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Previous thread: >>11023988

>Playmates Toilet Taxi reissue found at retail with a new figure
>Playmates Technodrome Amazon exclusive revealed & up for order
>New Playmates reissue figures up for pre-order
>Mondo Sofubi Donatello & Leonardo up for order, Mondo Gecko & Mikey coming soon!
>Joy Toy teases TMNT figures of their own
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Sla'ker in stores, wave 3 shipping now
>Super7 2k3 figures finally revealed!
>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates "original sketch" Turtles are on shelves now
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Fury Toys Samurai Animals NotDonnie, NotSplinter, & bonus accessory pack are shipping now!
>Neca "First Turtles" convention exclusive shown

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
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Playmates has started reissuing more obscure vehicles apparently, and dropping them at retail with no notice or heads up.
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Super7 has revealed their 2k3 Turtles.
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Pre-Order exclusive heads if you order thru Super7.
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New Neca First Turtles revealed
What are their names?

Bill and Ted
I hate nose mask art makes me think of a plague doctor or clockwork orange
Target exclusive Bopsteady from Turtles of Grayskull is up for preorder on Target's Summer Geek Out page.
Never liked the 2003 cartoon, but their vanilla design was always the most wanted for poseable figures finally
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Not much of a difference
I know this is controversial to say but I like when the bonus stuff is something I don't give a fuck about missing out on
Same with exclusives, so I'm fine with that
>poseable figures finally
It's Super7, you're in for a bad time
Id grab this, it looks silly.
That point in toy collecting where fomo has little to no power over me.
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>It's Super7, you're in for a bad time
You mean, Neca.
>look mom, I posted it again!
You're still a loser I'm afraid.
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Neca figures don't pose, as proven in the Neca thread when Elvira couldn't even get in her classic lounging pose. And they have bad QC as proven time and time again. Even the new First turtles have paint bubbles and slop all over them: >>11040501 >>11040486
You mean all the blurry photo artifacts you wasted your life circling? Damn, you really are more and more pathetic the more you post.
Imagine being so assblasted over Neca figures, that you keep personal track of when someone points out a flaw on a figure.
They used to be common pack-ins, now they're forcing us to buy them(even if technically "free" for ordering the full wave, most S7 stuff goes on clearance elsewhere so you are paying extra for 4 heads in the long run). Silverhawks wave 4 is the same deal.

You will never work for Neca. Or Hasbro. Not even scrubbing their office toilets.
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I'll pass, but I do appreciate the easter egg.
>Imagine being so assblasted over Neca figures
Yeah, what's your problem anyway?
>Here's Leo, but chill
>Here he is, but even more chill
>Here's Raph angry
>Here he is, even angrier.
You never addressed, that you're keeping personal track of when people point out flaws
Mezco five points turtles came in today from BBTS for the hoard. They’re nice desk toys that one might call “cutie” as is traditional in this thread. I’ll post a couple of pictures after work.
Yeah, he should complain about Elvira because she's gay for weeks on end instead. Oh, you have that covered!
>keeping personal track
Sorry, are you a baby that hasn't developed object permanence? Something posted publicly a few hours ago suddenly didn't happen and is "keeping track" somehow? That's a real problem you get checked out bucko.
I accept your concession
I'm glad you agree Super7 is better than Neca
Man I didn’t think I would want these but they look cool… and I guess even if I didn’t grow up with the show it’s 20 years old now, there’s still some level of nostalgia to it.
Did they fix the shitty hips? Both the wobble and the toothpick connections? If so, I'm interested.
What an extremely weird lie to tell.
>most S7 stuff goes on clearance elsewhere
Was hoping that would happen with Snarf but I'm seeing him just sold out most places and now I'm getting worried
Sweet, I'm a NECA collector-only from now on. Time to buy those life-size foam statues and prop replica Chucky dolls.
Yeah, they're trying to pull a "now we aren't making as much" trick. Problem is now you'll push away more collectors that can't gwt something.
For sexual purposes, naturally!
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>Give up the pizza, wee ones
Oh shit, good catch! Mattel seems to know more about TMNT than Playmates does.
I want to pick this up, but I'm just not dealing with Target's shit system of doing pre-orders. If you're going to charge me for the figure, then charge me and be done. Don't ping my card every week for the charge for 3 months until the fucking figure comes out.

At least Target's exclusives have been easier to get. I saw Sla'ker quite a few times before he dried up.
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Reminder that Mutant Mayhem is on the way out. My store dropped them all down to $5 a piece now. I guess if you were waiting for a reason to get any, this is probably as good as it'll get.

Wal-Mart will sit on their pile of MM until next year of course.
the dynamic shots realllly help. though the joints definitely don't mesh well with the sculpts, unlike the previous Ultimates.
legs definitely lookin too short though. it's like they did the reverse of what they did with updating the old toys.
ohhh these are going to absolutely shelfwarm if you can't get the alt heads, the default ones are not as good.
You can see how limited they are with the range of motion on those joints. Sad they went to the trouble just to move sideways.
kek. now they have to meet their future selves..
>Those usses are like, a lot better drawn, dude.
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Just the Mezco turtles this time. The set has lots of display options with the extra hands, arms, and legs as well as the display pieces for jumping shots. Heads are fairly limited with only two stoic ones and the rest are the usual grimacing, battle-ready look. I like them a lot, they’re going to be fixtures in my office because of how small they are.
yeah I think they were parodying different Marvel characters.. and then presumably they went 'oh that mask is good, but these eyes are good'
i wish I had a creative pratnership like that.
>why ah ouah hands so smawl? *snort*
>Well look how little our waist is now, we gotta be able to wipe!
>Dehhh, that can be youah jawb.
Sickos are going to buy four of these aren’t they
those are the same head in two different renders

or are you saying there are three total heads?
There's three heads if you buy from super7 and get their super special totally tooootally worth the trouble bonus pack. Otherwise it's only two heads.
this is so familiar but i can't place it. What did this come with?
The vintage Sewer Playset.
they're pretty interesting.. what are they even trying to be? slightly chibi? is that a typical mezco thing? or were there a few guest comics where they looked like this
oh weiiiird. in that case, valid criticism.
holy shit yes. Wow, I think I put that in my weapons bucket and promptly forgot what it went with.
They're just crap.
They’re just throwbacks to the early Mirage turtles but stylized a bit. Mezco’s five points line are basically their iteration of toony terrors only with five points of articulation.
Still don't want them but maybe if they show up at Ollie's for like $2-$3 each I'd grab the turtles.
What makes them crap?
Taco Bueno deluxe family dinner box
ahh okay, so it is a typical mezco thing
it's funny how many toylines wanna do 'stylized' but how very few of them have the slightest inkling how to do it

my friend who likes funko pops showed me some new TMNT movie funko pops, and all I can think is.. someone worked very hard to get the likenesses of their faces right, paid licensing, just so it could be a gross button-eyed bobblehead with no style to speak of.
Yeah, they're not for everyone based on style and scale alone. And Necanon just has a stick up his bum about the diorama anon for some reason, so every answer is negative.
i'd definitely be interested in seeing how this style works with human characters
Just look up Mezco 5 points. The idea is that they're sort of retro inspired but the sculpts aren't trying to be softer/retro like Super 7 and they include the option to use alternate limbs instead of articulation.
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Nta but they have Goonies figures from that line
Euch...not good then.
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Anyone have the DPCI for the toilet taxi reissue?
so... sometimes they're not stylized..
also yeah 5poa does give you a lot of leeway with that stuff, but I acn't imagine anyone wouldn't rather just have more joints.
i mean under the circumstances, for what it is, those are pretty amazing.
i find it hard to believe anyone could print that up without adding "I can't believe we have to say this"
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I'm not sure if the turtles are necessarily meant to be stylized. They're not 1:1 to Mirage per se- but the looks of the turtles shifted so much even early on with just Eastman and Laird it'd just generally trying to capture the look.
As far as articulation- it's both a license issue and likely to keep them under a specific price since they can use pegs instead of a jointing system. They're still not cheap, but for an indie company like Mezco it's less costly than other offerings.
If you want to get technical, they're both Michelangelo. But NECA's including all 4 sets of weapons so that you can pretend they're whatever turtle you want, I guess.
that makes sense.
it's so weird seeing this much detail on something with so few parts, kinda brings sofubi to mind.
Randulf is baiting the dedicated necallectors to buy four of these packs by including the different weapon combos. Very crafty, very crafty indeed
These are the raddest twirl effects ever included on a Mikey figure, better than Mezco and better than Neca
You must like jangling keys
What's the point of saying something like that in a place where people buy toys
It's the only thing keeping me on the fence with this wave.
Gotta buy a set of 4 so you can have 4 of the same for each kind!
I know you're just trying to start some shit but that is damn true.
It is not true at all
everything about 2k3 mikey's nunchaku kind of amazes me. like, i'm not sure how "real" nunchaku users grip it, but he only has the grip tape on the bottom half, except exposing the brass (?) tip for striking. it's got LINKED chains, which is already kind of only a thing in ninja turtles, basically it seems to be designed to use up as much of the animators' time as possible.
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Found this, along with 087-26-3296, for what that's worth.
I hope Randy is paying you real $$$ or at least with a lil sweet long cock for all the shilling you do Even as a shill you're gay, you dont even bring up solid arguments. Sad little life bro

retards that conflating all these bullshit corporate virtue signalling campaigns = helping gays. Gays dont buy neca. Super7, yes.
>Gays dont buy neca.
Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and pride Ghostface disagree with you.
What are the chances of NECA doing a 2K3 line for those who want 100% show-accurate figures and other characters besides the turtles faster?

Wait, I just realizied if by a miracle NECA does decide to finally start a 2K3 line they would probably come out around the same time (Possibly) as the S7 ones.
It is a possibility. It's just hard to say when that could happen. Super7 is only doing it because Playmates bullied them into submission and there was no path forward. And TMNT is one of the only things making them money, so, they panicked. As excited as people think they are over these, Super7's model is not exactly condusive to getting a nice full collection of 2k3.
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Donnie Shoot Bang
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Donnie does NRA
Why does he have a PlayStation controller on his head?
nvm, they are goggles apparently.
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You forgot the single coolest feature
I think they'll do it eventually if they keep the license long enough. And S7 will probably only make a few waves of 2003 honestly. I don't think the interest will hold out for the minor characters between the prices they charge and them intending to alternate waves of these and the playmates ones. We are looking at maybe 8 2003 figures a year, and that is assuming no repaints and that they actually release on time, neither of which are likely.
>functioning extractor
That's almost a cool feature. Shame it can only simulate him clearing a rifle jam.
randy reportedly doesn't like 2k3 and passed on it when offered, choosing instead to do the failed video game line. After in-fighting by all the different companies, namely Playmates vs. super7, Nickelodeon has decreed that lines remain dedicated to companies outside of the master license holder, so super7 was gifted the og line and 2k3, Loyal Subjects has the ongoing comic line, Mattel has the fun MOTU crossover stuff, Neca has the tooner, tooner adjacent Archie comic, Last Ronin, Mirage, and the nearly completed movie line. They're not allowed to dip their toes in the other lines, full stop.
Thanks boss youre a life saver
Oh, I apologize. As you were.
They had some of the new TMNT figures at a target i went to this morning. I got rocksteady in the chopper bike
Loyal Subjects did toon shit as well. Was this to test Randulph after he broke the gentlemen's agreement with Brian? And where does Mezco fit into all of this? Will Nickelodeon ever grant the master license to a competent company instead of letting Playmates throw us scraps of barely painted nostalgia bait?
Only neca baby knows the answers to these questions but I don't believe Nick would ever part from Playmates as the master license holder. They have seniority and are considered an essential partner.
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Pixel Dan has some of the NECA SDCC exclusives, including the First Turtles:

The set is amazing. I think people are going to be really excited to get these figures.
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To be fair, most people don't know what they are desu
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The packaging has a nice lenticular cover.
>Eastman turtle on left and Laird turtle on right aligning with the original logo
Kino. And this is coming from the guy who hates Necashit.
I like the turtles, but don't really get why these versions needed to be the exclusive. I'd think regular releases could be these red bandana versions and also black and white versions, but who knows, maybe they think they won't sell for some reason?
>why these versions needed to be the exclusive
They're not the typical TMNT, that's probably one reason, I think it's a smart exclusive, especially at SDCC, since the people going will definitely know what these are and why they're significant. If you're into comics and deep enough into the franchise, you "get it."
Idk, people like "iconic" and original, and the box (which is obviously nicer than a retail box) tells the story of what these are. Just like how the Playmates Sketch Turtles will sell because they're based on this vintage artwork even to those that don't 'get it' beforehand, because the moment they see that original sketch they will get it. Same way for these two, though I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we see single packed versions of them in the future, maybe with option bandanas or something so people could try to buy 4 because some people are just that crazy.
This didnt work they assortment they pulled out was tales of the tmnt raph bike and the rocksteady chopper
Dammit I don't want to spend $200 on four action figures, but have wanted 2k3 turtles for a long ass time. I will have to think about this.
My Wal-Mart recently moved the action figure aisle and last time I was there I couldn't figure out where they keep the GI Joes.
I got two Wal-Marts in the city that split the toy aisles up in a weird way. Where like, yeah, all the Joe, MOTU (if they even kept that), ToG, Pokemon, etc, all got moved to an aisle over.
eventually? 100%
anytime soon? not sure. they are probably going to wait even longer now. have we seen any special new 80s toon line figures recently?
I understood this reference. I would also have accepted "Call of Donnie: Shoot a Man"
>because it looks cool
-transparent- ones look cool. this looks.. practical and realistic.
yeah but you know Don, he's gonna have rifle jams fucking constantly.
plus they will have the same problem of "the turtles are the smallest guys, all the interesting characters are huge and will be too expensive"
i mean Hun's like 9 feet tall, Leatherhead is easily 8 feet depending on the episode and possibly quite a bit more... plus there's those subterranean mutants.
Then again they can save on a lot of small paint apps and details I guess.
I think my Target does this. very confusing.
In-universe the GM Sniper II has a slide down visor with a bunch of extra sensors and zoom lenses not already in the default camera. Same idea.
weird, since gundams tend to just have that camera in a fixed position and it's still usable. i think i like that better before it lowers, even if the lowering part is kind of cool
The idea is that the stock cameras used on the base model lack the extra compound lenses and additional sensors that someone trying to shoot a battleship 500KM away would need. It kinda works that way too with the Heat Boys turtles, they're all the same base model with extra equipment and a few swapped out parts.
yeah it makes sense a sniper would need special optics. and indeed, that they would want to ditch those optics when not sniping.
i quite liked how Zoids handled that.. though they did also have a flip-forward visor thingy once.
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Didn't know, just pulling from someone who got their hands on one. Haven't had any luck myself, went to a bunch of Targets, rings up as "TMNT VEHICLE W/ FIGURE 24.99", but none of them had one.
>but none of them had one.
hang on, what?
do you mean none of them came with a figure?
or that none of the stores had one. Because if so,
>rings up as
how'd you ring up what aint there? what, can you print out a custom UPC or something these days based on lookuppable SKUs??
NTA but Targets have self-scanners at the end of some aisles you can use. You can take a UPC you printed out or a picture of one on your phone and it'll tell you the price and if it's in stock.
So what other Playmates reissues are coming?

Is there a list?
None of the stores had one in stock. And like >>11042649 said, I pulled up the upc on my phone and checked the scanners. It's what I did to look for the original sketch figures, but only found Raph and Don so far.
fascinating. i think I may have seen that once.. but i didn't know we had access to UPCs.
given that this one had no fanfare or preview, I don't think we know.
Hm. So no word on other 2K3 characters? Thats my favorite Shredder design.
Are any of the OG reissues any good?

Local Walmart has a lot of them on sale right now and thinking about picking a couple of them up since they are dirt cheap.
They are decent for what they are but they still haven't put out a reissue of Krang in his trademark body or even done a proper recolor of Shredder for the line (as Playmates Shredder does not resemble cartoon Shredder).
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Wave 2 will be all Shredders
ditto, or at least tied for favorite. and the only one I can imagine getting for my super7 shelf because he'd fit okay alongside them... if we never get Chrome Dome, he can be my close-enough.
well it's funny, 2k3 shredder just base, without special versions like his bigger mech suits, had a surprisingly high number of redesigns. Like at least three, very subtle changes, shoulder pads and skirt armor changing most as I recall.
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>Leatherhead is easily 8 feet depending on the episode and possibly quite a bit more...
This is going to be the most expensive day-one-preorder bullshit I ever buy and it might not even be worth it compared to crocker.

Honestly though, I didn't think there would be enough memorable main characters for more than one more wave, but...

Wave 2 is what, splinter, casey, belly shirt april, and leatherhead?
Wave 3 is goro shredder / krang, hun, baxter, foot soldier?
Wave 4 would be karai and bishop and... who's left? Maybe a triceraton?

I would personally love like 7 different Baxters for every stage of his horror show, but I bet I'm the only one.
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I'm still mad the shrimp shredder was some random neca exclusive. Upside the meh articulation on the arms means I can't justify the cost.

>Playmates has started reissuing more obscure vehicles apparently
I need them to reissue this dumb bullshit after they put in the shredder's revenge game and reminded me it existed
>I love how stupid this is - boxing glove spider robot war machine
fuck me, belly shirt april still does it for me. and she had a really hot jungle-girl outfit too. give us that, super7!
god he alone could have so many variant figures.. each more depressing than the last. including his zombody from the episode that didn't air in the states.
.. oh you started mentioning that. yes yes.
triceratons would be good too. thing is i don't really love the art and designs this show does, monster guys tend to have pretty small heads, but it's still... just awesome?
For me it's all about the crystal cave mutants, they were rad.
exclusives who are part of teams or groups is truly bizarre. it should be considered like, a PR nightmare to do something like that.
isn't it? isn't it just amazing? wonderfully stupid.
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Love the way they're parked in Shredder's Revenge.
This is the TMNT body diversity I'd rather have than wtf they've been doing the last 2-3 reboots.
oh that's beautiful. they really worked hard on that game, I just wish it had more levels.
That's rough. Neca needs to get rid of that guy.
>Triceraton without Fugitoid
Mozar, Traximus, Monza Ram, and Zog plus a basic warrior at minimum. Maybe the gladiators from Monza Ram's All Star team to milk the mold reuse. Gruell and Zanramon would probably be less desired, but are unique enough.
>crystal cave mutants
Fuck yes.
i wonder, if it was neca doing it, would they just recycle their fugitoid? as i recall, he looked identical
also god damn do I want a super7 toy fugitoid, and i want him yesterday. That was one of my favorites.
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He was on Space Cadet Raph's wrist communicator, plus the gold-and-black look appeared in a mobile game, so it's technically not a Playmates-exclusive design. Think they could get away with it?
holy shit yes! that is the backdoor they need!!!
according to one version of the rules we were told about.
at worst, we wouldn't be able to get the same weapons the toy had (but i hope we would, I loved those)

speaking of weapons, someone help me out.. which turtle fig came with a big gold plastic ray gun? I believe it had a trigger guard and a big meaty water-sausage-shaped tip.. maybe multiple tips.
ah, it was Space Usagi.
god i need him so badly. help me out, china. i'll give you money, I won't talk about tiananmen square in front of your boss...
Its cool i dont blame you anon
Maybe Viacom limits the companies to certain scales? Wonder if this means we can eventually get 7-inch ongoing IDW from NECA and 3-inch 2K3 figures from Loyal Subjects.
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You know i had to do it to em
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Turtles of Grayskull wave 3 has been hitting some Walmarts already. I've never seen wave 1 in stores, so far, only saw wave 2 at every Walmart in the area, and just a couple with wave 3. I ended up picking up Teela since I had the other three ordered and in my POL on BBTS.
It's a shame this wave has so many US-only exclusives, pretty much guarantees I'll never get mousejaw, slaker, krang, metalhead, and whoever else they decide to play keep away with.
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Wal-Mart comin' through with the new figures. Woo. I guess they're hitting stores too with that Horror stuff.

Both are great figures, joints are all really smooth feeling. That's been consistent throughout the Ronin line. Very happy to have the four turtles in this geared up state. Pretty cool line.
it seems bizarre to have SOME US exclusives and not either all or none
You have some gross black smudges on your wall you might need to address if it’s mold, hard to say from that distance. Also try to shoot your toys in interesting ways, not merely boring, static poses.
Damn no wonder you post here and not somewhere that matters like me
Go back, faggot.
I've only seen Krang at Walmart and none of the regular figures. Seen all three waves at Target and the Trap Jaw but no other deluxe figs and the Trap Jaw has already been clearanced and phased out weeks ago.
Wave 1 seems to have only been shipped to Targets. WM started with wave 2 and krang. So far Ive seen all the TOGS in store in my area including Merman. Just waiting on Terror and Grasp and now wave 3 togs.
That's shadows from the lighting, and sorry, I'm not here to post toys in "interesting ways" I'm just having a little fun.
Spores from...the textured walls? You don't seem to know what you're saying.
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>it's shadows
>it's the texture of the walls
Sure thing, black lung.
That's nice dear.
what in god's name is sugar soap? it sounds like it would increase mold.
roffle, calling it that because it looks like sugar when it's dried. and it's dried because it's more efficient. that is so british.
>american version can have sodium triphosphate on the package but not in the soap
how'd that one slip by the FTC
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Reissue when already goddammit. It doesn't have to be 1:1 neither
have yet to see this in stores. a lot of other stuff had a street date of today but the aisle was still in clearance hell.

could have sworn a rumor of this being reissued, they have in the past too
I have a silver version of this they retooled for Chicken Run. It shoots chicken pot pies instead of pizzas and comes with a little unarticulated figure of the farmer.
i love how they kept bringin that back, and for 2k3 it was the significantly less silly and way more deadly MANHOLE COVER THROWER
like god damn, donatello, you'd do less carnage if you just invented a -gun-
>turtles keeping pizza warm with their ass
I wish toys were still this stupid
No, we’ve seen the ghost brothers tease and the street scene dio might be made available if the demand is there.
Don’t forget about the ronin accessory pack, the one necanon mistook the synja two pack for.
It's probably more that people are tired of frauds who pretend to be an authority on action figure lines. Kind of like the retard that is adamant that Jigsaw has new head sculpts and it's not just an improved deco like Necamutt repeatedly told people on social media.
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He's out there, boys.
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ok NOW i just realized that there was a 2013 version. Which is strange because I absolutely never saw this in any store. This was even still a time where id toy hunt every week because TRU was still alive.
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It's suppose to be a pizza box. I'm not sure how you're realistically able to fix a pizza box as a chair, but Michael Bay somehow did.
That's the combined power of Hasbro desperately clawing at any price hike they can justify and Nickelodeon demanding a huge cut for licensing. Can't wait for the inevitable TMNT Secret Lair for MTG
Never gonna see this at my local gamestop.
so many things wrong here but it's nice to see bubble card packaging come back. I mean it's not the best, but it's better than what we've been getting.
I only know because i enjoy the reviews on tmnttoys. even though he's pretty lax on em lately (and who can blame him)
Fuck off AI spammer
>he doesn't know
>so many things wrong here
Like what?
Neca sent me a shipping notice of Donnie’s lab. Hope that means the kitchen will be up before summer ends.
the price
the layout of the title
the price
a figure that size in a bubble
the size of the bubble being largely wasted
the price
the shitty clipart turtles in the art that viacom has been using
the silly faces they're pulling
and the price aint too great either.
I'd have preferred 4 minifigs over the extra bandanna head options.

Getting banned from reddit isn't hard, every post you make has a 20% of it.
did anyone get a notice for the 4 pack? that's the last thing I've got preordered from them at the moment
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I would consider this as a rumor rumor rumor rumor, mega giant don't get your hopes up rumor rumor rumor. But we can dream.
Why would there already be shipping info when it hasn't even been announced?
They've done sales for in stock items before, or items that were going to be stateside soon enough.
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90s playmates was so peak
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The turtle shaped dome is a real nice touch
Fresh pasta?
I haven't seen bait this obvious in years
Al dente!
creative, weird, fun.
There was genuine effort and love for the line for a few years, that's for sure.
One of the target near me reset their end cap with one shelf for TMNT but it's just tales of/mm stuff no retro crap. Really was hoping to see concept, sports, or toilet taxi.
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I ran into that stuff too. Those "new" MM figures are gonna rot on shelves just as bad as the movie crap did.

The sports stuff looked neat though.
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i despise this movie but i can't pretend this isn't easier on the eyes than Rise.
That same effort is missing in these modern lines like with Neca. It lacks SOVL, nothing will top og playmates. nothing.
Weak bait.
the endcap for me basically looked like that. Those mix and match figures should not be the entire mainline. We're gonna see random body parts and shit in random lots.
hoping the stores weren't repulsed to stock more retro reissues.
The mm stuff flew off shelves before the movie was even out.
Because of speculation. And then it stopped selling all together.
hahaha joke's on anyone trying to tulip-market this shit
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demand for Vintage MOC just keeps going up retrobros
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I've been getting a lot of sticky figures recently. I usually spend a few days soaking and wiping but it never feels that 100% effective. Is it better to live with the plasticiser residue or does anyone have a better technique? Someone mentioned windex as a soak but I'm yet to test it
plasticizer residue? are people's old toys really turning tacky? I would think the plasticizer leaking out would cause the opposite, and make them rigid and brittle, dried out.
if it's actually the plastic changing, i don't think there IS a layer to remove. that is just the substance now, like those old phones with a rubber coating that became sticky and melted over time.

windex is ammonia. that's going to eat away at the plastic. there's a reason they tell you never to use it on plastic glasses lenses.
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breaking news: someone got a hold of the technodrome reissue in hand and it's posted on toyhabits.


it's definitely scrunched looking even without the comparison time.
i can't wait for real side by side comparisons, but we do have some useful close-ups here. Leo on the little turntable, Don on the little... fainting couch.. it should be easy to show images of the original and say whether the same thing fits the same
There's an assembly video and 360 on the amazon listing now.
captcha: assr8
that would also help, but the only true measure will be showing the original
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I like them they're like the 2003 turtles mixed with bay turtles
Way to expose yourself as not a real fan. Begone.
>Two display stands plus a skateboard
If they are going to throw in shit that will just end up in a box, I'd prefer extra heads.
What the fuck is going on with Raph and Mikey? That shit looks retarded.
Judging by all the extra pouches, these might have been designed by Rob Liefeld. Then again, their hands and feet aren't shapeless blobs, so maybe not.
Plasticisers do seep to the surface of hard and soft plastics, and the surface itself does deteriorate with sun and temperature. Its a significant issue for MOC items because the plasticisers can't escape. Depending on the type of plastic, usually ABS or PVC, and the paint the toy might be easily restored or doomed to lose paint apps.

The playmates hard plastic stuff is pretty robust, you can do a detergent soak like youre doing and just buff off the liquified layed with a towel. The paint is pretty well baked on or entirely coloured by part separation. I used multiple tea towels for mine never using the same spot. Ill soak and buff about 3 times per piece. Your fingers and the towel get sticky, try not to transfer it back onto the surface.
Those look okay, but they're somehow really generic too. No spark. They're fine.
Most every vintage TMNT I buy now, early waves especially, are sticky. I had to scrub Shedder's limbs 4 times to clean it. Krang fared better, only his silver shoulder armor needed to be cleaned.

>reissuing shit no one cared about the first time, while Krang's body gets nothing

Well of course they don't compare it, they'll do that 2 weeks from now to get people into a frenzy

Tell me you hate breasts without telling me you hate breasts.
why isn’t the neco op advertising the sdcc/neco store exclusives going up today, why isn’t neco op shouting it from the rooftops? mayhaps neco op wants to secure their items first before letting others know
He did this last year too, didn't he? It might not have been SDCC, but it was definitely one of the Weinshanker's Warehouse drops.
You are an honest man. May the toy gods smile on you.
that’s the neco op job, not to selfishly cover up neco news to make sure he gets his toys first. that’s fake fan behavior.
The page shows Scooter Keno, but not in text. Did they forget to change the page from last years layout or will there be another run of him?
So a true fan is supposed to eat up whatever slop is related and not be discerning?
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I REALLY don't like how the masks are cut on Leo and Donnie, where it's falling over their noses. It looks really weird. Especially since Raph and Mikey aren't like that.
I think they fucked up and left last year's gallery up. There are also images of Glowie Gillman and Whore Greta but nothing mentioning them on the page.
You think after Playmates whines to Viacom again about S7 copying the original 2K3 figure designs thus ruining the line like with the 1988-inspired one, S7 will switch to 2K12?
Unless wave 12 sells enough units to let Brian take a 3rd mortgage out on his house I doubt they'll want to continue doing turtle stuff at all. The Karai/April wave made it clear that they just don't have their hearts in it if it's not a remake of a playmates figure
They have updated the page, which you'd realise if you clicked on the link, but due to the general incompetence of being a NECA employee, they've also left up some of last year's photo galleries.
Such is the quality of workmanship one would expect from paying people in gift cards
You would think it would be his homepage to keep up the insider illusion but alas.
And yet I'm still more valuable than a NECA employee.
They're busy but they're unique. They look really good though, but I'm not sure if I'll want the whole team, or maybe just one or two. We'll see what the price is like. They could have definitely used additional heads. Could have also easily dropped the sewer base and the skateboards, if that would free up some budget for at least one other head. I'd have to assume things like Shredder will be coming too.

Now the backs, these are stupid. Ninja turtles never have anything nailed to their shells because that's very stupid, they'd be basically stabbing themselves doing that. That they usually wear straps that then hold their gear is what makes most sense. I guess for Raph you could say his shell got damaged and that's how he patched it up, but Mikey with a license plate makes zero sense.
I think they need to market these as Ninja Turtles as opposed to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They look so much older and more roided out for teens.
Same as 2003, really. And if we're going by red-eared slider years, then at around 16 they'd be around 30-40, so do with that information what you will.
1/8? I’m out
The only thing anyone is confused about is why you haven't monoxided yourself in your car yet, and why you still bother coming to this board when every anon would rather shit on your corpse than put up with another day of your passive aggressive replies and blatant damage control for a third rate company that can't even afford a competent webmaster.
Bay turtles are fucking garbage
Despite the coverup efforts of neco op, I did, in fact, purchase my beloved turtles.
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>The limit is FOUR (4) PER HOUSEHOLD.
only lets you order 2 :(
They want you coming back multiple days. I’ll nab the other two tomorrow.
The IT guy had to leave early. He left his black tar heroin at home so he was having trouble concentrating. Rough day. Things should be better tomorrow if he manages to catch the dragon that he's chasing.
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I would hope they let you combine orders.

I'd have to think these will be available in some capacity outside of this set too. But either way I'd only want one of each, since in the original design they were individual. Too bad they didn't include a way to wear all the weapons at once.
Yeah, my local Walmart did that too for some reason. Which is kind of shitty because I liked seeing the Retro figures there (got Ray Fillet and was planning on getting Mutagen Man). They did have of the Loyal Subjects IDW TMNT figs there in clearance (got Mikey and Donnie), so I guess they're kind of hiding them somewhere?
it's funny how this type of design keeps coming back, and all it ever makes me think of is Next Mutation
jesus, imagine bolting shit to your shell. that's living bone, you know. covered in bony skin plates.
i think the weakest thing about these is the unified skin colors.
baffling if that remains an exclusive, but the movie line seems to have just suddenly died after perry. zero more announcements. still haven't gotten movie 2 splinter.
teenagers are adults. deal with it.
movies alternate between casting 20somethings as teens or tiny children with kidney problems. the former is closer to how people really look, or at least used to. go look at your parents' yearbooks.
I just noticed they updated the packaging to the correct spelling, which was not the spelling at the time. i'm surprised. it'd be like changing party wagon to 'party van' because it's not actually a wagon. using the old names is kinda.. part of it?
I got them, just because I never got a set of all 4 turtles as a kid. I still have an original Donatello, and Usagi Yojimbo.
I think some of the more obscure releases were a signal that the momentum of the line was slowing down. It was HELL trying to get the Shadow Warriors and Farm 2 pack in Canada, apparently the ONE Neca distributor here was struggling to get them for months after release which sounds like they weren't making a ton of them to begin with. SOTO turtles were already out for a while, same with the 2 biggest draws (Tokka and Rahzar) so there was really only Shredder on the horizon (who was still mostly a repaint with a few new parts) and a whole lot of nothing for a while. I think the market for SOTO stuff is a lot smaller than the first movie and they're scaling back production to match that. Even scalpers can't unload their Keno's from last year for any more than they were asking for back then.
I have, didn't see anyone with 30in pythons with viens popping out.
i mean it's slowing down because of nonexistent distribution..
no but they could have, if they were trained by a ninja master every day.
The Perry two pack killed the line, they can’t give that junk away on the Neca website
Yet people are still buying the line. That those deeper cuts exist is a sign of a healthy line.
Trevor's already confirmed there's more movie stuff in the works. So your nutty assumption holds no water.
aw but it's my man david warner.. come on.
anyway just give me movie 2 splinter and paige turco april 2-pack, THEN end it..
>i mean it's slowing down because of nonexistent distribution..
Don't I fucking know it. The Keno/Foot Soldier 2 pack is just completely unavailable in Canada. If I want it I need to pay to import it from someone who already paid full retail meaning it will end up in the range of $80 - $100 USD BEFORE import fees and shipping.
I wish these were properly 1/18 and not a bastardized 1/16. 9.5cm/3.75" would have been better, unless they want "A"MNT, the turtles scale out to 6'3" as is.
I want some of the characters like Fatso-san from the third movie before the movie line ends.
they're THAT small?? and you want them even smaller.
Or that little toady Niles. He could come in a 2 pack with Walker, and a set of pointing turtle hands with that shiny wet coating they used on nightmare Jason for a little wet willy time
IIRC Playmates was told to eat shit by Viacom when they tried that shit again with Super 7. Viacom basically told Playmates that Super 7 can do seven inch versions of their toys AND gave them the 00s show license, and told Playmates they'd yank the master license to the new shows/reissuing older toys from them if they kept stirring up shit.
Yes, Playmates delved too greedily and too deep. Brian played the long game and Brian WON.
Oh fuck off you lying twat. Nothing like that happened. Norhing like that will ever happen. Super7 isn't shit, they're getting table scraps and lucky for it.
Brian didn't win a goddamn thing.
I want the word "Scale" to mean something, yes. If two characters are very different heights, weights, etc, I'd like that reflected in the figures I buy. We've had even smaller, more articulated figures before, anon, are you worried you'll ham-hand them?
Dunno if this is actually true, but I want it to be. Playmates has been a real asshole for a long time, wanting to greedily hold on to shit but being too incompetent to do anything about it themselves.
I'm worried i'll loose them between my fucking fingers. anon I need reading glasses, I wanna be able to enjoy my toys without a microscope. what the hell would I do with 3.75 inch turtles?
it's definitely trolling, but I want it to be true too.
Might wanna get that checked, anon, and I don't mean your eyes. And I dunno, you've had 2.5", 5", 6", 8", 11" options all at your worryingly drop-prone fingertips. What I would do with them is have them go with any number of other, actually scaled figures where the bigger characters would be big enough to feel intimidating next to the smaller figures.

Or just, y'know, have them hang out on a Technodrome that feels at least a little bigger than stock figures.
>And I dunno, you've had 2.5", 5", 6", 8", 11" options all at your worryingly drop-prone fingertips.
when the diddles did I have 2.5 inch turtles?
as a kid they were 4.5, and they were quite -thick- so they felt bigger than any modern 4.5 inch figure would be.
good point, though I think they'd still be a little big for the playmates technodrome (from the outside) and wayy too small from the inside where it's clearly using Tardis magic. even the mini-playset turts would be too big for that.
Mega Bloks/Construx was 2.5", and Loyal Subjects does 5" figs.
It's not true. Not a word of it is true, and it's so obvious.
it was very strange for mega blox to do figures like that at that size, but not unwelcome. I just wonder how well they could actually stand on the bricks.
these appear to have knee joints.. something that small, with knee joints.. it's inconceivable.
>3.75 inch
Most 1/18 figures are 4" these days. 3.75" scale is kind of an ancient thing, like the old 80s GI Joes and Star Wars figs.

And judging by this pic >>11046971, they're going to be a decent size. The new space marines are getting chunky as hell for 1/18, this is on the verge of becoming a 5" line. So I think the Turtles are at LEAST 4" tall.
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They stood on the bricks fine. The bottoms of their feet are hollow and peghole-shaped. This also meant stand support technically, so you could have them doing high kicks and shit with one foot planted.

They are also very durable and pose well. And have diecast shells and removable masks and pads. They are some of my favorite TMNT toys actually, and not nearly as hard to handle as you seem to be imagining. I am clumsy as fuck and do fine.
3.75 is a size class, not a strict scale. In 1/18, a figure that tall translates to 5'7" and change, which is about how tall the '87 turtles were. And we know how tall the boys are gonna be, they're 10.6 cm, so more than 4" tall(about 4 3/16").
i cannot fucking unsee how the plastrons look like wifebeaters
oh so they were just huge. right, you said 2.5 inches, yeah. way bigger than lego minifigs. a good choice, really. sets them apart in a way kids would like.
>diecast shells
the fuck
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every time they try to redesign them to be more like cool armor, it turns out that way.
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I like when Wal-Mart actually ships the thing you order. That's quite refreshing.

Figures are good, nothin' new to say about them. I like the grayscale look, we'll see another 2-pack to complete the four I'm sure, so that'll be a fun subset.
>the fire is also black and white
hilarious, though I feel like it should just beee.... white?
actually am I high or am I seeing very very subtle colors here, not pure grayscale
There miiiight be a hint of blues in Wolf Raph's clothing? It's tough to tell.
Neca would not inherit the master license btw. After the betrayal of the gentleman’s agreement and randy pitting playmates against super7, Nick reportedly had to put him in his place too.
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Finally got sports Don and Leo. I'd get the whole set but I'm kinda eh with them doing skateboard Mikey instead of wrestling or the hotdogging one since his is more of a standard figure?

Seriously hope that military reissue happens soon and they keep the American flags and questionable German Bebop.
You reportedly talk out your ass. And that's confirmed.
>oh so they were just huge. right, you said 2.5 inches, yeah. way bigger than lego minifigs
Uhhh, what? How did you get that from my post? No, they're actually even smaller than that, they're only 2" tall. Slightly bigger than Lego minifigs, but not by much. Can't you tell how small they are just by looking at the baseplate here? Those studs are exactly the same size as Lego ones.
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another point of reference for their size (plus a look at their glossy metallic diecast shells)
or is it hints of yellow-green in his fur...
in any case, very nice. I could see enjoying these.
that's a LOT bigger than lego minifigs. a lego minifig would barely surpass their belts.
>feet are 3 studs apart
it's so weird after so many years of 2-stud-wide lego minifigs. I love these.
Have you not handled a Lego minifig in years or something? These Turtles are 2" tall, Lego minifigs are 1.5-1.6".
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have you?
a lego minifig is like..
absolutely tiny small compared to these. a smidge above their belts.
these are actually kinda soul
No, they are roughly shoulder height, about to the top of the actual arm/shoulder joint. This pic is actually a little deceptive, makes the Mega guy look taller because it has the armor plate rising above the actual shoulder.
I don't know why you thought you could eyeball this...this diagram proves nothing lol
i notice the subject of turtle shell colors varying never comes up.. it's weirdly inconsistent. the original toys had subtly different shell colors, then they were typically uniform in tv adaptations, but.. something something else blah blah continue this point in your head i'm tired.
my drawing was accurate (i drew the feet right on the studs, duh), except... I forgot how fucking huge the heads are. so you're right, they are taller.
the shoulder barely goes up to a mega guy's waist, but then the noggin takes care of the rest I guess.
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>real side by side comparisons

I'm happy to do it since I still have my original technodrome, and plan to buy the rerelease so that I can stick my 8 inch rocksteady and bebop into separate playsets to represent properly scaled scout tanks.

However, I suspect that a dozen toy anons still have the original too and you american anons will get the release in hand months before I do. So presumably you'll beat me to it, but if not, we can bicker hypotheticals while I wait for mine to arrive.
you could also er, stage photos that are as close as possible to the photos of the new one that we have. with similar-sized figures if you have em.

just fyi this .. pic is not related.. you just posted it for fun, right?
>I'd have to assume things like Shredder will be coming too.
Oh shit, I thought this was a one and done.

I don't think I need all four, just Donnie, especially since considering the single head / face choice, which even BST AXN beat Joytoy at.

But still. Assuming the bad guy wave is shredder/krang/bebop/rocksteady, I might end up with a bunch of these tiny fuckers after all.
Knockoff Lego tier trash aren’t real toys, talk about Neca.
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this smacks of clueless committee thinking
>look, it's the old videogames that the kids like! and by kids I mean people pushing 40. It's got the squares, what do you call those, mixels? and the sharp angles so it looks like it's a folded up paper! This will make billions.
>no repeats in a tray / cdu
a what?
>6 characters + 1 rare chaser
i see 7 characters. a rare chaser is gonna be a recolor.
or is this blind box guaranteeing that you get 6 characters (no repeats in a... tray?) plus one guaranteed rare figure
They probably did something stupid like Funko did with their blind boxes and made Shredder rare.
that's retarded. a chase is a recolor. are they new to this?
I mean obviously they're retarded because they mixed low-poly and pixel... unless this is meant to look like ps1 graphics
>you could also er, stage photos that are as close as possible to the photos of the new one that we have. with similar-sized figures if you have em.
I'm happy to, although I should note my technodrone is not complete, so my primary interest in the new one is poaching parts. Which photo would be the best for rough scaling size-man-ship?

>just fyi this .. pic is not related.. you just posted it for fun, right?
Yeah, this is just the little baby technodrone from the 80s line. That's just to show roughly how big Super7's rocksteady is compared to the OG technodrone.
how the fuck did I spell technodrome wrong so many times in a row
I don't think there will be parts compatibility if the new one is smaller, but good luck.
Honestly, the main things would be the outside platforms and guns, which would look passable at a glance since I usually display it closed.
I was really hoping they would walk back the texture before release. But nope, looks like this is what we get.
You have given me high hopes for Bebop and Rocksteady and Krang having elaborate skin textures
What was the goal with the texture? To prevent anyone mistaking them for the low effort re-releases?
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I'm still trying to unpack what super7 rocksteady has to do with this.
anyway uh
>which photo
well let's see, do you have this strapped-down thing intact on yours?
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otherwise I think this one is the most telling, especially Donatello on the little red examination bed thing. if the new one is really scaled down, I think the original would be a lot roomier than that.
ah but it's more realistic texturing
everyone knows that real turtles have skin with the same texture or orange peels
The texturing is so they can slap movie heads on them and sell them again.
they actually look.... okay in the box? and the new weapons are... creative? Leo seems to have a bat'leth there...
i really can't think of playmates as selfish villains anymore, but confused childlike elderly dudes like Mr. Burns, confused about which cereal to buy
that would actually suit them lol
turtles don't have skin like this..
they used to run this industry, now they don't know the difference between ketchup and catsup.
I mean we were already prepared for disappointment. I'm just annoyed they're gonna milk this mold for years. Where is this photo from? I don't know if my local Walmarts will stock these .

Leo still has Don's head expression and Don has Leo's. Not sure if they were changing things up or really confused or simply apathetic. I guess they're not wrong about "new articulation and deco".
the only saving grace is this isn't one of those "an idiot executive is going to think we don't want this KIND of thing, just because we don't like this specific one" situations. super7 still knows we want this concept, and others might have a similar inclination and better skills..
I just want a third party april o neil already since every company has sorta dropped the ball one way or another.
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I was reading a rumor that the Pizza Thrower is being reissued. I guess everyone should keep an eye out just in case.

Based. I hope these scale well next to vintage figures.
fuck me, I would be tempted if we got a super7 one. it's just so... satisfying. especially if it came with both pizzas AND manhole covers. so you could be like ey the turtles do some fighting and then they relax and shoot pizzas at each other.
come to think of it, was this never on the show? somehow just seeing a turtle up there operating it, I can hear the ending-theme variant of the theme song which doubled as their battle theme when shit was getting fun
There's an episode where Donatello makes a device that can instantly make pizzas, that seems based on the Pizza Thrower.
I would honestly take textured 88 Turtles over textureless movie Turtles. Never forgive Playmates for their Classics Movie Turtles, absolute bottom of the barrel.
Hope they did a low run of these cause no one is buying these awfull shits when S7 Ult can be found for around $30 nowadays. Playmates had an easymode and they still continue to fuck it up at every step. Still the wrong shade of green for Raph. Are they blind to there original releases?
It's far more likely that some marketing firm told them they needed more variation in the colour theme 20 years ago and this was the result.
Don’t let the neco op bury the SDCC sale like yesterday, less than two hours now at 12ET: https://store.necaonline.com/
>pizza thrower reissue
Honestly why, theres so many of the original floating around.
Neca anon is going to have to put his money where his fat mouth is if he hopes to keep up with hoardanon who bought four of the og turtles
oh they have a life-size m3gan
how interesting...
He will seethe and accuse you of having mold on your walls like he always does, but we all saw his black mold problem the other day when he posted his latest TLR acquisitions.
Oh I remember you lying about something that wasn't actually in someone's photos. Because that seems to be a thing you do now. You also can't tell people apart, and that's actually a mental problem you should work on.
Hey anon, you may want to check into a hospital for your paranoia problems. It's clearly getting to you.
For the final third day, I cannot, nay, will not allow the neco op to bury the information on this SDCC sale. I will be here to alert all anons, rest assured. Neco op can’t keep us away from this sale if we work together.
second day of the con drop and i have a question. is neca retarded? a four purchase limit on the turtles and these things sell out in minutes, enabling the scalpers in practice while randy’s lips say they’re combating them. these bloody things are all over ebay and now i only have one more day to pull ONE. great job, neca you’re killing it.
could have been a lot worse. they really need shoulder-lifting joints though
raph and don are both the wrong color. it's clear that they both have too much red and not enough green. the green-red balance shift is a thing that can happen if you fuck up your settings.
presumably this is true of the others too, but it's not as noticeable.
it unironically is interesting. what the hell and how the hell, and how is it affordable when other way more primitive and much taller 'figures' are not, and how do they think they'll get away with this in today's climate...
people who are combating something don't have to say they're combating it.
Please die in a ditch somewhere
I'm sorry hoardfaggot kept you from getting your figures man. He really is a disgusting monster. It's not fair to you.
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Higher res of the acne scars turtles. 2024 and no ankle rockers on a ninja figure, kek. Basic fornite figures had better articulation.
sorry ass shins..
The figures look like ass, but those weapons are even sorrier than I'd have expected. It's amazing that solid color spru weapons somehow look better than THIS shit.
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Oh baby give it to me give it to me. I had rocker Leo as a kid so this was a must.
That's a good deep clearance wave.
i dunno, they did a few things right, but also this is kinda confusing. blood grooves on ninja-to? (and they're so short?) a weird fucking confused bat'leth with two blades way too close together? is the chain on the double-ended kusari-gama flexible? what is that triple dish? and raph's double hammer is just adorable. completely stupid, but each hammer is good at least. could snip it apart.
if you were stupid enough to get these at all, I mean.
damn ninjapril got me bricked up, looking like a cutie 3.14 here. can’t wait to have her and karai scissor each other and go ass to ass at master splinter’s instruction
i understand telling that one great design studio "hold on, we may or may not be doing well in the future and we can't afford to keep you on retainer, we'l call you back later when things clear up"
but you're telling me you could not find one person who could design you a better karai than that? I would have done it for 100 bucks and a copy of the figure.
Does Karai have an alt head with exposed face?
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yes and it is definitely the better head. plus she gets a foot soldier head, which is kinda hilarious because in the playmates toy universe, that would suggest she's a robot, and she could get stabbed for real
I'll get her on clearance, she's not terrible. i can just see how she could have been soo much better.
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i hope the kusari-gama is longer than that in the final product. that's a pitiful chain length. this is the minimum
I will add my own links of chain if it’s really that short.
is that something you can just do?
Too bad it won't actually look like that on release
Yeah I make mail as a hobby so this would be a snap
I would say 'make me one' but I wouldn't have any way of attaching it, unless you put keyring-rings on each end
I just wish the neck poseability on these was better so you could have her doing her SNES lightning fists
heads bending forward is a pretty difficult trick to pull off, even without hair or scarves getting in the way
also yeah SNES would have been better.
Wonder if these'll be as bad as the last Simpsons waves.
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you could slice salami on those shins
Figuarts manages to do it in the same price range. I think Super7 is just kinda lazy about it.
I actually feel ill looking at those legs.
oh my god... are they actually upside-down?
figuarts gives up on looking perfect in any pose, by looking a lot better in a huge variety of poses.
hair's on a hinge, back of a head will have a huge joint on it, wilder poses will make huge visible gaps... it's -a way- to go, but it's not really what i'm used to. probably just because i didn't grow up with it.
also figuarts are way too expensive, and small, and instead of price going down it goes up
>and instead of price going down it goes up
That just seems to be the way of figure collecting. Shit's way more expensive than it used to be.
yeah but some shit the price goes down.. it's fair, if you want it IMMEDIATELY you pay the right-now tax. the rest of us take the patience discount
doing it the other way around? late tax? that blows. it doesn't encourage people to use their money freely.
>oh my god... are they actually upside-down?
if they are, the mistake would have to have occurred very early in production and numerous people never caught it, cause the joints are definitely not the same on both ends.
yeah that's what I was thinking. they look like someone flipped the part in CAD then reattached the joints
also, for all that playmates was pushing the toe-bend so hard on their last overmilked mold, this would have been the rightest time for it. because the old turts were ALL the time one-foot-bending
I kinda agree, but toe joints are rarely done right. They're usually floppy, or cut in a way that makes them useless because people don't actually understand how they're supposed to work.

And with feet as thin as the turtles', I think floppiness was likely. Better to just have stable feet I think. That's increasingly my opinion, as I have several figures where the mere existence of toe joints ruined their ability to even stand.
I mean yeah it's real tough to do them right
I think that a hinge placed near the top (and hidden in the sculpt) would be best. it would create a gap, but a gap only visible from behind. better than having a gap the entire rest of the time.
And you are right about stability difficulties.. ratchets at that size would be a bit much to ask, and if you just made him need to rest on his heels, you'd have lots of problems with poses.
Okay, dumb idea, toe bend like i said, hinged at the top, with a tab behind the toe bend that plugs snugly into the sole when you want it straight. so you have to unfriction that tab to bend the toe AND you get a lil stability of a tab behind it, on the ground.
That's a pretty complicated setup for such a small area. I think that's liable to cause breakages. Same reason why I don't think I've ever seen a ratcheted toe.
the texture is one thing but HOW did they fuck up leo and don's heads? its such an obvious mistake
bad archiving of files
i'm sure the only oversight was a command "gather info on the old toys"
and no followup by anyone who knows what the right answer is
>Playmates had an easymode and they still continue to fuck it up at every step.
>weird texture no one asked for
>donnie and leo's heads got flipped
>rooftop accessory to pad the cost despite banning super7 from making weapon sprues since they wanted to do it
>everyone's shins are upside down

Are they genuinely incompetent or is this an intentional 'chase' wave that is intended to be worth more due to first run factory errors that are corrected in later batches?
they've always been incompetent. look at how poorly painted even the original toys were. they basically made two good decisions: acquire and fund TMNT, and hire ex-Mattel sculptors.
after they left, the new shit started looking goofy and lame.
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I was going to say the opposite, considering budget and the limitations on paint apps and part separation these old toys had a LOT going on and they look crisp to me.
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not saying it wasn't better back then than it is now, obviously.
but they made a lot of dumb moves. scale, posing, direction of cut joints...
I definitely forgive the poor design choices as part of the aesthetic or dont even notice them. The neon colours just activate my almonds. I think you're right, most old talent has moved on and the industry has just been ruled by marketing and margins too long. They're confused who they're even making toys for anymore (besides shareholders).

I dont know how well the waves and waves of vintage/re-release stuff does but it doesnt interest me in the slightest as a vintage collector and seems pretty hit and miss here. The old toys have a certain charm and history that can't be replicated and it's nice to be able to preserve items from that era. It's also a matter of 10k into the secondary market being almost an investment vs almost flushing the money down the toilet on questionable quality modern items. Maybe if they released some figures in the same style and colours as the original releases but upscaled/reproportioned a bit, aimed at collectors, decent sculpts, modern articulation, paint apps etc. Ill buy Transart Transformers to go my Beastwars stuff because it's exactly that.

Give me Krangs android body with a shitload of articulation.
love the neon colors. they had so much fun, and they really had their finger right on the pulse of what kids wanted.
if only they weren't all in 'masterpiece' scale. I collect normal transformers, but I know third party guys could make better ones, but they always seem to stick to that larger scale.
also yeah thirdparty needs to get in on this TMNT stuff. I guess there isn't as big an asian market for it.
Im surprised Transart doesnt do a scaled down version of their BW line. Am I stupid thinking they could just resize the model, pump out another mold and recycle the paint process. Maybe its a cost of mold thing vs splitting the market. I agree the MP size is too much generally. Cool the first time and great for some figures like Megatron but otherwise takes up a load of space.
Young’uns are cynical creatures and can’t appreciate the only golden era of turtles that will forever be: when Playmates was king.
You don't understand what it was like back then. Most toylines were like this or worse (a lot of them were worse). It was nothing like the QC we have today, it was not uncommon to find huge oversprays or missing paint apps. Most toylines back then also had garbage engineering, cause nobody had really figured out how to make good joints yet. GI Joes were virtually the only ones in the US making sensible articulation, but nobody else really wanted to copy them for some reason. It was far more popular at the time to do 5POA figs with pre-posed limbs. Hell, it was so bad even GI Joe felt pressured, and briefly threw away their awesome articulation system to try to make those preposed 5POA type of figures (see: GI Joe Extreme).

It was like the wild west, things are much more safe yet boring now.
New, since there's a lot of news floating around:
Should have waited for bump or image limit.
Nah, fuck you.
You should kys

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