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I've been wanting to buy a bunch of these mini animal charm things I found on etsy. However, after some looking, I noticed that all of the different shops selling these mini charms seem to be selling the same exact things. I looked on Google, and it's the same deal. I found other sellers, but I haven't managed to find the main source. Anyone know how I can find the main supplier that those sellers are getting these things from? I need a massive amount of them for cheap.

Some examples:





I'm buying them for my girlfriend
here you go op. when in doubt, always check the chinaman's amazon for mass produced garbage.
>need a massive amount of them for cheap.
How massive? If double digit quantity check aliexpress >>11242428
If 500+ pcs check Alibaba it's where the wholesellers are at.
they're not garbage
Maybe you should get something better than cheap plastic animals for your gf
Thanks but I'm gonna need way more than 10 pcs tho
Are you gonna fill a bathtub for her?
So after looking at Alibaba, I've found that several suppliers are selling these things, but I do not know how to determine which one sells them at the highest quality/lowest price. They all seem to be ripping each other off.
Yeah. Let's just go with that.
Anon what do you mean by that
Aight since this is anonymous I'll be real with you: It's a sex thing. I'm not gonna elaborate further than that. It's weird, but it's what she likes and I love her.
No, please elaborate.
Oddly defensive, but yes, they are. They're only slightly higher quality than those little translucent vending machine ninjas you could find at any grocery store, it's cheap plastic nonsense to entertain children until they lose it. They're not worthless, but they're certainly not carrying any considerable value.
Then without need of elaboration, don't buy any of this cheap garbage for that. It's cheap for a reason, and you don't want lead-based paint in your peehole.
Then without needing elaboration, don't buy any of this cheap garbage for that. It's cheap for a reason, and you don't want lead-based paint in your peehole.
It doesn't involve sticking into any orfices
Just out of curiosity, what would you propose as an alternative?
Anyway I got a DM from a guy on the alibaba subreddit saying he can help me. Should I trust him?
Actually, several people. Anyone have any experience with this stuff? Can I trust these guys?
Why would you buy from some randoms instead of directly buying from the shop? Aliexpress is right there and the chances of getting scammed and your credit card stolen are minimal compared to buying from a smelly redditor.
The whole reason I'm asking this question is because I don't know how to buy directly from the shop because I do not know what the original shop is.
Please elaborate on the sex thing anon. I don't know how you could use these that isn't inserting them into orifices.
Since I still have not found an answer to my question, I'll tell you ONLY if you actually help me find the original source of these figures, where I can get a large amount of them at a low price at a relatively decent quality.
Not worth it

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