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Which figure lines have the best boxes?
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big fan of the SAS packaging
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You just posted it.
I'm not picky. Most import boxes work for me.
>Needs a window to see the figure without opening
>Easily resealable for storage
>Can store all the included accessories
>Character's picture on the side of the box so I can see what it is
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SHFSS boxes are wonderful
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early figmas
Not that slop
Anything pre revoltech kaiyodo Evangelion
These low quality photos don’t do them justice especially the tube style boxes the interior artwork looked like a creepy mysterious backroom in nerv HQ
Absolutely kino
Every time I see the Konata figma I think of that guy who smashed it with a hammer because Aya Hirano dated a man.
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Most standard JP articulated figure boxes are boring to me. I don't care much about packaging if there's no original art on it. I appreciate how compact they are, though, because you're kinda forced to keep the packages in case you ever resell. They're clean, mature graphic design o I get the appeal.
Mecha releases do a better job of having original art, from model kits to big releases, though it removes any view of the figure which is a shame.
Say what you will about Hasbro, but I think they did the most(before the plastic free days especially) of commissioning original art and showcasing the figure. I'm more attached to cheap domestic release packages because of that. Even stuff before my time, like 80's TF or GI Joe, hypes me up because it's such a cool presentation. Or the 80's TMNT toys, because the more simplistic art all over the package gives it an almost homemade feel.
>Every time I see the Konata figma I think of that guy who smashed it with a hammer because Aya Hirano dated a man.
well, the figure is shit so nothing of value was lost
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i dont even like marvel / spiderman but these all grabbed my attention quite well
That looks fantastic. What the fuck happened?
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>when the packaging is part of the toy
Can't be beat, won't be beat.
That’s not even mentioning the sliding label gimmick and the perfectly fit CD inside fuck so good
Bionicle making the package fit into the lore was insane. It was a shame later lines discontinued that.

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