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So we can discuss random
toylines that don't really fit with the other generals.

What do you think of these 6" Contra figures?
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Why not just do a china or 3p general?
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There may be domestic lines to discuss as well, like Nacelle's Biker Mice from
Awesome! I love Contra!!
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Neca did it better
The absolutely did not. OP where did you find these so I can throw these two in the trash.
these looks like shit
Those would have been great if not for that shit NES coloring. Ruined them.
It's just falseflag bait, don't give him the satisfaction of freely summoning necanon to defend these.

Hiya is branching in all sorts of directions, so that's pretty fun. I wonder if we could see more old classic games or franchises getting figures from them.
They aren't even the right colors lmao
they're ugly and they're from the lame new game but I can't deny the appeal of a konami licensed videogame figure being sold for $25.
I don't get the idea.
Contra is a series only boomers and millennials know about.
Anyone who knows these games knows that only the first few are good.
Yet, they made figs based on nu shit games nobody cares about.

They should have made Serious Sam or Duke Dukem if they wanted more modern approach.
Wanted to customize them to look like the classic designs but they are pinless....shit
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Glad that this line is continuing, even if it took forever.
I wonder if 1000toys is operational again. If they're able to reissue their various figures that'd at least bring them some outcome/products. Must be a small run with how expensive these are though. Them and TEST are really pushing the limits on prices, unless they just both use some expensive ass factory or something.
They did jason freddy and godzilla in similiar fashion. Id say jason looks almost decent put thats just my foggy memory.
It's been like 6 years since Lobster Johnson was announced. I'm honestly shocked this thing is even releasing. I hope they get to Roger, Liz, and Krauss eventually.
The whole soft plastic over armature design that they use for these things probably costs more to produce than a normal import figure, but yeah these prices are really pushing it. When you account for inflation though even the original release would have cost about $140 in today's dollars.
I really fucked up just sitting on my 2nd copy of regular Hellboy all this time. At least the trade off is that the line continues. Just ordered them both on BBTS since I cancelled my original deluxe ver. Hellboy.
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Is this mcfarlane?
Yes, their long expected Medieval Spawn Kickstarter.

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Wild that it's been 23 years and this is still the best medieval spawn.
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That's Stonerow, InArt's new line. They're also doing some Batman and LotR stuff. People are saying $80-100 for them but with InArt's 1/6th stuff being close to $700 sometimes, I'm betting they'll be pretty expensive for 1/12th

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