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Do you think there's any chance we'll get better Sailor Moon figures down the line? The Figuarts were OK but they haven't aged all that gracefully IMO, aside from the admittedly excellent faces. Also I've found they had kinda dodgy QC; my Usagi's elbow joints have hairline fractures (not broken per se but now quite loose) and Makoto's drop-down hips snapped and had to be repaired.
Probably not, only because in my experience, not many girls buy toys.
Pretty sure I still see these in Tokyo Lifestyle chains and various one-off weeb stores, except for Anime Jungle. It's almost like they didn't sell well. What is exactly wrong with them at all?
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Probably the interest is low. Too much merch still avaible?
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like I said in >>11246428, there isn't really a market since the source target audience is girls who don't buy action figures
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We have 30 years of statues and PVC Sailors. I agree with you. Girls probably buy a figurine instead of sn action figure.
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Better pic.
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White hands on a white background?
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Unless there's a new series coming out, probably not. There aren't exactly a lot of companies that even make anime figures, especially for shows as old as this. Maybe you will get some unlicensed third party ones of the main cast at some point, thats about as much as you can hope for.
On one hand I kinda hope they don't since I spent so much getting the main nine, but on the other I would love it if they do because they really could use improvements. Out of all my Figuarts, the scouts are the only ones I've ever had break, and it wasn't just one and it wasn't from hamhanding, they just had issues right out the box. They're not figures I handle daily so it doesn't bother me too much, but it's still an issue to be wary of.

Well there's like minimum two versions of each scout and some have three or four, so they must've been popular enough to get multiple re-releases and repaints. Also a few of them go for stupid high prices on the after market, which if they weren't popular wouldn't be the case. Also, being one of the biggest names in anime history, I can see a lot of stores that don't normally order these figures ordering these figures. Hell I remember seeing them in Toys R Us back in the day and I'm pretty sure I ran into em at Target at least once or twice.

Yea, because no MAN would ever buy figures of cute anime girls!
>Yea, because no MAN would ever buy figures of cute anime girls!
You will not get new action figures. You will get this $900 statue and like it.
Which sailor moon figures go for an arm and a leg?

I have Venus and Mercury and sailor moon proper but never got Jupiter or Mars because of how bare bones their releases were with no energy effect pieces
Saturn and Pluto were the two biggest ticket ones back when I got them, but that was before the Animation versions came out. Seems that all of the initial versions dropped in price since those releases though.

Originally I planned to stick to Moon, Mercury and Jupiter myself, but I stumbled on Mars and Venus at a con once and they were 30-ish each. So at that point I figured I'd stick with just the inners....until I found Neptune/Uranus for like 50-ish each the next day. At that point I had to finish the nine but every Saturn and Pluto I saw were both way too expensive. It took me about a year before I finally grabbed those two, and they were 90/80 each respectively.

Most of the Supers versions are still up there though, quick ebay search shows them on average 150-200 bucks. Tuxedo Mask is in that same range, going as high as $300, but doubt any of will move at that price. But I don't see those versions getting re-releases so they'll probably sit at those prices forever.
the knee joints on my fake Moon cracked just from moving them normally. They didn't fall apart, and still work, but they are loose now.
Never had a figuart do that before.
There was a company called Legend studio that was going to make a set, they looked very nice in protos but the Sailor Moon kinda disappointed and the line was cancelled. Still, I think it captures the 90's anime look more.
Yeah og figurearts from that era are ticking timebombs. I quickly replaced my mercury with the animation ver.
>Which sailor moon figures go for an arm and a leg?
Tux, Black Lady, and Imposter Moon are the highest priced ones.
Then Saturn and Pluto.
Neptune and Uranus seem to be the most available, though Chibi-Usa is comparable since she was one of the last and cheapest.
It's kinda cool, but I'd rather make my own display with the SHF Eternal Moon and a bunch of crystals I bought from the magic rocks lady at the flea market.
they have a poor rep in the sailor moon community cause they keep reusing the same shitty models from like 2013. there's still some interest though as the originals got reissued quite a few times
i'd love for a reissue of the super ver with new models but i don't think that's gonna happen
lower % of girls being into action figures is true but they're really into blindboxes / figures which are basically action figure adjacent. there's also no shortage of fans who just love to collection stuff from the series and are willing to shell out $$$. they just did a collab with a designer and items worth thousands already sold out https://us.jimmychoo.com/en_CA/women/collection/jimmy-choo-x-pretty-guardian-sailor-moon/
These are some of the ugliest toys I've ever seen. SHF really can't make toys.
These are some of the cutest toys I've ever seen. SHF really can make toys.
These are some of the ordinary toys I've ever seen. SHF really might make toys.
>there isn't really a market since the source target audience is girls who don't buy action figures
im surprised because I thought male weebs were enough of a target already. Except for me because I never liked Sailor Moon.
Nah. It's a shojo. There's the odd fag who read/watched it, but the majority of action figure buying men were watching dragon ball z. As you can tell from the difference in success between the 2.
I bought one for Uranuses tomboy appeal then it broke immediately. Never again.
Do all versions of these figures crack, or is it just the non-anime color versions?
These things were pretty sub par even when they were new. They were very comparable to the old Precure Figuarts, which weren't great in the first place. And they kept reusing those molds for the Crystal stuff way after they had made much better female figuarts.
Bandai has the figure rise standard and 30ms line doing anime collabs so I imagine it's only a matter of time before we get Sailor Moon plastic models.
If they did plastic models of the eternal versions of the outfit, I bet fans would eat that up, even if they were Crystal/Cosmos art style. It might introduce a new audience to the model kit hobby if they were simple enough.
And no one is answering my question...

I don't want model kits, the plastic is too brittle for playing with.
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I bought Sailor Jupiter for way too much money a couple of years ago, but she was my first big animu crush, and my friend has the matching Sailor Mercury figure for the same reason, so I felt an obligation, lol.

It's really still a great figure. My only issue is the lack of any sort of bicep swivel.

I have the non-anime color version of Jupiter that I bought second-hand; she was fine when I got her and has no signs of cracking after 2+ years in my posession.
Two of my non-anime colored senshi have fractures: Mars and Chibi Usa. They're all hairline fractures.

Black Lady's wrist peg just broke, so I have to buy another one.
Chibiusa a cute!

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