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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11243462
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Every single castle mini-figure pack!
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Christmas came early!
Got this super VERY MEGA ULTRA good deal of nexo sets.
I wanted that Jestro mobile for so long - it will go perfectly with Jestro's volcano castle.
also it was one of the worst packages i recieved...everything inside was just loose and wiggling around all the time.
But i was going to wash and clean all pieces anyway.
They will be shiny and just like new tomorrow!
I also think that the seller put those like that because he was upset that this lot was sold for so cheap... i felt kinda bad. It has big sets that could be sold for much more
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3 sets
Nexo Knights is not a Castle theme and everyone hates it.
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it has this chrome piece and a classic lego skull...I'm pretty sure nexo knights never had chrome and almost never had skulls (which is interesting - Nexo Knights completely AVOIDED making any skeleton/bones stuff)
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GOD I love nexo knights pieces
>transluscent giga-wheels
>transluscent orange magma chains
>those lightning peices
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Feels good to get another Lavaria for my demon army!
They didn't make one for Nexo Knights?
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Anon you forgot Nexo Knights!
it's literally a Castle theme but in the future with the same characters even (the Merlock 2.0 is an old blue wizard and they have a TV-show based on 80s castle set!)
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they did:
They had multiples of those + for the rock season too.
one thing that always confused me about nexo knights is their guns. top left of blue soldiers is just an ultra agents type gun
They had many guns but all of them were blasters similar to star wars stormtroopers energy blasts.

+ Nexo Knights world has shit ton of dangers and monsters.
Sometimes it's easier to stab it with a huge sword instead of making PEW-PEW against a giant walking hellspawn.
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Since they took the posters counter, we got a lot of samefagging. Or bots.

Nobody who is alive likes or heard of nexo knights.

This is a F1 thread
ah, makes sense. my only nexo sets were polybags from comics years ago
these f1 sets could be so much cooler if printed instead of stickers. do no ip owners care about how stickers make their thing look cheap?
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It will be a filler-year. Nobody will care about cars and those other announcements and leaks were pretty "meh".

I'm kinda good with that since i spent a LOT of money on nexo knights and other stuff this year.
I will be okay with my wallet resting in piece during most of 2025.

I'm so glad i'm almost done with Nexo Knights - got most of the sets i actually wanted.

- Colossus of ultimate Destruction
- Jestromobile
- Jestro's volcano castle
- Fortrex
- 3 brothers set
- that Clay's super spaceship with orange wings+gargoyle monster
- Black knight mech

All is left is:
- Kings mech
- that CURSED GREEN FUCKING CAR set with Lord Krakenskull
- flying Gargoyle with that gargoyle female minifig

which is still a lot i guess
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>it's a Kai episode
The formula 1 series is a waste of a minifigures line up
Any more extremly unpopular takes?
it's possible that the sales are dropping off, and they are trying a new thing to compensate (ignoring the sales dip might be because of boxes instead of squishable bags)

I thought I heard somewhere that they were going to try minifig+small build (like an Advent Calendar thing) in the boxes but wound up doing just minifigs
they didn't even make minifigures of the current F1 drivers, which is a huge dealbreaker for some F1 fans
its good for f1 fans but not lego fans who prefer yelloid minifigs. also the icons sets I think are better for the kind of fans that are more interested in the drivers. Thinking about getting one for my dad
where the fuck is the Animal Crossing CMF?
The only thing I am after now are the squire bot guys the fortrex and castle ones are easy enough to get but the robin hood cunt seems impossible to find
>Nexo Knights completely AVOIDED making any skeleton/bones stuff

Nah the skull is from the evil mobile
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Working on the bricklink order today
How old is everyone in this general?
The build is kind of weird and makes no sense but I'm thinking about getting this when it comes out so I can get a bunch of parts for my chinatown and I also really like that snake head. What do you guys think? Worth it?
I thought this was some kind of megazord leg piece just glancing at the thumbnail
Cool train though
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Too bad the creator is likely dead
Anyone buying Nexo shit is 30+, maybe older. Anyone buying Ninjago shit is likely underage.
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Bro i'm 22 and i posted my nexo sets like twice (this is not all of them)
>Nah the skull is from the evil mobile
oh yes it's the skull inside of that cage!
I think nexo never did other dead bodies stuff.
That robin hood set is another typical late wave troll set.
>weird looking "car"
>rare figure hidden inside that will be a pain in the ass to get
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>Anyone buying Nexo shit is 30+, maybe older.
Im this.
I just like technofantasy and castle.

A lot of 30+lvl millenials grew up with that stuff in the 80-90s.
Nexo Knights is like He-Man/Visionaries. Magic and technology.
Fuck knows, maybe nintendo wanted them to do something different but lego said no so we're only get these sets that are already reusing characters.
not like this.....

Animal Crossing under-performed by A LOT. Internal projections had it selling a lot higher than it ended up selling. It's one of the reasons Lego is hesitant to do any Zelda sets, especially after the Deku tree got mogged into oblivion by the DND set when projections had the opposite outcome.
i dont understand why Lego is so fucking dumb.

if they made any dungeon/castle related game parts with Zelda - EVERYBODY would buy it. even people who dont play zelda but just like Nintendo or games in general.

that deku tree is a waste of plastic. It's so random and bad looking.
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Early 20’s, also this sale is on hold until December because seller is on vacation so I’ll see how that goes
Source? Or did you pull this all out of your ass?
Minecraft theme did the dungeons right and sells well, Zelda had statueslop and failed
source ?
Only 100$! 2025 is gonna be amazing
I fucking love formula 1
This is for you
Can this thing permanently fuck off
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While probably true, LEGO won’t learn anything from this mistake and will just double down on boomer licensed themes and dust collector display pieces instead of giving us the mad lit on God Fortnite and FNAF sets true LEGO fan deserve. Shame they don’t have the rizz to actually use mini dolls and give them burners.
sheeeeeesh it's even a mobile game tie-in doe
Jang status?
Irrelevant to thread is his status. Fuck off already.
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Funny bull knight, should get an arctic 2000 thing
Turns out it was foreshadowing
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This is EPIC
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>only 450 pieces
>knight's procession
Anon... why would you?
It's just a venator but ugly?
I love grey overpriced onions wars shelf dust collector slop
>NEW from lego star wars
>Big grey wedge
>Small grey wedge
>AND for those feeling especially spicy
>Grey wedge with a DARK RED STRIPE
>minifigs sold separately
Looks like the prices aren’t going down any further, plenty of time to figure out a cart
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Retroblasting meme, cart has a dead knight in it cut up
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Fuck it I bought it. From the looks of it there's nothing in 2025 that interests me so might as well spend the money I'll be saving then.
Gonna be an awesome home for the CMF series.
wow a grey triangle!
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First BL order done, 51 dollars gone but it should arrive
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What in God’s name did you folks do to him? I need answers now.
LKC or Red Dragon?
red dragon. if you live in europe buy from amazon.de it's at 300 euros for black friday

t. own both but lkc was a disappointment
she's glowing and radiates joy. good for her to be living her authentic self
Thank you my friend.
hes happier rn than ill ever be
autism is genetic
What did you buy?
Yeah onions should use tan pieced wtf was lego thinking
Stop posting these faggots and kill yourself.
I don’t know something is screaming behind those eyes.
2 dogs, 11 frogs, 3 crabs, and 61 other things including chocolate, 4 medalions, random car part, some guns, some Bellville parts, glow in the dark parts, some gems, a few misc animals plus more random stuff. 77 item lot so thats my order.
red dragon but you should have the dnd cmf wave. the figs of the set by themselves dont feel enough
Basically: random shit over quantity, next order might be quantity over quality if I find a good US seller
Mousecucks really just buy anything with the brand on it huh
omae wa mou shindeiru
I'm glad she's living her best live and dabbing on all the haters who are scared to transition.
an absolute asspull, most of the AC sets in my country get in back order during their first weeks and Zelda is sold out still, Sonic sells less outside the Shadow bike, Tornado and Death egg set those,were hits, both of the Knuckles ones are flops
Brickset says Epic is making figs exclusive to the most expensive sets of the wave, given how that company works it must be absolutely true
autism+drug addiction+momma's boy+nintoddler=Chris Chan lite. Never had a chance
would be a much better theme than DBZ or One Piece fr fr
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Alright, now lets see what weird colors you guys got/want to get, trans light purple on the lightsaber
If you just want a display piece, Red Dragon.
If you want lots of grey bricks to MOC with, LKC.
If you like classic castle in particular, LKC.
If you like DnD type fantasy and don't mind fleshies, Red Dragon.
Remember you can get the Lion Knights' and other minifigs' parts from PAB.
That looks really good anon. Did you just use a sharpie?
Yes, he did. Sometimes a simple effect can work magic, and common heads may be able to be fixed like this
I am pretty sure the ones on the left are from a bootleg, they don't match trans orange or trans neon orange
>Pozzed shit
They had a chance to make Zelda sets and they went with a 2-in-1 (instead of the usual 3-in-1 a multiple-instructions set would be) large diorama you need to throw down $300 for. If they had released a few vignettes of iconic moments, maybe a battle with a skulltulla or something as a set, maybe a set of Link sailing on the King of Red Lions, anything other than one huge, high-priced set, they could've sold tons on people just buying for the minifigs. Instead, they want you to spend $300 to get a display set that lets you build one thing two slightly different ways and included 4 minifigs, 3 of which are versions of the same character. I have no idea what they were thinking. If they really wanted to make infinite money, they could do what they're doing with D&D and make a whole line of blind box minifigs of Nintendo characters.

Oh yeah, and the Deku Tree set is an official Lego stores/webstore exclusive, too, so if you like going to a brick and mortar store and don't live near a Lego store, tough shit. Not the biggest issue in the world, I would assume most people here are probably online shoppers in the first place, but still a dumb decision from an actually selling things perspective.
At this point I am too dedicated to getting them to care for the most part, Its the message that counts
Actually yeah. I'm not even a fan of the Zelda games but if they made a nice looking castle I would buy it as a Castle fan. That weird looking tree is nothing to me.
Cedric was great. This was a really underrated bad guy faction.


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I took the first pic at the beginning of october but the zelda set was relatively new so I wanted to give it some time for things to settle down. Despite being 5 months older current DnD tower sales are still outpacing Zelda.

Not looking good for Zeldabros, the bulk of sales happen in the first couple months so whatever hype and interest there was is already over so purchases are just gonna keep fizzling out. These numbers are pretty rough for such a massive property.
>more people bought the DND set than currently want it in the future
Impressive, rarely see statistics like that
F1 sets>>>anything else

Simple s
Why exactly did it flop so hard? I thought the Zelda name alone would just print money.
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>Why exactly did it flop so hard?
It's not the best looking thing, it only appeals to Ocarina of Time millennials, and they got greedy with the price.
Terrible price for a terrible set. For a sole expensive dust collector people would want something that represents the brand as a whole, this is way too specific, gimmicky and lacking in characters for no reason. I'm sure most fans are banking on a fully fledged theme that will make this set obsolete
I work at a lego store, the deku tree sells so much better than the red dragon's tale. you guys are stupid for thinking brickset numbers indicate anything
My father works at Lego and my mom works at Nintendo. They both confirmed that the Deku Tree is the best selling Lego set of all time
Sounds like a coom
It seems unlikely, but it has the ring of truth.
You rape kids ChungusPedo
Interior. Talk about flatness
We heard you like expensive dust collectors so here's another. Enjoy!
Old bat piece spotted
I really like those gargoyles by the main gate. Are they new pieces?
Wednesday set had them already
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Oh shit the shulker box piece
Very nice
>not in PaB
The designers really have no idea how build propper rooms...
I can build that out of the spare parts that got left over after sorting my spare parts.
I want to build 41 man lego armies. Please tell me the best minifigures for army building.
You have to be more specific. What type of armies? Pirates? Imperials? Modern military? Civil War? Knights? Fantasy? Science Fiction? Licensed?
We get two sexy witches and a lobster.
>not much room for anything
>hm, what could we possibly fit insi
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This was the one set I was excited about because it's my all time favourite space ship but this looks absolutely terrible. The bridge tower is way too tall and wide and it's studs galore on the surface in fucking midi scale when the actual ship is supposed to be smooth and elegants.
>still no minifigure
Lame and gay. Got excited for nothing.
I got it for early chritmas gift for 260e and im gonna moc with this and some pub wall bricks for the next months.
Also im gonna change those fleshhies heads to yellow, like i did with cmf, the only exceptions fromthe rule are monster races or monsters.
Not fucking surprised at all
Every set is total dogshit
Absurdly expensive
Shallow and stage prop tier buildings
Awful designs
Poor stylization
Stop fucking spamming this actual troon
Genuinely seek mental evaluation and help. Christ
the sort of people self reporting what sets they own are more likely to be Lego fans rather than DnD or Zelda fans. I think the DnD set appeals more to Lego fans (particularly castlefags) than the Zelda set does, so this isn't entirely surprising. I don't doubt amongst Zelda fans that aren't so into Lego, the Zelda set is probably doing quite well.

However, from my own perspective I do think smaller sets would have done better. I like both Zelda and Animal Crossing and guess which sets I've bought and which I haven't.
Hot take don’t get either get the 300 in 1 castle before it retires.
>favourite spaceship is the ugly version of the proto star destroyer
Please get better taste anon.
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Was doing groceries the other day and randomly found a Speed Champions set 50% off on their tiny little toy rack, seemed pretty good for $14 CAD. Anyone have it? Is it a fun set? Gonna put it together this afternoon, don't know shit about Speed Champs but I remember some anons speaking fondly of it. Might as well get a head start on 2025
Anon probably saw AC sets being discounted in shops and thought it had failed, completely ignoring the fact that some sets were actually impossible to get when they were released. It's probably the same one that keeps posting that image of the dreamz sets on discount.

cue the usual shizos and trolls calling me a shill or something.
This, one stat on fan site does not prove how something sold.
My dad used to get these sets but they're getting more and more fiddly, lots of tiny parts and stickers. I think some lego designers are focusing too much on realism nowadays and not enough on make fun builds.
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>get into a bid for cole's thread assault
>no figures just the build
>some fucking retard bids 35$ after my 15$ bid has been there for days
Why. He is overpaying so much.
>not recognising it for the king of logistics that it is
You should learn to look beyond the aesthetics of a design.
>nooooooo why is someone else bidding on this set worth hundreds of dollars
It's not?
Like i said no figures and used
You can find one with fugures that goes for 30$
Shill faggot
You don't wanna roleplay as narcisa malfoy taking a dump?
>dreamzz get shelved permanently
lego should stop trying to replicate the appeal ninjago has and instead come up with something different that doesn't capitalize on same marketing model
B-but the focus testing said
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Guys whats up with strange pricing on some of tge bricklink stores?
Like i know that there are some minifigs for 10k or smth or some overprized stuff, but latly ive been seeing many items for 2-5k like pretty standard minifig legs, or accesory, is it any scam? Like owners changing the pricing for some unlucky blind guy that made a cart some time ago, forgot tocheck if price changed and hit buy?
Rip dreamzzz
Z blob knight was cool. Same as t-rex.
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Just another day on a site with these many (happenings), at this point I just don’t question how some stuff was obtained if its in my price range or something I want for cheap.
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I've made a huge mistake
You forgot to tip?
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>lego alredy making a metal sonic figure and is running out of adventure 2 set ideas
It's only a matter of time
Is the first floor supposed to be also basement/prison?
>knuckles chaotix figures
Would be nice
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>All those replies to an obvious shitpost by DNDfag
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The OP has a shit image, what else did you expect
Has anyone tried replicating this with actual LEGO bricks?
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I actually built mine last night lol. the sticker sheet looks intimidating, but at least there aren't any clear ones. overall it was a fun build at a great price
Yeah, I just finished the first bag, it's not that bad so far. I don't know if I'd have paid $30 for it, for half off fuck it. The supremely smug minifig is aces too. I guess I'd be smug too if I owned a Porsche
black friday 2022 and 23 was so much better than the shit this year man. There's no good sets on sale anymore. I mean there's just less good sets in general either way.
Man the year 2025 will be a fucking GARBAGE
>no new super exciting set
>just the end of everything + CARS

/lg/ threads will be terrible
I just bought a bunch of parts off bricklink instead, has more value to me than many of the sets up right now
Now Black Friday next year? Holy fucking CARS, bros. They're going to be dying to get rid of that F1 shit. Gonna be a parts bonanza.
will be on sale for $30 eventually, I still want to collect all the midi scale ships just like with the helmets.
>dust collectors
False, I display mine in a sealed cabinet that is dust free, checkmate.
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>Man the year 2025 will be a fucking GARBAGE
>>no new super exciting set
>>just the end of everything + CARS
>/lg/ threads will be terrible

Don't worry anons.
I still yet have to

1) by the remaining nexo knights sets
2) actually figure out how to display them with lights and good scenes
3) find a shelf/cabinet/detolf for them (right now i just put them in plastic boxes and rotate them in/out)

2025 will be a year of Nexo POWERS
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I shouldn't let $20 spoil me from buying a retiring set but fuck Lego and Amazon for raising the price just before black Friday.
nexo knights is fucking cringe.
Anyone else fucked over by canada post on bricklink right now? For anyone who didn't know our postal service has been on strike for a few weeks.
Don't hold it against them, it's an important strike and I hope they old out until past Christmas
>elon musk is threatening to buy DnD

DnD lego bros...?
I just want a Chao Garden set and a Big.
Elon is a notorious Legofag, he's probably doing it to get more DND sets
My grandmother is dying in another country and I can't visit her because my passport is being held hostage in the mail and my small business and side hustle went tits up Merry Christmas
I’m ordering stuff from Poland so they should be doing well for me, thank god I don’t have much canuk stuff on the menu
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why was everyone so excited about this thing? cheap tread parts?
Buy WotC off of Hasbro and fire fucking everyone. MtG needs saving so fucking bad and I don't care if a retarded african chud has to do it.
I've got the executor and tantive iv midi ships but the others just don't really interest me, though I might get the millenium falcon and turn it into the ebon hawk.
the space explorers pack (spaceship+mech+polybag hoverbike) from city space is 20 bucks on walmart, if you dont already have those sets thats a banger deal for some of the best this year
>Elon is a notorious Legofag
you anons really need to stop pulling shit out of your arses
he’d fix it just like he did xitter :^)

I've been thinking about getting that but the only place you can get it in bongland is from lego themselves, hopefully it'll get £5 knocked off it tomorrow.
Yeah cheap treads
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Haven’t been to walmart in a while, wonder if they still have The Deal or not because the big backs may be limited
christ, that's bad even for lego facade standards.
I don't get the appeal of this one
Yeah. Normies get excited for it for some reason.

the weridest part - it's the same type of normies that think that every Non-afol or non-Black Box lego set is too childish for them.
But this garbage is good?
i mean it's not a bad set for kids i guess. That shark is good. but nothing special or "awesome". Lots of better themed sets to buy.
600 pieces for 20 bucks, thats mainly why. Also easy place to obtain some of the last CBBS construction pieces
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Also I was the one to first really find it here, not seen many people on social media talk about it, since I have been the main shill of it for getting useful parts for cheap, then again I’m the guy who just buys random pieces so I’m very biased in this department
Nope. Can't do that.
And a big what?
>useful parts for cheap
Those parts are not "useful". It's basic random colored parts that will be lying around forever taking up space.

For useful parts you should buy more specific fets like cheap discounted Ninajgo stuff or harry potter stuff for castle blocks.
Don't buy 3 in 1
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The creator bundle was the only one there besides the minecraft one, and I just went with that due to the sheer piece count per price, also not gonna buy the newjago stuff. Harry Potter is more a maybe with some of its parts and animals but I held off that
got the falcon at costco for $60 a while ago. It's not bad, miles better than the one from 2010
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Fucking GOOD
If he drives microbloggng to extinction it will be the best thing anyone has done for society in the last 20 years. Likewise if he kills WotC it will be a mercy compared to Rick and Morty splatbooks and Spongebob Secret Lairs.
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space packs
That postbox is my favourite element.
AND there is TWO in that set!
It's funny how the bottom right one has three Spyrius guys.
But then I guess the one to its left has three Blacktrons.
spyrius droid was ahead of his time
Up to this day i use Postbox as a power box.
>open postbox
>put a transluscent round brick (battery) inside
>close postbox
>now your mech/spaceship can move

The only thing that changed - now i put gems inside (or those chima crystals) that are Power Crystals powering all my stuff
Working on town & pirates one next !
>25%(270€) black friday sale for the dnd red dragon in my country
>already out of stock
fuck me I was so close
>it takes up to 40 days to ship standard PaB orders
>we hand pick them and that takes time :)
I feel like they need to come up with a better system.
small mom n pop store, plz understand.
>want part
>check Bricklink
>German seller has 2,000 in stock
>can only buy in bulk, and shipping from Germany is too expensive
>no other country has item
Why does this keep happening? Why do Germans horde pieces and why is shipping from Germany so terrible? I can buy from any surrounding country and shipping isn't amazing but the moment I think about buying from a German seller I get screwed.
A big guy
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I can't decide if this or the transparent neon green mailboxes are my favourite.

I liked the ones used for smuggling money in those old outback sets too
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Oh wait fuck I can put the spyrius door on the transparent neon green box...
Their revenge for ww2
have any of you actually encountered any paper bags in lego sets or do they just hand those out to influencers? I've yet to see one
Only had it in one small Harry Potter and Indiana Jones set. All 20 or so other sets have been normal plastic bags
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Pirates !
How do you guys arrange your boxes for the best display?
Uhhh I keep my boxes in the closet and display the legos…
>don’t buy 3-1
Dude the 3-1 sets are the best Lego has to offer right now. You’re absolutely a child or a retard.
Way to kill the value faggot.
Lego hates money and will not release some cool mini figure packs like these. They would rather make another 4 batman variations, Indiana Jones rip off (which is based but not as good as castle) and slop wars. I've been at the shop today and they have nothing castle or fantasy related except maybe that viking set which I'm not too much interested in. There aren't even any other Minifig series besides that space crap.

>lkc was a disappointment
Why? It has a lot of gray bricks, armor and weapon variety, cool furniture such as chests and on top of that a wizard minifigure. Overall lots of moc potential and Minifig customization.
I don't want DND because I feel like I'm paying mostly for a dragon I don't care that much about. The only 4 Minifigures are cool and I love fantasy more than some pseudo history accurate sets but not that much MOC potential as lkc has. Also price difference isn't that big either so I just could get lkc and never buy another big Lego set in my life and be satisfied because I'd have some Castlevania style castle moc going.
In the furnace

Iron Man
>The only 4 Minifigures
Forgot to mention I don't count black and furry minifigs, might use the parts if I got my hands on the set.
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>mei dragon mech for -30%
Ask and it is given
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>out of stock
You snooze, you lose.

Buy Homer and Bender instead.
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Someone build this please. Also it has to be in minifigure scale.
Silver, blaze, big (bigfig), cream, infinite, sage
it was a portuguese store
Every single set I see from Monkey Kid impresses me. But for some reason I have never got a single set from that theme.
Why? It's just bootleg Ninjago.
I don't care about either theme as themes. And I don't care about their characters. I just like nice Lego sets. They happen to have good designers on both themes and so I can appreciate them for that.
Fivebelegos are coming on strong.
Dr. Eggman, BTS, Bunnie from AC, Rose Tico
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You put some god damn respect on Fright Knights.
Rare having a mini use a reverse grip on official artwork
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I mean just like the panda I think they are nice enough builds but I can't help but be said Creator 3 in 1 has been completely disregarding the minifig scale stuff. the castle, pirate ship and viking ship were some of the best shit we had in recent years.
>be said
be sad*
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The seal looks pretty good to me. Not $20 good, but good
What is that piece for the rabbit's hands?
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they are running out of ideas. we already had a bunny with a seal alt
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I've yet to see something for 2025 that excites me. Even this is kinda meh. Such grim year ahead
is that real? did they make a penis ship?
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Reminds me of the final Barbarossa mission from Age of Empires 2
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>I've yet to see something for 2025 that excites me. Even this is kinda meh. Such grim year ahead
This looks like someone's alternate build/MOC based on that space base they released this year.

Just buy picrelated. It's a much better space ship.
Are you really going to go there?
kill yourself nexospammer
Why did Mocpages shut down? Was it just a decision by Kenney?
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>kill yourself nexospammer
What weird way to treat someone who was just trying to help. You are a naighty boy!
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you should just build a real ebon hawk
What sets are good currently my friends? Sale is soon and I want to buy big.
the sales are shit
get new files rodent
Top kek. Good to see polfag still being mocked by Nexo Chads.
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off topic from lego retard talk sets
>lego's servers went down
How the fuck does this keep happening literally every single time there's a sale or promotion
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Exporting the servers
Would have adored that lego planet express
No LKC sale…no red dragon sale…
It's on sale on amazon for 337 if that's good enough for you.
Thanks…I grabbed that
Really tempted to get the 40% off giant Chewbacca just because it's ugly.
>finally get into lego site
>all the deals SUCK
man I'm disappointed.
the absolute state of people with too much money
Can I stack discount code? Lego is giving out 3 $5 off discount codes in Lego insider rewards.
>15 dollars off a 15 dollar set
Would be funny
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Pretty much done with the main build, just need to make my dragon knights
You still have to pay for shipping though.
Yeah, still would be funny though
Yes you can.
Just wanna ask but there’s no way in hell Lego will be able restock the lego Fortnite battlebus by Christmas right?
Use this, you can either use >discord or get SMS messages when its back in stock
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Tired to make it look like dude is getting his throat cut
Two Blacktron guys and the black uniform Futuron guy, actually. The bottom center one has three Blacktron guys, though, two from Blacktron II and one from the original Blacktron.
Which is odd since the other boxes only contain minifigs from subthemes that were current at the time, but Blacktron II was the replacement for Blacktron so the two never coexisted. Plus I assume that lore-wise Blacktron II is a later incarnation of the same faction so it feels odd to have that one guy wearing an outdated uniform.
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Will I ever get a cute, nerdy, klockie building, gf?
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Blacktron II was introduced when Space Police I was still around which had Blacktron I guys in the holding cells.
Fuck, if I knew they'd make more food truck I would have gotten the burger one.
Where's that Bender from?
kys shitposting polfag
One of the animal crossing sets i bought had them, the others didn't though
Oh yeah they do, I didn't expect that to work.
The glazing looks like cum
>Yet another food/drink truck
Are we getting one every year now?
Oh yeah, forgot about that. The two themes did coexist for a while before SP I was replaced with SP II, with Blacktron II prisoners.
I wonder if the lore implication is that the original Blacktron organization was taken down by the Space Police (hence why last OG Blacktron minifigs were all prisoners), leading to the formation of Blacktron Future Generation (aka. Blacktron II), with Space Police later having its own upgrade to deal with the new incarnation of Blacktron.
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>customer is a cop
Half of Lego city is cops man.
Based on the sets, Lego City is a pretty shitty place to live. There's rampant crime and fires, and the main economic driver seems to be prison industry.
>There's rampant crime and fires
As opposing to...uh...real world we live in?
I don't know where you live, but the city I live in doesn't have a significant percentage of the buildings be prisons or police stations, or burning buildings or bank-robbers at seemingly every street corner.
dont even get me on the corruption with octan
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>I don't know where you live, but the city I live in doesn't have a significant percentage of the buildings be prisons or police stations, or burning buildings or bank-robbers at seemingly every street corner.
it's an absctract giant stereotypical american city.
Probably similar to New York of 90s. With prison island and high crime rates and other stuff like Manhattan in TMNT or Spiderman comics.

why it's that difficult to understand??
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Guess who's got themselves a great deal!
this is +18 board
I'm 37 and I do as I please. Plus, it'll land under the Christmas tree as a gift for my wife's husband's son.
Are those some dark turquoise bricks? Nice.
>only the best
Plus the rural coke trade in Lego town.
funding all those rich folk in paradisa. how else could they afford beachfront properties with all that lazing around?
Gotta get on island time man. The only jail is a weird tiny shed and there's only one criminal, he seems to do it more out of obligation than anything else.
Nww thread?
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I was iffy about the stickers but honestly a pretty fun build for 14 bucks. Gonna keep an eye out for Speed Champs stuff on sale from now on.
New thread?????
New bread?
kino on amazon if you're in burgerland, idk about anywhere else
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Once again life imitates art. Lego City Undercover had this in 2013.
>The glazing looks like cum
telling on yourself
>bump limit reached
It's over.
Why didn't Lego make Lego City Undercover sets?
The sets from this year have San Francisco style architecture like the Lego City Undercover on the box, they made a prison island set like Albatross Island and reuse the Chase McCain head on a cop. Seems like a good time to bring back LCU elements. I always thought the Han Solo hairpiece in orange would be perfect for Frank Honey.
I see you have excellent taste, anon. Every City set I see always makes me think, "Would this fit in Chase's City" What I have always wanted most was this Chase minifig.
And I can see what you mean about the Frank Honey hair matching the latest Han Solo hair.
thats just a human sp3 pimp
are the hand balljoints compatible with mixel joints? it would be a gamechanger for my mech mods
Kill yourself
new leak and new thread

Yes they are, I have personally used them and have seen them in many MOCs. Part is 3614a on Bricklink.

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