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That'll be $600 USD, please
Yeahhh... I don't think I want to be called a pedo
What? You think it's weird for a grown man to own this?
I could buy a real one for around that price.
>can't make/buy her Witch Trainer outfits because the body itself looks like garbage when she's not wearing her original clothes
What's the point?
I wouldn't say no to ST Jasmine from the Jafar wedding ending.
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if its 1/6 maybe this body works.
>$600 for a head
I can probably get Emma to give me a head for that much.
An adult body obviously isn’t going to work for 12 years old Emma just because they’re both 1/6.
600 dollars and they still fucked her face.
Apparently they fixed the face after getting complaints.
i need to know only one thing
I had the same question, but sadly the answers no
they're not making a Ron Weasley, I already asked.
Who else would you expect to spend 600 dollars on a realistic figure of a real girl?
Sauce: my ass
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kid emma is best emma,
old emma is creepy.
>t. Emma
She'd still be kinda cute with a better hairstyle
Cover that forehead
LevioSAAAAAAAAAH ahhahaa
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Sauce: Their Instagram.
>they’re not making a Ron Weasley
That’s a lie and you know it.
They need to fix those knees
They’re giving her seamless legs.
Now they need to make her FULLY MODELLED
You know what to do, just go on their Instagram and ask for fully modeled cunny.

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