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Previous Thread: >>11219378

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop
>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging
>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available
>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest
>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ
>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version'
>http://jungle-scs.co.jp/ - Seems like you can fine some good deals here
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/deal

Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki.

In case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download section of their site:
here is a back up, Enjoy!

Short illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)
The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.

Tomytec's 1 inch scale section (1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)

For 3rd party accesories/diorama pieces just look for 1/12 stuff (for other scales just ask in the thread)
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>Release schedule: (your favorite will probably get delayed)

>Dead Space Isaac Clarke
>Veronica Sweetheart
>Takanashi Kiara
>Gridman (Universe Fighter)
>Persona 5 Joker

>Kazusa Kyoyama

January 2025
>Raging Wolf
>Nakayama Kinni-kun
>The Milkmaid by Vermeer
>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.
>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.
>Ciel & DX Edition

February 2025
>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Sakamata Chloe
>Yuuka Hayase

March 2025
>Armed JK: Variant A,B,C,D,E,F + Loadout Set 1,2

April 2025
>Gendo Ikari

May 2025

June 2025
>Ganondorf: Tears of the Kingdom Ver.

July 2025
>Skull Knight & DX Edition

August 2025
>Mika Misono
>Snow Miku: Winter Delicacy ver.
>Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Akira Sato

September 2025
>Sakura Miko
>Hoshimachi Suisei

October 2025
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>The following release dates have been confirmed:

>Shipping out from the 7th of November 2024
Dead Space Isaac Clarke
Persona 5 Joker

>Shipping out from the 11th of November 2024:
Little Armory Tactical Gloves L Size Tan & Black

>Shipping out from the 21st of November 2024:
Gridman (Universe Fighter)

>Shipping out from the 25th of November 2024:
Takanashi Kiara

>Shipping out from the 27th of November 2024:
Veronica Sweetheart

>The following products have had their release dates changed:

>Delayed from October 2024 to December 2024:
Kazusa Kyoyama

>Delayed from November 2024 to January 2024:
Ciel & DX Edition
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>Hoshimachi Suisei

>Sakura Miko

>Akira Sato

>Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ver.

>Snow Miku: Winter Delicacy ver.

>Mika Misono

>Skull Knight & DX Edition



>Ganondorf: Tears of the Kingdom Ver.

>Gendo Ikari

>Armed JK: Variants + Loadout Sets


>Yuuka Hayase

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>Reposting from the previous thread

>Smile Fest Prototype Gallery

>In hand pics of a few of the latest releases and some older figures

>In hand pics of E.M.M.I

>LittleArmory is making male versions of their Tactical Gloves

>Armed JK Variants Reviews

>Mona Lisa Review

>Sumire Uesaka Review

>Wonfes 38 Gallery

>Review of JSDF soldier
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Good Smile Company website renewal (https://www.goodsmile.com/en) is complete
The new website combines the main site and the shop into one, you must reset your password to access the new shop.

Orders done in the old shop will be processed through the old website.

Remember to ignore the shitposters trying to derail the thread

And fuck the autosage
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Goodsmile US has some decent Black Friday deals if you’re willing to get your credit card details stolen.
>last thread didn’t even reach bump limit
kinda sad if I’m being honest, I hope things pick up soon
I've been checking back at the website but alas, no big reveals apart from the Nikke girl.
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Just not enough interesting releases or reveals lately. I wish figma got even a percentage of the reveals nendoroid does, they’re getting some really good shit lately.
"What a steal!"
Nendo's surge in this board was mostly because of the packaging thing.
>I wish figma got even a percentage of the reveals nendoroid does, they’re getting some really good shit lately.
Damn, and it's Bandai picking up a handful of these instead.
I wonder how it if Bandai is able to keep up such a big action figure surge when figma is falling behind. I guess Bandai has a lot of licences they don’t need to pay for but that doesn’t explain the disparity between nendos and figmas on that front.
Maybe Max Watanabe is trying to kill the line because he lost interest in it
Wouldn't surprise me after those attempts to combine with plamo, only to now just go full plamo.
I'd kill for more Pokémon Trainer from Figma. Them scaling with other Pokémon toy lines is a huge plus.
>Figma trainer
>Figurearts Blastoise
>D arts Charizard
>Jazware Venusaur
>Moncolle for smaller Pokémon like Pikachu
Shit is so kino. Figma is just the big annoying factor here because they don't make more trainers.
>sentenced to making our own toys
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It’s more likely to be a Pokemon Company issue, they’re notoriously difficult to work with and tank projects and collaborations for extremely petty or autistic reasons. I do love how loads of other lines scale with the Pokemon figmas, though. My neverever wish is for the FRLG girl trainer.
I'd like a Gloria. Her tammie hat's cute
How's Figma Gabimaru? Was thinking of getting him.
They made her go buy it
People seem very split on review vids whether they prefer the figma or shf.
So go with whatever you fancy.
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She’s pretty good, just stalk mercari/mandarake for a more affordable aftermarket rape price.
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News to me. Thanks for the heads up!
in fact there is also a 1/12 mini if you want to recreate that drawing
I really want the Mona Figma
Not many reviews so far, but opinions are more negative than positive from what I've seen. Worth noting he's WILDY out of scale like Power. Bro's 4'11/150cm and Figma made him as big as Yuji. This means they're either going to have to make a huge ass Sagiri or even they're going to scale badly together.
I'm still mad because they made that nigger instead of Bea, Nessa or Melony
You mean Leaf? Yeah, I can understand.

And it ain't just TPCI, I feel like it's a Nintendo co-issue. Scarlet and Violet seems to be too easy to forget, but I will forgive them if they somehow are able to make the Horizons characters (specifically Liko, Roy, and Amethio).
what's stopping you?
she's readily available in a lot of places and even her prices still hover around MSRP
You just missed her on sale for $47.50 from the goodsmile shop.
Reposting from >>11243886 since I'm a dumbass who didn't see the thread ended:
Got a question about the Fluted Armor figma bootleg: is it worth buying if you just want a cheap knight figure to fiddle around with?

For customization purposes, are the hands and accessories good? Or will the rubbery PVC just break apart and crumble into a plasticizer-leaking mess?
I dont think anyone here actively seek bootlegs since bootleg figmas have a history of all being absolute shit.
Comparison with the real:
I buy them for repairs or customs usually. Fluted bootleg might be good if you want an army of knights I guess.
I love Mona so much bros. Literal perfect design
My only complaint is her ass is too small compared to her game model. Still love her though. I wish we got more Genshin Figmas back when it was relevant and Figmas weren't stupidly priced.
The twins and turbo popular characters who still have a huge fanbase like Zhongli and Childe never getting figma was kinda weird, but maybe it was harder to negotiate the license? We’ll never know.
It's now waiting if Bandai will do more besides Paimon (who's already grossly oversized).
What is with Bandai and random scaling of small characters, they have the tech to do Anya and her friends and Daima DB but still half the small scaled characters look huge. Though Goodsmile can also do this shit. I assume it’s partly due to teams being uninformed as to the series and proper scale and just receiving the model.
It's frustrating yeah.
Bandai can shit out so many more figures because they're huge compared to Max Factory and have a lot of teams, but it seems that every time they have something good, the info isn't passed along to the rest. Like the constant changes in saiyan armor shoulder hinges.
I managed to get both Mona and Ryza figma on sale. Oh bros!!!
Nice. I still need to get Thighza.
She is 50% off!!
Main GSC site
Sweet. Thanks.
Ah fuck, you meant Good Smile US.
>cannot ship to your region
Curse my third world country filled with spiders and drop bears. I'll just keep an eye out on Mandarake again. She was really common at nearly every store until the anime dropped.
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She's cute and perfect! But I love the second one so much. I've done a lot of outside/grass photographs with my Figmas but the size of the stream and the rocks are just perfect for her size.
Perhaps their eBay?
I wish we had a Klaudia figma.
what's figma
figmaballs lmao
I wouldn't worry about it.
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Bootleg flute armor is perfectly functional and usable. Not great by any means but better than most of these Figma bootleg attempts. The worst part for me is the bicep swivels that keep popping out. Nothing crumbling or falling apart though.

This has good army building potential.

That's exacly the answer I was expecting, thanks
who is that on the right? What a cutie.
That big titty knight keeps tempting me. Wish she was from an anime or video game rather than a VTuber.
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Noel the VTuber from Hololive.
Thanks. Her boobs are huge!
To be fair, you might get your card info stolen on the US site anyway.
I just bought through their ebay <3
Smart anon.
Yes!!! I want more figmas … but I don’t know who to get!
Get the Ryza-styled Miku
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wew someone actually saved my pic
speaking of
GSC just sent out my kiara yesterday but I'm not that excited for it because she's like my least favorite out of the EN girls
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Was gonna ship mine with revo Shokuhou, but she got delayed.
For me, she's in the middle. Being euro, I relate more with her and CC. Hardly watch anything Gura/Calli.

They better still release that Ame figma.
Why'd you buy her then?
Same but for that beach statue of her. I don't collect sexy statues but damn, that's one of the few that got me admiring.
I really have to get Marine
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>They better still release that Ame figma.
ame and ina are my favorites of holomyth but they're the last two to release and then max figma just decided to spend time on micomet even though the former two got announced first
because I wanna get all the hologirls and because of her bonus
I usually ignore those unless they're faceplates
also she may be my least favorite but that doesn't mean I hate her
I'll continue watching a stream if she's in a collab or surprise guest
I very rarely watch her solo streams
I still can't justify spending 20 extra for a single face. Fucking store bonuses.
Only with my absolute favorites or they're Limited to begin with.
>and then max figma just decided to spend time on micomet even though the former two got announced first
I'm so lucky to get Miko, maybe I'll get Suisei too once she hit mandarake
these cunnies and the rat are too big
>That Rushia
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oh lol just noticed Rushia
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they aren't that much tall
it's just the perspective
I PO'd miko because I want her at release since I also really like her
I would have waited for suichan to hit the aftermarkets too but unfortunately for me john max factory gave her a goddamn faceplate bonus ffs
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alright I got her already
she's fine but mine has some scuff marks which I gotta nitpick
I do wish she came with a KFP since calli came with a deadbeat and gura came with bloop
now I just gotta wait a billion years just for my two holomyth favs to release dammit
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austrian chickun and the mystery of her two hats
I wonder what's taking Ina so long.
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I hope it's because they're busy brainstorming how they'll make her tentacles
I hope to GOD it's not just a damn plastic sheet with printed decal tentacles ffs
>I hope to GOD it's not just a damn plastic sheet with printed decal tentacles ffs
You know it will be.
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Her Nendo come with a KFP if you really want one..
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it's probably gonna be static. I mean, imagine if they were just printed decals and Nendo managed to be the better product
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>imagine if they were just printed decals and Nendo managed to be the better product
Haha, yeah... imagine
>I hope to GOD it's not just a damn plastic sheet with printed decal tentacles ffs
That's exactly what I think it's going to be since she was revealed.
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I'm not familiar with the nun vtuber (or vtuber at all except for Gura and Kizuna Ai), but anyway what's the lore, why does she have Gehrman's trick weapon
...Nun? She's supposed to be the grim reaper, or something.
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She's just anime'd Grim Reaper and they're usually given quirky backstories like this when they debut before they move on to a more accurate outfit that best describes their personality as Hololive streamers.
I bet Ina comes with a cardboard cutout of Amelia
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Or not to be.
I can finally throw away that outdated and ugly shf. Probably gonna pick up that bring arts weapon pack for her though. Maybe the bootlegs too for even more accessories. Oh man, she looks so nice.
Must show off butt or they aint getting no order from me.
You'll be waiting post-release or someone snapping upskirt shots at a con.
Wow, thats actually good. Like really fucking good and she has proper cheeks too.
>pod with actual articulation
figma I kneel
Well i am going to the next Wonfes, so maybe I can check out the goods myself.
>MSRP: 12,000 yen
Place your bets.
What's the price?
if you had to ask, you can't afford it
I raise that to 15000 !
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They don't add those to the blog.

■商品名/figma 2B(ヨルハ二号B型)
■作品名/NieR:Automata Ver1.1a

POs open tomorrow. GSC Shop pic related, so ez skip for that.
Oh thank god they didn't fuck it up. Well at least this year wasn't all bad after that trash fire that shf 2b was.
>Height: 160mm
This is even bigger than the SHF which was already the largest compared to Buzz & BA.
Yeah.. Think they switched over to Chinese 1/12 scaling because that's the same height as my 1/10 figs.
>inb4 hurr non scale line
When the average height was always 14cm, it gets noticeable.
>Same height as Dread Samus
Tall lady. Considering zero-suit is 135mm....
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The trend continues..
Bandai's doing the same shit tho.
that face looks kinda weird, not gonna lie
but I dig the extra sword. how's the ass?
>no replacement mid-torso piece for leotard look
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Would've gladly bought a DX version for that and some extra weapons.
>Nearly as tall as Lady Maria
Yeah, this is pretty fucked.

It's based on the anime and she never used the self destruct version of the outfit there. That's one of several reasons I wished we got a game version instead, but I know Square doesn't want to share the licenses for their games and anime versions are a loophole.
>It's based on the anime and she never used the self destruct version of the outfit there
The anime continues to be a monkey's paw. :(
And yeah, the only reason we get 2b figures not from Square in the first place is because of the anime loophole. Still, it's a pity.
At least she has more than one sword and her knee (and maybe elbow too?) range looks to be better than the SHF. The fact that neither buzzMOD nor Figuarts have managed to give her lanky ass more than 90 degrees of organic range (not counting pre-sculpted knees; those are garbage) still boggles the mind.
160mm is about 20mm/2cm taller than she ought to be I think? 10mm taller than the figuarts and 15mm taller than the buzzmod (according to the specifications)
>the shf is allegedly only 5mm bigger than the buzzmod
>still this great a disparity
>the figma is 10mm bigger than the shf
She's a big girl
The silver lining I guess is that you can make hentai 2b proportions where she towers over 9s real.
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Figma won so hard.
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Sad the Bring Arts is still the best duo option, especially if you want to keep them the same scale. Figuarts 9S was barebones and Buzzmod nor figma made plans for him. If Max Factory later announces 9S with a pantsu part like BA I will swap over to the figmas.
What I miss most is those glowy rings used when weapons are sheathed. They look cool and unique, but I think they don't appear at all in the anime.
Friends I am relatively new to the hobby. Where can I preorder the 2B?
Tomorrow, every Japanese toy store.
Thank you my friend
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Not fond of the scale being out of whack, but she does otherwise look fine.
Particularly like that the knee range seems a lot better than the Figuarts and buzzMOD (based on the leg where the knee is against the floor in picrel).
Still quite happy with my Figuarts, but I'm equally happy to grab this one.
Hope they got the ass tech down pat on the Figma because then it'll be even better.
figma arts kai
on a figma it shouldn't be too hard to make that, you just gotta find the right figure to make the swap, hell maybe a sozai-chan could do the trick
I’ve masturbated so many times to 2B. Oh my god.
What's with Figma's scale lately?
officially the line has always been non-scale, but now it seems they want to make them more in-scale with plamo stuff
She's supposed to be the Grim Reaper's apprentice.
Kek, same. I actually found out about Nier through all the rule34 videos that started popping up shortly after the game's release.

I don't know. They seem to be scaling up a bit in general, but every now and then you get one that doesn't even scale with recent Figma like Power, Gabimaru, and apparently this 2B. Hope they don't plan on giving us a giant Castoria...
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>MSRP: 12,800 yen
Not that I wasn't expecting it, but still ooof.....
I expected it with how they went with the Bloodborne figs. But at least there's a decent amount of accessories and faces packed with her
What the FUCK
I have the buzzmod, 2P bring arts, SHF, and I have no reason to buy this if her ass isn’t 10/10
Is anyone really surprised that it is sucha ripoff?
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>not listed as exclusive sale
looks like I could just wait for this thing to bin before I buy it hoho
guess you never read the memo.
figma had switched over to made-to-order basis. they produce just enough for POs. there won't be many leftovers like before, especially if it's 2B. figma don't bin as much nowadays.
Not even the SHF binned. Nines did, but not Toobie.
The only likelihood of her binning is the fact that it's been years since her game's release. But it's unlikely because the design's too popular.
I am too weak to pass it up
Oh hell yeah, I can finally throw that dogshit shf out.
If nothing else, it looks infinitely better than the SHF and Buzzmod.
thats a really pretty figure...I'm gonna preorder righ away.
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Renewal Goro figma
megurine luka rip-off
That's an insult to Luka.
Does she have any assplate like the Figurearts or is her ass sculpted on the upper leg? I'm not gonna buy it if it has an assault plate.
We can't fucking see, anon.
We don't know.
Who? Me only see Asian Biden.
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2.0 of pic rel, like with Snake.
Neat. Now, will he be loaded like the original two were and cost 20k yen, or will he be bare-bones and cost 20k yen?
>Sakamata Chloe, a member of the VTuber group hololive, will conclude all of her channel activities, including streaming on YouTube, social media posting, live event participation, and release of new merchandise, as of January 26th, 2025.
Damn. All the wrong ones are graduating.
OR worse, split into 3 DLCs all over again.
>Little Armory Inogashira
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Until they show us proper shots of her meaty thighs; nope! Show me the ass meat, and only then will I decide.
Fuck the FOMO mentality. Not going to be tricked again.
Stays affiliate though, like Ame.
Chloe's figma should still release as planned because feb release, it's Ame's that I worry about.
Your own fault for buying shf trash
Yeah, I'm not worried about her Figma. They still released Rushia despite her controversy so Chloe would be nothing. Still hoping for Ame too.
I remember anons here gave a lot of shit about how SHF is the largest & mog the other two competitors. Now that the figma surpasses it, shills stay quiet.
>assuming that I even buy any 2Bs
Guess again.
Bro idc I just like getting more 2b stuff.
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This lol lmao. Couldn't be me.
Why do you retards always have to try to reduce everything to brandwarring? The figma looks great and its pretty much guaranteed the ass will be better than SHF, but it's also 4000JPY more and if it actually is 160mm, it's not going to fit with 1/12.
lol seething shill
Why don't any of the companies put the blindfold on the hair fringe part? Feels like it would allow for more option. Would it come across as "too loose"?
Oh, geez. I forgot about that shit.
Yeah, that was my mistake. I really should just learn to ignore any posts crying about shills. Bro's reading comprehension isn't even good enough to realize I don't care for the SHF. I prefer the game design and have the trio as Bring Arts, but could be tempted into Figma 2B and A2 to display their alternate looks. Hope they give A2 a dumptruck like the anime did.
>Hope they give A2 a dumptruck like the anime did.
God I genuinely hope. Prease Goodsmiru-kun, bring out the sacred text and give us peak ass tech like you used to.
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Absolutely disgusting. Shf is such a failure of a toyline.
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Amazon JP is selling at 11520yen right now but seems to require immediate payment instead charge when shipping so can't purchase with other item at the same time, which is something I have never seen before.
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While I think "affiliate" is just corp's softer term for graduation, from a Figma standpoint I hope this means they'll still release a figure. Yes, this is cope.
Affiliate basically means they haven't killed off the character like past terminations/graduations, so they can still be used in merch/promo material and maybe return for an event.
>display SHF Toobie choking Nines
>display Figma Toobie fighting Ayytoo
I win.
It's not like the worst thing about the SHF will be visible the way I am going to pose her, and since they haven't made a Toobie choking Nines PuP, they are fit for purpose. And I can change the poses of her fighting Ayytoo whenever I want.
Let them seethe about an 8k yen figure, while I pay a high class hooker to choke me while she is dressed up as Toobs as a hooker with a massive dumptruck dressed as Ayytoo sits on my face. All we can do is live out best lives.
>Hope they give A2 a dumptruck like the anime did.
This. The A2 dumptruck is far more important than 2B to me.
The worst thing imho about the SHF is the knee range.
Which is shit on both SHF and buzzMOD (they gave static bent knees which suck dick and don't count as range). So I hope the Figma range is at least a bit better there. No reason for legs as spindly as that to only get 90 degrees.
Yeah, I was a bit disappointed in the knee range while testing out the choke pose, especially since her hip range is so good. I wanted her to be squatting a bit closer to Nines crotch, but I got something that worked.
>This. The A2 dumptruck is far more important than 2B to me.
I see you're a man of culture as well. A2's always been the superior android waifu and the anime made that even clearer.
The shit they did with her ass in the anime is CRAZY.
And the thing is I just don't get why it's so limited. If they'd done a regular double knee joint, she probably could've gotten a full 180.
Is this some kinda curse for Toobie figures?
I kneel
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The animators really were horny as hell. Did Yoko Taro proud. Even Commander White(who's been overdue for a figure since the Bring Arts line) got in on the action.
This is why I have no problem with Toobie's giant anime head. Ayytoo's giant anime ass more than compensates.
>there are people who hate the perfect anime designs and instead prefer the shitty game ones
>3D soulless
>2D sovl
I just remembered she also had a collab with Soul Caliber
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2B figma ass cheeks revealed.
Based showcaser.
Looks Satsuki-like
Atleast isn't Mona...
Lmao he literally went out of his way to show it off. Hilarious.
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The size is there and the engineering is there, but I think the thighs are too thick compared to the ass so there's no real notable delineation between the two. No dip or crease between the buttcheeks and thighs.
That's how it looks to me right now, though.
They both have the exact same body bro
This. I'm only supporting the line because getting A2 is my endgame. If that doesn't pan out, then I'll just sell them off.
A2 was already announced at least.
Yeah, but unless you self destruct, Toobie's ass is hidden by her skirt. This is why Ayytoo's is more important.
Yep, hence why I'm hoping her pre-order isn't too far behind.
We haven't seen a prototype for her, so... it's probably a while off. Hopefully I'm wrong.
I might need to get this..

Popping a few what...? I'm not sure I understand, anon.
seems accurate from the few shots we got in the anime
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dodged the abcrunch bullet, also there's a ball joint where the thigh connects to the boot for extra range, hadn't seen this much care for a figma in a while
Yeah, I was gonna mention the thigh band articulation. Kinda Amazing Yamaguchi-ish. That probably is meant to add some extra range where the knees might be more limited.
The head also gets a good upward range.
Like you said: they do seem to care about this release, and as a 2b enjoyer, I am feasting.
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They engineered it the way I like most, with the ass being more or less part of the leg sculpt entirely and the crotch being almost all leotard (small bit of hip). It's definitely thick enough, but the depth backwards is a little shallow. Maybe the thighs are too big? I know it's heresy to say that, but the thigh+ass are pretty uniform instead of defined like >>11248747 sorta said. I doubt they'll change anything about her now, but if they were to pull out the shape of the butt a bit more from the thigh, it'll be perfect. Articulation looks really good, so it's only really the scale issue.
SHF shills will never recover from this mog. She's literally perfect.
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>Why do you retards always have to try to reduce everything to brandwarring?
Just a certain attention whore falseflagging for pity (You)s
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Thats all I had to see. The undies can be swapped out too since it's a floating piece. Very nice.
stop talking to yourself about yourself

Really hoping figma gets Arcane license. They are the only ones that can do it right. Seeing how shit SHF colors are.
They need to chill with those COPY THAT necks.
I mean look how shit the shf one is. Just yikes. Figma did good.
man the more I look at these the worse they get. I'm so happy I waited.
goodsmile us just had 60+ figma available on their black friday sale. even sites that resell exclusives like hobby genki had the figma god hand on sale. 2B is a regular release. she'll bin.
based gonna buy her at the eu store though since it's like 10 to 16 bucks cheaper in the end because of the fucking fee for paying for YOUR shipment in advance. Absolute scam importing to eu. But she's really is just amazing in every way so far.
also getting this thing if I do lol. Not that I care that much but whatevs. Seeing the thread the usual shitposters are back trying to sour the soup as always. Yeah yeah figma le bad haha shf le good. Get better material.
But is the skirt removable?
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The moment I saw that ugly ass plate shf died for me. I was probably one of the first begging for figma to save us and it did. Thank you gsc!
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gonna recreate this once 2b arrives kek
Woah sex. Is she the type to skyrocket in price or float around on Mandarake?
Arcane would be so based. We are long overdue for a proper Jinx figure.
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>relaxing in her room themed entirely around her
>drawing herself
>listening to herself
>wearing slippers that look like her and drinking from a themed mug (also her)
Miku lives a great life.
It looks like it isn't as bad on 2b as on Gabimaru. Hopefully. What a dogshit figure that one is.
Eh, I'd still get it over the shf.
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You do you. I'd rather have the one that looks at least somewhat like a human and doesn't have a huge chest gap in neutral position.
>preorders 2B
guess I'll have to play Nier automata now
To be fair, it's actually a good game.
That his giant ballsack spilling out?
replicant is great too
It's the anime version.
I don't even know what it's supposed to be honestly
Great I'll have to watch an anime too
heard good things about them, just never got around to playing them
Haven't seen the anime but I heard it's a little choppy at the start, but gets good as well.
Which one's which? Right looks like a bootleg
Haven't opened my shf yet so I might sell that and just get this one, head size and knees bother me
I'm so pissed been waiting for hobbygenki to ship my gura figma for over a month now, asked to ship from private warehouse on the products message thing and they're just ignoring me. Anyone else having a fucking nightmare with hobbygenki lately? Like past half a year. Before that they were fine but now it takes actual months for them to ship anything for me. They said before it was a "new system" thing but if this new system isn't working after this long then clearly it just isn't gonna work, ever. There's gotta be some other shit going on right? Wonder if they're gonna tank like globalfreaks lol. I'm sticking with other sites now. Sorry, rant
It's the inner thigh that the leg moves independently from or dependently with whenever the call of duty arises.
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hope they do a replicant anime someday so that john max figma could save me from my bring arts replicant figures
like emil's p gud but nier and kaine having only one face pisses me off
Right is the Figma.
>hope they do a replicant anime someday so that john max figma could save me from my bring arts replicant figures
Same. I didn't play Replicant until the Nier anime started(still have to replay it for the other endings) and by then the Nier and Emil 2 pack had spiked in price like crazy. Also hadn't realized how significant Devola and Popola were, and they'd shot up by then, too.
>figma made the entire release bootleg quality before the Chinese even had a chance
talk about beating em to the punch
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Looks like figma won.
Seether can keep seething.
(they will seethe a lot)
Insane cope.
They do, but it seems like on 2b the neck is at least normal looking by default, and the "copy that"-ness is just there to facilitate her ability to look upward, which I honestly can't complain about. If I hate it, I can just not use that.
Can't do that with Gabishitru - that's just how he looks by default.
I haven't used any of these threads in like a year, just checking in and its good to know the brandwarring retardery is still going strong. Its like a day hasn't passed
To be fair, it was chill for a while and these threads had slown to a cozy crawl. It's just 2B going up for preorder that sparked the inevitable comparisons and shit posting. It'll die down again in a few days.
It's funny cause I stopped ordering Figma for a while and changed mostly to Figuarts since GoodSmile was no longer really producing stuff I cared for what with all the vchuuba shit, and the few things I did care about mostly turned out mediocre. 2025 is looking great so far for Figma though, and they pulled me back in (unfortunately for my wallet). Already got two Figma on PO, and once they put Solid Snake and A2 on PO, it'll be four.
Anyway, point being, I'm happy about 2b looking like a great figure. Scale is a little bit of a concern, but the figure itself looks really good.
I got the SHF too and I'm keeping her.
So which one is going to be the main 2b and which one is going to be one of the mass-produced 2b 9s fights?
Just kidding, the Figma is going to be the main 2b.
Was sorta on a break too, mainly exploring other lines like Snail Shell, Pocket Arts and various plamo. Did end up getting more SHF as they took over seasonal shows.
Now it's just waiting for all those figma announcements to release.
It's bad for me because Kaiyodo and Bandai still release a lot of stuff I want. The Figma break was the only thing making it possible to keep up with. I'll have to be a little more picky going forward.
I saw some Snail Shell stuff and it looks good, but it just never gripped me. Not sure what Pocket Arts is, though.
Unfortunately the janny is on the brandwar schizo's side, so he's extremely unwilling to do anything about the lunatic shitting up multiple threads simultaneously on a frequent basis. He will, however, purge any post calling it out asap.
The only thing you can do is not engage with it and report it for trolling or offtopic. If enough people report it, janny will be forced to do something about it.

There were a few times where people itt ignored and reported the dude and he got a 3-day vacation (should really be a perma)
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Picrel is what got me trying out Pocket Art.
Not a big fan of cloth goods, but it's basically just the pants so figured why not.
That's not bad. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of soft goods either. For capes, jackets and robes I'll accept it since it's the best way to make them work. GL making a robe work with plastic.
Any experiences ordering from Hobby Genki? They have 2B for 10,240
don't. Take literally any other shop.
t.has like 5+ orders being in the warehouse limbo
They're slow to ship at times and get stock a bit later. Not as horrible as NNG, just keep that in mind.

You are aware you gotta use the ticket system to request PW shipments? It's still slow, but throwing them a reminder usually gets them to ship the next day.
Yeah I'm aware and it took 2 weeks with no response from warehouse people so I said just fucking wait until next year
>Not as horrible as NNG
Entering week 3 of Preparation in Progress .....
Wanting to wait until January for some of my stuff too, but then I read about this GPSR thing that I still don't understand as a consumer.
Oh is that the anti TEMU/aliexpress measure? I don't think it will matter...I think.
I get all my exclusives from NNG (P-Bandai, AY with shop bonuses) and yeah they're pretty slow, but I honestly don't mind too much. Of course that's just me and my opinion.
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Yeah the only thing figma did better on Gabimaru was the great knee technology for those pants, and for some reason figuarts is too glossy. I also personally like the figma's in-motion sculpt of the cloth belt. If the figma legs could be swapped onto the figuarts it'd be perfect but also they made him too tall.
I'm honestly amazed by how deliberately they took pictures to hide the flaws.
They've shown 2b in every angle by now, so unless the release figure is way different from the proto, there's no way she'll end up like that.
Lots of people here seem very upset about it selling well it seems while everyone else is very happy with it. Really makes you think.
I got her and I'm honestly impressed with the quality. Seeing that she can rotate her eyes made me wish Figma would've shelled more bucks to do that too... it was just wasted on that one Elsa figma.
eye plates >>> rotatable eyes
Looks pretty damn good.
the right one is wearing a wig? reminds me to that Carlos' redesign
Will they ever recover from this?
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Thinking about doing some slightly irresponsible spending on blonde girls in bikini armor
Nothing irresponsible about that.
true, getting blonde girls a new home is always a responsible thing
Absolutely. Especially when they're as curvy as that. It's an obligation.
i hate this shitty remake so fucking much and everyone who likes it is a retard without taste. RE3 got the short end of the stick. Fuck capcom
...and now we can forget a figma Fauna, too...
Yeah, real shame as she's one of my favorites.
Why the hell is he so tall? Gabimaru's supposed to be short as fuck.

Not to mention how weird the hair looks.
>he thought modern crapcum would make a good game
it's been like a decade since they put out anything worth buying, capcucks are just good loyal drones who buy all the reheated rehashed slop
>he thought modern crapcum would make a good game
When did I say that?
Figmas are scaling up.
Based AF.
Why would anybody buy female shfs is beyond me. The males ones are trash already but the female ones are just mtf tier
Sculptors weren't paying attention to the character's actual height I guess. Like the other anon said Figma's been scaling up in general, but they still make plenty of 140-145mm characters which is where Gabimaru should've been instead.
they probably saw the shf bench warming and send a noob in
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No Idea anon I don't collect garbage. Ask any of the shills shitting up the thread.
It's funny to me how even bring arts mogged shf though. Really makes you lol lmao irl a lot.
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I only got dragon ball toys and quit collecting figuarts recently. They are so low quality it's insulting.
either they're the only ones that have that character, or's just good, SHF Frieren is really nice, but she is also not a sexily dressed character which is where I think Figma is better, the SHF people are more used to doing Kamen Riders and other armored characters.
I'm gonna come back in a year and I expect all of you to be brandwarring just as hard ok <3
Bandai can't lose the license fast enough.
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yeah all the broken toys made me stop getting invested into bandaislop too. Might check out their modelkits instead. Cheaper and same quality.
>the store bonus is just a stand
Thank god I don’t have to PO her. Still, looking forwards to adding Toobee to the shelf.
Because goodsmile doesn't put any effort in like 8/10 of their figures. Enough people with more money than sense will buy it anyway.
Feel you, figuarts hasn't made a single figure all year that wasn't a complete disaster or a flop. Quantity over quality does that to a line. I completely understand why people call it slop. It just is. I'm happy figma is there to save the day though and sometimes revoltech. I just stopped preordering. Saving tons of money these days and just laugh at all the anons seething about their broken shfs and drones defending bandai to their death. Just so funny. Really looking forward to 2b!
It's mostly one schizo talking to himself trying to instigate shit like a kid screaming fight on the playground. We've seen as much when he's been banned and all his posts get deleted. It's always obvious when he starts up like now using the same buzz words and hyperbole.

The other version's on sale on Crunchyroll for $65 right now. Tempted myself, but there's just so much to buy atm.
they're the only ones making posable precure figures... (or at least were the only ones) licenses are a bitch
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I remember this being unironically shilled and anons pretending it was better than the bring arts. Anons were actually defending this trash. Imagine how much of a brainrotten drone you have to be to do that. Pathetic.
I bought the figures Goku and FP Frieza…should I return them???
just wait for them to break and then complain in the figuarts thread only for people to blame you instead of bandai for it instead like everyone else
Why are you asking in a figma general?
Wrong general, anon. I know it might seem confusing with one guy constantly talking about SHF here, but this one is dedicated to Figma.
We can't advise you on non-Figma figures.
Still better than dogshit figmas
agree GSC is fucking shit and only makes japanese funkos
I'm so tired of shfaggots shitting up this board.
Figuarts toys must contain a lot of lead for these retards to act like that every time figma releases a new toy.
he's moving onto the Revo & coomer threads too.
How is this figma related you ban evading faggot?
The Chinese companies do it well without compromising the rest of the face plate. They are the only ones with faceplates that can match Figmas.
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That sucks. Figma was actually quite true scaled for 1/12 and it was the western slop that was oversized. Thanks to capeshit, Mafex and Figuarts are hopping onto the larger scale. For some reason the Chinese anime figures are also all over 15 cm. Everything is moving towards 1/10 scale now.
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Lol found this on discord. In the owners own words, literally fresh out of the box.
I don't doubt that. I just think that movable eyes are more of a hassle than they're worth. Just having swappable plates for the eyes for eyes up, down, center and to both sides are ideal, to me.
Yeah, I agree. Not too fond of the scaling changes. I know Figma was always non-scale, but the sizes were pretty nice. Now they're indeed starting to exceed the dimensions of comparable lines.
1:12 / (5-6 inch) has always been the ideal for me.
Its good for side eyes or hentai woody type shitposts. Side eyes are usually a waste of a pretty faceplate due the limited functionality and straight ahead eyes usually looking prettier. Posable eyes get you both worlds.
You can spend up to 10 minutes or more trying to get the perfect eye position so your point is very valid. I don't think its ideal in this pic cause I only spent 5 min on it.

Also her height kek, towers over even the tallest Figma ladies like Sophia Shirring. Thank God shes a dommy succubus thing so the height adds to her appeal.
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Forgot pic like a tard
With eye plates I basically mean what Revoltech/Amazing Yamaguchi does a lot now. Like their Deku.
Todd McFarlane Was Right
Oh I get you now. Ive never owned one of those but the mix and matching between eyes and faceplates sounds neat, ideal even.
Todds great at making Big Guys (for you)
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eyy I had that same raven guard as a stand-in for my armorbois but then I got titus so he's been put elsewhere
rn I'm just waiting for my isaac figma but the post is holding him hostage and I get the feeling I won't be getting him until after the holidays unfortunately
Yeah. It was my favorite way to do it. Fairly clean, and barring a misprint, it basically just meant you could have every face with eyes looking in every direction.
Is that gecko real?
NTA, but it's a figure that I think is made by Bandai. There's a few color versions and species.
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Outstanding big guy collection.

Its life sized.
Actually sucks that only Revol seems to do it. Also sucks I don't own a single AY, never found a capeshit figure I liked enough to buy.
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It's on one Figma figure, I think.
But yeah, it should be way more widespread. I think it works well.
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mfw brand tourists exposed as nothing but shonen shitters that don't even know
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I wish the shitty ab crunches they have been doing were a one off and this the more regular thing instead.
>For some reason the Chinese anime figures are also all over 15 cm. Everything is moving towards 1/10 scale now.
Not just the anime figures but other figures as well, I don't mind the trent toward larger size but I hate them calling it 1/12 despite totally not the case, the Japs at least call their lines non-scale so they have the flexibilty since day one.
I remember shf tards shitting up bring arts thread when their 2b came out. Iredeemable faggots. I'll never buy any of their shit toys. This is what they shilled. Now figma got one too and look at the thread.
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So I just bit the bullet after all these years and ordered these 2.
Can anyone who owns them tell me how band the skin discoloration is? I heard Cobra's gone pink for many people. Any pics?
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alright I just got mine earlier
can't wait
How much did you pay for each?
7k for cobra and 9k for lady, and i'll combine them with my monthly order. It's double what they were listed for 10 years ago, but then again, the yen is half the value it was then, so it's still about $100 for the 2.
That's my logic/cope anyway.
Cool, now just waiting on my payment request from amiami
Well that anon who want Ina must be very happy right now
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yeah >>11246839 was me and HOLY SHIT I'M SO HAPPY FUCK
Congrats. Looks pretty alright aside from the Marvel Legends ab crunch which you don't notice that much on her.
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>16k yen
she's my fav holomyth and all but I'm hoping she isn't exclusive sale and her bonus isn't a faceplate or else my wallet's taking a big fat crit
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>not Amico special bonus
I thought they were friends
where's her special attachment?
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>exclusive sale
well there goes my wallet
guess I'll get her off GSC global since I'd be paying in full anyway
I could have the bonus takodachi looking at her back
yeah it would have been nice to get a different bonus for ordering off amiami
maybe a different takodachi face
iirc the last time GSC did that for a figma was marnie no?
she had a bonus depending on whether you ordered off GSC sites or from the pokemon center
>16k yen
Compared to Scarlett who is 15k for a big hat, this isn't as bad as I was expecting. It's still rape, but at least GSC lubed up beforehand and are going to give me a reach around.
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already ordered 3
That's a damn good deal. I haven't seen them for much under $100 each most places.
>$120 msrp
jfc goodsmile
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>That limited
>That price

Now Ame doko?
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Ina bros... we won

Ina bros... I lost
If only Amelia streamed long enough to join them
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Hopefully the print will be better than low art jpeg.
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With the big-ass tentacles, this is the most packed holo Figma release since Marine
And though she joins the ab crunch club, at least it's hidden in the design and her elbows are still normal.
Figma Cliff and Snake's got new pardners
The pattern covers it nicely compared to the clear white sweater Arcade Bumstead had.
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>No cookies
My Fear's batch to the rescue.
So fuckin glad it's the (´ ω `) face that's with the normal release
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Finally, eldritch company.
It being a limited release, there's no excuse not to get the web release.
Well, except from GSC US.
Shame no /vt/ thread of her to share the news with yet.
Whilst I agree that a 6 foot character should be 152mm. Many characters are shorter or taller, so trying to make them all the same doesn't work.
I think both gsc and bandai are trying to adhere more to true 1:12 scaling, where as they were sometines a bit shorter before to try and keep the proportions the same.
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Could you buy the figma berserk and chainsaw man next so we get revoltechs of them the next day?
Absolutely lmao at that price.
Yeah. I'd like to take that "two-step" shoulder articulation for a spin, but not at that price.
I was literally waiting for confirmation on the size of this before buying the figma and it was precisely that which made me decide to go the figma route. I don't need a cobra that's bigger than shf cooler in my display. Shame it wasn't part of their new 1/12 line.
Kek. He's gonna be 1cm taller than yujiro even. Shit.
Yujiro is only 6'3". Literally smaller than me.
>I don't need a cobra that's bigger than shf cooler in my display.
But imagine them duking it out...
shouldn't have bough stinky manlet shfs
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Tourist here:
Dying to buy this, but what's this I hear Goodsmile's got some worrisome data breach thing. Would it be safe to buy from the global site with paypal or am I asking to have my bank account emptied?
I've only heard US site being affected.
I just ordered through hobby genki though. Had a coupon and was in time for Pay Later.
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holy shit this is cringe
brony 2.0
paypal is fine
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of getting a figma before whatever shit you want.
I think the constant stream of vtumor figmas that took over the line kinda sucks but at least this octopus one has kind of an interesting design so I can appreciate it from that angle.

Thank you.
I just get them for the OC designs.
Bunny girl, knight, pirate, choco elf. Necromancer was bargain binning hard after her streamer's meltdown.
Now tentacles.
yeah I mean MLP was very popular
Simp + ironic weeb is a dangerous combination.
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only have the first sophia but I kinda do like the two having different motifs
too bad for me the upcoming third girl is continuing the futuristic bikini warrior motif so I'll probably have to get that second sophia sometime soon
Based toy enjoyer. Shf shills can keep seething.
Oh I forgot I also like the boing boing knight.
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These are actual 10/10 figures.
Yeah, they're really good.
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I just wish they still went with the futuristic armament motif
I like all the hard points the guns have so I could make a lot of different dumb combinations
there's a lot less of that for the two later releases
Assrape prices, Cliff looks much better and retailed for 25% less.
The scaling up works well for male Figma who did need that height bump but for some reason, every company is starting to make female figures at least as tall as the men. Most male figures other than superheroes still rarely hit 16 cm but this absolutely has become common for non schoolgirl anime girls.
Maybe I should shell out for the PAWG...
Hows her ass?
Heavily considering it as well.
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I already put my lightbox away so here's a pic I found online instead
Are the red cups on the bikini armor translucent? I could barely see nipples in them.
Could you rip them off?
Can't believe they actually made the tentacles instead of just including a clear plastic sheet. So this is the power of Hololive, uh...

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