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Does anyone know what Japanese shipping services are stuck because of the Canada Post strike? I cant find much information but maybe Im just retarded.
I can't buy from a lot of Bricklink sellers right now either as most just use lettermail. Is Canada Post fucking anything up for you guys?
All except for DHL.
Canada post are stupid greedy fucking faggots that pull this shit every year, and especially before Christmas. Fuck them. I'm keeping my few Japan purchases in warehouse and buying JoyToy from Aliexpress(they have a local delivery service once it arrives).

It's screwed up my delivery from BBTS though, no idea when that will show up.
With their import-fee racket? Never ever ship international with DHL or Fedex.
>Never ever ship international with DHL or Fedex.

OP here I wish I read your post before I made I changed an order to DHL. To be fair it was an amiami order I can't cancel anyways. Everything else are going in warehouses and shit.

Debating on buying something from Buyee because it might be limited but I think they can keep it for 45 days.

I ordered a lot from Aliexpress right before the strike and Im really worried that it won't get here because I don't know how that works either?

I was keeping my feelings to myself to not make a shitstorm because they make me sneed so much. I keep visiting other sites to see if there is any news and jesus christ so many workers are just spitey smug assholes. And a lot of people's businesses are going under, and waiting on passports and medical supplies which is what really makes me mad.
>Striking workers are getting layed off
Kek lol and even lmao. Get fucked and stay fucked nigger. Wont be too much longer till they're back to work.
That's illegal to fire striking workers.
Correct. Thats why theyre being "layed off" instead.
Still shitty.
DHL will charge you big-time for customs clearance. Whatever tax the federal government actually assess on your package, DHL will charge you more just for submitting it to them. I never use any private couriers(dhl/fedex/UPS) for international orders. Apparently Americans don't get fucked like we do by these companies.
Naw fuck them, Canpost delivery people make good money for unskilled labor and they have the gall to REPEATEDLY strike just before Christmas holidays when people actually need them. Greedy ass union has zero sympathy from me or basically anyone else in this Country.
If that's so it's also shitty. I just don't like the idea of firing people so close to Christmas. Yeah what they're doing isn't right but firing people before a holiday doesn't seem right either. I'm too soft to be a CEO I suppose.
>I just don't like the idea of firing people so close to Christmas.
What about ruining christmas for hundreds of thousands of children when the gift their parents ordered online doesn't arrive because of these greedy fucks?
Like I said I don't like that either.
Thankfully amazon has a their own delivery people.
DAY OF THE RAKE can't come soon enough
The what?
Some MuttGroid fantasy about Canadian doomsday. Trudeau is out next election, so hopefully things improve.
I dunno man, do you think 47k per year is good money for a mail carrier ? I do have to agree with you on that its bullshit timing to be on strike especially if its been done before. Nevermind the shit service they provide when they're not striking lol.
Myself I mostly blame the govt for making bad deals that cost more $, classic bs ... also poor management, lack of innovation and vision at ths top levels of the corp, they should have changed things drastically years ago. That combination has made them loose money year after year so much so that people have to take job action to see any increases or improvements at all. They have to because the employer wont pay more or is cutting this and that, but yet dont realize you cant get blood from a stone...
Fuck these guys
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to coerce people into killing themselves in most civilized countries, but this is Canada we are talking about.

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