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I noticed there was no /stg/ in the catalog, so I thought I'd start a new thread.
Previous: >>11216548
Cute OP pic. Reminds me of those bookshelves shortened by colors but this time it ends up fine.
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I enjoy ragdolls.
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Waiting for my keychain gondolas to arrive.
It's really taking a while...
You're just posting that for the girl aren't you
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No, I'm posting it for the lion.
AliExpress plushie listings often have girls on them, it's mostly unavoidable.
My family is all getting jellycats for Christmas
How's the quality on these big ass plushies from Aliexpress? They aren't exactly cheap so I would expect some quality to them.
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>tfw missed out on the moth man
it's so over for me
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A few of mine that I'm particularly fond of
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Does anyone here use acid-free paper? I haven't had any luck with finding high-quality storage paper on Amazon or anywhere else online with positive reviews.

I put the other collection on hold to get into the cosplay Pikachu line, but they're really pricey to collect. Would this be more suited to the Pokémon general?
New to the thread but I have a question
Thoughts on those Build a Bears with the beating heart? I'm torn on putting it in a gift for someone, part of me thinks it's creepy but another part of me thinks it's cool.
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Idk but my gf and I got the Hanedakuko Pikachus as we left Japan last week
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I like his Superman chin
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Oh wait.
Just realized she's a flight attendant
I have an old teddy that has that. The battery is dying so it’s faint, but I still like how it feels when I’m snuggling.
I have way too many plushies but I love them all
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There was a moth in my room
I've enjoyed them quite a bit so far, but I will admit I have a positive bias toward pig plushies/dolls in general. I like being able to wrap my arms around something "me" sized. I haven't had any major problems with dolls I received from Ali at all yet, and they're nice and soft to the touch.

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