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Previous Thread: >>11219439

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-GM II EFF Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 14th)
-Grendizer (Dec. 28th)
-Voltes V (Feb. 2025)
-Galbaldy β ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Apr. 2025)
-Skygrasper & Effect Parts Set ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Apr. 2025)
-Metal魂 Strike Freedom Gundam [Re:Coordinate] (Jun. 2025)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA
-Big-Zam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 2025)
-Core Booster, Solomon Colors ver. A.N.I.M.E., (May 2025)
-Metal魂 G-Self Perfect Pack (May 2025)
-Restored Strike Gundam with I.W.S.P. ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 2025)
-Rick Dom, Solomon Colors ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2025)
-Ball Reinforcements, Solomon Colors ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2025)
--Metal魂 Destiny Gundam [Re:Coordinate] (Jul. 2025)

Bandai's official RD page with images and release dates:

Anyone bite on the Big-Zam, or planning to? It's neat that they're re-releasing several RDs that help set up a Battle of Solomon display, but I don't think that scene is important enough to me personally to make the investment.

On the other hand, it's the freakin Big-Zam and I don't see it getting another release like this any time soon.
I don't have the room for it but it certainly would be insanely cool to own
I did even though ANIME isn't my main line. I collect mostly 1/144 and this is the only Byg Zam at this scale. I hope they do Neue Ziel too.
If they released it without the light up gimmicks for $250-$300 I would've bought it. $500 for a light up gimmick I will rarely turn on? Nah I'm skipping.
I went in on it. I have a mixed display of mechs so I'm just gonna set it up like its a SRW boss. I wonder if it was successful enough they'll do the psycho gundams next, or if this just got made mostly because there were no plans for a HGUC of it.
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I've been waiting six years for this. Had to give up my dignity to become a wagie, but here we are.
Anyone with one of the MRD Destiny’s, how much of a pain is it to get those backpack weapons mounts off their balljoints? Might have to put my original one back in storage soon and those suckers were pretty tough to get on in the first place.
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Absolutely not, I'm of the same opinion as >>11247324
The gimmicks are nice but I'd unlikely ever turn them on besides when taking a photo of my display.

I'd rather something solid or even just a sofubi to fill in for the Zam, it's not like I'd pose it in some hyper dynamic pose to need any articulation.

Might pick the Balls up as I never got around to getting any previously.
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Damn, he is good
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>costs as much as a metal build
>bigger than a MB with much more accessories than the average MB
Mind you this pricing isnt the norm since this is more expensive but christ, I can see why people like the ccs outside of the 1/60 scale instead of the average 1/100
MBs are a ripoff, they're really not comparable value to any other high end robot toys these days anymore, between what you get in the box and the shoddy QC. I won't pretend CCS hasn't had their share of bad QC (the recent star slasher getter was really awful), but bandai just coasts on the gundam license anymore.
>bandai just coasts on the gundam license anymore.
I think that began when they released the Crossbone Full Cloth MB, the price was ridiculous and it got nonsensical since then
the MB Providence was a hard pill to swallow due to its high price but it is my favorite evil gundam sp I had to get it, but since then, I no longer make purchases of MBs
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> I won't pretend CCS hasn't had their share of bad QC
My SKL has some qc issues but the worse is the fucking wrist being loose which shouldnt be a thing considering the big ass sword it has but it isnt like he can carry it 1 hand with the figure in the first place, I just fucking hate loose joints since theyre harder to fix vs tight joints. I did a qc check and besides overly tight ankles and above, it was fine. Didnt put on the shoulders because I know how much a bitch itll be to take them off.
And yes it has gotten REAL bad price wise for mb, I bitched about it right away but it was very noticeable for HI NU.
The FC was expensive but i chalked it up to p-bandai during that time, when general releases caught up to pbandai prices, thats when it was too much. I bought both FC and it hurts but I didnt know that it would get much worse.
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A bit more light, no regrets since this is my first CSS and it is excellent, only issue is how much fucking spaces these luggage killer takes. Finally my first SKL and an excellent one at that.
I'm planning on it, but at that price point and shadow dropped I can't just pull the trigger on 500 bucks. I'd been planning on purging some of the collection anyway, so if I sell enough pretty quickly I'll pick it up
Just bought Strike Noir, those Bandai faggots better release Verde Buster and Blu Duel too.
I'm picking up a couple other expensive robots next year so I don't know if i can stomach another big purchase. Sucks because I've got all the other RDs that appeared in the original MSG so far and I've been waiting for Big Zam. It is what it is I guess.
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Would you buy a BioGundam /toy/? I would. I would so hard. Forget what expo this was from, but the company is SexyIce.
That just looks like a Tekkman Blade that someone left in the water till it got wrinkly.
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This looks promising. Though the scale ain't correct.
Well it's cooler than regular Gundams but that's not a high bar.
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Is there a chance that we see a DX YF-30 reissue?
Seems like they've been doing a lot of reissues recently.
I’d kill for this, although recent developments have me hoping we might get a rerelease of the Keith SV-262 with the missile pods/drakens/sword bundled in after the Bogue custom releases.
I'm travelling to Japan soon so I'm hoping I can find one for cheap over there and avoid all the import upcharges.

But I also have a hunch that some time soon this could get a reissue since they've been going through all of Frontier recently.
Never say never BUT it was a design made for a game that is long out of print. I'd buy one if they did a reissue too.
I'd rather they give it a 2.0. The subsequent VF31 demonstrates some really good solutions to a number of annoyances in the 30's design, particularly with how everything locks together without additional bracer parts.
The Gundam Universe line seems dead. I was hoping it would release some cool stuff, like MS from Gundam Sentinel, or F91 or V Gundam MS, but no one seems to care about the line. It did piss me off with some of the releasing missing shields and weapons, but I did like the size of the figures and the price.
In the last Robot Spirits thread it was shown that they're doing "renewal" upgrades versions of Gundam Unicorn and the RX-78. I don't think it's dead just yet.
It revealed a bunch of new stuff last month. Remakes of some units with better articulation and more accessories plus Wing Zero and Epyon.
Robot Damashii Jenny Wakeman when?
anyone got the new MB Dynames Saga?
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Its finally here
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Pretty cool representation of the Gipsy Danger made by Linjihun.
it is fully made in plastic, no diecast and is molded in a vibrant electric blue color, but it should have been a shade darker imo.

Includes a totoal of 8 pairs of hands. You can detach the arm guards in both limbs to attach the ones with the extended swords or replace the entire section with the deployed cannons that also come with effect parts to simulate them firing.

There are also some small flame effect parts you can attach to the elbows to simulate the rocket punch attack, as well as the longass ship it used as a baseball bat and 4 small smashed containers to recreate the scene when it smashes the kaiju with them.

The head and chest turbine light up with 3 LR621 button batteries you most likely will need to get on your own: when the seller sent this item to me he stated that due to international regulations, batteries cannot be shipped overseas so there is that.

The ship has a bunch of diecast in one of the tips and you just pass it over the back of the figure to turn on or off the LEDs. There is a small screwdriver included for you to remove the screw.

Articulation is pretty basic, single jointed elbows and knees, ankles can't move sidways or rotate and the ailerons that stretch from the back get in the way when you move the shoulders up or backwards.

Nonetheless, I love the movie and its mechs so I really hope we get the Cherno Alpha and Eureka Striker soon. The latter already had a prototype 1 year ago when Gipsy was also just a prototype too.
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then again, these guys are also set on making the kaijus so who knows
next one is the avenger from the godawful sequel
>Articulation is pretty basic, single jointed elbows and knees, ankles can't move sidways or rotate and the ailerons that stretch from the back get in the way when you move the shoulders up or backwards.
I was worried about the articulation when I saw how stiff the poses are in the promo pic, too bad it's a skip for me.
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trailer's been out an hour and they're already dropping announcements for a metal RD?? bandai really wastes no time
The MRD manages to make it look a little better, but not by much. It still looks gaudy as hell, ad now in a good way
I'm not a fan either. Yamashita really fell off hard with his designs since starting rebuild.
looks like shit
I think it could be slightly improved with a better color scheme, but it's surprisingly bad for a Yamashita Gundam design.
He did cool stuff before but that was 20 years ago.

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