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Been a while since we've had one of these. What characters do you wish would get a toy regardless of the probability of it happening?
I recently remembered the existence of the old erotic tactical RPG Sei Senshi Lakers series, and honestly the designs are incredibly toyetic. You could display Judo Laker here and nobody would guess she was from an eroge.
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I’m sure picrel will eventually get a jazwares release or something. Palisades did Aqua Teen Hunger Force before they went tits up.
I'd love some good 1/12 Castlevania figures. Those shitty NECA figures weren't nearly good enough.
American cartoons so are ugly and woke to look at
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Neca, Monsterarts, Mafex, hell, even Figma!
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>figma line similar to the tabletop museum but it’s all Giger designs
God yes please. I'm surprised NECA never tried making the original Necronom IV design into a figure, given it was the proto-Alien.
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Spin Masters are doing PlayStation figures so there's a small chance I guess.
It's so ridiculous to me that they'd skip all of Playstation's most iconic characters and skip to the ones that people don't give a fuck about.
That's my other knoe. There's a 3d Printable statue of Necronom IV on Cults3D. I'm tempted to buy it and settle for statueshit.
You'd need so much plastic for those monster bazongas of hers.
They're really pushing Aloy as a mascot for some reason. She's even getting a Lego game which is super rare for a game franchise. I don't get it.
I just want a new Duke Nukem figure. Someone should buy/dig up the old canceled Resaurus molds/prototypes.
And it's on Switch too, for reasons I don't understand. Other than Nintendo loves to steal Playstation games
Horizon is some executives baby. It gets a billion dollars in marketing and comes bundled with every playstation possible and no one really cares about it. Probably letting it slide because it's the closest thing they have to a supported mascot right now.
>Smiling Friends
You are a Closeted Pedo and Catkiller Diosoth.
Current year Duke Wokem would have broccoli hair and fuck trannies.
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Give me an Ookami Mio figma
Burgers believe that adult cartoons HAVEA to be disgusting to look at. Check adult swim all the characters are ugly and/or the humor is grotesque.
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>thinks Smiling Friends is le generic adult animated show #46733
It's newgrounds and internet inspired humor though.
Zoomies wont understand, anon
>thinks classic internet inspired humor is the same as Baldis Basics and or Family Guy clones.
You are underaged.
The real question here is could Blazkowicz stop the alien invasion from Duke Nukem?
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Just give me a figma of every version of game Leon and some G Virus/T virus/plagus shitters for him to shoot. I'd buy it all. An articulated Licker by figma or Tamashii nations would be nuts.
>Schizoid rant about Americans for some reason.
>Classic 2000s Internet and Newgrounds inspired humor equals Reddit apparently.
Im not even talking about toys and how they sell, im talking about how mentally retarded and new to the internet you are you schizoid mongoloid .
That article was published on April 1st...
Test post.
>to the anti america schizoposter

Make a wishlist or go back
It’s the samefag as usual ban evading and trying to get attention, no point engaging.
Least obvious samefag
What thread? QRD?
Jannies can’t seem to ban him properly so they just nuke threads he shits up now I guess.
I mean they never bothered to ban Diosoth and ZatLit so i just assume they are Compromised and are trying to take the boards down from within.
Also any Anons kinda want to see Chungusfurry, Diosoth and Zatlit fight to the death in cage match?
I’m pretty sure there’s a booru.
All threads are deleted in the end.
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>gsm create figma Utena
>don’t create an Anthy so they can be together
>not even a crummy ‘figfix’ to have next to Utena
Trump will be your next President, Diosoth.
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I'm honestly a bit surprised beyond the occasional model there hasn't been more
Theres some stuff of Glep and Porsha Crystal together porn
Its an amazing series, both anime and manga, kinda suprised no one brings it up. Still gotta try that game, but i think i only want it for the title.
King cashew.
>(((Trump))) is a fat, elderly fuck in a wig & a diaper
Trump doesn't wear a wig though
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I haven't played the game. I can't bring myself to really get into anything made so far after the fact. I imagine it's going to come off like a fanfic regardless of quality.
Not /toy/ related, but I’m pretty sure he’s got one of those stick on toupees since it’s been filmed flapping in the wind lel
Not american, I just think it’s funny to see wigs waving in the wind.
Because it's a fun show with amusing characters and funny designs and people like toys of characters they like? Not even like they'd be un-makeable as toys either, frankly given the intentionally mismatched artstyles and deliberately uncanny moments I think even if they weren't quite on model or looked weird as fuck in plastic they'd "work" as long as they were well built.
generic baseline fantasy but japan? OMG
Go isekai yourself.
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OP what's your release order of the five
>Reddit mention
You should go back there Chungusfurry.
It's Chungusfurry, just report and hide.
Itd be nice. Wasnt there a model kit or something?
It isn't the same, but they just announced they are making a Nendoroid of her.
what this means?
Hello newfag-kun
hi but please answer my question i asked
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>one helluva riprollin boondally non sequitor
Chungusfurry is completely losing his brown little mind lmao
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what is it about smiling friends that ultimately broke him?
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Seems like you are just utterly seething that they have a character that accurately represents how batshit you are Chungusfurry
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>Incoherent rambling
Did Zach Hadel buck break you?
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don't you suck tranny cock?
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post toy wishlist or get the fuck out troglodyte.
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>referencing leddit speak for some reason
Go back there.
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You are a ban evading pedophile.
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What is it about /toy/ that attracts the biggest cows anyway?
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>Sony want to exit the hardware markets
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>multiple Yoko figures and nendo
>Kamina has figure and nendo
>Simon only has a nendo
>No Nia anything
Buzzmod, please make Nia and Simon next.
ok so, no one will answer me? why not it a simple questipn I asume. yes I try on google but nothing
>he doesn’t knoe
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Id probably be disappointed if it did happen.
Appleseed Guges gunpla style model.
Deunan optional but not unwelcome.
The tank from the first chapter would be cool too.
There are some Infinity Joy Toy figures, but I doubt they will make Emily Handelman or Uhahu ones.
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It would never happen in a million years but Gregory Horror Show Nendoroids would be cool. Or really anything other than the farcically rare Yamato figures. At the very least, the papercraft figures work for the characters, but I'd love a good figure of Judgement Boy.
>"You are given the choice to buy an incredibly rare figure you've wanted for years, but you're supposed to be saving money for a house with your wife and son! If you pass on this figure now, you may never get it again!"
Marvelous get on it
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I don't care for remakes. But if nothing else it means the potential for new merch.

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