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Previous thread: >>11043536

>Cartoon Collection Two-Bad coming to MC on July 25 as SDCC exclusive
>2-Bopsteady and Splinter went up for pre-order at Target and sold out.
>Horde Trooper Prime with Hoverbot revealed in package.
>Where's Necro Conda? And Vypor too ?
>Masterverse box reveals NE Mer-Man, Revolution Man of War and Sorceress Teela...BA Skeletor remains to be seen. Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives, they just get first dibs for a while. No ETA but expect them to show up on places like BBTS eventually.
>Krang at Walmart in abundance, Mutated Moss Man and Mer Man starting to do the same.
>Sla'ker available in Target stores
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man and Merman. More rumors for an additional wave of Raph, Donnie, Rattlor, Mekaneck.
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, more details expected during SDCC.
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are available, He-Man/Vecna pre-orders went up


Thread Question: Are you buying Masterverse figures ?
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Are Galaxy Warriors allowed to join in?
2002 Masterverse never
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Oh ye of little faith. Do you think Mattel will abandon the Snake train while there is still steam? They are gonna John Henry the shit out of the rails with more OC DONUT STEEL repaints until they can Casey Jones this fucker into MYP Station as the boiler explodes.
MV only has 3 Mer Mans
We have 4 Teelas
But if the leaks are right, we will soon have 5 Evil-lyns. This is Lyn County. Mer Man and Teela can suck it
Let's not forget there are 4 Duncans
But I don't want Origins
When do these release? I don't collect this line or know much about it, but they look cool.
You'll get more origins snakes and you'll fucking like it!!!!!!
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I'll have to see this in hand first but that looks pretty good!

Do these scale with MOTUC figures?
Never bit the bullet on a masterverse. But I hope she looks good next to my shokoti.
Yeah they are pretty close
Then let me correct myself
>We will soon have 5 Evil-lyns
>Mer Man and Teela AND DUNCAN can suck it
Last thread we had Fuerza-T. So why not?
New Eternia designs kinda look similar enough already so no need. Hopefully NE Snakemen get design inspirations from it too.
what is the 5th lyn?
i know we have water tribe lyn
bat lyn
muscle lyn
and movie lyn
5th Lyn is the leaked New Eternia Lyn that's supposed to be in the next wave. Well know at SDCC if it's legit
Probably the New Eternia Evil Lyn that's teased on the Bone Throne box art.
>bare tighs
>bare feet
Glad Mattel did a 360 from the woke Teela from revalations design. Hopefully we will get none that s-o-y-vin smith bullshit from now on.
The rumors floating around are that it'll be NE Lyn, NE Fisto, NE Flying Fists He-Man and movie Skeletor storm troopers
>plussed up battle suit
What an odd way to describe it.
Yeah, that's more the way that a shill or hypeman would describe something on their social media, not really how you expect the actual marketing department to describe it on the product.
Kinda gives you an impression about their copywriters.
This is Teela from Revolution.
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This anon again, >>11063038, thinking of getting a He-Man and feel like the Thunder Punch version fits my minds eye of him the most. Is it possible to take off the arm braces?
Yep, just pop the hands off and slide it off.
As a man at arms guy i was pretty shocked when i saw this, idk what this ie but its white. Like a megaman or something.
I think its kinda sexy, so why not.
I just dont like the facial expression. Im sure itd look great with my other mv figures tho, just maybe not the front row.

I like how long the most recent generals have ran, why have the generals made that change?
Cool thanks, didn't know if they were glued or had indents in the arms for where they rest. Another question, any figures come with a vertical hinged wrist for raising his sword?
I know the 40th He-Man did, but I'm not sure of any other specifics. It's weird how we still have weapon holding hands like this, especially for He-Man who's whole thing is holding aloft his magic sword.
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Good to know. I wrote that one off cause it looked a little slapdash, but the shield and harness would help with a more classic look on the Thunder Punch. I can already tell I'm gonna go down a rabbit hole with this line when shit like this exists.
What if we took all the snake men... and moved them somewhere else?
Origins CC prince Adam's also got the proper hinging hand but the skintone isn't going to match most figures. It pisses me off because I know Mattel is doing this on purpose to make us keep buying.
Bring them to Masterverse. We want them here!
jesus, what is up with those cheek bones? why can't we just get a decent Masterverse angry face He-Man like all the box art show!
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>said in 2021 I wasn't taking the MV plunge unless they made him
>3 years later. Still no sign.
>Know goddamn well this will be another Blast-Attakless year in both MV and Origins

Guess I'll just go fuck myself again this year.
They seem to want to make a new he-man face for every single he-man and they want them all to be wildly unique
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I think it looks pretty good. Again, I don't have a lot of familiarity with He-Man, but the other options look far worse to me.
They all look neutral though. Even this >>11063456.
Mondo I think nailed it. He has a stern look with his furrowed brow and then a rage look. I just want something similar instead of He-Man looking like he's hiding a fart.
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Cool, another Samus at Arms. If only they Masterversed the CG one too
It's supposed to be the MV Faker head, isn't it? Some people supposedly wanted that head in he-man colors so mattel did it. Of course, I doubt we'll get a perfect head ever. What's going to keep you buying more if you're satisfied? Transformers has been doing the same for a long time.
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Any of the media worth looking into or do you guys just headcanon a lot of stuff?
80s cartoon, 2002 cartoon, CGI Netflix show, and maybe the movie are all "good."
Once you've gotten a taste of each of those try Revelation and it's sequel Revolution. New Adventures is dogwater but you might like it.
You seem like you'd like Revelation.
As someone who only got into the franchise last year, I love Filmation He-Man. The feel is quite unlike anything else I've seen.
The 2012 DC comic run is my favorite continuity. It hits all the beats. Some of which they used in the new show.

It has 2 volumes, also goes into a crossover with the DC universe and then ends in the eternity war
DC and He-Man are like peanut butter and jelly, I'm always happy to see them together. I really hope they put Adam and Skeletor and Multiversus at some point.
I think you get quality out of comics than out of cartoons.
Early minicomics and some of the late minicomics (Filmation era minicomics are kinda shit).
DC comics have a bunch of good stories, plus the two crossovers they did are fun.
The Star comics are really underrated .
I'd love to see some figures from this continuity since they had some great outfits ... but I doubt we'll see anything from this
There really hasn't been a bad he-man comic save for the ones that have REVELATION/REVOLUTION stamped on them, and even then theyre just mixed bags. I love all of them.r2
Looks like the hoverbots for origins is just repainted classics. I wonder if they'll sell the regular ones as a multipacks too.

Or at least re-issue other colors as deluxe sets with match bot
I want a blue hoverbot now for reasons.
Imagine using those old figures. They'd be He-Man size as super bots
i dont go here, just had to say OP pic is based. miss when toy posters made images like this
That's neat!
Honestly I've liked most of it. 80s, 2002, all the Netflix. Even that live action movie is fun to watch with some friends over and a beer. There's a lot of culture wars discourse around Revelation/Revolution but I thought it was entertaining enough. I don't care if new stuff is "just like the old stuff" because I can still go watch all that, and do.
I'd love all of these guys in Origins.
The waist articulation on this fucker, it looks like it will snap at any moment. I wanted this fella to have elbow articulation but seeing the swivels it's better this way, they are way too thin.
Can't say I was excited for this hoverbot in cherry red so this does not upset me. The tri-klops ring however...
If they still have the Classics molds, they should rerelease them at retail just to add salt to Scott's wounds. At least rerelease the Snakemen because it would infuriate at least one anon, and the ones that got fucked by bad QC like Goddess and Roboto.
What's wrong with Roboto?
He was one of the ones with the flipped shoulders like King Hiss. I think.
At first I was inclined to say "no, that can't be right. They only look so similar because they're literally based on the same animation model."

But after watching the video...shit, Mattel really do be that cheap and lazy.
are we talking mv or origins
Is there anything they need to improve on though? If it means they can sell the regualr color version as a multipack for the price of one deluxe Origins, Im okay with that.
Fuck yeah, Filmation He-Man
It's low budget and hamstrung AF, but there's a lot of ambition to many of its sequences; I can't quite describe it but it often feels like rough storyboards for something that would have been really impressive given more resources.
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Hey SnakehaterAnon....
New Eternia Reptilax on the front

Snake Men coming to Masteverse lets goooo
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And King Hiss on the side
Between Snout Spout's box and this, they have to be coming. Excited! Cool Skeletor too. And I guess that's also our first look at a potential NE Evil Lyn. Definitely looks like a mix of 200x and classic Lyn.
God, I hope they make NE Lyn thicc like that image.
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The snake train has no brakes!
This is fucking bad ass, and a hint at the NE Lyn too
General Rattlor PLEASE
Have you ever bought a whole bunch of the same guy not for the main figure, but the accessories? It seems like a bad idea, but I'm a fucking casual so I wonder if that is something people do.
On clearance i have, you can use the bodies for frankenstein customs which is quite fun so its not a bad deal.
I found a couple of Tiger Force Duke with ram cycle at ross last year. Bought them both just for the bike. If they're cheap enough, I definitely get figures just for the extras.
The chick on the right side of the box, have they made her?
These things just keep getting uglier and uglier, I can't see the appeal of any past the first one.
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I'm snake hate anon and I'm going to fucking kill myself. The only silver lining is they're masterverse not origins.
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I found a decent doll house today at the goodwill. It's filthy and smells like used socks but it's scaled perfectly for Origins. I'm optimistic about turning this into a playset for He-Man and friends to have spooky adventures.
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I'm really hoping they kick the Fright Zone up a notch, otherwise the Horde might have to call this their base once I've sprayed it with a base coat of black paint.
Based, post updates
>buys more snakes out of protest to the protestor
So I'm just checking and Mondo Teela has weak ass knees, FUCK.
She's gorgeous
ankles are looser that a 2 dollar hooker though

are they all like this? this is my first 1/6 mondo
ohhhh! it gives me hope tho, I wanted them to try coloring the clear body, they just need a better combination.
Take her top off.
Honestly theres a lot of goodies from this hole
How's her ass?
This anon gets it
Sorry, but this is what you get instead
ah man excited for you anon

when i eventually get my own place again i hope to get dollhousepilled as well

My mother was always crazy about old fisherprice stuff and this, while a bit more modern still looks solid and like it has a LOT of potential.
Be sure to keep us updated on what you do with it!
Baltard, evolved
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>they finally made a Hordak where the collar is a separate piece from the head and armor
>It's a crossover figure and in cartoon colors

Please, Mattel, do this with a regular vintage styled Hordak too
What even is this bat thing that comes with Hordak? Is it a shield? An actual bat? A weapon?
What you want is mega construx hordak.
top does not come off at all.
but i have a 1/6 world box body that i hope will match the heads she comes with. we shall see when that comes

not too shabby
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Thank you Anons. I have to deep clean this first but afterwards I'm hoping just some paint and a few spooky accessories will be enough to make it fit in with Grayskull seamlessly.
>Buying a dead line that didn't even do a quarter of the cast

Lol, no
Oh shit nice, even though its CC ... you could put it on a horde trooper body and you have a kidnapper hordak
Oops thats turtles x motu not CC
I love this hordak, he feels like a Kenner Batman reject. Big ups that he's not got some lame turtle gear either.
Nice ass
IDK i think it's pretty fun ... all lines eventually become dead anon
he-man approves
He's got a point but I try to tell myself that at least I got Spock, Bender, and a slew of other favorites in the same scale to put on He-Man and Skeletor's sides respectively.
Howcome every other figure that isn't He-Man is done well and looks good? How do you mess up the main hero's face all the time?
Things like these makes me wish Mondo would release a Shadow Weaver figure.
them releasing this before we get a cartoon hodrak, too. Fucked us both
you know I like the look of that hordak but they really could have done so much more with the idea of a mutant hordak. make him look all nosferatu-y or manbat inspired. the mutagen blaster arm isnt enough!
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Was gonna wait for the He-Man to be my first figure, but I was at the store and grabbed this guy.
That slutty green bitch is about to feel his might
that's awesome anon. i once saw someone online do something similar with a fisher price loving family playset. single handedly made it into the perfect haunted house for their scooby doo figures, it was awesome. I wish you good luck in your customizing efforts!
i dont want to be that guy but formo really squandered the galaxy hole revival by not making them origins compatible
The face kind of looks like Hordak from the CGI show.
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Or he's about to feel hers
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Hey this show's pretty good.
Life imitates art
Multiples? No, but I did buy a Masterverse Stinkor just to use the head and armor on Origins.
That looks like k-pop porn!
I still seethe
This would be a terrible time to try to get into Origins, right? The line is pretty much done and retail and moving to web exclusive, right?
It's a great time if you give a shit about the cartoon. That shit is still at retail.

But if you care about the vintage line, you've missed a huge chunk and your stuck mostly buying second hand from scalpers, waiting for fan fav releases and the vintage line will finish exclusively through Matty.
I mean, if you like snakes Origins is for you
Fan favorites are part of the retail releases so not completely dead, just the newer end of life stuff are going to be exclusives. Ollies has a bunch of clamp champs BA Heman and Skeletors hanging around. BBTS has a lot of them instock.
We've seen 4th comic for Turtles of Grayskull. Story is over but they teased a a few potential new figures.
Ok so heroes dont look that different but check out the villains.
And here's April stalling for time.
This is the kinda shit I live for
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SDCC will have a panel about what's next for (among other things) Revolution.
The ride ain't over yet
The Injustice crossover spoiled me...just seeing 6 goons is kind of a letdown when last time we got virtually every single Evil Warrior getting a cameo (except the movie guys and Twistoid)
Rotoscoping, baby.
Would you prefer all of them but unmutated? Got to mix it up somehow.
Why do I even have to chose one or the other?
There's nothing stopping them from drawing all the EWs mutated...no set-in-stone requirement that being in the comic means they have to get toys.

...although, wait, is this the actual cross over comic or just the pack in minicomics? I didn't actually consider that. If it's the pack in this makes sense, only tease what's actually getting toys.
My post was assuming it was the full comic they're publishing, where they'd be more free to go hogwild (since they're pulling out stuff like Renet that's really doubtful to be included in the toys imo)
Yeah, full comics has bigger hope. More pages for everybody.It would be similar to all Batman villains being mutated in BaT-MNT crossover. But we're far from that being released.

I guess in less than a month we'll know for sure if Turtles of Grayskull as toyline is over or not. I wouldn't be surprised if all those designs were just made for fun. so it could be either way.
Filmation Teela is a gift
I need all of them. ALL OF THEM!
I also spot Webstor althoug he looks odd, like repurposed Moss Man. Also, Whiplash can stand on his tail.
I need that Clawful. As soon as he gets announced, I'll be the first mortal that will pre-order him.
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Is the Masterverse Vykron considered a disappointment compared to the originals?
He looks amazing, i hope this is an accurate idea of what to expect.
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What they did with the tank head was very dissappointing and what probably caused it to fail. It looks so stupid compared to the classics. Why would you fucking change the aswesome design to a lame ass turtle?
Yeah that was my biggest hangup when looking into it. That and the space version looking basically half finished. I do like the barbarian look though.
Ironically this would have made a fantastic variant tie-in for Turtles of Grayskull. They just needed to do the regular tank version first.
With the way his minions keep getting turned on him in these comics, you'd think his name was Dr Eggman
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It's funny, I was just thinking I wish they handled the crossover like the Mega Man/Sonic one, where Robotnik and Wily actually had a good rapport and enjoyed each others company despite disagreeing on some specifics (Robotnik being Archie Robotnik he was a hair more bloodthirsty than Wily was, aiming to kill Dr. Light as soon as he captured him).
Wait, Masterverse figures have arm and thigh swivel and waist articulation?
Holy hell, they already have more POA than the average McFarlane stuff.
Also pinless. Using a buck body does wonders for budgeting. Todd is stuck on putting so much details on his figures and has to make unique molds for each so he can't include a lot of accessories. Hasbros SW Black series does the same thing. Unique molds and one accessory. No alt hands or head most of the time.
A shame they don't have ab crunch but that's just my preference in articulation.
Now I'm more tempted to get a MV to pose next to my ML stuff.
triklops, merman, and clawful > everybody else

seriously the best they could think to do with stinkor was make him a full on furry? whiplash looks a little strange too.
MEF and Buzz off look ruthless! man i wish bebopsteady looked as cool as a toy as he does in the comics
you can still get alot of the staples for pretty cheap. we're a long ways from classics prices currently. hell you can still occasionally spot the vehicles in discount stores for pennies too. to recap, he-man and skeletor are probably the easiest to get ahold of even now. Not just the standard releases but even some of the variants.
>wave 1 he-man and skelly are being sold in sets of two on aliexpress
>both respective battle armor variants, flying fists, and terror claws are all still cheap on amazon
>the stranger things sets are in stores now too
literally just write down a wishlist of characters you want and start buying while you still can
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So I'm 4 episodes into this absurd series, and I'm kinda shocked at how little I apparently knew about Motu in general.
>Adam being He-Man is a secret
>Castle Grayskull isn't where Skeletor and his crew resides
>Earth exists and He-Man's mom literally came from there
>The Sorceress is Teela's mother
>Ram Man is a good guy
>Jitsu is a bad guy
Don't forget
>Teela is dummy thicc

Really, Marlena's history as a space captain is the most underutilized aspect of this whole damn thing.
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Guys, do celebrity guest stars ever have any kind of meaning?

Because the panel to reveal the new figures at SDCC will be hosted by the voice of Revelation Orko, the voice of OG She-Ra, the voice of 200x He-Man AND the guy that played Blade in the movie

How excited would you be for CC PoP, new 200x figures, and Blade getting in either the MV movie line or the vintage Origins line?
>Castle Grayskull isn't where Skeletor and his crew resides
This doesn't fit imo. Skulls are always evil. Why is the Skull man in a snake castle instead of a skull one? Anyway, I hope you get to 2002 soon. I feel like they fixed a few elements in that one, except Grayskull of course.
Because Filmation.
They made up Snake Mountain after someone (I don't know if it was Filmation, Mattel or DC) dropped the "no one owns Grayskull" bit and made it the source of He-Man's power by making Adam his secret identity.
Then Mattel (for synergy) just slapped the Snake Mountain name on a repurposed jungle playset.
>Really, Marlena's history as a space captain is the most underutilized aspect of this whole damn thing.
Writers should treat her like Rule 63 John Carter, jumping around in a gold bikini saving people before she got pregnant.
Suddenly I understand why CGI He-Man and Skeletor had only their main weapons and few hands.

I want someone (Beast Man?) wearing Hordak's crotch decoration on his head thinking he stole Hordak's crown.
I would activate a behelit and sacrifice everyone I know for 200x Masterverse and a third season of the cartoon.
So Mondo stuff is basically oversized ML figures.
Where the fuck have you been?
He's probably literally a brand new fan
Blade will get a MV because they keep making one or two Fan Channel a year towards the movie. Same with that terrible movie He-Man getting re-issued.
Fuckin cock blocking non-nudist bitch, she just wants that insist cock I bet!!!!
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Scenario literally no one but me has probably ever wanted:
>Catra is not "evil" evil, just "jealous beauty" like on her card art. Independent of any other villain or group.
>Only a villain because she really REALLY hates She-Ra
>Basically a Veronica to She-Ra's Betty
>Massively crushes on He-Man, and He-Man's kinda into it...doesn't go all in because Catra is constantly ruining She-Ra's day, but maintains flirtation
>When Catra DOES finally ally with Skeletor or Hordak, quickly regrets it and bit of more than she can chew, buries hatchet with She-Ra and gives up being petty villainess
>Catra permanently fucked up chances with He-Man, though, by almost helping destroy Eternia, but she can have a consolation prize hero...I dunno, let's say Rio-Blast? Ram Man?

That's my crack ship for today
Thats cool. I appreciate that they gave Adam, He-Man and Faker different sculpts.
And Slime-Pit He-Man looks like Hulk!
And different Beastman and Mossman sculpt.
>The green eyed head

Nice. I always appreciate unexpected picks for toy line ups, and this one is the only one that surprises me to see
Kino scenario
Lord Grasp from the walmart con preorder has shipped, terroar will arrive the following day. Likely they are hitting the stores that still carry motu so check em if you got em.
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Thanks anon, I know what I'm going to do this afternoon
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Interesting, so the show dictated the toys instead of the other way around?
Pretty much. I've been aware of He-Man and Motu from a young age as my dad had an old tv tray that I'd see at my grandparents house, and obviously there's the "What's Up" parody, but I've never had much interest till I saw some Masterverse figures that caught my eye. And honestly I'm thinking of getting some Origins now as well cause they have a lot of charm.
Whos the nigga on the right?
This nigga fyre.
>Interesting, so the show dictated the toys instead of the other way around

Only in very rare instances.
The cartoon was only responsible for Snake Mountain (and even then, Mattel already had the playset, they just repurposed it to a villain lair and slapped the Snake Mountain name on it), Prince Adam(Adam was actually created by Mark Taylor, and was made the secret identity by DC, but the toy specifically used Filmation 's design), Orko, Sorceress and Horde Trooper. Everything else was made by Mattel first with no input from Filmation. I wouldn't even grant Filmation as the reason Randor got a toy because DC also created him and Mattel made up their own design for him rather than copy Filmation.
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>Everything else was made by Mattel first with no input from Filmation
Okay I figured that was the case. The blasters they use and scooters they hop onto are always so awkward lol
Interesting, I got an email update that mine is being shipped next month (August 15).
Hey, Scare Glow got more merch
I got sk mystified by how and why this exists that I kind of want one now.

I hope Man E Faces, Buzzoff and Clawful get toys. Theyll probably show up in the new comic right?
Skeletor has a green skull why would he be in castle GREYskull? That's stupid. Wait shit why is castle greyskull green?!

Seriously though in the lore Mark Taylor had in his head for these characters before/during the toys before the cartoon, Skeletor was the hier to castle greyskull and his father tried to kill him by throwing him into the void around the castle. He crawled out as an adult due to time dilation. His wizard mom killed everyone in his village then herself when she saw Skeletor. I was never able to find a source so I have no idea if this is bullshit but its my headcanon now.

Poke a hole in these and put them on Origin bodies
that teela an lyn ... jesus fucking wept
Pretty wild for a children's franchise. I would've assumed there were just a race of skeleton people and he was the sole survivor or something.
kek high as fuck Whiplash and Mer-man would look pretty good.
>american evil lyn and teela
Castle Greyskull was always something that Skeletor wanted to capture not his lair in the official published lore.

In general, Castle Grayskull is a castle that serves as the hiding/storage place for <insert lore McGuffin here> that Skeletor covets. When Castle Grayskull was first released, they even had a duel flag option so fans could display it as being under Skeletor's control or He-Man control.

The thing Skeletor wants varies per continuity:

>>First batch of text/drawing mini comics from the first two waves of figures heavily implied that Castle Grayskull was full of pre-nuclear holocaust future tech that Skeletor coveted so he could summon an army of his people (who were naturally skull faced like him) from the alien world Skeletor came from before a portal tech accident stranded him on Eternia.

>>In the Filmation cartoon, it's more or less a holding/storage facility for magic books, artifacts, magical WMDs that could be dangerous in the wrong hands and who the Sorceress is obliged to protect/keep out of reach of madmen like Skeletor.

>>2002 Grayskull is where a uber powerful orb containing the wisdom and magical power of a bunch of ancient elder magicians which Skeletor needs to open a gateway to the limbo dimension where Hordak is stuck in.
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I thought that's what this was
That's a vintage Hordak in cartoon colors, not an actual Filmation Hordak.
Like how wave 5 Evil-lyns is not an actual 200x Evil-lyn
Nah, Id give them Randor. a) his box mentions "seen in tv show" b) Filmation still popularized him (I mean Sorceress existed before cartoon too) c) Sorceress design is perefectly translated either. d) in last year they decide to go back to parts reuse on few figures And Randor was one of the 4 chosen (with Clamp Champ, Ninjor and Scare Glow). They may not be able to accurately recreate his look but they did best they could with copying his colors.(blue boots and cape/coat, red shirt, gold decorations, orange pants) Also he would be gray haired if he was based on any previous Randor.
Are these actually getting made or were they fan creations? I'll be honest Im all for a MOTU × Madballs crossover. The evil warriors and horde just lend themselves perfectly to the format
Off topic, but the fact thst in Filmation they didn't call the character Zoarceress is an egregious missed pun opportunity.
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Cursed franchise. Have you seen those TMNT Fugglers? Or the articulation cuts on BST AXN? Fuknos aren't even close to the worst Turdle merch out there.
>tfw no Funko Scare Glow reissue
Anyone do the topless mod to Filmation Evil Lyn yet?
>you got any games on your phone?
Why do all the Masterverse Skeletors look off?
So that you buy the next one, duh
He-Man has this problem too
Matte's in-house sculptors are learning as they go, like a training program for interns. The first year origin heads were also terrible.
>The first year origin heads were also terrible.

They were? The only actual bad heads I can think of was the first retail He-Man head and face paint on the first release She-Ra. Other than that you can really only call them terrible if you also consider the vintage version terrible because they were mostly spot on besides changing some facial expressions slightly like Beast Man's gritted teeth.



The things I'd do
Next to the 1/6 mondo this looks like the best teela to date
Yeah, I just wish Masterverse didn't have those useless thigh and shin cuts that break up the sculpt because otherwise she looks great.
She really does look nice, fairly risque belly dancer vibe going for the art.
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Picked up a WWE Superstars Andre the Giant today, stumbled on it for $13. Absolutely perfect for "MotU Mega" scaled Giants, wish I'd managed to grab the Masters of the WWU version
>useless thigh and shin cuts
I get not liking them for aesthetic reasons, but they're certainly not useless when actually articulating the figures.
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I've had the damn theme song stuck in my head for the past week now
I found the most recent one and doink a few months back, im curious about earthquake. He isnt as tall as andre but has a very large torso for a wwe superstar.
I'm so happy I found doink. I need to sit down and see what he looks like on a He-Man body with barbarian gear, but for now I'm happy just having a clown.
That "Lost Wave" is coming along, except for poor Plasmar.
>Implying he actually poses his figures

I guarantee this Anon leaves them in basic standing position, sticks them on a shelf and never touches them again.
Would you guys want Son of He-Man in Masterverse?
Only forklift and the bitch. Man-E-Faces is begging for a cool new gimmick toy like one you can slot your phone into. This concept art guy ain't it.
How about the baddies?
For me, it's Call to Action:
>the only guy I've been able to get is sneg trooper
i want grasp, terroar, and slamurai so bad
Yeah, how about some Eternian baddies...nomsayin?
Spanish He-Man.
These two are both peak. Filmation She-Ra's got a banger or two too. Particularly this track that plays when Hordak and Skeletor start blasting each other.
Yeah, i really want grasp. Guess i missed slamurai somehow but grasp should still be around.
When is this 6 inch MOTU fad going go end?
Nope, sorry, putting lyrics on something that was originally meant to be an instrumental is just never going to work for me
You may just need to pay scalpers fee on slammy, I say he's worth it. As for the two snakes, you should eventually be able to get them. Mossman presented the same problem for a lotta folk but he's shelfwarming on Amazon now.
*duplico is fucked though since he was randomly slotted into a wave that most wallys never even carried.
I got Origins Faker today for $20 at a convention. For some reason I could never find him at retail or online retailers.
The booth had fantastic prices on other MotU stuff, like saw some other harder to find ones for $20 to $30. I was on a budget though so had to only get the ones I was searching for.
I also saw Slamurai today at that convention >>11070135 which I've never seen in person. I'm wondering if I should have went back and asked.
After Origins finishes vintage, what's next? Will we be asking for them to do PoP?
....why is Spirit of Grayskull there?
>I get not liking them for aesthetic reasons, but they're certainly not useless when actually articulating the figures.
Yeah I hate the way they break up the sculpt while adding little to the actual articulation, I'm just not a fan of the Masterverse buck in general. To each their own

>I guarantee this Anon leaves them in basic standing position, sticks them on a shelf and never touches them again.
>I guarantee
Nope I love to pose my figures in different battles and scenarios on my display shelves and always keep a few at my work desk to brighten things up.

>Implying he actually poses his figures
These type of useless IMHO Marvel legends style slice articulation points just aren't worth the little they add to poseability since they break up the sculpt so badly especially when in use. If a figure already has a ball jointed hip for example that thigh cut doesn't add much range beyond that, and the same goes for the shin cut if the figure has a proper ankle joint. Essentially adding cut joints where humans don't have them seems just like added articulation for the sake of it/marketing. Is a Masterverse figure really that much more poseable than an Origins figure?
>cut joints where humans don't have them
Figures don't move like an action figure regardless. Thigh and ankle rotation aid in balancing the figure in wider poses, however for the sake of a character that with bare legs that's just gonna be floating most of the time, I feel like they could've forgone the joints for a cleaner look. But they reuse the calves and want a break in order to replace the boots
I think after classics they kind of know they're cooked once the vintage is complete, but IF they complete it there's still plenty of variants/recolors/redecos to do + PoP (filmation or vintage), New Adventures, 200X, and maybe if I'm personally really lucky they'll make an Andra in Origins.
This sounds like Hasbro's D&D cartoon figures, and I couldn't stand the lack of thigh cut/swivel on those.
The real answer is just copying origins and giving them a swivel at the knee. Double joints always look ugly compared to single joints anyway.
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>tfw Skeletor plans to destroy Castle Grayskull with a spinning STOP sign
Is there really a new powerful artifact in every episode?
Some anon posted a link to scrapped Classics figures, if Mattel wants Origins to keep going they could simply make versions of the never-made characters. No idea if they would sell well though.
It really just depends on how popular the character is. Necroconda is cool as fuck but who is he? A generic army builder? It will do well with fans but not many who are casuals/normies will get him on impulse.
If we're going full classics mode, then I expect them to drip feed the vintage, but they aren't really doing that, so... we'll just have to see I guess.
I would've liked to see more multipack store exclusives with redecos we haven't got yet. In my mind I can imagine something like
>pink Teela, AE Man-At-Arms, leo Skeletor, and the grayskull spacesuit
All 4 in one box, or any arrangement of figures like it, would've been infinitely cooler than the sun-man 3-packs or the snake army 4-pack bullshit. Just a bunch or core characters in fun colors to get new fans into it + deep cuts for hardcore fans who can get suckered into it.
How big of a mason jar am I going to need for her?
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I really like Necrocanda, except I wish he was matte black instead of being a pearescent black. I think pearlescent goes better with the ghost-like theme for him, so I'm totally nit-picking. Otherwise I would have got him.
I think OC stuff is fantastic and I want more of it, but I'm hoping to see more OC stuff outside of the Snake Men. I'm not a 'no more Snake Men' person, yet it seems with the focus on them the OC is more OC Snake Men vs other random crazy characters. Like can we get some more stuff like Frog Monger? He was super cool. Maybe a recolor of him for a battle pack?
>Like can we get some more stuff like Frog Monger? He was super cool. Maybe a recolor of him for a battle pack?
Frog Monger should have gotten a repaint Battle 2-Pack for more Frog soldiers to re-use the mold. Doesn't diminish the original
They could paint one like a colorful, poison frog and give him a poison power. Maybe its name could be "Croaker"?
I'm ok with Origins just ending after vintage.
I don't really have any faith anymore that they'll actually make any of the stuff outside that that I actually want, and I don't give a shit about variants, repaints or PoP, so there's a strong possibility I'll peace out anyway.
Fuerza T, concept characters, Fuerza T, 200X, She-Ra, NA, 1987 movie, did I mention Fuerza T?

...there's also that crappy live action movie potentially

i'm just seeing a sitcom house that is perfect for Merman misadventures.
I wish Frog Monger and Moaty got a paintjob and be released again, I don't even care if they are MC again.
But sadly Moaty is a lost cause given he was the price toy for buying the playset.
I think Frog Monger got a reissue on MC iirc.
>I think Frog Monger got a reissue on MC iirc.
Yes, he did get offered for a pre-order window afterwards. The idea is more just "Give us more frogs!"

Love it
Art tease for Snake Lair, featuring Great Black Wizard....but that's not what's important...
>GBW reuses Blast-Attak thighs

>Great Black Wizard
>skull faced wizard in MOTU who isn't Skeletor
What is the point?
It shows there are more of skeletors species. I was hoping we'd get 200x King His Origins or maybe we'll get blacked Zodak with GITD tattoos.
>skeletors species
Keldor is a Gar.
The point is "gotta reuse parts!!!" and Axel loving to jerk himself by spamming his OCs
200x was a mistake
200x is a miracle
The point is doot doot
What is this guy from? Minicomics or something?
He's not from anything. He's an OC like Slither that Axel made up in the Classics era for the dual purpose of reusing shit that otherwise wouldn't get reused and to give Scott fodder to "expand the lore" in his bios.
Ask Scare Glow.

im sure there is some bullshit bio explaining how the two are connected.
>great black wizard
NTA but I'm in this camp now. I don't have a lot of tolerance for jobbers quite this lame or the 30 more snakes they have planned.
>Blast Attack
Please mattel I'll buy two if you cheap out on the gimmick and jew me, I'll make him explode myself.
There actually isn't even that much.
You Google "He-Man Great Black Wizard" and the only things that pop up are Draego-Man's bio (wherein it says GBW made Draego but that's all about him) and a page for unofficial fan made Classic bios that some autist is still obsessively making. And a toyhabits article about a customizer making his own GBW. That's IT. He is a complete non-entity
Remember that Simpsons meme where they say "a wizard did it."
That's it. That's the character. He's a walking mcguffin to explain away whatever. They purposefully made a badass evil skull faced wizard to do whatever.
So at this point has Axel just hijacked the line? Serious question. They keep making his OCs, and even now the playset he designed.
Isn't Scare Glow an alien brought from another dimension by Skeletor? Granted, his origins change depending on the line
Where red cobra and high snek priest?
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I have a rule: when it comes to multiple contradictory origins and depictions, refer back to Mattel's style guide for the truth.
If it doesn't match the style guide, it's a creator putting his own spin on it at best or just outright wrong at worst.
And the style guide says Scare Glow is a ghost thst Skeletor created in his own image. He's Skeletor's "Phantom Ganon" basically
Any link where I can find those?
Battleram blog.
Each characters page includes their style guide entry, as well as their box art, concept art, and comic and cartoon appearances. It's pretty comprehensive.
The only vintage character without an article right now is Twistoid
Scareglow's backstory is a mess: his cardback says he's "The Ghost of Skeletor" but most villain cardbacks have super vague "X of Skeletor/Eternia" as the character's description.

The mini comic featuring him simply has him be some random goon that Skeletor kidnapped alongside Ninjor to be his new henchmen, via teleportation spell that grabbed random baddies from across time and space. Which led to some speculating that Skeletor inadvertedly grabbed his future self's ghost and that Scareglow was playing the long game to try and resurrect himself working with his past self.

But the whole issue was put to rest permanently in MOTUC which gave Scareglow a proper real name and backstory: that he was a thief like Webstor who managed to break into Castle Grayskull after stealing a rare spare key to the place (which IIRC was included as an accessory for the MOTUC figure). The mystic forces inside of Grayskull that Sorceress protects senses and punished Scareglow by killing and turning him into a ghostly monster to defend the place, but Skeletor somehow freed him from being forced to protect Grayskull and got him outside the castle, where Scareglow now serves Skeletor as payment for his freedom.
Man just let skeletons be skeletons, they never needed no backstory
>the whole issue was put to rest permanently in MOTUC which gave Scareglow a proper real name and backstory

Fuck off, Scott, no one here cares about your shitty fan fiction, no matter how much you want it to be the One True Canon
You know, this kind of could've happened in the CGI show, when Skeletor's physical form was absorbed into Havoc and he returned as a green ghost to haunt Ram Mam.
I legit expect him to call himself Scare Glow as an allusion to the gitd skull fella. That was a missed chance.
Scareglow is different, he's a glow in the dark skeleton, Skeletor is a skull faced muscle wizard. What's the point of this other guy if he's just another skull faced wizard?
Given Scare Glow's appearance, he should've been the one called Skeletor.
Skeletor in this case could've been named Skullator or something like that.
>Skeletor in this case could've been named Skullator or something like that

Didn't cgi make that exact joke?
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They did?
So what're the odds of Origins King Hiss getting a rerelease or redeco of some kind? You can't put out so many snakes while keeping him inaccessible.

They did
>undercut a character's introduction with a dumb joke
I know it's a kids show but holy shit it's so played out at this point.
Origins is kinda odd and picky of what gets a re release, which is odd imo but thunder punch, k8ng hiss, king randor should all be available only mattel says no.
>Fuck off, Scott, no one here cares about your shitty fan fiction, no matter how much you want it to be the One True Canon
I feel like MOTU really has it the worst here when it comes to canon. It's the equivalent to transformers' IDW comics making everyone a gay emo child soldier, except instead of that we get Beastman's real name being...
>Raqquill Rqazz
Scareglow being future Skeletor is cool as shit and he should always at least be more than just a thief, hell, if anything make him a pirate
>MOTU really has it the worst here when it comes to canon. It's the equivalent to transformers' IDW comics making everyone a gay emo child soldier, except instead of that we get Beastman's real name

I dunno, man
The way you wrote it, Transformers sounds like it got it worse than He-Man.
If the worst we have to deal with is Racquel Rqazz, that sounds a lot more palatable than the shit idw was squeezing out towards the end.
And I'm saying that as someone who fucking hates Classics bios.
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This show is so fuckin based
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As a newbie to the franchise, I loosely make my own head canon that cherry picks from the comics and filmation cartoons.
>king randor
Which King Randor? The reissued original or the still affordable 200X?
I feel like they went for low-key reference, he was glowing green and refered to himself once as "Ghost of Skeletor" but that's it.

Tbf, they've already met and he became Skeletor many episodes ago. This is only first time He-Man meets him in this form.

Yeah, this is Skeletor's actual introduction in thr series, no jokes in it.
And then we had a few eps of him forging weapons for Evil-lyn, Trap Jaw and Beast Msn before he meets He-Man as Skeletor
the dating error in the title of the video reinforces my belief that the CGI series would have been a huge success if it had debuted a decade earlier. it genuinely felt right in line with the other legacy revivals of the early 2010's. That said I still find myself wishing the designs hadnt strayed so far from classic MOTU. Does a skull-faced demon wizard really need pants? If we had to build He-man like Earthworm Jim, can he atleast have a manlier face to seperate him from Adam? Dont get me started on the heroic warriors either.
if we do veer into a future where they start covering more classics characters in origins my hope is that they start with their best foot forward by finally delivering on those concept guys like the gangster dude or the guy with a head like a morningstar.
oh fug, my lord gr'asp preorder actually shipped from walmart today! let's hope it's actually him in there ha
...Is that a dice with a baby dice inside of it?
anon NO
>2 hours later
Ok that's good
Don't forget the jaw drop when Evil-Lyn comically sees his massive shlong
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>Evelyn chuckles
>Kronis dislocated his jaw again at the sight of the Skeledong
Man how hung is he
Still needs a few vehicles (Battle Ram, Battle Bones and Attak Trak) to recreate the Battles of Ice and Cavers....

(weird that there is no Faker in those)
The jaw drop wasn't part of his introduction, which was the starting point of the convo, it was in a later episode.
This late in the game, I'm prepared to say that Battle Ram just isn't gonna happen at all. It's been close to 4 years since the Sky Sled part came out, and they've had more than ample opportunity to make it if they were gonna.
fwiw Battle Ram was one of the last things to come out in Classics too
>late in the game
Mattel has their own online retail outlet now, the game goes one forever now, anon. They will be milking MOTU fans for another 30 or so years until the ones who watched the show as it aired and went to TRU to pickout their figures, die off.
>Mattel has their own online retail outlet now, the game goes one forever now, anon

Oh, right, just like Classics, still going strong after all these years.
I'm at a point where I'm tempted to just make my own Fright Zone, I'm sick or waiting for it and don't want to pay for the vintage
>just like Classics
They released all the vintage figures and them some though. They even made SM and GS which are absurd for the scale.
Speaking of style guides, I found depiction of Two-Bad pretty interesting.

I mean, lets be honest, Motu characters can have sometimes uderwhelming powers like "stink", "spikes" or "tail" but it's still something. But what is Two-Bad's power aside from being able to look in two directions at once (so, a shitty Tri-Klops).?

Generally, he's portrated as having strenght of two men cause, duh, he is two men. But it's interesting that he was originally intended a twice-as-smart strategist.

I dont think it came up much outside of UK comics and it was completely forgotten once 200X popularized Tuvar and Baddrah origin for him.
>Raqquill Rqazz
How do you even pronounce that?
Ruck-al ruh-kazz
I wish this was played up more instead of just Evil-Lyn being the only smart treacherous one.
Twobad could be S-tier.
I actually think they need to downplay Evil-lyn more than they do. Not to the point of making her as stupid as Beast Man or anything, but strip everything they've ever done with her away and just look at the core of what you're working with: she is a witch that calls herself "Evil-lyn". That right there tells me too things. 1) she should be the type that actually revels in being being evil and 2) she should not be entirely serious. If you're portraying someone calling herself Evil-lyn as "she's not really bad, we can redeem her!" or trying to treat her as a mature, serious character, I think you've gone wrong somewhere. That's my two-cents anyway, I'll be surprised if I get much agreement.
"Though two heads are often better than once, Two Bad is a mixed blessing for the Evil Warriors. When his two heads are working together, Two Bad is nearly as clever and devious as Skeletor, and his advantage in battle is doubled. However, his two heads rarely get along. Quite often, the two heads will bicker with one another just at the wrong moment. Skeletor has little patience with Two Bad, not only because of the distracting arguments, but because Skeletor feels that the two-headed beast could one day gain too much evil brain power."

Seriously, who doesn't like "weird fuck-up that could totally dominate if he could get his shit together" type of character?
what vintage vehicles do you guys want most? assuming the dinos, mantisaur, and gygor count as mounts Im going to say I want Spydor and the Fright Flyer most
if you're patient enough you could try restoring a cheap vintage beater. Im tempted to suggest some stand ins now. There's this great (if a bit simplistic) monster castle for megos that still gets sold every so often, that could work well as a stand in.
I think this will be the only one I consider buying.
I did want Mantisaur, Monstroid and Fright Fighter for a while, but my desire to have more vehicles is gone.
if things become dire enough that we have to choose between the dinos and the handful of other beasts versus new vehicles, im going to vote for the beasts at every turn
Motherfuckin' Bashasaurus
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I love this filmation Prince Adam and Cringer set. Glad they didn't bother doing another origins Adam since that warming sky sled that led to no battle ram.
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>when your going to get promoted for posing in front of your boss Man-at-Arms >>11065555
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I know it's a meme that people have hot cousins, but I didn't know they were so open about it in the 80s.
>Stinkor driving the Land Shark
Now I'm imagining the Evil Warriors quoting the Smelly Car episode of Seinfeld

>"Do you smell something?" "Do I smell something? What am I, hard of smelling? Of course I smell something."
>"When somebody has BO, the O usually stays with the B, when the B leaves you expect the O to leave with it!"
>"This is worse than BO! This is Beyond BO! This is BBO!"
>"He-Man would be helpless against this kind of stench."
Considering Masterverse constantly churns out He-Men and Skeletors, what do you think future holds aside from final forms from Revolution, New Eternia versions of Dragon Blaster, Laser Light and Laser Power, and maybe God Emperor from movie? CGI has a few forms but they didn't touched that sub-line in ages. New Adventures variants also feel a tad desperate.
Slime Pit He-man pls
And NE Flying Fists and Terror Claws, forgot about those.
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What are some recolors you'd actually buy? For me its:
>orange legs Ram Man
>blue beard Stratos, with inverted colors for his wings and jetpack
>pink Teela and Sorceress
>AE Orko, MAA, Teela
>pink armor Faker
>Roboto but with his silver paint rubbed off for a crimson look
>slime pit He-Man
>disco Skeletor
>leo Skeletor
>red Beastman from the earliest minicomics
>battle armor Faker
>minicomic Buzz-Off (yellow limbs)
>Christmas Modulok
>inverted colors Two Bad
>red neck Rattlor
>gold, yellow, tan, blue Horde Trooper
>black blood mosquitor, bonus if he has a brown head
>flockless Moss Man
>Scareglow with glowing weapon and soft goods cape
>leo Flying Fists, think gold armor instead of silver
Fuerza-T chads needs not give a (you), I want them too. I'd love to see some of the above get released as retailer multipacks. I feel like it'd be a slam dunk to put a bunch of the A-listers in this as a gateway for new fans but also obscure shit for collectors.
Wonder when will Necro-Conda start shipping.
>Scareglow with glowing weapon and soft goods cape
I dig it, but alas it would be MC exclusive shit.
Star Comics Blast Attak with yellow arms and legs and red techno-greebles
Oh, I should've added a couple other star comic repaints
>Green skin green armor Saurod and grey hair Clamp Champ w/ mustache
How would you feel if these were all pack ins with vehicles and playsets? Like Mekaneck and the road ripper.
>Scareglow comes with a gitd Stridor variant with bat wings
Would be neat.
It gets funnier the more I watch it
Can I get anywhere Classics toy list in release order?
Not great. Mekaneck/Road Ripper irritated me because I don't like being strongarmed into buying a vehicle I don't want in order to get a figure I do.
It's fine if I actually want both, but you're not guaranteed everything aligning just how you want it.
Like, if minicomics greybeard Randor came with Battle Bones, great, yeah, I'll buy it.
But if he came with Attak Track or Laser Bolt? Fuck that.
It's just better to avoid vehicle pack ins altogether
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This looks sick
Is this something that will go on sale eventually ?
Agreed, I wanted to buy Zoar and Screeech but I don't care about the pack-in figures at all

like yeah Skeletor having an articulate jaw is cool and all, but not in those colors, and I don't collect the 200X variants so I don't want the Teela either, although honestly the birds being so similar to the originals is kind of a letdown too
Probably? most MOTU+BBTS stuff seems to go on sale, some exceptions tho, I guess, since he is the most popular character he might never go on sale, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he did at some point.
That Teela barely even counts as "200x", just like the wave 5 Evil-lyn.
The boots and torso are just the vintage, and to add insult to injury, they gave the PROPER 200x outfit to Snake Teela where you can't even part swap properly because of the snake pattern on the neck.
But even ignoring all that, it's an ugly head sculpt, so I'd probably skip that Teela even IF everything else was perfect

You really get the distinct impression the crew gives 0 fucks about 200x and just shit out half-assed versions because it's easy, not because theyre trying to actually throw a bone to 200x fans
The black looks great. Not sure I've seen that kind of color on a figure. All 4 figures of this wave look great.
If turtles of Grayskull keep selling, I wonder if they move to MV too.
Shin cuts should've been done away with at the very least imo, very distracting.
Yeah this is pretty bad
This is it, peak Teela. She will never look better than this
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If it was mandated, I can believe that. Otherwise, maybe they just didn't have the budget?
I can't stand the 200X stuff in Origins when Masterverse is RIGHT THERE. I would have always preferred origins to get New Adventures or the movie stuff.
Hell, if Masterverse can do Sunman, why can't Origins get the movie guys too? I'm drooling over the idea of a 5.5 skeletor soldier with the black armor.
*from the tits up
Hey...i'd give her from the hips up
The SDCC reveals can't come soon enough, I can't wait to see how it stacks up to the last two years.
>why can't Origins get the movie guys too?

If I were to guess, it's probably gonna be
>Actual movie figures (as in screen accuracy) for MV
>Vintage-ized versions in Origins (because it goes without saying Blade, Saurod and Gwildor will be in Origins in their vintage designs)

So that being said, I would further guess they'll either omit movie variants in Origins OR do heavily altered stand-ins (like just painting wave 1 Skeletor in all black and tossing a soft goods robe over it).
Then the question becomes what becomes of Karg and the soldiers. Do they get skipped? Or do they try to attempt making new designs for them?
With Masterverse repeating characters more and rumors being that next MV characters will be Evil-Lyn, Fisto and FF He-Man, I have a question: how much do you want characters that already were made in Revelation/Pop to get New Eternia treatment - that being Teela, Adam, Orko, Fisto, Moss Man, Roboto, Clamp Champ, Sorceress, Gwildor Evil-Lyn, Spikor, Stinkor, Scare Glow, Hordak, Grizzlor, and Leech - Want them? Are fine either way? Or waste of a slot?

(I assume there is no reverse case where people really want Revelation versions of characters like Ram Man or Clawful, unless you count cyborh Whiplash)
I really REALLY hope they have more than 3 vintages this year, because if not, I can fully see me dropping the line depending on who those 3 actually are.
I'm flat out not buying anything cartoon, Masterverse or Turtles anyway, and if we get hot with a situation where, over the course of the next full year, there ends up being only 1 (or worse, 0) figures i'll actually buy, I'm not gonna stick around for a year or nothing until NEXT SDCC churns out something good (maybe)

Like, shit, imagine if they only do 3 and it's Hurricane Hordak, Stonedar and Gwildor (I'm sure someone somewhere would still get excited, but it's not me)
I mean the fact we still dont have him.
Classicfags can finally get what they wanted - another Classics figure, repainted Hover Robot. Rejoice, guys.
Just realized that NE Mer-Man has transparent lenses on the eyes. That's pretty cool.
Nice face sculpt but that Masterverse buck looks even worse on the female figures, those legs are just awful.
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Considering how many characters Masterverse lately reused (last wave didn't even had new characters) so I took a closer look at their list. Thy still have a lot of Teelas t(hanks to Revolution playing with like a dress-up doll) and Skeletors (New Eternia still has many vintage variants to use) but only MAA I can think of is movie one and He-Man? If NE Flying Fists rumor is real, the only obvious ideas left are Revolution final form and New Eternia Laser Power. And thats not getting into other guys like Beast Man.

At this point, MV has to a) go back to doing new characters, b) introduce more sub-lines (or go back to those they abandoned like CGI) or c) starts doing variants (mostly New Eternia) of their smaller names like Moss Man or Spikor.
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It would have been nice if they made custom legs for her instead of using the base modular ones. I hope it looks better in person because I like most everything else about this figure.

Working on a custom goddess with the mondo accessories and extra heads. Excuse the nakedness I am hunting for clothes that will complete the look and make a kick ass giant figure
>Goddess as her own character
>Teela repaint every time
>Literally Teela
>New sculpt

Funny how that works
who's this toku hero looking guy?
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It's Duncan.
He had to get a new wardrobe because they made Andra the new Man-At-Arms.
You know, I still kinda appreciate getting Demo-Man and Geldor in this line. Ask yourselves how many non-vintage figures we got in this line that aren't

-Snake Men
-Rulers of Sun
-army builders
-so derivative they don't even have new heads
-combination of above
>that haircut
Fucking Cali...
Dear lord
I think the armor is a bit reminiscent of extendar
Damn, I never realized how figures of these guys could be cool. Could have a hoverboard accessory.
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Fun fact that not many people seem to notice: the troops on the hoverboards are a A DIFFERENT type of troop than the ground troops. Note the face shield. You can get two different army builders out of the movie.
Which Snake Men you would remove from Origins and what you would replace them with?

One rule, there must be equal exchange in new tooling. So if you replace Terroar, he wont have new parts, if you replace Camo Khan you only get new head etc.
Remove all of them minus the 6 vintage and put it all into Horde. I'm so tired of them.
>Which Snake Men you would remove from Origins and what you would replace them with?

>One rule, there must be equal exchange in new tooling

Then I replace them with nothing.
Well, actually, I guess you could get Goat Man for the cost of Fangor and maybe that unproduced witch for the cost of Slither if you put the tooling of the tail into the actual figure instead. I can't think of who I'd swap Vypor or Reptilax for off the top of my head. Lodar? idk.
But the 4pack, Necro-Conda, Terroar and Grasp id just drop and put nothing in their place if I have to follow your rule because I don't like straight repaints, even if they are mix and matches.
The Snake Lair is an easy one though. Fright Zone, all day every day
I like the Snakemen a lot but mostly just the vintage ones. Lady Slither is neat cause it's another FEMALE to the toyline but couldn't care about Reptilaxx, Terroar, Fang_or and all that. I am interested in seeing the Snake Lair tho. Cause I have no idea why people didn't vote for the Fright Zone. The Hordak tank and Attak-Trak are kinda eh tho.

I would appreciate more Horde members tho. Since some of them are kinda hard to come by now. Like Grizllor.
I can only imagine that classics fags fucked the vote again by going for the most retarded choice. A snake castle that will sit between the other castle and the SNAKE mountain.
Either that or the vote was rigged. The Horde tank and the fright zone would've both been goated.
>they made Andra the new Man-At-Arms.
kek fuck off Revolution, fuck off forever.
cry more
>Either that or the vote was rigged.
No need for conspiracy theories anon, Fright Zone was just a literal copy of the original while the Snake Lair was something new. The Snakes never had a base so even vintage fans who aren't heavily into Origins will want one for their vintage Sneks. If the Fright Zone had come with a sculpted interior and the Slime Pit it would of probably won. Mattel just needs to do better next time.
Walmart pre-order canceled, god damnit

Did they say if Gr’asp and Terroar were going to eventually not be Walmart exclusives?
Sorry Kevin, you seem like a nice guy but stick to your shared universe of stoner comedies. Your "vision" for MOTU sucked.
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>Fright Zone was just a literal copy of the original

Ok, so two things about this sentiment:
First, what do you think Origins is? The whole line has two basic jobs. Finish vintage and accurately recreate the toys of vintage. Neither can be accomplished without Fright Zone and if Fright Zone radically goes off on a tangent.
And two, it wasn't even "literally" a copy. It added a bunch just like Snake Mountain did while staying true to the spirit of the original. It added the piranha plants from the concept version of FZ, added the rock monster from the minicomics to replace the foothold trap, and added an escape backdoor to the dungeon (I don't think the vintage had that, I'll be really embarrassed if I'm wrong.) plus smaller tweaks like giving the spooky tree a face.

"New" is about all that snake Lair had going for it over FZ, because from what we saw, it certainly doesn't beat it in features. It has, what? An iron maiden and a gun on the roof?
I've seen pics of him in shelves, likely in Walmart.
Supposedly they won't be. I expect we will see them on BBTS, but I wouldn't hold out til then.
>First, what do you think Origins is? The whole line has two basic jobs. Finish vintage and accurately recreate the toys of vintage
There has also been new characters and variants that never had a vintage figure in the line.

>And two, it wasn't even "literally" a copy.
There were some small changes but really if you already own or picked up a vintage set there wasn't much of interest to grab your vote compared to an all new play-set. They didn't even upgrade the Fright Zone monster into an articulated beast, which would have been awesome and gotten my vote.

>"New" is about all that snake Lair had going for it over FZ
You were rage posting about Classic fags and rigged votes, I was just explaining that the Snake Lair likely had more interest in a fan vote because more fans both vintage and Origins alike had good reasons to be excited for an all new set for the Snake Men. As the only vintage play-set left I'm sure will still see the Fright Zone on MC at some point, I mean if the huge Eternian set can reach funding the Fright Zone should do just fine.

>it certainly doesn't beat it in features. It has, what? An iron maiden and a gun on the roof?
I'm still hoping the final set will have a sculpted interior with some fun surprises and accessories, it has that same clam-shell design that Grayskull and Snake Mountain use so they must be planning to flesh out the interior.
That really stinks.
It would be nice if they weren't exclusives. Or at least not exclusives to Walmart.
Less than one week until we have the new sdcc reveals
it'd be kind of cool if they used dragstor heads with added flip-down visors to represent these guy's helmets
I happened to remember the concept art for CGI Two-Bad, along with the fact that he was meant to be a hero this time along, and it got me to wonder, are there any heroic warriors that could be successfully retconned into villains?
Im hoping to god they end up on amazon. My local walmart and target are barren
Man-e-Faces is the easiest one to do, since in the OG comic he was only good when he was human mode, monster mode was evil, and robot mode was "listen to whoever gives me commands"
Buzz Off because monsters men are usually evil in this franchise
Extendar was created by the Horde
Filmation Fisto started as an Evil Warrior. Could also make Jitsu his Heroic counterpart.
I was actually thinking of Buzz-Off too! MEF and Extendar could definitely be fun though.
Man both of those swapping sides makes so much sense given their colorschemes
No one suggested Fuerza-T yet.

Wasn't Stratos early on a bad guy? He even appears in one panel of the first minicomic with Skeletor. Instead Mer-Man was a good guy.
Zodac could go back to being evil. I know he's neutral now but he's definitely good-leaning.
Ram Man looks appropriately brutish.
Moss Man is another monster guy.
Snout Spout is Horde experiment, like Extendar.
I would have but everybody got tired of my Fuerza T tism last thread
>Wasn't Stratos early on a bad guy?
Yeah, but I waa going off CGI so I had generic black teenager stratos in mind
I think CGI Mer-man, while not exactly a good guy, didn't allign with Skeletor either iirc. Granted, he attacked the Masters but only because they threatened his kingdom iirc, he only helped whichever side wanted to protect his kin or something like that.
Outside Skeletor's little clique, no one really seemed evil. Mer-Man, Webstor, she-Mosquitor were pretty good. The snakes weren't even real, exactly. Even Tri-klops ended up proving he wasn't really evil, he was just...like a dog obeying orders up until he met up with Orko and realized he didn't have to do that.
Snake Men Quick Flick.
>Now we're in the dregs
FUCK OFF!!!!!! Origins isn't supposed to be the Snake Train it's for VINTAGE I'm going insane
Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll be a pack in with Snake Lair and Snake Lair will fail to fund so he never comes out
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>And you get a Snake Armor! And you get a Snake Armor! And you get a Snake Armor!
Would be hilarious if the fucking fan vote winner would fail to fund
That's what I'm hoping for. If it actually funds I'll back it on the last day, but I REALLY hope whoever has the snake fetish in mattel gets fucked over when this thing flops.
Hypothetically, it totally could. We don't know the breakdown of the votes afaik, and there were five choices. Snake Lair could've won with as little as 21% of the vote (20% apiece for 3 other choices and 19% for the last).
That'd mean that despite winning on a technicality, 79% of the fans would NOT want the playset.

I wouldn't expect the actual numbers to look that bad in actuality, just pointing out that winning doesn't mean the majority of the fans want it or will back it
They have to be close to that though. I could see it at just maybe 1 third while horde fans had THREE different things to split their votes
I work at SDCC and can confirm CC shera and another snake are coming, that's all i got to see so far
Anyone have a guide of the released figures? I have almost everything up until a year ago and I sold it all, which I don't really regret because I felt free, but I saw the Adam/Cringer pack tonight at Target and I almost got sucked back in.

If I were to get sucked back in, Masterverse or Origins?
Masterverse is cheaper and there's far less annoying exclusives to pay scalpers fee on, but I think origins is infinitely superior. I'd say get whichever fits your collection better.
Masterverse for black series/legends, origins for collectors who get vintage/based shit.

I still want Toxoid and those armored Snake Men that were in the vintage comic.
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Same. I'm sick of Axel's OC's they all seem to range from mediocre to awful.
I hate you guys, but can we agree to at least give them a gimmick? We're already agreed Axel's guys suck, and these very easily have the potential to.
Got a few things delivered today, so who is that on the back of reptilax's card art? Also, and this is the first time i could even think this, the adam cringer set is so good i could just leave motu and be pretty ok. Idk, ive wanted a cringer for this entire ride and to finally have one is just pretty cool, reptilax is pretty swank too and im hoping motu origins has a few more oc like this. I also got tog skeletor and teela, nothing wrong with them at all, and its just kinda funny to me which line can still grab my attention and imagination.
>hit that like and subscribe button, it really helps me continue my blog length toy opinion posring.
Look closely at this >>11076738
pic. It's literally that guy.
>Stop doing Axel's snakes and do some Horde for a change
> Monkey's Paw curls its finger
> It's Succubug and Tarangela
I wouldn't mind that cause it's still new female characters. Unless if we somehow did get Origins Catra, Scorpia and Entrapta. Or for the better, Despera. Like all we got were the Horde Troopers. Even that red elite one. And a TMTN Hordak of course too.

Speaking of, let's hope we won't get any TMNT Snakemen.
Im still not 100% sure if TMNT isn't over and all those designs in comic werent just dont for fun. I guess we'll know for sure on SDCC.

Almost surprising CC didn't spill Kobra Khan, Rattlor and Tung Lashor yet.

Would you prefer original concept art or comic designs?
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>let's hope we won't get any TMNT Snakemen
Only tangentially related, but Evil Warriors really are the best team.
With Snakes, fuck everything that isn't vintage line.
With Horde, I only like vintage, concept art and Calix. And Despara can be interesting, but I'd like it more if we had a permanent Despara, not just a stepping stone to She-Ra or whatever. Like, can we make her an evil Adora clone or something?
But with Evil Warriors, I never met one I didn't like, even the more obscuro ones, from any source material. I defy anyone to dredge up an EW I've never heard of or have forgotten that I won't like.
I like Tarangela's concept arms cause we'd have a MOTU figure with multiple arms that isn't Modulok.

Mixed on Succubug tho. The sidecut she has in the comic is dogshit and her comic versions doens't have anything to do with bugs so far as we can tell. But comic has a boobwindow so....

And CC Kobra Khan would be really cool.
You know, I think I'd like Tarangela if they just gave her a head that wasn't Webstor's. Everything else is pretty good in the concept art.
Evil Meteorbs?
Giants from 200X?
King Von?
>Origins isn't supposed to be the Snake Train it's for VINTAGE
This was how Snake fans felt when we were getting Sunman and the Diversity Hires of the Universe instead of Kobra Khan. Now the tables have turned.
The Snake Train has no brakes!
I like Karg
I like Evil Meteorbs if only because Dinosorb is pretty cool
The Fighting Foe Men are Horde affiliated so that just proves my point, they're Hordesmen I hate, Evil Warriors still undefeated.

The giants and Von I have no strong feelings on, and also don't consider them Evil Warriors (but that's something I'm sure you could debate)
Way I see it, there's a distinction between working FOR Skeletor and working WITH Skeletor. If you're subservient to him, you're an EW, if not, it's just a partnership.
Von and the giants were allied with Skeletor, but weren't his henchmen.
Marzo, Evil Seed, Aramesh and Monteeg all fall under that branch too.
I'm kinda fuzzy on whether Tataran should count as an Evil Warrior or not.
But Batros absolutely does because when Skeletor rocked up and said "drop what you're doing with these shitty books and help me bust into Grayskull", Batros said "y-yes sir" and did it. He wasn't an EW at the start of the ep, but he definitely was by the end.
But I'm off on an autistic tangent now
>The Fighting Foe Men are Horde affiliated so that just proves my point, they're Hordesmen I hate, Evil Warriors still undefeated.

Im so sorry to do this.
Ok, then you win. You found an Evil Warrior I hate.
Id be tempted to say comic versions if it wasn't for their heads. Succubug has that stupid sidecut and Tarangela's attempt at combining feminine traits with monster ones ends up looking off on every panel.
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Does this Sorceress Teela head look good on the "classic" Teela body?
ROTS lasted much shorter though. It was 14 figures. Snakes, ignoring vintage 6, have Snake Armor He-Man, Snake Armor Skeletor, Snake Teela, Serpent Claw Man-at-Arms, Snake Trooper, Lord Gr'Asp, Terroar, Vypor, Reptilax, Snake Men Infiltrator, Diabolical Snakes 4-pack, Fang-Or, Camo Khan, Lady Slither, Necro-Conda and Snake Lair. I mean, we were basically done with him from wave 8-12. By comparisons, Snake took waves 11-14 and keep on coming long after.
Who do we expect ro see in a few days? Cham-Or? Dark Horde Extendar? Purple Cyclops? Red Snake Man?
RotS also took up less space in their span.
RotS only took 1 slot per wave for 5 waves. The rest were dumped into exclusive and multipack territory. They were an easily ignored blip that vanished quickly.
Snakes and snake-themed variants took up multiple spots per wave for a whole year, essentially preventing any new Horde or Evil Warriors from coming out and now are still coming and are getting the more readily available releases on BBTS while the rest of vintage is getting drip fed in small release windows. Snakes have been far more in your face and lingering than RotS, making them way more annoying.
And don't misconstrue what I'm saying into RotS being high quality figures. They still sucked, but they weren't all up in my face like Snakes have been

Here's the best one. Or you could just use wiki.

Common suggestion is to just focus on Cartoon Collection. Much less figures, there are currently only few Waves, 2-pack you saw and one vehicle and Two-Bad will be sold on Mattel Creations in few days so if you like Filmation that could work.
original concept. they look much more in tune with MOTU than the final versions do. Succubug especially so. The comic designs they went with just feel too clean and modern by comparison
comic succubug seems to be going for some kind of parasite look, which is infinitely better than just some doughy slampig.
At this point I think the closest to interesting is Strettch Nek and that's assuming they'll do something interesting with his neck and not just reuse Rattlor's.
>more classics OCs announced for origins
>if we're lucky that will include fan favorites like wrap-trap
>more ToG stuff too
>more cartoon collection stuff too, but i wont care unless one of the reveals is either aramesh or batros
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So why does Stratos have a weird ape face while his sister looks normal? And what good is the Sorceress at protecting Greyskull when she's weakened or subdued and has to call for help every time it's under threat?
Axel's Snake Men is good example why anyone who think that Classics needed more time to reach its conclusion is retarded. If they went on to do Tug-A-War, Scrollos, Illumina, Man-Crystal and everybody else who showed up in last minicomics, then they would just release another minicomic with another wave of new characters who would be now so necessary for completion.

we're about 3 figures away from doing all snakes from his original line-up so obviously Axel spewed out like 6 more snakes since then.
If you believe Toyhabits:
>Vintage Rio Blast, Stonedar, Hurricane Hordak, Dragstor, Modulok
>Origin OCs Chamor and evil Extendar clone
>Cartoon Collection She-Ra, Bow, Hordak, Mantenna, Ram Man, Man-e-Faces
>Turtles of Grayskull Mekaneck, Rattlor, Donatello and Raphael variants
>Masterverse NE Flying Fists He-Man, Fisto, Evil-lyn, and Movie army builder
>Snake Lair with Pythonus and Sharella as pack ins

All that said, toyhabits is sometimes right, but are also clickbaiting faggots prone to freewheeling speculation and list making articles. And when Axel posted his Snake Lair hype art, it had Great Black Wizard front and center, which toyhabits never mentioned. So it's either toyhabits is full of shit, or Axel is inexplicably using a character unrelated to Snake Lair to hype it, or both.
None of that matters, because the anon I was replying to was trying to use the argument that Origins is just for vintage, when ROTS and 200x have already taken up space in the line.
>ROTS stole 14 figure slots from the vintage line
Vintage could have been finished by now if ROTS didn't waste that space. Unlikely that it would be finished, because the main reason they did ROTS was because they were quick and easy reuses of the molds, so even without them, I can imagine we would be seeing more stuff like the lost 88 wave to stretch this out for as long as possible. That's all Necro-Conda and the Snake Invasion packs are. Mattel making the most of the molds, but instead of Mexican Goobacks, we are getting something that actually sells. Hell, a 4 pack of repainted snakes and Snake armor He-man sold out at every online retailer while the last ROTS 3 pack is only now hitting deep clearance price.
As much as I would prefer the remaining vintage to hit mass retail, the fact is that Mattel fucked up by maxing out using the basic buck each wave. Instead of putting one late wave figure that has next to no mold reuse in each wave, they waited until the end of the line, and now every figure left has a huge tooling budget, and they are too scared to put them at retail especially with wave 7 still rotting everywhere.
Axel gets too much credit for these snakes. Reptilax and Fang-or are minicomic characters, Strettch Nek is concept Rattlor, and the trooper is a Lost 88 figure. Apart from the others in the pic, Chamor and High Priest Pythonus, what other snakes did he create?
Fangor is from a minicomic? I'm aware of everything else you said, but that's w new one to me.
Toxoid and 4 background snakes King Hiss minicomic are some that he "created". For 100% his I can thnk of Red Khan with snake tail and lately he made something called Dart-Os.
>Instead of putting one late wave figure that has next to no mold reuse in each wave, they waited until the end of the line,

Dont say. I mean, waves 5 and 6 were particularly low on new tooling.

Wave 5: Fisto's head and gauntlet and...Faker's sticker?
Wave 6: Stinkor's armor, Webstor's head and armor.
I might be remembering wrong, but I could have sworn he was one of the background snakes in one of the minicomics. Possibly the one with Blast-Attack and Squeeeeze, but I'm happy to be corrected.
Speaking of, the one on the right in the top panel of >>11076738 is awfully close to Vypor.
I think I know what you're talking about, and I'm pretty sure that's a miscolored Tung Lashor in that comic.
Everybody is so mad at Snakes that we missed this. He looks so fucking happy. Like if LoP Merman was a gator.
>4 background snakes King Hiss minicomic are some that he "created".
That's what I mean by he gets too much credit. Drawing slightly more detailed versions of minicomic mooks isn't really creating a new character. I'll give him Toxoid and Red Hood though.
That's possible, but I'm sure when the Classics figure was announced was when I read about it. Like I said, I am happy to be corrected in my old age, since I don't have the comics on hand.

And in all my defence of Snakes, I've forgotten to say one thing: Quick Flick sucks, and the art in >>11076027 makes him look like the derpiest motherfucker in Eternia. I'll still buy him to ease the burden of Snake haters, but the main one I'm looking forward too is Strettch Nek, and the other mooks from >>11076738
>That's possible, but I'm sure when the Classics figure was announced was when I read about it. Like I said, I am happy to be corrected in my old age, since I don't have the comics on hand.
Meant to reply to you, but replied to myself because I'm old and retarded.
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>give him Toxoid

You shouldn't. Toxoid is a crowd filler from a "proof of concept" powers of Grayskull pic Mattel drew up in the 80s.
I proudly have all ten sunners but have skipped many a snake in this line. I may just have to make Snake Castle into Sun Castle.
I'd imagine it's because the original idea behind Stratos of a monkey with a jetpack didn't catch on at filmation, so they just made him a regular dude sorta.
Personally I like to imagine Sorceress is more of a receptionist for the castle, but in reality she IS powerful at magic but she's got all the same weaknesses and reaction time your grandma does.
Consider Toxoid revoked then. I doubt he created Red Hood either, and was probably just instructed to draw it by the snake crazy Mattel exec. He mainly seems to "flesh out" old unused concepts and low detail minicomic background characters, like this artwork he did of unused Mark Taylor concepts.
My Castle Greyskull has enough trouble with Skeletor constantly breaking into it without more minorities moving into the neighbourhood.
If they ever do 200X Moss Man, would that be good sculpt for him?
You guys might find this interesting...Scare Mare is getting a comic and apparently it sounds like they're gonna spam the shit out of the character across media

>ComicBook: We know Scare Mare isn’t just confined to the comics or confined to the figure, he’s already going to appear elsewhere. Rob, I was wondering if you could speak to that.

>David: Oh yeah, especially if it connects. I would want to use them in everything we’re doing, more comics, more animated shows, anything, movies, you name it. When you’ve got something that rich, you should go with it. And that’s how it starts to feel nostalgic, but never retro. It’s always fresh, because if you can’t surprise the audience with new characters, then it might as well be a game over. Just go re-watch the old show, and it’s a museum piece. But when you have something that is vital, it just opens up more avenues for storytelling.
ROTS was much more tolerable back then when we were regularly getting new vintage figures. Most of time 2 per Wave, plus Deluxe...I understood that Sun-Man would be preplaced by like pink Teela, not Dragstor so I didnt minded him.
Come on, he did more that redesigning them. He also gives them really shitty names.And I guess picks accessories for them?

But whatever, sure, he didn't really created them. I mean, even Lady Slither and Pythonus are pre-existing characters turned into Snake Men. I guess you could say who came up with Wun-Dar, Frog Monger or Sky High doesn't deserve credit. But them again how much credit do you deserve them for say Anti-Eternia He-Man?

Either way, what's really important is that every character got received Axel's touch now has a much higher change of actually getting a figure.
Wait, that minicomic will be included with Mondo toy? That's a first for them right?

Also, everywhere I look the horse is referred as male despite that his name is "Scare MARE".
Mondo themselves even confirmed Scare Mare is female, so it's literally that everyone is fucking retarded.
Guess they should've given her tits and eyelashes
>Mondo themselves even confirmed Scare Mare is female,
Scare Mare is an FtM and people are respecting his pronouns but won't use the name "Scare Stallion" because it sounds so much worse.
Scare Mare says "Stop dead naming me!", but no one understands the offense because "You ARE dead, right? Just like Scare Glow."
>Nul the thief
So Mondo is going with Scott's dumb Classics bio after Rev made him Eternian Hades (King Grayskull meets him before the Hall of Wisdom changes appearance, so "he was a mortal thief who became king of the dead" is ruled out.)
>And I guess picks accessories for them?
I guess he does that too, but then Mattel goes "but muh tooling budget" and sticks Snake Trooper with the standard Horde staff and Reptilax with He-man's axe. I wouldn't be surprised if Quick Flick comes with Ninjor's bow.

I'm probably splitting hairs over what constitutes designing a character, but Wundar definitely doesn't count. Copying what most kids did with their Wonderbread He-man in the 80s doesn't constitute designing a figure.
I'm willing to give him Frog Monger. Axel took a partial head and a hand and designed the rest of him. It's more work than he did for Reptilax.
Sky High is 80% William George's design. So partial credit, I guess.
Reptilax comes with the Ram-Man axe

I almost wish he did come with a green He-Man axe, how many times have we gotten the Ram-Man axe by now?
Only with both Ram Men. And both Grizzlors. And with Kol-Darr. And Geldor. And now with Reptilax.
You know what's sad? I have zero hops thy will reveal Two-Bad next. I was so sure he's coming any day now with all this build-up and hints. But now? Like they would really announce vintage 2bad at the same time they sell CC one?
We probably won't get him this year, no, but we're for sure going to get a horde member revealed this month. Leaks for Dragstor are probably legit, too, the turtles were leaked in a text post long before we ever got pictures
Extremely disappointing, but I guess what else can they do? Make new lore?
I'm glad we're all getting fed up with Axel and this snake shit. I'm going to shit brix if they reveal snakes instead of horde at SDCC.
It wouldnt suprise me if they did but it seems silly if they do. The origins two bad would sell out quickly and then mattel would have people complaining that they had to settle for the cartoon version.
I think it's shit too.
The possible silver lining I could come up with (and this is contingent on the leak being true) is that we would basically know 100% that next year would basically be virtually confirmed to have not only Two Bad, but Blast Attak and Multi-bot too.
If the leaks ARE true, then after this year
>Multi Bot is literally the only Horde left
>Good guys will only have Gwildor and Rotar left
>But EW will still have Two Bad, Blast Attak, Blade, Saurod and Twistoid left
>Plus the Laser variants

So, yeah, we get 3 Horde, Rio and Stonedar out of the way, we can pretty reliably guess the release order for the rest of the line i'd say.
That's so bottom barrel it almost hurts. Here's hoping that when they DO stretch out the line, they give us cool shit and not more Geldor-tier garbage.
That's just one of Scott's lousy OC make em ups from Classics. He's no Evil Warrior, you're still good.
I think what most annoys me is that Two-Bad had endless art teases culminating in him appearing on Snake Mountain art. Literally everything else on that box got a figure.Talon Fighter, Necro-Conda, Moss Man, Dragon Blaster, Camo Khan, Screeech. Lord Gr'Ap, MC MEF, Collector, Skeleton Warriors, everything. And it's not like it's a Toon-Bad on the cover.
I'm hoping and assuming he's just a creations release eventually. I know people would've been pissed if vintage Two-Bad was a con exclusive.
>Reptilax comes with the Ram-Man axe
I forgot that I gave that axe to He-man because He-man's axe sucked.
Once they revealed CC Two-Bad, I knew we wouldn't see him any time soon.
You are mistaken. The Snake Train ain't stopping. I doubt that any will take up space that should go to a vintage fig, and they'll all be retailer exclusives, but at minimum we are getting Pythonus with the lair, Cham-or, and I've got a bad feeling Quick Flick will show up. I would still prefer them to be spaced out more and get other unused concepts like Skiing Yeti and Dylamug, or other minicomic figs like the Masks of Power dudes. But no, I still want Strettch Nek and the minicomic grunts like picrel at minimum. Fuck Goldenrod though.
If the Toyhabits leaks are true (and I feel like Mattel blowing their load on Horde all at once is unlikely) we are getting 5 vintage, leaving 10. What did we get since the last SDCC? 3 vintage figs and a vintage mount? I can't see Mattel giving us 10 vintage figs next year. I'm sure, at most, we will see 6 at SDCC next year, maybe less if they give us another mount/vehicle such as Mantisaur or Bashasaurus, with the Laser variants, and Energy Zoids being the end of vintage. Then we still have Plasmar, Strobo and Eldor, which I hope they squeeze in like Gr'asp and Terroar, but preferably at BBTS instead of Walmart. No idea where the PoG dinos will fit in.
>Fuck Goldenrod
I'd rather not, I dont know what he would do with that thing in his hand.
This. Two-Bad will probably come soon, just may be an creations exclusive (haven't had one of those in a while).
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>I dont know what he would do with that thing in his hand.
New Thread:
This like that one time you fucking fans voted for minicomic triclops because everyone thought they were going to make a regular triclops. Just wait. Toon twobad is mosly a reuse. Origins TwoBad is 90% unique sculpting. It take two years to get a figure made. SDCC is in 4 days, Mattel will unload spring figure releases then.
The idea that the Snake Men need a golden dildo Roboto rip-off is so creatively bankrupt that whoever designed him should just quit.
Besides, Snake Men already have Blast Attak

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