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visiting movie sets for backdrops edition

previous: >>11032403
kek we a /tv board now.
Superman vs The Mumps
Stop spamming the board. The last thread is literally still on the first page.
I am about to cancel some Starfires on Amazon
Wake me up when we have pictures of the kilmer mobile
So it was you all along, DCGenOP
Some megafigs are so underwhelming i dont get how people justify 25 bucks for them, let alone 40 or more. It seems like the bigger the figure, the less effort they put into making sure it can pull off posing. I guess the main thing you're paying for is just a larger steel mold.
McFarts have always been more about the sculpt.
Does the sculpt really matter when the the figure has so many flaws that you can see while looking at the sculpt? Trunks are neon green and look silly, the top of the boots are unpainted, the clear torn material on his arms are unpainted as well and the diaper color doesn't match the leg trunks color. The washers over the arms stick out like a sore thumb too. Sure, the rest of the sculpt is pretty nice but sculpt really needs paint as well and too much was overlooked on this example.
To be fair, it's a two pack. They always cheap out on those. Most people who are into McFarts nowadays know that paint is lacking and customize them. Even a simple wash can do wonders.
I have customized a few that i had to have but mostly i just refrain from buying the ones that are incomplete
Customizing and destroying toys is WRONG
if they were the same thing why the "and"? Also I'd say only the toys that are actually rare is questionable.
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if i got 2 of this goober could i make 1 with symmetrical normal arms?
well fuck
guess i'll hang onto essentials brainiac
If you're asking if you can take one normal arm, put it on the other backwards then yes..
Wrong. The thumbs will be in the wrong place.
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If I’m looking to get a 6” Poison Ivy figure, is my only choice really the Mafex? I don’t collect much DC, but I always liked Ivy.
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Can’t quite put my finger on it…
Geralt with orange painted pants, and is that Drew McIntyre's entrance coat? Is that still regular Geralt's head but painted head and 'mask'? Tbf a lot of effort was put in for this return. They even swapped out the card for something.
ill wait for revoltech, the catwoman they did is like 10/10

mafex can only make males look good but the females are just plaine
>AY Poison Ivy
I suppose you’re probably right, I forgot they were continuing their DC line with Supergirl and Catwoman. Waiting for Ivy seems like a good idea.
It's gonna be all animed up though.
I don't see why AY would make a Poison Ivy, she isn't exactly a dynamic poser
It makes 0 sense for whoever did this to put in this much effort for 20 bucks when the employees probably wouldn't even look at it anyway. Whoever did it has some kind of mental illness or is doing it to have a giggle.
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dude just make her with vines n shiet
Nah he just swiped the photo from a different anon, like they did with those Cursed Nailed McFarts and Total Justice Kon-El's.

Some anon (anons?) traveled to the filming of the new movie and posted a bunch of 'filming on the streets of Cleveland' shots on /co (and probably did as well on /tv and other boards).
mmmm... cheeto legs
pffft they even put a card in
Yeah there were a lot of people with cameras. Did they have an official meetup?
Probably a custom job before the official animal man release
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even the males are overrated. most have the same looking sculpt and articulation (still looking very unnatural and awkward in dynamic poses). they often just look like mcfarlane figures as well. i am happy with their dark knight returns stuff, that was actually very original and good design and on the triumphant batman was some of their best paintwork. they really should be in the 30-40 dollar price range though. revoltech always deliver and i'd be curious to see maybe sentinel have a go at some dc characters. their spiderman is great.
It's not hard to find out when stuff is being filmed. There are even people that try to or actually do make a living taking pictures since there is always some site that will pay, at least a minimal fee, to repost your photo of say XYZ on the ### set of BLANK show or movie.

There are probably people who know each other in the mid west, because they met at one of those Metropolis (IL? or whereever it is) annual meetups, or local area cons, or even LCSs, toy fairs, etc. - I wouldn't think it's any kind of "official" - you're probably talking 2-8 people max.
bumped into my shelf while vacuuming and everything fell
RIP Hush Batman, Deadman, and first Azrael
Is the back painted now?
McFarlane's can't survive a shelf dive? Damn. Even my Mafex's have been ok for the most part. Worst thing that happened to me was Mafex Spider-Man's leg popped off and just needed to be popped back on the ball joint.
Entertainment Urth couldn't sell all their Batman and Joker sketch editions at 30 bucks so BBTS got some and is trying to sell them for 40 for some reason. There's something hilarious about that.
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>You see Hush selling online at Target for 12 bucks for like a year, it still remains there and never sells out and you figure it'll have to go lower before they can sell it.
>When you see Target up the price to over 18 after that time.
^ I don't really get the appeal of these for adults and I had toys like them in the 1980s.
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They're cheap figures I can play with at my desk and buy for my kids. Articulation is overrated.
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Isn't the middle guy a new mold? Why make a new mold for a platinum? That financially makes no sense.
>Isn't the middle guy a new mold?
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>still no Power Girl
>still no Zatanna
>still no Maxima
>Devil Flash and Jason get figures first
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Have a Sgt. Rock (buy your own gun)

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toddler shit
>That drooping Steel hammer
Can someone explain given the line is 12+ why they don't make the hands semi-soft plastic and make the weapons hard plastic?
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They're all toys dude
They're all currently on the Walmart app along with the waves Batman and Superman. Not available yet but pre order later this week.
Would’ve been cool to meet up with some other nerds.

I’d love to know what happened with that Steel figure. It was delayed for like a year and a half compared to other figures it was announced with, there’s that weird blue and grey marbling everyone hates, and the hammer is softer than spaghetti. I picked up an Aquaman and was expecting the trident to start sagging but it’s fine, there’s something especially shitty about that hammer.

That Cyborg Superman is such a disappointment. I knew it would look cheap but I was hoping it could at least be repainted to look like Hank.
Why is he even still dressed like Superman? The only reason he did that was to trick people into trusting him until he blew up Coast City. Is he dressing up like Superman, curling his hair into an S, checking Superman twitters for pictures of his new costume so he knows if he should be wearing red trunks today or not? So fucking dumb on every level
>Would’ve been cool to meet up with some other nerds
I legit would be smash your ass for hush spamming
The Winter Showcase pic didnt have the blue marbling. Some anon said it is baked into the plastic so it cannot be removed, that its not external paint per se but maybe two plastics mixed together or paint mixed in with the plastic (I would think this couldn't be done so probably 2 plastic colors).

This experiment may be why it was delayed, in an attempt to save on paint apps now and in the future. And the experiment failed by all accounts, at least externally. Maybe internally Mcfarlane toys thinks it succeeded and will use it again. But again this is all speculation but is the best explanation I can think of for the delay.
So walmart only lets people preorder mcfarlanes through their "APP" and not the actual website? Shit phones really did destroy the internet
Hm. Don't recognize his pieces from anywhere
Really neat
Manhunter has got me excited.
Might as well consider it new because nobody bought this shit
Interesting, such an overlooked figure I never even noticed it

Finally, a new Guy Gardner figure.
They fly now?!
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They can fly, jump, swing, and god decided to put them in baltimore?
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Looks great, love the vibrant colors.
I remember once complaining about unnecessary textures on McFarlane figs, and someone told me to " go back to ML".
Looking at this Doomsday, i stand by my complaint. Maybe you'll say, " this isn't first appearance doomsday, its the Rocafort Reign of Doomsday design" and that excuses the textured skin, fair enough, but that design is garbage ( no criticism on Rocaforts art but its still a shit design)
And then when McFarlane does non textured figures they look like shit too. I think Todd has lost whatever eye he had for making figures, because his shit is so lame these days.
Heres hoping Mafex does a good 90s DoS Doomsday, and would love to see a battle damged Superman from them as well.
The shield is all fucked up. I don't care that it's from Kingdom Come, it looks like a no diving sign not an S.
>white accent Superman talks like THIS

>black accent Superman talks like THIS
Looks like pajamas
Its not an S, supposed to be an alien symbol.
On my planet it stands for "James Gunn is a pedophile"
why have the underwear if the suit is baggy? The whole point of it is to hide the crotch from the tights
Fuck you
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yo todd open it please
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And this demon is supposed to be a giant humanoid bat with a bat tattoo in his chest. Don't know, maybe it's his mom.
im confused is this like a cell shaded deal or a black and white only set
I've never liked the panties and this has not swayed my opinion.
They fucked up hiring a jew
Why does he have those Marvel seams everywhere? I always hated how Captain America, Thor, and Spider-Man all have that same techy nonsense all over their suits.
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uhhh.. they coulda just taken the flash movie one or even shit. idk
It's beast Kingdom bro
it sure is
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For me it's year one
This is sooooooo fucking tight. Gets muh bunghole all moist.
Why are you like this?
you honestly think that shit looks good?
I think it's a repaint of 89. It's not terrible in universe which it is.
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>no blue crotch

I still really dislike it. BUT it's not as horrible as that first f*cking OFFICIAL first look was.

The leaks makes it look like it would've been great for a 2015 CW show, but not for a film.
Any chance they’ll do a Sonic and fix the shield in post?
When even major high end companies have to reuse molds, you know the figure industry is hurting
Don't retarded, the symbol was taken from his space ship, fuck his parents wear the same symbol on flashbacks, do you even read or watch the fucking source material?
This goes way back, even Power Rangers The Movie had these buzy designs, for some reason movie producers/designers hate plain textures, even Transformers had these techy bullshit, maybe they think simplicity make things look cheap.
It's literally just a repaint
Repaints=reusing molds.
Dude it's just a repaint of the og suit
I don’t give a fuck if the faggots and retards at DC are saying dickbutt or no diving signs are the official El family crest these days, it should look like an S.
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>finally some Batman Returns figure
>beast kingdom
>weird colors
>Dude it's just a reuse of the og suit mold
Yes as in the original version of it you fucking sperg
But why is it always the same pattern of straight lines? I have no love for Snyder but the unnecessary lines on that Superman suit were at least curved so they matched the S. I figured with Marvel it was because they were using the same designers from movie to movie or it was some kind of ugly in-house style.
California design faggots
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How does mafex make money with their movie figures anyway? It seems folly to release a figure for a movie that failed
a bad one, i really wanted the blue and grey flash guy. i know the movie sucks shit and the suit isnt for every one but the suit literally ecists and they didnt even try to do it
Just because you didn’t like Black Adam doesn’t mean everyone hated it. Some anons here were really excited for a Rock vs Superman movie.
Pedowood only hire the same people from the same background with the same education and ideas, and these talentless hacks all want to outperform but they are bounded by fear, lack of criativity and their bosses saying "do whatever Popular Thing is doing, just a little bit different". That's why every superhero costume in the last 15 years have those same basketball textures.
>the movie sucks shit
It's not a bad movie it just breaks from typical superhero plots.
>Beast Kingdom
They have the most schizo scale in the game
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>Rock vs Superman movie
could you imagine the attitude era with george clooneys batman going against stone cold and dean cains superman against the rock?
>It's not a bad dinner, it's just made of shit which breaks from your typical foods.
Nah they made a bunch over the years not sure if any of them were good though the 2018 DC multiverse one is considered bad I think but it’s the closest thing to an animated series Ivy that I could get in six inch scale so I think it’s alright
if only they knew how to use thinner cloths. everything is so poofy from what ive seen doesnt match their scale at all . its more baffeling since they actually have some decently sized figures
I liked the movie, anon, but its clear it failed
No it didn’t. It made millions of dollars and everyone who saw it had fun.
Warnor bros employees get outta here
the jew jannies never change
This one gives me loads of Spin Master energy, but I'll probably snag him if he's $9.99.

I don't know about SOUL but at least that John Henry can keep it up.

Each of them have idiots that probably buy exclusive to them.

Well since Metamorpho was in this batch, this is probably related a bit to the Superman movie.

Someone stole forty of his keks.

We get it, we get it. Pussy is sliding all over you every time you sit down, and your fingers only touch very expensive single can PBR and never, ever any articulating plastic at any price. You are the original Mister Too Kool For School.
I need someone to get him and surround him with super pochaco figures
Whats your plan to get sportsmaster, manhunter and/or Reverse Flash? Check stores daily?
I'm not wasting gas. If I can't easily purchase it online I won't be getting them.
I had a rare chance to drive a few towns away today to actually go to a target. I got myself all hyped but this morning i just said nah. Extra gas, extra drive time on my weekly errands just for a chance at finding a waverider or someone else? Nah nah nah, just too much of a gamble and toys just arent that important. Now, if i were guaranteed a manhunter id consider it. I just dont like the idea of wasting my time and money just to waste my money. I did get a superfriends black adam for $2 today that was cool.
>just found out about the Batman and Spawn 2-pack
how is it? Is the Spawn any good, or would I be better off with a different release of each?
The Spawn's cape hinders his arms but the cape is one of the most Spawny capes of all time on a modern mcfarlane non-statue. I still think the MK11 Spawn body is better though but that release isnt easy to come by in red anymore.

The Batman isn't that great a body buck (3 Jokers buck) and the colors aren't great for Batman either (a bit too greenish I would say). Head sculpt is kind of meh. It really depends on your preferences and ideal look for Batman as well. If you can get it for cheap (low to mid 30s?) it might hold you off.
And that's low to mid 30s for the entire 2 pack if that wasn't clear.
I like him... he is flawed sure, but he has a presence.
Why does everybody want to be this character so badly?
Because Doomsday strong, not weak fat man. Doomsday!
Imagine being able to just run through a wall into a room full of girls and like, “I’m going to make you my girlfriends”
whats stopping you anon
>wanting a blue crotch
Spend too much money on toys instead of a bulldozer exoskeleton
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>*Juneteenth Edition*
Why are you like this? This leap in logic doesn't even make sense. You are dumber than a nigger.
I dont think that batman can reach his feet
How's the Kryptonite version of Doomsday? I saw him at Gamestop. Unsure if I want him or a Droideka.
warhammer is gay af
>that shiny plastic
Come on Todd.
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>oh neat, they made a new Droideka?
>might wanna pick up a few to be random enemies
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Go make a general for baby toys and spam these
Why do you hate fun?
I did
Geez, it was todd's idea!
Anyone who buys this is feeding Todd's wallet.
It will make some ugly toys, since this is the toy board. The lines are unnecessary, saying it looks like PJs is actually a fair and accurate assessment. I do like the colors, but the fit is all wrong, and the belt looks like something Todd McFarlane would slap on a Gold Label exclusive and it looks like Todd comparable levels of cheap plastic.

It would be expensive and likely result in Mustachegate II

Director's approve suits. When you see the test for Nic Cage with that Superman suit, Burton is all over those when it's just a costume fitting. So it could possibly be that this is what Gunn is used to from MCU crap, although only a few of the Peacemaker suits were that crappy and I assumed that was always for the LOLZ.

Not wasting gas.
Not wasting time on line.
Not buying any of those.

>desaturated pvc

>for a movie that failed
Blue Beetle failed harder and there are people who picked up some of those toys because they were fans of the character.
Kryptonite version is the same mold as that one (and thus doesn't move insanely well or anything) with a new head that is a bit more limited due to the dreadlocks. But it has a darker color on the pants that looks less "toyish". They actually painted the torn suit on the arms and the top of the boots this time. However, I wouldn't really get both unless you're a completionist. I just got the Kryptonite one because it was $27 at Target and I passed on the pictured one due to the flaws and it being in a 2 pack with a figure I didn't want.
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>this is what Gunn is used to from MCU crap
Mr Terrific is pretty much 1:1 from the comic while the Engineer looks like some CW villain. I will wait until the trailer, but I hope that the final suit looks good enough to make a decent toy. Don't know about those lines tho, I think they will look like shit in any media.
>pretty much 1:1
I mean, that's like wanting someone to Eff Up PICREL in a live action adaption.

Mr. Terrific is just a nice, interesting motorcycle jacket and then otherwise pretty standard clothes.
Who's the bitch?
That looks cool
Engineer from The Authority
Given the outward movement you can see the crotch piece stretches, but for his forward and back the guy didn't even bother trying at all. The piece is flexible for a reason but lots of people try to ignore that for some reason.
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>lots of people try to ignore that for some reason
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i wish the superpowers line looked like this
would buy this for a little desk toy
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hea a big guy
(i think)
just under 8 inches
Koto can pay their sculptors more - plus their artists not only get better salaries, they also get credit for their work.

I own the GL one, they look bigger than your standard DCMV. Bigger than DC Direct since for a while I had an entire shelf that was just Lanterns with it and most of the GLs I own are DCDs.
So go buy the old DC Collectibles figures that were just statues with their arms at their sides, you stupid tasteless fuck
Because if you stretch that kind of plastic too much you run into...let's say...tearing issues. Especially as the figure gets older. Hard plastic diapers with cavernous crotches are superior as they will last forever.
wow man take a chill pill
You're the little baby who freaks out from every fucking post, mods should really boot your ass out.
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Superboy head as a Terry stand in
he looks like he's old and dying kinda
Aren't we all
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Out of all the bad guys I have these are my favorites. Might get the new animated Mr freeze because Arnie doesn't exactly fit. I just need my Bane 2 pack and Darkseid then I'm good on bad guys. Feels good being so close to done.
Why'd they make Atomic Skull look so good but Mr Freeze look so bad?
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Which sketch editions look better/worse? These or McFarlane's?
What is even going on with that chin?
He's a manly man with a chad chin
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>Purple Lex Luthor
>got your nose
EXCUUUSE me, anon. His lower legs, his diaper, his chest piece and his head are all different. He is quite different from Luthor I will have you know.
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kinda looks like the guy the played superman after he became crippled and old
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>the guy the played superman
I fell a wave of disrespect from this post
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That metallic plastic is really nice. I thought Hasbro was the top of the game when it came to great looking metallic molded plastic, but this is very impressive. McFarlanes have soft diapers, right? If so, I'm impressed he managed to get such a nice metallic green on that soft material.
>this is very impressive
It looks like dog shit in person
Some faggot did it
Adam West?
Nah Hasbroke is shit
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Do these Todd.
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>not enough lines on the plastic
>trunks not cut like boxers but cut like BVDs
>blue plastic not baggy soft goods pajamas
Are you complimenting Lex's glutes?
He looks scared
That's too much good taste for Todd.
Marvel Legends deluxe Odin costs $20 more than a DCMV megafig. In what world does this make sense?
In the world where Didney is an entertainment monopoly and Warner is barely even treading water keeping its properties relevant.
Marvel is pretty much circling the drain at this point though
The media is on a down turn for sure but the general public conscious still thinks of the MCU fondly, they just add the asterisk "it was good until phase 5" or whenever, but they think of it as being good in recent memory. Still plenty of nostalgia to fuel merch purchases at premium prices.

With DC, shit like Kill The Justice League dominates the conversation. Everyone's breathlessly waiting to see if Gunn fucks up Superman.
I have to admit that pajamas costume wasn't a great start. I can't imagine it looking good as a mcfarlane figure either
What Megafig? Did you cherrypick a cheap one or something? Cause I understood those to be around $50 on average, which is the same price as Odin.
You understood wrong.
Mega figs have always been $40
Rereleased mega figs with glow paint run up to $50 tho
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Take your meds
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Next month
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Nobody gives a shit about these releases but that's for posting friend :)
Granted I haven't bought one in a while, but early in the line I thought I remembered paying $50 for Violator and Cy-Gor.
Not multiverse
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NAH, I ended up with this (and a Spawn) I never wanted on a used lot of 5 Toddsters, where I wanted the Rebirth Supes and the Blue Wally and was purchasing the Rebirth Bats for someone else's teenager, and my out of pocket, even with the shipping on EB was about $10 per toy. So I wanted to flip Lex and I did flip the Spawn to make my personal cost $0.00. That was a photo to sell Lex.

I hate those one photo or two photo listings, adn especially the ones that show the toys on a flat level or leaning.

I want to show the toys I flip/dump being able to stand by themselves in loads of different postions, plus always like to show various articulations, and all sorts of views - it doesn't cost me anything.

And I don't get pestered with 'how are the joints, yadda.' Plus it's gotten me return customers when I am unloading crap.

I've never seen a McFarlane Mega at Game Stop or Target for more than $39. And I've even seen them for LESS, when they are discounted/clearance. The only place I see DC Megafig get upcharged is EB and Crapazon.
Stop being Canadian
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Disney is more than Marble.
WB is more than DC, son.
At the moment, WB is the most successful of the legacy movie studios this year.
>Went looking for a Earth-2 Superman non platinum version
>Find the Platinum version
I guess I have 2 of them now, maybe I cam trade it for the regular one
This Freeze is pretty cool. What Batman would go best with it?
That figure is ugly as sin. The white exposes the buck's flaws even more horrifically. Look at how bad the elbows are in the front, and the caps on the pseudo-butterflies are just hideous and warp the intended anatomy of the figure.
DCMV megafigs are 40. Spawn megafigs are 50, although those may be over for all we know.
This, todd stop being one years ago.
Black knightfall obviously
Hmm, too Comicy, if that makes any sense, doesn't fit in with Freezes greeblys. But I found one that works in my opinion.
Oh, of course. I thought the colors were familiar.
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[spoiler]Not A Canadian, boys and girls.[/spoiler]
In all seriousness, what the fuck is up with McFarlane being COMPLETELY wrong with proportions to the point where almost every figure looks goofy at the moment? Doesn't Todd take a single look at the figures and just give that feedback to his employees? It's literally simple to fix
Better than marvel hasbroke crap

Fuck off cross boarder Reddit FAGGOT
>Better than marvel hasbroke crap
this is not an answer and just makes you look retarded
all of them suck dick. Top is the only one some redeaming values (pointy hands / huge cape) but everything else in his show is just bland. The fact youtubers are trying to make all 3 of these shows seem like hidden gems is hilarious
Not memeing, what do you think is wrong with it? I did a few years of anatomical training in college and it looks fine to me, at least as far as exaggerated superhero anatomy goes. His legs are a tad long and head a bit small, but that's par for the course for a superhero's physique, and everything else seems as it should be.

Do you mean canonical character accurate bodies or something? Cause I can't speak on that, I have no idea who this is.
I would speculate that Todd doesn't really look at the figures anymore until he does a promo video for them and by then its too late to change anything
i (male) would like to have sex with him, in costume
>Fuck Jews
Stop being antisemitic anon

Sculpts are usually much better proportionate than final figure.

The problem starts when they add articulation.

And then it can get much worse when it goes through factory.

No one really knows how the final figure will look like until factory delivers the first lot. By then it's usually too late to fix.

It's only when they're terrible and unreleasable that they cancel the order and delay the figure. That's what probably happened with Cyborg Superman for example.
Clearance bin trash
Cyborg Superman

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after 3 months of delays my jla aquaman preorder was canceled today by target
i went full karen mode to them and they refunded me $15. I basically got superman/batman/john stewart for less than $50
yup, looks like i'll be getting the aquaman fig off amazon for basically $10 now
Stop pre ordering on target. GameStop is the best when it comes to mcfarlane preorders.
Nice exclusive
Also kind of doubles as a Superman One Million.
Gamestop is the worst actually. Because you need to preorder tons of things with the same release day to get free shipping
fuck gamestop
and all in all like i said I got three $25 figs for under $50 so i ended up saving a ton.
I used them as a last resort to get Darkseid since he sold out everywhere before I could get him. I'll eat the shipping. They emailed me the other day saying he would be shipping soon.
I think they've hit price sensitivity with the batmobiles with $80 when the Batman TAS batmobile can't completely sell out.
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>cross boarder
Correct if you want free shipping.
Also, to hit free shipping, you need to hit $79 in merch as well.

Only worthwhile if you want to do this: >>11050545 And I only do this when I just want one thing (for example, I bought the Batman '66 version of Superman from a store, paying retail plus the same taxes I would have paid McFarlane's Toy Store, or Amazon or Game Stop), but not having to worry about trying to buy a bunch of other crap to get free shipping, or to pay the shipping.

I'll admit I missed out on the Blue Beetle Super Powers and now have to get him from Amazon or not at all. Or pay scalper pricing on EB.
not with the Eagle
Picked up the New52 Hal. All of my Justice League members have shiny metal somewhere so it had to be this guy. Surprised at how well he scales with McFarlanes figures.

That’s kinda cool.

Sorry, man. I think that Aquaman is still pretty cheap on Amazon.
Hehehe YES YES!!!!!!!! Hopes this one sits on clearance like the batcycle.
You just mentioned it yourself, the legs and the heads are completely wrong. And I have to disagree that it's the standard of superhero bodies when they are drawn quite normally in 98% of comics. A small head and long legs already make a figure 50% worse but I wouldn't mind it as much if it weren't a simple fix in every case

Also not talking about canonically accurate bodies, I'm talking about stilt-like legs for every second character that is currently coming out. It's visible all across the board

Could be true but even then, it only takes 5 minutes to notice it's an actual issue with multiple figures. Mistakes are normal but you should usually learn from them (side eyes) instead of having them become the norm
>they are drawn quite normally in 98% of comics
Lost all your credibility right there and proved you have no clue what you're talking about
I like shiny toys, too
>Jarrett Stalker has joined the chat
It isn't like it's attached to his arm.
Should the Justice League let Phantom Lady or Power Girl join the team?
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>record scratch
>yep, that's me.
Which Batman is this? Looks nice.
go back
Black Knightfall Batman same as >>11049721
Power Girl has the better power set but they already have a red, white, and blue chick
Close, it is 3 Jokers Batman with the Trunks of Hush.

Cut off the freezie, attached effects are so lame
Knightfall Batman with some bits on the belt repainted gold.

Thinking about repainting his eyes but I love how goofy it is. He’s also really big at full standing height, like he’s bred from the same stock as my Diamond Select Thor.
He looks really cool, like a Mignola Batman. When Todd exhausts iconic versions and Elseworlds I hope he goes back to artist inspired figures.
I have that one to, I inadvertently won him in a lot. Not sure if I am going to keep him as I have an excess of Hals right now, and I'd rather have a Guy (but one with a modern hair cut) or even a Jess or a modern female).

If it's not, that would work, then, yes. I'll wait to see what the rest of the promo shots look like.

Still, I'd pick PG. A Kara would be another red blue chick.
>Jarrett is a catfag
is Batman Hush (black and grey) a decent figure?
i want to buy him and he looks pretty good but the biggest issue is how damn big he is. is he really that bad or does he scale fine with most mcfarlanes?
any batman using the 3 jokers body is too big
A lot of people are still probably sitting on the old one. This is like the 3rd re-release? The thing is also a huge space hog
mine is a foot away from me as i type. this is at least the third, maybe fourth release? it's pretty cool but if i didn't have the original figures to go with it idk if i'd want it based on the recent releases.
Jim Lee fucking loved putting straight lines on people for the New 52. I imagine that has something to do with it.
Weren’t there issues with the canopy not matching the rest of the car? For $80 and the fact it takes up as much space as a child laying down on a shelf I wouldn’t want to roll the dice on Todd’s quality control.
>issues with the canopy
thats the flash/89 batmobile
Doesn't one of them have a fucked up canopy and the other has weird tiger stripes on the sides from the casting process? If I'm investing in something that forces itself to be a large, prominent part of a display I'm not going to gamble on everything being perfect when historically he hasn't been able to make a Batmobile that doesn't have problems.
Still have my Keaton and TAS Batmobiles from when I was a kid and see no reason to upgrade them.
You have to know when to buy a line. It's typically in the first couple years of a line that the most money goes in to making a good first impression by the standards of the time. My Death Metal Batcycle is perfect for example. But then the line goes downhill with either profit taking or the company finding out the expenses are unsustainable and cutting corners to try to recover costs. Right now Todd is in the latter half with the DC license. Either things will even out a bit in a few years as he finds a point of sustainability or he will drop/lose the license
Ill take it. I thought the speed force was a neat idea.
I wish these would stop. It looks better than that robin but thats not saying much.
>good first impression
>anything Death Metal

Oof. Oof.
I got it for $20 and am thoroughly satisfied with it. He's definitely big, but I have 5 Batman figures from Todd and they are all different sizes so who the fuck knows anymore.
He's fine as long as he's paired with a Superman that isn't super small. Him being bigger than most of the justice league is cannon.
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Forgot pic
Best mcfarlane Batman is a BvS Arkham kit bash
speaking of Hush, are there any other black fists that will swap onto that figure? I cut the Kryptonite ring off but it looks kinda ass.

thought about buying the first appearance Batman and painting those fists black, but if there's a cheaper/lazier option out there I'd love to hear it.
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Pairs best with earth 2
Might need to swap the wrists too
Can the soft goods cape from Detective Comics #27 be removed and swapped to another figure?
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When you're ready:
I want a Streaky
I'll make the real thread in a minute
Why do you make the new thread when the old one is still on page one?
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I own two, actually. Both were accessories.

I want that wolf looking white dog that some anon posted here, maybe two or so months ago, to go with his (I think) New 52 Superman. IIRC, he got it at Hobby Lobby or some other places, it's not a DC accessory.

I think that's your best bet than waiting on Todd to get his shit together.
There’s something about mcfarlane proportions that are so weird. like the thighs are too small or his waist is too low or like his pecs are alright but the rib cage is too big like that picture of surfing Elon musk? it’s so specifically weird
nice! thanks!
>wolf looking white dog
it wasn't a Hasbro GI Joe Timber, was it?
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>fucked up torso
>fucked up balljoints at the arms and legs
>fucked up big ass head
>fucked up thin thighs
I genuinely have no idea how someone defends this.
I've been fucking trying to figure out what that was since I forgot to bookmark or save the photo!

Now to go chase it down!
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No problem bro
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It's partially his head sculpts (particularly with the Supermen but definitely with a few other characters) but it has a lot to do with his torsos and the neck pegs he uses with whatever he does as a head sculpt, good or bad.

Thighs/legs are often fine, as arm arms/forearms. It's really the torso design, particularly the choice to do the same thing to create ab-crunch, and the line wide choice of a diaper, that can and often does create these issues.

It's that stuff that causes this response.

And when he does go for a slimmer torso, THAT's when you get issues with the legs and the arms looking proportionally too long.

But yes -
it's a 2-pack with Snake Eyes and Timber, GI Joe Classified Series.

I've seen it as low as $13 on Walmart and $20-something on Amazon. USD

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