather the thread be even more complaining about how bad that show is?
Honestly I think the number of things they can do for this is dwindling. As it is I think TBS is already tapped out if the Rancor couldn't fund, and there aren't really enough items left that would get people excited enough to drop $250+. For TVC there are only so many more big name ships or notable playsets they could do, maybe a Death Star playset but beyond that I can't think of anything that would be attractive enough to wide enough audience to get people to drop several hundred dollars.
I guess you're right. I look forward to what they do every year just because I like following this stuff without necessarily buying everything but for the people actually purchasing these things, I'm sure $500 every year is not sustainable. Another thing that really hurts is how you have to pay for the next Haslab before you even have the one form last year in hand. With those factors, Hasbro could probably design a killer Haslab with great value and still fail to have it fund just due to timing

Wondering when the next live stream is. I hope there's something before SDCC
I don't think there's anything they can do for TBS. I was thinking a diorama like Death Star walls or something but seeing how this cantina is going, I'm sure a TBS diorama Haslab would be disastrous as well. Tbh I don't think they should waste time on another TBS Haslab unless they want to redo the rancor. From what I have observed, overall TBS collectors are cheap as fuck and too casual. I don't think they truly care about getting a Haslab. Their budget covers most of the figures they want. Makes more sense to crowd fund TVC items as their budget is smaller and collectors are not getting hardly any of the things they want.

As for potential candidates for future TVC campaigns, I think Death Star is the next one that makes most sense but seeing the execution of the cantina and the community response, I'm not sure dioramas are the move. I think playsets for key OT locations like various Death Star rooms, Echo Base, Yavin base, etc. should exist but they need to figure out how to do them in a way that satisfies the community.

They should just start redoing vehicles I think. Everyone including myself has been clamoring for an LAAT. No way brick and mortar retailers are going to carry that in current year so Haslab is the most viable route. I think they're not considering it because they've already made the LAAT and older collectors have it but fuck that, make an all new one. Juggernaut, MTT, ARC-170, there are several PT vehicles that people want but Hasbro doesn't want to or can't reissue. So just Haslab them. I would be disappointed if they never to a PT Haslab and only do OT and new media
Tonight ep is gonna be good. The mysterious sith is gonna kill a bunch of jedi
>inb4 it’s another flashback episode
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Got some ISB Cals in today and thankfully (for my purposes, anyway) they use the same holster piece from the officer 4-pack, so the imperial officer blasters fit fine and there's no empty hole on the belt where the unlit saber is supposed to be. It's a very very slightly different color white on the uniform compared to the 4-pack ISB, but I can only really notice it under very bright light, which makes the 4-pack guy look super slightly bluish and Cal look super slightly yellow. Still quite happy with this, although I really wish Cal had come with the hat, no idea how I'm gonna find spare hats for all these guys.
Is the acolyte ep 05 up now or until tomorrow?
It's up
I seriously cannot believe that people watch this shit. Do you have no shame or do you have no taste?
but how can I be angry on the internet unless I watch the show?
He sucked anyway
Mine just shipped from Amazon so I get him tomorrow. Kinda weird that they aren't the same white as the 4-pack version. How does it match up with Krennic?
Oh and totally agree with you on the hat. I wish Cal had come with it too. My hope is we get one of the black uniformed officers soon so it will be easy to get some hats from them. Have you looked at some of the third party sites? I know a couple of them had hats at one point.
That's how I feel about all of Star Wars since 1983.
I'm honestly morbidly curious to know where the story is going. It's a weird situation where I don't feel invested in the story or the characters but somehow I still want to see how this is going to end. Every time I've predicted some cliche the show does something that's somehow more baffling, like how we've still got almost halfway to go and yet most of the cast is already dead.
>Do you have no shame or do you have no taste?

It's both.

Search for "acolyte torrent" through yandex.ru
You're welcome.
yes we know how to use the internet thank you
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Anytime shillbro. Rock on.
So out of everyone who got an action figure how many are already dead?
Other than Sol and the two sisters I think everyone
Don't forget they also used the fucking crustiest jpg they could find for the box art
Agreed. Post your own Cantina Dios.
- or places of your choice,
Preference taken to home crafted / modded scenes with star wars figures.
Modular playsets.
offering price breaks on eventual retail as well as some kind of unique feature. - walls, room(s)
I don't have time to immediately do a good comparison photo, but both Krennic and Thrawn have a cream tint to their 'white' uniforms, not to a horrible degree but more of a difference than there is between the 4-pack ISB and Cal. As for the hats, I tried looking around online a bit when I preorded my Cals, but didn't see anyone selling the black imperial officer caps anywhere. If you saw someone who is, or someone who was and might be again, I'd really love to know.
>septum piercing
so close
i can't wait to buy black series smilo ren from the acolyte and have him beat all of my other sith figures because his helmet and armor turns lightsabers off and he never gave anyone else this tech
Even though the show is garbage, it would be a cool feature if they somehow made it so that their saber replicas would turn off when making contact with this helmet
Just got it in and yea, they definitely are a tinge different but luckily it's not too noticeable. Wonder why they are able to keep the standard officer green consistent but not these. Oh well.

Regarding the hat - Syndicate Customs has a hat you can order if you just look for their Krennic head. There's an option to only get the hat but it is $4 and they're based in Australia so shipping is a bit high. it's probably worth buying several things to just make it worth it. And of course you will have to paint/dye it but since it's black with a dot of silver it isn't a huge task.
Why is black series stuff always so color saturated? NED-B for example. Makes it look like a cheap plastic toy (you know what I mean) when darker colors would make it look more realistic and screen accurate. This helmet looked nearly black in the show so that's how the toy should've looked. Same problem with Han's Endor trench coat. They referenced the actual costume and made it brown but it looks more gray on screen so now the figure doesn't really match what you see in the movie

I wish there was a US based store that had more or less everything ever made by the customs community the way Syndicate does. That shipping is killer. I've been eyeballing some stuff for a while but always hesitate. Maybe I'll bite the bullet eventually
You guys probably never watched "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" but I'm thinking they're going to pull a "it was all in a character's head" moment/trope.
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There was a virtual presentation done about the HasLab going over some details and dimensions. They pipelined Hammerhead at the end.
It would be so incredibly funny if they made a new ANH Han but Greedo doesn't get funded.
There is no PIZAZZ to this playset.
Why is the promotion for this so bad? Why would you do a private presentation and only share it with fan site owners that most people won't even be aware of? Anyway I think Hammerhead should've been one of the tiers desu instead of either four arms or wolf guy. On his own he'll probably have to be a deluxe and no one wants that

Didn't they suggest Greedo would get a mainline release later? Not sure if that's contingent on unlocking the tier though
Mr Stevie said all of the tiers may see mainline release later but only if they get unlocked.
>what kids are calling tubular these days?
>well there is this Chainsaw Guy cartoon...
Qimir is a good bad guy. But he and Sol and really the only interesting parts of the show sadly.
Agree but he's another character whose existence doesn't make sense just like Kylo
>Somehow Han and Leia were bad parents
>Somehow the Sith weren't extinct
Honestly I'm not convinced he's an actual Sith. Even he plays it off as "well you might call me a Sith" which seemed less like an admission and more of a criticism of the Jedi having a really narrow point of view. He seems like he has a personal reason for hating the Jedi as opposed to just being their natural enemy.
i think the "Peace is a lie" reference might tip towards Sith. And the fact he needs to kill all the jedi for seeing him.

Would be kinda pissed if he's a knight of Ren style "other" dark side user and the Sith kill him at the end for almost exposing them.
>Would be kinda pissed if he's a knight of Ren style "other" dark side user
Other than having Sol die before he can tell the Jedi about him, that's probably the only way to make it work. Arguably Osha and Mae can still live without necessarily telling the Jedi, but Sol's the only one that would basically be obligated to snitch.

Plus I figure if they went out of their way to make a separate Not Nightsisters coven of witches it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them to make some kind of Not Sith cult.
>the Sith kill him at the end for almost exposing them
this would probably happen anyway even if he is a genuine sith, maybe his master shows up and kills him or maybe he's been watching and lets qimir die and finds another apprentice
The show loves its plot twists so I fully expect there to be more to Qimir. Also Sol's clearly got more to hide than we thought.

I just hope the reveals are actually good because this show has a really bad track record so far with how it's handling its mysteries.
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What does the latest chart say?
We're down to 12 days and need 1,970 more meat bags with money to make this pass.

I made my own Cantina in 3.75 and 6in thanks to the wonderful people who created the STL files. For $400 you can buy your own printer and create so many wonderful things.
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Here's where it's at now
So fast!
Thanks Steve!
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Thought the very same thing.
Zero originality 100 percent American made slop, tap water no fries.
There was an Anon asking about the Rebel and Stormtrooper 2-pack in the last thread. There are images of it out now. The Rebel trooper is indeed just a repack of the last one with the same head and all.
It'd be nice if they could do alternate heads for army builders like Marvel Legends does
>oh shit is this moron just gonna hand me the death star plans?
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>Would be kinda pissed if he's a knight of Ren style "other" dark side user
He's absolutely connected to the Knights of Ren and may even be the original Ren. They even played some of Kylo's theme when he was on screen and his whole design is very similar to the Ren in the comics.
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Honestly I wish the show was just about them.
Alright here's your SDCC Black Series exclusive
>They really hate you.
You guys were right all along, I'm sorry.
What's wrong with this? I think it's pretty cool. Think there's supposed to be a third standalone Maul release in galaxy packaging too as supposedly his saber can be seen on the side of the droideka box
>$60 for the umpteenth rerelease of Maul with a shitty scooter
It's shit on its own terms but if you compare it with the Transformers, Joe, and Marvel Legends exclusives it's even more laughable.
The Maul is all new, same as the one in the 3 pack with Jinn and Kenobi. I guess $60 is a bit high though considering the speeder is tiny and doesn't do anything. How much were the scout trooper and speeder bike sets? $40 or $50? Then again, convention sets are always overpriced
The cantina is at 6066. I see it getting funded, but that's all.
Yeah definitely not hitting 11k for Greedo. I could see 2-3k last minute surge like what happened with the Ghost. It'll only just get backed. I hope the base is funded at the very least just so they keep supporting TVC
The Mando Scout Trooper/Bike set was $50 when it came out. If you take inflation and con exclusive tax, the price isn't as bad as some are making it out to be.
Is there a chance they’ll lower the backer goals?
new thread

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