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Previous thread: >>11049664
Thread questions:
>What other Chapter/Legion specific units would you like to see get the JT treatment?
>What repaints will never happen that you want anyway?
>What 30K Legion do you want done next?
>What other Chapter/Legion specific units would you like to see get the JT treatment?
I want 40k Death Guard, I don't give a shit that they'll be expensive, I just want my stinky boys.
I really just want more filthy xenos, more necrons, more tau.
>What repaints will never happen that you want anyway?
Blood Ravens of course, because DoW, my main intro to 40k.
>What 30K Legion do you want done next?
Blood Angels are almost certainly next. Apart from that, White Scars jet bikes would be cool, and Night (edge)Lords.
40K Death Guard are a certainty, it's only a matter of time
I have no clue what a War Hammer is but I just bought this dude. He looks super dope.
>Legion/chapter specific unit
Deathwing terminator with plasma cannon.
Above counts here too, I guess, but I'll also say that I wanted an inceptor in red, but also, no dice.
>30k legion
A lot of what I wanted out of Horus heresy already got made, in colors that I liked, so I got nothing for this entry.
>I wanted an inceptor in red, but also, no dice.
I want a plasma inceptor, but still smurf mode. Knowing my luck they'd make it red.
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More BA Death Company, my favourite crazy bois. A death company dreddy would be amazing. I have 40 of the little black bastards and only one custom chappy to keep them in check….

Chaplains that arnt just UM it’s a change of a shoulder pad, cmooon


Like most, we want our guys made. If I had to choose some things it would be another classic dread but in Dark Angels or Deathwing colors using the classinc lascannon + missile launcher.

A repaint that would likely never happen at this point would be as above, or even a Dark Angel/Deathwing Redemptor. Doubt we'll see anything but possibly the Leviathan Redemptor at this point.

For 30k, again, Dark Angels would be my choice. I like their Contemptor design with the iconography. Their 30k special units like the deathwing companions, dreadwing, and inner circle knights are all amazing.

For something non-Marine, I'd have to go with Eldar. Striking Scorpions, Wraithguard and Wraithknights would all be great. Kabalites and Incubi if we wanted Dark Eldar.

Meant wraithlord. Wright Knight may be too big.
>what units you would like?
I'd want some Eldar, a d hopefully a Leman Russ Tank
>What repaint you want but likely never happen?
Also would like some Blood Ravens, and Raven Guard scouts I guess the Phobos armor smirfs didnt sell very well since they never got repainted unlike intersessors and bladeguards
>30k legion
Night Lords and Iron Warriors
>What other Chapter/Legion specific units would you like to see get the JT treatment?
I want some Rubric Marines.
>What repaints will never happen that you want anyway?
I'm guessing they're done with Tau? Because I want some normal tan Tau.
>What 30K Legion do you want done next?
BA if it means being one step closer to a Sangy figure.
>What other Chapter/Legion specific units would you like to see get the JT treatment?
>What repaints will never happen that you want anyway?
30k UM Breachers
>What 30K Legion do you want done next?
Night Lords, Emperors Children, White Scars
Making other chapter-specific chaplains would be a huge waste of time for JoyToy. Like you said, it's just one pauldron, go buy one for your chapter off eBay or Etsy and you're set.
For me, it's the librarian dread.
How are there so many fucking retards in a thread this small?

Geez they gave these glorious fucks the entire squad and we only got 3 vanguard vets and no original sternguard?

I envy you blood angels players
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Would be nice to have ones we did not have to customise or a full purpose leader of the dammed.
yeah well it would be nice if JoyToy made my OC donut steel Space Marine and also hand-delivered it to my house and picked up Jack in the Box on the way
what brought you here? probably similar for the others
Funny enough, that WOULD be a really cool idea; joytoy has custom color selections for making your homebrew chapter. Custom head sculpts would also be really cool, similar to what hasbro tried before, except instead of submitting pics so the AI can select preset features, just cut out the middle man (bot) and have people pick from some presets to make custom space marine heads.

I also think that they should remind their "no accessory pack" decision and make chapter upgrade packs, which would offer parts like a chapter specific pauldron for chaplains or librarians, as well as chapter specific weapons, trinkets, and gadgets.
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Small pp energy right there.

Imagine come onto a thread to discuss the toys and then some one moans when we discuss the toys.
Yeah imagine discussing toys in a toy thread and then some retarded faggot comes in and says that making $40 off of a single part swap is a bad financial decision for a toy company and insists that you can just make the toys yourself. I suggested something similar to >>11077275 one one of the threads before and the same autistic customization obsessed faggot threw a fit over it and said it was impossible for Joytoy to that and insisted you can just make your own custom heads. He just shuts down any toy discussion and tries to make this into a mini kitbashing thread.
relax spaz
>A1: what's your toy pipedream?
>A2 (you): pauldrons
>A3: no that's stupid! How dare you!
>A4 (me): :/

I love kitbashing too, hell, I made a whole daemon prince out of spare parts! But I also love to play with my toys, so much so that I'm starting to wear out the default paint on some of these guys lmao, and I tried my hand at making my homebrew chapter colors, and it came out fine, initially, but the paint cannot endure my play, so I ended up not touching it anymore. A cruel irony.

How about instead of getting mad that somebody doesn't want to kitbash or customize their figure, you share what YOU have done, instead?
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I don’t want to make the toy myself, just want something to fit in with the guys I like.
40k has so many chapters and a few like UM, DA, IF and BA that a lot of people collect you would think as they have the moulds you could do a multirelease like the intercessors or the blade guard. Heck they already did it with the early veterans, IF had one and so did BA.

I like these ideas, blister pack
Is a good one.
Managed to grab Dante for 44$ CAD during Amazon prime day. Also have a skull head 30k space wolf. Going to try to make him to a chaplain
Got the Termagant for Prime Day, did a little bit of Magos Purple on the "exposed tendon" things on the limbs and guns to break up the base color a bit. He's fun!
For the TQs:
>It's a pipedream, especially because he's in Legends now, but Bray'Arth Ashmantle would be amazing. Or Trazyn The Inifinite.
>Minotaurs, Dark Krakens, or BLUHDD REHVENS.
>Salamanders. Though according to the JT Discord, the next 30K reveal in October is going to be Blood Angels and Sanguinius.
Pest control.
>they should remind their "no accessory pack" decision
It was heavily implied that it was not their decision to make, it was GW ruining the fun as always. Remember, JoyToy was the one that approached them first with the Mk.VIII helmet sculpt and asked for permission, GW was the one who said no and that's why it never officially made it out of China.
It's not some 'no fun allowed' shit you idiot, you just have no fucking idea how the logistics of something like this work. It all seems so simple to you because you have never worked in manufacturing before, and it shows. And every time somebody tries to tell you the facts, you just start crying again and claiming you were bullied. fuck off. you don't want to talk about toys, you want to whine.
Please enlighten us then, manufacturing expert. Let's hear why it's impossible to paint an existing product a new color and sell it a second time.
Fair enough. It would be cool if they tried some work around, like an "armory" set that is filled with weapons, like a "sergeants armory" set that is every weapon option a first born sgt can have, since they have the widest variety. Combi weapons may suck the biggest balls in 10th edition, but they would make the coolest weapons for toys.

>Makes assertion that contradicts common sense
>Doesn't back said assertion in any way
>Claims they don't because people just bitch and complain
>All while bitching and complaining
Le sigh
It's not that it's impossible, it's just a waste of time and money and makes no sense business-wise. They're going to spend time running more Chaplains that could be spent on new figures instead. They only have so much capacity. This will piss off people who want new figures instead. And all for a change that's incredibly cheap and easy for people to DIY. You don't even need painting or customizing skills, all you need to do is buy a parted out pad on eBay and swap it on. Literally takes 5 seconds and probably like $5-10. There are never going to be enough Chaplain variants to please everyone, cause when you give an inch the fans will take a mile. Release a BA chaplain, Fists and Wolves guys start complaining what about us? It never ends, it's the if you give a mouse a cookie scenario. And how big is the demand for an identical fig with one small changed piece? You need to make minimums, so each run of a chapter-specific Chaplain needs to be popular enough to sell through the run. If not, you end up with tons of stock lying around, and potentially souring relationships with vendors who don't understand why you're making so many virtually identical-looking figures. This is also not counting all the standard costs that go into soliciting and marketing a figure. They need to get word out about all these dumbass near-identical chaplains after all, or how will people know to buy them?

And again, this is not something difficult to do on your own. Anon is just lazy, stupid, or both. He's the guy dying of thirst because he wants someone to open the Aquafina cap for him.
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What, you think this is some kind of gotcha lol? It's like posting an Intercessor and going "see! look how many repaints they did!" It's a Terminator, it's going to sell no matter what, and BA ones are particularly iconic because of Space Hulk. Chaplains are a fringe sell in the first place, and they have only one changed piece versus this entire body paintjob. Think about how this looks to retailers, most of who do not have any WH knowledge, and need to place orders regardless. They see either an entirely differently colored figure, or the same exact fucking skull guy 10 times with different colored shoulders, which they do not know the meaning of. No retailer is going to order multiple chaplains. It makes no sense to manufacture OR order them. You can already smell that they're going to end up in consignment.
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Watch how he squirms when his retarded baseless assumptions don't correlate with reality.
>"Repaints make no business sense"
Subby-tier argumentation on top of having no idea what he's even talking about.
>Chaplains are a fringe sell in the first place
Source: His ass
>No retailer is going to order multiple chaplains.
Business expert here apparently knows the inner thoughts of Aliexpress resellers, kek. He's just assuming that entirely online Chinese storefronts with direct connections to a particular toy company operate the same way as an American retail company. Something being niche has never stopped Joytoy from producing variants. We just got five variants of the wolf guard terminator that are identical aside from the head.

>"What retailer wants to order the exact same wolf guy 5 times with different colored hair?"
Give me a poseable Eisenhorn
Give me his whole entire posee
give me the fucking daemonhost
give me daemons
give me bad guys to hit that arent fucking more space marines

havent bought a single one since i think the chaplain first came out. i just have too many now and i dont need a pride rainbow of chapters, i need the other fucking factions
Daemons are desperately needed and the success of Tyranids made me hopeful for something like a bloodletter since they have a similar form. GW doesn't seem to be pushing daemons much though so I'm not confident we will get them anytime soon. It would be great to see them along with the rumored 40k Thousand Sons and World Eaters.
Your main argument is complete shit, because joytoy DOES make the same exact figure, multiple times in a single wave, with only a slight difference. Hell, sometimes they don't across different waves!
Some of your assertions go against common sense, such as a pauldron repaint being so resource intensive, when such a thing would be the cheapest figure to make, because all they gotta do is change the pauldron paint job. Or hell, they could do the swap that you proposed themselves.
Also, $5-10? Yeah right.
Shit, does anyone know a retailer that still sells the Tau 4-pack?
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for fuck's sake july's almost over
What did you buy? And from where? Ali?
The older figures like the Tau and Black Legion are becoming increasingly hard to find. I looked around on Aliexpress and didn't see them anywhere on there. Maybe try Amazon or Ebay?
Managed to find one listing still at a fair price. The others are all like $300, so you better snag these quick. There are only 5 left.
Horus from CTC
What reveals are we getting tomorrow? Will it be 30K Thousand Sons marines? Will it be a 30K Space Wolf character? Will it be the reveal of the 30K Blood Angels? Or, will it be a surprise 40K reveal?
According to discord chink
>it will not be UM or BA, SW, IF, DA tmr
>a BIG one

My guess, maybe some Khornate shit, or Death Guard.
Maybe just an official reveal of the knights that we have known about for a while? Either that or it must be a new 40K primarch if they specifically said big.
I considered that, but I really think Sanguinius will be our next primarch and if there's no BA...
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Ordered Horus and Dante n his fly boys and see loads of other customers have theirs but mine is still in limbo.
Might reconsider buying the angels 30k lot from CTC
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Get that Mcfuckinshitland outta here.
dope pic
post something faggot
Where did you buy the custom head for that sister
Sounds like Angron
gundamit just shipped my Dante, can't wait
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So where the hell are the reveals
Mine is being delivered tomorrow I think. Pre-odered two Sanguinary Guards to accompany him.
I regret not buying him
It's your fault that we didn't get any more Word Bearers. You personally not buying him caused that directly.
But I couldn't buy him, he was sold out for a long time and when he came back he was sold out again 20 minutes later.

I am going to sell my 3 black legion terminators and my word bearers terminator if you are interested
the legion of the damned
>30K legion
word bearers
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New thousies, can’t be arsed to share all the individuals might do it later if some one else hasn’t.
Doesn’t feel as special as they had a termie in the first announcement.
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And a contemptor. Meh for me.

>Listing on Aliexpress app says save 31% with coins
>Add to cart
>Actually only save 11%
>Check browser website
>Max coins discount is 5%
Is phone ordering the new meta? I have been using the app solely to collect coins, does it actually give you additional discounts on top of that?
Oh shit. The lightning claw one actually looks kind of disappointing but that's alright I guess since I already have the IF and Justaerin with them. I might just grab one of these and the praetor and call it a day.
>Is phone ordering the new meta?
Probably, I don't think most chinks have a real computer these days.
no elephant tusks?
this is 30k
I order through a cashback site which gives 5% on Ali purchases.
yeah not quite as special as the other termies, but I do find it a little amusing since the TS were in-canon the legion with the most Tartaros suits, and now they are in toy form too
unless those are cataphracti suits, in which case ignore that
Love that image
Those are cataphractii armor
This is probably the coolest contemptor we've seen so far, but I just don't want to start another legion, and none of the other stuff for TS has been very interesting for me so far. 40k TS I could maybe get behind.

I did find it interesting that the Space Wolves Contemptor was the old discontinued forgeworld resin model with the shoulders, knees, etc. not the current "upgrade" that just has the head and hull. Hope they continue that with other legions.
>This is probably the coolest contemptor we've seen so far
>none of the other stuff for TS has been very interesting
>but I just don't want to start another legion
Sounds perfect, just buy the Dreadnought
Doesn't work with my 'tism. I need a few dudes from the legion to display together. I've still got Tor Garadon in his box in my loft because I never found any IF stuff I liked enough to be his backup
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these lads are great if you can still find them.
I'll probably get the termie with the volkite to display alongside Magnus, I'll wait to see if we get a sorcerer, surprised we didnt get a tactical squad or whatever the 30k equivalent is called
This was the best looking IF wave. They never painted them like this again and that's why every other IF looks worse than these.
>surprised we didnt get a tactical squad or whatever the 30k equivalent is called
Space Wolves had several different waves of reveals with Russ being announced a month before the basic marines, I imagine Thousand Sons will follow a similar schedule
We still don't have a standard tactical so hopefully that's coming down the pipe. Would be crazy if they decide to show of rubrics to go with this release.
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What do you guys think? Nothing some super glue won't fix?
kek how much did you pay to super glue a broken pile of parts together?
Unfortunate, was the box fucked up or was he just like that when he got put in there? How shit is the neck range of movement?
Box was in fine condition. I'm guessing it was fucked up before it was packaged. And yeah the neck movement is pretty shit.
that's a return for sure
man I just wanted to order some gundams and now I see that they finally sell THE sister for under 50 bucks but the package is damaged. god dammit. Why does everything has to be so hard.
>but the package is damaged
who gives a fuck?
I don't know it's just that I'm very bad with making decisions and this just ruined my day.
ts are cool and all but if i grab any of them it would just be the cataphractii praetor
holding out for hh world eaters, they have to be soon, right?
I really wish that they had given one of them a heavy flamer or an autocannon instead of having 3 of them with storm bolters
Only 2 guys have combi bolters, it's harder to tell, but one has a combi-melta. To be honest, I was surprised they got as many options as they did with the claws, volkite, chain fist, power fist. Considering the 'official' pic from GW has them all identical, I thought they would be, like the SW termies recently.
but tusks are a universal Thousand Sons thing?
i thought it was a chaos thing but could be wrong
No? Aside from Magnus's daemon primarch form, I can't think of any. Are you thinking of black legion terminators? Tusks aren't part of the thousand suns aesthetic in any incarnation I'm aware of
one step closer to Rylanor
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Well damn. I've never had this happen before. I've waited over a month for this second warrior to come back in stock and then got this today. They really must have sold completely out at some retailers.
I actually looked up the kit since I was curious as to why they got weapon options and they wolf guard didn't. Both are Forgeworld, but the Sekhmet cabal kit is only partially resin, just the body/head and the arm with the power weapon. The rest of the parts are just a normal plastic cataphractii terminator sprue, so they have the option of equipping anything present on that sprue. The wolf guard are fully resin models and therefore their kit doesn't include any weapon options.
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I am not a fan of BA but couldn’t pass up Dante at a cheap price on Amazon. He has a face only a primarch can love.
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Agreed. The yellow was just right. Since then it’s been like 4 different shades and none have looked right. The new 30k con an Levi dreads look awful in the out the box colours but promos and box art have the right yellow, it’s frustrating. I sold all my IF just to collect BA and GK because of it.

The BA have had similar issues. 1.0 being great colouring and shading. 2.0 being too pinky with good shading and 3.0 being a good red but no shading. Eh it was it is. The drop between paint aps 1.0 and 2.0 is frustrating but hey ho.

Anyway stupid rant over. It’s toys it doesn’t matter and overall I’m happy we get these toys.

The 1.0 figures still have a lot of value to me for this reason. These IF and Blood Angels sets are the perfect trio, along with the 1.0 Heroes of the Chapter Ultramarines.
Thanks for the rec! I put in an order since my options are only getting smaller, hopefully they get here sooner than later.
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I originally got into BAs in the 90s, when they were more orangey and had a lot more yellow in their color scheme. So all the modern BAs seem dull and lifeless to me, I really don't like this dark red + black scheme.
My perception of these is so different in real life. In reality, the 1.0 looks great and I can barely see the subtle shading on the 2.0. But in pics, the 1.0 look incredibly overshaded and dusty, and the 2.0s look perfect.
how much
44$ CAD. Was 64$ on amazon prime and there was a 20$ coupon off. not bad
Forgot to mention that my Tartaros came in, and I think he's my favorite joytoy figure. Side profile makes me think of samas aran, so I might end up painting a mini a particular color scheme... (If I ever get around to getting them lol). I'm gonna stuff some bits from the ol' collection into the lip of his armored collar to add some sort of texture in there, so it doesn't look so plain.
Best picture I've seen of him to date; and it's just on your kitchen counter
Wow, they really went in on the shading on that Justaerin. Crazy.
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Yes I do get what you mean, I do think that is across the board for the main chapters though, the modern look is dark and gritty.
what in the fuck
Is that John Cena?
My shiny new allarus axe boys just shipped from joytoy, though my Horus from CTC has yet to ship
is anyone else having problems with him specifically, or is CTC the issue here? Hopefully not, they've been reliable so far and I'd rather not have to find a new go-to store
I've seen just one original pic here of someone of 'us' getting horus and that's the dude with the broken spikes like 2 days ago.
Willing to bet Horus is just going out fucking slow/delayed.
From what I heard, there were just a lot of orders and the Chinese buyers got theirs first.
that makes sense, he is "Mister Heresy" himself after all
truly the warhammer 40 thousand
why would the chinks even preorder
outright buying something isn't in their blood
they want to haggle and if possible just scam another while buying/selling
yeah, if I was assembling a "Catholic" team these guys would be great.
Gold paint and weird wings look un-warhammery.
that's quite the collection...
Probably in China where they're loads cheaper
I'm honestly more concerned about the space it takes up than the cost
It's not much cheaper really. We enjoy pretty good prices online, especially if you know how to use sites like Ali.
There's a $30 off $100 spent discount code at Flyima toy store on Aliexpress for today and tomorrow only
My Horus shipped from an Ali store a couple of days ago.
This. You can game Ali with coins and discounts and cashback sites and Chinese wages are much lower than the West so it wouldn't surprise me if we pay less in real terms.
Did anyone get the Flyima $30 off coupon to work? Naturally, it doesn't work for me.

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