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What site is trustworthy to buy it?
For America, Europe, Asia...?
If you really want the wide eye faceplate you'll have to go through Kotobukiya, Sideshow or BBTS. If you don't care you can get it cheaper on any japanese figure store.
how is she and the tapes floating?
It’s not a statue retard
So there are three faceplates. In a couple of sites, i saw 3 different styles shown in the pictures, but they only specify to include the "hair over face" and the "melancholic eyes" in the description
Yeah, there is the covered face and seductive eye that are included as a standard. The "limited" variant is one where she has a 3rd option wider eye like in the movie.
since when do statues have interchangeable parts? clearly it's an unarticulated figure.
Shut up, retard.
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Took them long enough to capitalize on all the rule34 she's been getting in recent years. Now how long for an action figure with those proportions from a company like Snail Shell I wonder...
Shut up, retard.
Statues belong on /toy/ THAT'S FACT.
Also, you don't own this board you wannabe janny.
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based and chadpilled
I'd love to suck the paint off those toes
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Isn't this character like 12? Why are there coom figs of her?
Because the boys who were scared shitless by a girl crawling through the TV are now men praying that a woman crawls through the TV.
She was my first waifu.
>Isn't this character like 12?
No, she was 19 when she was killed, at least in the books. Also, because of Androgen insensitivity syndrome, Sadako has a pair of testicles hanging off her vagina.

Happy fapping!
They made her a kid in the american remake, she was 19 in the original
yeah i rubbed one out to her to some SFM i found of her and there are plenty of H-manga monster girls inspired from her
Sadako is a man, though. A true hermaphrodite with male gonads.
Fortunately the movies, manga, and rule34 artists have all ignored this.
So Sadako has a pussy and balls, but no penis? Damn it, so close to being a full package futanari.

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