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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Arcade Daze Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11237844
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Snail Shell: Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Three Wise Monkeys (Feb 2025), Zombie Grisa (Feb 2025), Masquerena (Jul 2025), Nikke Modernia (Jun 2025), Optional Part Sets (Varies)
>Lazy Monster Studio Oak Town Fairy Elf Guard A+B (Dec)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Q4)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q4)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth ~Tanned ver~. (Jan 2025)
>Hasuki Succubus Sister Friede (Feb 2025)
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>Loscont ABA-002 Armed Battle Angels Dark Hornet (Q1 2025)
>CiYuanJuXiang The Primordial Witch Crow (Q1 2025)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Snail Shell Bunny Girl Aileen Sunkissed Ver.
>Crazy Figure Multi Joint Movable 1/12 Scale Female Body
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins
>BUZZmod Gurren Lagann Yoko
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure
>Cang Toys Twelve Wars Little Green Dragon Longji
> Snail Shell Succubus Lustia
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring
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>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
all im asking for is a recast of the modernia body when it comes out
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What figures have the best ass engineering? Bonus points if it's a readily available figure that I don't have to buy aftermarket for like $200
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Figma Miku 2.0 still holds up magnificently in the ass tech department, and IIRC isn't too expensive on Mandarake.
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Oh hey
Worst is 2B by shfiguarts

Figma sonico has a nice ass
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>Worst is 2B by shfiguarts
It's shit for sure, but not even close. This one from last thread's the worst I've seen in recent memory.
Wtf are these 2 pieces of shit
Jada Toys slop
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snail shell assassin or the second axe Taimanin grills in my very limited experience. Secy Ice's Mantis grill also has a beautiful chithin butt. Figuarts Gwen too I guess.
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Anyone know cool yet affordable summer aesthetic girl kit or articulated figure ?
Like not those konosuba figma, that haven't been produced in a decade lmao
Got an email from AimAmi saying chocolate Aileen is now scheduled earlier for next month.
Fuck....if that's the case then I wont get Muse till Feb 2025 or something

How much does this shit cost? Seriously these look absolutely terrible. For a second I thourght it was the sf6 tranny manon
>How much does this shit cost?
if it's the same as their street fighter or the megaman, around 25
david is more expensive because his coat is soft goods
i think he was 40 and lucy was 30 last time i checked somewhere
Who is the designer for jada? Its like they can only do a couple of decent figures (m.bison, fei long) and everything else looks like dollar store trash were you can see the budget hit them (chunli face, cammy face)
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I got scammed by these. Bought 4 from ebay. Suspected it was a interest scam tried to cancel. Assured me they would be in in a couple of days. I waited. They came. Straight bootlegs, shit quality. Seller would not provide return label. Got ebay involved. Full refund. 4 free bootleg Romankey. 3 negative reviews on store/listing.
Aren't these just Male nude bodies?
Why pay for this shit when 86toys, figma and shfiguarts have already got this covered
none of those got limp and hard dick accessories (two sizes each)
Can buy limp and hard did accessories online easily. Literally for peanuts. What's so special about these?
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it could be worse
We prefer the term "Evol"
Well, at least she looks closer to her age.
romankey sculpt with snail shell joint tech would be pretty baller. I like the first girl romankey did but the butt plate turned me off. The Tunshi studio bodies look really good, hopefully they actually release at the start of next year
Wtf is with that face
Still better than moon face.
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why not just buy picrel?
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For me its the playarts catwoman.
>Aren't these just Male nude bodies?
No they were bootlegs for the female bodies. crap quality. Couldnt even hold a 30ms microphone without arms falling to the side, parting lines not removed, broken feet, mid section shifts around and shows gaps, etc. Would maybe be forgivable if they werent the same MSRP as legit figures.

>none of those got limp and hard dick accessories (two sizes each)
Also,What he said. romankey males are peak dickery. figma and shf are either ken dolls or hard shod normie figs. plus they articulate like spiderman so they can pose the entire karma sutra.
why in god's name would you say that? That's just a butt plate, giving no credence to the fact that legs move and are connected to the gluteus. In my opinion, there should be throughlines up the thigh leading to the gluteal region. Take Snail Shell's assassin or Figuarts body chan for example.
You've also got to consider how the legs are actually attached; in snail shell's case, they use a unique bent barbell joint that allows for some interesting articulation while minimizing gaps
is that some kind of joke? you can get a basic idea of how light casts on a figure with something like that, but it's terribly basic
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>is that some kind of joke? you can get a basic idea of how light casts on a figure with something like that, but it's terribly basic

I think he is saying that compared to a romankey body the shf, figma, and 86 toys bodies might as well be a wooden doll. I vote yes, Joke. Hyperbole at least.
I'm sorry I dont understand why you'd buy this shit in the first place. Looking at these vs 85toys female body it's no contest and 86 win everytime.

Is buying stuff like this people just wanting to waste money?
Fucking FINALLY. If only toy companies would realize they make more money making their products more available instead of limited runs that incentivize fucking scalpers to make more than the company will.

...unless some of their own are compromised from the inside and are contributing this to line their own greasy pockets.
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oi... don't be dissin' jada toy.
she has excellent twerk meme.
> be 86toys
> no neck articulation
> no hip-abdominal articulation
> no sculpted feminine cumgutter abs
> sculpt not as dynamic as Romankey's
> articulation not as dynamic as Romankey's

...pretty okayish but not as outstanding. People here want only the best of the best for their hot figures.
I would buy it because I like having different builds for my ladies, just like in real life. Sometimes you want a dumptruck ass, smaller tits and a bit of thickness like younger Mia Malkova. Sometimes you want a perky ass, and torpedo D-cups like Liya Silva. And sometimes you want Gina Carrano to give you death by snu snu.
>I like having different builds for my ladies
Variety is the spice of life.
Could you drop the recipe again for that short/chubby girl?
Depends anon, you game or are you lame?
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If you Mean this one.. System doesn't like my links keep saying it thinks it is spam so gotta search.
The OG bust here is out of stock.
The recast is in the figure section of https://www.shop2000.com
(I'd use this whole figure instead if I had one)

For the legs and arms search ali express. The item is called New Big 1/8BJD Body White Skin Ball Joint Body Doll Accessories Boy Girl Toy

Belly&Groin. is Ymy milky white pear body can find on amazon
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wat bout potato quality like pic?
where do I buy
If that link didnt work which it just didnt for me. it is on the GK online model shop.

>wat bout potato quality like pic?
Wait. the blond chick?
That is 4.33in YMY 2.0 body with a bust from Azur Lane VD 112 PVC Action Figure Archetype Anime With Special Head ATAGO
Seems Genki got my Lustia+feet in.
I got two with varied results. I was able to fix most of these issues. I'm just a bit disappointed at myself for coming to Romankey late and miss the original wave.
>Tunshi studio bodies
As far I remember those have buttplates too
animester 1/9 action figure series
I WOULD SPLIT THAT ASS (unironically)
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not really, it's more of a V-style rubber pantyline with a sculpted glute running up from the back of the leg. pretty elegant.
Don't worry, it'll happen eventually anyways.
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So, anyone know any good bare nippled bust parts for Arcanadea Elena?
Seen some SH Studio but I dunno if they're cross-compatible.
Thank you anon!
I too am curious about this
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Here's mine
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Are you getting her?
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Also, what's up with this Underverse company? Why is their stuff so expensive?
Play arts has some nice asses. Figuarts is the worst by far of all lines out there. Figma the gold standard.
PAKS have nice designs, but shit qc, especially in the painting department. The chin of my catwoman came discolored. Had to airbrush it with the correct tone of black. Was a pita.
I mean if shit qc was a factor shf would still be worst lol
True, and consumers never complain and keep buying them. All of Bandai's action figure lines are plagued with dogshite qc. My last figure from them was the Metal Build Lancelot, almost 400 bucks. It also came riddled with poor paint apps. You'd think that they'd give proper qc to their more expensive products and yet
Ashley Wood cooking something decent for once and not just statues of feet? Color me impressed.
which one do I get?
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Line's been around for a couple of años
any reccs for more idol-y shaped bodies or styled clothes?
looking for something a little less chesty
Honestly a lot of the underverse releases at this point seem pretty cool, they have even done a few adventure kartel throwbacks. I just wish they weren't so fucking expensive
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I got her. I'm all in on the Modern Gal line.
I wish they weren't so pricey, especially with this having released right before Christmas, But i kinda get it.
All the clothes is quality and one off, there's never any reuse except for the female buck they use. The hands and feet are always unique and so are the skin tones. The paint detail on the faces is honestly incredible as well. And theyre small batches too 1000pcs only for each one i think.
This is the one I was most excited for after the catsuit girl
The public at large want's to know. Are they anatomically correct under all those clothes?
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Didnt the latest transformers show turn arcee into an actual tranny complete with flag?
The cool Mr.Z City Girls released.
And the ugly Morrigan too



You're probably confusing her with SpiderGwen
>You're probably confusing her with SpiderGwen

Didnt 1 of those American retards write her off as being trans in the comics. Then in this tf1 movie they did that again.
I know they did the "None binary" bullshit in the one that was full of blacks and that was woke to the eyeballs
Underverse is Ashley Wood's (formerly of 3A) new company, so even though he kind of shamefully broke up with ThreeZero he still has name power and a somewhat good reputation in the 1/6 art toy space
>Didnt 1 of those American retards write her off as being trans in the comics.
No, that was Simon Furman, who is a bong. And he made the story so offensive that future writers had to retcon her so that trannies couldn't complain. Furman pretty much made Arcee the victim of the Cybertronian equivalent of Dr John Money, which left her as a completely batshit insane psychopath that hated her existence.
It was extremely based and triggered all the faggots that run TFwiki as much as Kiss Players does.
I don't know about the latest movie. I dropped watching Transformers when the recent animated show decided to do the preferential pronoun bullshit.
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If you're fine with sculpted clothes, the im@s figmas of course.
Spider gwen has never been trans in any continuity (in the spiderverse movies she appears to be a trans ally)
Arcee has never been depicted as trans in any animated media, it was Nightshade who was depicted as non-binary in a recent show. Arcee was however trans in the 2005 IDW comic. Though this wasn't depicted as a good thing as it was forced on her by a decepticon who wanted to introduce the concept of gender to transformers and used the captured Arcee as the test subject. This drove her insane and she became a psycho killer.
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>ANOTHER 1/6 Mai, this time unlicensed
At least this one seems like it might have naughty bits.
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At least that's what they're implying from the censored promo pics.
You can find lots of passable ones

It's any with a good butthole that you'll have trouble with
There are no Arca Nadea customization parts out there due to how Koto's weird 3rd party rights BS works (it's why there's basically only parts for MDs and no other lines out there). That said, a lot of the MD stuff can be made to work with Elena. You can make the soft ones Onigum makes work on her, and they're pretty top-notch. Otherwise if you want hard plastic ones just about any of them can be forced to work.
Genuinely insane how some rando in 4chan will randomly make up some woke pronoun strawman to get mad at and you all will waste countless posts getting mad at media you don't even watch
You'd probably get more done for society jacking off at this rate.
This one straight up looks like a scaled down sex doll.

>Genuinely insane how some rando in 4chan will randomly make up some woke pronoun strawman to get mad at and you all will waste countless posts getting mad at media you don't even watch
On 4chan? Bro, this is social media in general now. And you can see the same shit from the left on places like reddit. Everyone's just in their echo chambers and increasingly deaf to reality.
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I have 3D printed some but they'll need to be painted, which means you might need to paint all of her skin to match it all up. I know a guy tried to print them in flesh colored resin to match the plastic but I found those unconvincing.

There are the Idolmaster 30MS kits now too.

This tactic never worked, and will certain never work now. Go back to your groomcord.
....you mean the comic from almost two decades ago?
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Whatever happened to this line?
Was pic good?
You should change your bio pronouns to
Is this licensed one not with naughty bits? The censorship on the previews makes me think so.
She is the same body, 1 with a straight bang and the other is a wavy bang.
>Polynian thread is kill
sad but understandable, they haven't really done anything interesting as of late to prop up a whole thread.
bro, >>11246935 are two versions that is right, but >>11246780 is different studio's work.
was hoping they'd lean more into the customizable aspect of Polynians but that didnt happen so much
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a lil stop motion
hope it works
how many photos are those?
I was only gonna do one pump(?) but thought I'd extend it for fluidity. idk if it really helped tho
yeah its a pain in the ass unless you have a dedicated workspace for it.
I have a potential one but theres stuff in the way at the moment
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300k+ polygons of robot ass
now show the ass
head way too big
actually might be just the pose and angle
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>My Choco Aileen shipped from cooltoysclub

She's still in my build backlog. Only one I got from that line though, as I generally dislike Tony's art.

If only they advertised removable skirt as a gimmick.
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>The thigh joints are connected using the same ball joints used in figma Ryza, allowing for both thick thighs and beautiful, movable legs !
I don't own this one and her design doesn't lend to butt tech so I don't know if this is promising or not
Least there's butt on the leg.
instant preorder holy fug
they at least go the proportions right unlike the shf. Probably gonna get her.
this is what 2a's butt will look like most likely since they wear similar stuff
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Trying to get them to ship Lustia already, too.
absolute gem incoming
based glad I waited
hell yeah finally a good 2b

Also does anybody know where to preorder romankey? Males will be going up today and females soonish I forgot when
except 5ktoys that is
Seems she's 16cm, taller than pocket arts...
my higheel wearing waifu is le tall? Crazy
not as tall as my hard cock still thank god
That one's not even very old and the line is still going, if you mean Guilty Princess/Tony. New ones came out in the last couple of months. Like the elf chick with the clear green parts. Hobby Japan has a monthly article about them it seems like, with an art piece each time. I have never built one myself. They are very sexy but need a ton of paint to look "canon" and that has put me off every time I have to make a choice, and it's always this kit or that kit for me. So needing to do a lot of painting has been a dealbreaker like 6 times so far. I'll get some sooner or later. If you are interested, Ami always has a bunch preowned for pretty cheap. All parts still in the baggies, no hotglue.

More people need to make these. I did it once but not coomer related.
She's like 168cm with the heels.
She shouldn't be as tall as Gilgamesh who's around 180cm.
You must be pretty short if every woman wearing heels towers over you.
>1cm bigger than the shf
Mogging in every sense and way possible now lol. Sad that it didn't come out this year. Easily foty contender.
>30MS kits now too
I don't know what this means, sorry
bandai 30 minutes sisters line has literal idolmaster characters
they are model kits though
>I have 3D printed some
On Booth I assume ? you got the already 3D printed props or a file to make it yourself ?
is there like a guide on how to learn printing parts for figures so they fit or are you just doing it by eye and trial & error?
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No a friend sculpted them in zbrush or whatever. I just printed mine in grey and will paint them to look like sheer material (flesh then a clear paint on top) to hide the flesh not matching the plastic skin precisely.

Learn to love the idea of prototyping. You test print, try the fit, then sand and file, or print again. With resin, every bottle of resin (even the same SKU), every humidity change and temp change in your room, every different printer, every set of settings, all will change things so there is never a one size fits all. But these tits take 23 minutes and 5 pennies for me to print. Making them look good is the real task and is why a Muscato or whatever who can deliver more or less OOB-useable pieces can charge you $50 for a nickel worth of resin.
Someone please tell me what this is! I want it so bad
Mind sharing the stl?
Let's hope it's a typo because if not 2B's gonna scale better with Snail Shell than Figma or SHF.
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Read the thread, coomer-kun. >>11247173
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It's a model kit, inmate!

Why is she so expensive? Shes like $80 on Ali. It's just a build kit in underwear.

I just got the nuke matrix build kit today for 30 and she comes with tons of bits and pieces. What's the reason this is 80 when you get so little?
good smile tax
all their model kits are expensive as af
Like I said, Ami. There is a NIB on sale for $27.23 US right now. READ NIGGA READ.
>thats expensive for them
You don't own toys. You can't afford them.
no man, compared to other model kits plamax ones are more expensive
i am just stating facts
I dunno man I pay the same price for my 30mm
Sheesh, what the hell is preventing 3rd-party Arcanadea parts from being made? Or at least, marketing hypothetical Arcanadea mods as "not compatible with Megami Device but totally could work on an Arcanadea (wink wink)"?

That said, thanks for the link to Onigum. Not sure I can buy those locally, but I guess the SH Studio bust parts I see might work on her. How do I make them work without gluing?

Oh damn, these look good! Kinda wondering though how to give her a topless bod without paint though. How cross-compatible is her torso with Megami Device bits?

Followup question: anyone know where to find good saddles for her? Kinda wanna give her something for the knights and Astolfos riding her, instead of them riding her raw bareback all the time.
oh also when I print stuff and paint them do I have to coat them with something in order not to smear the figgies or will warhammer paints and valejo stuff be save enough?
*on their own
>anyone know where to find good saddles for her?
Look into Breyer Freedom series 8" horse girl shit. I use the freedom series 1/12 for my figma horse bridle and saddles so 8" should scale to mecha horse girl if the 1/12 stuff is too small.
Any of these things will need primer like any other model. You can (theoretically) but clear primer but around here I can only get the usual colors. I'd buy a can of Mr. Color spray and use that if possible before trying to get a smooth even coat on an area like giant centaur tits using a brush, but it's not impossible.

I would need to be paid in pics. Then maybe could post it on the groomercord from the contest or something.
>Why is she so expensive? Shes like $80 on Ali.
And at HLJ she's like 35. It's Ali, they either scalp originals hard or sell bootlegs cheap as fuck.

But overall, yeah, GSC kits are more expensive than Bandai's and they're more lazy at pre-colored parts too.
But the top jew is Square with their Xenogears.
cost too much in livraison+tax if you live in europe
for whatever magic, I never had to pay import tax on ali
...because Ali includes VAT.
this is not the tax I am talking about, in the event of importing an object outside the European Union, you must pay a customs tax
upon delivery, it is clearly written customs clearance on the feed
Maybe you should pay more taxes for immigrants to replace retards such as yourself.
No, it is the same tax. Those regulations have been in place for a while now.
They charge you VAT and pay them, so you don't have to - nor have to pay additional fees, like the scam called an administration fee.
It's delivery duty paid, but china shipping is so dirt cheap you don't notice it compared to say Hobby Search who has the same.
>No, it is the same tax.
no it's not, at least in France you have to pay the vat+another tax
So Ami charges you additional tax if your in Europe?
>but china shipping is so dirt cheap
China shipping is free
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VAT is the usual 21% import fee, then you got admin fees on top which vary by country/courier. Lowest in mine is €6 through local. But since paid in advance to the store, no admin needed, no fees.
Then finally there's extra import duties if it's over €150, which should still be voided if DDP.
You gotta be meaning one of the last two.
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Wish me luck lads.

She comes with 3 titties sizes and all have nipples!
Put the extra boobies on other limbs
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I made her last week
For that price, it's was fantastic
I picked her up last week as well. I have built the other kits in the line but not regular version Vi, oddly enough. Post pics.


Those are some cute feet. Are they the ones that belong to her?
Yes, she have 2 pairs
One with articulated toes and the other without
Release when
What other figures do they go on?

Is there a blank figure for the red hair and bikini? With face bit etc? Would this work on an 86 body
that's a really flat ass
Is there a blank figure for the red hair and bikini?
you're supposed to buy 2 forest's summer kit and use the other body and bikini with another nuke matrix girl head
>Would this work on an 86 body
No, the tits part of vivienne summer ver is just a front piece ,the 86 body use a shirt like piece
>Not sure I can buy those locally
Just use a basic/cheap/reliable proxy like Dejapan or something. Easy peasy. But yeah, since almost all 3rd party parts are made by Japanese autist creators, they tend to abide by what regulations hobby companies put in place for them. So we'll probably never see Arca pieces unless someone outside of Japan makes them. There might be a cheeky bastard here or there that says it's for MDs but uses pictures for Arca girls, but it'd be a "blink and you miss it" kind of deal.
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Am I MEANT to have this many left over parts? Wtf is the weird hoof looking bits meant to go to? Why do the blue bits of hair have holes in them with nothing to go into, what's the skin colored collar for
>Am I MEANT to have this many left over parts?
yes, it's would cost them more to make a new mold without those useless part than printing it like that
it's the same for bandai and gunpla kit who share part, some runners are used on multiples kit but they need different part, it's cheaper and faster to print useless part than do new unique mold
I'm really meant to have this many useless bits?
What are they even for? Why didnt they give the red hair option if they had this much plastic to spare

The parasol was bad enough with those tiny black pegs it wants u to insert. Then to find out u dont actually need them
>I'm really meant to have this many useless bits?
you're not used to model kit are you ? yes it's normal, there is part you don't use
>What are they even for?
sometime it's becaause multiples kit share the same runner, some of them don't use all the part and all so they're some left over
>Why didnt they give the red hair option if they had this much plastic to spare
it's not a option, you're supposed to buy one of the other nuke matrix girl and a second kit of forest's summer so you can have 2 body and 2 chair + the head of the other girl from her own kit
>Why didnt they give the red hair option if they had this much plastic to spare
so you buy the other girl
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I like the bike
i like the underboob, is this a model kit?
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Isnt this the thing those fags on gundamit (members) were crying about because it comes with tits.
If it comes out well I'll post pics, but could you just make a pixeldrain upload or something instead of discord?
>First pictures I thought this looked cool. Cool girl version of Akira. Compatriot maybe. Then I kept scrolling and quickly said okee doke, not for me lol.
>Why is this one so unnecessarily detailed lol. While I appreciatw the craftmanship and the dual figure 2for1 combo, the lewdness is a bit overkilled imo.
just dont make the nude body if you are a fag like that
They won't ship flammables. I'd have to 6 month slow boat them and even then once they hit the US it causes bullshit.

They're optional not extra. You can use them or not, use them as replacements, etc.. Those balls are to put different sized head joints onto her. Should be able to get heads from other figures onto those and install them onto the body. Extra clear armature pieces are so you can make the stand any way you want it, different heights, etc. also they tend to get broken so spares are nice.

It's funny that performative westoid virtue signaling has become a meme synonymous with this kit. It's brainrotted some people so badly that they posture that way reflexively even in a place like a titty model kit comment section as if that will get them white college girl gated community pussy. It's like, little one, you are buying Chinese model kits of anime girls. How much tit they are showing is not the deal breaker for you getting down the pants of the idiot you are imagining is reading your comments. It dries pussies up if anything, ten times more than a lewd plastic model hobby every would.
What about the bizarre hoof (I'm assuming there foot) pieces or the blue hair with holes in
The blue hair with holes are probably for accessories that the regular model wears on her head. The 'hoof' bits are for feet that hinge. A lot of girlpla has this sort of sock or slipper look for when the girls aren't wearing armored boots or whatever
Theres a regular model?
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I think this is where the original mold for the hair comes from
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Yes, a few of mechanical monster girl
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>Wtf is the weird hoof looking bits meant to go to?
The figure is for customization so the "Hoof" part is an option for socks or boots if you want to use that instead of toes and paint over the skin tone. of the foot and/or leg.

You can also combine the normal bodies and the mecha parts here to make something a bit different and the extra neck balls you showed are so you can use heads from other lines like this one from 30 Minutes Sisters.
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One more for good measure at a different angle.
>They won't ship flammables.
Think we might have been talking about different things. I was talking about option sets off of Booth. You can proxy those (and basically everything else you need for this hobby) to the US. Pretty much the only thing in this hobby that you'd actually want but can't proxy would be Gaia Multi Primer, and Tamiya polyseter putty. Everything else we US Masters can ship just fine. If you were talking about something else then that's my bad.
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why are shfs so fucking glossy
The flesh colored neck joint and the peg that connects her "tail" to her back broke on mine. I dont really now how to fix the tail peg, the way its assembled makes it hard to fix withtwith the usual wire on drilled hole method, since the piece that had the peg is a hollow circle. She looks incomplete without her tail thing but she is really cool, even if her giant cross sniper gauss rifle is too unwieldy
Bandai too cheap to matte topcoat.
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What other figures do they go on?
The bigger boobs and pink bikini were advertised as being specifically for her buddy/spotter, Lilly Bell, pic related. All the other extra bits are there for customization options - those neck adapters are for sticking non-Cyber Forest Girls heads onto the body if you just wanted to use it as a generic nude/swimsuit body for another figure, and the hair bits with the holes in them are so you can use the hair accessories from Vivienne's normal F.O.X. Sniper Armor release.
That one's not Vivienne, though; her name is Amelia Hartmann. Vivi's normal loadout is the fox sniper gear here >>11247833 >>11247831
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One of the original pics advertised online with the kit, showing Lilly Bell's head on the kit with the bigger boobs, pink bikini, and one of the womb tattoos (while not-so-subtly advertising that the bikini is indeed cast-off and not sculpted on).
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Another advertised pic showing off the largest bust size, Lilly Bell's bikini, and one of the neck adapters using the head of Megami Device's Bullet Knights Executioner, advertising that the body is compatible with non-Nuke Matrix girls as well.
So, here's the thing:
They don't sell Breyer Horses where I'm at, but I saw some ads for some cheap saddle keychains on Aliexpress for under a dollar.
Do you think these could scale well with Elena or any figma horses in general? (Assuming these aren't a scam that makes a flat 2D keychain look 3D.)
That's impossible to tell without a picture of them

Is there no basic naked build girl like this I can buy to add the bikini to which wont require me to buy x2 kits?
Just a nude kit? No. You can throw it on some other Megami Device/Nuke Matrix bodies, but they're technically clothed. Your best bet would be to track down and buy a nude buck for it (Pixiv body, Sozai-chan body, etc), and even then, I can't guarantee you'll get a perfect fit. The kit is made the way it is on purpose to force you into buying duplicates, as greedy as that sounds.
Oh, you should be able to toss a bikini on this chick >>11247697, since her whole unarmored 'outfit' (which is actually an entirely separate body from the main one included in the kit) is also designed to be castoff and she's also completely nude and sculpted under there just like Vivienne, but that would require you to buy her whole kit for it.
>which is actually an entirely separate body from the main one included in the kit
cool, does she have also 2 head so it's a 2 figure in one kit or it's just 2 body and one head so you can't use the 2 as the same time if you don't get 2 kits ?
Man, Faizbros are eating real good. Between the Figuarts Faiz line expanding and now this I am certainly spoiled. I hope we get the Symphogear Faiz collab girls as figures as well.
What you see in the image is everything that's in the box. She has two bodies (one armored-up, the other nude but wearing a removable rubber outfit), two heads with different hairstyles, and shares her faceplates between both bodies. The nude body does seem to have its own dedicated sets of hands, though. You should be able to have both complete versions of her at the same time, so throwing Vivienne's bikini on the nude one shouldn't detract from the other one in any way other than you can't give them both the same facial expression at the same time.
What's going on here? Yusuke better not be cheating on Keiko.
I just cant justify buying 2 of these + something else for a different head.

I dont need x2 of all the other accessories etc. Fuck it I'll just leave it as it is
I am talking about solvent and lacquer based flammables, which have all sorts of cunty regulations involved. Some places, like Hobbysearch, will just cancel your order if you include them to a US address. You also have to use the JP site (dodging the EN site) to even browse lacquer paints to begin with. And no seller seems to really understand what the regulations are to which country so even if you technically should have no problem, the JP warehouse drone sees an overseas or US address and says no. For some strange reason they don't want to be responsible for sending a tiny pressurized incendiary bomb full of corrosive solvents in a box full of paper and plastic on an airplane, I guess. Once and a while I have found ways around this by ordering Jap materials via China and having it sent super slow boat (3-6 months stopping at every port) but once the order was damaged when it did arrive and the other time it never arrived. So I will never incorporate clear primers or any other flammables into my workflow unless I can get it locally or through mail order that arrives in a week or less. Just not worth it.
Even just getting gaianotes in small bottles is rough. JP sellers have canceled my order due to them and the few places in the US who get them always sell out super fast so it's like...do I want to commit to using a paint that I cannot reup in a reasonable way? The only time it was ever worth it to me was to get the Eva and Miku branded paints and that was due to collector autism and for the meme, not because those paints were actually worth jumping through hoops and dodging regulations to get.
In the end, I feel like if you can't do it with Mr. Color from the local shop, it's a skill issue really, isn't it? That clear primer is the only thing I really want.

Eastern Model has a bunch of Chinese made, nice naked bodies. The one I have was in a set with a cloth kimono, feet with geta, and some swords and stuff, used for the ATK Girls.
Which romankey body colors do I get. Every reviewer is a massive faggot with 100000 lumen bulb and I can't make out whether I even need a white body of if the yellow one is human flesh tone. They also don't label them in the videos.
>"Google images, how does it work?"
ok tumblerina
I got the darkest one cause in person it actually just looks like the basic gyaru-oh skin tone you see in hentai (perfect for a bully), whereas the promo pics made it look like he was straight up Tyrone. I did not get the other two
Who the cutie mage?
yeah the promo pics suck too. I got white and yellow that should be a save bet
I hate to say it but no they are not?
I mean there's a defined raised nipple and there is a camel toe down there. But no sculpted or painted parts aside from that.
They just released a statue that does have true nipples so maybe sometime in the future
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In the previous thread some anon had Lustia with a tomb tattoo decal.
Can anyone give me a link on where to buy?
the three figures looks glossy there
Are these actually two different scales? The 1/10.5 says 15cm and the 1/12 says 180mm. It makes no sense.
MentalAgent review
>Are these actually two different scales?
Nope, both are exactly the same
>solvent and lacquer based flammables
Oh, got'cha. Thought you were talking about resin parts. Whoops. Luckily Gaia has become a lot easier to get in the US now. Newtype USA, Toyslogic, Galactic Toys, and a few others have them. Some even have the legendary Gaia EX 10 premium flat topcoat restocks several times a year. The only stuff of theirs you can't seem to find in the US is anything completely brand new (like their color shift stuff), or their godly Multi-Primer. Pretty much everything else you can find in the US now though.
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So what heads fit the pixiv body from ali?
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stealing this from the figma thread
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Pretty meh, I expected more from Figma
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Thats the best 2b we'll ever get. He just did a shit angle sadly.
it's literally the same design newfag
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Thank god they didn't fuck it up. There's been tons of falseflagging by certain schizos over her due to obvious reason but looks out they turned out LITERALLY PERFECT. I'm so happy.
I don’t know, I still thinking about getting Buzzmod one.
said nobody ever
great ass aside, aren't figmas the least posable? I have Chainsaw man SHF and Figma, and the latter is the worst
I will now buy your 2b
It has better range than the shf because there's no retarded butt plate blocking movement.
I got SHF berserk armor and it's just awful to pose without risking limbs snapping and it can't even stand up on it's own since the ballpegs on the legs are so lose now.
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Whoever made the sclupt understood what was expected of him. I have now extremely high hopes for 2A. I know she wears hotpants/undies so it will probably be like ryza but just look at how good she looks. The colors are so nice. The faces amazing. The proportions are fucking perfect. That butt is a beefier version of aqua. *chefskiss*
I was never in my life so hyped for a figure. I'm not even kidding.
Explain the price.
more expensive one might have the early purchase bonus thing
i dont know what exactly is in this kit, it could be a different hairstyle/color, soft goods cloak or something else extra.
Articulation varies greatly on figma, some are super-poseable like the recent Guyver or Solid Snake and others struggle to get 90 degree bends. 2B appears to be the former.
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SHF is here the least posable due to that buttplate blocking movement.
People have revealed the new Solid Snakes articulation already?
Wasnt that skirt hard too? Bandai rushes their figures too much.
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I never bothered to look up reviews about the shf 2b before but I'm genuinely disgusted watching them. Just look at this shit. Looks like a fucking ballsack or lose skin. Actually made me gag. This is even shit for assplate standards.
Bandai should just stick to modelkits honestly.
>There's been tons of falseflagging by certain schizos over her
What falseflagging? Practically every post I've seen is happy about how she looks with the only real concern being the 160mm size which would make her taller than the average Snail Shell.
I don't think 2B does anything for me, shame. Didn't even like the game.
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Nice. Very nice.
Wish he posed her properly but I'm just happy about it being an actual butt. Anons shitposting past few days made me almost worry.
Gay. Very gay.
Any you can mod
reminder female romankey bodies soon
Only the head is new.
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I ended up just using the torso
I hate how easily lint gets on it though
Just need to sand the mid section joint so it fits properly
My mantis girl arrived today, her hands pop off if you even look at them funny. Other than that it's a fine figure.
waiting never felt more rewarding
Wait, what is this? I don't remember seeing her before, though I admittedly don't hang around these threads all that often anymore.
The first non-Sophia Shirring figure from the same artist's art series Bunny Suit Planning. Figma appears to be planning to do the whole range, there's already concept art of the next girl
hopefully they will make xenoblade 2 stuff one day...
So is this a new 2B by Figma


And is this the same or a different company

Is there a bunch of lewd waifus in it? If not then I don't care
You have no idea...
Xenoblade looks like "someone tried to make a bunch of /vt/rannies in an old Illusion game" to me so I'd say no.
>he doesn't even know
lmao that thing might as well be a beta test for xc2 figures
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Yeah, those are both the Figma.

>Is there a bunch of lewd waifus in it?
if seamless bodies are so bad, why do people keep buying them?
People think they improve because its year xx over year yy. Yet after about 2 years the bodies have cracks
Only if you do everything that the caution pamphlet tells you not to do.
Well, I finally caved and bought Aileen. I was going to skip and just hold out for the inevitable Blanc and Noir, but one too many sexy pictures on Weibo hypnotized me. Was debating between her and the new Dragon girl, but figured I better grab Aileen before I get raped on the aftermarket.
Had a friend who did this and followed the instructions to the letter. 1 year later a figure he spent 300 on had split arms.
If your stupid enough to buy seamless then you deserve everything you get
cringe ass nae nae babby got an anime?
I remember people defending this slop
Yep, bbw potato elf got an anime.
>Sold out absolutely everywhere
Fuck. Just how long ago did she go up for order? Surely I would have heard SOMETHING from poking my head in here once or twice a month.
Who rapes you harder on shipping costs - Amiami or HLJ?
It costs the same +-200 yen
Probably Ami2.
Plus their private warehouse is just for the release month vs. HLJ who will iirc hold your figure for 6 months.
A Amiami recently told me that they didnt even know their own shipping costs.
Are they genuinely that f-ing stupid? I asked for what their Shipping costs would be for the police girl I wanted and was told they didnt even know
PO period was from Feb to Apr this year
i preordered here in July from amiami
Depends on the work put into them.
Figma can have good, poseable figures if they put the work into them. It's just not the default for a Figma. Who knows what makes them put extra work into a figure? Favoritism, or just thinking it'll sell well enough to be worth it.
the only "deluxe figmas" that come to mind are Flute Knight, Dread Samus, EMMI and the upcoming 2B and Xenoblade girl with wings on her head. I guess both of the NIKKE figmas also fit into this Deluxe range. I guess Saber 2.0 and the super poseable Lancer could also fit into this, but that was before the death of the value of Yen
>Snail Shell will release 1 (ONE) Nikke figure
>they plan to release like 20 more oc figures
>inevitable Blanc and Noir
I don't know anon, it will take them years to make them and bunny girls have too much competition right now
Same. Didn't even get Schierke. Waiting for revoltech to save berserk and csm
A long while ago there was also that Fate Lancer dude who had exceptional articulation. Their Rengoku was also good. Skull Knight also looks good. There are more, but I can't think of them right now. These are all dudes, though, so not really relevant to /ctg/, but more so to point out that Figma does occasional put extra work into their figures.
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>Didn't even get Schierke
3rd party will fix her
I need to get this.
Robes just don't work with plastic.
Unless 3rd party fixes the trash guts figures I won't care esl-kun.
I need to save up some money one of these months to order a bunch of soft goods replacement clothes for figures.
Your skill issue for not getting model kit or just getting old figma Guts and moding him for better articulation and exchanging his cape to cloth one.
Esl-kun what about I'm waiting for revoltech to save that shit cursed line did you not understand or are you just trying to shill here?
>what about I'm waiting for revoltech to save that shit cursed line did you not understand
You sound retarded, maybe one day revoltech will get rights to make Berserk and Chainsaw Man figures but who knows if they would receive Amazing Yamaguchi treatment.
>ad hominem
Watch him mass report me next for getting exposed.
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What the fuck?
Two of the most fitting franchises for an AY should somehow not get AY treatment once they get the license...and you have the audacity to call anybody else retarded. Mindboggling.
On top of suggesting getting 3 figures to frankenstein one figure because bandai couldn't get it right with their 140 bucks toy of which you suggest to only take the cape instead of waiting for a possibly superior toy. This is literally the most retarded cope I've read all year.
Fuck THIS is retarded. Also how the fuck is this shit even coomer general related?
true story, bro :^)
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>Also how the fuck is this shit even coomer general related?
I don't see you posting stuff aside of off topic shit.
>it's literally the same design newfag
I knoe, retard, I'm talking about the volume, 2B should get a ginormous ass specially if she's based on the anime
It's always been Amiami
Schierke doesn't really NEED a soft cloth robe but it would be nice to at least make the bottom half cloth.
The only thing that's missing is volume front to back. It just kinda melds into the thigh rather than being an actual ass.
>part of the same piece of clothing
>top plastic
>bottom soft goods
I hate this. This looks awful. Full soft goods robe or bust.
Looks like I shouldn't have listened to my PP. Got this series of translated messages shortly after buying.
>my friend
>Warehouse notification needs to be added by 10Mei y
>This commodity zhang Lavia le
>My cost has become higher
>I sell you this price I will lose money
>would you like
It was surprising since they had good ratings and 97.1% positive but combing through their feedback they've done this a few times before and even sent people empty bags. Crazy what Aliexpress sellers can get away with. Guess I better cancel.

The floodgates are just opening, anon! We'll see our next Nikke before Marian's even out, and Snail Shell won't be able to keep themselves from making Blanc and Noir for long since they're popular and fit neatly with one of their niches. (I want to be leaf)
pls respond
You bought this off some fag on aliexpress didnt you?
These chinks have started pulling this shit lately of selling item A at this price, you pay, then get a message 4 days later demanding more money for the item.

Just report this fucker because hes not allowed to pull this stunt under their own terms
NTA but it is a custom megami device with some aftermarket parts. Looks like some Koijirisu. https://booth.pm/en/items/5654260

maybe some あのあの

Not sure about hat.
Remember not to engage with the seething shitposter who can't stop brandwarring and report his post for off-topic or trolling depending on which is more applicable for the post.
>You bought this off some fag on aliexpress didnt you?
Yeah. Haven't bought anything from there since earlier in the year and didn't have any real problems buying something every now and then in previous years so didn't realize this was a thing now. This dude didn't even wait an hour let alone days. I want him to get in trouble since he's a repeat scammer, but none of the reasons to submit a report fit. Hopefully he gets some mark against his account if I cancel with the reason being seller raised the price.
You have to contact an agent directly and talk to them in chat to report them.
I had this happen earlier this year and got back at them
I wish Snail Shell gets BA license too

>bunny girls have too much competition right now
Other than a few model kits and the upcoming Sushing Bunny Squad what competition?
That's not a figure. it's a statue, and it doesn't belong here.
This is piss anon again isnt it
Thanks! Ended up doing just that and they cancelled the order and opened up a case on him for the higher ups which could allegedly lead to his store getting closed. Didn't want to give this bastard a chance to pull anything sneaky. Guess I'll take this as a sign to pick up the Blademaster Weng I was considering instead.
They've started pulling this stunt recently to screw customers over. I had it happen twice. The first time was with ko figma nethal (Egypt girl).
The guy lied and made me wait longer claiming it wasnt ready from the factory yet. Then after 4 weeks he demanded more money or said I should cancel.

It was at this point you have x2 options.
1 play them at their own game or 2 get aliexpress involved directly.
I did 1 and paid, received my item, made a claim that it was damaged (it was as it was missing a hoop earring) and the seller had flattened the box to send it.

Got ali to force him to give me my money back then left a negative review warning other buyers of the crap that seller does
Glad it worked out for you. Customer service seems pretty on point fortunately. But damn, that sucks. Aliexpress has pretty much always had a bad rep, but until recently it's usually been enough to just stick with sellers who have a good feedback percentage and reviews with in hand images. Now you've got to be digging around in their feedback to find the occasional reviews of buyers who got screwed. Guess I'll be buying less from them and just paying a little more from more reputable sites. Saving a couple of bucks isn't worth the frustration.
Sophia Shirring figures are technically bunny girls.
AmiAmi's shipping drove me to HLJ.
>the figure got delayed
>ooh too bad, your month is up, time to pay and ship out what you got
>1 week later
>oh look your figure arrived, anyways time to pay again and ship that one out :)
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>at least make the bottom half cloth.
What ? it's a one piece mage robe, that would be retarded
Face looks abit....down syndrome-ish
Is this from a different figure or one you made with a blank and decals
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I just got mine and I like her but her feet kit should have been standard
Not a fan of the hooves or heels
They are a Chinese kit. You can get a direct from China version or a rebranded JP version. One is more expensive. What continent are you ordering to?

Warning, do not leave this in a sitting pose for long. I learned the hard way.
It tore?
I don’t understand why they use rubber instead of just making it all plastic anyway
It is in fact a figure, and belongs wherever I want.
Oh damn
needs one more point light to illuminate the shadow from her upper articulation. also try wrapping her feet around a more recognizable object
Shit doesnt that mean he will be undersized?

Is Cammy actually a titlet?

Faceplates are better than figuarts. Always the case.

Fuck chinks who do this. I buy 50% less than I used to on Aliexpress because they keep pulling this shit or listing items that are already out of stock.
What's with all these 1/6 haters ITT?
Me personally, I like 1/6 but I don't have the shelf space for a big collection. I am a /tg/ wargamer and I prioritize my minis for shelf space. I limit myself to 1/12 or 1/18 action figures cause I can cram more of them onto their allotted shelves.
Sorry, I meant seamless bodies
Oh, I have never owned one so I can't speak from experience. I just know that anons have said they don't last and deteriorate on their own over time. I decided I would take anon's word for it and avoid them
That's from the Pumpkin Princess.

Sorry, not my pic. Just one of the ones I saw on Weibo that convinced me to buy her before that Aliexpress seller tried to scam me. She's on the backburner for me for now.

Yeah, the main two reasons I buy from Aliexpress is because they have something unique I can't find elsewhere or I can get a good deal on an official figure. But when the difference is $5-10 most times, I think I'll just go with a proper store instead from now on.
she flopped anyway you dodged a bullet
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kek why is shf so bad at making toys? She literally explodes in his hands
Are any of the Plamax Guilty Princess model kits any good? Always saw them shelf-warming or in bargain bins, usually more than 50%.
sex with titlet panties only cammy

i still have a preorder open on bbts for Storm Morrigan Aensland but her diaper being bunched up like that in poses with her legs moved forward really is retarded.

Never had a storm figure before and know of some point chip issues and now i'm not so sure anymore. I absolutely love the characters design and i'm sure it'll raise in price in the future like crazy as there is basically no alternatives for other good figures of her that aren't statues.
Just get that chink shit toy instead. It's at least not cut up in pieces like this piece of shit. Better faces too.
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Anyone got this? Is it good?
Its great if you get a legit one. Stay away from ebay and aliexpress when buying they are probably bootleg. A couple of days ago Romankey started preorders for the males through legitimate retailers. I got my preorders through 5ktoys but you can check Romankey's X formerly known as twitter account for other authorized retailers. Legit females will be available for preorder early 2025.

Bootlegs would probably be okay if the sellers stated that they were bootlegs and weren't charging the same price as legitimate versions. They have loose joints, bad plastic, parting lines still attached, and broken feet in some cases. You can tell bootlegs because they have shiny knees and the boxes do not have official seal.

I got 4 of the bootleg females for free after ebay refunded them because the item was not legit and im just using them for custom part swaps and to replace the metal neck on the dx version of the Rebecca body that is coming out soon.
How did you develop your fetish for joints?
lose a leg or two
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>Anyone got this? Is it good?
Makes for good customs.
>Anyone got this? Is it good?
Good in action.
>Playing with your toys like this
I'm a coomer and even I find this pathetic
>I'm a coomer and even I find this pathetic
To each their own.
What does your wife or gf think of this?
Daughterjack doesn't want you to be her dad anymore.
>What does your wife or gf think of this?
Very supportive actually. She even helps me pick out props, set scenes, and come up with mini comic ideas. It is nice to have a partner who accepts your quirks and kinks and doesn't judge you for it. having to hide things from a partner sucks and sharing everything should be the norm.
how much did that life sized doll wife cost you?
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>how much did that life sized doll wife cost you?

Way too much after 15 years especially considering I have to buy her dolls too.

Shes great though. It was even her idea to make this picture and have it on hand when someone makes the joke you made. Doesn't work as well here though since the doll there isn't life sized.
>15 years
ew imagine the smell
>ew imagine the smell
You have no idea...
OK. Sold. PO'ing the white skin. Just curious, how versatile/useful are the other two variants (yellow, black) when it comes to modding? Do those colors blends well with similar tones?
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Mulling whether PO or to wait. What are the chances of pic getting a 2nd color release, and what color might that be? Hoping normal skin color would be nice since it'll be swap friendly with my collection.
>Just curious, how versatile/useful are the other two variants (yellow, black) when it comes to modding?

Not sure there yet. I have three pale. I wont know for sure on yellow and black till this new preorder gets filled.

it is so hard to tell from the pictures as well. I think the light they use is really harsh in the advertisements so im expecting them to be a bit darker than it shows in them. The pale is darker for sure.

Pale is like almost shf/figma colored standard eastern figure skin tone. I'm hoping yellow is closer to standard US figures. I'm still not sure if the black one is like darker aa black or light gyaru tan. if it is gyaru that is gonna be hard as hell to match for a dude.
She's based on an artist's illustration tho.
Dunno what the case was with the others,
You're probably safe waiting. As far as I know, the other Snail Shell releases have been available from Chinese shops for a little bit after they were released. I haven't pre-ordered anything besides exclusives for years now.
I would have sworn a second color was already shown. Skin was just a different tone of grey. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.
I think I know which pics you mean, the ones in the ghostly cemetery diorama, right? I think it was some weird lighting trick in those shots, cause her skin looked straight-up blue instead of cool grey, and her nipples were almost neon blue.
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Finding this dragon girl pretty tempting. She's cute and give you a lot of bang for your buck with the accessories. But from the reviews I've seen those tassels on the front seem like they're going to be a bitch to pose without breaking. Was wondering if anyone's tried replacing them with cloth ones yet?
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Recent non-studio photos in natural lighting. Seems blue to me, even retain the blue areola highlights.
That could very well have been it.
Well, as is shown by this anon here >>11250368 I think I was mistaken, and the weird lighting is discrepancy is actually in the earlier pic you replied to that makes her look more grey. I guess the figure's actual color is the blue version
>Is Cammy actually a titlet?
While she was certainly bigger than that, she was never a titty-monster, either. Street Fighter's women are all about the thigh game.
Sf "women" today are more about sending a message than being sexy
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If you just want bare feet for 1/12 female figures you can get them on ali for as little as 5 bucks.
Dont pay the snail shell foot tax. Yeah some feet are designed for specific characters like lustia but if you just want naked feet look on ali.

Some slight tinkering might be needed
SHF > your dogshit chink toys. Tranny shell included
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SF6 Cammy is still coombait as fuck, take your meds
this but unironically
Retarded looking face
Smaller tits
Oil looking skin

I think you might need to take your own meds. You'll be defending Kimberley next
Snail shell shills are all paid chinks
Don't move the goalpost, you implied she was a man now. Defend your position
What a downgrade.
How have any goalposts been moved? She is ugly now. Just because you have a pegging fetish doesn't mean we all do
This shf is still the best coomer line
No Cammy will ever be as bad as SF4 Cammy
SHF cammy is better
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behold vintage Coomy
That definitely is an uggo model.
Desperate attempt to defend sf6 cammy....
Sf4 and 5 cammy are miles better than 6
SF5 Cammy no question, the design peaked there, but SF4 Cammy is actually the tranniest one. Thick neck, masculine hip-waist ratio, and unshapely calves
but are the ali offerings as lickable as the snail shell ones? cause they're really high quality coom material
I have a pair I got for aileen that are pretty good. I had to adjust the peg so the feet would slide in but yeah their good for the price. You can get different skin tones too
No ass either.
okay then i will take a proper look at some point
You'd probably still have half of the skates on the leg tho
Why is 1/12 stuff harder to find than 1/6? I'm having such a hard time finding 1/12 stuff like handcuffs yet 1/6 is everywhere
its easier to make maybe, i dunno
>Why is 1/12 stuff harder to find than 1/6?

I used to say the exact opposite like six years ago. There is more now because 1/6 collectors kinda bloomed due to hottoys, tbleague, soosoo, etc... People also expect to spend more so makers filled out those gaps. Also 1/6 overlaps with the doll community so you have more options for items due to barbie, BJDs, blythe, RH, MH, Licca, etc..

Pretty easy to find 1/12 hand cuffs but they will probably included as an accessory for an action figure you don't necessarily want to buy, from a 3d print service, from ali express, or etsy.

You can find nice pairs as well in that 1/12x1/6 set of sex toys that have been recast one closed pair and one pair with one of the cuffs open. Have a link.
This is easily the most beautiful 2B figure ever known to mankind.
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>Is Cammy actually a titlet?
These days not really she got some fat tits in SFV
I went with the smaller torso because I thought it looked way better

I cancelled my Storm Morrigan because she just doesn’t look good enough to justify the price.
I have Storm Demitri and he had bunch of paint issues on his cape which made my decision easier to make.
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Also got this set recently. I like how she comes with band aid decals
Its crazy, 1/6 accessories are cheaper and more varied than their 1/12 counterparts. Especially clothing and other stuff that actually goes on a figure.
How the fuck did you get the pink bar to overlap on the bench? I cant get the decal to do that at all.

Also where did you get the womb tattoo from?

Its pissing me off because I'm having so much difficulty finding 1/12 stuff or IF I find it then it's just 1 guy asking a lot for it. Then you find 1/6 versions for literally 1 dollar.

1/12 skulls for example are $6 a pop for 1 single yet 1/6 skulls you can get x3 for the same price.

I'm looking for slave handcuffs and chains for 1/12. Nothing but 1 guy on Aliexpress asking $25. Look for them in 1/6 and there everywhere for $4.

Cant find a standing candlestick holder that's 1/12. 1/6 no problem.

This shits infuriating
People keep bringing up 3d printing for such accessories, but no idea where to do that in my area.
womb tattoo is on the same decal sheet that all the eyes are on there are two of them on the right side of the sheet. The pink ones were annoying but I just took my time with a Q tip and bent them around the edges.
showzstore has a 3D printing service if you have the file
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>I'm looking for slave handcuffs and chains for 1/12. Nothing but 1 guy on Aliexpress asking $25. Look for them in 1/6 and there everywhere for $4.
>Cant find a standing candlestick holder that's 1/12. 1/6 no problem.
You can't find any or you can't find the ones you want? Because I just googled 1/12 handcuffs and candlestick holder and found a few options on Ebay, Amazon, Etsy, etc.

I get your point, though. 1/6 is definitely easier to find stuff for and cheaper.
That's the 1 guy on aliexpress isnt it?
Finding them is possible but its price that's the issue. I'm not paying 16 for handcuffs at 1/12 when at 1/6 there $3 or even less from some sellers

Yeah I just double checked. The tattoo is blue so wont work with lustia.
I'm trying to find a womb tattoo for her + wings another anon here showed once.
>I'm trying to find a womb tattoo for her
HLJ has has this same sheet in various colors, worth a look
Is this available on aliexpress or ebay anywhere? I really just want 1 single decal. This is kinda a waste buying all these if I only intend to use 1
Ah, same thing's up on Ebay as well for like $10 each. Candle holders for like $5. But, yeah, unfortunately I guess 1/6 collectors are more likely to customize/kitbash their figures so they get a lot more affordable stuff despite being bigger. Only real hope of making it worth it is to buy accessory packs before they go up in price.
I'm after a gothing standing upright candlestick holder that holds 2 or 4 candles. Cant find one anywhere.

I found 1 lady selling x3 black candles that look partially melted. I asked if she could sell them without the table they come on as I planned to put them on a gothic pedestal I have (plan B if I couldn't find candle holder) as the small minded idiot talked herself out of selling.......
It's like wtf....I'm asking to buy something without a piece to it and shes saying that isnt possible
Post some figures you can get at a store near you.
Extras are always good in case of a mess up or the decal getting chipped over time
I don't need 32 of them though anon. I'd happily use the nuke matrix one on lustia but my autism wouldnt allow me to sleep at night because its blue and not red.
Its dumb shit like that which keeps me awake at night
Well, now you got the name of the sheet and the name of the manufacturer. Have a look and see where else you can find it. If you can find it cheaper than on HLJ it might not feel as bad
>I really just want 1 single decal
Unfortunately, corporate disagrees.
Just buy a cheap one, I bought a ender 3 SE in april and I already used 3kg of plastic
You can download props at any scale and just rescale it in the slicer
Heres a link to a slightly different set of womb tattoos on ebay, theyre sold out at the moment, but the guy regularly relists them. JUST TO WARN YOU, I ordered a set that got lost in the mail, the guy sent me a second set at no extra charge, BUT they took a WHILE to get to me in america. Also, who just want a single decal? Just get a set and be happy that you have a ton of extras for when you want to give all your other girls owners marks above their fun bits! Other thing you could do is sell the extras individually for other weirdos who just want a single decal, shit, you could sell them for like 5 bucks apiece and make bank off a single sheet.

>normal skin color
this one is selling very well so I'd guess a color variation is likely, but who knows. snail shell has a lot of irons in the fire
only their ocs get recolors, mummy isnt a snail shell oc
What do I search for one of those tummy crests? Or can you link it? Tried looking on ali but all I see are stickers of lewd art or those types of stickers/temp tattoos for an actual person to put on
Scroll up a bit, links to two different sets have been provided in the last 15 posts
Seems that ebay one is sold out, and the hlj one is okay but I was hoping for something better I guess. Was hoping to order some off aliexpress too to go with a fig I was buying.

Searched a little more on there and have now learned about "QOS" shit. Did not need to know that's a thing.
"QOS" shit....?

Also, like I said, the ebay guy relists them all the time. Might even want to shoot him a message, he might post another one for you.
Yeah, it do be like that.
Queen of Spades.
It's Blacked cuckold fetish where you get your wife to get a Queen of Spades tattoo so that she is marked as the property of BBC.
I only recently discovered it exists. I can't even remember how I found out, because I'm not really an NTR fan. I think I tried to vault the memory, but people keep reminding me that it exists.
There are fair skinned zombies too you tasteless fucker.
OH! Of course. Now I just feel stupid.

Just wait till you see it out in the wilds of IRL, fren....
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My deepest condolences you were subjected to that. Heres some BLEACHED content to cleanse the palette.
Ken has a loving wife
>Searched a little more on there and have now learned about "QOS" shit. Did not need to know that's a thing.
Shit ruined cards for me.
Lemmy Kilmister saved cards for me.
I think he's a an og voodoo chad.
she cute
OP from >>11248034, I got caught up with some stuff. Alright, so here's the saddles in question.

There's no details on it, only that it's for sale, and it's on top of some other horses whose scales I don't know.

Would this fit Elena's back? And would it be heavy? Is the paint gonna melt her plastic or something?
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The chest could be exchanged for a bunny.
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Snail Shell Lustia, can tell by the collar
So, after almost two months of driving myself nuts wondering where the hell my Pumpkin Princess was, not being able to find her tracking number, and not even being able to track down her invoice on any of the sites I usually order from (this making me second-guess whether I'd even ordered her to begin with, as there was no record of the transaction anywhere), it seems she FINALLY just showed up on my doorstep literally seconds ago, as 'm on my way out the door. Not gonna have a chance to open her and see what condition she's in until after my graveyard shift, though, so no pics for now.
Well, who you ordered from?
I just got fucked by this.
The ebay sellers I bought from had legitimate ones before, but these ones were full bootlegs. Had to wait 3 weeks for one order and as a gift they sent me a bootleg of another body without even knowing they're bootlegs. The quality is disgustingly bad.

I got fucked so you don't have to anons. Sharing pics.
The "Gift" they sent me
SHF Bulma's original ass looks like ass. I think that's figma ass, not sure who though.
that is not true her unmodded ass looks great
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Shortstack-anon again!
So I've been preparing for a house move along with my wife and kid and haven't had time to work on figure stuff, but having had the chance to print a few test balljoints (thanks Papi-Anon!) in Resione Tough 74 and discover that, yes, full resin figures are indeed viable, once I can get my hobby setup back in action I wanna get back to work.
Notably, as I now have the power to design and make joints rather than relying on Hobby Base sprues, I had an idea for how to make the hips for bigger butts work better. Simply put, each hip would be mounted on a barbell style double balljoint going into the pelvis core, effectively working as a more mobile drop-down hip. The idea being that you could easily move the hip into exactly the right pose and push it back into position to hide any gaps (doubly so if the pelvis overlay is printed in soft resin). Pic is a really shitty MS Paint sketch of the idea drawn with a laptop touchpad. I seem to recall Second Axe does something vaguely similar with their hip setups?
don't feed the troll
not saying it not saying it not doing it not getting baited into it
All of the sweater articulation looks like ass, especially the wrists.
Saying what?
I guess the eBay seller got fucked too if they didn't know their new supply was bootlegs. But yeah that's ugly.
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One day I’ll take good pictures
Not today though or anytime soon
So the funny thing is that I have an order through AmiAmi that's been sitting for months, comprised of nothing but the secondhand items, and it won't move because I have ATK Carmilla (the only non-second-hand item in the lot) in the same order and she keeps getting delayed.
I'm confused, wouldn't amiami just separate the order and make you pay for in-stock stuff right away?
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It's monstergirl time.

I mean, that's what I assumed would happen, but the order still exists on my account, while still waiting for Carmilla. I don't even know how much shipping even is supposed to be as I never got an invoice.

Honestly wouldn't surprise me if all the cheap shit I wanted to buy got sold out from under me.
You can tell them to separate the order you know that right?
You might need to contact them but you can change some orders straight from the site.
It's an action figure. They're made of pieces. Even the actual figuart is not one solid piece. Compromises are made for posability.
Was that SHF Bulma ass this good? Kinda forgot about it. Might pick this up.
any polynian updates?
To be honest, I actually don't mind the fact it keeps getting delayed due to Carmilla. One less thing to worry about paying during the holiday season.
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I hate how they handle the "cloth over skirt" part.
I begrudgingly PO'd Shokuhou since figma is kill with Raildex, but damn.
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I love the idea of choco Lustia but did you simply just paint in a thin layer of what looks like wood glue?
I can already see the paint constricting in the upper arm, the original skin color on the joints and bits where the brown overlapping onto the legs.

Why didnt you get this Professionally done? This just looks bad
nah anon, you were just retarded
Yes, they're separate pieces, but they're still meant to give the impression that they're one.
Having them be separate is a concession you have to make.
Having the two pieces be an outright different material is a concession you don't have to make that just looks awkward.
If you do a soft goods robe, it has to all be soft goods.
Yay! got mine in from 5k toys. I dig it, but it needs a little work. Gonna try to add nipple, sand down thong add wings, and possibly change to bendy devil tail with heart on the end but I do like the wee goat tail.
Maybe instead we should look at ways of dying/staining PVC, shitty doll clothes already transfer dye, probably dipping the parts into dye would slowly color the pvc itself
Figma doesn't have monstergirls
It's better to use tamiya spray on this type of plastic because it will lock and seal.
The really question is if it would be better to use a normal spray OR a transparent one.
Doing the face/panties is the main issue
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>ahegao is Kaiyodo shop exclusive
the movie really sold me on elita
If some anon here buys it then mention so in future, give me your details, send it me and I'll make resin copies for everyone since I have the kit to do so
for free? or for a price?
what does the "kit" look like
I've never owned a seamless body and honestly don't feel the need to take the plunge. I already don't like the bodysuit on my 1/6 Spider-man fig, so something tighter and being skin is just off-putting.
For 1/6 I am slightly looking forward to those Snail Shell figs, if the price is right I wouldn't mind having a 1/6 dress up doll
poorfag shf shills unironically
I got two myself. While one can't stay togheter long enough the other one is very tight. Neither have excess plastic. I don't even know if the skin color matches the originalas or is totally random at this point.
The "C" clips are really pissing on their own.. that was had me thinking I got scammed, no toymaker could design this fuckery and get away with it.
For a small fee. Whatever postage is then like 4 bucks

Liquid latex to cast a mould that needs to harden for 3-4days. Then resin made up of 2 chemicals mixed together and poured into the mould.

It'll come out blank and flesh colored so youd need to sort the eyes out yourself via decals but I've about a hundred of those so could supply a pair for 2 bucks.
Mouth would need to be painted

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