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Previous thread: >>11040541

>NECA Last Ronin Mikey and Donnie on Wal-Mart shelves first on shipper
>JoyToy 1/18 TMNT fully revealed
>NECA black and white TMNT Universal Monsters 2-pack exclusive to Wal-Mart, in stores now.
>Tales of TMNT swap wave showing up at Target with new motorcycle vehicles
>Furay/Fury/Rage Toys etc Not-Bebop painted prototype shown
>Playmates Toilet Taxi reissue, vintage Sports TMNT hitting Target
>Playmates Technodrome Amazon exclusive revealed & up for order
>New Playmates reissue figures up for pre-order
>Mondo Sofubi Donatello, Michelangelo & Leonardo up for order, Mondo Gecko Mondo Store exclusive!
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2 and 3, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Sla'ker in stores
>Super7 2k3 figures finally revealed!
>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates "original sketch" Turtles are on shelves now
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Neca "First Turtles" convention exclusive shown

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
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JoyToy's TMNT
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Heatboy's Donatello mech should be up for pre-order now too.
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If you hate your eyes, Playmates has you covered.
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Whats the dumbest turtle item in your collection
Last ~official~ day of SDCC exclusives going up at 12EST on the NECA store today.

They could always go back up for surprise drops during the con, but considering the popularity of the set, I would still try and snag one today.
Teenage mutant ninja nutsack.

Maybe kids like this but its either old playmates for me until they produce more upmarket items.
Far from great, but I'll probably grab Raph. I do appreciate that they come with a fair bit, though idk what that hammer staff is supposed to be, and Leo's klingon/mall ninja weapon is funny. And of course the original toys were smoothly sculpted so if that's what they're trying to emulate they should also be smooth, but it's gotten some people to say actual turtles are smooth skinned. They are reptiles, they have scales. Even the smoother parts, like between their heads and shell, still have scales.
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Please, please take care and log in prior to the FINAL DAY of the neco sdcc drop and consider using a quick pay service. There will be no “surprise drops” in the coming days as the false neco op has stated. If you finna want them in your collection, time to put up or shut up. We WILL conquer the bots and scalpers buying 4x the turtles, we WILL deny the neco op his prize of serving his masters as an obstacle to the necallective just trying to complete their necallections. The neco op has been humiliated and bullied into mentioning the sdcc drop at all! 12ET. The neco store. Be there or be square.
Last thread was only on page 4 and could have been used for another week. All the Jap threads wait until page 8 or image limit. Why can't you?
I might as well post cool Turtle images if you are going to start new threads before they hit image limit.
Who gives a shit? The board doesn't go into chaos just because there's a new thread. But of course you'd rather troll the board instead of talking about toys.
Necafag refuses to wait to shill. That's why he always starts out a thread complaining about the other lines that intimidate him: >>11050051

This is a troll thread.
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Images of the Pizza Thrower reissue have surfaced
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This is on top of the fact that Toilet Taxi has also been reissued without any official announcement.
No more secret sewer map?
I loved that toy as a kid and to get a legit new Donnie figure out of it is icing on the cake. Why didn’t neco op mention this stuff at the start of the thread? Seems odd.
Looks like a TMNT thread to me. But hey, you don't have to post. I doubt your charming attitude will be missed. The rest of us will talk Turtles.

I wonder what will be missing or changed. This really is a confusing time.
thanks, anon, wish me luck
Thanks, neca gentleman. I have a card attached to my Shopify account so it should be instantaneous once these go live in a couple of minutes.
Does 1/18 mean they'll be Playmates scale?
This is a joke, right? I just asked for this
Neca SDCC turtles are still up if you want them
there are a few things you have to modify when resizing a mold, they would probably have to take out some of the articulation, especially stuff like individual fingers
but yeah, they could absolutely do it. and it's annoying that the only 3p resizes you get, are scaling UP the normal-retail figures to be masterpiece size (and sometimes making small modifications to make them better, but sometimes they fuck something up)
I'm aware of that, hell didn't I say that in my first post?
>DUDES! Help me out! I found this little cake that said "Eat Me". I thought I followed the instructions!
turtles have flat, smooth scales. Terrapins, that is. tortoises can be quite lumpy and even spiky, but for the most part, terrapins are sleek for swimming. The few bumpy ones are the ones who barely swim, like snapping turtles.
I did get magician raph for my birthday once.
Nah, it has nothing to do with your racist delusions.
what the fuck does your nutsack look like
oh oh okay wait, you mean the bumpy area where the hair follicles make like, turkey-skin, yeah yeah. they look like that part of the nutsack.
that's a good policy in general, but in specific, there were a lot of new things to drop, so a fresh thread is warranted. if this becomes excessive, or the board slows down even worse, it will be a good idea to limit things.
Surprised they can still say 'assault'
aw man i looked up some images of that, it looks amazing. i want it.
He doesn't actually care, anon. He's trolling, and that's all he ever does. The fact that he didn't know there was tmnt news to post proves that.
just some ankle joints could have improved these molds immensely.

also not giving them pockmarks, but I could've overlooked those if there would have been some ball jointed ankles.
ball jointed ankles would normally be a terrible idea, but on figures this small (They are the same size as the originals, right?) they'd work okay.
>There will be no “surprise drops” in the coming days as the false neco op has stated
You don't have any reading comprehension. That isn't what was said in that post. And the con exclusives did go up during the convention last year and the year before that, even. Daily. Weird that you try to muddy the waters with obvious lies.
>I'm offended because the word slave vanished from toy packaging, I'm being so oppressed

No you are not, stop weeping like a baby. Go watch Hogan's Heroes.
shit, I forgot about that. you can't even say slave anymore, that's how fucked shit has gotten.
we really, really need to start cracking some skulls and/or rescinding some rights that have been abused.
Seconding erecting a new thread prematurely was uncalled for.
No it wasn't
So was your birth but we don't make fun of you for that.
>I can't call people nigger in public anymore so it's time to kill people
Completely rational and sane take, my guy
>The fact that he didn't know there was tmnt news to post proves that.
What a load of bullshit. A bunch of new Figmas were announced last weekend and neither the Figma thread or /ctg/ felt the need to start a new thread "just because there was news." You can tell because the last Figma thread has already been archived while there are 3 TMNT threads shitting up space on the board because the autistic mongoloid keeps starting threads the morning after they hit bump limit.
He NEEDS his thread to be on the front page of the catalogue. Most anons either keep their regular threads open in multiple tabs or use the "pin thread" feature, so they don't even use the catalogue for their regular threads. The only reason that he does it is his need to advertise NECA.
Page 8 or when the thread hits image limit.
Yawn, are you still complaining instead of talking about toys?
I mentioned your need to advertise toys to appease your master, so that counts.
You should really rethink your life if you think anyone is advertising anything. On a toy board. A whole board where it's about unnecessary plastic products that you buy.
I would believe it if you didn't expend so much energy doing damage control for bobble head April.
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Can't wait to see what's wrong with this one, it's part of the fun with Playmates re-releases.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
Official pic of the new Don.
it's a good job the sticker they stole to put on their machine had such a large gap between 'danger' and 'men working'
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Glad you can come out and admit to being a troll like that.

Never trust the promo pics from Playmates.
What trolling? You are still doing damage control here >>11050445
>It's the factory's fault. Nobody at NECA did a final inspection once the tooling was made, but it's still the factory's fault.
I would ask you to imagine being that pathetic, but it's clear you don't need to imagine it.
I like the part where you immediately responded to them by trolling, proving them right.
Do you mean the part where he points out that an anon notorious for doing damage control for a company is currently doing damage control for a company?
Or do you mean when he calls Neca anon pathetic? To be honest, blaming the factory for that first April release is pretty pathetic.
Oh darn, does reality not mesh well with your pea brain? No wonder you feel the need to troll people all the time. You're just an idiot. Well say no more good chum, your mental deficiency is completely understood now.
Do you mean the reality of Necanon making up bullshit excuses to defend a mediocre figure, or the reality of Necanon being pathetic?
The reality that neither of those are true and that you still insist on trolling. You really are a simpleton. Go to a library or something, read a book.
The post where Necanon does damage control and makes up bullshit excuses for a mediocre figure is here >>11050445
The post is also proof that he is pathetic, because only someone truly pathetic would think that was an acceptable excuse. No one at NECA inspected the tooling or the test shots, and it's still somehow the Chinese factory's fault.
It must take you ages to string together a thought. And you still go right back to endless trolling. Now that is pathetic.
I thought the original cope was that there was nothing wrong with the the huge head April
He’s decided to pivot away from that line of bullshit because no one bought it.
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For everyone upset about how small the technodrome was. The joytoy turtles should be the perfect scale.
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they'll still be kind of big
even the mini-technodrome made in season 5 was 5 stories tall.
even the main internal room is over 2 stories, it's just a massive place.
yeah, except i dont want them because they look retarded with their weapons bolted to their shells
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from the outside it was a little smaller i think, it's hard to find good screencaps, usually the characters are just way in the foreground.
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there's also a few shots from turtles forever, but that makes it the toy-commercial-universe technodrome, which might not be quite to scale.
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similarly here.. i guess the rule of thumb is the treads need to be big enough to crush toitles.
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No, that'd be the Mega Turtles, and then only 'close'.
So I guess the mini-mutants would work with the technodrome.
but of course the insides wouldn't feel right since they're full of figure-sized beds and cages.
But they're $50 a pop. I don't want them that much.

$40 a pop
>been super busy so I missed out on the neca proto turtles
am I screwed?
for a figure the height of the old tmnt figs, but way narrower. like less than half as much plastic.
if you're into those
1:18 usually means 3.75" scale, like GIJoe and ReAction.
the listing says 11 cm
HK figures from them have always been expensive. Fuck, RoboCop and Predator were $30 before

It's 1/18th, but very 3.75" O-ring Joe versus modern 4"
11cm is 4 1/3 inches.
The Pizza Thrower is a staple of any tmnt reissue line right? Sure feels like it second to the party wagon.
We really need the Foot Cruiser or Mutant Module as future reissue vehicles.
Found the Trick or Treat re-release Toxie today at Walmart, I know he's not turtle related but to me he's close enough. Here he is next to an original Bonehead. Overall I like it but there are some downsides, his hips are swivels now instead of ball joints like the original. He's missing the globe deco on his belt buckle, and his eye is painted now instead of a dead eye. And the Blobbie sidekick hardly glows despite being brand new, Bonehead's gitd plastic looks nuclear compared to it. Despite that I do enjoy the figure, the paint is mostly spot on and the sculpt is all there and vivid.
What’s this have to do with TMNT?
Already addressed, move along.
Been planning to get him. I just want them to hurry up and put out more characters.
nothing but the best thing to do is ignore and move on
I'm still pissed as fuck S7 axed the line with us only getting a fuckload of Toxie repaints, Junkyard, and a Radiation Ranger.
Here's hoping NECA manages to get the Troma license so we can get actual film-accurate figures and a full TC line (If though they'll use their inferior cartoon designs instead of the cooler toy ones, but a price to pay to get a whole team.)
should’ve bought many multiples of radiation rangers. sorry, pal, but you’re partly responsible for how this turned out.
Get fucked AI spammer
No, not yet. Just pay attention when SDCC actually starts, they had been putting the exclusives back up during the day while thr con was going on. Not aure if that vibes with your work schedule or whatever, but there you go. Just be vigilant.
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Any UPC pics so far? They're not great, but fixing them could be an experiment.
>Swapping Leo & Don's heads back
>Smoothing the skin
>Repainting to better match the originals
>Proper ankle joints

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