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not if it's bandaislop
Of course I think most collectors will say the same. If you are about a franchise then some times the urge to have that complete group or set will make you feel obligated too.
I don't know if I get this logic. If you like a group or s team of characters, the implication is that you like at least most of them. If that weren't the case, you'd just buy the one or two members you actually like. I'll give you an example, I'm not the biggest fan of Dragon Ball GT, but I like some of the designs here and there. So I'll pick up the designs I like. Meanwhile, I do like the Jim Lee era X-Men team as a whole. Save for like one or two members I find kind of annoying like Jubilee. But, because I like the whole group, I'll buy figures of them, even if a couple aren't my favorite characters, I still like them enough to warrant a purchase.

If you only like one or two members of a group, you don't actually like the group and should just stick to the characters you like. If you like the majority of the group, you'll probably buy the whole group despite not like one or two members.
Yes, but then I realised it was stupid so I don't do it now
>Meanwhile, I do like the Jim Lee era X-Men team as a whole. Save for like one or two members I find kind of annoying like Jubilee. But, because I like the whole group, I'll buy figures of them, even if a couple aren't my favorite characters, I still like them enough to warrant a purchase.
Mafex Jubilee and me, right there.
>Do you ever buy figures you otherwise wouldn't b}to complete a group or team?
Of course I do, it's called buying toys. My whole goal was to complete a team to begin with and I'm going to need to buy toys to do that.
If they are expensive, no. If cheap, i might buy a figure that complements the others i already have, but i still have to like it individually to a certain degree.
Completionism is consoomerism/bad toy collecting. I buy who i want and make my own teams
Lmao, there is no bad toy collecting. People are free to collect whatever and however they choose. If you want to go out and buy 200 Furby's and keep them in their boxes stacked in your living room, that is 100% your prerogative and I personally feel I have no place to judge. As long as you're not harming yourself or others, and can still pay your bills, do whatever you want.
that trunks figure doesn’t scale with any other figures in the line
I bought all the girl from nekopara even if I only wanted Coconut
>Figma/Nendoroid just make Chocola and Vanilla
it depends on how well the toy brands blend together. i dont like inconsistent proportions it gives me OCD.
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I sometimes buy characters as a display accessory for another character. Like that bootleg Alphonse I got to enhance Ed. Or Bluto to use as a punching bag for Popeye
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haha, you keep 200 Furby's and do nothing with them
News flash genius, all toy collecting is consumerism. Hell, anything you buy is consumerism.
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If I don't get all these furbys how else am I gonna make a screaming furby piano?
Only the Ginyu Force
I got to matador last night lol.
>Hell, anything you buy is consumerism.
I think this conflates consumerism with the act of purchasing in general. Buying food, transportation and housing is not consumerism. It’s the social and economic systems that lead consumers to purchase goods that they don’t need to survive in increasing quantities that’s known as consumerism.
That's just kind of stupid if you ask me because you'll be looking at a design you don't like in your collection.
Worse. I buy figures just to complete bafs.
Do you sell the unwanted figures without the baf after?
Depends. I won’t getting that Trunks figure but I already have this Goku and Pan on pre-order.
if you can remove pan's bandana then it's a must.
Don't care about the rest
I can't stop thinking about Panchan.
>Buying food, transportation and housing is not consumerism.
Eh, the basics you need to live, sure but beyond that? I would consider it consumerism.
Hell of those transportation is debatable on its own due to public transport existing.
No, i only buy toys of designs i think are cool
i dont like inconsistent IPs it gives me OCD. Each shelf has to be the same series, all in scale.
Is angewomon massaging the demifiend?
I love Goku and Pan!

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