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Previous Thread >>11034891

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-X-Wing Pilot 4pk - FanCh
-Cal Kestis (ISB Disguise) - FanCh
-Mandalorian Judge - FanCh
-Kanan Jarrus - FanCh
-Ezra Bridger - FanCh
-Zeb Orrelios (Deluxe) - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)
-R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Enoch & Nighttrooper build pack - FanCh
-Darth Vader (ANH)
-Stormtrooper (ANH)
-Ahsoka & Droids Order 66 4pk - Amazon
-Luke Skywalker X-wing Pilot
-Captain Rex (Bad Batch)
-Jabba the Hutt playset - Pulse

The Black Series:
-Rebel Trooper & Stormtrooper 2 Pack - Pulse Exclusive
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-Shin Hati (Arcana) - Target 7/5
-Jedi Survivor 3pk w/ B-1, B-2, Magnaguard - Amazon
-The Phantom Menace 3pk - GameStop
-B-2 Super Battle Droid - FanCh
-Darth Sidious (ROTS) - FanCh
-Captain Enoch & Night Trooper 2pk - Walmart
-Yoda & Commander Gree 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-The Last Command 4pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Phase 2 Clone Trooper & Battle Droid 2pk - Pulse/ShopDisney
-Baylan Skoll (Mercenary) - Walmart
-Mandalorian Privateer - Target
-R5 & Pit Droids - Target
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Padawan Jecki Lon (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Knight Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Indara (The Acolyte)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Masters of Evil 3-pk - Amazon
-Darth Maul Holocomm Collection - Target
-Fallen Order 3-pk w/ Inquisitor Cal Kestis, Purge Trooper, Second Sister - Amazon
-Mandalorian Nite Owl - Walmart
-Phase I Clone Trooper
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Ki-Adi Mundi - FanCh

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Jar Jar Binks
-SHF Stormtrooper
-SHF Dark Vader (ANH)
-SHF R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mafex Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)
-SHF Darth Maul (TPM)
-SHF Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
-SHF Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)
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>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
- Mandalorian Shriek Hawk - Target
- Mandalorian Shriek Hawk Trainers 2 pk - Walmart
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Dedra Meero
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan
-Momaw Nadon

The Vintage Collection:
-Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead)
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Shriek Hawk Mandalorians Build Pack
-Armorer Forge Playset
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Blurrg & The Mandalorian
-Moff Gideon’s Imperial Light Cruiser Hallway playset (with Mandalorian Privateer)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka)
-Cobb Vanth (Deluxe)
-Ahsoka the White (Ahsoka)
-The Mandalorian (S3 Final Chapter)
-Bo-Katan (Mando S3)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
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Huh, I just noticed he has the droid controller thing on his wrist, that’s a nice attention to detail at least I guess
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HasLab Cantina is now underway! Campaign ends 11:59pm ET on July 8th, 2024 with a minimum requirement of 8000 backers.


-Base Version $399.99
-Deluxe Version $499.99

Each version comes with exclusive new figures of Wuher and the Tonnika Sisters.

Stretch Goals:
- All new Greedo - 11,000 backers
- All new Nabrun Leids - 14,000 backers
- All new Arliel Schous - 17,000 backers
It’s currently at 6,089 backers, so it’ll definitely fund. Although I don’t think it’ll hit any goals, Greedo is a far way away. I also wouldn’t be surprised if people back out once it’s obvious no goals will be hit.
You beat me to starting it but I appreciate you updating the OP posts and not just lazily copy and pasting.
I got the Maul and Sith Speeder thing when the movie first came out so this reveal was a nice bit of nostalgia.
>black series product is revealed

Every single time. TVC fags are insufferable with their incessant crying and whining. Maybe you shouldn't have chosen the line that isn't profitable for Hasbro if you wanted more stuff
I bet the Star Wars team is confused right now, you can tell they thought this was gonna be a slam dunk with the fans. But with how things are nowadays, not everyone can justify the price.
Are you yelling at hallucinations again?
I said this at the end of the last thread, but have they ever lowered the backer goals before? If they lowered all of them by 2,000 I think this would stand a better chance.
Have you not seen the comment sections of every other social media and fan site? Luckily this place is free of those crybabies
And you think your constant whining about them is any better? TVC got zero TPM related figures for the anniversary while BS and even Retro got good samplings, so they do have a legitimate reason to express disappointment with this.
I mean isn’t the retro line TVC adjacent?
They are completely different aesthetics.
>Have you not seen the comment sections of every other social media and fan site?
No, but either way TBS reveal isn't something to be envious of. Even if you're the biggest prequelteen of them all with a Darth Maul shrine it's relatively skippable I think. Not a bad reveal but nothing that special.
Isn’t that what a SDCC exclusive should be though? If it was something super desirable and limited, people would be pissed off then too.
How is one comment constant whining? Black Series collectors don't give a shit about the TVC community. They are the ones that get triggered at every single reveal. There has not been a single post where someone hasn't said "would love this in TVC". It's time to stop. If anyone doesn't see why TBS gets more figures than TVC they are beyond retarded. No amount of childish temper tantrums is going to make Hasbro give more to TVC.

I think their most retarded logic is how they think backing haslabs entitles them to dozens of new figures. That's not how it works. Support the haslab if you want that item. Beyond that, nothing has ever been promised.
This, as a Black Series collector I’m only jealous of the dioramas/Haslabs you guys get.
>Isn’t that what a SDCC exclusive should be though?
In my opinion, yes. Like I said, it's not a bad choice. As 3.75" purist I don't give the slightest fuck, though I'm also not fond of the PT anyway. In a lot of ways I think TVC is in much better shape than TBS.
I see just as many BS collectors crying about not getting a Cantina or vehicles.
Wasn't there a whole legal thing with one of these actresses?
Yep, they lost the likeness rights for one of them and they threatened to sue over a (palitoys?) miniature figure of their character that was released
has there really not been a modern TVC Greedo before this Haslab? my Google searches lead me to 20 year old figures but nothing all that new. kinda crazy.
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>no TVC SDCC exclusive
I take it they sorted that out?
Yep, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to pay an arm and a leg to secure the rights. And then this Haslab seems like it’s gonna barely make funding, yet everyone said it was gonna be a home run since it had the Tonnika sisters.
Hasbro thought this would fund day 1 on these two alone, didn't they?
I really don't get why some people give a shit about some of these nobody background fillers to the point of them getting merchandise. Wioslea is more plot relevant than most of these nonentities.
Because of the same people with OCD who must complete every team they like only in this case they must have the entire cantina scene from ep4
Nobody background filler was once the bread and butter of Star Wars toys, though that started to change when so much of TPM's stuff shelfwarmed. But even during/after the prequels we still got a lot of weird low-profile shit from background shots or comics or whatever.
Wonder if they'll release these anyway since the cantina won't fund. Be kinda shit to -finally- get them only to not get them because of a poor idea.
The cantina will fund.
>so it’ll definitely fund.
It definitely will not. It's going to be just under the amount needed.
Based on what?
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TVC fucking when?
Based on the fact that it's not getting any backers.
A Star Wars story.
Every Haslab gets a shit ton of backers when it’s close to ending though. It’s not that far away. Goals aren’t happening though probably
People barely want this thing for the Tonnika Sisters which we've all waited decades for. The fact that it won't get the goals is going to destroy this thing.
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They should've put the cool aliens in the regular set instead of as stretch goals. I for one dont want it because i have no interest in the tonnika sisters and i dint need a wuher update as im fine with the POTF2 one i have
>which we've all waited decades for
Because we have a ton of other characters from the cantina and they are some of the few that have featured shots but no figures.
Do they have any value to you beyond scene filler? I don't mean this as a diss but is it a matter of attraction? Like I can get wanting filler like Satan or the Wolfman but two women who do nothing doesn't seem at all interesting to me.

[Insert reply calling me gay here]
NTA but i dont really want them as toys at all. Thats why the cantina isnt enticing to me because all the aliens are stretch goals and of the three two have already gotten figures and the only new character alien figure is the final stretch goal at that
As far as humans in the Cantina, they have a more unique look to them so I like that. I'm not even a scene completionist per se, but I have wanted them for a long time. Plus I like that their characters are con artists.
This set is up for preorder now
How boring.
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>but have they ever lowered the backer goals before?
I don't think so. The only thing they've done to try to save a failing Haslab is extend the time limit or try to add an extra item, but to my knowledge they've never lowered any of the tier requirements.
I think it's this plus the fact that the Tonnikas were off-limits for so long just increased their desirability. After 20+ of Hasbro saying they couldn't make them they make this holy grail for completionists, and Hasbro sadly bought into the hype and assumed that a vocal minority represented everyone. Now they're realizing that a significant number of collectors didn't care about them enough to drop $500 on a diorama to get them, or just never cared about them at all.
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Got the new R2 today. Pretty bare bones, but he looks good in the Tantive IV. Looking forward to the new Vader and Stormtroopers I've had on preorder getting here later in the week.
Does the dome and legs come off?
Maybe its a retooled Force Link 2.0 figure?
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>the rebel blaster is painted incorrectly
they're going to fix this... right?
I'm already disappointed that it's the same rebel trooper as the standalone figure. If the paint is fucked, then there's no way I'm buying this.
It's the Force Link 2.0 with slightly (and I do mean slightly) more paint apps.
I would totally buy them individually or as a two pack, but yeah hiding them behind a $500 paywall is ridiculous.
Looks more like a cross between Jack Nicholson with a splash of Matt Damon in there
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It’s supposed to be this guy
hasbro is a small indie company, silver paint is expensive, please understand
Hasbro keeps doing this, they think that a vocal minority's demands will translate to sales. One of the rancor's unlocks was a Gamorrean Guard, the same one that had already been around for a few years with no changes, but on a vintage POTF1 card. Hasbro genuinely thought people would be excited about the cardback alone because they keep listening to all of these cardfags who angrily demand hyperspecific cardbacks and still haven't learned that listening to the loudest spergs doesn't translate to more sales.
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latest chart by the way
What’s the projection?
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We're going to the moon baby.
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>the acolyte helmet sold out
huh, guess people actually do like it

I hated it at first because of how Vader shaped it is, but have come around on it after seeing it under different lighting conditions.
This is standard Hasbro tactic to drum up interest. Make it FOMO with a sell out then put it back in stock and ends up in their outlet clearance section. EE and BBTS still have it in preorder.
I bet they don't.
Amazon sold out too
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Could someone with the RoTJ Boba Fett Helmet please measure it and tell me how tall it is from base to top with the view finder pointing straight up? I'm curious if it will fit in a detolf
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sitting naturally its about 12 1/2" sitting straight up its about 13 3/4"
Thanks anon
You da man, anon. It'll fit nicely
I have the Black Series Bo-Katan helmet and it fits perfectly in my detolf.
>scrapped Kylo Ren design
Disney is so lazy

Even the worst performing ones, including the failed rancor, picked up a minimum of over 2k additional backers in the final day or two. So it will definitely fund. I think Greedo is likely to squeak in, but that's it, which is a shame, because with the set already being a half finished mess it really needs all the figures to feel even remotely worth it.
man what the hell it looks so much better without the wrinkled brow
Nah, it's simply not going to get backed.
Umm based on what?
hard to believe the disney designers like edgy internet memes
Disney designs really are just the absolute worst. Star Wars is below dead.
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Kylo's design was super lame imo, he never grows from cheap Vader cosplayer. They considered giving him a golden trim in the third movie, I wish they tried that instead of the superglued helmet.
It sold out so all of the Paid-for-by-Disney Influencers can flash their wares on camera.

Thanks again Stevie for the update. Sorry you have to put up with us annoying TVCers. It'll all be worthwhile when you get that yearly bonus from your Hasbro boss.
Dead on arrival
Smylo Ren
This. Their Royal Guard & Pilot set sold out and two weeks later was back in and has stay in stock so long it's now part of their clearance outlet. Same with their GIJoe Crimson Strike team and Transformers powerlinx exclusives, they "sell out" to come back in stock/preorder a week or so later and just stay in stock until clearance.

It's a fuck up strategy for the toy market, the only kind of faggots that are effected by FOMO is scalpers and flippers which buy this shit to try and flip so in the end it just leads to shit like 1999 and 2008 toy collectable crash where they are the only people buying this shit en mass.
That’s actually leaked concept art from TFA. I remember seeing that before the trailers revealed Kylo Ren, really good time to be a StarWars fan, right before video essays about wholeness somehow destroyed the franchise
wokeness, I assume?
>same rebel trooper as the standalone figure
Hasbro are like a disabled blind guy walking into a mind field.
>releasing the exact same figure in an army builder set will surely get people to buy it again
Insane stuff from this retarded company.
Really? That's new to me. Still felt much better an unique than the silver trim. They did a ton of designs for Kylo and chose the most bland in the end, I heard all Knights of Ren were unused concepts for him, picrel too.
>They did a ton of designs for Kylo and chose the most bland in the end
This is basically what happened with every TFA designs. There were so many unique concepts for Jakku which all got passed over in favor of "Tatooine but with some wrecked ships"
Yeah it’s a little strange, especially when they’ve done the multiple face gimmick for the Hoth and Endor rebel troopers. Was hoping they’d include some different heads.
>really good time to be a StarWars fan
It stopped being when Disney announced they were making more.
Imagine if crimson corsair and some evil pirate fleet was the main villain for the sequel trilogy. I think I would tolerate Marey Sue and Jake Skywalker if that were the case. The existence of Kylo and the First Order is the most immersion breaking thing for me that I can't suspend disbelief on
A first order could have worked as a faction made up of bunch of empire remnants coming together but having them just be the empire 2.0 with an inexplicably large amount of resources was lazy as fuck.
The worst part is the backstory that justifies their existence basically requires Mon Mothma to have learned literally nothing and for the New Republic to be even dumber than the Old Republic. Like at least you could excuse the old senators for not realizing that the guy they're following is actually a dark wizard manipulating them into a war for the purpose of increasing his power, the NR's senators see a bunch of Empire fanboys massing resources and openly declaring their intentions and just go "nah it won't be a problem"
Even worse when you throw in TRoS's lore with lando's daughter being kidnapped by them but him and Luke just giving up after seemingly coming to a dead end. Like why the fuck would the NR not at least be informed and form some kind of response after learning from two heroes of the rebellion that the first order was kidnapping kids and why the fuck would the first order kidnap one of their kids knowing it would likely bring down a bunch of heat on them.
I think it's funny that Jannah was supposed to be Lando's daughter and that last scene in the movie was supposed to imply that they would eventually figure it out, but the movie cut out the lines where Lando talks about having his daughter kidnapped so without that context it now makes it seem like Lando is hitting on her
It seems like JJ was just bound and determined to make sure every one of the main OT heroes ended up being a depressed mess whose life was ruined
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A little over a week to go, here's the latest chart
That explains hasbro still using pins on the legs
Did the guy on the left even get a figure?
Yeah, it was a 5POA in a two pack with his first mate
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There's apparently a running change with the TVC Zeb. The newer version has a sharper stripe pattern on the head and a lighter paint added to the face.
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Some 5poa slop. Guy on the right got a black series.
>caring about disney shit
You're free to post some non-Disney toys any time Anon.
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Disney is shit but the artists working there are top notch, shame about producers, directors and writers being a bunch of hacks.
It's the dead by daylight trapper mask.
why would they have to be tall?
Because dresses and gowns hang better off someone who is tall. That's why fashion designers use tall, slim models and not 5'0 landwhales.
He wants to say thin, but that would not work in this day and age. A thin person has a better figure in a dress, so you put them in baggy clothes until it's time for the review.
The actress who plays Rose is actually pretty damn cute, but the decided to make her look as ugly as possible, for some unknown reason.
And she does look nice in a dress. But it us, the awful russian-bot-incels-nazi-bigots-toxic-fans-from-hell who bullied to death, not Disney and Rian dressing him like a femcel monkey and making her act as the worst character in the sequel trilogy.
What was wrong with her character?
I mean yes, it was angry dudes going after her personally on twitter that drove her off it
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imo the toy crashes are fine because that's really the only one's that get hurt are scalpers and flippers, with a small side of those out of control divorced twice boomers. If anything I wish it would hurry up and get hear so we could get a nice refresh on content.
yeah i'm sure those video essays made the content shit and not the content itself being shit
This clown was such a fucking idiot! Egghead Johnson.
She deserved just as much as they do, let's not kid ourselves.
Good thing you can tell which version is which...oh right, plastic free butt fucking.
QTs don't deserve to be harassed

>put new one on left and old one on right
Zoomer moment. Stripes are better but the light face paint looks kinda bad desu
No one ever proved that claim to be true. Not one screenshot or comment on what was posted. Did you know that all actors were requested by Disney to go off social media while promoting the movie? It was not only Tran. You bet some people were mean, this happens to every celebrity daily, they just wanted do divert from the fact that TLJ is a fucking bomb.

Another interesting thing, Rise of Skywalker got a 86% audience approval on Rotten Tomatoes. Since the release. It's been 5 years, about 10k new reviews were added since and the ratings never changed. They clearly rigged the number after the failure of TLJ.
Supposedly the ones that shipped from BBTS and GameStop are the older version. For once I might be glad that Pulse is getting their stock in late.

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