What's that one toy your childhood friend had that you coveted, but couldn't get either because the local toy store never had it or your parents simply didn't want to spend the money?
I had the technodrome since I was 5 and when I was 6 i got the blimp and van because some woman my mother knew had a son who wasn't into TMNT anymore so I got those literally new-out-of-box. friend had the sewer and I never got it. That was a playset that came out like the technodrome and once it was gone, that was it. Never saw one at a flea market or yardsale, only that one friend...
G1 Transformers Sixshot.
Friend had this and I always wanted it.
>>11248973Still own that one and it's pretty much new because I rarely played with it as a child. I guess I'm not a micromachines guy, always liked action figures and lego more.
>>11248973I had the super van city and loved itfor me it was this bad boy
>>11248973This set was so good, which makes it all the more worse for how disappointing the reboot version was.
>>11248973wtf are you me
>>11249999I had no idea they redid Super Van City - wow, that sucks; my brothers and I grew up with the original and loved it to pieces, but that version...they ditched the airport and river with the cool little beach, moved the construction site right in the middle of the set and got rid of the mall that was in the mountain, turned the mountain itself into part of the site instead of being a scenic overlook spot, got rid of the gas station and moved the car wash right in the middle of nowhere, making it look awkward, and got rid of ALL of the decals that made it look like an actual environment, among other unnecessary changes. It just looks horrible compared to the original.
>>11249999Hasbro generally mishandled Micro Machines after acquiring Galoob. God, I loved Military Micro Machines.As to the thread topic, I remember my friend across the street having the yellow and black V.2 Cobra Alley Viper, and I was only able to find the og homage V.3, lol. Good times.
>>11248973I remember as a little kid there was some place my parents took me too (a church, a bank, a doctors office, can't really remember) and there was a nursery room with some toys, books and crayons. They had this thing in the toy box and it thought it was so cool but obviously I couldn't take it home with me. So sad...
>>11249999>>11250240Glad to see people with standards. When the new one was announced and I said that it looked terrible compared to the original every single Micromachines fan here got mad at me for not appreciating the return of the brand. Not my fault you will buy anything with Micromachines written in the box, guys.
>>11248973I had that but in blue, loved it!
>>11250311>micro machine
Sadly there was no toy that I wanted that I didn't have save for one. Suoermutant shredder. Never found him in stores.
My neighbor had a COMPLETE collection of the original year 1 and 2 lego harry potter, because his dad was some oil rig worker and would be gone for months and then always spoil his kids with something insane when he came home.That was easily the most jealous I've ever been of one of my friends, at least I got to play with his legos a lot when I went over though.
>>11248973everything as a poor fag. but i guess more specific to me is most the dbz stuff. i had 2 older smart cool guy cousins that had loads of this anime stuff i was forbidden from ever looking at that they always showed off and in particular i wanted this gohan which sat at a walgreens for almost 3 years that i never could convince my mom to getmy family eventually loosened up abit and i scored a few figures but never this one and it stayed etched into my memory all these years
>>11250826Now this is based as fuck
>>11248973My cousin had the original beast wars ultra class Optimus Primal and Megatron, back when that was one of the hottest kids shows. I eventually got a reissue Primal and the Kingdom modern update but still don't have beast Megatron.
>>11248973Family was poor, but I was a spoiled child that got most things I wanted. Not 100% a toy, but one time I really wanted this Pokémon edition Gameboy where Pikachu's cheek was the battery indicator LED and my mother finally gathered enough money for it and the next weekend we could go to toysrus there were completely gone, even the floor model. I was devastated.
>>11250977>original beast wars ultra class Optimus Primal and MegatronSame. I wanted them so bad but got into beast wars as the transmetals were dropping. The og organic beasts were already gone from shelves by then.
>>11251445I always wanted this gameboy too