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Welllll now looks like pre-orders are open for the coolest jin-roh wolfbrigade inspired toys ever. They also just released their first toy onto the Market, Mantis girl.
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That mantis was pretty short, so possibly these could scale with the Takeyashiki Protect Gear.
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Not sure about height yet, but they are definitely much bulkier than the Mantis.
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Fuck. Now I want all of those.
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Only difference with the 3 pack is that it comes with the flying drone and attachments for it to connect to their backpack(see op image). It's a cool drone, but the bundle is crazy expensive. I'll just pick up one.
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Some of the most Yamaguchi like posing on a non-revo that I have seen
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Unsure what the highlighted helmet text says, possibly the alt head is a pre-order bonus like the worm head is for the Mantis girl.
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3pack contents
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BeetleBVLL is planned to go with the Mantis girl
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And imo the coolest thing they've teased so far, a Bio-gundam.

Sexy-ice is the coolest new toy company I've seen in a long time.
I love my mantis girl but her hand pegs are fucking shit and pop off at the slightest touch.
This shits fucking peak. I'm really tempted to rape my wallet with this one.
how long will preorders be up? I didn't see a release date either.
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This website seems to be the primary storefront for SexyIce figs. There's a $15 deposit, not sure if it's really necessary to pre-order for the Alt head yet, but that's the deal they had for the Mantis special part.

Gundammit has them too, but their price is worse.
Price is relative, considering Bombusbee will also charge you for shipping.

Not sure if Sexy Ice alone deserves a general, but they do have more than these three cooking. There’s a weird Mega Man X-ish/Astro Boy character they’re working on, too.

Will post pics of my Mantis Girl in a bit- cool figure, but far from perfect and they have a lot to learn. Hoping the joints on the soldiers are a bit more conventional while maintaining flexibility.
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Yeah pics welcome. I did see complaints about the wrist-pegs on insta, guess it's like the 1000toys CE Chief in that way. How are her antenna? Are they flexible or posable? They look like a potential breaking point.

Sure, but it seems like super-cheap China shipping rates of $3-5, at least for me as a Canadian. Slowboat seems to be free.
So is HLJ not getting these? They had the Mantis.
> Gundammit has them too, but their price is worse.
That’s not issue for me because they put shipping cost and customs to their price.
I mean, they always charge me one or two dollar less than the shown price for shipping to Poland.
>How are her antenna?
Hard plastic, not posable, not flexible. I was very surprised when I got my copy, especially since her parasite eye is made out of soft plastic
Thanks very much. According to this I have until January to finalize preorder. I for sure want these bad buys, and the Mantis.

As a note, there's nothing mentioned about a preorder bonus. I'm suspecting we'll get the "Monocular Helmet" as the preorder bonus but it isn't stated that's the case. No preorder bonuses on the Stag Beetle man, but he's so fucking gorgeous I might just preorder him too.

Is the mantis hard to find already? It says it's in stock on this website but I don't see many others that are offering her.
If you have this thing, can you speak to the quality of the build? Are these fragile or robust?
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Not that anon, but I’ll give my two cents.

Feels very durable, using a lot of friction/ball joints, though this might result in a flimsy mess in the long run. She’s really well-balanced, especially with how small her feet are. She’s made of a few different types of material that are lightweight and flex around joints really well, which results in really comfortable posing.

My biggest gripe are the ball-and peg that the neutral pincers come packaged with and the ball joint setup for the wrists, which feels like an emulation of Yamaguchi-style swivel wrists with none of the benefits, though I suppose you could plug the pincers directly into the wrist holes. I don’t have a picture of that setup, but I can get one tomorrow.
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This pose, for example, is possible, and the hand can actually hold the weight of the figure pretty well, but you have to do some contorting to get the wrist in the right position to pull it off- it’s actually pretty hard to get a straight armed version of this.
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Getting this two-handed scythe pose was a pain due to the swivels, as well. But hopefully all of these pictures serve as decent evidence of her articulation/balance.
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My copy has a way tighter right-hand socket than the left. All of these scythe pictures are the figure’s own weight balance, except for the stand, of course.
Yeah those are great. Thanks for chiming in. I just didn't want to go for a 3 set of the new guys if they were brittle but beautiful figs.
The joint setup on the grunts looks more traditional, but if they use similar plastics, the end result is going to be great. I don’t love the color scheme of the Mantis but I do think the molding is super sharp and the paint apps are great at emphasizing the detail.
I like the mantis colors. The big guy not so much, hope he improves.
I’m enjoying fiddling with the Mantis. My only nitpick is I wish the red eyes had a better shade of red, the flat red they went with stands out in a cheap way.
Reminds me of Justice from Guilty Gear, it gives off final boss energy.
Is that the current release of the Mantis? It's lacking so much paint.
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Pretty sure that her colors are based on the Orchid Mantis, which is primarily white as an adult.

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