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>Upcoming transformers
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Previous: >>11052616
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I hate tfwiki so fucking much bros
>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread
>more tooner shit
how do they not have their own archive of reference material? and how did nobody catch that before it got to the tooling stage? they're not even the only company who does this shit
Because it's easier to just go
>"ruckus g1 transformers"
and use whatever first picture comes up
Fingers crossed they manage to accidentally use some R34 fetish art as reference material next
its bizarrely funny to see just how inept the designers continue to be, almost like they're trying to one up each others mistakes
To be fair that's seibertron's pics so they're as much possible fault
>wiki immediately changed the picture of G1 Ruckus to a different image
lmao, as they say
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Rhinox is out of his box now
First impression is good. Hes looks how you'd expect and has a good heft.
Looks a bit rough around his belly, but honestly one of the cleaner MP beast modes
Articulation is pretty sparse as you might expect. Head goes side to side, mouth opens and his knees all dend about 45 degrees.
I thought he might have a moving eye gimmick but he doesn't

Biggest flaw so far; Only one gun?!??
I think they used a cosplayers head for a lightning collection ranger because of google. Or how they used the first pic of the lunar wolf ranger in a pose that hid his holster so the figure didn't have one. Lazy fucks
Do you think they actually keep records and archives for designers to look back at? Lol. Lmao, even.
think about it
to have that, you'd have to have someone who understands that's the thing to do
why would anyone like that ever be hired? you don't hire smart people. you hire yes-men whom you can throw under the bus if anything goes wrong.
and even if you wanted to hire them, how would you know who they are?
>that one Ben 10 sticker set
indeed, there's just a few i guess unavoidable lumps on belly parts, and the rim around the beast knees (which is already not far off from what real rhinos have) because that becomes his new ankle... i never noticed before that his robot mode feet were bigger than the rhino feet.
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So, we know we're getting a Collaborative toy with Sonic the Hedgehog. And the newest issue of the comic hinted at a crossover with someone "big".

Tie in maybe?
>So, we know we're getting a Collaborative toy with Sonic the Hedgehog.
i'm in
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Rhinox comes with a dedicated clip for Primal so you can rather gracelessly schlep him up on Rhinox's back
They didn't look at official art?
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it had better have the classic sonic aesthetic, no new shit.
am I high or... is this not quite in scale with the show
how would anyone who works there know what it is?
you have to imagine it's like if you inherited a baozi factory in china. You're happy to profit from it, but you don't know what a good baozi is, and you don't know how to find out who knows what a good baozi is. and if someone tried to explain it to you, even if you spoke conversational chinese decently well, you still wouldn't be reliably able to make good ones compared to some guy on the street who does this all day and has a recipe going back thousands of years.
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the perspective definitely made rhinox look bigger, but this show loved to fuck around with the camera. weird how CG shows stopped doing that.
The difference is you can't make whatever the fuck a baozi is correctly going off of an advertisement that uses a photo of the baozi from ads and packaging the factory made in the 80s
okay smart guy, how would you do it. you don't even know what it is, i have that over you and I have no fucking idea how I'd ever do this successfully.
>Biggest flaw so far; Only one gun
He's supposed to have two. Might better contact your retailer.
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I thought I laid it out pretty clearly: before you tool an entire figure based off of an image from a fan wiki, look at the official art for reference, which has the waist decals in the right place. i.e. do the bare minimum of cross-referencing
Imagine if it was a beastformer that turned from a real blue hedgehog (maybe with shoes lmao) into a classic or modernish robot sonic (dressed up), or a guy themed around such
We know its a two pack. I'm guessing its a Headmaster with Eggman's little ship as the head.
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Sonic sports car, Tails biplane
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I don't want a Sonic Transformer I want an Eggman-themed Transformer that Sonic has to fight.
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Transformation isn't too too bad
Panel heavy like you'd expect but theres a flow and stuff stays out of each other's way
Kinda feels like I'm missing with the backpack but I can't figure how to collapse it extra bit, if it's even possible

Good news! I found his other gun!
It cane pre-stored away in his guts

Robot mode is pretty much perfect and gorgeous, if you give it the regular allowances for the backpack
Legit flaw; the ankle assembly could have used another pass in design.
Not that it's loose, I think it's that it's made of too many thin bits that flex under his weight and let him spill backwards too easily
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moron. fathead.
how would you do the comparison I just laid out for you. how would you run a fucking chinese dumpling factory when you have no way of knowing who knows what a good product is?
A retool of Tasmania Kid as a hedgehog. Could it work?
Anon, what's wrong? You've hardly touched your Tokyo Drift tie-in "Mona Lisa" Autobot and Universal Monsters: Dracula vs. Wolfman Target-exclusive two-pack!
ditto but that's never how it works out
the review i saw, it looks like the backpack doesn't collapse much further in, it's like just good enough. but the way the curves line up with each other to collapse is pretty rad.
I was wondering, as I saw the ankle transformation, how it would possibly hold up the weight with so many thin parts in there... I guess the answer is 'use a stand'
rattrap would be better..
this meme is so evergreen
>and those movie cars
i mean the Delorean, Jurassic Park Jeep, Party Wagon, and Ecto-1 were pretty much exactly what you could have hoped for a crossover: accurate versions of the vehicle with themed OC robot forms. They make sense as character crossovers between the two universes without shoehorning in existing characters.

Sonic is in a bit of a weird position though because, as far as iconic vehicles go, you have the Eggmobile, the Tornado, and arguably the Cyclone. But on the other hand you have a canon that can account for wholly original robots that are just themed. So the question is, are we going to get a Tornado that turns into an Autobot? Are we going to get a Decepticon Eggmobile? Or are we going to get a random vehicle painted in Eggman livery as a complete OC?

That last one is definitely my preference.
you want me to treat your weird metaphor literally? what?
It's been known we were getting a crossover for a while now, dude. Personally, I'm hoping it's a transforming Eggman robo of some sort, since that honestly wouldn't be too out of place in either universe. Vehicle that turns into a giant robotic Eggman? Perfectly normal thing to see.
that's probably why they went both ways with Party Wallop, it's logical for the turtles to have a transforming van, they ALMOST did in the toyline.
no. christ, I shouldn't have to explain this

I'm not asking you what they should have done, with the knowledge you have
i'm asking what you expect them to do with the knowledge THEY have. What you would do, in their place. How would you ensure quality when you don't know quality, and you don't know how to recognize an employee who knows quality. and you can't just call up "the fans"
Your fucking analogy is illogical and your posts are word salad at best. If you're going to get pissy about people not understanding what you're talking about then at least try to be a little coherent
many of his robos are pretty round, so they could tuck their limbs in and become mini death eggs.. but that's not much of a transformation. and there's not much else they could turn into, if they're humanoid already
if it's one of the more vehicular ones, like the very first boss in sonic 2, sure. or the flying battery... that can transform well enough. but what would you do with other iconic eggrobos like Big Arms or the swinging mace?
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Considering this is the Seven Thousandth time this has happened, you'd think someone on the TFWiki would make sure all their pictures are clear and accurate
Because Hasbro clearly doesn't give a fuck
what a sponsorbillery
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They're too busy worrying about transphobes
yeah and it makes sense for there to be a robot turtle too considering they had the transforming toys and stuff. Though it's odd that Party Wallop has explicit forms based on the characters themselves, which is unique among the crossovers; it's the only one that's implied not to be an OC.

But it makes no real sense for the Sonic Transformer to turn into Sonic because there's no precedent for a good robot that looks like him; in Sonic, Robots are almost always evil.
Concept Marauder Megatron when?
Concept Megatron's alt modes were loosely inspired by Marauder Megatron.
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What’s funny is that they had it correct in the beginning then someone changed it to the incorrect one
yeah i think the idea there is they didn't have faith or understanding that the fans would be cool with this being something the turtles -pilot-
so they had to give you alt heads.. and maybe they thought people would buy 5 of them

sonic is just.. an odd one... at most, I would expect something more akin to Magmatron, three altmodes that combine without having individual robot modes...
okay, but. the people who design the robots I buy probably have at least as much knowledge about how to find good pictures of said robots. they'd have to get multiple reference images to cover multiple angles. they most likely had at least one image that was correct. they have to have had the knowledge, they just didn't ever think about why the decals were placed differently between the pictures they had.
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I only like the kinda green ones. He can have it.
It says it's a 2 pack so I'm hoping it's like the Ecto-1 and an Eggman robot with a plastic Sonic figure
Doomdorm64 did
>the people who design the robots I buy probably have at least as much knowledge about how to find good pictures of said robots.
what are you basing that on? they're fucking clueless. They INHERITED this IP, they didn't make it.
>they'd have to get multiple reference images
obviously not.
>piloted mecha
Get that fucking shit out of here, what are you some sort of faggot. Next you'll say it was so cool when IDW would have transformers riding fucking segways around.
anon you are genuinely fucking illiterate holy shit
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Bought CW Blackjack. Gonna strap him to Legacy Menasor's chest like pic related.
I don't know how to explain to you that in order to make a new version of an existing robot, you need to use a reference image of the original. That's how designing things works. Them not having created the property doesn't change that.
I wonder why this person changed it to the Seibertron image in the first place? Was it because the old pic made the main body's color look like dehydrated urine?

Either way, this makes me hate the wiki even more. At the very least, I hope they edit Ruckus's page to mention that Hasbro's mistake was due to their own screw up (although they'll either refuse to own up to it, or go the other direction and get off on how Hasbro stupidly uses them as a reference).

And with all the attention Hasbro says they put into color matching and things like that, they have no excuse for failing to check other sources. Heck, there are even scans out there online of most old figures' instructions so you can easily see whether stickers are placed correctly in these photos!
>I wonder why this person changed it to the Seibertron image in the first place?
Looks like it's about twice the resolution of the first one
the only information they're taking from online is deco, color, maybe accessories. not constructing the model as a direct copy. they're winging it there.
anon. they've clearly done significant retooling. he has a big backpack not from beachcomber. both of these things would require reference images taken from multiple angles. why is this the hill you're trying to die on?
because it's obvious?
>At the very least, I hope they edit Ruckus's page to mention that Hasbro's mistake was due to their own screw up
They usually mention when that happens.
its ss86, what else would it fucking be?
Post a pic
Soon as he comes in
They love it when shit like that happens. it makes them feel important.
>Mayhem Ruckus doesn't have ankle tilts
Thinking of making a custom of pic related.
Legacy Jhiaxus is the best base, isn't it?
I find it weird that no one at Takara caught it either, given they tend to have more accurate resources at hand
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The fuck is going on at the gobot command center?
i think it's supposed to be a teleporter but it looks like an execution chamber, and that's how it's treated in the Go-Bots comic.
>commander prime
>Literally a streamlined MP 44

And I literally just brought NP 44 trailer and all that it can't even hold its gun properly

Bro your MP 10?
Heh heh
They don't make em like they used too
((S I P ))
Counterpoint, Hasbro should themselves have internals documents, instead on relying on what is from google images
>i think it's supposed to be a teleporter
A teleporter is not a 'De-Materializer', and that little picture of Cy-Kill in front of what looks like prison bars most definitely doesn't suggest it's supposed to be involved in transportation.
>it looks like an execution chamber, and that's how it's treated in the Go-Bots comic.
This seems most likely - either it's an execution chamber or some kind of prison that de-molecularizes inmates and stores them as digital data.
and then what, have to trust some employee with access to the files? and hope he never leaks anything even though everyone leaks everything?
i'm not shocked they just tell them to google it all
Why would it be an issue if someone leaked their character reference bible?
Bootleggers would start outclassing their production preemptively.
MP10 will never sleep with you.
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This is peak Prime aesthetic. I know the engineering is a bit dated but he's still the best looking MP scale Prime.
Wouldnt be a problem if it leaks, last time during TR, deco cheats of toys got leaked, it didnt caused any incidents

& with that, you dont have to fuck shit's up
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Get yourself an MP 10. Its worth it.
bad thigh proportions ruin him for me
i got the lebron bersion though and yeah it's one of the top 3 transformers ever made
Yeah the proportions were always terrible.
he's got the siege ultra magnus optical illusion problem. anatomically, his knee is in the right place in proportion to his hips and feet. but sine the calves are like twice the width of his thighs, the latter look way too small just at a glance. actually measuring them and trating the apex of the knee joint as the knee shows it's technically proportional, but our eyes play this trick and it confuses everything
the wei jiang OSKO does not help with this issue, opting to lengthen the lower calves and further stretching things out but in the wrong area
Somebody pointed out that the detailing on the new figure is upside down compared to the TFWiki image, meaning it’s entirely possible that the source is from somewhere else entirely
It's entirely possible that since they were already remolding the arms, and not the waist that they chose to put that sculpted detail on the arms since painting that detail doesn't fit on the waist.
maybe it's somehow more accurate to how real suspension springs should be positioned? otherwise yeah it's just a really dumb fuckup
They'll wear it as a badge of pride, wouldn't surprise me if they started to use inaccurate images on purpose just so they can feel something in their limpdicks if this happens again.
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Apparently even that was too much for them.
I'm at ax and I will buy statue shit red bumblebee/cliffjumper. At least he looks like Maki from Love Live.
>A teleporter is not a 'De-Materializer',
its a de-materializer and a re-materializer. That's how they work in Star Trek.
I mean. Teleporters like that are kinda also execution chambers. They just spit out a clone with your memories afterwards
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Legacy Tarantulas is not too shabby, got him for 12 bucks at a comic shop and I feel like it was a steal. Kingdom Scorponok on the other hand, I picked up at the same shop for 22. I feel robbed. Gipped. I'm going to let Tarantulas scrap him for parts.
Well, I was trying to rationalize it and that is the best I could come up with. Doesn't really hold water though, you have a point. Realistically it comes down to corpo disconnection and incompetence.
I like how it's somehow the wiki's fault that hasbro's designers are fucking retarded
You might like Ilium by Dan Simmons if you haven't read it already
The new toy doesn't have hip flaps at all, there's no where to put the decals
Also the new decals don't even match the old ones.
It's probably just loosely referencing the original
They changed his shocks too
I just realized they didn't fuck up the stickers on the subscription service CW one. They literally couldn't be bothered to look at a figurine they made a few years earlier, just straight up went to TFwiki before looking at their own shit. Holy fuck that's a next-level blunder, I'm lol'ing.
you pain gives me pleasure hnghhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
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I can't wait for ultra Magnus be a white prime recolor.
it wouldn't, but companies think it is. that's why they put a stop to that.
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Yeah I’m gonna need this
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This is by far the most “3P” looking official transforming Transformer we’ve seen
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The vehicle mode isn’t for everyone, but it works for me
It's not a bootleg
rofl nice pic
"i want to play a game"
transformer movie with tarantulas in place of that stupid Saw guy when?
You guys are sleeping on "sleeper" announcements
and higher res pics of MP-44 SG edition
dual wielding PRIME
it just has engineering that tries to reach the same level. So is an officially licensed transformer inferior to a third party toy, or inferior to a bootleg toy? If I were sucking Hasbro's dick like you are, I'd pick the less embarrassing option.
>no "Till all are gone!" tampo
when is he gonna get that window fixed?
>word salad
so which is it? is Hasbro worse than bootlegs or third party? your paycheck is on the line, shill.
Stop talking to that faggot
Jesus Christ have you never been baited before
man, you sound pwetty angy
Yeah well they don't
So either TFWiki should fix all their images or stop bitching.
Keep making excuses you bootlicking faggot. What an insane expectation it must be for hasbro to have official reference material for their OWN FUCKING PROPERTY
>Hasbro doesn't do something
>Well they dont
Let me guess, you've done nothing with your life because nobody bends over backwards for you?
Hasbro are idiots for not having a library of reference material and not double checking anything they pull from unofficial sources, and TFWiki are idiots for a variety of reasons not least of which because they're supposed to be the best resource for information on Transformers and yet they can't even pick an accurate image.
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it's funny how the chug optimus they have been overreusing has the opposite promblem with his big long legs and short torso
wellll sort of. his knees could not pull up to his chest. you can pull that off, Animated did, but it's never ideal.
Looks like we'll be waiting a while for another good Optimus for them to run into the ground, going off the backpack in that SS86 leak.
>elita-1 your so cool, and with my matrix with my matrix we're gonna rule
>ai slop
good consoomer
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Man the pull apart gimmick figs have been a highlight of every wave for so long, im glad they haven't stopped, its so fun to get at least a few new characters every year
It's on the roof
Rocks are the first wave of them I haven't gotten a single one of, which is pretty good for a subtheme running since, what, Siege?
point of odor: star trek reassembles you out of the same particles. it beams the particles you were previously made of out to the receiver
... though it did make a copy of a dude.. twice. so that does suggest that you can just use the pure data of the pattern to make a whole dude.. but.. some other species would do that on reg, if it were possible.
truly the best and worst of new beast wars
AI Slop NEEDS to be banned already
t'is a fine mecha, but...
this had potential to be so much cooler than it is. less gappage, fewer colors, slightly less on the greebs.
It's an official Transformers product
how do you think your parents feel about you
where do the signals running through your brain go? if your body is completely disassembled then they would cease, and then just be recreated at best. it's not you coming out of the other side, it just thinks it's you
>Dual Wielding D5K Deutsches
someone call Oddjob
From what I remember, the transporter keeps a copy of those particles in the event something goes wrong, at least in the TNG era. In OG, any accident was a death sentence.
cap's shoulder joints look interesting...
optimus's face and shins look weird but this is not a bad version. the red eyes look a tiny bit evil though, he's like.. Optimus Crime.
have you tried making shard-chan into some kind of a fish?
Was that figure not handled by Fun Publications? I'm not sure how the produced those figures. But yeah even those morons knew where they should go.
They have Heisenberg compensators to make sure your electrons end up in the right place despite the impossibility of knowing where they all are at any time
your brain's electrical signals are easily reassembled just as they were before
and that one time (amazingly only once) that they used it to heal a genetic problem by resetting her body to an old scan, it also reset her memory.
it makes sense, but you can see starfleet being good and never using that data unless someone dies in transport, but could you really see the various others with transporters refusing to just make infinite clone soldiers?
would the Dominion really bother cloning new Jem'Hadar if they could just copy their transporter patterns? There must be some limit on it.
for Thomas Riker i think they said they shot a second transporter beam to get him, so they essentially cloned his particles midstream.. that might make it a lot less impossible than usual.
anything like this ever happen in G1? i feel like G1 would have tons of bullshit like this.
I think it has a 'floating point' aspect to it. Scotty had to rig up some crazy tech to keep someone perpetually stuck in the pattern buffer, and even that had a 50% failure rate. and that one DS9 episode, they had to store everyone's patterns in the holosuites.. because they're astronomically large amounts of data, and they can't be stored long-term.
Still doesn't explain Pulaski, but fuck that episode.
>They have Heisenberg compensators to make sure your electrons end up in the right place
but they've still been disassembled. your entire brain has been exploded and put back together, then has something resembling your brain activity placed into it. that's still a copy, not the original
if I cut your hand off and stitch it back on, is that a copy?
what if I grind up your hand into a paste and then feed the biomatter into a fabricator that creates a new hand out of all the matter. would you call that a copy? I mean, maybe kind of, but it's really a reassembly.
What's this part?
I believe that is the Benis
>taking lego apart and putting it back together makes it different lego
It's still insane that during the entire span of making a new deco (which apparently somehow takes weeks or even months), there's no time to watch a 20-min cartoon
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You cant cut Cybertronian glass. You are born with only one set, like teeth. You have to completely reformat to fix your bot-glass.
Which Bee is this a repaint of?
Honestly probably looks better this way. Stop having a little fat baby meltdown on every figure and mold please, it's embarrassing. You're embarrassing me. Not even shilling. I don't even give a shit about this character. Just pretend it's a funny reference and put the gun down from your temple.
>funny reference
To what?
>if I cut your hand off and stitch it back on, is that a copy?
>if I grind up your hand into a paste and then feed the biomatter into a fabricator that creates a new hand out of all the matter. would you call that a copy?
yes. if you turn a human into a meat slurry and then use that meat slurry to make a replica of that human, that's a copy, not the original.
Lego doesn't have brain activity
No, sounds fun though, i bet the fins from tm2 cybershark would work great if those are 5mm

Any pics of it youve seen? Im pretty bad at those kinds of fan modes
Is that the MPM Bee?
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>assumes Hasbro and Takara designers are less intelligent than he
>dosent realize its impossible to put the deco on his hips due to the plastic type
>put the deco on the forearms instead as a wink and nod to fans that you didn’t actually forget the hip deco and slapped it where you could
>1 or 2 literal autists who should not even have access to the internet except ABC Mouse and Leap Frog activities screech on multiple websites for days and make it feel like everyone hates a figure
>so many people are turned off and decided to skip the figure it ends up on clearance
>this happens so many times it actually hurts the bottom line
>results in people losing their jobs, reducing parts count, production numbers, materials quality, QC, shipping speed and more
This is the story of how gay faggots can single-handledly bankrupt a major company that makes transforming robots for everyone to play with and have fun
I was the guy they were replying to, but this encapsulates basically how I feel in another direction.

>whiny losers screeching about stupid autistic details like this and backpacks despite them glazing WFC Siege/Earth/Kingdom like nothing will ever be better
>the figure is put up for pre-order and it sells out in 3 minutes despite everyone here and other forums literally putting a gun in their mouth because of how bad they think the figure is
>they say it will go up for clearance and constantly post "HOW DID THIS SELL OUT?" while it's the only figure to instantly sell out
>figure is released and never sees the light of day outside of those preorders or some obscure canadian or european store
>they're now complaining about Hasbro distribution because they now want the figure but can't find it for less than 3x the retail price
>FOMO themselves out of existence
If it's a genetic issue, won't it just come up again later?
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Yeah, I wasnt sayin it @ you, more like to you. Im on your side, Im so sick of the incessant negativity. Its caused me to leave here multiple times for extended periods bc you can only fight and troll these retards for so long before it gets tiresome and starts ruining TFs for you completely as they are relentless
>The Trainshill tard is ranting AGAIN
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>”Look everyone its TrainTrigger!”
>pic rel
Remind us how bad MP-60’s proportions are
Maybe you're just a sperg.
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Ok, I am. Now admit you’re a panic monger
Nothing bad about them. Only people who don't like them wanted the Marvel comics design.
I agree and the Infernac guys are some of my favorites, even if their implementation of the gimmick is probably the weakest, their still great figures in their own right. Looking forward to getting Calcitron to add to their ranks.
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Just preordered this, a third party Powermaster Optimus called Power Baser. I also got an Ultimetals S Galvatron.
There's a head addon you can get that looks like the Marvel Comics/Toy head, and you can also get a Godbomber.
that looks cool
Im so annoyed at myself for buying the regular thundertron, i waffled on wether to pick it up for ages then like 2 days after i finally decided i wanted it and bought one the multipack got revealed with the cooler head and the two cool mates, now i want that but i dont want to deal with reselling the regular one
Cope, artcel. You're being replaced.
I almost bought Nucleous today and instead bought Sideburn even though I know he'd be a disappointment. I kind of prefer his robot mode a bit more than the original and I don't regret buying him even though I still own a pretty pristine original, but I probably should have just bought the rock guy.
well i've got news for you anon
that means you're not you. because you are a walking pile of slurry that replenishes itself. your skin is new every 2 weeks, other parts take months or years to replace, but i think only your brain contains the same cells you had at conception. and in fact maybe it's only the same cells as when you were a toddler, shit i dunno. i'm not a brainularist.
nope i've been waiting for someone to try it. closest i've seen is turning her around, using the tail as a horn, and making the blades into bug legs, so it's like a big horn beetle.
but i wanna see someone who owns it try.. the basic helicopter body is already basically fish, but I bet you could reposition the other parts to improve it.
the damage was to her genes, but it was done by a virus. acquired genetic damage, not inherited. and actually i guess it damaged her cells beyond just the DNA part.
that actually looks really, really good.. this is the equivalent of ginrai, right?
>Anyone who calls slop slop must be a butthurt artist
Youre the worst kind of pathetic consoomer, they gave you a little vending machine that you can roll to generate garbage and you clapped

Everything is converging into marvel tier garbage and its the fault of good little pigs like you, ceo sends his thanks
holy shit that's AI?
that explains the weird shoulder and knee joints, and the just about unrecognizable optimus.
i love how the whiners about AI are like "boo it's stealing the work we did" meanwhile you can ask it to make copyrighted characters... which is the entire point of it.
but this is reallllly good.
AI art is better than 99% of "human" "art". You are replaceable. We don't need your kind anymore.
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give 1 reason why other than "waaah waah waaah it triggers me"
Gotta agree - while I wasn't crazy for the Weaponizers, both the Fossilizers and Infernac characters have been pretty awesome. The Junkions weren't horrible, either. Really, though, I think the thing I liked the most about them is that they're actually all new characters instead of just rehash #5637832 of the same people over and over. I don't understand why Hasbro is so hesitant to do anything new these days - you're not going to keep a franchise alive by regurgitating the same thing over and over, ad nauseum, which is something they really need to keep in mind considering Transformers is one of the last properties that's keeping them afloat these days.
is that fucking Donkey Lips
in a world of slop, we genuinely don’t need any more. especially AI slop.
what do you do for a living
no retard i’m in SWE, now elaborate on what you do for a living. i believe i can detect a pattern here
it is sad, but i think all businesses now operate under a mindset of "We will go out of business and/or the industry will not exist sooner than our original ideas will 'stand the test of time' so why bother"
>slop slop slop
this reddit meme is stale
it's gay baby talk for gay babies and i'm sick of it.
Artistic celibate
I've gotten used to holding off on regular retail stuff because hasbro usually pulls that shit.
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Why do the Decepticons even allow Misfire to handle guns? Serious question, I have no idea if this has ever been addressed in any media

Looks sick but please keep 3p in the 3p thread, friend
Decepticons have let worse people into their ranks, to be fair
If I buy a figure, Hasbro pulls that shit.
If I wait, Hasbro releases no further versions and the figure is sold out, never available anywhere ever again.
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They approved Triggerhappy after he massacred a ton of cadets and gave himself brain damage.

They’ll take anyone, I’m guessing the casualty rates were horrific and High Command being insane.

Cybertron was not a fun place when the 84 gang were napping
The wiki is a website that functions on volunteers from a wild array of person with over thousands of articles, if you think it's that easy to say "they must be perfect", go create an account, it takes 5 minutes while being free & go search for any error they have rn that your genius can think of.

That too lmaoo, but they can't sit on an episode (& see that he turns his head, revealing antennas.)
I wanted to include you too >>11057459
Between Walky getting asspained every time someone changes one of his articles and troons that demand everything and everyone must talk about robot sex junk, I think I'll just stick with calling the wiki fucking retarded and a waste of internet.
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Do you have any choice pieces of headcanon? Mine:
>The Quintessons did not create Cybertronians but their humanoid ancestor species hijacked the process by which Primus creates new ones
>The proto-Quints became extremely rich and powerful selling their purpose-built Cybertronian slaves to other worlds, but when that wasn't enough they turned to conquest; the galaxy turned against them and they took on biomechanical bodies to endure their forced exile into space and otherwise uninhabitable worlds
>Most triple changers have a strong preference for or against one of their altmodes, for example Apeface would rather drink a 55 gallon barrel of burnt oil than spend 30 seconds in "jet" mode
>TFs do stupid tricks like pic related as energon-drunk party tricks
Yessir, Super Ginrai
>All sentient life is humanoid because Primus was humanoid
>Optimus takes sabbaticals to Velocitron and is a vicious gambler in vacation mode
>Scorponok is mystified by Zarak’s swinger memories
>Fortress Maximus referred to Carly as “our wife” to Spike and that’s why they separated inbetween G1 and G2
>a horror movie staring Tarantulas
They could do a lot with a character study like that. Imagine a murder mystery where Nightbeat investigates the deaths of various transformers and its Tarantulas. inb4 muh continuity i don't care we have tons of characters across more iterations than anyone could ever weave a cohesive narrative out of. Lets see what can be done with select pieces.
A bittersweet lesson to have learned.
Will Detritus get gold plastic syndrome in the future?
Also, since the deluxe Prime's tires are fake rubber, they won't last long. And finally, Vector Prime has glittery clear plastic in the toy and sword, so that won't last long. Just a head's up.
when does that happen for regular retail stuff? i'm pretty sure you can still get like 5 year old figures on clearance.
>Hey, Pants-pull-upper. Nice.. pulled-up pants.
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I need to remake this keytar, it was gifted to me before I had my own printer and have no idea how to get the file now. God damn I love this Rotorstorm. Can't even begin to be upset that he doesn't have the double tail.

Yeah, I suppose you're right, one guy who has dangerously bad aim is probably still less of a liability than the numerous cannibals, backstabbers, and maniacs I can think of who regularly maim, kill, and betray other 'Cons. At least Misfire wants to help.

Lol, lmao
i gotta say.. this 3p one looks better than the recent official one
but it's less toon-accurate, right
we perpetually hope GPS is over and done with
but it keeps showing up
You say that but I can't remember the last time we had an actual GPS issue
What was it, that one takara motormaster?
i don't remember either, i just remember it was depressingly recent. so if it is truly gone, we won't know for a while.
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Did Primus create all life, then? I'm big "Primus affects reality through his dreams", maybe he could have influenced biological life, too.

Does Prime do any racing/wild high-speed driving to avoid daylight or does he just like to bet? Does Elita come along? She's pretty zippy, does he have a speed kink?

I never considered this before today. I guess the binary bonding process must smooth things over because it must be shocking to suddenly understand and have experience with alien physiology and culture. Scorponok is a scientist, surely he must have an intellectual curiosity about sex... I mean he was pregnant for a while with a human hybrid, but let's pretend that never happened. IDW's editors certainly did lmao

Wait wut? Sounds more like a writing flub, when did this happen?

U just mad cuz u ain't a tallboi
find me a Devcon or SS Frenzy
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Just need one more member
Two if I'm allowed to be extra greedy
Mine is fine after all this time. I've never heard of any other UW Motormasters breaking at the waist besides that one picture that gets floated around from time to time.
That's the thing innit?
GPS takes years to set it
It isn't out of the box fragile the same way clear plastic might be
this is by far the best weaponizer-fossilizer hybrid i've seen.
>aint a large format of beer
no but i am tall and a boy..
weeeeeeird. i can't find frenzy for under 30 bucks. that's nuts.
come on, you're in this deep, you're really gonna resist getting megatron?
and get t30 rattrap too, he's in their scale.
I got Megatron
And Blackarachnia
And T30 Rattrap

Don't you be fretting over any perceived lack of spending
okay good
it's weiiiird neither they nor china have done an MP Inferno. I know he's a challenge, but I am sure there are ways you could make his beast mode work by splitting and sliding the limbs.
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Thank you, I am also very fond of the T. Rexenant, I need to make more hybrids. Also unless you can extend your spine up by two feet you'll never truly be Tall
Well Primus is commonly depicted as a God with a capital G, I would not be surprised if the…… off things about the universe are his dreams. Like humans looking like his children and coincidentally being able to undergo (light) cybernetic modification to become symbiotes with Cybertronians.

I have a mental image of Prime and Elita going full tourist with their vacations
>Elita, remember when we went to that resort on Gobotron an-
>You drank too much
>I drank a little
>You were drunk before we got to see the Leader-1 monument
All that restraint and stern seriousness gets turned off for a bit and he just gets to be a guy with his girl at a resort. Big guy just goes a little overboard

I mean it’s happening to Skybound Optimus, he’s got human memories now

Max and Spike parted ways in between the G1 comic and G2, I choose to believe that the reason being was Max innocently as if “their wife” was making dinner and Spikr realizing the headmaster procedure was a massive mistake
If you couldn't tell it's AI you're either retarded or blind as shit man

>Off Topic
>Low quality dogshit
>Hideous art that's a blobby mess to begin with
AI hasnt been this good long enough for you to say that
It was never good
It was always low quality dogshit and slop spam
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-Izer hybrids are so based

I either completely forgot or never knew that Spike had a stint as Fortress Maximus's head, I was imagining Cerebros being a creep for no good reason
That looks fake as fuck anon, I don't know what to tell you
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It looks like typical AI Slop
I get it, you're retarded and braindead and SOMEHOW can't tell but it's painfully obvious it's AI slop
You need to fuck off already
AI is better than fleshbag art.
A Decepticon typed this
you do realize that 98% of the anti-AI argument is that it looks realistic, right. if you deny its realism, you remove any logical reason to be against it.
Isn’t 1 of the wiki guys an actual sex criminal?
>Anti-AI luddites form a complete sentence without repeating the word "slop" over and over
>Challenge Level: Dante Must Die
Sipher's a degenerate but I don't know if he did anything actually criminal
being a sex criminal in the west is like being accused of obscenity in an arab country
Not happening. AI is the future.
>Challenge Level: Dante Must Die
AI (in and of itself a misleading term as it possesses no intelligence) is detrimental in the long term because it discourages the development of numerous skills including but not limited to writing, drawing, painting, anatomy studies, image composition, video editing, and, most important of all, imagination.

Slopfags may now cope.
Who would ever buy this
anyone who replies to that kid is getting a wrench to the face courtesy of me
just starve him of attention and hope his parents finally take responsibility
Those colors look cool
why do both modes have a giant backpa- oh it's jetfire.
damn straight
I agree. honestly, who really cares?

Seriously, how many of you honestly, hand on heart, can honestly say fucking Ruckus is your favorite Transformer? I bet NONE of you would even put him in your top 20
I'll save and just buy the Newage SG
I want the actual SG using Siege Mold but he's like $350+ Aftermarket
I'm not spending anything even remotely close to that
that's not the point. it's the principle of the thing
if someone sneaks into an office building and doesn't steal anything and just moves a couple papers around, do you just look at the security issue and go "who cares?"
that is not at ALL a comparable scenario, you twit

A comparable scenario would be an art gallery filled entirely with reproduction paintings. and some EXTREMELY obscure painting by some little known Flemish painter done in 1640 has only four sheep in the painting, but the painting originally had five.

So, in that instance, would anyone really care?

Spoiler, the answer is no. Most people wouldn't even recognize there was an error in the first place.
do you seriously not understand my comparison? this isn't a difficult leap of logic for a brain with functioning whatchacallit, the thing where you connect things with.. points.
if it happened to the Flemish guy's replica, it could happen to replica Mona Lisa (which I assume you'd have blown up really big so it's easier to see). and THEN where will your little gallery be? People came to see her regular, not with the wrong number of eyebrows or something.
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pleeeease don't reply to trolls
Suppose others just don't take your hypothetical scenario or the real life situation that has spawned it as serious as you do.
There's room to be laissez-faire when it comes to plastic robots

And if it really gets you that booty bothered go go get a job at Hasbro and change it, you have that power
... did you think we thought toys matter?
jesus christ, anon. get some perspective. everyone here has the understood, no-need-to-say-it-out-loud-because-we're-not-autistic premise of "this doesn't really matter except within the context of fandom"
To look at a complaint and a fret over a toyline and reply (poorly) with regard to its unimportance shows a lack of understanding so great that I can't help but wonder how you got here.
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If Thunderblast ever gets a figure, then I hope she's a Voyager. Because I want her backpack to be a parts forming cape, skirt, and shield. Also, there's no way her gun will be in a deluxe budget.
He's not a troll for being anti AI and wanting off topic spam shit to be removed
THEY are trolls for posting it
All I see is molehills where others see mountains
well this is a molehill discussion forum, so stop assuming anyone's seeing mountains. nobody here sees mountains, except you, seeing other people seeing them.
anyway, a company that says "fuckit, just google how to make our product look" is very likely a company that forgets where it put employee payroll, or misplaces toxic plastic chemicals near the parking lot or something.
Someone who wants an SG MP skyfire?
Honestly, there isn't even a good 3p skyfire that isn't legends scale. MP at least looks the best
But anon, that wouldn't be accurate to the source
And if this latest Ruckus debacle has taught us anything it's that you need to be 100% accurate to the source.
I would (if my main point of interest was MP focused)

Nah there's something charming in this jet black deco against a back background that emulate space
I bet he's playing Crocodile Rock.
heh I get it
Can honestly say I did not expect MPG to glut itself with Shattered Glass and Diaclone
Pretty sure we all thought MPG-10 would be Godbomber
That or "See You Later Alligator", he doesn't know how to play anything else.
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>nope i've been waiting for someone to try it.
I didn't forget about you, buddy.
>"oooohh shiny...."
>"yesssss...GAZE into the light!"
also to that one anon who cares, I will finish that Micromasters story; I've just been busy as shit.
even without the borrowed fin, that looks awwwlright to me.
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oh also, even though it's technically a little late...'MERICA!!
your country sucks; happy birthday to the GOAT
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sounds like loser-talk
based pic, hope it's the next OP
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Yeah it's strange
just because it's currently being inflicted on america doesn't make it american
that's like saying nazism was german
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I'm really glad they used the commander budget to include optimus' iconic grand piano
i thought 'gamer culture' meant screaming slurs.
You know, to the kind of people who think gamer culture is a thing.
as opposed to what?
I have a feeling the siege apeface is going to yellow like a motherfucker. Am I right?
Dunno, but that plastic always looked like shit anyways. I hope one day they give Apeface another try.
Mine's fine?
I didn't realize it was pearlescent till I got him. Kinda sours the whole thing for me.
I'm sure you'll have the chance to buy Leader Class Apeface one of these days
For only 75 dollars
It's just a reissue of Siege Apeface btw
Will it have an extra weapon?
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The tarn mold really pisses me off because every time I mess with it I'm reminded of those dogshit shoulders and how they take one big steamy shit on an otherwise really well posing figure
reminder that "dog shit" is two words, kenny.
I wonder if AI anon is the same guy as bootleg anon.
They get cranky near dinnertime, it's very telling.
God loves you, Diosoth.
Managed to snag Blitzwing for less than a Deluxe retails for. What am I in for?
Do Shattered Glass Transformers travel in their bot modes and fight in their vehicle modes?
they all go in the shattered trash
Just saw Quake... I can't believe they retooled Skullgrin into an even dumber looking alt mode
Hasbro Pulse just put up the Ratchet/Brawn dead two pack
and these stock photos are hilarious
>blast effects are warped even in the stock photos
Blitzwing is awesome. Beefy, complex, stable.
So does the Shattered Glass matrix have a name?
This little guy is just so posable. Great. Love him.
Very cool picture.
I'm becoming erect
I am now fully erect and my patriotism is fully engaged. I wasn't so sure I needed Leo Prime but now he is on my list.
>This little guy is just so posable. Great. Love him.
I liked him too, just got bored with him for some reason while still appreciating the character and good figure. I think I managed to have him "sit" while being supported by his spider legs, like a makeshift walking throne, but I've never done picrel before, glad you're having fun. Might have to change his bio to incorporate more of the ninja stuff mentioned in his toy bio, think me just wanting him as a scary science villain has him just usually standing in the background.
All the legs give him a lot of potential for interesting poses. You could probably have him in the background doing mad scientist things in several different orientations. Anyone with so many legs and eyeballs in his pubes would be doing weird things in his work area.
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One of the most well known "deleted" scenes from Heavy Metal War was after Megatron takes the power chips from all the Decepticons, the Decepticon jets don't transform anymore--- because one of the powers Megatron has is the ability to turn into THEIR jet mode. It got as far as storyboarded but ultimately was removed for whatever reason.
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A new discovery shows that Megatron's jet mode actually got its own character model that went unused. Behold: the not a gun G1 Megatron.
Sorry 86 Megatron will be the shitty Combiner Wars model if it's not just the Siege mold thanks for playing.
Yeah, I think I've had him doing his trademark cackle once or twice. Just wish he had a launchable grappling hook with string, I'd probably be playing with him 24/7 if he did, maybe that's the hang-up.
>Anyone with so many legs and eyeballs in his pubes would be doing weird things in his work area.
Personally I'd like this more than Tank but its never gonna happen.
>grappling hook with string
Agreed, that is the one thing he is really lacking. It wouldn't be difficult to rig one for him, though. He used his crossbow-blaster as a grappling hook at least once in the show, and you could easily tie string to the end of it. You'd just need something to use as an anchor point at the other end. Shouldn't be doable in both of his modes.
Crack pot theory, but what if SS86 megatron will triple change into this jet and the Devastation tank, with a secret gun mode, similar to the Bumblebee megatron
new base mode
the most they'd do to acknowledge the gun mode is include a wieldable version as an accessory. iirc they've said multiple times they can't make Megs a gun ever again
But he's just a big targetmaster
But I want an accurate launching gimmick... and also the actual bullet bolt thing is attached to his gun, so I'm not sure how that would work. I suppose it'd be easy for someone with a 3D printer to print a gun, bolt, and then just weave a string through them. Alternatively I could just make a grappling hook out of string + mystery weighted object, tie one end of the string to his hands, and just start finding places around the home for him to hang from, like one did as a kid.
So G1 Megatron actually had another alt mode designed and yet they insist on tanks.
>like one did as a kid
I meant just the general childhood thing of finding places in your home to put your toys on/in and be a menace around the household
>hid BWN Dead End SOMEWHERE for my robots to find, as a fossil
>it's been almost a decade without finding him
>acknowledge the gun mode is include a wieldable version as an accessory
Most likely outcome
>they've said multiple times they can't make Megs a gun ever again
While true, they could still sneak the gun mode in and not acknowledge it officially. After all, ss leader bumblebee movie megs turns into a gun
>iirc they've said multiple times they can't make Megs a gun ever again

They probably have but I find it even funnier they just pretend he was never a gun. Like when they revealed Robosen, they non-mockingly kept calling him "G1". It was actually pretty funny.

Also when are we gonna get a fucking Omega Prime update huh?
>BWN Dead End
>as a fossil
Did you take some inspiration from pokemon red/blue for that one?
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>ss leader bumblebee movie megs turns into a gun
just because you can mistransform him into something vaguely resembling a gun from certain angles doesn't mean that the designer(s) intentionally included it as a secret fourth mode
The EVIL Matrix of Leadership.
No, I don't know what red or blue are, I'm colour-blind
The matrix of evilship
That jet mode looks so fucking cool
The Matrix of Dictatorship
>Optimus: "They fly now?!"
Is it a hasbro exclusive? Already sold out
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Target exclusive, alongside MPM Brawl. Preorder up there too, but it's silly because it releases in like two weeks anyway.
On that Target note, the Laser Prime Target exclusive redeco is now listed as In Stock instead of a preorder, so there you go.
For the last time, it is not every part of a figures body that is subject to rapid discoloration. It's not even exclusively white plastic. It's the "unpaintable" nylon that typically makes up their joints and other important structural areas.
I don't know how we still have anons that don't understand this
The game had a fossil you could find that had the same profile as Dead End's shell.
I'm not a sperg about toys, that's why
>earnestly responding
Never change, /toy/
Doesnt look any more or less mistransformed than jet or tank mode
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I'm sorry anon, I pulled a mean prank on you. I played Red around that time, even accidentally picking the helix fossil (because I thought the cooler name would get me the cooler Kabutops, surely a silly dome would give me the mundane snail), but I don't think that was it, I think it was just because he literally transforms into an ammonite, a very ancient creature. I may have done this with some dinos as well, but it was a role better suited for the cumbersome and difficult-to-transform Dead End.
I miss him a lot though, I wonder where he is.
No need to apologize, I walked right into that. I don't always post but when I get into a conversation on this website I do tend to take people at their word more often that I should. Anyway, good luck with the color blindness get well soon.
>take people at their word more often that I should
You should never do this here, even though I generally do this because it's home
>Anyway, good luck with the color blindness get well soon.
Heh, thanks anon, hope you recover from colour blindness as well.
The uninformed retard cries as he strikes you
I'm not color blind, though.
Is it pegged in or floppy when moving around? If the pegs were molded in to keep it sturdy than it's a super secret easter egg official mode.
>walks into things
>isn't colour-blind
Are you alright
Color blindness isn't correlated to having no perception.
>walked into it again
Yes I am alright, thank you for asking. Besides the occasional bout of naivety when it comes to talking to anon on the robot toy board, I do happen to have some depth perception related deficiencies IRL. But they are not related to color perception.
That anon isn't me, anon. I hope all of you are having a good day though.
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>A dying brand latches on to Transformers in a desperate bid to get more sales
...Hey wait a minute, you're not GI Joe!
they look okay until you bend them a certain way, right
not when it's an adjective. like saying something is bullshit, rather than saying you literally stepped in some bull shit.
i'm actually surprised we never saw tarantulas crawling along a ceiling with his spider arms while his robot body dangled down, ready to strike
well that does exist as a thirdparty kit if you're willing to drop the cash...
I think they insist on tanks because he has this huge arm cannon that makes a perfect turret. and relatively square body parts that fold up nicely into a tank more than a sleek jet.
That would have been very cool to see in the show, I would rather see blackarachnia do it though.
>thirdparty kit
>drop the cash
I like this figure, but I don't like it that much.
So fucking lame
>SG MP Jetfire is missing a ton of things
Man, is ir even worth it? Is it cheaper than MP Jetfire? It no longer has the stand, face mask or the mini figures.
yeah that was my thought
like yes a removable grappling hook with string (and they even made the string blue) is fun, but can I really say I need it that badly?
MP Skyfire released at ¥38,500, while SG MP Jetfire is retailing for ¥39,600.
As to why the price being ¥1100 more for less accessories, speculate on your own whether it's because of price inceases in two years time or because he's a TakaraTomyMall exclusive or whatever.
jesus, that is some expense
$245~ or so. Being TTM exclusive means you won't get the early bird discounts or anything either.
This planet is hell.
>Target exclusive
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Of course you can!
God damn we really get this dogshit slop back to back rather than an actually good game
So disgusting
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I'm not sure if I'm just getting old but there's just nothing in the TF aisles or upcoming that currently interests me, outside of getting the dead Brawn and Ratchet 2-pack just so I can tear down dead Ratchet with my Studio Series one to get rid of the translucent plastic like what I did with Ironhide.

Not even SS86 Optimus has me interested, I'm fine with my ER figure.
crosscut is the best
is this the origin of that one weird design sketch where Megatron turned into Skywarp?
I do not understand why we NEED a SS86 release of Megatron if they can't release a Megatron that turns into what he does in the 86 movie. Why not just do it in the regular line?
Does it even matter?

As long as it's not the 14th reuse of the Siege Megatron mold.
yeah because it's stupid to have a toy that isn't screen accurate in the screen accuracy toyline
I agree, but expecting a G1 accurate pistol Megatron in this day and age without going Masterpiece or third party is just being foolish.
Just do it as a gen selects.
who is saying it needs to be a gun? Just don't make a Studio Series one and leave him in the mainline.
>who is saying it needs to be a gun?

Literally everybody.
The opinion I've seen is:
If he's going to be in SS86, he needs to be a gun. If he's not going to be a gun, he needs to be in a different line.
Megatron is going to be in SS86 and he is not going to be a gun and you need to accept it already
At most he'll come with a handheld gun accessory for other bots to hold
I could really see them reissuing that SDCC dead optimus without the trailer and a slightly retooled siege megatron with wounds to match these corpse two packs.
It's just lazy enough to make them drool at the thought of premium pricing for minimal work.
I'd agree
But holy fuck SS86 as a line is so god damn dogshit it's unreal now
Almost all releases in the past year have been recolors/remolds of older shit from other lines and even worse
i do hope they try someday to sneak around it
have him transform into a mounted cannon and you can just unscrew and remove the mounted parts that disguise those parts.
Should have yelled louder when Hasbro made Studio Series Perceptor have the pointless tank kibble that isn't accurate to the movie in the slightest. Gold on the Dinobots and Hot Rod not being magenta shows from the start Hasbro never cared about matching the screen.
Just grab the dinobots and bounce
yeah like that...
but hide the trigger and hammer somewhere, and let those legs twist around to make a better grip look
We are getting concept jet G1 Megatron
only way they could fit him into SS86 without defeating the purpose of the whole line worse than they already have
The jet looks like fucking ass, literally just a random mash of parts with big slab wings that come from nowhere on his body
I don't know how you fags can complain about shitty alt modes while also inviting them, it makes no goddamn sense at all
You aren't getting gun Megatron, get over it already
That's fine, I just don't want something which looks as bad as that jet
>accept it

That's not how it works.
i've seen way way worse jets in transformers
i'm more worried about how Megatron's body would come out of that plane
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Sweet dreams, /tfg/.
god damn that is a cool and fun toy
though that arm looks wayy off bent like that.
Listen here jack. He's just a hard working Maximal commander. He has a lot to do in a day. He wants to snuggle with his banan, wake up next to banan, eat banan, start his day. He's got a lot to do and he doesn't have time to waste. So don't give him that malarkey.
just saying! his arm looks like it attaches further down than the other side.. weird illusion
Well lets see what your arm looks like after even one hour of service in the Beast Wars. I'd hate to see what kind of 'weird illusions' your arm would be displaying after that, pal.
>TFSource accidentally sent me an extra Rumble when I ordered the Soundwave Spy 4-pack
Hell yeah
ooh note to self shop at tfsource more
Only if you're desperate for a specific toy. Unless it's a shelfwarmer, they upcharge like crazy usually.
sure, i meant within that category.
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Night night monkee
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I usually leave accessories packed away, but T-Spark Rodimus’ weapons are visually impressive and it’s cool how they combine in different ways.

The transformation looks elegant too, which I’m relieved to see. I was worried it would be much more convoluted. Official video here:
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I love a transformer that looks fully designed from the back, with zero unintentional kibble
It has zero unintentional kibble because the alt mode is ass
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I won’t try to convince anyone of the vehicle mode, I’ll admit it could be less gappy. But it kind of works for me as a rugged Tumbler-type armored car.
86 Optimus leaked with him playing a grand piano.

Even though it isn’t his accessory, people are making the “oh god I’m glad they included his iconic …x… with him this time” joke like with Sandstorms cage, Blitzwings fists, Springers hammer etc.
This image has some surreal quality to it, is it just me? Dreamlike. As if there is some reference I should be getting, an old episode where Prime sits down and bangs out Bohemian Rhapsody, I've somehow forgotten it.
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we call that soul
>How could this happen to me?
>I've made my mistakes
Asia casually drops another great fandom meme right after faceless Rhinox. Peak comedy

Fuck, I wanted him but this is easy pass. Might hunt for old one, scalles better.
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New truck Rodimus when?
Whenever we get G2 Hero Prime, Rodimus will be an easy retool.
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MP Rhinox has no business being this dynamic. I want the people responsible for Beast Wars MPs to teach the other designers their dark magic and apply it all across MP/SS/Generations.
Are you the guy who got Siege Shockwave super early, way back when? I remember you because you are one of the only people on earth other than myself that knows how to pose Transformers.
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The amount of movement in the green shoulder joints is so stylish, and not something I would have expected. And the skirt is smartly designed to stay out of the way without looking awkward.
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I’m not that guy and these aren’t my pics, I just ordered the figure today. But yeah this is some of the best posing I’ve seen.
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God he's so good
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They nailed every visual detail to make this look like it jumped off the screen (as cliche as that term is)—the head sculpt and opening mouth, the low poly gold trim on the shoulders, the intricate chest greebles, those massive sausage hands, and the dual chainsaw guns.

Beast Wars MP really is best in class against G1 and movie bots, they have the special sauce.
Nah that's me
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I will say that the ribbed rhino horn and dead light piping are two granular yet major fuckups, and I think they should have made the ankles more substantial, but it’s otherwise so perfect that I have to excuse those shortcomings.
How much did you pay?
>I want the people responsible for Beast Wars MPs to teach the other designers their dark magic and apply it all across MP
They do, but it triggers people in these threads when it's put to anything else.
No fair, capes make any robot 2000% cooler
wooo got my Tang-rantulas. he is a cool little guy. I was thinking of modifying him slightly, adding some accents, or even swapping heads, but I think he's kinda perfect as-is. and now leopard-titty Blackarachnia has her fella.
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Very true
There's a nice bit of info from someone who just got his copy in that thread. Another issue is that the ratchet assembly might not be properly set on the tabs, and since its not secure, you'll break the tabs I'd you try to move.

On the other hand, if you try cutting the springs, you might accidentally take out too much tension, and the ratchet might come loose while playing with the figure, also leading to the tabs breaking.

Man, even then I can't cancel my preorder on the off chance Hasbro might fix it. I wouldn't do this if I didn't love Tidal Wave so much.
it's been suggested that this is the case, that Kingdom BA is essentially a scaled-down MP, and in fact has a better altmode.
i never realized his hands were that much bigger than the spinning dealies on the end of his guns. perspective is weird.
yeah they shouldn't have paintwashed it, the ribbing was much more subtle on the show
are the beast eyes adjustable?
his light piping looks -okay- from what I saw, just not perfect. like "you gotta shine a light right in there" piping.
holy shit that is actually awesome now.
The light piping sucks so much, he deserves chromed eyes
At least it's not LEDs, he could've ended up with a double-chinned thumb head like dinobot
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167€ from Amazon JP (roughly137€ plus 30€ shipping)
so many moneyyyy
holding out for a sale/ko but fuck your picks have me excited
preordered from bbts for 219.
Got party wallop. He's meh. Don't even feel like taking pictures. A TMNT transformers crossover is something I've been dying for, so I really just bought this out of obligation and now I feel dirty.

Hope you're happy, Hasbro.
i think he's fine he's just not leader class price point good. he's a fine voyager. not excellent, but plausible for something Donatello would come up with on the fly from studying Autobots, so they could stop Shredder's Decepticon alliance. (Starscream is a very bad influence on Bebop and Rocksteady)
I just think he's boring and his transformation is meh. But it is an insult that at a leader price point, they couldn't make his weapons any bigger. They all look way too small and chintzy, especially the bo staff.

Also, as a certified TMNT autist, I hate that merchandise always gets the color of the van wrong. It's really more of a pale yellow, almost beige. But toys always make it bright yellow.
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Tempted to get tlk voyager Megatron sure he is great toy but with 2025 leader knight optimus I feel that new version of Megatron is also on the way.
+ Might grab 07 leader Megatron, never had any of the old leaders so it might be fun.
Kind of crazy that after Last Knight Megatron movie Megatron toys have managed a streak of Not Being Totally Terrible.
well in this case it's based at least partially on the toy version, hence the 'party wagon' name. and THAT was pretty bright yellow. but it is still primarily the toon version so yeah not ideal.
i guess they were also thinking the yellow of their plastrons? so there's that aspect.
also ERRRR the hands. the hands are fucking sad.
that lil ravage, I love it so. I wish I could get the few remaining highly obscure Ravages, and some of the mini scorponoks.
Technodrome Transformer when?
Wait for the repaint or second batch
>scored someone's unwanted Proto-Tarantulus
oh that would be tits mcgee. It has a lot of useful meat to transform with, being a big sphere fused to a crawler transporter. Sometimes it even has side-wheels presumably for maneuvering sideways.. If you did it right, you could have it fold up such that the elbow and knee joints become those wheels.
woooo i'm glad we both got one!
>large round shell and treads
>two things well known for being handled with grace by Hasbro designers
each on their own is a big problem (also it's not belt-treads, it's giant wheels with treads)
but together, they kind of help. The sheer size of the rest of it means those wheels will not be sitting there at a quarter of the size of the robot, but closer to the size of one of its joints (if a proper transformation is used and not a very kibble-heavy one like Party Wallop got)
DOTM Soundwave was my first Studio Series figure so I always have a soft spot for that design, even if it is quintessential bay nameslapping.

Is that the HFTD legends Ravage?
Nameslapping how? In fact i dont recall many Bay characters at all being nameslaps, they all had something to do with previous versions - makes sense, since they were referencing old toy catalogs for inspiration for most of the characters.
In any case DotM Soundwave's bot proportions were pretty clearly taking from his squat, boxy TFA design, if I remember correctly.
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>In fact i dont recall many Bay characters at all being nameslaps
Why does Earthrise Megatron feel so floppy like Doubledealer? Kingdom Galvatron didn't have this issue.
What would transformers made by N*CA be like?
the first one.
Thrilling 30 Blitzwing
dude i love the baymovies but you're gonna have to explain to me how they weren't just randomly given names
Jetfire has nowt to do with Jetfire. he's ... a lot cooler.
This nigga bought Earthrise Megatron.
Oh hey you're in here too
Are you also going to make fake people replying to you and we're supposed to believe they also spread out to other threads?
I bought the Nemesis Bridge set. Never had a Soundwave and Shockwave before.
probably because the mold has to be cheese by now.
I hate to think what the one they just revealed is going to be like in-hand.
It will desintegrate the moment you take it out of the box
>ejects from a bigger guy's chest
not a nameslap
A humanoid robot that turns into something musical-device-related and pops out of a larger dude's chest, created directly from their 07 experiments to reinvent Soundwave.
True, but they did change him to Brawl almost immediately, so is what it is.
>Is a big jet, former Decepticon that changed sides due to moral disagreement and was found+revived on Earth separately from the main cast (a la G1), combines with Optimus (a la Armada).
Seems most straightforward to me outta anyone, honestly.
>reinvent Soundwave
it's funny how they kept changing that up, and they ended up with two different non-soundwave guys who eject small partners, before getting to Soundwave and having him eject ravage
and then RAVAGE ejected hairballs that turned into a nanite mini guy. crazy shit.

oh G1 Jetfire was a decepticon? well alright maybe that's not as random. I just feel like they couldn't have looked more different.
i seriously doubt they had that in mind. and anyway i bet that guy wasn't jetfire in japan.
>i seriously doubt they had that in mind. and anyway i bet that guy wasn't jetfire in japan
Why wouldn't they? Jetwing Prime is a reference to the unicron trilogy. Even Starscream turns into a F-22 like in Energon
do I really need to explain why (true or not) that makes no sense?
>well alright maybe that's not as random. I just feel like they couldn't have looked more different.
Oh sure, but then you could say the same for like, literally every Bayformers character lmao. Also G1 Jetfire technically was unaligned in the show, but he was friends with Starscream and got frozen in ice, then they found him again and he briefly became a Decepticon before going "wait these guys are assholes."
>i seriously doubt they had that in mind
Nah, a ton of the people working on the films were primarily G1 fans, but they absolutely referenced non-G1 designs a bunch of the time. Especially the UT which, during the films' productions, was the latest and most relevant iteration of TF on TV until they started referencing Animated in DotM and AoE.
On that note, seems some of the guys working on the Bay films were huge fans of Dreamwave and early-IDW too; see, the whole deal with RotF, and Sentinel being not-Nova Prime, lol.
Well if you are going to disagree then you should at least explain why
>MP Rhinox has no business being this dynamic.
I thought that was the point of the MP line.
When every other MP is a major letdown and you get a major banger that's better than third party figures, then of course you're gonna get some shocked people
it just feels so unlikely. what about those designers gave you the impression they even knew what anime was
The bayformers designs have their own aesthetic but that doesn't mean they weren't referencing previous incarnations in some ways. Do you think they pulled jetwing Optimus out of their asses?
yes. i 100% think that.
That's like saying AoE Lockdown isn't a reference to TFA Lockdown just because he doesn't turn into a muscle car too. Childish and ridiculous.
nono, Animated references make total sense to me. Western show, concurrent, it tracks
Just sayin evidently I don't know these guys as well as I thought.
They had access to 20 years of Transformers media when making the movies. They clearly used whatever they thought looked cool and that's that.
that is hardly that.
Well they used jetwing Prime because it looked cool. When making a movie about alien robots that turn into vehicles, making them cool is always a priority
that was my thought, yes. i didn't think it had anything to do with UT. or the other times he's had a jetpack.
Well it clearly came from somewhere. It's not like they invented combiners for the movie
Yes, I got it used for a great deal, I think he lacks that "mace" on his tail.
The UT was THE version of Transformers for the entire first half of the decade, and was the main thing responsible for bringing something akin to "regular TF" back to, like, real proper cultural relevancy. Being "anime" means nothing, it was THE face of the brand worldwide for 5 years.
but you get what i mean, right.. you could easily think that they got that from the broader concept of combining robots..
well actually no, because the main one that did it was Devastator
but then, the first combiners we saw were skids and mudflap, and i wanna say two-bots-one-altmode was not a thing in any previous transformers iteration
worth it even without that part.. god i love that lil mold.
okay UT anon, I get it.
...see, especially at that point, UT was basically the first time Optimus Prime EVER had a special flying supermode or jetpack.
Aside from a G1 episode (where he was borrowing Sideswipe's jetpack, no less), G1 OP never had a jetpack, not even in Marvel, JP, or G2.
The first time any Optimus had a jetpack was Optimus Primal, but, that had the technicality of being a totally different character. Fire Convoy from Car Robots was also a different dude, though dubbed as an alt Optimus Prime - but even then, I dont recall him ever flying, aside from anime-battle hovering in the finale when combined with God Magnus.
It wasn't until Armada/ML that Optimus got a flying mode by merging with Jetfire, and that was followed by him merging with Wing Saber in Super Link, and of course having his own jetpack supermode in Galaxy Force.
Stuff like Wingblade Optimus in TFA wouldn't happen til Animated's finale, which then I think was made anyway to tie-in with RotF, and also visually-referenced Galaxy Force vaguely.
>i wanna say two-bots-one-altmode was not a thing in any previous transformers iteration
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Lio is probably the best dude I bought last year. In spite of the lion mode looking like it has an extra chromosome, I'd recommend him highly. the MP looks better in some ways but that lion mode is on the short bus too
looks like a target exclusive
>remake them
>only make 2 sets
>can't even mix and match alt modes despite that being the literal whole point of the concept
it is. the near future is surprisingly close to G-Gundam and the Zaibatsu's Full Evolution Champions fight to the death in the ring for financial supremacy
oh fair enough then, maybe I don't have the whole context.
hahahaha oh I had an inkling that G1 had done it.. they really threw everything at the wall.
Lol it's chill man, fwiw I just enjoy having the chance to nerd out about TF sometimes Xb
Speaking of, I was slightly wrong: G1 Optimus technically DID get a flying supermode in Japan, however that was when his "Powermaster Optimus" toy was brought localized there as Ginrai (an unrelated character who merely resembles OP). They made a brand new toy for him to combine with, Godbomber, and when they did, God Ginrai got some wings, platform boots, and a shiny bra. Very slay, but was particularly obscure in the 2000s and also technically wasn't OP anyway.
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I got SS Scorponok yesterday. He was an impulse buy but I gotta be honest, I'm kinda in love.
Robot mode is really poseable, only slight hinderance being the shoulders; I feel they should have had another hinge or balljoint going into the claw. As is he suffers a bit from Triggerhappy Shoulder Syndrome. Still great though.
either way wingpacks are fucking cool.
every time i see this mold I like it more.. those legs just look great. am I remembering right that they can unfold in weird ways?
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Scorpion mode is not massively articulated but he looks fantastic and the actual transformation is genius. Easily one of the best scorpion transformations we've ever had.
Yes! You can totally give him a digitigrade stance. Pretty stable too.
you think that looks good...
with all that kibble hanging off the claws, the claws being cat paws with turbines inside, and the head being both tiny and.. a head, scorpions don't have heads. and also is that just his robot mode head?
and also with six legs and the rear two being huge like he's half cricket or something. and also the legs basically being human leg shaped
Most of those are just issues with the character design, honestly, he's pretty accurate to what O've seen of ROTB Scorponok's model. Which I get, but they are subjective. And given he had a robot mode invented mostly from scratch I think he came out pretty well.
Fuck yeah.
nta but everything you said makes it sound cooler
So are you going to get green and red repaints?
If we get them I very well might.
Red one is already confiremed for next year I think it's called "Tra Gen Studio series Deluxe TF7 Double Punch"
Oh hell yeah!
>There are more posts after this and they pretty much indirectly explain what went wrong with Tidal wave

The people that got broken knees probably have their figures misassembled back in the factory.
Instead of having the rachet plate locked with the tabs, the tabs went into the gaps between the lock. When people started moving the knee, rather holding it in place, the rachet plate went with the turning and when it hit a spot it can't move anymore all that force went on one side of the tabs instead of spreading it out normally.

It also does not help that the tabs themselves should be peg size. The guy who is testing different springs got his tabs stressed out just from heavy testing. Though to be fair I doubt children will turn the knee non stop up to dozen at the time consider how large the figure is.

For people that has correctly assembled figure, it is doubtful the knee would become an issue with out some extremely heavy playing

But this is just some bad design.
You're blaming the toy for adapting the design.
>On that note, seems some of the guys working on the Bay films were huge fans of Dreamwave and early-IDW too; see, the whole deal with RotF, and Sentinel being not-Nova Prime, lol.
They used Simon Furman's Ultimate Guide as a reference, that's how they landed on the Fallen by their second movie. They probably didn't even realize it was an obscure comic character being pushed by its creator.
This isn't true but it should have been. Transformers media is fucking garbage you dork.
Ah, fair. Though I'm still hesitant to agree with
>They probably didn't even realize it was an obscure comic character being pushed by its creator.
, I'm sure some of them knew. If anything, just because of how the later films again took from Nova Prime and Animated, in large to not-so-large degrees.
>get out of collecting TFs
>sell a bunch
>getting bacn into it
Well don't look at me, I'm not sharing. Lol poor kid! Poor kid!!
>A ring of children surround you, pointing and laughing. One throws a juicebox
Fuck that other anon, you can play with mine if you want to
Don't buy TR Overlord. He isn't as fun as you remember.
How do you know hes one of the ones I wanted to buy
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My bargain Blitzwing arrived. He's...OK. Robot mode is pretty damn good, no complaints there. Decently poseable and looks good! The giant hands are an interesting idea but the hands themselves suck. That said they're on 5mm pegs so if you have some combiner hands they could make good replacements.
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Tank mode is so, so close to being great, but the proboscis made from the jet nose really hampers it. Doubly annoying as it could easily have sucked in and the cartoon model only had it because Sunbow had the toy's tank mode backwards.
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Jet mode is a joke, sadly. Like, jesus it's not even an abstract sci-fi jet, it's just a block.
Overall I like him, but that's largely because the robot mode is so good and I paid like, £20 for him. As an overall toy I think I prefer my Takara TR Bltizwing.
I'm alright with it because it looks/feels like the Blitzwing I had as a kid, I don't mind that he's a big wedge.
Yeah originak blitzwing wasnt exactly the most graceful in any of his 3 modes either, I like the engineering on Legacy Blitzwing. Waiting to see what SS86 Blitzwing looks like.

At this point though I'm expecting him to be a sub par retool which will cost more mone.
NTA youre not wrong but If you start watching Japanese TF, he is basically essential. I still need Sixshot back.

Re: legacy Blitzwing
>hes ok
>so close
>a joke
>im alright with it

He is the #1 most underrated Legacy figure. Everyone shits on him but he is actually awesome. The fandom just collectively decided to get a ginormous hate boner for him. I think everyone is secretly scarred by Blitzwing from childhood or some shit bc he does NOT deserve hate. I feel sad for whoever designed him and has to see all the bullshit crying about him and seeing him clearanced out everywhere
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, but his alt modes are a step back from the TR one. Mainly the jet mode (tank mode would be fine if it weren't for the proboscis).
Is that confirmed? Wouldn't be surprised if it's just a redeco though.
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Robot mode was pretty clearly chosen as top priority. Im not sure how much more juice they could squeeze for the pricepoint. Hes already way better than Octane and Astrotrain. He is one of the only figures in recent years that truly looks like he jumped right off the screen. Him and the deluxe minibots.
>Is that confirmed? Wouldn't be surprised if it's just a redeco though.
I mean they said every character who appeared in the movie would be done, but yeah now seeing 86 Springer I have zero doubt it will be a slight retool to make him look more like the classic tank.
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I love this game.
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Don't care that Apeface sucks, he rules
well that's what I meant. the toy does the absolute best it can with that mess of a character design, but that design is bad in my opinion and I'm a little surprised you like it
the robot mode is indeed a great improvement especially over their previous attempts at movie scorponoks

well actually looking at those images, they did mess up the shape of the claws. the movie design looks better. but is kinda garbage regardless. regarbageless.
changing your mind repeatedly is unhealthy. Either the way you are now, or the way you were before, was wrong. and you have to figure out which one, and how you got that way, and how to avoid it in the future. then either stop changing, or change exactly one more time.
Ask your dad.
man MP Primal is really the Neca Goliath of "it's the main guy, so people will buy him no matter what, so.. let's not fret over refining his design as much as the others"
those gorillegs..
>Don't care that Apeface sucks, he rules

>be me
>be thrifting pro
>recently hauling in a bunch of UT figures
>already am the anon who has a soft spot for under appreciated figures
>play with UT figures
>slowly realizing I love every Transformer, even the very most shit ones
Each and every one was designed by someone who put their time and effort into its design and every Transformer has a unique charm and good aspects
Do you collect other things besides Transformers? I used to for many years. I have always sold off things I dont want anymore and also sell things when they are way up in value or things I know will sell fast for quick cash. Transformers sell the fastest and easiest of anything. This lead me to selling a bunch over the years. Of everything I ever sold off the only things I ever end up buying back are TFs. The next phase was I was just missing some of them now I regret ever selling off a single one. I made a firm decision that Transfomers are the best toys and thats all I want to collect from now on.
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How can you not love a shark-toothed filthy mean guerrilla gorilla motherfucker who pals around with a Godzilla, c'mon

Ehhh I'm afraid I'm not as charitable but someone's gotta love those toys
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>Transformers are the best toys
Getting an action figure, a puzzle, and at least one vehicle out of a single toy is p good
I still need to get him and Snapdragon for the headmaster shelf
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As a CW Motormaster fan, go for it anon, enjoy whatever you like.

unrelated dakka pic
Eh, they managed to make them accurate from the front and serviceable from the sides, with a pretty clever gorilla-thighs-to-robot-calves step. Given how these work there's not much that can be done. Even trying to add a knee joint fro the beast mode would have looked like a mess. And the robot mode is the main priority on these things after all.
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He's fun
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>As a CW Motormaster fan
You're not fooling anyone anon, that doesn't exist.
Get the Nonnef laser kit, you won't regret it
I like apeface enough, even though his plastic is really ugly
Snapdragon though... I cannot forgive that elbow articulation
cum plastic
First off: I think you're way off and I think he looks great and I don't think they didn't "refine" him. He was literally my first MP (couldn't find the first Prime in stores when he was released as he was scalped in my area).

Second: You said "refine him like the others". What others? I think he was one of the first if not THE first step into toon-accuracy figures and has basically anything you could ask for in that regard. Not sure what else you want them to do besides defy physics at that scale.
it's funny how what makes this so obviously 3d printed is not even the texture but the lack of huge hollow areas
Eh, they're almost the same, I can make the hinged arms with the 5 mm posts I already included on the guns, but I like the option to use them a regular guns.

We are here, hidden amoung your kind, maybe your mom has a cw motormaster on her closet, you'll never know.
>Trying to add a beast mode knee would ruin it
agree, and I was hoping that isn't what you thought I meant
my issue is the original had pretty perfect robot mode foot storage, it was flush and all they had to do was paint the soles of the feet gray like his fur.
this instead has a whole bunch of junk hanging out behind the legs. I realize the gorilla belly is harder to hide, the original toy left the belly out completely, but .. come on.
what i meant was
they did him first because they knew the first one would be the worst. and they would get better as they went along
it's like when a show films the middle of the first season first, then the first episodes later, after they're more comfortable with the characters.
Yeah, they can look better if I change the settings for a slower print and then take the time to clean them, but all of those are prototypes.
>my issue is the original had pretty perfect robot mode foot storage, it was flush and all they had to do was paint the soles of the feet gray like his fur.
Oh yeah, the robot feet storage is not not ideal but they work as heels to make the gorilla more stable. The original toy was clearly designed to pose it walking on all fours after all so it didn't need that.

> I realize the gorilla belly is harder to hide, the original toy left the belly out completely, but .. come on
I don't see the problem with the belly at all. The original toy used the beast face to make the robot chest and this one repurposed the belly for that to make it more show accurate in both modes. There's nothing to hide.
there is no problem with the new belly, i'm saying that maybe that's part of the reason the new beast mode legs had to be compromised? because the original had the legs perfect but then the belly was all exposed robot parts.
>they did him first because they knew the first one would be the worst.
Not true at all. They made him first because it's an Optimus, thinking they started by Primal due to negativity on what they could accomplish is ridiculous, even more so taking into account his transformation doesn't need to be as complex as some others.

I own every BW MP release and I wouldn't say Primal is the worst one at all. If anything, Primal is still the benchmark of the BW MP line, a good toy all around.
i wish he'd had some little cup-shaped dealies on his elbows that rotate out from either the upper or lower arm. would fix that gap problem..
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>because the original had the legs perfect but then the belly was all exposed robot parts.
What are you even talking about? The original has abs there, not exposed robot parts. You don't own the original or the MP, right?
the original Primal has nothing to shield the robot thighs in beast mode, where a gorilla's belly should be it's just the robot pelvis and thighs. but you don't care because it's on the underside, and at the time it was an incredible transformation. A genius way to get a gorilla's long body and short legs to turn into a decently-proportioned (though torso kinda short) robot.
the Kingdom one, which might be what you're thinking of, has a belly flap, but it's furry like a mountain gorilla instead of a lowland. gorilla. no big deal, but not quite what we had in mind for being like the show. either way, the way it folds away in robot mode is pretty excellent.
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>nothing to shield
>robot pelvis and thighs
You aren't entirely wrong but you are overstating the issue a bit.
I also forgot he had that furry robot mode butt trying to hide things. but a belly it aint
also you have reminded me that he does indeed have human abs and that is kind of hilarious.
This is so fucking good looking. Despite all the flaws of the Beast Wars MP's, the way they look like they just popped off the screen is incredible.
>and at the time it was an incredible transformation
I own the guy since release and it never felt incredible as far as the transformation goes for me. It's super straightforward, but that's the appeal, simple transformation and a figure chock-full of play features.

>the Kingdom one, which might be what you're thinking of, has a belly flap
No, I'm not thinking of that, and it should be obvious when I mentioned the abs the original toy had. Also I hate the kingdom furry belly, it just looks weird.

I've been messing with mine this weekend and it's a really fantastic figure. When you know how many clicks you need to move the robot shoulders (thanks, Wotafa) every single panel fits perfectly in beast mode, like they actually want to help you and line up without trouble (contrary to Tigatron's belly). The lack of paint on most of it not only makes transforming it less stressful due to fear of paint chipping, but also helps a lot with the tolerances I think. And not only that but it hides the robot parts in beast mode better than any of the others. Rhinox isn't even my favorite character, but as far as messing with it and transforming back and forth he's easily on top of the BW MP list (I own all the others too).
well that's what i meant by incredible. the simplicity was so elegant. Having the gorilla upper arms flip up into pauldrons is genius, and they actually had sculpted fur on the inner sides of the robot arms (but didn't paint that part black originally)

and you are dead right on that MP, how crazy is it that rhinox of all guys ended up being the best so far
If king kong can have abs, optimus can have abs.
king kong is a fucking travesty
even peter jackson (the best one) still had tiny hands and the face of a boxer who made fun of mike tyson's voice
I'm not going to argue with that. I just like og Primal, warts and all.
Oh yeah I collect all sorts of shit. My autistic obsession just shifts from one hobby to another. I've come to accept its just how I am
Are there any figures where an upgrade kit is basically required?
I like him too.
i would honestly buy a recolor of him and put him on my shelf next to the rest of my modern beast wars guys, just understanding that he's a big guy whose altmode is a giant gorilla. maybe he even DNA-scanned Kong.
there's a pretty high number of them. it depends on what bugs you most:
>huge visible gaps
>undersized weapons
>MISSING weapons
>terrible anatomy that needs solving
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Nice to see all this munky talk.
I can usually deal with gaps, but I'm praying whoever made the cosmos upgrade kit does a recolor for pathfinder because those arms are ROUGH. What upgrade kit(s) can fix bad anatomy?
I think apes are really neat
they are made of turtle meat
typically if the body part comes off on a mushroom peg, they'll make a new piece that fits in between to lengthen it, or a replacement piece if it's like a crappy foot or something.
His legs are good. The rest goes in the bin.

I do like him combine with Inferno though, new figures with similar size and parts count with this style of combination would be nice.
All I can think of when I see shard is that she looks like a piñata.
yes.. yes she does.
or like, remember the Fry Kids?
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>still didn't make photo of Kingdom and SS Primal
New task for tomorrow was found.
i still haven't custom painted my SS primal
I'm not even sure how much I want to change, just un "battle damage" the silver parts with deliberate scuffs, and definitely do something on his beast mode head. Possibly just painting the brows. Having the silver go all the way up that high on his brows makes him look like he's balding. a gorilla's hairline starts at the -eyes-
Well that's just prime!
Wow, the mp is smaller than I expected. I'm used to mp figures towering over their original toys.
had i known about the recolored and retooled version, I would have been so jealous of japanese kids back then. It looks kind of perfect, and is the first and maybe only time (until MP that they got his skin color right. MP is still the only time his FUR color was ever right, that I know of. Though maybe there was one that kinda swapped the fur and skin colors?
>Wow, the mp is smaller than I expected. I'm used to mp figures towering over their original toys.
That's more due to the original toy being a huge Ultra class than the MP being small. Every single other BW MP dwarves their original counterpart.
Also they couldn't make Primal too huge because there's many characters taller than him in the show and they need to keep the scale manageable.

That one isn't from back then, it's the Legends release.
When was that? I thought it was like, '99 maybe 2000.
is that cum?
Nah, tea I think. That's the top of a fridge.
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what the fuck does your cum look like dude
i mean i know it turns weird colors as it dries, but it's not... coffee-stain transparent with a colored rim
pearly white
>bottom left
Please tell me that's a full custom Road Caesar trio.
I want selects mcdonalds armada redecos
>all that clear plastic
it'd look sick but the entire upper half would be a hand grenade
Give me my Selects Megazarak
when it comes out, yeah. but then when it dries it's kinda yellowish orange. and translucent, but not THAT kind of translucent, and certainly not that kind of brown..
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me tooo and i want new molds based on those happy meal beast guys. i waaant em.
I wish I was a toy designing man with a bagillion dollars.
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It was, but then got replaced by Dragstrip after I learned how to do 3d designs and print them.
File deleted.
I found this weird transformer hidden in my mom's closet..
you know what, not a funny enough joke to risk the no-fun-allowed police.
Nexus Maximus
mine turns yellow
yeah see
that's normal. it's supposed to do that. I think it's something to do with the protein, like there are glues that dry yellow.. the kind made of hooves..
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can't decide if I should grab galvatron while he's available or hold out for this guy, I don't really wanna do duplicate molds if I can help it, especially for leaders
it's funny, I both understand and disagree. Like it makes sense to not wanna re-buy the same mold, but on the other hand.. recolors are just FUN. maybe videogames got me imprinted on the idea, but i love it. I'm constantly tempted to re-buy things to recolor them.
Are you planning to get Tidal Wave?
Nah I don't really go for titans
damn that's really cool, is it available anywhere?
I genuinely get disappointed when a good mold doesn't get a recolor. Or a good-but-flawed mold of a character I already have a better toy for, but would be happy to give this one a shot. That way it's not buying the same mold.
Recolors are fun and all but I only have so much money and space
>Clear plastic
>power punch
>glow in the dark
For his size and price he is disproportionately gimmick loaded
Sometimes I feel like a weirdo because I almost always prefer recolors over a transformer's normal intended look
Love me diaclone, love me g2, love me toy decos if nothing else, love me random botcon redecos, love me japanese upgrade recolors, love me niche repaints of other characters
G1 is nice and classic but my collection has few characters actually colored how they should be
Only the files on cults3d
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Thanks king, I'll look into it
there's that, too. it helps that I'm not buying the majority of releases, just beast guys.
actually I think that is a known thing. Like even with art, you miscolor a character and it's instantly more interesting. Just because it's fresh and new, but has the basis of something solid.
Plus, especially Botcon type ones, they work extra hard to make really cool color schemes, since they know it's limited and all. Zoids did that too, before the most recent line basically went tits up, they released a ton of super limited recolor ones and the majority are just beautiful shades of blue color schemes that are sure to have mass popularity.
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Found this chad at a yard sale for 25 dollars.
If ANYBODY is still going for that colossal turd then man we failed
Who does a yard sale on a Sunday?
people celebrating the sabbath on saturday as intended? shrug
>That's the top of a fridge.
Damn, people really get creative when they have no space left to take pics huh?
Where's the guy who took pics in his bathroom?
Yikes that was hella cringe.
top of a fridge is pretty great
i've used a bathroom before too, lots of white areas and good lighting.
I'm surprised we don't see more photos inside the fridges, since they're light boxes.
Warhammer autists do it with surprising regularity.
my fridge is dirty...
My favorite youtuber said that Transformers fans don't understand what action figures or playsets are, and that citybots don't count as playsets because you can't play with the figures on them.
Your favourite Youtuber is a dummy that doesn't know micromasters
you just played yourself because metroplex is compatible with the scramble city combiners
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No duh, that's a hold over from they're scrapped diaclone origin
But you're going to come out here and talk like scramble city limbs and micromasters are 100% incompatible as base buddies?
er. don't the majority of, if not all, city-mode transformers either come with, or are scaled to interact with, smaller transformers?
>you can't play with the figures on them.
Yeah you can. You can have a couch cushion be a battlecenter if you want it to be, being a kid was all about imagination and toys were just a vehicle for it.
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I swear it feels like Selects gets smaller every year
I really want a new toy of Manta Ray specifically because I had the original as a kid and I headcanon it as a non-Transmetal version of Depth Charge
>I swear it feels like Selects gets smaller every year
I wouldn't say it's "shrinking" so much as just having weird priorities lately. Two years in a row most of the budget was eaten up by a titan and so far this year we're getting eight selects deluxes, they're just condensed into two multipacks.
>I headcanon it as a non-Transmetal version of Depth Charge

I thought every kid did this
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That’s fair, it just feels weird going from tons of different characters to a five pack of characters we already got, but in a slightly more cartoon based deco
Actually, funny story, when I first got the toy as a kid, I didn’t know what Beast Wars was (I found the toy at a Goodwill), so I assumed it was some super hero or cartoon character I had never heard of before
that would be an interesting alternate timeline thing for some beast wars guys. i suppose it would be just depth charge and ravage, nobody else got transmetalized before getting a beast mode. Which is weird if you think about it, I wonder.. does that mean now they can't function on any planet where an organic disguise is kind of vital? I do seem to remember TMs being resistant to energon so that part was covered...

anyway I also wanna see him redone but ideally with a better transformation.
now that is a funky introduction to beast wars.. were you familiar with transformers other than that?
Yeah, I was born in 2001, so I grew up with the first three live action movies, Animated, and VHS's of G1, it just seemed weird that this clearly organic manta ray thing would be a Transformer since the only others I knew were TFA Blackarachnia and Waspinator, and they were said to be the only ones like that
Ignore it, it's the retroblasting spammer trying to be sneaky.
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Technically Rampage is also Transmetal so I use Razorclaw as a non-Transmetal Rampage (it also helps avoid confusion with the other BW Razorclaw)
Stop listening to Youtubers
I watched the show but I never once played with my toys like they were in the same universe as the show. Waspinator and Terrorsaur were the only show characters I had because most of them were super boring animals to me.

I remember Manta Ray being a hero character for me but the Beast Wars McDonalds toys were in a different universe than the actual Beast Wars toys and didn't get played with together.

Razorclaw and Claw Jaw were my BlackArachnia and Airrazor respectively. The Bat Primal and Gator Megatron were the leaders, but Retrax was the main super bad guy.
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hasbro's create-your-own figure thing was a flop, but what if they had a system where you could pick and choose colors for a Transformer figure? Like, they have a Seeker mold and maybe one or two other common army builders and you get to pick the different color layouts, like what wings/head to use (for the coneheads,) stripe colors, plastic colors, and cockpit color.

what would you order?
Go away Maketoys
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I’d probably make Blast since I know Hasbro isn’t making a toy of him anytime soon. Either him or the G2 jungle attack Starscream to go with my Cloudcover
okay that is -weird-
you're weird, anon. it's weird that you are so young. I would say 'be older' but you will.. I believe in you.
sorry i meant Rampage. I dunno why I said Ravage. Then again maybe he was transmetalized too. He did travel through the quantum surge wave, right? actually that wave made it all the way to almost cybertron, so did... did a bunch of other people throughout the galaxy get transmetalized??
does it have to be a seeker or is that just your example
seeker is just the most obvious. Bumblebee mold was another example I was thinking of since it gets repainted a lot, and maybe Sideswipe too.
fair. It just wouldn't interest me the way, say, Tigatron would.
You can still tell us what you'd want from a tigatron repaint. I was just trying to think of ones that might realistically be offered in such a service.

What would your Tigatron OC look like?
well I've already painted two of them (one well, one pretty badly but I salvaged it)
but the first thing i thought of that I was unable to do was a -grey- tigatron. Stormy cloudy gray. That would just be so cool on a tiger (there is an African mythological creature like that, the Mngwa, so maybe his name could be Mngwatron.. and his robot parts instead of shiny white and green could be.... oh.... gunmetal and black?
That sounds cool. So it would be solid grey, or would it have stripes? Would the head still look the same?
yeah I was thinking with stripes (the Mngwa is said to have brindled stripes, like you know those dog coats?)
that was what stopped me, it's very hard to make clear gray paint. Even when you try to buy it, 'smoke' usually means 'clear brown'. and the "oh I could put clear paint over the stripes" Was what got me into repainting tigatrons in the first place. The other wrinkle of course is that any cheap kingdom tigatron, even if it hasn't yellowed, has unevenly-applied cream color on it in places, so you have to even that out first with heavily watered down clear orange paint, THEN put a new color on top.

now if this is my imagination and we get to do mild retools, I would absolutely change the head.. Both heads, perhaps. But keep the same idea for the robot head of "main helmet is the same color as his thigh-fronts, face is the same color as his shoulders and shins"
well dog my cats, I would have bought that if I'd known. Around that time I did get the Korean Big Convoy (the only affordable way to get him) and i was very into picking up lost old opportunities and redos of 90s classics.
I imagine in a service like this there'd be a couple different head options. Tigatron has two heads on the mold sprues so you'd at least have the option of the robot or mutant heads
It's not perfect though, the arm gears on mine stopped working correctly after barely any use. On the original one I had since I was a kid they still work flawlessly and I used them way more.
hm yeah, i'm not as into the mutant head, though I love the history of it. and I kinda wish they had kept those, if they were as good as tarantulas's or dinobot's.
aw damn. i didn't even know about the arm switch til way later in life.
I still have a ER Thrust in box and siege Galaxy upgrade Prime in box.
i'm also surprised we never got black tigatron, either in kingdom or MP, instead they stuck with making black cheetors for 'tripredacus agent'
but surely the tiger mold is better for him if he's supposed to be kinda-ravage. i mean I guess leopards can be kind of small sometimes, so a cheetah isn't that wrong, but..

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