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Previous thread: >>11062937

>Cartoon Collection Two-Bad coming to MC this Thursday as SDCC exclusive
>Horde Trooper Prime with Hoverbot and Leatherhead look great
>2-Bopsteady and Splinter went up for pre-order at Target and sold out.
>Necro Conda soon? Where's Vypor?
>Masterverse box reveals NE Mer-Man, Revolution Man of War, Sorceress Teela and BA Skeletor. Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives, they just get first dibs for a while. No ETA but expect them to show up on places like BBTS eventually.
>Mutated Moss Man and Mer Man showing up at Wal-Marts
>Sla'ker available in Target stores. Splinter-Skull spotted in store
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man and Merman. More rumors for an additional wave of Raph, Donnie, Rattlor, Mekaneck.
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, more details expected during SDCC
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are available, He-Man/Vecna pre-orders went up


Thread Question: Are there toys from the original vintage line that you still want ?
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nice pile of minicomics
>That's so bottom barrel it almost hurts

If the rest of vintage is bottom-of-the-barrel to you, what could they possibly release outside that that you'd consider worthwhile?
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Anyone else own any MOTU KOs? This is modern, heads are rubber, think its from Colombia or Venezuela. I thought it was pretty neat and was a better price than I normally see this stuff.
>Shadow Weaver
>Wrap Trap
>Shokoti (basically confirmed)
And a few more but I gotta go take a shit
Bought this set mainly because the gitd funko looked fun, but hot damn the fucker looks fragile. That waist wobbles like crazy and the joints are thin.

Still, face changing Skeletor is a blast and totally worth it.
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Anons.. they're going to make him and the CC horde trooper in the same marbled silver plastic as the vintage... right?
I just realised that Splinter-Skull's sword has the same peg as Boto's weapons. Which means

a) you can sword hands
b) You can put axe/drill/radar any other Boto weapon on top of Splinter's cane.
Can we see some more splinter skull pictures anon
They're not going to make him at all
I wish they would but >>11078716 is probably right. I already bought a Classics so he's represented on the shelf. IF Mattel wasn't so gay and retarded they would make Sunder because imagine how cheap he'd be with the parts reuse.
the grayskull line turned out so beast. best line of 2024 for me
Amazing how much better the Beastman body parts can look when they don't have retarded hands or sock feet. Splinter looks great.
Skaven custom when?
Damn well there already. Im not hardcore tog but that splinter looks really good, should pair nicely fighting off snakemen.
I own a couple of sungold warriors and one wolfman whose body and legs are one solid and heavy piece of waxy plastic but shoulders and head.
Together with my Sungold Anubi and a broken Hordak they were the first "motu" figures I owned.
At least he'll be easier to get than merman. Target handles exclusives way better than Walmart.
post incomplete metalbotos.
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It's funny, I almost didn't realize the shield was Metal-Boto's back piece.
he looks really good, i don't have any of the other crossover figures but am gonna have to grab him
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He's a war hero.
I have few questions
- I know that Grayskull harness and cape/fur are separate pieces but what's about the robe? Is it one piece? Or vest as one thing and skirt/belt are another? Or maybe belt just comes off?
- So if anyone without tail wears the tunic they'll have awkward butt hole?
-With head and torso connected, how do you activate Metal-Boto's gimmick?
-How does Metal-Boto looks from the back without the shell?
>"The war took me arms and me legs"

I wonder if Leatherhead's vest is removable, none of the photos show him without it
The robe on the torso is just an overlay. If you can get the harness off, you can untab the robe (in the front) and slip it off that body. The skirt is a piece that slips over the normal style hip/crotch setup with, yes, a hole in the back for the tail. So the tunic skirt part does have a hole in the back where it slides over the tail. It's not like, just a hole, though so it's not super distracting for non-tailed folks. Belt is all one piece iwth the tunic.

The gimmick is activated by twisting Metal's waist. It causes a paddle wheel in the chest to turn that flicks the little knub that makes the mouth move around.
>tfw you can have Skeletor, Shredder, Pighead, and Kane all plotting together in Snake Mountain on how to release the Demogorgon on He-Man
>Sorceress O'Neil can get a close up on Teela doing a mating press during her interview
It's a little much but the crossovers are fun here
I wonder if the Cartoon Collection Tuvar and Baddra will have the same colors as the vintage-style Two-Bad we hopefully get.

Hell, I wonder if the Masterverse colors match. I'd maybe like to use those heads on Tuvar and Baddra.
did anyone ever figure out what this head was for
Took a break from the Filmation stuff to binge the first half of Revelation. Boy is it bland. Back to the 80s for me.
Should have binged cgi instead. If nothing else, it's at least not bland.
Figured out already you can remove green torso part to see gears in his body?
Damn, Sssqueeze actually looks pretty cool with purple arms.
Weird that they gave Splinter an extra hand. That's not an accessory they usually pick for those things.
Looks like Sorceress. Maybe 200X variant?
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It looks absolutely nothing like 200x Sorceress.
Most likely it's just a first draft of the April head that they didn't like so revamped it. It'll wind up just a prototype head that never gets used on a finished product

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