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Lazy Repaint Edition
Previous: >>11026199
Thread Question(s):
>Do you support the 30k line?
>Do you think that it detracts from the 40k line or diverts resources away from it?
>How long do you think the 30k line will last? Is this a one-off, or is it the start of something that will grow to the same scale as the 40k line?
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>How long do you think the 30k line will last?
Forever, because the designs are more familiar with long time fans and non-fans than the new shit is.
in fact, 30k has been around longer than the Primaris shit has been around, so it deserves more.

If they don't continue the Horus Heresy stuff, maybe they should just do a general retro line. More familiar designs across the ages and it keeps the figures in scale.

It also gives them a chance to redo figures but with better designs.
Announced in previous thread:
30K Space Wolves
>Deathsworn Pack
>Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminators
>Primarch Leman Russ
>Gray Slayer Pack
Expected Sept/Oct 2024

40K Blood Angels
>Commander Dante
>Jump Pack Intercessors
Expected July 2024

40K Ultramarines
>Apothecary Biologis
Expected Sept 2024

>40K Blood Angels Terminators
>40K Daemon Primarch Angron
>40K Ultramarines Lieutenant Titus in September to coincide with the launch of Space Marine 2
>More tyranids
>30K Blood Angels, including Crimson Paladin Terminators
>30K Thousand Sons
I want some Steel Legion guardsmen now. And some more orks for them to fight.
Steel Legion are based. I think I like them more than Kriegers even. And I like the Kriegers.
I won't lie though, if we get new decent Catachan sculpts I hope JT does figures of them. I actually really like the Catachans (Space 'Nam is cool) and having some poseable Rambo and Vasquez expies would rock.
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those threads used to be funny
even baiting subby the fucking filthy disgusting secondary brain damaged retard used to be fun

but last thread? he's literally been a broken record nuh-huh-ing everything
its been buck broke by this line so hard he's not even funny to read anymore

what a shame
>>40K Daemon Primarch Angron
and whose ass did this get pulled out of?
Amazon says mid to late August, so that's my guess
Joytoy's official website says July. The Aliexpress store I ordered Horus and Abbadon from says September 30, but they will ship whenever they receive the product and usually it ends up shipping way earlier than whatever the release date is set to. Abbadon just shipped yesterday, so I suspect that Horus will be coming soon, but most likely by the end of July.
It was revealed to me in a dream.
Subby got buck broken harder than Ferrus Manus
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Space Hulk
>dredging shit up from the other thread because they're mad someone didn't respond to their stupid lies seriously
fuck off
Nice, what's the scenery?
When will James do a licensing deal with Nerf to make Nerf Bolters and Super Soaker Lasrifles?

Tantive-IV Playset
put some neon slime, as blood, on the walls.
Woo, finally, someone else who bought orks! I still like mine and wish they'd make some more.
Don't even bother trying to talk with him, it's all a waste of time. Besides, he's a joytoy Fanboy, buying from them for decades without fail. Just respond to his literal delusions with "loyal customer" or "joytoys number one fan" lol

Yes, no, and a good while, because repaints are possible for 3 armor sculpts (mk III, IV, and VI, as well as special and heavy weapon armaments!) plus two terminator armors (cataphractii and tartaros), plus a dreadnaught and primarch. Biggest variables would be other names characters per legion (so far IF got two, while SoH has only one), but in total, that's still a lot of potential figures!
i like the necrons but man, they're way out of scale compared to the new figures
the skitarii are almost head to head with them when they're not even supposed to come up to the shoulder and the newer marines tower over them
Looks pretty nice. when I was a kid I had some (I think Power of the Force) playsets of the detention block and the bit were Luke and Leia were swinging across the chasm in the death star, used to love playing with my toys in that sort of scenery.
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Looking to replace the heads of my Joytoy Krieg troops with the older style(pic related). Does anyone have any STL files or know a 3d print seller who has these heads?
>(so far IF got two, while SoH has only one)
I'm very surprised that they haven't made Horus Aximand yet
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Looked him up, and some people said that this guy is supposed to be him, or is based on artwork of him?
does he have a mini?
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Yes, and a very recent one at that, which is the main reason I was expecting him.
Unless that's supposed to be him before he got his face cut off, I think that is someone else. I can't check the GW website right now since they have a queue, but I think he is just based off of a generic praetor model. All of the Sons of Horus have really similar faces for some reason, he also looks nearly identical to the praetor in terminator armor.
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It isn't him.
From what I saw, they said it was pre-face mutilation.
Im just saying what I saw about him.
the official stance of this thread is that scale doesn't matter or that they totally match the minis scale. both of these excuses are correct.
i'm not expecting 1:1 with the minis, and the figures do look good, it's just a shame that some of the ayys are probably not going to get another release to scale them up with the newer figures
I like the 30K line, its more retro and like the other anon said it will likely go on forever. I'm still waiting for a Leman Russ tank tho
Probably the same guy who claimed WorldEaters would be revealed on Friday
Amazing, I love it
The toyline is in desperate need of more space marine vehicles in general. I want a land raider or drop pod to have marines deploy from.
I think I might also be the only person who bought grey knights. The new strike and interceptor squads are fantastic firstborn-esque sculpts. I only wish that they had given them more weapon variety, like a halberd or falchions for the justiciars.
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This is the new lone wolf/ young cub series crossover I need
With 30k space wolves getting announced a bunch that means Thousand Sons are next most likely. But what comes after that? Word Bearers vs UM?
I bought them too, and was kinda surprised I haven't really seen many people with them. They're great looking paintjobs, and like you said, they're based off the excellent Firstborn mold. Just peak action figures all around
People seem to think that it will be Iron Warriors next, but I feel that Word Bearers are also a good guess due to how important their named characters are to the story of the heresy. Word Bearers are my favorite CSM legion and it makes me really sad that we only ever got the one random chaos terminator in their colors.
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Leave my little brother alone
Thats a big boi

Good to see someone still rockin with G3, it's a great figure.
Are any of the usual Ali stores selling the JT Ninja Turtles?
They're up on Amazon, if you want to go for them there (and are in the US). https://www.amazon.com/HiPlay-JOYTOY-Collectible-Figure-Michelangelo/dp/B0D8B5FZ9K/ref=sr_1_6?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7egF9m1tFTHtOn49QXzfIywZH3pofTfd7E_QJuppWki9Rwa0s7ObrwmJaFmfCUcnuxGg6GM0Fj2FAI8_VlQ5XSPZyTl3nqW-W-q24PQW2Y2xp_DEhn90GxH_0GSTHsiSn4WcaBMZvghmJzXxwmCd2crRddIJlRmrVAWkoMTSFe1OHk3ISOwQ0dqqVSYhqbSkDJ1AYlT5A3Hxfiat6HCx4pISiHrKsmSzwmi44D-YKViIJbHzLYf7GY-TNKeHDIaNyJ7D1d9P99cm-tlgh2ytGyTMQmWwjelRtqoWCT3f6X0.kQs8Kkyny0_hYtx7Nx2aCEKkJhKvKWVLnnruwsX9C_s&dib_tag=se&keywords=joytoy&qid=1719679286&sr=8-6&th=1
oh wow these look awesome
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Need more Tyranids! And I can't quite explain it, but this particular blueberry lieutenant is one of my absolute favorite marines.
Does the tongue of the little one fits into the mouth of the big one?
No, the way each pegs in to their respective guy is different (little one pegs down, whereas big ones tongue pegs straight in, horizontally).
Certain marines just look particularly great. I too have a dedicated "main character" that I like more than the others, it's this guy.
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What was the excuse/lore for cramming bulky Terminator space marines into cramped corridors of genestealer infested derelict ships? Can't imagine them doing any good by jamming themselves looking at ass while the guys at the front get rape by aliens.
space hulks can appear wherever they want in the galaxy, so they investigate so whenever they pop up to see if there's anything good or in need of killing inside, don't want to leave a hive of orks to its own devices when it pops up next to an imperial world
and since space hulks are too cramped to get the most out of normal marines anyway, and since they don't know what's in them, they send the people with the heaviest armor and weapons
pretty sure the actual game of space hulk came before any of that tho
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Huh..... retired from W40K 20+ years ago. I would've thought they came up with new updated lores to justify all that. Guess it's still the same as it was.
What's wrong with that explanation in particular?
Seems reasonable to me
"If it ain't broke don't fix it" and so one
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It also helps that you can teleport Terminators relatively reliably into and out of a hulk (which may be one damaged ship or a nightmarish combination of several different ones from any race from across all time and space, as well as asteroids, debris, and worse) while a normal boarding crew either has to find a landing zone and hope its connected to where they want to go or burrow in somehow. Terminator armour also shields from environmental problems like toxic waste or unshielded reactors better than anything else, so even if there aren't any horrors lurking in there they'll still survive longer than almost anyone else you can send.

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