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>all these new SDCC reveals
>TFW its all 1/12 shit
Yeah that must suck
any ways good luck not being able to enjoy anything
What's with all these piddly SDCC threads complaining about random shit? Is it just newfags being vocal and this is their first SDCC or something?
>new goku announced
>isn't 1:1 scale so can't have sex with it properly and will just have to settle for shoving it up my ass
damn it sdcc you've failed me!
>TFW its all 1/12
So, the best scale?
1/18 fag stay SEETHING
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>all these new SDCC reveals
>TFW its all 1/12 shit

Go on...
What was going on here again? Picard was being interrogated, right? Alien guy wanted him to say there X amount of lights when there was less than that?
Yeah, they were trying to break him into agreeing with a blatant untruth (number of lights) as part of torture/interrogation iirc. I want to say it was probably Romulans.

Greyish looking aliens with bumps on their forehead/andor/face?
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Oh, then my bad, it was Cardassians.
I forgot what they were called too. I miss TNG, good times back then.
Same. My dad would let me stay up to watch TNG and DS9.

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