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By Toy Story logic, if toys are actually alive, what's up with their alt faces?
I just imagine that the head only comes to life when attached to the toy, otherwise there are grim implications for all the collectors out there with big bags of spare heads sitting in bins atop countless alternate hands.
Shut up, retard.
Shut up, retard.
Shut up, retard.
I mean did alt heads really exist much when the original movie came out?
Shut up, retard.
Shut up, retard.
Please report and ignore, do not reply.
I can't even think of one. Honestly everything about toy story is terrifying unless toys themselves have an option to sleep/not be alive until a kid interacts with them.
Lurk more reddit
Banning him doesn't really work since he just ban evades. Hopefully he kills himself soon.
Mr. Potato Head rules.
What about things like bionicles then? The weird part comes where a new conscious can be created or snuffed out by a child at any moment if things like Forky can exist.
Seeing redditors everywhere's a symptom of delusional paranoia, anon. Something to mention at your next doctor visit.

I don't know, sometimes I stop seeing his posts for a while. Maybe it's only when he get banned on all his devices or he just gets bored.
Im suprised no ones attempted to dox chungusfurry and troll him irl yet.
As weird as it seems, I’m pretty sure chungusfurry makes these Toy Story related threads. Because I’ve noticed every so often a seemingly harmless thread about Toy Story is up and chungusfurry is in it in full force responding to everything.
go back
It's kinda sad how accurate this picture is.
Are we sure he isn't some A.I chatbot thats been programed to reply to threads?
I've made a few toy story threads and I honestly think he just hates the movies.
Don't know who that fag is but i know you are projecting your pedophilia Diosoth style.
He hates everything but minors anon.
it's just some schizo shf tard
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Sounds like you need to be dumped in sulfuric acid face first
They definitely use them like accessories given how the Potato Heads swap out their face parts. Like you piss off a toy and they’ll have to run off to go dig their angry face out of storage.
He’s also obsessed with the fwoosh/robo don’t know for some odd reason
Add that to the list of shit that triggers him, I guess.
It's a kids' movie. Mr. Potato Head's extra parts don't have any sentience when he's not using them, except when they do, like when all his parts get blown off and his mouth is still working. Don't overthink it or you get Toy Story 4.
I thought everything triggers him.
I'd assume it's like bad cop from the lego movie though maybe without the split personality disorder
or maybe that one guy from nightmare before christmas
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>I sure hope all those heckin zoomerinos don't use words like heckin, when they heckin say heckin and kino and chunky it makes me get a chunky rageboner but I can heckin say them without sounding like le heckin tarderino because reasons!
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Ban evasion soon, true believers.
At first I thought Forky may confirm my theory that a child must interact with a toy to give it its soul and bring it to life... but that's disproven in 2 when Buzz tries to take the belt from one Buzz and ends up bring that one to life. I guess toys have the power to bring other toys to life too? How about something like an alternate limb for Mr. Fantastic? I doubt those are moving around by themselves. Perhaps a toy has to be perceived as whole in order to become alive? A plastic spoon and some pipe cleaners are just junk, but when someone puts them together as a whole it's now alive?

Sure we're looking into it far more than one should, but for those who like the movie it's an interesting discussion. In my opinion I'd say if something is in pieces it's not a living toy. A bin of parts aren't alive until they're connected to a whole. Now what about a kitbash? I've done a couple myself and had this sort of question cross my mind before after seeing Toy Story in some fashion at the time. Since Woody had no idea what he was from I assume the toys only know what the owner gives them. Make a kitbash Ridley from Metroid? It'd have the gist of being an alien space pirate parent eating psycho. In toy form!
You could argue that children had seen those toys at Al's, the ones already removed from their packaging, and projected an idea of who they are and what they should be onto the toy- thus giving it "life."
However, how that applies to Zurg, Stinky Pete, the Barbies, etc doesn't really track. Ultimately I don't think there should've been a 3rd movie.
why are americans so obsessed with this movie
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Mr.Potato Head, in a way.
I was thinking about what kitbashes would be but I guess Sid already answered that.
>movie about toys
>toy board
figure it out Apu
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Something Chungusfurry never had.
This is something that I'm questioning. In Toy Story 3 we saw that a toy broken beyond reparation is considered "dead" for them, how would a Bionicle "die" then?
Considering that they can replace their broken pieces for new ones and even be improved by building a more solid body estructure or armor. Hell, it doesn't even be Bionicle alone. This also applies for those buidable toys.

>inb4 autism
Yes yes I'm autistic.
We never had it confirmed that they were dead. Ideally, a toy only "dies" when a child doesn't play with then anymore, and this could be compared to being in a deep sleep of sorts- but then Jessie has trauma from being in storage for years so that's out too.
Stop banevading
>woke programming
Giving a damn about others is woke now?
Woke is absolutely meaningless in current year, it just means ‘thing I don’t like’.
You like troon cock and minors chungusfurry
It in no way flopped and made over a billion ameribucks, even though I personally thought it was shitty, the fuck are you on about?
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>woke is when fork.
I hate this kind of thing too but...dafuk?
Forky didn't feel like them trying to sell merch. More like the "good" kid version of what Sid would do. Instead of mutilating toys and making weird abominations, it was taking junk and making it into something. I didn't hate 4 but didn't think it needed to exist. I agree with cross eyed Godzilla up there. How does fork = woke?

>calls movie shitty
>enjoy the slop lol
Please seek mental help.
Are you the catkiller?
The who? But no, I don't take puppies/cats out into a gravel pit and shoot them or anything, why?
The utensil was a plot point. The movie existed for the sole purpose of selling more Buzz and Woody's. Is everyone on retard pills?
Not any of the anons above but i totally forgot about her. She's woke as fuck, definitive example of it and all the shitting on Woody the movie does.
She wasn't even a girlboss in the original... woody also fucking abandons his entire friends and family just for that stupid whore which doesn't even make sense for woody to do.
Do all toys have the personality of their character? I know Buzz grew into his own person after living with the others, but when he came out of the box he was literally Buzz Lightyear, so it stands to reason that he has the personality of Buzz Lightyear.
They have the personality the child they should have, which means Andy is affected by Buzz’s existing canon in his tv show so projects that onto him. Or maybe it’s just random who fucking knows
So a /toy/ user's toys would all be degenerate perverts?
Yes. The toys belonging to /toy/ users are the Always Sunny cast version of the original character the toy was of, or just an original asshole.
>Forks are Woke.
Do you just eat Spaghetti with your bare hands like a subhuman?
Lego movie 2 touched on this with Superman declaring himself to now be "sillyman" as Lex Luthor makes milkshakes for everyone. This occurs when they are being played with by the sister who naturally makes them all fags.
I suppose this could work, each of Andy's toys are pretty well rounded while Bonnie's are each annoying and hyper.
He eats his spaghetti with chopsticks and not woke weatern forkys because he is a real white Florida dwelling samurai-san, you woke leftist.
Homotroonfaggotry and race obsession type woke is still far more egregious.
Wouldn’t mind that just its a kamikaze routine
>spamming with more unrelated shit
He sucks the tranny janny off to get a free troll pass along with diosoth so i think it's justified.
Sounds like you need to be put in a saw trap
How about your chunken brain matter splatters against the wall when you get doxxed and shot in the head
If each of you spergs just consistently reported this guy and didn't engage we would not have to deal with this. Lolcows of /toy/ make it too easy.
I mean, you've seen Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head numerous times in the films. Alt faces would logically work like their alternate bits - still able to be controlled and used by the figure they belong to even when detached.
Woody sliding one of his alt faceplates across the floor to get an upskirt view of a Barbie would totally be a plausible thing.
the ride never ends for us it seems
Brown pedophile.
The janny gets blowjobs by the board trolls in exchange to being able to do what they want, please understand.
Has anyone tried to just make an alternative toy board like website since the boards clearly a sinking ship?
I don't know. Tfw2005 Toyark?
Besides /toy/ and tfw2005, I couldn't find any toy boards. Everything else seems to be dead.
The only alternative is making a sub plebbit but genuinely fuck moving there, it’s more full of children than any of the chan boards.
>jannies have had to scrub this thread twice now
I look forward to more toy story threads
Just nuke the thread.
I'm a hard-core TS fan and even I think this is too much.
I would have spelt out Toy Story completely. The way you have it has other connotations.
Brown Pedo
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This is what happens when you force people to live in cognitive dissonance for too long.

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