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Recently started getting into old school Troll dolls after finding an old Burger King Kid Vid Troll (can't beat a cool design and glow-in-the-dark features). What your thoughts on these anons? I usually tend to prefer the bigger ones and the odd ball off brand ones (including Topps "Trash Can Trolls" cards)
I was more of a Mad Balls kid.
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One of my favorite "off-brand" ones, Count Trollula from Hasbro's "Battle Trolls" series
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And of course, lest we forget, the TMNT Trolls
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I got your TMNT Trolls right here. These (Stone Protectors) I found out weren't affiliated with the actual Trolls line.
after all the success hasbro saw with the recent dreamworks films you'd think there would be some attempt to make a boys oriented spin off. I dont think it's much of a stretch to consider the viability of a big budget battle trolls movie.
They should just do a Mattel/Playmates and remaster Stone Protectors instead. No further effort needed
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I wonder who even owns the IP nowadays. The vintage Stone Protectors were made by Ace Novelty. I dont think they're even around anymore.

FWIW I think Battle Trolls had the cooler designs. They felt much more monsterous and intimidating compared to the tmnt-esque proportioned protoectors.

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