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Previously: >>11033074

-Marvel Legends Odin Announced (all major retailers pre-order June 27th)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom aanounced (Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack Announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave Announced (Fan Channel Exclusive Pre-Order 8/20 1pm EST)

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) teased

-Marvel Legends Man-Thing (Werewolf By Night Edition)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Iron Patriot/Taskmaster/Dr. Doom 3 pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive )

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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The toybiz staff makes a nice finishing touch to classic zemo.
I feel like there was a little something for everyone in yesterday's stream. Would have liked a classic hellstorm instead of the EoV tier bonus, but I guess it will come eventually. Destiny was probably the one I was happiest about.
Love all this new shit
Hate all this new shit
Has Legends ever done a Mastermind?
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Kinda. He's Jason Wyngarde from the Hellfire Club on that five pack they put out. You can take the arms and duster from Old Man Logan 2 pack and put them on Variant Loki body for the classic Brotherhood look.
He was in the SDCC Hellfire Club set a few years ago.
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Hasbro seriously needs to retire the sunfire mold it looks like dogshit. Or at least update with comic Shang chi shoulders. But preferably retire it.
Not sure why its bad. Because of big abs? Looks rather regal.
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Capcom Marvel games are back. Time for some Marvel Legends figure recolors and new ones like Marrow and Marvel's Mono Eyed Creature, Blue Venom, Gamma Green Hulk and Deluxe Onslaught.
Its just yet another repack. Nobody will care.
The most blatant issue is how tiny the shoulders are and how low the arms hang. The big abs are weird, but I think the chest could be broader as well. Then there are the overly bulbous thighs and trap muscles. It all combines to make a very odd looking form, like a ripped monkey instead of a human being.
This, they aren't going to make new figures for a half assed port of these games lol.
Blue Venom and the mvc Sentinel design are all I want.
well its done that way for a reason. It's more of a toy than other bodies. They obviously wanted the double arm wielding here.
Nobody cares about that shit
Disney doesn't want promo on old dead end games that don't net anything anymore.
>it's bad on purpose
The Japanese figures look bad on purpose also.
I don't fucking care about Japanese figures
if legends did make mvc marvel characters, they will look NOTHING like the source material. Not to mention the posing would be AWFUL.
A figure can wield double handed and still look good while doing it. It’s just hasblo laziness/unwillingness to go beyond.
Cool dudes care about this shit, loser.

Gonna take you for a riiiiide
Disney just literally told Nintendo to release all the games on their Direct video today to put on the switch, the most bought current console.
Obviously Capcom just wanted to milk it again after seeing the ebay prices of the discs go up again
Well then how do you expect them to do double-wields without looking awkward then you fucking autistic armchair toy developer.

Shower us with your retarded knowledge
Plenty of figures can "double-wield" without looking like dogshit, retard, and designing figures isn't my job.
Figures that large and bulky? I don't know that I know of any figures that are Hulk-sized that could do that. They'd need some really good butterfly shoulder, but those rarely work on figures that bulky. Any examples you can think of?
Clever title, OP
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I'm not an inbox fag but I appreciate how clean these boxes are. Also fuck the mind broken sperg that couldn't grasp that bafs could be done in this style box.
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Can anyone please tell me what the Strange Tales connection is with this wave, or is just a tenuous hasbro fudge?
I mean there's no Human Torch, no Doctor Strange characters, no Agents of Shield, no Golem, no Adam Warlock, no Cloak and Dagger.
But instead we get a load of demonic/black magic characters from every title other than Strange Tales. Like I just don't get it.
Like I think Brother voodoo is the only one that actually appeared in Strange Tales??
Yeah, the new boxes look really nice imo. I toss all mine, but I can still appreciate when a box is designed well.
>Nobody will care

Oh you casual fags, those games were deleted from the game stores and have been almost impossible to get in a legit way, physical copies reached ridiculous prices, this repack is a big deal.

Now repaint movie venom and give him new feet.
Honestly they should have just called it the "Blackheart build-a-figure wave" and dropped the whole Strange Tales thing. It makes zero sense.
You greatly over estimate the desire for these. Most people who probably would play these can already emulate them. I already have them all, so it's not something I'd get, I don't need to run these games natively.
What are you even talking about? Read a comic.
What are you talking about?
I think they all appeared in roughly the same sort of time frame of 5 years in the 70s when marvel had multiple horror style comics running, I read some of them and it's hit and miss. Daimon Hellstrom's single run was quite the ride. In one issue it goes from being an exorcist ripoff to time travelling back to Atlantis. This power of Daimon's is not mentioned or used again. I liked that run since Daimon was a dick to everybody.
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Anyone know whose hand this is? Thanks.
longshot or spiral, they only have 4 fingers.
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I’m surprised this sold out. The rogue I understand, but there are already a lot of really nice jacketed cyclops figures.
He's a gay icon
Cyclops is an evergreen character. Also 1/6th collectors need it to complete a team, just like you do for 1/12th figures.
Yeah but the Mondo figures have been amazing.
They seem to know how to do cel shading as opposed to Hasbro's cel shaded figures.
No one here actually collects these.
>240 traitor bucks
>for a Cyclops figure
thank fucking god Hasbro Legends exist.
You can probably find a link for all of them through Midnight Sons.
I'll take the dracula
Glad it's a wave I don't care much about just to save money. Might get Moon Knight for my WCA. Wish that Phoenix had been Rachel like I was hoping
Hasbro need use old molds, small local company, please understandu
I want to go back.
I'm no 1/6fag but this is the rare time where a Mondo figure looks like ass. They made the jacket+torso look like a fat man when Cyclops is supposed to be slender-jacked. Head is so tiny too.
>Most people who probably would play these can already emulate them.
You are way out of touch, people don't want emulation, everyone wants the updates with rollback netcode.
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>those games were deleted from the game stores and have been almost impossible to get in a legit way
What are you guys talking about? What did Disney do to the Nintendo Switch???
So not Strange Tales then. lol
This company make no sense some times.
Next they'll make a "Journey into Mystery" wave full of X-men characters.
>Valkyrie Dani
>snu snu Maddie
>Build a Juggernaut from Fear Itself
There's some X-options there

They wouldn't use JIM for such a wave, they'd call it Asgardian Wars after the crossover:

>>Valkryie Mirage
>>Art Adams Loki
>>Aurora in her pixie haircut/yellow outfit
>>Brown suit Wolverine
>>Colossus with his sleaveless red shirt and red opera gloves
>>Storm in her Faux Thor costume with hammer

BAF is civilian Maddie Pryor.
This is better than any Legend we've gotten, for one. Plus I think we forget just how MINISCULE of whiny little den of faggots we are and that the average buyer loved their Rogue.
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Any yuropoors who use zavvi, they currently have a 4 for 20 deal on selected peg warmers. At 5 bucks a piece I figured it was a good chance to army build these guys.
I mean for literally ten times the cost, I would hope so, but these things have worse QC than Legends. I don't get why you're shilling them.
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Everyone is happy.
You do know you can contact Mondo and they're sending out replacement heads, right? Oh no, you'd rather keep trolling.
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Really, unacceptable regardless of they're replacing it or not. This doesn't cost $20. It's costs over $200. And it's not like this is the first time they've had issues.
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It is. At $200+ I expect Hot Toys level of quality. Not Marvel Legends level. The Juggernaut wave Rogue looked just like the cross eyed Mondo lol.
Even Hot Toys have issues dumbass. And Hot Toys won't replace anything. So Mondo gets the win.
Imagine spending $240 on such poorly-made figures.
Yeah, Hot Toys aren't worth it
Nothing as egregious as fish eyed Rogue.
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Anybody got the Mezco Silver Centurion? The original Mezco Iron Man is one of my all time favourite figures, does it feel and look as good?
Emulation is more than good enough for old games that nobody wants to online play.
It's a toy, you retard, not a video game screenshot.
This isn't a physical copy made for a historic console though. Owning it carries no collector creedance. The price of those don't transfer to anything else.
>It's a toy
Why is this always the excuse? Why would you not want the figure to look better if it could?
Especially with the track records of today's developers being unable to even simply port games to current generation hardware. Like I said, i already have all these on my hard drive already.
He wants to support his favorite companies financially and socially by being a Marvel Legends brand ambassador.
Like >>11037034 said, have any examples of figures hat large that can double wield? Butterfly shoulders on chests that big and wide typically don't work too well.
Toys have different tolerances than display figures. If they made it more fragile like a gundam model, they could increase the articulation.
You're such a sad child
I don't think that's even out yet?
You take this brand loyalty bullshit more seriously than anyone here anon.
Nothing you said makes any sense. Why do people here literally not understand the toy making process or production at all?
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>those games were deleted from the game stores and have been almost impossible to get in a legit way
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That's nice
>I don't get why you're shilling them.
There are a handful of very vocal anti Marvel Legends posters here in this thread. They'll shill anything solely based on the fact it's not a Hasbro product, whether or not the toy in question is actually good. It's probably the same guy that was shilling Selects a while ago.
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Thanks. I really like this silver centurion. I didn't think I would and was considering getting >>11037828, but more than happy with this.
>paying 200+ dollars to be fine with a company sending you a replacement instead of making quality product from day 1

People like you are what’s wrong with the action figure industry these days.
>He bought the WCA box set twice
But why?
You think that's bad, wait till you see his dbz shelves
>get in a legit way
Yeah, I don't understand buying dupes unless it's an army builder or for customs. And I even buy different figures of the same character in the same costume. I just don't understand the point of getting two of the same exact Silver Centurion figures.
At least he's posting toys. Unlike you.
I got the WCA box free and a 2nd IM for 10 bucks because I opened up the first to replace the peg for the mafex neck swap.
Is the Mafex Iron Man even worth? I can't get over how cheap the yellow looks. And I feel like they might do a repaint with gold one day (or should I just repaint it myself?).
Wasn’t it supposed to come out in February? I had no idea it was delayed.
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You could easily just repaint it if you get one. Or buy the Mezco, which has plenty of gold/candy metallic red and a light up chest.
>4 for £20 bong bucks
That’s a pretty good deal, thanks anon.
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I'm stocking on the Moonstone body mold for future customs, etc.
Hey, it’s me your meth head neighbour. I’ve been camping out at your porch, thanks for the MLs.
That's not even to good version of that body though. Single elbow joint, and no neck hinge. Plus that base has that awful dark green color. The Walgreens Moonstone that has the updated arms/neck and pinless limbs would be better plus it's white and easier to get paint over.
>Walgreens Moonstone
That has a uniboob
It depends on the aesthetic you want for your ironman. I specifically like the yellow model 4 and white model 8 so I'm biased. Here's an example of the mafex repainted. Not my thing, but I know some anons here like it.
The best kind of boob
Thanks for the blog post
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Also, you fucked up, she was $8 a week ago on Walmart
$8 was on Amazon too. Walmart was just price matching those days.
Pinless double joint elbow is more pain in the ass to prep for painting. I don't mind the dark green base color because I'm mostly going to paint over them anyway
>Or buy the mezco
I HOPE you get screwed over by a company who refuses to fix a legitimate issue. So you can learn the lesson that you can't always trust companies to fix stuff that you paid 200+ dollars for.
What if they sent you a new one and the eyes are just as bad or worse?
It's the Marvel General, not Marvel Legends General. Why does a handful of posts not shilling Hasblow product bother you so much? Unless you're a company shill yourself?
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Wish I could get in on that but I'm in America. I have one but wanted more for my Venom to beat the shit out of.
You're the only one concerned with company wars bruh. Just let us enjoy our toys already, goddamn.
>shill shill shill shill bro!
Maybe you should learn a new word instead of shitting up the thread with your horse shit lame ass posts?
>MvC collection includes The Punisher
Punisher and Nick Fury 2-pack when?
Deluxe Bonebreaker when?
Mass Production Pretty Boy when?
There is no reason the box needs to be that tall. Retailers will hate that.
They really should've taken this refresh time to make the boxes as small as they can be. Everyone struggles with space after collecting for a long time. Weird.
It's no taller than a current ML boxes though.
My point still stands.
go chew on your gummy Marvel Legends
>those photoshopped hips
>that photoshopped everything really
How the fuck do people still give money to this company is beyond me
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I legit had a dream yesterday Jun from Jada toys announced they were making mvc2 figures and they showed off Dr.Doom and he looked broad and had these comic book proportions with adequate articulation. Then I woke up and remembered the only mainstream marvel figures we get are legends and majority of them don’t look like superheroes, but rather people cosplaying as them. I hate this timeline.
Jada is garbage though
I like how much paint they have on their figures.
Too bad it's all misaligned
Buy the Mezco if you want the best Doom
Lol, lmao
Mezco doom can’t even cross his arms like the promo pic(s). Heck that picture is on the back of the figure box. Blatant false advertising.

Ball waist and hip gives much more range, plus their body sculpts look way better. Just silhouette fei long then silhouette sunfire mold the difference is night and day.
>plus their body sculpts look way better.
Oh boy, you're really coming up with some insane bullshit now.
I don't know who you are, but you sound like you have a sad life. I can't imagine being so angry and lonely all the time, I'd have killed myself if I had to deal with your failure.
>baselessly defending legends and their outdated articulation and terrible sculpts.

Is this the power of the hascock?
A man can dream, and the fact we're getting mvc2 after all these years, I have a feeling an MvC line coming soon and done right.
Imagine being this delusional
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>Mezco doom can’t even cross his arms like the promo pic(s). Heck that picture is on the back of the figure box. Blatant false advertising.
Sounds like you're a poorfag poselet
That's not... we've been over this.
Stay mad poorfag lmao
He looks like he's fixing his glove. That's not arm crossing, you need a Revoltech or something for that.
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That’s not even close you stupid faggot. You don’t see the irony of calling me a poselet do you?
>not even close
Looks fine on mine. Guess I got lucky with QC.
>what spider dares to crawl on the arm of DOOM?
Does he really talk like this?
>local anons can't detect sarcasm
They photoshopped the arms because Doom doesn't have butterfly joints. This shit is crazy.
>The guys on /toy/ are so stupid, once we went on a trip and I told them that I was gay and they believed!They fucked me in the ass during the whole trip! Lol, they are so dumb!
Your parents loved you once, why are you like this.
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Mezco photoshops literally all of their promo pics. It's embarrassing, and I can't believe people continue to support them
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>furious poorfag poselet
Lmao even
How do people still not understand the basics of the industry and how retail works after collecting for so many years?

All packaging is made larger than it has to be to account for the shelf space it'll take up. If they're paying a premium for good shelf placement at retail, they don't want super tiny packages to allow a ton of other space for competitors to have product. Package size is a balancing act between what's necessary for the item inside, shipping/storage, perceived value, and shelf space it'll take up to pad out the planogram with the companion lines + nudge out competitor's products.
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Sure Diosoth, it's not like Hasbro's hype team is losing the figures exactly like the game sprites in the podcast or anything.
Unless they plan to do a Capcom Sentinel I have zero interest in a MvC wave
>Only I should decide what is posted here.

Go shit up some Funko thread.
just squeeze it a little more bro, you almost there
It's okay anon, he thought you were me.
Thought you were who?
Did they not include the raised 4 logo on the final product? And what's with that blue? What happened???
>getting upset you didn't get your gotcha moment
Thanks for the blog post, I accept your concession :)
You feeling ok?
>Jin namedropping the boogeyman who lives rent-free in his head while still obsessing over a failure of a game company

You gonna buy their next woke game on top of woke Hasbro toys?
>but piracy is evil & woke & harms the industry! A study paid for by the industry said so!

Disney only has to exist to get people riled up.
Why is the Marvel thread the most schizo thread on the whole board?
People get really protective and defensive about things they are passionate about.
People are passionate about shitposting and trying to ID one another on an anonymous image board? Damn. Porn has absolutely ruined an entire generation hasn't it?
>more Jin shit

It's always the same deal. He comes here, cries about the multitude of internet people who hurt his feelings a long time ago, weeps about wokeness, bitches about things he doesn't like, someone tells him off, he retorts with "oh look, this person is attacking me again for NO REASON!! It's all one person who obsesses over me! I am loved otherwise, I'm just helpful, I don't know why I anger people!" The janitor is either him or his friend who allows his chimp behavior to ruin this board because MAGAmergate have been out to destroy everything they touch.

You will never work for Hasbro, Jin, stop telling people you do. No one cares about your avatar either, not even Crapcom.
Shut up Diosorh, you're half the problem.
Oh shit is this a new e-celeb your going to lore dump on us in an attempt to make it seem like they don't make you seeth.
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I don't know if they just played with angles or photoshoped the arms, still dishonest af. Also their ps skills are awful, look at picrel shoulders kek
lurk moar newfag
Aw, I was hoping you'd call me kanji, or jin, or what ever flavor of the season is for you kiddo.
No seriously you should lurk moar before posting. Not knowing who Diosorh is just shows how much of a newfag you are.
Kiddo, you come up with new names every day. Am I supposed to just throw out Gia swarm, boxxie, reddit spacing, 9gag, something awful, or some other dumb shit to test you?

Just drop your bs and talk like you have a point and not just baseless insults.
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>tease skeletons
>don't have skeletons
If you don't know who Diosoth is you have to lurk moar. Simple as.
If you can't explain to someone what the problem with them is beyond "lurk" that thay not a problem. You are, if you lurked more you would understand why I picked those as an example to counter your e-shitting.
I think this was a comic Goblin Queen tease. Same skull she had from the Engine of Vengeance pics. They provides they can put the Hellstrom into a regular wave, so I'm sure Goblin Queen from that Haslab is going to end up in a future wave or box set to be revealed at SDCC
I'm not going to hand hold you anon, I'm not your mother. We have an archive that has a search function. Start there.
No, I won't learn whatever your new spasm is. If you cant articulate that, then it's not worth it, go back to Gia kiddo.
Brother Voodoo
No. Where was this skull on Brother Voodoo?
His fucking face
Obviously you're not getting this many skulls so it must not be that type of teaser.
They were told at the last minute that they couldn't go on with the skeleton army builder pack because it's too spooky
Most of figures shown are human and do have skeletons underneath their flesh. You have to be pretty stupid or a nigger not to get that.
Don't be a fucking idiot. Every single teaser they've ever shown has been a part specifically included with a figure. This is obviously a skull accessory that will be included with a figure.
Just not all teases are revealed in the very next steam. Like the fire base teased months ago that just got revealed with the Jean this past stream.
The toy versions don't.
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Legends sure have come a long way lol.
I do like the wash on the white on the left.
Paint app on the left is better for the most part.
Pre-ordered moonman, Dracula and burning man Jackman
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That's the beauty of a generic SHIELD body. You can use it for a multitude of characters. I'll use the old body for Nick Jr. I also have the army builder 2 pack but I'm too lazy to dig them out right now. They all do look nice together.

The set itself is pretty great. All three figures are good, newer molds, Sharon being a nice use of the Black Widow buck. The head sculpts/face paint may be some of the best the ML team has done. Sharon once again, being a standout, but Dum Dum also deserves a mention as looking great. The accessory count is fantastic. Nick and Dum Dum get the same exact set of stuff, so you get like four hand guns, 2 ARs, sets of effects for each figure and then a set of handguns for Sharon and Nick's signature pistol for him. It's also nice to see a return to realistic guns for these guys. The handguns and rifles are realistically designed with realistic looking optics, high end suppressors for the handguns, extended magazines, and other attachments. As a gun guy, this makes me really happy. Overall a great set, I definitely recommend it if you're on the fence, if not for the accessories alone.
That fig is unironically one of my faves.
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They’re going at a snail’s pace but yeah I guess
Definitely. But also shows the scale creep which this Vulcan body is making even crazier.
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>Blue Venom
Already been sold as "Gamerverse" Venom in other lines, he should be possible.

>nobody wants to online play.
You must suck if you're afraid of playing against real people.
That statue looks awesome. I'd buy an import figure that looked like that if it had bitching range. Would the movie/Knull Venom body work for him? Maybe the new movie Venom having tentacles is a stepping stone to getting MvC2 Venom. The new movie Venom even has clawed toes instead of the creepy ones from the original, which mvc2 Venom had. I'd even be happy if he was a deluxe if he came with some cool shit.
Shit no he didn't have clawed toes. Why the hell did I remember him having them? Fuck getting older.
A long way from high paint and detail to happy meal
>Maybe the new movie Venom
Its a decent base,just needs new toes, heads and paint, 2pack Creed could work too.
It's just a wash on the white gear.
Left looks like a comic book character and right looks like an out of shape middle aged cosplayer
> right looks like an out of shape middle aged cosplayer
Give me a break lol. And how ripped are you sir? Some of you will literally say whatever to justify shitting on current Hasbro offerings.
I think they made him too human. In my mind BH is very lanky, with forearms and thighs a little too long. Despite being basically the same figure movie Venom did it way better.
I'm not a representation of a comic book character, reddit-ass retard.
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Your mind is wrong.
The Blackheart textured body might be good for an Eddie Anti-Venom.
Are you sure? You seem like a cartoon character
This nigga buff as fuck
You're not wrong in that like his father he changed his size and appearance all the time in the comics. Usually a few heads larger but not ultra roided.
This baf seems like a middleground between comics and MvC.
Could work, I'll wait for reviews.
Even in your pice his waist is very thin and his forearms/shins very skinny. He always have a large chest/shoulders but even when he is bulky af there is some inhuman proportions at work
There's blue paint on the buckles, the buttons, the gloves. Also the body is less of a soft sculpt
Seems like a lot of mvc interest here that counters that one poster's old meme
>people praising Bucky Cap mold
You guys are contrarians just for the sake of it.
>Also the body is less of a soft sculpt
because bucky cap is a naked skinless freak while the other one has clothes on
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Man, I want blue venom since the 90s. But which venom mold would be the best for it? The retro Omega buck or Movie venom.
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Who ya gonna call?
>The retro Omega buck
That thing is garbage you retarded newfag
Based RGB Chad.

I think movie mold would be better. Butterflies would be nice but I think I'd prefer the logo not be squeezed to make room for them.
I know WTF. People are literally going to say whatever silly shit just to claim the current Legends and current Hasbro = bad
They’re not bad they’re mediocre. With the introduction of Jada, they showed what is possible in that scale and price range. Hasblo is doing the bare minimum and it’s getting stale. They can do so much more but they choose to cheap out. Also their body sculptor(s) are ass.
You guys need to get off the 'Why can't Hasbro do what Jada is doing' train. One is a publicly traded company with thousands more employees, many times more overhead costs, and shareholders to please. Not to mention the much much more expensive Disney Marvel license. They will ALWAYS have to cut every corner possible while still delivering a product that is merely acceptable. That's just the name of the game. Hate business, not Hasbro.

What publicly traded company is making action figures and packing and much love and care into them as Jada? I'll wait.
Looks just like the figure
So what you are saying is we should boycott Hasbro so they lose the license and a smaller company has a chance at getting it.
"You don't understand guys, Hasbro HAS to deliver shit products! There's simply NO OTHER WAAAAAAY!"

Were corpo bootlickers always this pathetic, or are they getting worse? Sound off in the comments below!
I like the cut of your jib, friendo.
You guys like finding reasons to hate Hasbro more than you like actual toys.
Well it helps that when I try to pose my toys I find the problems that make me hate Hasbro right when posing the toys.
This. Until Hasbro is no longer playing the stock market game, nothing will change. You guys just love to hate
>neca display anon is a pissbaby hasbro bootloicker
>arm and leg muscles
>visible abs
>out of shape
Why does there always have to be some contrarian dumb ass? Let me guess, Toy Biz Legends are all 100% better too, right?
>barrel chest gut
You really need to shut the fuck up.
Lmao, you guys like trying to ID and shit post about one another than you like actual toys.
Cool. Here's Blackheart's first appearance.
My Let there be Carnage shipped from Amazon if anyone got him from there. Movie had issues but as a Carnage figure in of itself I think what I've seen of it looks pretty cool. Thinking on other Venom's I really want I'd say MvC2 blue, Anti-Venom when it was Eddie, and a blocky PS1 Spider-Man game Venom for shits and giggles.
an update would surely be appreciated
Why? You’ll still have the same points of articulation.
The Diamond Select looks better and can be fudged like most symbiotes.
It has trash articulation.

A textured body would go a long way. The old one doesn't look right.
Is he wearing a thong?
You can literally see the right one's abs. I swear you guys will say the dumbest, most factually incorrect bullshit just tomfind a reason to get mad at Hasbro. Imagine actually trying to push the Bucky Cap mold as better in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty four.
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Man that new Fury looks great.
One step forward to steps back
Ehh I never had an issue with bucky cap. The massive heads on newer figs bother me more. Just look at the fury, his head is gigantic compared to his body
nta but as someone who owns the select anti, i would also appreciate a ML update. sculpt is great but the articulation leaves much to be desired.
what's a good option for Jubilee's yellow trench coat? I got the #275 outfit figure but I'd like to throw a coat on her to make her more evergreen. Gambit/brown trenchcoats are a dime a dozen, but it's tough to find ones that with Jubilee.
Check out GPSLot on eBay. He has a bunch of soft goods for figures. I'm sure he has a coat for Jubes.
why do they make every head so fucking big?
It is?
They don't. You're trying to find something to bitch about.
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It's pretty close to the size of the old one. It's just the angel of the pic. It doesn't look as big in >>11039304.
Your pic basically proves him right that the new head is too big
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The new body is also slightly larger too. Personally, I think it looks fine in person.
More jawggin' than noggin'
The new head is pretty JAWSOME looking imo
Gimme the left one with normal Venom feet and you can have my money, Hasbro.
Ah it may be the good ol' scale creep MLs have experienced over the years. I really hate them doing that, especially when it leads to them not mixing well with other lines like imports that are true 1/12th
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I need a new Cap figure. They feel so far and inbetween.
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>You can take the arms and duster from Old Man Logan 2 pack and put them on Variant Loki body for the classic Brotherhood look.

I'm intrigued at this recipe, any more pics to share of it?
>They obviously wanted the double arm wielding here.

They should've went with one of his based incarnations then.
This is starting to make my display look off. Characters on the sunfire mould now look smaller than those on vulcan and most should be around the same. Has me anxious with how mafex cap will fir in.

This. I realized that this is also what make blackheart look off. It the oversized head.
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Very dirty, but the head is too big according to conventional comic standards. For someone of Nick's stature 8 head height is good. The ML is 7, maybe 7 and a half.
This is autistic. The head looks fine. Stop going out of your way to find things to bitch about.
the figure looking completely off due to the head size isn't going out of my way. It's a very obvious thing. taking 5 minutes to do a shitty photoshop to show an example isn't going out of my way either. again, it's okay to criticize things you like. I like the figure overall.
Is the 80th no good for you?
>the figure looking completely off due to the head size
I don't think it looks off, but if you do whatever man.

>taking 5 minutes to do a shitty photoshop to show an example isn't going out of my way either.
It absolutely is. I don't understand why you guys feel the need to go out of your way to find stuff to complain about. Must be exhausting.
I am a huge Marvel Legends fan and own 100's of the damn things, but let's please not pretend that they don't have a problem with head sizes.
I mean i'm looking at scarlet witch next to retro rogue on my shelf now, and rogue has a humongous noggin. I feel like they had the proportions pretty good in the bucky cap days, the daredevil for example looks good, but a lot of the new ones now are oversized, even when taking into account the bigger vulcan bodies.
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You're right. Blackheart also has this problem. Resize on the left.
Damn. I can't unsee it now. Thanks a bunch for ruining the first new figure I've wanted in ages! Fucking hasbro.
The mental hulah hoops some of you jump through just to justify your hatred of Hasbro is quite palpable. I wish I gave a shit about literally anything as you guys do about slight nitpicks with Marvel Legends.
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Notice the how a simple arm raise can make a figure look more appealing.
>b-but articulation!
You can still achieve a decent amount. Comic Shang chi has his arms raised and he can still achieve a y-pose. It’s just the legends team not knowing where arms are placed on a body.
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Not sure why you are getting upset about legitimate flaws being pointed out. I don't hate hasbro, l appreciate them for bringing characters to our shelves, but like >>11040225 and otheres point out, there proportions and anatomy could certainly be improved upon.
What makes you think I'm upset? I actually enjoy toys unlike half the posters in this thread.
It's not a nit pick though. It's something that makes the figure objectively worse, and is done for no apparent reason. They can literally just make the heads smaller but they don't.
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I always though it was supposed to be 6-7 heads tall. At least that's what most conventional art books will tell you.
>using an angled head
Are you retarded?
For regular people, yes. But for super heroes and other exaggerated characters 8 is usually the sweet spot. You could argue Fury as either a normal guy, or a super hero proportioned dude. Also, comic art is inconsistent, as I've mentioned numerous times, so trying to cherry pick certain images to help support your argument is stupid. In fact this whole argument is fucking stupid.
you shouldn't measure from the point of the chin to the top of his head while its tilted, it's like measuring a square in the diamond configuration.
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Reminder that Warbird has sculpted boots. They could have made these sculpted, but they're not because they know you'll buy it anyway. They spit in your face and you just take it.
Like I said earlier, Fury can be interpreted as either a normal dude or a heroic one. The Infinity Formula just makes him live for a really long time, it doesn't augment his strength or physique. Regardless, this argument is autistic as fuck.

This is even more of a nitpick than the head thing. Good God you guys will gripe about fucking anything.
Please stop shitting up the thread with personal attacks, we're trying to discuss toys.

Thank you.
We get it, you're a little bootlicking faggot, stop taking these critiques as personal attacks. Post the display and move along.
There wasn't a personal attack.
>Post your display cuck is the anti ML cuck
Do you even like toys?
I own more than you
>Spends his days endlessly complaining about Marvel Legends
>Buys them anyway
>you can only buy ML
Starting to make sense
How many Marvel Selects or Mondos do you own anon, let's see them! You want to discuss toys after all. Or are imports more your cuppa tea?
>cuppa tea
This is so gay lmao
Please stop shitting up the thread with personal attacks, we're trying to discuss toys.

Thank you.
Stop being gay
Look anon, we were all just discussing toys before you decided to come in here and try to name drop your boogie man. Just because we disagree on toys doesn't mean you need to personally attack people. Especially after you tried accusing me of personally attacking people.

So, are you going to post your massive toy collection or not?
Holy shit can the two of you fuck off?
I was just discussing toys. Not my fault the resident sperg decided to have another melty.
Neither of you can just stop, can you? You're like children. "He started it!"
hyuk hyuk hyuk
I said it before and I'll say it again, you guys like trying to ID and shitposts about one another more than you like actual toys.
>Reminder that Warbird has sculpted boots
What's the point? Any figure in the line that only has painted glove or boot tops could have sculpted boots. It's not like it's just Jean here who doesn't have that. As with every figure, the answer is always to cut down on tooling costs.

If you were implying they could have re-used the Warbird legs, they shouldn't have. Those are the really thick Moonstone sized legs that would look weird on Jean.
This and the shoulders throwing the whole silhouette off are my biggest issues with legends as a line. I understand that there have been some pretty dramatically different art styles for the characters over the years, but personally I'll always fall back on the traditional looks of these characters in my mind's eye, which is idealised proportions, not looking like a real dude wearing pajamas. I'm still rocking the Bucky cap daredevil on my shelf even though it's a wobbly mess because it's the only daredevil that actually looks like daredevil to me. They do seem to be slowly making their way back towards traditional heroically shaped characters the last couple years, so I have hope for future releases, but I don't think anyone who isn't shaped like a potato irl loves the sunfire buck. The new Helstrom looks like ass because of his frumpy shoulders and giant forehead.
I agree. The whole “different artist interpretation” thing is stupid. Most of us can agree that characters looks best when they fill their costume. Also which artist draws these characters with their arms so low? It’s not only a physique problem these figures have but an anatomy problem as well.
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Why do they do this? Another figure that comes to mind is quicksilver.

This can't be a new complaint. Do the legends team know they are making heads too big?
Oh great, another thing you can add to the list with waste cuts, low shoulders, and uniboob. What next, are you guys going to bitch about the hand and feet being oversized too?
>head is too big
That's has been a problem for some time now, first I noticed with the new Wolverines, their fucking heads are huge.
If the list keeps growing, maybe legends shouldn’t be as praised as it should?
Or maybe you guys are nitpicking and just going out of your way to come up with reasons to get mad at Hasbro.
The drawings look exactly this way though.
Nitpicks or valid criticisms? Just take a look at >>11040225 and tell me that the raised shoulders don’t look better, or that the broader chest and portioned head at >>11040166 looks bad.
The edits don't look bad, but I don't think the original figures do either. The thing you guys don't seem to get is your subjective opinion isn't fact. Just because you think something is a big deal, doesn't mean everyone else does. This general is the most whiny I've seen on the whole internet about these figures. But whatever, you guys just need to be contrarians for the sake of it I guess.
I'm really loving the lottery system with female legends. It's a toss up between having an ab crunch with a horrendous face, or having a pretty face with no ab crunch, or my personal fav, no ab crunch and an ugly face.
>The edits don't look bad, but I don't think the original figures do either.
Be honest, which one would you prefer. The edits, or the one you're getting. Stop sitting on the fence and be honest with yourself.
It's this damn new sculptor. So many of his head sculpts are hit or miss. I really really miss Mayshelf doing the sculpts for most the heads. He was so much more consistent and sculpted things in a way that just worked better with the level of paint detail Hasbro puts on these. These new heads often are sculpted in too realistic of a manner that makes many heads look like old ladies/old men, too-pronounced wrinkles, weird eyes or flat faces.
Real life proportions on comic characters look extremely retarded but everything just had to be mcu compatible.

>The new Helstrom looks like ass because of his frumpy shoulders and giant forehead.

To be fair it's how he appears in the equally retarded new comics.
So a completely different 'character', Daimon Hellstrom in name only.
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If this isn't a SDCC box set this year then Hasbro is dropping the ball.
Come on. You really think they're gonna spend all that money on new tooling for X-men in casual clothes?
Don't have to really, they can fudge most of it with re-use and even just steal the jersey/shorts molds from Starting Lineup since they're not making any more of those anyway.
Ramos comes to mind
You can't truly be this delusional?

What are you talking about, retard?
> they can fudge most of it with re-use and even just steal the jersey/shorts molds from Starting Lineup
Not at all. There are no Legends figures that are wearing normal clothes like that that would work for any of the ladies, and no males in tanks that would work. And re-using stuff from a completely separate licensed line is highly unlikely. Each line is often made in completely different factories and many contracts prohibit that kind of cross-line/license part sharing.
Let me rephrase my question, any GOOD artists?
That looks horrendous.
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>Also which artist draws these characters with their arms so low?
Humberto Ramos
and that looks like shit
>These are the proportions the complainers in this thread want
Humberto Ramos is considered one of the best Spider-Man artists of the past 2 decades, if not ever.
Nobody said the proportions were good. A question was simply asked and answered.
Is this a joke? Ramos isn’t even in the top 5 best Spider-Man artist. Or in any serious top 5s for that matter.
How many legends have drawn Spider-Man? Of course he's not in the top 5 but search "best Spider-Man artists" and his name comes up in some capacity.
And just so it's clear, I don't like his art.
Humberto Ramos' art is awful. His figures are way too deformed and the way he draws faces is especially bad. It's comics and stylization is the name of the game but he takes it to an unpleasant extreme.
I've never been a big Ramos fan either but I preferred his work in the early 2000s to his more modern stuff. Like his pre Civil War era Spidey isn't the worst, specifically when he gave Norman a new more modern Goblin costume, but then stuff like his Wolverine Civil War tie in and Spider Island are just outright bad.
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The most expensive superhero customs I ever made were MvC characters.
It's because the retards don't apply any critical thinking. They look at a comic book panel and want toymakers to produce the EXACT same figure. Zero regard for proportions or body shape.
McFarlane does that without being asked
What the fuck? Guess Ross is done for deals.
And they aren't just one mislabeled
Marvel Legends are in high demand. Ross realized they were losing money by giving these things away.
>the ML haters are Ross bargin bin divers
Why am I not surprised?
I went there to buy Legends, how am I a hater? Stop trolling, it's bannable.
That's good value! Those are $45 if you go to toys r us in canada.
Keep outing yourself, ESL.
And they don't sell until they've been clearanced down to $30 and then go buy two get one 50% off. I have noticed that standard Amazon price on some waves is like $41 though, which is also crazy.
Yeah, but it's never on any of the desirable characters. If it were, I'd actually buy some from there.

As for Amazon, I don't know what the fuck they're doing. It must be a part of their shitty algorithm.
literally every wolverine hasbro has made.
I don't know.
But don't forget to let us know at least twice in every thread that you're pondering that question very hard.
Sales will increase.
I genuinely don’t know if you’re trolling or at a level of stupidity I can’t comprehend. Either way, you’re a faggot.
what the fuck??
Amazon just updated my Cabal set's release date to August 20th. We'll see if it moves up some more before it releases. My recent She Hulk moved up the release date like twice before shipping it a month and half sooner than they said they originally would.
Nice. I should start using amazon more. I'm still waiting on zabu wave from a local store like a mug.
I got my Zabu and Iron Man waves a few weeks ago. BBTS got Superior Iron Man in pretty early but I ended up going with Pulse for Cable since BBTS was taking too long. Amazon had the entire Retro Iron Man wave up like 2 months early so I got them there. With most Hasbro product, it seems to come out earlier than expected across multiple retailers. Only instance of hard release dates I've seen is with store exclusives like Target or Walmart.
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I think I'm just gonna get rid of mine, he pointed out so much shit
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Who excited to see the black man is finally getting his proper purple glowtstick after 10 years?
New Thread:

they checked a random figure on ebay

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