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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

Some line art:

Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
You didn’t need another thread, like 3 people per week check this shit you fucking idiot
Started to build Deathscythe today, I have finished the head, body and both arms. I have to say it is the least fun I had yet. Stickers are very small and annoying and not the black parts turn gray-whiteish sometimes when I remove the knobs.
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es fin.
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what do you think? any tips?
Thank you anon, that shit worked perfectly and seems to hold up incredibly well.
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3D printed model from Aliexpress with a few small modifications and 3rd party decals.
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Somehow I expected it to be a simple paint->weather->done kind of project, but the 3D printed parts needed a bit of extra work.
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Overall I'm pretty pleased with the kit and will likely order more from the same maker in the future.
That said, the assembly instructions are very basic and the color guide is non-existent, so reference pictures are not optional and a paint guide from a 1/35 kit off HS is very helpful.
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>what do foil candy wrappers off Aliexpress have to do with plamo
Also, using masking fluid as a temporary glue to glue parts together, then prime/paint and then pull apart to install tracks (and then glue back again with CA cement) saved a lot of time.

As usual, also posted at https://www.tinami.com/creator/profile/65467
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Bought this specifically for painting Ukrainian military hardware.
Well, some part of the money went to help Ukraine and I got a nice souvenir piece to show for it, but the airbrush itself as a tool is not very impressive.

The good:
>0.15mm needle/nozzle (sold separately) produces finer lines than 0.18mm (not suprpisingly) and when the trigger is pulled all the way back the spray is wider than Custom Micron's
>the endpiece mechanism that allows to fully release the trigger while remembering the last setting (so it can be quickly set back) is pretty convenient when cleaning
>nozzle construction is similar to Iwata Eclipse (in that you can take the nozzle out easily for cleaning)
>quick connect adapter is included and it's compatible with Iwata's

The bad:
>trigger range of motion is about 30% smaller than Iwata's which makes fine control harder
>trigger is not as smooth as Iwata's even with plenty of lubrication
>the two-pronged nozzle cap that comes standard with Infinity is poorly designed: when the trigger is all the way back the prongs are inside the spray cone which causes the droplets to form on them (which then drip down or fly off creating a mess in either case)
>some sort of notches with numbers on the endpiece would've REALLY helped (standard Infinity has them, it's just the special edition that doesn't)
>the box is the cheapest, jankiest, flimsiest excuse for an airbrush case I have ever seen, and to add insult to injury the top insert doesn't match the bottom (positions of large and small cups are switched), ffs I've seen better boxes with a $30 noname airbrushes off Aliexpress, come on Iwata, do something about this shit

All in all it's an okay airbrush once you get used to it, but I would not recommend it over any Iwata (except maybe Neo or Revolution).
unfortunate that it's not a better airbrush, but you're a rad dude for helping out ukraine
I finished Deathscythe now, Building it wasn't much fun and his legs are really prone to falling off which makes posing him annoying which is sad because I really like how he looks and would like to play around with him more.
Are you sure you got the parts fitted all the way? Sorry if you did everything right.
Got the Special Forces Industry Sentinel recently, good build and comes packing wi/th a lot of parts options for different colour builds 8/10.
But damn did I just realize that they just copied the Mudrock Gundam and the GM sniper and spawned some wierd off shoot bastard child
The Psycho Doga comes with a lot of the parts for a Geara Doga, something like half the armor. Has anyone actually put it onto one to make a half-mixed color scheme? I wanna see what it looks like before I buy one.
it was explicitly a greebled up gm sniper from the very beginning
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Babe wake up new GM just dropped ( It's P. Bandai)
swedish vehicles are so odd looking, but cool regardless.
I have a lot of GMs. I like GMs. I like them because, for the most part, they have that generic robot look to them that fits well with a lot of other stuff. Gundams all have that specific face style that instantly gives them away as Gundam brand robots, and I feel the same way about most zeon models as well. Some Zaku can have a more generic look, but the design of the head is so iconic it's hard to pretend its anything else.
Swedish military vehicles always look like someone describing another country's vehicles over the phone.
Love this guy
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got to finish the next one I had queued up for topcoat humidity permitting.
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close up
Missed a spot on that black wing or whatever, it's all patchy
dang ur right. on the other one too(although you can't see it in the picture, and only when the light is right). I hit each of those parts right before my can ran out and didn't think to go over them again.
We've gotten the Lancelot, Guren and Gawain. Which Knightmare is next and when we thinking it'll come out?
On a diaclone set I have a single attachment peg that's slightly too loose. What could I put on it that would make it ever so slightly thicker so it holds better? I'm thinking I could use a toothpick to brush on a tiny coating of cement.
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have you forgotten?
I'm happy they finally announced HG Altron.
>About Premium Scamdai
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What are these, and are there any kits of them?
I'm not poor.
Na, you just stupid.
he's getting his kit though :-)
It would be insane if they finally made more grunt suits from Wing in HGAC
No official kit of them that I know of. Theyre called the pvn44/1 weasel.
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Diaclone makes me wish gundam kits came with an articulated pilot figure that can go inside the suit.
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I did some quick math and this would be doable on the Mega Size Gundam (or even one slightly smaller). But Bandai never has tried this to my knowledge, as the only really big kits they've made are either ancient or simple.

They did make that Micro Wars series though, which had chibi gundams and articulated Diaclone-like pilots.
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Modern Daiaclone is all 1/60th scale, so it actually scales with perfect grade gundam kits. And some perfect grade kits have a little pilot figure, but its usually just a very basic shape to just imply the detail. Luckily, if you need some little dudes to pose around your perfect grades, you can buy packs of just Dianaughts from any site that has Diaclone stuff.
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>HGBF 1/144 Sengoku Astray Gundam
Maybe someone can help me out, I know the Green cirles are stickers but are the red triangles on the sword grip also stickers? Is the black on the shild/ oni face all line art?
The entire sword is stickers, and the shield is entirely solid red plastic that you need to paint.
thank you very much.
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Gunpla factories in Japan operate with minimal manual labor so the most they can make would be pilots on runners you'd need to assemble yourself. Like the RIHIO ones in pic.

And Microwars got gutted because production costs (including labor) got too high for their candy toy budgets after COVID happened.
I'm not surprised. I got some of those Rihio pilots along with a mech I ordered, and I can't even be bothered to assemble them (I quit after 1). The parts are so tiny that cleaning nubs is extremely unpleasant, and if I ever lose my grip on a part it shoots off into nowhere, lost instantly.
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today marked the release of first 30mm, making way of other 30mm spinoff like 30ms,and finally let bandai make plamo other than gunpla that sells well
Are they really meant to be buildable in just 30 minutes?
>And Microwars got gutted because production costs (including labor) got too high for their candy toy budgets after COVID happened.

Not that this doesn't make sense, but do you have a source?
>let bandai make plamo other than gunpla that sells well

They already had their DBZ kits
If you're either really good or put in zero effort in removing nubs then yes, you can build one in 30-40 minutes.
>If you're either really good
I think I recall seeing people do 30 minute building challenges with these on YT, but I'd actually like to see someone do a really good job with cleaning the nubs decently in under 30 minutes. I still have a really hard time cleaning up nubs with sanding, so usually I'll just use my nail to clean it as best I can, with sanding if it's really necessary (though I don't always like the resultant finish).
The original kits can definitely be but now they're a bit more complicated but still easily done within under an hour
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Post WIPs.
I picked up the RG Epyon today - can anyone recommend me some good waterslides for it? I've heard to stay away from Bandai's official ones, but since there are a number of 3P ones I wanna be sure I get the best set.
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I want to buy some new kits for July, I plan on getting 2-3. Any of them known to be bad or are especially fun to build? I definitely getting the Boomerang one. But not sure what else I should pick.
If you can get the Grimoire, do it.
Also get joe. Neat kit
Geara Doga, Red Beret, Boomerang. Maybe Jo Hound if you want to go up to 4.
>If you can get the Grimoire, do it.
Is he somehow special? You sound quite excited about it.
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NTA but it was a great mold to begin with, and now this is it with new parts and a Votoms-like color scheme. You can't lose! I have built most of these kits in your pic (or slight variations) and the Grimoire is probably my favorite of them.
they could just rebrand 30mm as "30 millimeter pegs" when the kits become too complicated to build in 30 minutes. just like how RG removed the "1/144" on the logo to give them more space to cheat with proportions as a compromise with the ever-complicating engineering on the models.
an inch is ~25mm btw

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