always. sculpt sucks and the price is expensive. even thought they don't pay for the licensing.
Because there's very few artistically inclined people in the United States. And the few that there are generally aren't as good as their European and Eastern counterparts.
>>11246138Because your only criteria for quality is "is the thing made by asians?" Western made items will be held to impossibly rigorous standards while Jap (or more likely chink) products receive no scrutiny. This is a common symptom of Ken-Samas.
>>11246138>Why does cherry picked example allow me to express my hatred for the West, i.e. America, and exalt my love for the East, i.e. Japan?IDK something something Amerimutts, fat burgers something something also there are no toys in your postallow me to post a toy to stay some what on topic
>>11246204but as you can see, the price and the quality isn't matching here. the bottom artist specifically always complains about the pricing of the Japanese figures, but totally fine when they jack up the price for their "art piece"
>>11246138>Why is this official product superior to literally some random fuck's Etsy listing?The better question is why are you so retarded?
>>11246310both are garagekits, technically fanart.
>>11246138You should have used a Figma vs a McFartlane so that it was toy related and you'd still be correct. But then if you did SHF vs McFartlane, you'd only have a 50% chance of being correct.
>>11246308OP used a plural for both but only provided a single example. He's a faggot who wants to extrapolate a literal single example as every single western sculptor
Dunno what you are on about but the 3d printing stls are top notch