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Who has never gotten a new toy with the colors of an old toy, that you would like to see?

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Previously on /tfg/ : >>11034337
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I mourn for core class.
I want my Cryotek
may it come back slightly larger.
you n' me both, pal. I fear we may be in for a beast drought.
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I got Crankcase and I love him! Very cool figure
Maybe they can replace that stupid $15 warrior class.
As it is now they probably won't bother to give him the ice blast we wanted to use with him and Megatron since effect parts don't seem to be a thing much now.
looks pretty nice. nice beefy shoulders. forearms could stand to be bigger but he's good.
it's part of the mold, not an effect part. also what, doesn't magmatron come with a bunch of them? they've always been really haphazardly given out.
He's ok
I just found out Buzzworthy 4-pack Movie Airazor has her upper arms swapped by mistake.. easily fixed, and at first i wasn't going to bother, since it turns what looks more like a natural robot joint into an action figure 'cut joint' that interrupts continuous detail. But given the sorta technorganic aesthetic in that movie, I should get it right.
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I also really love his vehicle mode, I would like to drive this
big ass SUV with a big ol hood for a big engine, i'm down for it. but it needs bigger tires.
Skids looked comfy and something fun to drive, maybe race a bit, due to its Initial D vibes, but Crankcase looks like he and his passengers straight up murder people, that is to say yes the car looks very fun
>Crankcase looks like he and his passengers straight up murder people
Kek it would be great if he could pop out the shoulder cannons in vehicle mode too
especially considering that his passengers as seen through the windows are a couple very explosive-looking cylinders
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Well, I got those supplies for the knee mod but it turns out I can't cut the acrylic rods in small piece accurate enough so instead of acrylic I will be using those bean thingies for art and craft as anchors.

To be fair, I have worked the springs over night. Just dry run of turning the knee, it is rather smooth. So I guess the design does work even if it a shoddy one.

The next step will be applying the putty
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Here goes nothing

How long do I have to wait until clay like this dry?
The shoulder cannons looked a bit dinky, the chest looked weird, and I was already pleased with Skids so I didn't get him, but yeah it'd be nice for him to be fearsome in vehicle mode as well. Regarding the dinkiness, you can pretend it's one of those stocky cannons that pack a huge punch, seems like they're lasers anyway
They are his killmasters, Hurt and Pain
may it come back way cheaper*
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Got the deluxe Insecticons, and man, the deco and new heads save these molds, barely, the cartoon based bug modes don't work for them.
Great idea, still I might wait for DNA kit for him.
Air dry clay?? That shrinks when it dries.
>Air dry clay

I really don't know what they called it in English but we called it lights clay

I did played with a store sample. When it dried, it is hard but light. I guess people can use epoxy glue but that thing is liquid would get every where.

All I need is something hard to support the dividers. The clay should do the job even if it's shrinks.

>DNA add on

Well, it is either this or waiting for DNA for god knows how long. This should do the job even if DNA does nothing the end. And I think I can took out the clay. It is not like the clay has any bonding power to the plastic
I still can't be bothered to hunt down a Ransack.
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And a fun discovery

The plastic is not all the way fill in one of the inner wall for the legs

This is like the first time I have seen this with Hasbro toys
>All I need is something hard to support the dividers. The clay should do the job even if it's shrinks.
It won't work, the shrinkage will be quite large and there will be visible gaps all around. The clay pieces won't be in contact with the surrounding to support anything.

>I guess people can use epoxy glue but that thing is liquid would get every where.
There's a clay-like version called Epoxy Putty. I thought you were going to just slap a bunch of that down there last thread.
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Ready for the night
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The best Scourge money can buy.
RID is one of my favorite toylines for just how off the wall it is, I'd definitely love to go back and get more of the original releases
Gee anon, how come mom let you have two truck faces
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>perfectly happy with Kingdom Galvy
>suddenly now obsessed with the toy deco version for no reason at all

I'm getting Straxus, I don't fucking need a third toy of this mould.
Slaanesh is disappointed.
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>The best Scourge money can buy.
Disagree, the original is still unsurpased.
>implying fans of Scourge would pay money instead of loot and rape
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That's another way of showing your love for Miku Prime, sure.
I opted for the GS version over Kingdom because solid purple is a boring color scheme I'd expect a Decepticon goon to have, not their leader. Plus he looks really good next to Miner and DCS Megs.
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I'm so sick of the mold I didn't mess around with him much when I got crankcase but I agree he's probably the best looking one
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Don't fret Anon. they'll bring back Bravo Class :)
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I've been thinking about the lack of transformers games lately, and also the mysterious absence of playable transformers mods outside of san andreas, and while what i really just want is for someone to port the game characters into gmod or whatever, I ended up writing an autism piece outlining a transformers movieverse pvp game. For anyone who would care to read
pastebin com/TxZ53jeD
You'd think having a protagonist who can turn into a vehicle at any point would lend itself perfectly to some kind of open-world game.
The 2007 tie-in game is the perfect formula for an open world Transformers game that they just decided never to touch again
I think Universe (the Prime MMO) was also open world. I think it would be awesome, although I prefer more structured, intentional levels rather than big open spaces with things scattered about.
>I don't fucking need a third toy of this mould.
Are you sure? Really, really sure?
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I don't like Legacy Windblade so I got the Legends headmaster release off of Mandarake instead. Much happier since I like her overall form and design so much more than the newer one.

Also got the Autobot Clones but no one really cares about them.
>Autobot Clones
You kidding? I loved the TR Legends-class stuff. Pounce and Wingspan are still my favorites.
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>picked up SS brawn
>robot mode is super cool
>vehicle mode is literally not even close to a car and makes me feel like I’m damaging the toy when i transform it

They were so close. Is Gears basically the same?
I want reissues of Tigatron and Best Wars Grimlock that won't yellow in a week!
Aves apoxie sculpt would work amazingly well, no shrink, super tough material that you can sand and carve into if needed
>Is Gears basically the same?
Worse, Brawn at least hides all his robot parts, has right size wheels and cabin.
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I don't know

The stuff have been in a hot location for almost 10 hours now. I am not seeing anything serious in term of shrinking. I will let it cook for few days- hopefully soon because I got another trip to Vietnam next week and I just got back from india. I really want play tidal wave.

Originally I was thinking using some epoxy putty like magic sculpt, but damn the shipping is expensive these days.

Decided against using anything too strong because I think people will come up with some proper parts and I can't take out epoxy or glue once it settles.
New roadbuster when T30 don’t cut it anymore, never did in the first place.
Gimme Windcharger too. POTP one had major paint scraphong issues for me
Whirl kinda sucked too. He was trying to be Geewun and idw at the same time but fails at both.
like it won't come back the same size but more expensive.
>$200 toy has fragile knees, must be user-fixed to maybe function at an extra cost
>the Has-bros will suck off the company & defend this shit
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You really don't see the shrinkage with your pics side by side? The clay has dipped below the top and is starting to pull away from the sides. I'm not sure if the clay deep inside can even harden, it dries by evaporation.

>Originally I was thinking using some epoxy putty like magic sculpt, but damn the shipping is expensive these days.
If you can't get the modelling version, there are plumbing-use epoxy putty that can be easily found in hardware stores for cheap. You don't need to fill the whole cavity either since epoxy is tough AF, small blobs around the tabs will be enough.
Anyone who was still ride-or-die with Hasbro after they put a 250$ price tag on a commander class figure (and made it limitied release) absolutely deserves whatever they get, in all fairness

I just lurk here in the off chance they make something good or I see something older that i want to hunt down
Just say hascucks stop trying to make this a thing
'Hasfags' rolls off the tongue better.
But there are fags that hate Hasbro.
you mean to say an actual molding error? can you point it out?
is epoxy putty good for resculpting parts? i'm not okay with using anything that doesn't dry to something hard enough to feel like it belongs on the toy.. else i'd probably use air dry clay for stuff like lio convoy's lion face.
his legs are like that so while you're fellating him you can store your beer and snacks.
i dunno, maybe not TOO open. those tend to be too empty, and imagine the scale necessary for it to be satisfying for transformers
I guess something like Xenoblade X was really satisfying once you got your mech, but I can't pretend I used the altmodes very often. they were mostly the worst kind of H-tank, one comprised entirely of kibble
is the Takara version yellowing?
>Beast Grimlock
would be nice to get him in proper toy colors, but I don't see that happening. I wouldn't even be mad, i'd just paint a new clear color over my existing repainted grimlock. maybe turn his ass orange like Talon from Primal Rage.
Barrage and Chop Shop arrived today. Ransack's happy his bros are here, even if we're still missing their neurotic boss.
oof, your immune system must be working overdrive.
where did you order yours from?
... Hasbronies?
Wonder how they'll do Venom? New mold? Can imagine who he'd be remolded from
Amazon. They updated a while ago to push them back to August, then updated again to say "nah they're coming now lmao". The other set is still set for August, though.
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why haven't I gotten mine yet?
lul git gud
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Aw hell yea
Buying Legacy Quake for his targetmasters. Will throw the figure itself in the trash.
Couldn't you resell him to cover some of the cost?
Speaking of Insecticons, I wonder when or how the Diaclone insecticons will be released.
Legacy Targetmasters are total trash and you're planning to pay $25+ for two. Just buy some older ones secondhand.
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speaking of moolti-packs, anyone want to split this 4-pack with me?
>collecting the Diaclone tribute toys
>fucking hate the Diaclone Insecticon colors
That's going to be a painful decision no matter what I do
yeah I'll take the top 2 and you get the bottom
He's listed for retail wave 3 next year so pretty good chances for a new mold.
I wanted squeezeplay for years and this shit totally deflated my hype for him.
HasMAGA they're into deranged cult worship over complete garbage.
Mine is not yet yellowing but it may be too "new" to tell for the long term.
nuuu that is not the split I want!
yeah.. but i'm hoping.
>nuuu that is not the split I want!
Too bad
here I was going to be generous and offer to take tarn in addition to tarantulas.
he's one upgrade kit away from being really awesome.
No shit, if I get that Squeezeplay and Tarn I absolutely would.
Deal, i'll just sell cliffjumper to somebody else
also deal. Shit, how do we solve this
also is it still available or is it a closed pre-order now. target exclusives always throw me off.
Mm, problem is you need a large map to make vehicles feel worthwhile. At least, large enough that travelling across it on foot is a chore. You could have it be an open-ended war scenario where the game constantly populates available space with dynamically generated allies and enemies.
preorders sold out
it's coming out later like normal though, right?
>Deal, i'll just sell cliffjumper to somebody else
Email me if ur serious
I mean if this works out
It sounds like none of us can get ahold of it right now, though. Is it even on Target shelves?
If they don't give him an ice breath effect, they'd better do what they did with Thundertron and pack in a blue Laserbeak cassette for Chro.
>Filling his legs full of clay instead of a few drops of crazy glue..
oh that'd be cute
they'd better do BOTH. i want him to have his lil buddy.
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>non Gears owner detected
You forgot excellent articulation, smooth fun transformation, and amazing screen / toy accuracy. Im starting to be able to sniff out your posts from everyone elses. All you do is talk shit on toys you dont own. Im not even a fan of the characyer. He is simply one of the better transformers ever made. I
Next month it'll hit shelves. I'll keep an eye out at my local Targets.
crazy glue isn't sane glue, be very careful with it. it melts the plastic and then adds new plastic on top of it. you gotta do it just right
ahhh okay. i'll keep an eye on mine too. It sounds like we need to buy a minimum of two between the three of us. I'm just glad to know someone else wants part of it. That's all I need to hear. Worked out fine with splitting up the Dilophocon set.
Anyone here have nu Cybertron Hot Shot yet?
I had him in my hand today but didn't pull the trigger
Give me your best Prime Vs Prime impression
This Legacy Universe [X] looks sick. Now for the pose test. Here are some comparison shots.
i dont watch that guy, is he the one with the lil bionicle dude talking in the foamy the squirrel voice
oh okay. who is that guy?
pretty good
thank you, I will try to remember that.
I prefer Jorby anyway
Wot's up guys! Tuday werr taking a luk at the Hasbro Transformers Generations Legacy United Deluxe Class Cybertron Universe Hotshot!
You even got his accent. Amazing.

What part of the UK is his accent from? Idk anything about british "people"
sounds afrikaans from how anon typed it. lemme look up a video of the guy..
I don't know what to call that accent, it's like.. extremely lazy RP. It's the equivalent of a guy trying to sound like Mr. Magoo and failing hard because he's from the ghetto.
Now if only they FUCKING stocked him

I still remember the day he went up on amazon and I missed him by minutes. Now hes like 30 bucks
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He's gonna shelfwarm so hard.
this is incredible for a g1 triple changer, hot diggity. i mean big packpack sure but ... I think it's good enough to be made today with a few tweaks, almost unchanged.
what's the mold? Recolored Blitzwing?
You'd think that but Blitzwing has a pretty bad track record somehow despite just needing more joints.
Overcharge is G1 Blitzwing's repaint, he's coming in the last wave of Legacy. I still see Blitzwings around, this guy isn't going to move at all.
I'd be interested in him but not the Legacy mold. TR would be better
Yeah I was floored by how much I liked the TR mold. I got it cheap just out of curiosity and wanting to have a Blitzwing and then I immediately loved it
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Anyone know any TFs with Mafia/organized crime mentioned in their bios or lore? Looking to put together a famiglia
i thought thunderhoof was some kind of big cool mine fork vehicle.. he was a tractor?
I like it desu. It's unique
It IS unique! It's just not what I expected. and I could have sworn I knew this character pretty well, kind of the standout from this entry in the franchise. I love animalistic robot modes.. Though the hooves needed more paint.
Of the six main g1 triple changers Blitzwing might be the best one
Though I say that without having any hands on time with half of them
Cryotek. The blue dragon guy, not the Visionary.
like, a john deere tractor
get it?
I don't think the Visionary is anyone's first thought
"We see John Deere has come out with this year's line of rototillers. Surprise, surprise... They're green! I say it's time to send John Deere a Dear John."
"AH HA HA HA! Oh, that's classic!"
"You don't have to patronize me."
okay, but what if they replace the giant hands with literally anything else?
Giant feet
Well, after that crappy IDW comic ya never know.
Minicon just to make you buy the package
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>No context reader detected.
The subject was the awful altmode, hes an ok actionamster.
>All you do is talk shit on toys you dont own.
Bitch, I do own a copy, you must be blind if you can't see the shitty altmode.
Is that T30 Gears?
Black Shadow

I also like to imagine swindle does a lot of weird backdoor Mafia shenanigans.
Understood, we will be replacing the feet with reused blast effects.
Yeah, I'll post about it next month when it releases if I see anything.
Yeah Swindle's an obvious one although IMO he's TOO selfish even for gangsters. Just can't be trusted to hold to anything
The small one is a 3P by MFT.
What is that little blue dog...robot...thing?
Diaclone Reboot power suit KO. MFT really liked doing that for some reason.
.. oh that's good.
i wonder if they considered making him green and then pulled back.
1: bootleg diaclone exo suits, they randomly included them with their Gears, Swerve, Pipes and Huffer. No pilots included tho.
Diana, clear my schedule. I'll be transforming Legacy Menasor into his combiner mode and back.
I had a whole The Critic reply before I remembered this is from the episode where Homer becomes a food critic.
it just feels wrong to break treads up in quite that way. especially since you're supposed to pretend that is largely negative space, and it on'y isn't because ... actually help me out guys, they love making hollow parts, why aren't tank treads on guys like this more hollow like the real thing?
neat idea. love toys referencing toys.
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Got the new Darkism Trashbin head which came with some extra pieces not advertised and really help complete his look. I'm pretty damn satisfied with how this turned out.
pretty close to dead on. he's just lost some gut and some head fat
Our world's become a cesspool. Autobots and Decepticons, fraternising. A terrorist in charge of the Capital. And the streets...! The streets are swarming with mongrel Cybertronians - colonists, cogsnatchers, halfbreeds... Conjunx Endurae swap fuel in public. Monoformers parade their deformity. The planet reeks of concession. It's time to wipe the slate clean. Tear down, so that we might rebuild.

>I miss him
How do we save it?
Destroy the universe and try again.
yeah TR windblade was a sleeper hit for me. i pre-ordered the whole wave on discount with intention to sell her off, but she was basically free and still have her
Kala, you've been on and on about this ever since Ravannavar freed you.
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i am so mad the only overcharge we ever get will be a repaint of the gigturd legashit blitzy. if you ever want proof accuracyfags are cancer look no further
very nice pastel colours anon
i always liked united wreck-gar for the same reason
If I wanted to make a girl Wing Saber from the recent Windblade, at minimum I would need to make a new head, hands, and replacement for the fans that have flaps to use as swords. Naturally I haven't used materials like modelling clay since middle school and the experience I had with 3D modelling was in a software I don't feel like paying money for I used like 6 years ago and never got good at. A lot of work for something that is just a shitpost over somewhat similar names.
>girl Wing Saber
for what purpose?
This is the Trainbot Anon and he's STILL coping with other shit
You should all know by now he's retarded
hey sometimes you wanna make a new character variant..
I am just now realizing how much better Bumblebee, in all incarnations, would have been as a girl. including Cheetor
just a dorky bumbling screwup, learning lessons, not being quite grown up yet, letting Sam and Mikaela make out on her hood, becoming a sabertooth weretiger... uh... befriending Raf...
A shitpost over somewhat similar names.
Why would a red-blooded teenager like Spike have a girl robot as his best friend?
because that's awesome?
who the fuck is better than a cool older chick to show you where all the cool parties are and shit like that? well i guess this one isn't cool, if she's rule 63 bumblebee she'll still be dorky, but... well they'd still be friends. best friends!
>Gets pulled over for driving while too young for driving
>Bumblebeatrix turns into robot mode
>Cop goes HE'S 14 YOU SICK FUCK
not in the 80s
Pretty sure Skybound Spike is the only time he's been a teenager
G1 Spike was introduced already working on an oil rig and IDW Spike was a military guy
Working on the rig was likely illegal and because of his father. Later episodes have him stated to not be old enough to drive.
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so when are we getting this easy repaint to go with magmatron?
that's a full retool, and not a good one. a pachy has little in common with a weird wide-hipped chameleon-footed raptor body. If anything, it'd be a dilophocon retool.
Honestly I feel really bad for anyone interested in getting into this line right now. The backlog is starting to get really expensive and new releases are hard as hell to find. I got my Gears on sheer luck. Only had 1 free day to hunt for him at retail and found him at my last stop.
dude it's just a retooled raptor head lmao
The original was, but Hasbro don't do unrealistic organic beast modes anymore. A raptor with a dome head doesn't cut it as a pachycephalosaur anymore.
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Can you 3d print?
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They do under the collab line, this movie monster wasn't realistic even back then in the 90s.
This thing is a turd and atrocious
Why you people are so fucking bent on convincing others it's somehow good is unreal to me
Nice. I do hope Hasbro keep going with the SS86 Junkions, they're some of the best toys Hasbro have put out in recent years. Most of the limbs needed for the others are done at this point, just need new heads and torsos.

Rubbish - new head and torso with Scrapheap arms and legs
Re-Cycle - new head and shoulders with Scrapheap chest, arms and legs
Trashbin - new head and chest with Scrapheap arms and legs
HAZMAT - new head with Junkyard arms (no shields), chest and legs
Ashtray - new head with Junkyard arms (no shields), head and chest
Wasteoid Gamma - new head and chest with Junkyard arms (no shields) and legs
Greasestain - new head and arms with Junkyard chest and legs
So I've been burned out of collecting gundam figures cause of ever declining quality and dumb decisions on bandai's part, and I've been thinking of branching out into some transformers.
What are some toy lines that I should check. I'd love toys that can actually be played with and aren't just display figures.
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Studio Series - movie, game figures
Legacy/WFC - G1 and other continuities
MPM/MP expensive and more accurate toys.
>So I've been burned out of collecting gundam figures cause of ever declining quality and dumb decisions on bandai's part, and I've been thinking of branching out into some transformers.
Well oh boy, aren't you in for... more of the same.
probably as a 2 pack with another g1 jazz
Buckle up because it only gets worse from here.
>I'd love toys that can actually be played with and aren't just display figures
The nice thing is other than to the transparent plastic most of the main Generations lines are pretty good at this.
>cause of ever declining quality and dumb decisions on bandai's part, and I've been thinking of branching out into some transformers.
These past couple of years have been rough from Hasbro as well. I would recommend the WfC trilogy line (Siege, Earthrise, Kingdom). There's some duds, but a LOT of really good, updated molds. Bit of everything for everyone.

Be sure to read up on the character's toy over tfwiki first before purchasing. If there's something like a manufacturing defect or an easily snapable peg it'll usually say.
What modern, mainline Hasbro Transformer has the very best articulation? My first thought is Kingdom Rodimus. Does anyone beat him?
Tarn and SS ROTB Optimus are the first two that come to mind.
Concept Megatron
Studio Series BBM Megatron or Legacy Cybertron Starscream.
Ok, now without movie figures.
>Re: Cybertron Starscream
His articulation is great but still slightly inferior to Rodimus
(Rodimus beats him for a neck joint and wrist hinges)
Also, who has the best ab crunch? I’m thinking its Impactor.
>If anything, it'd be a dilophocon retool.
Or an (extensive) Vertebreak/Dracodon retool, considering they're already Pachys (Dracorex is more or less confirmed to be a juvenile Pachycephalosaurus at this point rather than a new, distinct species).
>It could've been good
Aw come on, what the FUCK
oh wow, that chest design works really well to balance out the width of the shoulders, looks much more natural than the default
Siege seeker mold
Gears is much easier (and more fun) to transform.
I have both; I like Brawn too but his conversion takes some getting used to.
that wouldn't be a retool then. that would be a 100% new mold.
>more or less confirmed
i'm not even touching that.
it's fantastic, except for weird color separation, and a tiny beast mode head which everyone gets now
it is a fine dilophosaur that just has a fun speculative addition, which is meant to fold down out of the way anyway so it can be ignored. they just wanted to have fun with 'another big thing that bites you'
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Cyberverse version looks cool too but it could use more detail, theres also a lyzack version. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/cyberverse-slipstream-conversion-kit-for-legacy-windblade.1264224/
Never heard of this guy.
SS86 Wreck-gar is very underrated, his transformation scheme gives him fully articulated ankles, hands that can move down as well as swivel and an ab crunch. All he's missing are butterfly joints.
Fuck off, Sentinel, you fascist prick
these require you to print them. The nonnef kit will be cast plastic, so I'd wait on that one and see how it turns out first.
So we're getting a second wave of Star Seekers. That should be fun, trying to find them.

i will say i've had good results with a 3d printing service, but it aint cheap
It also has really good head range and you can untransform the shoulders for some backwards butterfly, the most limiting thing is the limbs only bending 90°
86 wreck-gar in general is just a really good mold with retools that put the seekers to shame, I really hope we get shattered glass redecos eventually
You also have to paint them though, whereas nonnef's will be color matched. I'm just saying, people might not want to jump on this one just yet until we see what else comes down the pipeline.
ah yeah that's true. hell sometimes even the chinese kits molded/printed in color are off. There are two options for gap-fillers for magmatron, and one is WAY better than the other (and has a sword extender)
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>nonnef's will be color matched.
Yeah, but what if you want harem of female seekers in different colors?
Reminded me to go check in on the progress of that kit, its up on his store


>Just a wing gap filler and new sword
Well fuck man... I was really hoping for more, the pic of her chest and backpack removed had me hoping for for those being replaced too, ah well wings are still worth it i suppose
>The image of Slipstream has her mostly covered by Shadow Striker's arm
it's a cool sword.
upgrade kits are never as much as I wish they were.
the chest kit is for slipstream. This is just for windblade
Ah i see, well ill be interested in seeing how that turns out, might make me get slipstream if its good enough
Hopefully better than his roller and Paddles.
Nah, Roadpig's a part of the regular assortment. They just haven't revealed him for reasons, same for Thundertron.
Hm. Any other Voyagers or Leaders they haven't shown yet?
Don't think so.
Rodimus is that good? I skipped him because SS86 Hot Rod was already damn-near perfect.
Mayhem Bludgeon and Ruckus.
Early episodes of stuff usually have things about them that latter episodes changed.

Sopranos episode 1 had Tony assault a guy in front of 50 witnesses. Later on he'd be smart enough to not be seen doing it because it made more sense. Typical stuff for that first episode of any series to do.
i'm reading the Venture Bros making-of book and they talked about how they kept lucking out, because writers who were not consulting each other would end up writing the exact right stuff, or they would bullshit something that ended up working perfectly later
most things aren't that lucky.
Do you have any specific examples?
anyone order the Windsweeper set?
The whole 'he swallowed his twin in the womb' thing was, at first, just screwy imagery they put in just for fun. like haha what if he's having a nightmare where he's in the womb
but that's not really an example of 'early installment weirdness' as it's called, I'm having trouble thinking of how they deftly avoided that, but i definitely recall reading something where keeping continuity with previous randomness actually helped
Skeletor & Cobra Commander openly talked about owning slaves which they forced to work for them & tortured on screen in early episodes, but that didn't equal "lovable character" so they both got turned into Yosemite Sam to be more kid-friendly & sell toys, with their underlings becoming comedy caricatures with dumb plans.

TF had the Autobots flying early on, but then only Sideswipe had a jetpack(in the same story), then none of them could fly. Oh and the "Megatron reprogrammed the Constructicons" followed by "but the Constructicons built Megatron in the first place" thing.
yeah softening-up ruins most "kids' " franchises.
and a lot of "adults' " franchises do the opposite and go too gritty and become unpleasant.

They said many times that they made it up as they went along, and would flesh out what started as one-off gags. Like the Guild of Calamitous Intent: it was only made to explain why villains could be at Rusty's yard sale and nothing more. Only later did they turn it into this huge organization.

They also never planned on how Jonas Venture died or who did it until season 6 or 7.
Pokemon is probably one of the more drastic I've seen, both for games and anime.
yeah but that's not really what we're discussin here.
just the fact that in most shows, they throw out ideas that work fine in isolation, but later the show develops in a way that now that stuff would never happen
and that VB more or less dodged that by sheer luck, because they always seemed to write compatible shit
pokemon didn't get that much softer did it? it just got blander.
instead of a perfectly soft adventure, it was a perfectly soft handshake with a guest character and standing around talking
Nintendo made sure Pokemon stayed soft, but the head writer had bigger, darker plans. Just read through this:

Shudo only handled the adaptations. Personally I think he's the only guy who really "got" Pokemon but it wasn't his baby. TPC has a lot more to do with making Pokemon for babies
Why does Missing Link Convoy even have a "cartoon" deco? Are these mentally ill fucks such a big special interest group they have to be pandered to? It's not like it will ever be "cartoon accurate" anyway so why?
the only thing I can think of is that's a "what if the toy you had looked like the cartoon you watched" thing but it's such a huge niche. I'm very surprised they packed the axe in with the toy version at all though considering it's not "toy accurate."
You're a grown man trying to moderate how people handle their toys. Get a grip.
It's a totally valid question though? It doesn't make any sense to have two decos like that. Though the fact that the toon deco has no trailer is interesting since it's definitely targeting a more casual audience
It's a modernized G1 Optimus Prime toy. The deco is probably meant to be a step further by making his colors "modern" too.
I figured it was an homage to the cartoon-colored New Year's Convoy release which had the original Matrix accessory
I think they just wanna give buyers more than one option.
oh yeah "nintendo" of america started going over and hassling japan ahead of time, around when console games went region-free
that should have been a massive outrage and been made illegal, but oh well. everything good has to be ruined and everyone thinks i'm insane for noticing it.
Nah. NoA's pitch for localization that got scrapped made it less cute. The appeal to cute is on the Japanese side since it means more marketable things to sell plushes of and female audience.
whether it was involved in this case, the thing I said still happened
also they made them not have gambling anymore, I remember that.
Thats Europe's fault. They can't have gambling in games.
whaaat. europe has never had a problem with it, only america does. that puritan background.
this isn't like games where you gamble with real money from your parents' credit card, europe got a bug up their butt about that, but that was later.
You stupid fuck. The release of Platinum version even has the Game corner in the US version while not in the EU version because of Europe's anti-gambling laws implemented at the time.
thousands of people lied to me then
No, you just lack basic reading ability.
People shit and cum themselves over toon accuracy, I have no idea what you mean by "huge niche"
Third party especially is dominated by it, there are whole threads on other sites of people shitting and pissing themselves over the color of prime's thighs and rereleases in slightly more accurate toon colors (I'm talking literally just a few shades different)
then thousands of A grades in school lied to me. or i've recently suffered head trauma and not realized it, which i believe happens sometimes.
Head trauma sounds plausible.
alright i'm seein a doctor soon. thanks for the heads up, anon.
It's literally european law that you can't have gambling in games of any kind, even simulated
only puritanism has ever been anti-gambling. no other philosophies worldwide have that
I'm sure you're confusing this with the ban on manipulative phone games that are ACTUAL gambling. Which is a lot more recent, for obvious reasons.

>"In Pokémon Platinum Version, the slot machines in the Game Corner cannot be operated by the player, to comply with PEGI guidelines concerning gambling. Players can still get coins to exchange for items, simply by checking the slot machines or from the Game Corner counter."

It used to be that any game with Gambling was automatically bumped up to PEGI 12, which meant Pokemon would not be rated for young kids. Since 2020 it's now automatically PEGI 18.
A lot of things established early on just dissapear or are just completely forgotten. Among them:

-Pokemon only started showing up relatively recently (Last 100 years or so)
-Regular animals still exist alongside pokemon.
-Hunting, and eating Pokemon was a thing.
-The setting taking place in a planet similar to ours (Surge was from America) with some events and holidays from the real world also happening there.

And other thingd.
right right, it's a "for kids" thing
yeah pokemon has fucktons of retcons
I wish they would just roll with that, instead of autistically sticking to like "if an old pokemon has a new evolution, we have to make sure to explain how it's not possible to do in those old games"
as if we would cry and throw fits if we can't use a moon stone to evolve Eevee in red and blue, if they had made that how you get Blacky. Which they obviously intended to.
I suppose they'll retcon Matisse to be from the .. whatever gen's region is supposed to be america. that's Switch gen, right

so yeah no huge shock transformers had elements like that. I'm pretty sure even just concepts like energon are totally different in earlier episodes than how it works later.
They already did that in Sword and Shield. Pokémon that evolved by location changed to stone evolutions and changed the breeding group of some species among other things.
But Umbreon was never going to be a Moon Stone evolution. Originally it was designed for a new Poison-type evolution item, and then shifted to take advantage of the Day/Night cycle.
15 year olds worked all sorts of jobs in the 70s and 80s
they 'already did that' in gen 2 or 3, is my point. the retconned evolutions all acted like we would lose our minds if they required things that would have been possible in previous gens
plausible, but come on, every kid made evolutions based on the three remaining stones, it can't be a coincidence that we got one with a moon on its head and then next time, a leaf one..
bring back old core class... It's currently my largest collection
It isn't really a "moon" symbol which is a crescent, you are just working backwards from being associated with a nocturnal creature. Teddiursa depicts an actual moon symbol on it.
>as if we would cry and throw fits if we can't use a moon stone to evolve Eevee in red and blue, if they had made that how you get Blacky.
wrong. It was a Poison Stone (hence why Umbreon's dex entry talks about poison.) Espeon was the Sun Stone.
which i assume is a gag on 'sun bear'
there.. wasn't a poison stone though? poison types used moon stone. so maybe same idea, "someone meant for moon stone"
The two poison-types that evolve with a Moon Stone are also rabbits, so they have confounding aspects as to what it means.
Got to milk a re-use out of the mold somehow!
Speaking of Pokemon, Pokemon Transformers crossover when?
Spaceworld Beta has a Poison Stone in it. Weepinbel also evolved with it as a counterpart to Bellosom.
Depends on if they bother with ML UM or not, but Nemesis Prime also seems free.
faskinatin. i learn new shit about beta pokemon stuff every fuckin week. god those were the days
yeah, that'll get us back on topic! and for once, I would have the opposite desire I had for smash bros (where they should have really stuck to upright guys with long limbs) and suggest they should be as far from humanoid as possible. i want a Saihorn transformer super badly.
Someone at Hasbro in an interview last year said that as something she would like to do for a future crossover and Pokemon is popular so it should sell well even if it is a $50 deluxe because of licensing. So it depends on if they would approve of it at TPC.
everything aside from the frill and the venom was. and the size. and a female having th- look, it's realistic
Just spotted a herd of them in Mushoku Tensei, I guess it really resonated with people. I find it hard to imagine a more accurate dilophosaurus would have.
The recent Rhinox turned out poorly, but maybe if they are not trying to copy a CG model for the robot it would be okay.
It should be a Gen4 Pokemon, to meld with the mechanical TF look better. Like Metagross. He rocks.
What, you don't want the PotP beast guys lightly retooled into Golem, Garchomp, Aerodactyl, Zweilous, and Charizard?
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yeah exactly. the basic idea is still sound.
just don't make the upper limbs spindly and then the lower limbs a big chunk of the thick animal. that's tempting, a lot of g1 guys did that with big chunks of car part on a spindly thigh, but don't.
>g1 dinobots style
that would not be good!!
>pick the H-tank monster
you're havin' a go, aren't you. You're taking the piss. Passing the mickey. Havin' a laugh at our expense.
buuut you've gotten me thinking.. what if instead of the obvious, instead they were robotic pokemon and they were the robot mode? so they get an altmode of something else.
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Metagross is Gen 3
Could make that from the Vintage mold.
Golurk and Genesect confirmed. They already have "alt modes".
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man if something transformed into 'metamewtwo' i'd piss myself.
kek. reminds me of how he looked in that one manga. he actually kinda looked like the old football-shaped pikachu
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I finally watched ROTB and this noah diaz toy still doesn't make sense. Why didn't they directly make it a GI Joe figure? They even did the whole not-Nick-Fury cinematic universe teaser thing at the end (a decade late).
The GI Joe line now is 6", so he would be way too big.
Toys take a long ass time to get done, so that figure could be based on pre eliminar art for a sequence that got cut from the script, or maybe was filmed and was cut during edition, who knows.
So even before they killed Core Class, they killed 3.75" figs, the size Joes were known for?
They killed those at least since ARAH aired. Classified is their main product line currently with 3.75" being pretty much exclusively reissues.
*killed those multiple times
Sorry, I made an error
Pretty sure they just didn't want to pay the actor for his likeness, hence why the toy has a helmet that doesn't even match the cover art let alone the movie.
it's just 5 pesos
oh wow it really didn't haha
the wiki says 'because they couldn't get the likeness, ... they used the beta helmet design'
which ... makes no sense. i imagine it used to say "it doesn't include a removable mask" in the middle there, before starting a new subject.
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POs opening soon
hot fuckin rod
that is allowed to transform
i'll be curious to see how that aspect turns out
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only pic atm
damn... that's pretty rad
though I must say, even as a bayfan, I think the spoiler is too busy. It's a sleek swept-back fin, it shouldn't have THIS many lines on it, or so many angular chunks sticking out.. They could have pulled it off with just a slight modification, in my eyes.
Should I drop about $140-$150 shipped for a complete gobots command center with box?
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No, get yourself the machine robo playset
>search in Japanese
> マシンロボプレイセット
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It’s much cooler and I’ve seen it on buyee go anywhere from like 60-150 complete
It's not an at at with a cafeteria and brainwashing section. What other features does it have?
Firing missiles, launching ramps, elevator, helipad, fold out guns, radar dishes, looking cooler and less Hanna barbera goofy
looked around yja and mercari and can't find it anyways
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There’s also the machine robo rescue playset, get ready for conveyor belt launching action
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Did people fall for this? Surely Rattata would have been more believable. At least as far as maybe a BWxPKMN line would have been believable.

I suppose in the current year and the format for Crossovers at the moment... It'd be fucking Pikachu wouldn't it -.-
If earthspark is kill, when can I expect this trailer to be cleared at $3.50?
you really think it would be more believable for it not to be the most consistently shilled and merchandised pokemon in the series? really?
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That's when I noticed this toy two stories tall and a creature from the cretaceous period!
>finally get a proper deluxe choppu shoppu
>disgusting trampstamp
guess you gotta do what you gotta do...
Is the TMNT collab the price of a Commander class in your region too?
Holy fuck that's disgusting. Is he a Rock Lord? Why does he look like crumpled up paper?
>Relying on TVtropes
My guy, these people can't even get the plot of most manga or gameplay mechanics of videogames right, what makes you think they'd have reputable info?
Really baffling why someone felt like they just had to stick that shit there.Especially since Ransack dosent have one. Definitely one of those faggy USA designers faggy oc. They probably wanted it dead center on their chests, thank God someone stopped them
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>be genius Takara designer
>spend weeks of hard work lovingly retooling the bugs, making their decos perfect
>some absolute faggot slaps that ugly ass shit on there right before release
That being said the buggus are sick af. They feel like a Takara premium release. Two color paint apps on Barrage’s toes are really the chefs kiss
oh it was 100% mark doddling a little tag and getting high off his own farts
glad that fuck is a goner, legacy was ultiately a waste of time lacking all semblance of cohesion
And Venom will be part of a 5 pack with recolors
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Isn't he supposed to be Wave 1 2025?
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>"Blindfolds Down."
>"Pull the Shade, boys."
>"let's deliver the package."
>"aye captain, deck command: we are go."
Nope, preordered it for 65 bucks. Probably still too much for what it is.
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>"Catapult firing in 3...2...1.."
>"Package is away."
i can't imagine who'll they repaint him as to recoup the mold costs
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>"let's get to work."
A new character in G1 Insecticon colors seems like the obvious choice
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They could do T30 Venin colors.
I think my black zarak got lost in transit...
Stole someone's Black Zarak from the Post Office...
Has the sekrit club confirmed it's a new mold? They could just need to add insect wings and legs to a brick, so it could be another siege Reflector retool
I don't understand the fascination this team has with alternate faction symbols. I don't want Wreckers symbols or Mercenary symbols or Star Seeker symbols or whatever the fuck this is. I want Autobot, Decepticon, Predacon, Maximal, and the G2 symbols.

I don't even fucking like the Shattered Glass symbols. I'd rather the SG Autobots just be Deceptions and visa versa so they can work on a shelf together.
I think the most embarrassing of their faction fetishism was putting the TFP Predcon symbol on Transmetal 2 Megaron's box (though fortunately not the figure).
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Shout out to the anon who recommended this big beefy lady a long time ago, i had bookmarked a search for her intending to look into getting one at the time and then completely forgot until months (maybe over a year idr) later

Anyway i was cleaning out my bookmarks and came across it again. Ebay prices on this figure are ridiculous, 18 on mercari was much better

Immediate impression was surprise at how big and hefty she is, was expecting cheap feeling and hollow plastic but its closer to an old armada toy

Delightful chunky wheels that roll beautifully and a great size presence
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I can perfectly picture her drum having a minicon or planet key flip out feature, she really does feel from that era in a way though not as angular or with as much sculpted detail
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Robot mode is pretty limited and has some mixed issues.

The head can rotate but only has about 45 in each direction before bumping in to the collar

The shoulders have a three click range outward (straight down, 45, and straight out) as well as a rotation joint but the rotation is above the shoulder click and clashes with thr backpack in many spots

No biceps but 90 elbow and full wrist on a really tight ratchet as well as opening hand.
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Full waist although its supposed to be locked by the backpack but you dont have to.

Outward on the hips can go full splits but the static hipskirt prevents going past 45, but the previous owner snapped the left one on mine so i could kick if shed stay up

She has no thigh rotation, barely 45 knee bend and feet in a permanent a-stance, all that combined with how heavy the backpack is and how little resistance the hip ratchets can handle means shes pretty much only good for the animated style legs back hero pose
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The limitations in posing are a shame but her massive stature makes her the perfect back row brute figure to fill out a crowd (call this team clearance since i passed on all these initially then got lured in by sales) and look intimidating, as if strika had a bright pink baby with mixmaster

Absolutely not worth whatever insane markups you see from shitty import resellers but if you can find her for under 20 id say shes worth that just for pure mass and the fun of having a huge beefy industrial vehicle fembot with cute kitty ears
I've seen so many korean robot toys that look pretty cool but then get ruined because most of their total mass is just dedicated to their shins
I need to contact someone about Athena.
What would be cool vehicles for an OC combiner?
I think that was just a mistake.
A big 'ol cargo ship for the torso
A tugboat for the head
And then the limbs could be like a commercial fishing boat, a riverboat with the big paddle wheel, a yacht, and the fucking Mayflower.

It'd just be cool to see a whole team of non-military ships I think
Of course not. When a magazine makes an April Fool's article, it makes sure to be not realistic unless it is planned for making a real version later.
Got Target Prime; I apologize in advance for the poor lighting. Not a whole lot to say here, so just enjoy the pics.
His box art is kinda cool, if cartoon-y.
Truck mode. Same Laser Prime alt mode, now with the ER trailer. His dog (the Target mascot), Bullseye, turns into a 'bubble mailer envelope' (just Ravage's casette mode). Like ravage, he has a flip-out peg on hsi back, so you can stick him wherever (or plug him into one of the trailer's interior peg holes so he doesn't rattle around when not deployed). The black, red and white colors look kinda nice and pretty crisp. His windows are made of solid black plastic now, and that applies to his fake chest windows as well.
Same Laser Prime robot mode, just new colors and none of Laser Prime's weapons. Instead you can equip the ER trailer's drone and door shield piece; at least he still has his shoulder rockets. Prime's new black head and red eyes make him look a little...evil. There's something pleasingly aesthetic about the pure-white trailer; it looks pristine, and can almost pass as a medical bay.
The Siege Ravage mold definitely makes for a better dog than it did a panther; sadly, he still has no tail. Also, same old Matrix, now with new colors. Not sure what this one's supposed to be - the Matrix of Retail?
Last one. It's too bad they didn't pack a little ball in there for Prime to play fetch with Bullseye like what his artwork shows. Not that he's very good at bending or kneeling, anyway.
While I don't normally care for 'corporation-themed merchandise', and I've never been a huge fan of the Legacy Laser Prime mold, I do really like his color scheme for much the same reason I loved RedWing - black, red and white go together really well.
No wonder he switched to human girls
I like that the color scheme seems to be referencing Galaxy Force Optimus
It isn't intentional.
Would anyone be interested in kentan99/athenas current escapades?
Uhh based, I’ve been committing mail fraud for years to take others transformers. I check everything from Craigslist to eBay just to get my fix, been doing this grift for years now
What is this called?
Miniforce X Lucy, one of the many Miniforce Lucys
Definitely not intentional - this is a 'crossover' with Target, so he's using the company's official color scheme.
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Love that design, especially since we need more bulky fembots but you weren't kidding about those markups, fuck me
I wish companies thought like you, and valued appropriate choices over "the big popular guys over and over"
if pokemon did a transformers crossover, not only would it be pikachu, it would be optimus prime. MAYBE bumblebee.
are the characters not supposed to have those when they give them them?
ahh the ol link in a barrel technique. very nice.
fascinating.. a cement mixer girl.. she's actually not bad, decently feminine. plus the sexual connotations of being a cement mixer can't be ignored.
a monster truck as the torso, SUVs for arms, limousines for legs. call him Classmaster.
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Bumblebee already is a Pikachu.
kek, yeah, the iconic cement balls outside target are a huge part of their lore.
just like the toys should have been popcorn-scented.
Fiction is for retards. You just buy them to put on a shelf. Mismatching symbols bad.
i think that's why anon said 'seems to be'
how much did you pay in mercari's new fees
new autism just dropped
the characters represented by the toys, do they not have the faction symbols the toys have? it seems like a very odd thing to add in otherwise. and it sounds like anon agrees they 'belong' there, and doesn't want them anyway.
In the case of the Mayhem Attack Squad, they certainly did not. For starters Chop Shop wasn't even in the version that logo is referencing, much less was that something they were actually wearing.
No. For instance, G2 Leadfood had a Wrecker symbol stuck on him. The toy only had a G2 Autobot logo. Likewise, Bug Bite and Exhaust had the Mercenaries symbols on them.
okay but in the fiction that the toy was made for...
It wasn't made for any fiction.
then in what way is he a Wrecker?
He was released in the Amazon Wreckers subline
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Lucy's latest mech form is this which is a tribute to her season 1 form, what a downgrade :(
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Found a pretty big spider in the garden today
The West African Fatty Tarantula
Said to be able to eat its own weight in mammals every day, but also has incredibly complex plans that cannot be understood by others. It's purple color scheme is said to help it see in the dark somehow.
wait what is she from?
This is the best Bumblebee design
I'd disagree, but the one I like better had a dubious execution as a toy so I'll go along with that.
>the one I like better had a dubious execution as a toy so I'll go along with that.
Don't be shy.
Animated. It got a recent toy in Legacy and turned out worse than the Studio Series Bumblebee.
>Galaxy Force Optimus
Kinda regret skipping those movie "combiner armors".
>wait what is she from?
NTA, but shes a mech from the miniforce show, a chinese cooler looking version of rescuebots.
>Amazon has a random preorder on fucking Legacy Strongarm.
Of all things.
sorry, so this is 100% not transformers then?
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>Ransack on the scalper market
>almost as much on his own as the complete set
I disagree, I have legacy Bee and I like him. He is small and cute and the vehicle mode looks way better in hand
Space shuttle, satellite/space probe, small rocket (think the top-part of Saturn V as a standalone vehicle), moon rover, space telescope (ala Hubble).
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Not the best quality, but it isn't expensive either.
Nice! Do the vehicles have robot modes on their own?
Isn't that the same trailer from Cyberverse?
I love playsets. We need more if TF
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For transformers it is inconvenient outside of Micromasters or the old Cyberverse style.
Hell yeah, those look cool. I dig that the shuttle guy is very obviously Astrotrain.
we need more Micromasters
fuck it, what's he up to
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>tfw there was a moment in time where he was worth less than $20 shipped
The Transformers game do get crazy sometimes
Team completion is a hell of a drug.
I learned the hard way to snap up any figure i might even remotely want as soon as it becomes available. I've been burned too many times when I decided a wanted a figure later.
My idea for an OC combiner isn't fleshed out but

>6 part combiner with a frame
>Body/frame is a train engine and a train car, which turns into a battle base
>Limb bots' gimmick is that they all have engines for the vehicle mode that become guns for the robot, like Pointblank. One of them is a car, but I don't know what the other 3 are.
>The torso/head consists of two robots, each with a beast mode. Either beast component can become the chest or the head, and each has a unique face and configuration. Was thinking one could be a bat and one maybe something like a gorilla. Maybe there could even be 3 of them and you could mix and match

I was also thinking that the actual heads of the combined form could be removable from the interior of the robot and turn into a big blaster, kind of like a conjunction between Pretenders, Headmasters, and Targetmasters.
Yep never wait to buy a figure because prices will never go down. Sales are so rare and inconsistent that they might as well not exist. I've seen countless people burnt by saying "I'll wait till it goes on sale" for a figure that never even hits retail shelves.
NZ didn't even get the 4-pack and international shipping from ebay is way worse than it used to be.
Is Rhinox the most consistent shelf warmer in recent years? His SS toy, mainline toy, and Kingdom toys all did bad.

Unrelated but my local Walmart is finally putting out their ROTB stock. I saw mainline Primal for the first time ever instead of piles of Rhinox
I've also noticed that
>I'll wait for a new one to come out to drop prices on the old one
Never actually happens.
sometimes prices go down, but it's usually on figures I wasn't planning on buying at all and I finally give in because they're a deal.
But a guy I really want I never wait on because I know I'm gonna get fucked.
Arcee probably still has him beat
That's not true. I buy up all the spare Arcees and sleep on a big pile of them.
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>How come all the chicks are Autobots?
>20% success rate because the rest are either awful molds to begin with or incredibly quarter-assed retools
I regret thinking
I didn't care about the insecticons until I ordered the two pack, and now I'm reeling over it
There was more work put into the beetles than Ransack got, so understandable.
a sad, often told tale.
Plus he was packed with 3 shit molds
nominate me some good cheap gobots/renegades to grab.
sometimes you gotta take the hit. Hasbro demands it.
Someone on Twitter has whistleblown that there's a discord server of scalpers who have been buying up the Sam's Club RID Primes to drive resell price up over $1000 a pop so they can cash out.

Hasbro doing RID Prime as a Haslab basically means they'll never have competition and can keep going unless by some miracle a 3P steps in.
3 or 4 levels of artificial scarcity.
>china aerospace
there's two words I never wanted to see together
fuckin cool robot though
Ebay continues to be shit, big whoop
Yellow Optimus is cool but I feel like the vast majority of hype for it is trannies obsessing over every female character because of the manga.
>trannies out of nowhere
coomers have always paid a premium for female characters. Don't try and insert your fetish into this.
Only when the supply is really low. At standard retail girls tend to flop.
sounds about right
How come when Gundam is a girl, it has a bunch of mechanical parts like armor, but when Transformers is a girl it has just clothing?
Like figures that actually look like women e.g. the furai kits
Cry over the above and clap over removing femininity like with Legacy Windblade or nameslap female recolors like with Universe Optimus.
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Hey bud.
he's right to say it.
because the kotobukiya line has mech girl or whatever in clothing.
It feels funny that Aaron Archer mentioned he didn't like that redeco since it felt too far off for an Optimus Prime when he came from a toyline that had Batman in a million different colors.
Frankly I'd be happy with a yellow KO of power of the primes Inferno if I wanted a Splendid Convoy
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I just want to put together the Primus Vanguard
>White Optimus Prime recolor that goes "neither" between Ultra Magnus or Nova Prime
How silly
There's still room out there for original ideas
He as no original idea. He's still Optimus Prime.
those are cool as fuck swords, those aren't what he comes with normally right?
also i love purpleprime's high-up but very generous ass tires.
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eh? eh?
gorgeous as usual for MPs
scale it down and price it at leader prices or lower and i'd buy it.
Kinda want that Blue mammoth, but he looks like an unfinished prototype.

Don't forget the random Star Convoy crest, I'd like to ask the designer what the fuck was the theme, did they really needed to milk the mold that bad?
he does kinda look like a prototype, doesn't he
it's the dark tusks that throw me off. the rest i'm super down for, but man tusks are tusk-colored. they can't change.. I know real mammoths aren't blue, but somehow that feels more acceptable. Teeth don't come in that. even LIGHT blue would have been a lot better.
Got a cheap leader Sandstorm and I don't get the waist swivel. It feels intentional to move it all the way back for the vehicle modes, then forward for robot mode, but moving it more dificult than you'd expect and if you don't move it forward for robot mode, the waist swivel is almost useless.
>The next Transformers-themed Hot Wheels releases are movie guys, but they still use the stock "Evergreen" guys on the packaging
Weird-ass thing. You'd think they make guys like G1 Sideswipe and Jazz first.
Why the fuck are they still marketing these movie literal whos despite nobody even knowing these things had names in the movie
Because they are being sold as toy cars. The Corvette C7.R looks cool.
i said the same thing when these were first posted, it's bizarre
i remember having a really strangely long argument because others thought that was not strange at all
i mean, they're not? there's no character name on here at all.
I just got treadbolt today in the mail today, just one for my master civilization or micromasters and Minicons and minirobots
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Mirage is getting a clear Japan exclusive in November.
Anybody getting?
>those are cool as fuck swords, those aren't what he comes with normally right?
I don't recall Thundertron having them, but they come with Gou Convoy
Wapanese overcorrection of Go Prime.
custom so close to completion.. feels good man. This gif has been incredibly useful at showing all the colors of all the parts...
man i'm king of the weebs and even i don't make up new names for characters.. hell in this case, it actually is go prime in japan and it's a japan-original character isn't it? so changing it is actually the non-weeb thing to do. like when anime dubs change an english word to a different english word/name.
anyway i see, the swords came with a guy called kenzan.. fascinating. Go is such a weird line.
is that one guy who did stopmotion transformations for all the beast wars guys still around?
List price was 2666 yen, i used buyee which added a 300 yen fee, but i used a coupon that shaved off 399 yen

As for shipping i cant really estimate as she was part of a larger package
ah you used mercari japan. that's a whole different pot of goo.
That mold sucks...
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yeah, but now it's CLEAR!
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Someone who actually bought blokees wtf are these faction logo pieces for?
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Looks like I forgot to update this before now
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It's basically "What if Korea decided to mix Hello Kitty with Power Rangers". Surprisingly not bootleggish until the team combines their robots into their own Megazord equivalent and the head is just Classics Optimus Prime
They should have named him Sureshot, even if he doesn't have the Combat Hero colors it's a perfect name for a Target Prime.
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got bored and browsed for gobots that I might wanna grab in the future. Would like to hear your input about who's an absolute must to grab. I'm gonna get dive-dive and man o war for sure because fuck yeah boats. Road Ranger and Crasher also look pretty good and not as beat up as the others.

I have a handful of the Wendys ones, some rocklords, Tux, super Spay-C and Cy-Kill buried somewhere, and Pathfinder.

Also ordered Spoons, Leader-1, and the Space Adventure Cobra car.
>Tux, super Spay-C
Those are the two I was going to recommend
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There's also this weird colored Optimus for a collab with a racetrack company...
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Forget the figures and get the dog-looking Command Center. I played the crap out of that when I was a kid. You push down on the forehead and eyes light up and probably made noise!!
You think Hasbro is going to try and do something with Gobots now that the show's reruns are airing on MeTV Toons?
They are banking on a Titan class Rocklord next year.
That would be one of their boulder gambles. Here's hoping they don't charge >$160 this time. I don't wanna shale out that much for a titan class.
they can hold them. That's about it. I initially thought there would be holes on the stands for them but... no
>Kinda want that Blue mammoth, but he looks like an unfinished prototype.
Do it, he's great.
Stop being poor.
Where is the guy who is obsessed with Rhinox selling poorly? Fucking shit this thing looks nice
The only part I'm not in love with is the back of the hands where the robot hands and rhino feet should be meeting
>ruined because most of their total mass is just dedicated to their shins
Don't kink shame an entire country
I wish more Bayformers bots like Blackout and Nitro Zeus got carried over to the CHUG lineup like Barricade did.
>Barricade did
And he didn't even look like him
It's an MP. It'll be plagued with breakage and paint chipping issues the second it releases
Well yeah he actually looks like a robot now instead of a scrapheap
always wanted a transformer that turned into a translucent blue hand grenade
Nitro Zeus
Athena, we get it. You're mad you got called out in Twitter for doxxing people and being a sex pest. Go back to your hawker stalls Mr. Tan.
Why the fuck did you quote me? I was talking about a toy released by Hasbro.
I'm surprised nobody came out with an upgrade kit for him considering how piss easy it is to remove the datsun chest.
It is a filler recolor. No reason to bother with changing it.
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Transformers X SNK confirmed????
God I wish, I know that Metal Slug TF was 3rd party, but I think it'd be kickass to get like a metal slug combiner with all the vehicles
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I chuckled
That looks great not gonna lie
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I'm said twitter user, and it's really less of them buying them all up, and more watching how crazy these Ebay auctions get. Sure some of the guys have like 5-6 Splendids, and they don't plan to sell them over 1000, but rather seeing what the market is willing to pay. Personally I think it's ridiculous that these figures are going for 1000+, but that's the market for you. Not saying it's right to scalp, but when people are willing to pay a certain price, might as well sell and reap the benefits. Just crazy seeing as a figure that went for under 100 years ago shot up thanks to Sakamoto's comic, but I guess that's not uncommon.
Black zarak comes today. Supposedly.
He's great, have fun.
Based, truly great figure and in city mode just place decepticon throne in the middle and you now have great throne room.
pay me to draw you transformers?
i guess the only way to make it cling would be if the robot wrist joint provided all the movement for the rhino hand...
man we need to bring back the bikini warrior genre
that's the funny thing about crossovers, nobody owns 'transforming' so you can easily bypass a lot of licensing and just make a transformer of the other part of the crossover.
it's just.. when Marvel did that back in the day, they didn't know how.
you're full of schist
Very nice, hope you enjoy him. Scorp is one of the best titan molds and I think Black Zarak is an incredible deco improvement.
Nice - hope you like him as much as I like mine; BZ is one of my favorite WfC Titans alongside Nemesis.
Of course, now you need to get pic related to 'complete' him.
you do know it's real. Its not a custom. You could probably still get it somewhere
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Get him some stickers (on sale) to really complete the look.
But he's 70 bucks
got my magmatron gap fillers
now i just gotta wait for magmatron to get discounted...
You will buy him NOW, MISTER!
Never understood the claw shield. This is a guy with two giant ass claws and needs yet another claw?
it's for things that are just slightly too close for him to reach with his arms fully outstretched, and slightly above his claw, clawbviously.
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Do not leave a window open near your figures. It was windy last night and Menasor ate shit. Thankfully there's no damage and it only broje where it's supposed to but if this were one of my gunpla it would have been blown to smithereens
the sun is also bad for figures
thank god for intentionally removable parts
>tfw largely switched to Gunpla due to rising costs for disappointing Transformers
Well well
Probably THE best Titan mold desu
How the ∀s have turned...
I'm doing the same (after having built a couple about a decade ago) and desu I think that anon's full of shit. The models from recent years are leaps and bounds better than they used to be pretty much across the board.
I don't know what specific Gundams anon likes though, because P-Bandai is still pretty bullshit. I guess that's what it stands for, Pretty Bullshit!
Don't get him. He sucks. He makes a piss-poor "spear" or whatever, has a literal nothing alt mode, and he doesn't even look the same color as his pictures. In hand he's mostly brownish. It sucks because having a shiny gold robot was the only reason I bought him in the first place.
Still no Amazon Prime
Even Jeff Bezos realized that was retarded.
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Aw shit, didn't think about that!
i still love the lil accidental fat eagle shoulder
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I cannot accept any work that Mark turned in. Please, Jesus, I just want them to make this but with some 5mm ports and a bit more modern articulation.
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Needs a cat head on his chest like predakings.
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I'm waiting on some Beast Wars guys to arrive from ebay. Grabbed pic related from walmart to tide me over. The vehicle mode is bullshit, but at least the robot mode looks good.
that is definitely a solid robot. if i'm building some kind of take-over-the-world army, i'm getting one of those for sure.
>some kind of take-over-the-world army
Thats the only kind I like :^)
I'm very tempted by ER Scorponok but I can't find him any cheaper than 400 Canadian. Is there any word on a reissue?
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Ami-chan sent me package today
A marked down Megatron and a pre-loved Starscream

Also, I don't have the components of that fan-mode. I'll have to dig in my storage unit for them. Expect a post by Thursday night.
>got the Ransack 4 pack for roughly NZ retail
I mean I really didn't want the other 4 (Goldbug is OK I guess and Skywasp will go well with Nightprowler if I can find any of him still around), but I'll take it. Venom had better be good.
him and concept megs look great together
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Was thinking on this brave meme, also add a ravage as hat for silly points.
there's supposed to be an upgrade kit coming at some point that adds bicep swivels
Amen, I love having Megs along side all the BB Decepticons as it should have been.
I'm slowly rebuilding my collection, having gotten rid of all of my childhood toys many years ago. What I'm really into is anything aquatic themed, so I'm going after all of the water based Beast Wars guys first. I will need to pick up Megs sooner or later on principle if nothing else so I appreciate your suggestion, bro. I'll keep an eye out for him. I have BW Depth Charge, transmetal Cyber Shark, the Cyber Shark reissue from a couple years ago, and Claw Jaw on the way. I have this headcanon concept of a Maximal black-ops/privateer squad attacking decepticon/predacon interests. I want to try to do some dioramas of that concept, we'll see how it goes. Will probably take me some time to put it all together in a decent looking way. Might devolve into pure nonsense anyway (which it already is).
I'm glad you mention that because the lack of a bicep swivel is the first thing I noticed once I really started fucking around with poses.
are you as curious as I am about Shard whether she could be rearranged into more of a weird fish creature
You may want to get megs sooner than later he's hard to find and third party is already over 100 bucks
speaking of, I just bought magmatron at retail. i feel dirty, but there were a few circumstances re: shipping and other timing so I really couldn't wait too much longer.
but that's the last time I buy a big guy full price, that's for sure.
Shard definitely has that look but I wouldn't know where to start on modifying the existing figure. I would love to see more aquatic themed transformers in general. There are not very many.
Yeah you're probably right.
well she's plug-and-play, see, you could rearrange her parts
i'm just curious just HOW rearrangable they are, and how convincing a fishy creature you could make.
i've already seen one that makes her a decent bug
Thats very interesting. As is her robot form would look great beside Depth Charge and Rampage imho. Maybe it wouldn't be much of a stretch for her helicopter form to pass for some kind of cybertronian submarine?
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The only way MARK can redeem himself is to make a titan class Rescue Bot High Tide.
Titan class cyberverse Astro Train please?
sure if you're into that, but I really wanna tell myself it's an animal..
Walmart Overlords hates trains because they don't spill oil like the big boats do.
I'd have to at least see a video of how she's put together. At a glance, you could maybe pull of some kind of lionfish if there were more rotor blades and you could change the orientation of them somehow. Just how "plug and play" is she?
Have you heard of East Palestine, Ohio?
that's exactly what I wanna know. i'm waiting for someone else to take the 25 dollar hit for me.
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Take the plunge, are you a coward?
naw i'm just on limited income and have started taking on more responsibilities and bills, while also giving more to charity, and there's not really enough left for "i just wanna buy more stuff"
I have to go back to "only the stuff i'm sure i love"
I hear you, I have a kid on the way. Thats another reason I want to (mostly) restrict my collecting to aquatic themed transformers. Sets a nice limit for me.
yeah we both need to wait for someone else to confirm that she belongs
Chuga chuga
Hes out, we got "full teams and lieral whos getting dedicated tooling-Warden" back.
Not different from target prime, an orange and grey optimus could look awesome, maybe even used as earthmode sentinel prime.
How about, a home depot transformer?
What vehicle is their alt?
I assume they transform into the mascot guy.
Either a flatbed truck or a tractor with various attachments.
But they don't sell Transformers there.
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>What vehicle is their alt?
ROTF had an orange forklift in one of the 2-packs with a Movie Beachcomber.
The Ballymore electronic life feels like the most iconic Home Depot thing. There is usually one in use or left in the middle of one of the isles every time I go there.
how did it transform when a forklift is made of like, 80% empty space and 10% irreducible parts like forks.
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Deadlift, an homage to Gobot Spoons, I've been looking for one for years.
well it's not hard to tell how the gobot transforms, but that is one really clever transformation, especially for its day
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The new Gobots might increase his second hand price.
alright, the halves of the roll cage being so ungainly is not ideal, but this is overall a pretty great transformation. I am impressed. Has a lil Car Robots style to him. I would have maybe had those cage-halves go flush against the body.. and I'm not sure if it's even possible to put away all that forklift-track-meat on his arms, but at least he can still lift shit.
I remember seeing this guy in stores back then. Damn I should had made my parents buy it lol
>Has a lil Car Robots style to him
Its the molded seat and steering wheel, aand balljointed ankles.

The forklifts on his arms work as pokiing tonfas/blades in botmode.
I wish Deadlift wasn't so fuck expensive.
Looking for the length of SS Mirage and Hot Rod if anyone has them
Also, I would appreciate any of the lengths of the original RiD/Car Robot vehicles
As of now I have the scales of 259 figures catalogued
>As of now I have the scales of 259 figures catalogued
Are you the lazy eyebrow reviewer? if not, you should visit his site, hes a scale weirdo like you and has a list of figures by altmode scale: https://www.thelazyeyebrow.com/pages/scale-info
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Was watching his alternators ranking yesterday because I found it on youtube by chance and did not realize he went that in-depth with his reviews, thanks
Unfortunately he is missing the two I listed
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So this is the power of weaponized autism
>Warpath hidden behind Huffer's arm
Dude wasn't paying attention to his layers.
SS 86 Hot Rod? If so then he 13.5 cm long in vehicle mode and 14.5 cm tall in robot mode (up to the head not counting the spoiler)
Sorry, forgot to specify I'm looking for the ROTB SS Mirage and TLK SS Hotrod
Oh ok
However, if you assume SS86 Hot Rod is supposed to be a Dome Zero concept car, or at least the same size as one, he is 1/29 scale
Based and Bugpilled. Can't wait for mine to come in.
There's something to seeing babby collectors reacting to classic, well regarded, toys
Ditto, can't care about most of the items that are coming out this and next year. Fortunately this means I can save up and splash it on non rape victim toys like MPs 3P and vintage stuff (aka non Maher induced toys).
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>priced so damn high that local TRU has to put them on 50% clearance to sell them

I don't know if I got a good deal or not with this being the price of a deluxe now.

I do like the figure. But damn it is small and wish all the extra would plug onto his robot mode

Don't know why all the retro reissue are so expensive though. This was listed as like a full price voyager and the seekers and perceptor were near leader price (all being discounted right now)

Are the old seekers any good?
The seekers are a mess (lots of pieces that partsform but they don't need to outside of the fists), but they do have a ton of charm, plus diaclone pilot cockpit is always kino. Got my
Takara book collection Starscream for 20 bucks a year ago and I like him.
think the mini solus prime dude is a hint/confirmation next year will be themed after the thirteen primes?
I think over half of them being in the leaks is confirmation enough of that
>Are the old seekers any good?
G1 seeker is an absolute stinker of a toy, maybe the worst of '84
Is this scale without mass-shifting? Cos the BW guys don't mass-shit.
This will sound like a stupid question but how do you secure the nosecone/torso of the G1 Seeker mold? Ever since I was a kid mine has just flopped around.
I didn't realize he'd become rare, I love this lil guy
It would have to be, since the sizes of these characters aren't accurate to their on-screen appearances. This is if they were forced into the real life equivalent size of their alt mode.
You don't
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And methods to give this guy a staff worth a damn?
Even the KO is hard to find
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I've got the Dirt Boss repaint of this mold. Fun lil' fella with fork-arm-swords
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I dunno I love them, there’s such a charm in them as a mech, I think that if you’re comparing them to modern figures you’ll be disappointed but given the engineering back then they’re totally super cute and fun
Get them
I blame the fact it came in a stupid Walmart multipack.
There was a ko?

hover forklift.
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Well shit, thanks anons, never knew this guy existed and then couldn’t find Deadlift, but just bought the Dirtboss deco

Why were so many of these little movie guys so good?
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Opinion/ theory:
Hasbro could raise prices 4x more and people would still buy. I believe 5x is where everyone would stop.
For reference;
Deluxe $100
Voyager $200
Leader $350
Commander $500
People would still buy their most favorite characters (only) at these prices. Im just curious at what price do you think sales would completely grind to a halt, not people get more picky, like zero sales. I bet its even higher than I think. With this in mind I try to be very thankful Hasbro isnt jewing us even harder than they already do. They need to make more sales than hiking the prices like this would ever allow, thank God.
>pic very related, many people paid almost $100 for this figure and I would have too if I hadnt found him at retail (and many deluxes are even going over $100 aftermarket)
That doesn't seem viable for selling in store unless there is a MASSIVE inflation the likes United States has never seen before. If Hasbro used an online store only method and made each Transformer unique instead of relying on retooling, might work.
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TR Quake and Blurr, worth getting for 23$ each?
They were like 17.
The RotF/HftD scout class were basically all bangers
Quake sure
Blurr shop around, maybe you'll find the Takara version
The scout line for ROTF/RTS had some pretty good bangers like Breacher, Hubcap, Windcharger, Rumble (if it ever fucking got released under the line), Depthcharge, Ransack, Knockout, and the Red Bull truck whose name slips me.

shipped would be good. I think TR Quake prices will probably skyrocket once others see how much the new one kinda sucks. He lacks his ICONIC lightning bolts.
Quake is great, I'd consider $23 reasonable. Blurr is okay, but there have been better Blurrs since.
RotF was a hell of a time
You're thinking of Rollbar
If the current size class prices were shifted, (Deluxe is now Voyager Price, Voyager is now Leader price, etc.) that alone would be enough to kill my interest. People are only willing to pay exorbitant prices when distribution and rarity make the figure elusive, and these inflated prices are set by individuals, not retailers. If Hasbro suddenly decided to charge $100 for a deluxe and we weren't in a worldwide plastic shortage or economic crisis, they'd have to be the most retarded company alive.
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Well late tax and inmy currency that's not the worst.
I don't mind hasbro deco that much but once I hunt for Kup or few others then I will look out for TT versions.
I saw what happened with WFC deluxe Megatron. I should have listened to weird voices againg.

Also to whole scout class talk, anyone remembers Knockout? (Should redo some photos and make more pictures of him) Still I feel like this is the best class that should return same with ultra which suits modern leaders more.
I remember Knockout's bio saying something about him volunteering for a combiner team.
Not with 3p getting cheaper and easier to get.
Quake absolutely. Blurr nah, the base mold is great but the Hasbro deco is garbage.
i think my absolute limit would be around $30 for a deluxe, $40 for a voyager, $75 for a leader

I can say for certain i would never pay $45+ for a deluxe because there have been deluxes that were super rare and ebay scalpers where trying to sell them for $45+ that i just said fuck it, not worth it

At the current quality they're already over priced in my opinion which causes me to skip toys that don't look really fun or are of characters I particularly like

If there was a bigger market of 3p toys at generations scale i would buy even less mainline, I already buy about 70/30 and I've considered abandoning generations and going full 3p legends multiple times.

At least with 3p youre getting quality for your money most of the time, just about every hasbro release i buy has at least some small qc issue like loose joints or paint smear, I almost never see that with 3p.

Cosmos for instance, its insane to me that people were willing to pay as much as they where for it when there where multiple much nicer 3p options going for cheaper
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Im glad this pack shelfwarmed
Ooooh, do post pics of that Starscream if you can, I've been wondering how he looks in natural light
Nahhh, too insane to consider

Most ppl that are into Chug is because they find Mps expensive, it was WILD when MP-44 was priced by BBTS & TFSource (as if they didn't inflated on their own but go figure)

Maybe I can see ppl spending 100 bucks on Deluxes, but no way for Voyagers & above at these prices
Geez, how tiny would Soundwave be in this? Or Megatron with his gun alt mode? Are they already in the pic but just too small for me to find?
Look at dragstrip's feet
Holy cow! Thanks for pointing 'em out!
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They're so small that they just look like artifacting from compression
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The site anon got that picture from (here >>11046864 ) has a picture of all the small guys, you realize?
Aren't gorillas bigger than humans?
Humans weigh like 180 pounds as an adult.
what scale is this using, it seems random and nonsensical.
absolutely, but that's not even the point here, why is dinobot so tiny? why is rhinox so huge?
first of all, 200
secondly, most animals have much more dense bodies than we do. That's why the swimming ones have to have a lot of fat to stay afloat. so that's more mass, but not more size
however, gorillas fully standing up are indeed the size of tall men, and Primal is even a little taller since his legs extend out of his belly area.
The site anon got that picture from (here >>11046864 ) has a picture of all the small guys, you realize?
I did not, I just went off the image posted here.
Gorillas look smaller because of how they walk, but they get up to about 5.5 feet in height and weigh like 500 pounds. Humans are just not as dense.
If he is a Velociraptor that should be right. I think he is supposed to be a Utahraptor though.
Velociraptors are the size of a medium sized dog, and rhinos reach like 15 feet from head to ass. Rhinox basically flips upward to transform so he'd be pretty huge compared to a dude.
Officially he's a velociraptor. Jurassic Park still had them scaled at the size of deinonychus because the book came out before the distinction was made so they went with a similar look, but in-universe he's just a big guy. Same reason why Scorpinok and Waspinator were still normal sized.
Is that achievable natty?
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The JP monsters are mutant hybrids, they embraced the "these aren't real dinos thing" with their apple Irex
i mean he could be any dromaeosaur, i don't think they ever mention his species once.. unless maybe there was some joke from Rattrap about havin raptor-kebabs
I believe he'd be too small to be a utahraptor, but a decently-sized deinonychus. There's a fucklot of those things, reptiles and fish both love to just be the size that's useful at the moment.
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ehh rhinox folds at the neck to transform, his limbs become his limbs. Yeah he'd be tall, and he is in the show, but he wouldn't be more than 10 feet tall or so. Which....
huh.. I guess they did make him a little short. but it feels like his torso also truncates during transformation.
I recall the tfwiki article on scale saying that Rhinox is on the smaller end for a rhino, but still realistic.
tyrannos are way bigger than megatron, but they're not "a human comes up to my fucking ankle" huge. They're "A human fits neatly in my mouth" huge, which actually comes to the biggest issue trying to do scale with recent kingdom/legacy figures: the beast modes almost universally have bad proportions.
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Yeah but that's now, back in 1994 or whenever they started the Beast Wars line Michael Crichton was working off of relatively realistic interpretations that were available at the time. At his actual size he's bigger than any raptor we've found, closer to an Albertasaurus or any of the smaller T-Rex-likes
He's called a Velociraptor on his box
>apple irex
The legs folding down would probably make up a bit for the lost muzzle length. I never put much faith in the franchise keeping a realistic or reasonable interpretation of how things should scale because, as this strange internet autism man has shown, it gets really goofy really quickly. Fun little discussion piece.
Actually it was Verizon
>Velociraptor on the box
fair, but... cmon. box canon.
>at his actual size
look at him compared to Primal and tell me a utahraptor wouldn't be way bigger
I guess it seems to me if you beheaded a rhino and stood it on its hind legs, that'd be about his height. Which yeah, bull rhinos get wayy bigger than that. But there are also some his size.
in any case, Beast Wars was clearly working on "some of them are to scale, and get to be confused with the animals they scanned, others, not so much" rules. Like some chose to nab one the right size for them... though Tigatron was just really lucky I guess, since that tiger was probably the only thing in range.
Rattrap threatens him with, "you want me to show you just how velociraptors got extinct!?" at one point.
seriously? okay then that is pretty explicit. i guess he scanned and upscaled the fossil. But you can't pull that thread too hard because he also ended up with hips so wide they would make the Hasbro version of Ultrasaurus blush (with its little LED light).
Either way it's safe to say they invented the meat that they put on the bones, totally from scratch, like we do. Educated guesses. Among other things, if the purpose of your disguise is 'protect us from energon' you need to use the meat-type of LIVING animals. dead ones might suggest the energon killed them.
>ummm actually muh realistic dino sizes
Its fucking Beast Wars, dude. Dinobot's alt mode is a velociraptor in a 90s computer animated universe. It doesn't make sense it doesn't have to make sense. Plus side is, he can be whatever mormon dino you want him to be when you're swinging him around making swoosh noises in your room.
Rhinox was a head taller than Primal in botmode, the camera is at a weird angle on that screenshot.
i thought that might be the case, i remember him being taller and way thicker.. like to the point that the rhino limbs actually look too thick now but hten you look at the jaw and you're like "oh right"
I usually hate this unimaginative bullshit, but in this case it does kinda make sense. transformers has never been real life, or anything resembling it.
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I'm really surprised they didn't cheat his beast mode narrower hips, and just have them shapeshift into broad robot shoulders. after all, they were comfortable doing that for Cheetor. I guess they just wanted him more like his toy..
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and of course Megs was this exact size so they could do this exact moment
oh look at that, image limit

here you go, new thread >>11047705
Bro Rattrap is a fucking giant rat, get over it

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