I hope they keep this rolling and get out as many of legendary's unrepresented OC's as they can.Previous thread >>11218447
>real feel godzilla and kongBig W for scalies and furries i hope they enjoy
>>11241118Degenerate faggot shit. It's what people who buy children's toys made by megacorps sold in mass market retail stores are into. I buy toys for adults made by artisans that require international concierge services to acquire. I only have sex with my lawful wife in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation.
>>11241186Godzilla is a loving partner
Just remembered they did not announce a Megalon figuarts this Godzilla day and suffered intense pain. They didn't even announce a Showa Ghidorah.
>>11241398It's actually insane that he doesn't have a monster arts yet, does japan just hate him or something?
>>11241398Yeah it's super lame that we didn't get anything for Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla since it's their anniversaries as well. I'm still glad we got Anguirus now though.>>11241431Don't quote me on it, but from what I remember, most Japanese fans don't really care for the more schlockier Showa-era movies. So there isn't much merchandise for those monsters.
Hiya Mechagodzilla 1993
>>11241506fuk it looks good...
>>11241506Oh man, now I can't wait until they do OG MechaGoji and KIryu
>>11241506I saw the price tag and wondered why he was more expensive than their usual figures and then i got to this slide, hes a big guy
>>11241021>Real feelI prefer an abstract kind of feel
>>11241431To be fair a lot of monsters you'd think would have monstersarts by now don't, like how are we only just now getting an Anguirus?? We'll probably see a Megalon next year.
That Drownviper is pretty awesome. Still 10 bucks?
>>11241740It looks like shit
>>11241528>>11241506>>11241526This guy probably won't be as rattly and rickety as the SHMA eh?
>>11241528The trendmasters and gamecube game didn't prepare me for how much he actually towered over Godzilla in the movie.
>>11241740Fuck off Boco.
>>11241118I think the outer skin of those toys are made of a rubber material, so that they feel like skin. Why Kong would have that instead of a flocked plastic I have no idea. The upside is that you can grope Kong's rubbery breasts.
>>11241840Yeah he'll be made out of rubber instead
>>11241744So at least it's screen-accurate.
>>11242234It's a pretty good design, colorful and striking while looking like random giant fauna, excellent enemy for kong
>>11242243You're making excuses for it
>>11241021Wonder if they'll do that frog and those wolves at this rate, could do a two pack.
>>11242248King kong battles nameless wildlife, it's his thing. This design is perfect for that and good on it's own. What do you want there be little king ghidorahs and gigans flying around?
How many versions can we expect of each mechagodzilla from Hiya?
Just pre-ordered 1k worth of hiya
>>11241528i dont know what it is but both this and the monsterarts head just seem off
>>11242506At least 3 possibly 4The current version, a beam varient, super mechagodzilla version, and a battle damaged version.I'll be skipping all of them. I've got no interest in ozempic Mechagodzilla.
>>11242553Oof, Hiya's hips aren't great.
>>11241431bro he's only in his movie and the american made video games. toho would disown megalon if they could. he's OUR guy now.
>>11242506The unfinished beta, the more finished second recolor release, the 'battle' version. Then when you've waited through all these for the best release...whoops, no more! Hope you like the aftermarket.>>11242553What are those weird flowery wavy bits on his legs?
>>11242553What a strange kaiju to suddenly choose to be very stylistic in there interpretation of it.>>11242556the whole thing isn't great.The Hips are not even remotely accuratethe pelvis is way too smallthe waist is way too tapered which isn't helped by his upper torso being too broad.her shoulders don't have the proper back slopehis neck is too long/too narrow.The SHMA isn't accurate either with it's messed up chest and undersized shoulders, but it captures the bulk of the suit more faithfully, unlike the Hiya which looks like it's been slimmed down to work better as a toy, similar to the Super7 Destroyah. This is the first time I've seen Japanese Twitter complain a Hiya figure. There was like one guy who was annoyed by Millennium Goji's hips not being spiky enough, but I think he was the only one where as I've seen several make whole threads complaining about this figure
>>11242553all they need to do is give him bigger pecs, feet, and remove that weird skirt thing between his thighs
>>11242520For what purpose
>>11242688they look cool
I feel like once hiya improves on articulation and increases their gallery of kaiju, monsterarts will become less popular to the point that it dies off. Is this a fair assumption?
>>11243340I'm already sitting here wondering if I want to sell off some of my Monsterarts. I was a completist, have everything up to this point. But I'm starting to...sour on it all.
>>11243344There’s nothing wrong with mixing lines. Just keep the good ones and if hiya makes a superior version sell the one you already have.
>>11243344I'll buy them
>>11243340I doubt it, monster arts might have to make some changes in a few places but they don't occupy exactly the same market niche
>>11243340I'll buy any if the onse I dont already own off you Hiyafag
>>11243340Eh I don't see that happening, nor do I want it to happen, I like both lines and enjoy seeing what they each put out since right now they're doing pretty different stuff (monsterarts is slowly making its way through Showa, meanwhile Hiya has been doing monsterverse stuff and is getting into heisei)
>>11242248You're seething because Japan didn't make it.
>>11243340>I feel like once neca improves on articulation and increases their gallery of kaiju, monsterarts will become less popular to the point that it dies off. Is this a fair assumption?Now you realize how retarded you sound.
>>11243340>Is this a fair assumption?Absolutely not. There will always be upsides and downsides to both lines, neither will ever be objectively better than the other in every aspect. Also consider the fact that SHMA has other IPs to work with like the Yu-Gi-Oh amd Monhun stuff.
>>11243622Literally the dumbest thing you could've said.
>>11243701I don't think they were insulting Neca, anon, just that Monsterarts isn't going to die just because there another popular Godzilla line in the west.SHMA didn't get cancelled when neca were producing figures and they won't when Hiya is, both lines will just run concurrently.
>>11243723SHMA needs to get cancelled already. No more special colors.
>Hiya unveils their worst looking figure and people call it out>Hiyashill start posting about how SHMA is totally done for
>>11243892Not necessarily a hiya shill, I collect both but I just can’t justify the prices bandai puts out. I actually prefer monsterarts because of the articulation but hiya figures are bigger and sturdier at a much lower price. Old me would have instantly bought the new jet jaguar but now I’m not too sure if the price is justifiable
>>11243723This is exactly what I meant, thank you for putting two and two together.
>>11243892Hiya just made a post saying they're listening to the feedback and fixing the figure lol You can't fault them for listening, you don't really see other companies do the same.
>>11242564Does that one Godzilla day short count?Also was he really not the PS3/4, game?
>>11241501>Japanese fans don't really care for the more schlockier Showa-era movies. So there isn't much merchandise for those monsters.Not really. Gigan has appeared so often in toys that he's practically the sixth of the Big 5. Megalon was a semi-regular in the old toys as well and Hedorah, while a more recent thing (dude didn't have a ton before the 50th), is getting a lot of toys as well.Megalon not getting a Monsterart yet, especially after his 50th, is a little odd.
I wasn't too worried because they're always altering grey prototypes that show up at conventions.
This isn't a toy so don't ban me bro but I just got one of these and it's tits. In going to link it I see that it's now on sale for $10 cheaper than I paid last week. They also have MechaG(white monster lol) and Gigan versions. Only complaint I have is that the cord wasn't long enough for how high I wanted it on the wall so I had to get a USB extension cord and I wish it could get maybe one click more dim(I'm just not used to it yet maybe). Top setting could be used as a runway light at an international airport.https://www.amazon.com/JOSEBRU-Monster-Dimmable-Fire-breathing-Dinosaur/dp/B0BN7V74B5https://www.amazon.com/Monster-Dimmable-Decoration-Birthday-Christmas/dp/B0D2KCQX98/139-0553838-4223355
>>11244723Not toys
>>11244725It shines on my toys though.
>>11244645Wasn't Hedorah pretty popular in the indie sofubi scene?
>>11244729Hedorah is pretty popular everywhere. Just look at how much merch they pump out for it compared to other kaiju. I'd say it probably goes something like MechaG, Ghidorah and then Hedorah as far as top 3 non-goji kaiju getting routine merch.
>>11244729Oh sure.I was just going by Bandais, Bullmarks, and the such. Which by comparison, Gigan and Megalon mogged Hedorah for a while.
>>11243340How articulated is that hiya Goji compared to the non evolved SHMA one from the new empire? The shma is the only one I have and I feel it can hunch down better and move the neck more than the hiya
>>11244893The articulation on that pre evolved shma is unquestionably better, the tradeoff being that it has the absolute worst dog ass mold they've ever shat out. Im convinced that release is a prank on their customers to see if they'll just buy anything.
>>11244897The prices would be fucked but I reckon if SHMA made new molds not based on concept art they would beat HIYA on everything but price (and probably accessories since they're so stingy lol)
Very excited, just came in the mail
>>11240986Why does one-eye get twice the articulation of godzilla though
>>11244690i hope they fix the head and neck
>>112451642POA kino>>11245247To make up for the one eye, duh.
>>11240986>>11241021Has anyone here seen the Drownviper and One Eye wave in stores themselves? I'm not sure if I should start looking for them yet or not.>>11245164I like the color of the gold. It darker than I was expecting.
How do these Hiya whatsits compare to the MonsterArts? I've got this old one and his hand keeps falling off real easy, been eyeing that Hiya GMK.
>>11245886Most answers you're going to get here are very autistic and polarized. Short answer is that shma has much better build and material quality and usually better articulation (this particular gap is closing quickly) and then hiya generally has more faithful likenesses and much more economical pricing from a dollar/quality ratio. Neither of them have good qc so dont listen to anyone saying one or the other is better in that regard. For my money id say the hiya gmk is a very solid bet but the monster arts is actually quite good too if you dont mind the crazy aftermarket.
>>11242243it's an eel bro
>>11245886i'd definitely snag the hiya GMK if you missed the monsterarts simply because it'll be economical and while it's not guaranteed to be a great figure, it'll likely be fine for the price point. Hiya is pushing out figures at economical rates, so criticisms should be metered respective of this
>>11245911Yeah and it's a good fantastical eel design. What's your point?
>>11245917i guess my point is that I don't like it, because it's an eel
>>11245903>>11245915Much appreciated. Was either that or Millenium but I figure since I already got a blue beam effect from the MonsterArts I could use it for GMK.
Any of you fags have any CCP vinyl monster figures? They look rad, but damn they are $50 a pop for something the size of a popcan that can only move its arms up and down.
>>11244690man if they deliver an 8 inch mecha g for that price i can't imagine anyone bitching about it
>>11246057Got this guy from the toho offices gift shop and i love him to death, under normal circumstances though i would say hes probably not worth the price. Just look at him though he's got a lot of charm.
>>11246057I don't have any of the middle size (I think that's the line you're talking about), but I do have this Hedorah from the Artistic Monster Collection line. It's a lot bigger but like you said it's just the arms that move (and technically you can remove/rotate the smokestack, but that doesn't really count).I'm happy with mine, but I will say I got it on sale for 9000¥. Might not be worth it at full price. I love how this one looks in particular, but I haven't been impressed with most of the pictures of others I've seen. I would post a picture of mine, but I'm away visiting family for the week.
>>11245886Hiya is still relatively new to the kaiju scene so there isn’t enough data to make a decision. Their newer sculpts are good plus they are taking their time improving already announced figures with updated articulation, I’d say their figures will be awesome if not better than monsterarts.
>>11246061Delicious gummy zilla.>>11246282I'll say this for ozempiczilla, the articulation possibilities are great
>>11246258Nevermind, just remembered I have an old picture of it on my phone. Doesn't showcase the Hedorah the best, but there's a Kiryu for scale.
>>11246385That the new mms Eva one?
>>11246517looks like one of the model kits
>>11246057I have two of them, glad I bought them, but the price in relation to what you get means I'm not collecting the line. Its a smaller scale version of vinyl kaiju collecting and you just have to be at an entirely level of comfortable income for that.
Final Wars and -1 are being reissued
>>11247437Not gonna count on it, but I hope Minusgoji has better QC this time. Also hope they release another Shingoji soon.
Monsterarts 20th anniversary Rathalos and Zinogre just went on a 60% sale on hobby genki. I already have the Rathalos and hes a nightmare to pose, but he does look fantastic and for that price it might be worth it to someone? But man why did they use clear plastic ball joints for the load bearing ones on the wingparts. Theyre terrifying to handle.I guess Ill grab the Zinogre repaint despite having the old one already, the lightning effect parts are nice enough. Does anyone have the 20th Zinogre here? How are the paint apps on the back half of it? Specifically around the back legs and the tail?
>>11247455I'd definitely grab them but the shipping would be enormous, kind of killing the discount.
OK so these are the boxes of 2014's being sent to distributers. The figure shown on the box is the old 2014 before they started showing off the atomic breath variant with new articulation. This means that either they couldn't update the box art despite being able to update the entire figure for some reason, or they are going to be shipping that old design. I'm cautiously optimistic that it's just weirdly outdated box art but if i open my 2014 that i pre-ordered and it has worse articulation than the one they have been bringing to cons i will fully kneel to the hiya haters. As far as i know there hasn't been official confirmation that the 2014 update would be grandfathered into the old orders but I'm not sure, correct me if I'm wrong. We'll just have to see i guess.
>>11247971They updated the articulation?There's an atomic breath 2014?
>>11248069yeah, they showed it off at both Comic Con and the Shanghai event.
>>11248069>They updated the articulation?Updated it pretty hard, which is why i really hope this is what actually ships.
>>11247443i'd hope they would do odo island and some more showa before going back to shin IMHO des, des. final wars is a nice surprise for anybody who missed him though
>>11246282we will definitely know next year when ghidorah and heiseigoji come out
>>11242553i understand the complaints now. still, 60 bux. they also did say they're revising it
>>11247971>>11248414It's definitely gonna be the updated one that ships. They likely just didn't want to re-shoot promo pics because the box art pic is just a photoshop of one of the promos onto the HALO jump shot from the 2014 movie. I think similar things happened with the MUTO and Skullcrawler where they were slightly changed from the promo to release but the box still showed the old one
>>11248414Look at him go!The test blast effect is pretty funny. Concrete breath.
>>11248414Shame they are going backwards in time in terms of releases, so that the earliest Legendary Godzillas end up with the best articulation.I don't like the stubby little dorsal plates on this at all.
>>11250026Actually surprised they haven't made the Odo island version especially since they made Shins other forms
>sudden post surge after full day of inactivityFortnite effect, playmates is about to make a lot of money
>>11248414I'm honestly pretty disappointed that they are just reusing the KOTM and GvK beam and not making a new beam.
>>11250103What kind of beam are you looking for?
>>11250105something more like the thinner flame thrower look that it had in the actual movie.
>>11250110That would be cool. A concentrated jet would be a good addition.
>>11250103>>11250110This is one of the things I kind of wished they'd kept for Monsterverse Goji in the movies. I know it being an actual beam is more iconic for Godzilla as a character, but I liked the kind of flame-thrower look that it had in 2014. It felt very distinct, like atomic napalm rather than actually breathing fire like with Hannah Barbara or Zilla Jr. It made him really feel like his own Godzilla.
Should I get the new evolved godzilla for $120USD? Is that standard price or will I be overpaying?
>>11250224That is standard price AND you will be overpaying, enjoy new bandai customer!
>>11240986I'm seeing a bunch of the Energized Godzilla and the big bundles in the Targets around my area. No solo Mothras, Drownvipers, or One Eyes, though. Didn't even know they made Mothra figures until seeing the Target bundle.
>>11250099Godzilla in Jordans is coming soon
>>11250869I only just got Tiamat yesterday. It was the first time I'd seen her at a Target and there was only one. I don't know how Playmates is shipping boxes out to Target, but all I'm seeing are Mechagodzilla, Skar King, Kong, and Godzilla
>>11251341Delightfully derpy.>>11251550>>11251552Go go dripzilla!
>>11251550Those ass cheeks got me droolin man.
$100 at my local store. I'm a bit tempted.
>>11251898It's that or wait for Bandai to ship their orders out in two years