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Hope Edition

>The World of Bionicle...
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle...
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/%2Fbiog%2F - Bionicle General/

Previous thread:
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According to Tandbricks Brickclicker is about to reveal some of the biggest 2025 leaks that will make LAN explode.

What could it be? Its not just a modular, but more stuff, new theme(s).

Brickclicker also used the vault for the teaser...the vault usually means a classic theme comeback...could it be true? The legend returns? Bionicle...G3???
T&D did predict/know more Transformers earlier than anyone but people took that rumor into ridiculous proportions. This could be much the same.
i want hero factory to comeback instead
imagine how funny that would be
The shitstorm..
Well, if they actually go with the original concept this time... nah, of course not.
A Hero Factory reboot would more likely be an actual constraction theme and not just some line of bland brick built cash grab tribute sets.
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First time on this board, this seems the right thread to ask

my nephew (7) has taken a lot of interest in my old bionicle toys, especially the ones that turn into balls. Is there a modern, cheap equivalent of bionicles, lego or not, that I can buy for him?
pretty much any set that was sold in a plastic canister still goes for very cheap secondhand. the ones you posted are the bohrok and you can get each one for under 15 USD. you'll have to pay more for one that comes with the can but you may want to consider it since it's a unique part of the Bionicle experience. just make sure it comes with the rubber band and krana (little rubber mask) at least.
yeah, I found a bohrok like mine for 9 euro secondhand, without can though.

Also I'm sad, my two ball guys lost their masks, I remember treasuring them. Not my nephew's fault though, they were lost loooong before
those are pretty cheap too, you could see if you can find a lot with some in it. your nephew might get a kick out of being able to swap out different masks
fat roodaka
What you mean, Duckbricks is so knee deep he knows if it's a thing. Now what he might say about it publicly is an another thing, at least designers are not allowed to even comment on even fake leaks less they are proven to be fake beyond doubt.
why are you responding to an obvious troll dumbass
This is absolute fag shit by the way. "Teasing" a leak which is already a teaser in itself is retarded. These types of leakers are fueled completely by clout and they get off on having access to information nobody else does. If that weren't the case then they'd just drop the leaks without the stupid games. Compare that to leaks posted on here where it's usually just one image and the poster fucks off. I can't even imagine what compels someone to decide to be what basically amounts to an unpaid shill.

And people saying it's Bionicle is pure copium anyway.
>every Bionicle leak before came anonymously and from no names who dropped pics and disappeared
We'd only be so lucky if that happened again. The leaker personas in any fandom, but especially Lego, are ridiculous
why for the most part, have the prices of bionicle sets not gone through the roof like most other lego sets. With a few exceptions, most standard bionicle canister sets are being resold at almost what they would currently be sold at retail. Is it just the sheer number of copies sold or is there just not that much of a market for them? Or is it that everyone who wants them most likely still has their original collection?
>Is it just the sheer number of copies sold
Mostly this. They were relatively cheap and easy to find, and they made great gifts since parents didn't have to worry about who the characters are, just get your kid their favorite color. Hence why the majority of the large non canister sets usually go for several times the original price.
You got it backwards my friend. I wish more toys from my childhood didn't cost so fucking much on ebay. Occasionally something breaks or wears out, and to buy a replacement costs just way too much.
everything is 25+ years old, and even the best plastics break down over time.
Genuinely would prefer this over Bionicle's corpse getting reanimated again. Hero factory basically died for nothing since G2 got canned instantly.
truer words have never been said
Instead they have other ones because materials degrade with time eventually. Unless of course you would rather play with wooden toys.
And Bionicle died for nothing since the Star Wars line that murdered it warmed the shelves of many stores alongside othher sequelshit merch.
Star wars constraction figures are still on shelves here today. Nobody fucking wants them.
I wouldn't get my hopes up. Lego's retired CCBS, nearly fully phased out ball-joints, and has relegated technic to cars again.

IF we get a Bionicle G3, I fully expect it to be system, and with those accursed fixed-knee pieces that their modern mech sets use.
Lego Competing with itself killed CCBS forever,
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Seems like you're a bit out of the loop, they've been trying to bring back constraction (characters, creatures and mechs) the last few years. Though it's integrated into system themes, they still release a few specialized pieces meant to be used in buildable characters every year (we got a few new shoulder pads, some armor pieces, blades, those new finger pieces and those human faces picrel also has).
>nearly fully phased out ball-joints
They didn't though.
Huh. that's neat. Glad to have been proven wrong.
Yea but the thing is Lego marks complexity and posability of sets hand in hand with the price tag today (unless it's 4+ rip-off garbage)

and the cheapest of those buildable figs are still around 30$.
One thing also is that system is just fundamentally so much denser system that the builds are way more heavy than your average toa, leading to shitty balance to pose which is why they need to introduce new type of joints for any of it to work/or be expensive/have locked knees.

In all likelihood whatever comes next, if ever it'll be cheap (around 15$ or over) and have no knees.
Man, the only SW CCBS toy I want is Grievous cause he looks cool as fuck, why the hell did they choose human / humanoid characters in the first place?
Does he like it for the transformation specifically? Beast box stuff has a very similar feel.
Grievous is in fact cool as fuck, a great fit for the system. I'd say the best set they released in the line
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The character choices were so baffling. They literally could have done Troopers and Droids in 500 color variants and made way more money, especially with each human head requiring new molds.
>Lego could have made bank by releasing SBDs and AT-RTs as CCBS sets.
>Instead they get canned after several waves of characters we all know and cherish like Finn,Rey, the blind guy for Rogue One,Rey with another outfit and an Ent looking Chewbacca
Truly we live on a cursed timeline

The Disney kikes were probably behind the character roster decision. Otherwise we could have gotten better choices even within the sequel stuff.
if you read between the lines of the lego star wars book, the designers lament the choice of these characters just as much
You and I both know G2 was doomed no matter what. It had no audience. LEGO marketed it toward ipad babies (watered down story) and were simultaneously banking on old autists buying. Majority of old fans will never accept a reboot (regardless of how good it is) cause it's not GeeWun, and the kids don't give a shit about Bionicle as a brand. Doomed from the start.
I will forever be mad we never got the MoUP as a send-off.
Yes yes I know 3D pieces exist, but still it irks me to no end.
God I wanted this shit so bad when I was a kid.
>Those ankles
God that's fucking stupid. Also, if we get system Bonk based off of these I hope they fix that retarded shoulder positioning
why is skybird so greasy and has borderline moldy glassess? I hope I never have an autistic kid
Could A Bionicle G3 technic reboot work?
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G3 would most likely be something like this
Not too bad, I like the details but the shaping could be improved a lot to make it less blocky. For example they could've made the waist thinner and the hips and the shoulders wider. And there could have been more variation in the shaping of the limbs too, like for example it would look better if the upper arms were thinner and the forearms bulkier. Also I guess it goes without saying that if they go with this direction (if Bionicle ever comes back) they should release a few specialized pieces with them like masks, armor pieces etc.
Im highly doubt binicle will return. i dont care who confirms it. anything more than 3 sets is probably also selling you a bridge. bionicle has no young fanbase.
They could...yknow...build one?
I hope not, G3 NEEDS to be cheap, they shouldn't be sold at a premium like they got heaps of licensing fees to pay.
Maybe Titan sets at most, because knowing lego, a set like that would easily go for 45.

I think this would be the best choice, technic with system, Bionicle should be all about functions and play. it's what made early G1 so good.
I would gladly sacrifice pose-ability for functions.
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I feel like the big buidable licensed figs were a bad idea. I see them still rotting on local store shelves because one, they look ugly, and two, they're super expensive for what you get. Why buy a Lego Wolverine fig that looks awkward when you could get a Marvel Legends fig for the same price? If Lego brings back Bionicle I feel like they would(should) utelize the newer Ninjago mech pieces and aim for something close to pic related. The GWP was cool, but still a bit too fiddly for children to play with. A build like the OG Toa with locked knees and elbows with the new limb pieces, proper head molds, and a little enemy in the set to fight, they could sell the Toa for $15 tops if not cheaper.
>utilize the newer Ninjago mech pieces
>locked knees and elbows with the new limb pieces
No, just no.
Lego should probably just give the license to another company at this point, given their inability to make any type of good figure.
I think it'd be fine. The first three years had locked limbs and everyone loved it. Not just the Toa, but the Turaga and Matoran were super simple in articulation, and nobody bitched about it. If it means a lower piece count and price, give me prebent limbs. Also, personally, I like the Ninjago pieces because the first thing I thought of was the Mata leg piece. Just my personal preference.
Not every part of the first 3 years were great (Bohrok kal). People won't be happy with losing pretty major joints, especially after G2 proved that you can have both articulation and functionality.
I disagree, but okay. People also bitched about G2 bringing back gears because it mage the shoulders sit back too far, as well as the HFesque look because they used CCBS, and I personally saw no issue with that myself, but hey. Different strokes for different folks.
Thank you for actually being respectful and not acting like a smug arrogant cunt, which is unfortunately rare in modern lego discussion.
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This looks very unappealing. I’m a casual bionicle fan with a few sets (toa mata, metru, inika) and I would prefer the more “organic” look of those sets. I know that’s not going to happen as those pieces have long since been retired, but giving them a more blocky angled look makes them look like mechs used in standard lego sets like in picrel.
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There are ways to cover the limbs up pretty effectively, altho it leaves the underside still kinda bare
When's this guy revealing his supposed huge leaks?
The limited articulation from 01-03 was charming because we didn't have more articulation in anything prior to that, but if they updated the mech limbs to have some sort of ratchet joints in them I'd be a 100 percent for this, until then I'd say they should just stick with Mixel joints
I wonder how pricey it'd be to make roughly the same piece but with a ratchet in there. Surely that along with mixel or ball joint feet would solve the stability issue that some kids apparently have.
probably wont be too different, how much are those Ninjago mechs? 20 bucks? funnel that minifig budget into better limb parts
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>The GWP was cool, but still a bit too fiddly for children to play with
Yea seeing builds like that make me feel like they missed the point entirely. What made those original Toa work was cause they were buildable action figures in the simplest way possible. You connect the limbs to sockets, then to the body and you got to change their masks. What they offered compared to other action figures was that a kid could easily customize them. They had so few parts and an action feature that was fun. Anything built with system trying to look like a bionicle would only be bionicle in name and just be a generic system robot.
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made some weird monster bonkle today
You said it, chungusfriend!
Bohrok Kal are based as fuck (aside from the silver parts cracking) faggot fuck you
2001, 2002, early 2003 are absolutely perfect
Late 2003 is not as good, partly because they moved away from comics+animations as the main storytelling medium because of the movie, but it still works fine as a conclusion for the original trilogy.
>кикaнaлo кypильщикa
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As a kid I liked Bionicle the most because of the mechanical sculpting. Pistons, metal grating and faux gears were so cool. Bionicle was basically its own toyline separate from Lego entirely. If it was rebooted with Bricks I'd never buy it. It doesn't matter if you slap the names of the old characters on them because what matters is the toys themselves, maybe 1 in 15 kids knew the lore of Bionicle back in the day.
Nothing's stopping them from covering them up with such molds. Studs also work for texture if they are of the variety that has a hole trough them.
>maybe 1 in 15 kids knew the lore of Bionicle back in the day.
this is a big thing a lot of "why g2 flopped" takes miss.
i only really got into the lore as an adult.
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I had the opposite experience where I was super into the lore as a kid but as an adult I think it's fucking stupid and just want to play with my robot toys
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Yeah. Presentation, atmosphere and an implied background story had a bigger role in making the toys popular than the actual story itself. And of course the toys themselves had to be good.
The main factors that made G2 flop were the price tags (obviously) and the lack of new parts that would have made them stand out more, they barely looked any different than Hero Factory CCBS sets which were on the shelves for around 4 years at the time. So it's understandable they'd be indifferent to people who've already had multiple Hero Factory sets by then. And also, young kids who were still interested in constraction at the time knew and loved Hero Factory but didn't care about Bionicle. I remember a lot of parents asking what happened to Hero Factory at the time because their kids loved it. But other than those kids, action figures in general lost a lot of popularity by then, kids would rather play as the heroes in some immersive video game than move around physical toys and pretend to be those characters. And yeah, I think older fans are just a relatively small group of autistic nerds, and even most of them hated G2.
As a kid I only vaguely knew the lore based on whatever illustrations and small comic strips came with the sets themselves. Like you could gather that the Rahi were the bad guys cause Tahu was fighting one on the box. Then the Bohrok came with a bunch of images where you can infer the swarm woke up and they had to stop them. Without words you could tell what was happening and sort of fill in the gaps with your imagination.
Cool mosquito pseudoscorpion. I think adding wings will make it look more menacing too
Does anyone have the Bionicle Generations stuff? The Google Drive link in the wiki is broken.

>2025 leaks don't mention Bionicle at all

it's over...
What if g3 is a kids horror story like poppy playtime, with 5 of the original toas being lobotimized by toa tuyet roaming some fortress like mindless droids while you as a rebel matoran try to find out the truth in this complex. Haunted by 5 lobotimized toa while secretly being helped by a hiding pohatu.

The way they can launch 3 is with a avatar style series, where the matoran are practicly enslaved in metro nui where a few eventually escape into the wilderness to build strength and return to overthrow tuyet
that sounds retarded
>Studs also work for texture
On a Super Star Destroyer sure, but any system robot will tell you that isn't the case. Printed panel lines on smooth bricks also looks terrible.
>covering up with molds
Then you have all of the cost of G1 with the flaws of using system for action figures. Honestly they shouldn't even bother with Bionicle and just do a new Technic robot series with gears and motors.
What leaks?
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I had a dream about the Marendar looking like Ramiel from Evangelion and now want to build a giant Bionicle that is just a geometric shape. Would it conflict with the lore though? I don't really care personally but i'm not sure if its appearance has been described
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Well you just don't know what I meant
>good friends
if that's what you call having the money and resources to bother an old man who has nothing better to do
You are actually retarded if you think bricks can replicate bionicle detail. Even the massive 3rd party lego robots look nothing like their source material.
If those junks are the best you can think of then the problem is elsewhere.
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>new thread
Collection posting time.

>Yea seeing builds like that make me feel like they missed the point entirely.
Disagree about them missing the point. The GWP was clearly meant to be a nostalgia-grab for people who grew up with it rather than directly appeal to a new generation of kids. I don't think LEgo would have locked it behind a $100 paywall or put an age rating of 18+ on the box otherwise.

Based. I was considering watching the movies the other weekend out of curiosity/boredom but decided against it. I can't imagine direct-to-DVD movies pushing a children's toy line are going to age super well.
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Mirrors and reflective surfaces make photography a fuck.
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Replicate any Bionicle piece with Lego at the same size. Go ahead.
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Last one lads.
Oh yeah, when is that?
There was some mention of it being humanoid or at least having limbs I'm pretty sure, but even as someone who's generally into lore, I think it would be silly to be restricted by the three random words Greg happened to say about a thing that was never followed up on.
Are you that guy that posted the collection image last thread with basically multiples of everything?

Sick collection, I'm mostly into stuff up to around the Visoraks personally but it's crazy to see basically all of Bionicle laid out on shelves.

Do you collect anything else or other Lego to a significant extent, or have you devoted your autism to Bionicle only?

My goal/endgame is honestly like, 1/5 of this collection. Absolutely nuts.
Does DuckBricks post on 4chan?
Don't take anon seriously, he's just trolling because he knows it bothers some people on here.
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Yeah that was me. The pictures aren't super recent so some stuff was missing like these guys.

>Do you collect anything else or other Lego to a significant extent, or have you devoted your autism to Bionicle only?
Bonkle is the big one I still actively buy, but my wife and I have a complete collection of the DC Bombshells figurines.

>My goal/endgame is honestly like, 1/5 of this collection. Absolutely nuts.
I was growing up when Bionicle first came out so I was able to get a lot of the individual sets as they came out. I couldn't imagine trying to start from scratch now with how expensive shit has gotten.
Does biog discord server still exist?
I'm not starting from scratch, I have a handful of childhood sets. The mainliners aren't that expensive - Toa, Bohrok, etc they're a bit pricey but not crazy. The Rahi and Titans are up there for sure but I really don't want most of them past like, 2004 or so.

Probably won't collect most of the minis/turaga/matoran/McTorans, they just don't interest me much.

I'm thinking like, Toa, Nuva, Bohrok, Kal, Rahkshi, Metru, Vahki, Viaorak.
Maybe Barraki, they're pretty neat but I really don't have much interest in Piraka or Phantoka/Mistika or any of that later crap.
Then like, titan sets past Roodaka I have very middling interest in. I have some like Makuta, Bohrok queens, Takanuva, Boxor, and Keetongu already. I think #1 on my list right now is probably the Exo Toa. I wanted one very badly since they were new.
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This reminds me that my younger sister is a huge Marvel fan (at least she was back in the first half and middle of 2010s), and I used to call Captain America "Captain of America". It always annoyed her, she kept telling me it's Captain America and not Captain OF America.
We are getting buildable Wednesday and the witch and the princess from Wicked. Could be incredibly cursed so that's something to keep eye on.

That's for 2024 still tho, no 2025 leaks yet.
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quick little stars rahkshi moc, pretty sure I stole the torso design from somewhere but I built him over the pandemic and have just been goofing around with him a little today.
Anyone else have to autistically rotate all the rivets in your builds so they all match orientation?
man this is so cool. I wish Bionicles had acually looked this good, then I might have gotten into them.
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I stared at this guy for so long back when he was at retail. And in the end didn't get him. I still think about that sometimes.
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I was gifted him twice, but it was at the tail end of me liking bionicles so I didn't really appreciate it. I think I checked out in 2008 and didn't start really liking them again till 2020. anyways have a dume vahki pic as consolation I guess.
I'm a bit salty the metru version of the double socket was never made in black.
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fuckin love some Kra-Vahki
Fucking black and orange were taken from us.
You guys call them anything but pins.
I used to. By G2 I was less autistic about it.
yeah there's no 2025 leaks comin'
pack it up boys
Source: your ass.
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My source (my ass) says it's unlikely for Bionicle to return in 2025 but we have barely gotten any leaks for anything 2025 yet, most of the leaks out rn are sets for October.
Of course, it's like aligning the 'lego' part and nub marks on system pieces.
I'm glad I don't have the branding alignment ocd and just the injection mark ocd
I posted a sexy bonk-alike in the MOC thread if anyone here is into that sort of thing. There's lore for her I CBA to type out right now. Enjoy or don't ^^
Looks like ass
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I keep saying it. If Bionicle is happening, the leaks will come within the next month or two, based on past precedent.
Trust the plan.
any predictions about what it's gonna look like?
SCCBS with Bionicle skin
I expect nothing so I can be surprised
System builds in the last few years imply the direction though. Lego is risk-averse at this time so they will do anything to reduce new parts and molds.
If they just gave those shitty prebent limbs actual articulation, I'd be alright with that honestly
Makes sense. I haven't bought any mech sets from Ninjago or Monkie Kid, but some titans in that scale and affordable 10 dollar Toa would be fucking sick
What's that pic from?
>Some little kino titans would be Hella dope for me that swaggerific bonkle display

>but some titans in that scale and affordable 10 dollar Toa would be fucking sick
Aren't those mechs like quite expensive for what they offer? The Monkie Kid sets are the most egregious examples.
Mlre proof G3 is coming

Why would lego focus on buildable figures so much if they arent introducing new parts to use in G3?
this shit is pathetic man
why would you guys even want a g3
I just want pretty brick built Bionicle figures to collect
Bionicle's the only TLG theme I actually like
Gyus, G3 is coming
I remember buying Krika while camping with my family at a place that was really swampy. We just went to town to get groceries and this random fuck store had bionicles so my parents let me get one. Lemme tell you it was a neat experience playing with Krika in an actual swamp.
Because biofags are mega gay

Buy him more bohrok and also the G2 protectors look good alongside Bohrok.
Anyone that wants brick built is genuinely retarded. Wouldn't be surprised if they were Zoomers that never owned Bioncle in the first place.
Because I want to see bionicle on store shelves again, thats it. Might not even buy them, its the idea.
Thanks I agree. Here I made her much better.
any aussies about with tips on where to find bionicle down here?
Whats up with Cargo gukko?
g3 is gay
do g0
return to slizers and roboriders
I don't get the appeal of Roboriders, but I'd love a Slizer reboot
Bohroks are cheap and easy to get.
Couldn't figure out how else to display it in a way where it wouldn't be obstructed by something else. It's bad enough that Takua & Pewku get overshadowed by Kalmah. The stand is probably overkill but I don't feel like revisiting it.
Brickbuilt Slizers would probably work better than Bionicle, given the general shapes of their bodies.
The biggest obstacle is for the designers to convince for each toa to have unique mask, Slizer faces could be just printed already existing slopes lol.
That's actually true, ya, I didn't think about that aspect. Unique masks and weapons, as well as hands and possibly feet and other parts would probably be the deterrent to Bionicle coming back in any meaningful capacity. With G2, while the builds were pretty decent, especially with the Uniters, the weapons all felt so same-y with all the Toa and Beasts using those same 'elemental swords' which made them feel very boring. I personally liked the GWP enough that I built the original 7 Toa in a similar style, but without unique masks they're just not quite Bionicle. The printed masks are fine for what they are, but not as a dedicated theme.
It's less of a issue if they can use same parts for multiple sets. Probably would be absolutely necessary for the toa masks to be used on "matoran" as well.
I'd be ok if they instead opted for the 'villager' mask, like they did with the Protectors, rather than reuse of the Toa masks. I was going to say they should opt for mask packs since that'd be an easy way to reuse the pieces, but doesn't Lego consider a mold in a different color as a unique element? If not, making things like a mystery polybag with a villager in random colors, along with mystery masks and tools in various colors would be a great way to make the most of these parts. Using the same masks for a year or two would also be fine with me, with eventually different masks or upgrades for them or different Toa teams.

Waay too much speculation.
If we ever see "SCCBS" Bionicle, not having unique masks would be dumb. And I think introducing more unique weapons and armor pieces are something Lego would be less hesitant to do, as they can be reused in themes outside of Bionicle and they're already doing that with Ninjago mechs and system-based action figures.
>as well as hands
I don't think specialized hand pieces are necessary, they introduced those new finger pieces last year (iirc), it would make more sense to use them in Bionicle too.
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>it would make more sense to use them in Bionicle too.
I was thinking if they're sized like the GWP. I can't picture them thinking the buildable superhero figures would be ideal for a Toa team. Titan, yes, but for a group of 6 (assuming they stick with that), it is absolutely not viable for them for the main heroes to be priced like that. Meanwhile at GWP size and assuming they didn't come with the base or Matoran like GWP Tahu did, they could be priced around that 9.99 price point, if not even lower.

Regarding the hand piece, I think a good hand piece would basically be this piece but looking a bit more like a hand. You could put in the mixel-to-axle piece in, then peg that in as a wrist in whatever mixel connection piece. That could also reach the "too much articulation" issue they've been running into, but if they put these in the 8+ range like original Bionicle, maybe they can ignore those complaints.
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I hope they look like this. There's a lot of great MOCs that use the brick built system, hopefully LEGO takes from this if they're going to make an actual G3 a thing.
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>I hope they look like this
I hope they don't.
if so, 40 dollars each
why would they bother if fans already beat them to the punch?
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sorta unfinished concept but it's crazy none have barely tried
As someone who owns the gwp, those legs fucking suck actually. You basically can't pose with them because of the lack of ankles. Terrible for display and play.
Well that upper arm piece doesn't exist, right? But what you're getting at there can work, but with the existing pieces the connection in the elbows and knees will actually get more range of motion. Aside from the gears that's more or less what I did to my GWP Tahu. It does also leave a lot of room for armor and what not, and with some brackets you can get shoulder armor going. It gets a bit busy around the joints so you end up losing a bit of the original 90° range, but they still move well.

You can add a couple 1x2 mixel joints in between the leg and foot and you have functional ankles. Or what some others have done with the hinge joint, but then you lose forward and back.

Barebones like that they'd be 10, probably. I can't remember the piece count but it's around 80-100 I think.
Mixel system is extremely underutilized, yea few of those pieces are custom, cause they are necessary (as would be a gearbox but i'm just using the mech cockpit as a stand-in)
I'd stick with the regular mixel joints for the upper arms just for the extra range of motion, and the thing parts could be an extra stud longer, but yeah man, this is great
New art piece by Vrahno.
What was the deal with this?
Well you see, when the axle hole just goes through a piece, it may be pushed deeper into the axle piece, which results in it stick out of the other end like that.
everything about the notion of brick built bionicles seems like a waste of time. it just misses the point entirely. the appeal of those themes was the constraction building system. divorced from that they're just another lego theme.
Buildable mechs manage to sell these days, removing the minifigure and making them robots is the closest Lego would get to a Bionicle or Bionicle esque line in this current climate. I wouldn't say no, because I liked Exo Force as much as Bionicle growing up. I'm sure everyone here would prefer the alternative and have full blown Technic figs again, dude. You're just preaching to the choir.
Do some autists really think Bionicle's shitty fanfiction-tier lore would be worth anything without the toys?
god the grey mixel joints/hinge pieces look so fucking bad, they NEED to make those pieces in more colours
I'd be okay with brick built figures, but not this basic, bland, blocky, low-effort, nostalgia-bait slop the GWP set was. Just look around in other Lego themes, there are still interesting looking mechs, robots and buildable characters, and they even have some specialized pieces instead of just flat tiles and rounded slopes.
If it stayed as bad as it was, maybe. unfortunately the standard has fallen trough the basement within last decade. Just look at Disney.
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>Slizer faces could be just printed already existing slopes
They could come up with like maybe 3 new mask molds that you can keep doing different print design elements on to make each mask look different.
>legoified slizer
how would this look? can someone try it and report back?
Hero Factory didn't look like the Hero Factory we knew it as in it's first year, g2 was trying to course correct it's lack of technic in it's second year. If G3 is real and looks like system, give it a year
I think he's talking about how capeshit lowered the standards of people in regards of stories and characters in general the last 1-1,5 decades.
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Absolutely. There are people who genuinely wanted these pieces of shit to get made because "muh lore". I personally blame FNAF for this nonsense more than anything else.
>GSR is a piece of shit
Nah fuck right off, we've been owed a set of that for ages
The diorama sucked ass but that GSR was great
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I always thought that the titan version of mata nui from 2009 was maybe originally going to be one and that they changed it for some reason
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I post this every couple years because I'm praying someone out there knows what I'm talking about

I have always been an avid Bionicle fan, and frankly speaking, I was an autistic ass fucking kid. Summer 2009, me and my buddy in 2nd or 3rd grade went to Toys R US with my mom to both get Vastus, because we absolutely loved specifically green bionicles.

When we got home and opened our sets, I noticed immediately that my Vastus mask was different. Mine had snake heads at the tips of the helmet instead of the intended thorns design. Me, being retarded and wanting him to be "right", swapped our masks when no one was looking, fixing my Vastus and leaving my friend with the fucked up one.

It's been 15 years now, I've not seen my friend since like 4th grade. I know damn well he has long since lost that mask, but I am desperately trying to find someone in the Bionicle community who had this variation or knows what it could have been. I've been told before that it could've been an unfinished mold, but I remember the snake heads so distinctly.
His shoulder armor had actual snake heads on them so it's possible you were thinking of that and misremembered. Or maybe kid you noticed the snakes on the armor and somehow thought your friend's helmet had that feature without looking at it closely.
Imagine being so zoomerpilled you have to relate anything you see to Five Nights at Freddys lmao
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I second this >>11052970
Brains are fucky things. A few years ago I found a childhood movie after 20 years, just to find out my brain invented a song and dance sequence from a single off-hand line of dialog.
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>tfw no gali gf
Are you a jew, perchance?
Nigger, this IS a Zoomer toyline
>le europoors can't stop thinking of America
Amerilards every time someone addresses even the slightest criticism towards their country
I gotta up my game
I'd cream myself if some old molds returned, like weapons or masks, but I know that's just wishful thinking.

I too don't get the appeal of brickbuilt bonkles but hey, to those who like them, I hope the leaks are actually true.
These Bionicle cosplays look retarded as shit.
I wanted to reply to some posts that the "leaks" about G3 are just made up bullshit, but I'm drunk and I changed my mind. Like, who am I to lower the morals even here? Let's wait it out and hope for the best. Meanwhile, SHOW YOUR MOCS. There aren't that much MOCs in this thread so far.
Far as I'm aware there was just one, from an individual who used a Bionicle adjacent quote and 2025, and no one else said anything about it, though I think one other leaker reposted it. That was what, in 2023 still? Only way they could know for sure that early on is if they heard it from a Lego employee or something. Until we get anything concrete it's just hearsay. Like you're saying, some are hopeful, some don't care, some think it's a mistake and nonsense.
Is it wrong of me to not want to post my recent builds (just some GWP Toa, and a 'Makuta' based on the GWP Takanuva prototype) because I don't want anyone else building it? It's a weird selfish quirk of mine. Not like the builds are all that complex, but I've not seen anyone else build them quite like how I did them.
Really like how this is looking, looks sturdy enough to sustain a good bunch of other system pieces for a lot of customization in the armor.
I'd be pretty happy with something like this for a system based G3, and I think it leaves enough open for Technic to be added to it for more functions as well.
That's my biggest hope for G3, I want a lot of functions to make a return, not just the usual "pull this and see it spin" but the great and solid playability that the G1 rahi had before Bionicle moved more into the "figure" part of action figure.

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