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Previous thread: >>11078159

>motherfucking Thunder Cats is crossing over with MOTU next, 2025
>Cartoon Collection Two-Bad SOLD OUT, Mattel glowies confirm that a Vintage Origins Two-Bad is already sculpted and waiting to get put into production
>Horde Trooper Prime, Necro-Conda, and Leatherhead are STILL up for pre-order at Walmart and did not instantly sell out
>2-Bopsteady and Splinter went up for pre-order at Target and sold out. Sometimes coming back in stock but otherwise easy to find in person for burgers
>Vypor has joined Necro-Conda and Reptilax on BBTS for pre-order
>Leaks were correct for Masterverse, ToG, but no sign of Bow anywhere
>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives and might show up at other retailers in the future
>Mutated Moss Man and Mer Man showing up at Wal-Marts
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Dragon Ninjor, Foot Ninja King Hiss, Snapping Turtle Clamp Champ, Rattlor's bones, snake spying Mekaneck, Snake Shredder, and four more turtles
>ToG has been taken over by snakes too
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, price tba and pre-orders opening later in August, all backers get Lady Slither's corpse if it is successful in the first 2 weeks
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are available at Target in droves, He-Man/Vecna up next
>Mattel confirms more animated shows are coming, no further details
>Did I forget anything else?


Thread Question: What SDCC reveals are a must have?
Excellent OP image, nice work.
I fucked up the Thundercats date by a year but otherwise thank you
Just a suggestion for future threads, but would it work better to actually categorize greentext so it seems less haphazard and all over the place?
>Origins news:
>Rio-Blast, Modulok confirmed; Two Bad announced as sculpted; Demo Man and Geldor upcoming; etc
>Cartoon. Collection news:
>Two Bad sold out; new reveals She-Ra, etc etc

And so forth.
Did they say what that Blade figure was going to be for? Was he Maaterverse or Origins? It was hard to tell.
>>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives and might show up at other retailers in the future
It was Masterverse.
allegedly, Modulok might not be Creations?
DId they announce when that Masterverse Horde Trooper is coming?

ToG Rattlor is the best overall toy reveal so far to me. It looks so good.

That Snake lair is friggin huge. I kinda doubt we'll see it fund past a second tier if it even gets there.
I forgot Blade, I will add him for the next checklist if anyone cares
much as I don't like them, they are proving reliable
noted :)
Reveals of the show for me are definitely ToG Ninjor and Rattlor. They both looks so good.

Things I might grab are snake Shredder, maybe some of the Turtles, MV Horde Trooper, and the rest of MV. I'm not big on Roboto, it really doesn't feel like an NE release (kind of like Man-E). Beast Man looks good but I don't really see why. Lyn looks great, but if that's all she comes with, that's a bit lacking. At least a second head. And I'm not a fan of Flying Fists but I do like the new armor he's got.
I think that was brought up in one of Pixel Dan's videos. Apparently they couldn't say what retailer(s) would have him. I assume it'll be like Necro-conda and show up on places like BBTS first
Is Masterverse done at Amazon or are Amazon just taking their sweet time putting the new figures up?
Up in Canada it feels like only Amazon carries Masterverse, or any MOTU for that matter.
Sweet time. They'll go up eventually
Turtles of Greyskull Mekaneck should have been Stratos instead. I stand by this statement.
There's only one thing I hate more than Snakes and it's that goofy ass flying monkey. In all seriousness I think it makes sense for the guy with the extending neck to be infiltrating the snakes, no pun intended but Mekaneck would be very in over his head doing that.
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who else Octuss-pilled here?
oh shit he's cool! imagine a toy that shoots ink out the mouth when you squeeze the head-bulb. or just sprays water like kobra khan
Is that real? If so yes please, all the MOTU Octopus.
OP forgot to mention that the ToG is potentially being rebranded as "reptile wars" so yes it really is being taken over by the snake train
watch the vid, sadly this is fanart
You're a kid now, you're a squid now
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>CC She-Ra and Catra
>Origins Rio and Modulok
>Dragon Ninjor
Snakes won by a mile but I'm happy
The more I look at it the more I hate it and angrier I get that they pulled a bait and switch. If I knew they were going to change it, I would have voted for the Horde Tower. At least that would have made it better if it were large. Duck this shit.
>What SDCC reveals are a must have?

I wanted Ninjor but I have never seen a delux ToG figure with my own two eyes except Clawjaw going up on MC.

I wanted Rioblast a lot but I will probably he sleeping when he goes up on MC.

I'll probably just get New Eternia Fisto because he's one of my favourite characters.
Okay, sure, yeah, but... robot snake.
Don't care for the sculpts on the back wall of the original design, but otherwise it's got a lot more personality compared to the new design. The new one looks like an Imaginext design.
Damn, the all the new turtles look way better than wave 1/2.
I dont even care anymore but fuck you for ever voting snake. The concept art was already so redundant when you imagine this thing lined up next to Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain, at least this thing is somewhat different.
>I wanted Ninjor but I have never seen a delux ToG figure
Why would you think he's deluxe? Aside from the long neck, he's no different than Hordak who's a regular figure. Same wings, and a sword.
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Mutated Rattlor is some pure body horror shit, his skull and spine are escaping out of his body. Now I want this fucker to fight against my Skeleton Warrior.
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More snakemen
Oh, what a relief! Thank you!
Also if you are OP, thanks for the sweet thread and checklist!
Ah I should have known! Thanks!
I hope we get an Origins of Blade and Saurod eventually.

I didn't think about how parts from the new Jake could be used on MOTU figs but I can see use for those boots.

I was pretty disappointed on the character selection with the newer superstars seeing only Guerrero and Neidhart as new wrestlers. I am glad to see them easing into the late 90s/2000s with wrestlers though.
He's getting a new snake sculpt, too. Also we're getting Cactus Jack so a friend for Rio
I really don't understand the point of New Eternia. They just look worse
ToG Rattlor and CC Hordak are the only new reveals I realy wanted. The rest were neat, I would have bought Rio if he wasnt a MC exclusive but its too late for that. Really though at this point the only things I reallly want to see in the line aside from random Heman and Skelly variants like slime pit, leo toys, etc is Fuerza T. I think the thundercats crossover will be fun but more than anything else I want Fuerza T. I do wonder if they are considering a DC crossover though.
i got such a kick out of him that im genuinely torn as to whether or not I should buy the first origins rattlor or just settle for this badass
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Evil Warrior fag here.
Never heard of this guy but he's going on the wishlist. All the Evil Warriors please
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I voted for the Snake Lair, bought many of the Snake Men, and was looking forward to this playset more than anything this year, and yet I am extremely disappointed in what Mattel is offering.

This product seems like a perfect example of working backwards from bad assumptions. Instead of building on the economical designs of Origins playsets, Mattel decided this playset HAD to be crowdfunded. Which meant, in their minds, it HAD to be huge, it HAD to be flashy, and it HAD to be expensive, when in reality, it didn't need to be any of those things.

One of the big reasons I was looking forward to the Snake Lair as it was prototyped was because it looked like a ruined jungle temple. It was light brown with greenish tones, which made it resemble South American temples and brought a new color scheme to MOTU playsets. Not only does the dark brown color scheme not fulfill that fantasy, it reminds me too much of the Super7 Snake Mountain. This does not feel like a complimentary product.

Beyond that, I just find it ugly. It's asymmetrical in a very unsatisfying way. It doesn't have anything truly unique, like the tall vertical stairway from the prototype. It has so many lame snakes instead of one badass snake. It looks like three different playsets bolted together because the various pieces don't fit together organically.

I'll save a bit of money not buying this, but man, I'd have LOVED to spend $80 on that prototype.

Mattel truly sucks when it comes to crowdfunding.
Why does Mattel always feel this need to make Snakes an "event"? Like, in vintage, they were just a small subline, they could come along for the ride, but they never overshadowed anything.

But then after that
>200x: VS The Snakemen
>Origins: Rise of the Snakemen
>ToG: Reptile Wars
>Almost every villain must be a Snake, and everyone else needs super special snake armor and the package must be changed

Horde never does this, (although the reveals at SDCC aren't encouraging that they won't do that next year) despite being a more popular team. They just pop up, never prevent other teams from showing up simultaneously, or spawn anti-Horde variants.
Classics also didn't act like snakes needed a big production, they just mingled in like everyone else.
And it feels like most times they won't even touch snakes until they're ready to start an "event". Case in point, not a single one in Masterverse yet. What are they waiting for? ToG to end so they can spam "New Eternia vs Snakes" or for season three of Netflix to be "Reptilution?"

Not really looking to drag out bitching over snakes, I just really don't get it. Why snakes? Why can't they just be part of the brand and not take over the full thing when they show up?
Is he a mix or just some Mutant power? Besides body horror? It looks like some soul magic thing.
>Thread Question: What SDCC reveals are a must have?
Unabashed Snakefag checking in after I had to sit out SDCC, so I'm gonna give my full thoughts.
Definitely buying multiple Moduloks, and Rio.
I'm not even deep into CC, but Hordak, Catra, Mantenna, and Vultak are really impressive. I may get Man-E-Faces if I don't find either vintage or MC one cheap. Ram Man can suck it.
Rattlor, Ninjor, Snake Shredder, Hiss Foot, and Donnie have been the highlight of the con. Raph is fine but I like the first one better.
Snake Armor Mikey does nothing for me but his weapons are cool. I like snakes, but not everything needs to be snakes, will probably get him anyway.
Mekaneck and Clampy are lowest priority.
Only the Horde Trooper is wowing me. Skelecon and Lyn are fine. The rest are meh.
>Biggest disappointments
Was expecting at least one more Vintage, Cham-or, and Horde Extendar to be shown.
Demoman and Geldor just having MOTUC heads thrown on Origins bodies is as cheap as it gets.
Snake Lair feels like a bait and switch, especially with the "promise of a Preternia Lair if we get X backers" bullshit. Boney Slither looks shit. The coolest thing is that it comes with the Rattle Trap, which is also the worst thing about it since it feels like they threw in a vehicle to pad it out, and needing to pay Eternia money to get a vehicle is going to suck.
>Mondo 200x
This feels like a finger curled up on the monkey paw, and I'm never going to see big bulky Tung Lashor to bully Teela, or if it does happen, the paint will chip. I hope Mondo can get their shit together before Tung and The General.
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>Voting snake
>Horde never does this, (although the reveals at SDCC aren't encouraging that they won't do that next year) despite being a more popular team. They just pop up, never prevent other teams from showing up simultaneously, or spawn anti-Horde variants.
If He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002) had gotten renewed for a third season, the Horde would have conquered Eternia and He-Man's transformation would have been into Anti-Horde Armor instead of Snake Armor. I assume if this had even gotten as far as sketching the new armor, Scotty would have made it in Classics.
the clear plastic gives me more of a vibe that he's shedding his skin and a ghost form is escaping from his body. like some sort of Pokemon evolution.

inb4 the snakemen kill ToG too
I voted snake not because I wanted it to win, but because I wanted all the toonshit to lose.
Which it did.
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>Frightzone is toonshit
>Implying something I didn't say

You were allowed to vote two options
I voted Fright Zone and Snake Lair
Fright Zone was what I actually wanted
Snake Lair was my back up because if the choice I wanted lost, I could at least take satisfaction in toonshit losing across the board.
>Horde never does this
I hope you are a zoomer to say something that ignorant. Picrel. Also what >>11088538 said.
>inb4 the snakemen kill ToG too
Snakes sell better than Naked Stratos, or 50 zany He-man and Skelly repaints and variants.
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>horde tower is toonshit
It is clearly modeled after it
Sticking a Horde logo on the card isn't "taking over the line".
During the Hordes tenure in vintage we still got loads of Evil Warriors, no heroes got specifically "anti-Horde" variants, the packaging didn't change right across the line it only showed up specifically to denote Horde members, and snakes debuted too during that period (with their own logo no less) so it wasn't ALL HORDE ALL THE TIME. And the 200x stuff didn't actually happen, so why should we count it? Lots of things could've happened but didn't.
So no, to date, Horde has never done what the Snakes routinely do. And you come across as grasping at straws for a gotcha
Knowing what a glow-up the Snake Lair has been given compared to the concept art (with the concept art version still being a stretch goal, apparently), I really hope they let Fright Zone and Doom Tower have another chance, because I would love them to make both with the ability to combine them. It always felt unfair that the Horde got the short end when it came to bases.
If I had known the concept art was only going to be loosely interpreted and making them bigger was a possibility, I probably would have voted Fright Zone/Doom Tower instead of Fright Zone/Snake Lair.
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... damn now I look and feel stupid. Didn't really watch pop as a kid. It was the "girl" show. But I'd vote for a rotten fucking potato before I'd vote for anything snake. They can keep their giant $500 crowd funded snake shit

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