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File: 76908-1.jpg (41 KB, 690x278)
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Guys, I have a very important and deeply sensitive question. I ordered 2 copies of the Lamborghini Countach 76908 set. I'm going to leave one of the boxes packed. I'm not a reseller, but it's important for me to choose exactly the box that I don't mind unpacking. One of them has 3 wrinkles and a little squashed corners, the second has ok corners and only 1 wrinkle, BUT there are small paint chips throughout the box. Important question, take it seriously.
try finger but hole
Contact customer support and express your anxiety to them. Demand they do better. Your results will be optimized by your ability to convey life-ending distress over the phone. Bonus points if you can fake cry. This is what all the pros do. Love you.
Love you too friend, i guess i will just finger butt hole and accept my pitiful fate
Maybe go outside and buy from a store where you can pick the box that;s right for you?

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