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New Puppet Master figure out.
Does anyone actually like Leech Woman or does everyone find her nauseating.
To me at least she was always the least interesting, not helped by the fact she's like the only puppet to die (never watched the sequels past 5 so idk if that's still true), and is kinda of an odd one out since she just spawns leeches outta nowhere meanwhile all the other puppets have physical weapons.
But it's nice to cap of the OG team of puppets.
she comes with the box too
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can someone link the last thread?
I don't know. I got an e-mail about it and wondered what other people thought about the character.
mhm I saw, pretty neat
I’m surprised he doesn’t just have a trip at this point
I genuinely like her.
Yeah, she's the weirdest one. The leeches make no damn sense at all.
But I'm all about the OG movie, I think the one kill she got is just iconic as Tunneler's kill from under the bed. And the fact they killed her in 2 always kinda pissed me off.

Honestly, Pin Head is my least favorite of the original crew, and I'm sorta lukewarm on Sixshooter but I think that's more because I never liked 3 and onwards as much as the first two films.
I'd rank them as Blade, Torch and Tunneler as the GOATs, Leech Woman and Jester as the ones I have a soft spot for, and Pin Head and Sixshooter as the ones I can do without, but don't hate them.

Decapitron can suck a dick.
I read that the producers made them kill off LW because they found her too disgusting.
No knees?
Does she really need knees?
Just look at that mouth in OP's pic and tell me that she doesn't need knees for blow jobbing other figures.
Wait so leech girl is on her own? I was very happy to get jester and spider cowboy finally but this looks like someone's custom.
where did all these puppet master "fans" come from suddenly?
Fucking nightmare fuel, this shit didn't let me sleep for days.
she comes with the box for all of them>>11076512
what is it?
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Acksuly, it's Cheryl Merkowski, the most beautiful 25 year old chain smoker with 3/4 of a lung and prolapsed vagina.
Acksuly, Cheryl is a character on Madge Weistien's "Yeast Radio" podcast long before the video went viral all over the interwebs.
Wow she's literally me
The old figure was cuter. And she had nipples.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
>I never liked 3 and onwards as much as the first two films.
Yeah I was never big on them making the puppets heroes, 3 is not too bad in that regard because at least it's a prequel and you can argue that the years with no guidance caused their morals to skew.
Puppet Master has always had a decent cult following, not massive mind you, but it's there, there's just not much of a reason to bring it up most of the time.

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