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I missed the life size nick preorder. Probably going to kill myself over it because theyre not going to sell it again and no ones selling it. Disney claims another human life with stupidity.
How much was it?
if its something worth suicide then just financially break yourself chasing it 2nd hand? Nothing worth dying for
That looks legit terrible lol
If you're that horny, find a furry plush maker on etsy that can do 1000x better.
Rest in peace.
Rather have a lifesize version of that model's feet than a homosexual fox. See you in the next life, op.
If this is all it takes, thank you Disney!
You're better off without it

Try the etsy route if you don't care about off model work
The type of adult who would want that is probably the kind that should kill themselves, desu.
How long till someone glues on a dog penis?
Yiff in hell furfag
Cry more bitch
Do they make a life size Judy to match?

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