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File: exo_6_tpol.jpg (80 KB, 1000x743)
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redpill me on Exo-6, are they any good?
File: IMG_1694.jpg (292 KB, 2048x1152)
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They’re pretty good. Not as good as Hot Toys, but they’re also not as expensive. They’re also going pretty in depth within Star Trek, it seems they’re gonna do all the complete crews. They actually just released Neelix, finishing off the Voyager main crew. Not my pic, but everything they’ve released so far together. I’m mostly going for their original series, TNG, and DS9 offerings. Which DS9 is the crew they’re closest to finishing next, as they’ve done Sisko, Quark, Kira, and Odo and have Bashir up for preorder and Dax teased.

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