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Previous thread

>Haslab Plasma Series 6" Ecto-1

>Haslab Tracking

>Mondo 6" Real Ghostbusters
So is it pretty much confirmed hasbro faked numbers at the end? Would make sense since this project seemed much further along and they don’t wanna lose the money they already invested into it.
Not everything is a conspiracy
Every single crowdfunding project, ever, regardless of what site (Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Haslabs) always get their biggest push in the last couple days, so it really isn't that hard to believe.
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There were big backer dumps at around 7am in the days leading up to it being funded. Today there was no 7am backer dump, despite the fact that it should be getting MORE backers in the final two days. Pic related was yesterday's dump.
Usually that’s on the final day though I thought?
>11/30, 6:59am EST - 11,326
>11/30, 7:10am EST - 11,326, +0 backers
>11/30, 7:29am EST - 11,782, +456 backers
>11/30, 8:29am EST - 11,789, +7 backers

>12/1, 4am EST - 12,350
>12/1, 10am EST - 12,419, +69 backers
>12/1, 2pm EST - 12,572, +153 backers

Explain this. It has slowed down significantly today compared to the days leading up to it funding. That is not usual Haslab movement. The final two days see the biggest spikes in backers.
There's no stretch goals. People that want it are getting it. There's no reason to keep pushing.
The pack and trap/pke had already hit their stretch goals before the final days and still had big spikes up at the end.
There’s no explanation besides it being rigged
>There’s no explanation besides the explanation
Who gives a shit if it's rigged
It just means Hasbro actually wants to produce it and take the money from the people who want it
People said Unicron was rigged too but then there was literally only one time Hasbro put up extras, and it was like three years later, and it was like two because they sold out the half a second it was put up on Pulse meaning for something that was rigged Hasbro sure didn't have many to sell afterwards
I'll even write this in a strange format so you can nitpick that too
You riggers just want to be mad at something when it's much easier if you just kill yourself
Why do people think it's rigged? It's amazing how stupid so many of you get just because something funded.
A 456 backer dump all at once at 7am might have something to do with that.
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>hasbro explicitly mentioning FOMO in their marketing for this
huh never thought I’d see that
Not really.
Since I'm not retarded I can imagine 500 people who were on the fence about it out of the 334.9 million people in America seeing it was almost funded and decided to go for it
All at the exact same time on a Saturday at 7am? Come on...
And they all decided to do the pledge at 7.30am Eastern time while eating their Stay Puft Marshmallow Flavor Pop Tarts.
And yet no update on any of their social media saying it funded. Very poorly managed, bare minimum effort campaign. The fact that they made no formal announcement about the GB1 reissues/redos they hinted to have in the works is money left on the table. If newcomers know they can buy a set of GB1 figures direct from Hasbro without getting scalped they'd be guaranteed to sell more Ectos.
Yes I can imagine banks not letting transactions go through till they open at that time
That's not how it works, when you place the order the number goes up.
>I can imagine banks open at 7.29
Maybe in Imaginationland.
If you want to make excuses, try to make them believable. Also what >>11250950 said.
Damn I guess you're right
Hasbro rigged it with only 700 more to go
I guess they'll have to make the product now
None of you faggots know how this shit works at all you just want a conspiracy so your lives will be slightly more interesting
Large dumps of backers were happening at same time for like 5 days straight until the day it hit the goal. They were clearly trying to create some momentum at the end after that awful flatlining in hopes that it would bring in more legitimate backers. Today, no artificial early morning backer dump, because now they can use FOMO marketing as seen here >>11250809 to try to bring in more legitimate backers. Failure of this was never an option, they invested too much and got it too far along in production to pull the plug.

How can you honestly look at the numbers or this gif >>11250502 and say nothing screwy was going on with this thing?
It’s completely ridiculous to me to think they would have rigged it without the foresight that people would notice big dumps of hackers at once. If they were going to rig it why not make a script that buys 20 every hour for the entire day? I think it’s just overseas vendors that didn’t get tallied until the final days like they were supposed to, or they are genuinely clueless.
I'm trying to order the deluxe model, but I'm retarded and I can only figure out how to order the base model.

What am I doing wrong?
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>It’s completely ridiculous to me to think they would have rigged it without the foresight that people would notice big dumps of hackers at once.
>If they were going to rig it why not make a script that buys 20 every hour for the entire day?
Just like they wouldn't cheat an election with 3am ballot dumps cause it would be way too obvious. You're giving the morons at Hasbro way too much credit. Yesterday had a decrease in backers compared to Satuday. That is highly irregular for a Haslab, where the final two days of successful campaigns spike upwards significantly.
So you're a crazy person. Ok.
Hasbro should have faked numbers of various other ones first.
>you're crazy for noticing patterns and anomalies in numbers
>t. low IQ individual

>Hasbro should have faked numbers of various other ones first.
Cookie Monster and the Reva Saber weren't even close to funding. The Reva Saber only needed 5k backers, and couldn't even hit 1,500. Cookie Monster needed only 3k backers, and received 624. Hasbro wasn't going to fake numbers for things which couldn't even hit 30% of a low goal.

The Ghost Rider car did better, but it barely passed 5k of a 9k goal, about 56%. Also, it lost a lot of backers when the earlybird wasn't reached, and continued trending down afterwards. It lost about 1k backers total from it's peak. It received heavy criticism for it's price, and making an important figure an earlybird (which wasn't met). It never had the momentum or goodwill needed to succeed.

The Rancor also had a 9k goal, and was also heavily maligned for it's price. It got a lot of flack for it's stretch goals not including important figures (Hasbro tried to throw one of them in at the end as a last ditch effort to save it). It managed to get within 500 of funding after nearly doubling it's backer total in the last two days. I didn't follow this one personally, so I can't speak to any anomalies in the numbers. It's possible Hasbro did inflate it at the end as much as their profit margins would allow, but keep in mind the Disney/Lucasfilm license is a motherfucker, and Hasbro probably didn't have much, if any, wiggle room to flex it across the finish line. In any case, it was a Haslab with overwhelmingly negative press, and that negative press was only going to get worse when people received a lackluster $350 action figure with no stretch goals included. Hasbro was probably happy to let that one fail and sweep it under the carpet.

The Ecto-1, by comparison, has received nothing but praise from the Ghostbusters community. It's 12k goal is the largest Haslab minimum I'm aware of. It's as large as it is because everything is included with no stretch goals, but it's still a lot. It reached about 9k, or 75%, before stalling out, which would have been a success for many other campaigns. Hasbro probably assumed it would get a bump at the end, but because of the earlybird moving a lot of end backers to the front, that bump might not be enough to put it across the finish line. The Sony license is clearly much more favorable than the Disney one. The value of the Ecto-1 compared to the Disney Haslabs is night and day. As a result, Hasbro may have had more flexibility to eat some of the profit margin to give this one a bit of help. It certainly seems like Hasbro was hedging their bets on this funding, as significant development was put into this prior to launch.

For comparison. the Rancor is just a large action figure, and only had a 3D model at launch of the campaign, whereas the Ecto-1 had physical working models with full electronics. Hasbro has also said the production of this will be a quicker turnaround because they're further along. Ultimately it seems very obvious to me that failure of this wasn't an option, and Hasbro injected some backers into the campaign in the final week to give it the momentum needed to cross the finish line. I don't think there was more than 2k inflated backers, and in the end it looks like it will hit 14k, so ultimately that gets them the 12k they originally wanted.
>noticing patterns and anomalies
That aren't there
wtf hasbro rigged the election????
>these numbers are completely normal

>11/30, 6:59am EST - 11,326
>11/30, 7:10am EST - 11,326, +0 backers
>11/30, 7:29am EST - 11,782, +456 backers
>11/30, 8:29am EST - 11,789, +7 backers
>456 backer dump all at once early in the morning
>only 7 backers gained over the next hour

>12/1, 4am EST - 12,350
>12/1, 10am EST - 12,419, +69 backers
>12/1, 2pm EST - 12,572, +153 backers
>only 222 backers over a 10 hour period the day after it funded
I don't know why there's such a huge autismo blowup over this. It would have funded either way, as there's almost 2000 more backers than it needed.

What are the numbers for like, the 28th, and 29th? I don't know how the site tracks backers, but I know it isn't necessarily in real-time. Maybe it batch-dumped a bunch of backer numbers because it wasn't counting over the couple days of the holiday, or something. Its possibly there was some fuckery since it was an unusual circumstance near the end (a holiday.)

There's also some online retailers that put in large orders near the end of the campaigns. I think they negotiate past the "limit 5" deal on the campaign. Like, I think BBTS has contributed to some of the early Haslabs, and a couple of Mattel's crowdfunds in the past, just to get the units.

Past campaigns that had early birds also still got big boosts at the end, but only other one I can remember that had an earlybird was the HISS Tank, which was going to fund regardless. Every one of these campaigns has had difference circumstances even just based on the property.

Frankly, I don't know why this is such a big deal, since it would have funded anyway, the trajectory of the graph isn't even unusual compared to most of the other funded campaigns. It isn't like they're lying to bait-and-switch people on products, or unduly taking taking money, or anything. I just cannot understand why this is such a big deal.
There's definitely something fishy going on with the numbers of this Haslab. Look at the chart, every successful Haslab has had huge gains in the final two days. Yesterday was not a big gain comparatively, and today has also been low. It ended last night at 13,153, and currently sits at only 13,794 with 9 hours left. Maybe it will pick up steam at the very end, but I was expecting it to have crossed 14k hours ago.
>I just cannot understand why this is such a big deal.
It's about transparency and moving goalposts. The Tully figure was one they moved openly. From "you'll only get this figure if you fund this project in the first two weeks" to "nevermind, everyone can have it if this funds." They've tried to sweeten pots of other failing Haslabs by throwing in additional figures and whatnot, which left people saying "If you could afford to include that, why wasn't it included from the start?" I think people are just tired of Hasbro playing games. The backer counts are part of that. If Hasbro was gonna dump a couple thousand fraudulent backers into this, the goal should have just been 10k in the first place. Stop fucking with your consumers and making them sweat.
>It's about transparency and moving goalposts.
Transparency about what? The wild speculations that may not even be true at all? Its all guesses and conjecture at this point. Its healthy to be skeptical about weird things, I just think it is bizarre and wasted on a couple hundred backs of a toy car that, as the numbers show, already was going to fund, regardless.

The rest of your points just go all the way back to "Why is a multi-billion dollar company crowd funding toys, anyway?" They should have just had the goal at 9k or 10k, and had Louis unlockable at 11k or 12k. Early birds are kinda stupid, but maybe they expected this was going to blow past their numbers, and it didn't.

I just think its kinda dumb to speculate wild theories with zero real evidence, other than one odd jump in numbers, so everyone jumps to this "obvious" conclusions.
You're actually insane
Guys, Ghostbusters fans never spend a bunch of money on things! This is all a ruse! Shame on Hasbro! Shame!
I blame you know what for these rampant insane conspiracy theories.
>Its all guesses and conjecture
Is it a guess and conjecture that Tully was an earlybird incentive until they moved the goalpost and then he wasn't?
>company does something retarded
>you bitch
>company undoes retarded thing
>you bitch
Make up your fucking mind.
He just wants to complain
You'd probably have a point if there were a mysterious spike of phantom backers out of nowhere to push the campaign past the early bird goal. The figure quite literally equates to a new head on a body that's already been released some 15 times at this point. Its a guess to leap to conclusions about supposed shenanigans about a few hundred backs when it borderline didn't even matter anymore.
Maybe I want the company to not do the retarded thing in the first place?
>The figure quite literally equates to a new head on a body that's already been released some 15 times at this point.
Tully is shorter. The figure is shorter. This has been confirmed, it's not a simple head swap. But that's not the point. The point is Hasbro is constantly moving goalposts with their Haslabs. Deadlines have been extended, additional incentives have been added, earlybirds have been negated. The only goalpost up for debate is inflated backer numbers, but the evidence of that is pretty damning.

Ultimately it seems as if Hasbro has things they're committed to making, and things which can stand to fail, and it all boils down to the amount of R&D which had to be invested. Something like this Ecto had a significant R&D investment, so failure wasn't an option. And if they were committed to making it regardless, it should have never been a Haslab in the first place. It should have been a Pulse exclusive pre-order billed at the time of shipping like their X-Men 97 Sentinel. Instead, Hasbro will be takin in at least $4 mil from this and collecting interest on their profits for the next year while you're sitting on your hands waiting for the goods you've purchased.
It finally hit 14k, but it's been unusually slow moving for the final day of a Haslab. I put in an order for 3 deluxe, but if this stays so low I might be tempted to order another one or two. The less that exist, the more valuable they're gonna be on the aftermarket. It's just kind of a hassle selling this shit, which is why I only bought one extra to sell currently.
>I think it’s just overseas vendors that didn’t get tallied until the final days like they were supposed t
They said that during Unicron but never again
So you can assume if you want it's still true
>It's about ethics in toy making!
>it should have never been a Haslab in the first place. It should have been a Pulse exclusive pre-order billed at the time of shipping like their X-Men 97 Sentinel. Instead, Hasbro will be takin in at least $4 mil from this and collecting interest on their profits for the next year while you're sitting on your hands waiting for the goods you've purchased.
Ah there it is
Sure are a lot of crackpots in this thread
It's bad it's coming out! Now people will get what they want! They fudged the numbers! This isn't ethical because of the Retroblasting conspiracy about investing profits because even though toys take one to two years to make they couldn't possibly be using that money to make the toy. No I don't have any hard evidence to show where they money is actually going this is all assumed because a Youtube man was mad
Does it even matter?
Hasbro played us all by giving us the toy we wanted. BAKA
He's gonna have a schizo theory about how they don't use the money from the Haslab to actually pay for the Haslab production
It's true, it all goes to hookers and blow. Hasbhookers.
You're aware these are made for profit right? They're not making these Haslabs to break even. Some money goes towards production, a lot goes to Hasbro's pockets.
Like this guy >>11251821 say, only 4% of it goes to making the toy, the rest is for >>11251806
My source? I'm someone anonymous on the internet complaining about toys
That's a good point, without having an actual source, stuff like this >>11251821 is just pointless speculation.
Unless you can post how much of that profit isn't used for toy production, and I'm not being ignorant I know some of it does, but why should I give a shit about how much would be put away for interest and what is actually being used to make toys. I think this >>11251773 is hyper schizo and also retarded
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>toy being made for profit is just pointless speculation.
The prefer role play and it's not even close, which is why Hasbro had to inflate the backer numbers to fund this so the year of R&D the invested didn't go to waste.
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>Over-exaggerating my point so you don't have to post a source
Post a link saying how much is profit and how much goes to making the toy
Why should someone post a link when they can just be angry for no reason
Because you can go out in public with the proton pack
Sounds like you don't buy toys at all. Why are you here exactly?
there are more fans of cosplay and props than there are action figures
Cause it was the very first mass produce pack of this quality 1:1 and everyone understood what its not gonna happen again soon
what is your point chungus
You need a source that companies make toys for profit?
I don't understand why so many people go batshit insane when there's a crowdfund thing and it gets funded...and suddenly that's evil and bad and we have to find where the money goes, blah blah.

Who cares? The toy is getting made. It's done. If you want one, get one. If you don't, you're good to go. It's never going to impact your life.
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>I'm just glad the first movie toys bombing ensured frozen empire didn't get anything for their shelves.
Why? Frozen Empire wasn't a perfect movie by any means, but it had some cool stuff in there which would have made for nice toys. More ghosts are always welcome, and sorely lacking in the Plasma Series, so a sewer dragon and Garraka would have been nice. Would've loved a Melnitz in uniform. The arm mounted compact thrower would've been a nice roleplay toy to have, and very useful for cosplayers. Lastly, the Ecto-C was neat, and a small enough vehicle that it could have been sold at retail.
>Doesn't sell
>haslab just sold
I don't understand why so many cucks think it's acceptable for a multi-billion dollar company to make their consumers front the production costs of their products.
Please seek mental help. It's at 14k and hit its mark days before it ended. I would maybe, maybe buy into your theory if it went from 9k to 12k in the last two minutes. Your rant here is like bitching about hand counted ballots taking longer to tally means it's rigged.
>only boomers are buying a $400 toy car from an 80s movie
you don't say chungus?
Proton Pack did not fund in a day. It was a week and a half.
>Guys all Has labs get bumps near the end don't be shocked when it happens, even if it doesn't fund.
>lol it's failing we won kek
>gets 400 bump in backers days before it ends
>Fucking rigged!!! We of the Market All Haslabs Accurately demand half of these backers be thrown out!
All of them. However a proton pack (plus the wand) at the quality the Haslab was and total price of 550-600 dollars was insane if you know anything about the cost of replica packs. The value was actually insane. The ecto is well sought by a chunk of fans for sure, but there are other small scale Ectos out there. Back when the pack was funding there were no real affordable packs like it.
Trap/PKE got over 3k backers on the final day. Pack got over 4k. GI Joe Classified averages 5k on the final day. With just three hours left the Ecto has only gained around 1,500 backers today. Why are the final day backers so low when this is when Haslabs peak?
Just don't buy there products then. It is easy.
Like for me I'm happy with my Kenner Ecto reissue if I ever want to dig it out for display with figures. If I want to take photos I'll just play with perspective to get the size right. You didn't have options like that before the Haslab.
Because aliens? Deep state? Russian hackers?The Haslab should have never been set to 12k?
Proton Pack only needed 7k backers to fund. It didn't hit 12k backers until day 36. The Ecto-1 has a larger target because it was all inclusive with no stretch goals. If it was given the same target as the Proton Pack it would have funded on the same day.
For a replica pack I mean.
The simple fact is most GB fans are not toy collectors the way classified and ML fans are. This is primarily selling to fans who are toy collectors first and GB fans second. There are a lot of other ectos GB fans may have already bought like >>11252014 said. The only thing really special about this is its scale, and a lot of that appeal only exists if you collect other toylines.
I'm curious what a stripped down version would cost. Just the car, decals, no lights and sound. Hell you can probably add lights and sound for pennies compared to what Hasbro would charge for adding them.
Lights and sound are not as expensive of features as toy companies would like you to believe. You would probably be saving $20-30 omitting them if even that.
I actually disagree about the value of the pack. I've modded the hell out of mine to the point that it's probably no longer even recognizable as a Haslab. Most of the parts on it are cheap garbage which I tossed out. The electronics have problems and need third party upgrades to function as desired. In retrospect, I would have been better off just buying a shell and building one from scratch, because that's basically what I ended up doing. I would have probably spent the same in the end, but I would have saved myself a ton of trouble/aggravation, because the Haslab pack is not mod friendly at all despite Hasbro's claims that it would be. I guess if you're perfectly happy with the Haslab pack as is and don't care to make any improvements/upgrades it could seem like a good value, but it didn't end up cutting it for me.
Yeah I needed a mod to keep the back turned on at all times. The fact they didn't do that was just stupid. At the very least give people who power the wand separate from the pack the ability to keep the pack itself on at all times. Still outside of that mod, and a cheap piece of yellow tubing, I didn't personally change much on mine. Unless you count an Alice frame. If the Haslab was still being sold on their store and someone asked me what pack I would recommend, I'd just tell them to go with the spirithalloween full size. It's like half to a third the overall cost, more mod friendly, lighter, and out of the box needs no electronic tweaking to keep it on. Not perfect but a much better value that wasn't available when the Haslab was going on.
I'd also recommend the Spirit full sized to people over the Haslab. Straight out of the box, the first time I turned it on the Haslab shut down when flipping the activate switch on the wand. It's a well known and fixable issue now, but at the time it was like are you fucking kidding me? Then you manage to get it fully turned on and you are met with the 30 second idle shutdown, or the shitty hose loses connection and makes the pack lose power. You see all the cheap rubber cables and such, including the brass fittings which were just left black rubber instead of being painted. You see things like the ion arm cap are for some reason less accurate than the prototype, as it's missing the faux molded in socket head hex screws. Just one disappointment after another which left a bad taste in my mouth.

The full size Spirit Pack on the otherhand impressed me right out of the box for how cheap it was. It managed to do the cables and fittings better than the Haslab, in addition to having electronics which function properly and can stay on indefinitely without a third party mod. It's not perfect, but for $200 with wand included the value can't be beat.
How is that issue fixed? Half the time mine powers itself off. Only mid I did was one that keeps it active all the time and powered through a rechargeable battery.
The wand shuts itself off I mean, when trying to finish cycling it on.
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It's a voltage issue. If the pack isn't getting the proper amount of power the wand's rumble motor kicking on draws too much and forces a shut down. The pack needs 6V, which is what four brand new D batteries provide. Problem is the voltage decreases as you use them, and in my case the brand new D batteries still ended up not being enough. A popular mod is replacing the D batteries with a rechargeable Talentcell, this being the one most people use


Problem is it only has a 12V DC port and 5V USB port as output options. 12V is too much and will fry the pack, 5V isn't enough and your power issues will persist. You need to combine the Talentcell with a fan mod to give the pack the proper 6V of power. I'm using the Ghostlab42 keepalive, which steps down the 12V DC power to 6V. There is also a Frutto Technology mod which boosts the 5V USB power to 6V. Either option would work to fix the voltage issue, though you may still get intermittent power loss from the shitty hose connection. I ended up splicing my hose directly into the pack like the OG packs to eliminate any connection issues going forward.
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Just announced
Fuck it, I backed. Did they ever say how the deluxe will arrive in box? Will it be in the Ecto-1 configuration or will it already be fully Ecto-1A?
I think they said it's the same box for both, and the deluxe will just have more shit in it. I imagine some assembly will be required, so it wouldn't be either one until you choose which parts to put on.
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15,703 final.
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It somehow leapt up 2k after funding ended.
Maybe final international counts?
We tell people some aren't added until the very end and they're surprised every time.
You need a new hobby
It's crazy to me that Hasbro's marketing team has been completely silent in the final days. No update on any of their social media since it funded. No final push to back it with a new video or something. Just complete apathy, it is what it is. I can understand it was a holiday weekend in the final days, but yesterday should have been business as usual with SOME kind of final push. Also, if your marketing team can't do their jobs in the final days of a campaign, maybe don't schedule a Haslab to end on a Monday after a holiday weekend. It's really amazing this thing managed to fund at all with how poorly marketed it was.
Considering it hit almost 18,000 backers, I’d say they did a good job marketing it.
Deluxe backers, how will you be displaying yours? I’m honestly not sure yet, but I’ll have plenty of time to decide.
GB2 is the only answer
I really only got the deluxe one because it seemed like the much better value, I doubt I will ever use the 1a parts and will probably sell them and the figures off to cover some of the cost
The pack got over 21k, trap over 24k, GI Joe Classified averages over 26k. 17k isn't exactly a resounding success.
I bought 3 so I don't have to choose or stress about the stickers. The third is in case someone makes a gunner seat mod which requires permanent alterations. I only have the space to display one at a time, so I'll probably put out the 1A initially since I tend to display my GB2 figures at this time of year (with Santa hats).
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that was a better sequel than either of the movies we got
I mean yeah...kinda yeah
What was the reason for reverting back to the old roof rack?
For the Super Slammer.
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I could live without it, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the modding community for a Super Slammer. Should be an easy thing to just stick on the rood.
Most backer projects that end in Nov have that effect due to the holidays. Check out some of the ones near Christmas it gets even wilder where there is a spike before the 20th and then it just drops off no matter when the end date is. .
That said if they faked this it'll show up eventually, that is way to much product to make tat won't turn a profit and I doubt they will pull what Matty did in the 70s with Barbie and Hot Wheels where they bury it somewhere, more so now that their are laws on the books

>Usually that’s on the final day though I thought?
No it wildly varies based on when it ends. Case in point, most would ignore the last end dates to back it because Holidays would start to effect or interfere it.
Weird I use a talentcell and have Ghostlab's mod and it still does that fuckery at times. I'm happy with the pack over all and worst case scenario I'd wait for fan made light and sound kits. Still it's inane to me that when they released the wand they didn't have the foresight to properly make the thing to stay on and be powered up and down by the wand.

I don't care for Pops whatsoever but these aren't too bad. The dead eyes are... creepy. They've been doing a lot of RGB merch lately. The hopeless moron in me wants an RGB game styled like the 2009 one to be somewhere on the horizon but I know it's unlikely. Music is gone and Couleir has cancer so if they were going to do one they'd be pressed for time.
>Weird I use a talentcell and have Ghostlab's mod and it still does that fuckery at times.
And just to confirm you're using the DC port (not the USB port), of the Talentcell directly into the mod? If so, you should have fixed the voltage issue, but like I said, the hose connection is also a problem. A lot of people have replaced the stock connectors with CNLINKOs, there are people like Chris Hunt who sell replacement hoses which make a better connection with the pack, and then there is the nuclear option I went with, which is bypassing the connector entirely and splicing the pack and hose wires together.

>it's inane to me that when they released the wand they didn't have the foresight to properly make the thing to stay on and be powered up and down by the wand.
Yes it was incredibly stupid and short sighted of Hasbro to release a wand with zero consideration for how it might connect to a potential pack. Even Mattel was smart enough to give their wand a connection port just in case they ever released a pack.
Yeah I use dc port. I'll fiddle with the connecting hose next time. It's sporadic and doesn't always happen, just some of the time. Would just unplugging the vibration motor stop the issue completely? I don't care about it vibrating.

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